Dec. zoi z887.] THE BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNA4JOURNAL Ii FIFTY-SIXTH ANNUAL AMEETING, i 888. THE BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. President-.Join T. BANKS, M.D., Regius Professor of Physic in the University of Dublin. PreSidenlt-Eledt-NVLLIAm. TENNANT GAIRDNEt, MI.D., LL.D., F.R.C.P.Ed., Physician in ( rdinary to the Queen in Scotland, Regius Professor of Medicine in the University of Glasgow. President of He Counoll-THOMAs BRIDGWATER, M.B.(Lond.), J.P., Harrow. - Treasurer-CoNSTANTINE 1IOLMAN, M.D., J.P., Reigate. Editor of Journal-ERNEST HARr, ESQ. General Secretary-FRANCIS FOwXr, EsQ. The FIFTY-SIXTH ANNUAL MEETING of the Association will be held on August 7th, 8th, 9th,.and 10th, at GLASGOWV, UNDER THE PRESIDENCY OF WILLIAM TENNANT GAIRDNER, M.D., LL.D., F.R.C.P.Ed. Regius Professor of Medicine in the University of Glasgow. An ADDRESS in MEDICINE will be delivered by T. CLIFFORD ALLBUTT, M.A,, M.D.(Cantab.), F.R.S., F.R.C.P., F.S.A., Consulting Physician to the Leeds General Infirmary. An ADDRESS in SURGERY will be delivered by Sir GEORGE H. B. MACLEOD, FR.C.S.Ed., F.F.P.S.G., F.R.S.Ed., Regius Professor of Surgevy in ie University of Glasgow, and Surgeon in Ordinary to Her Majesty in Scotland. An ADDRESS on Certain Specidl Invest;>tzit'mv in SURGPRRY will be tri'.;,i WILLIAM MACEWEN, M.D., F.F. P.8.G., Surgeon it the l\cyJ Infirmary Glasgow, 1 Lecturer on Systematic and Clinical Surgery. An ADDRESS in PHYSIOLOGY will be delivered by JoiN GRAY MCKENDRIC;, M.D., F.R.C.P.Ed., LL.D., F.R.S., Professor of the Institutes of Medicine in the University of Glasgow. The objects of the Association are-the promotion of Medical Science. and the maintenance of the honour and interests of the Medical Profession. The Subscription to the Association is One Guinca annually; and each Member on paying his Subscription is entitled, in addition to the other advantages of the Association, to receive weekly, post-free, the " BRITISH MED)ICAL JOUNXAL: BIENG THK JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH MEDICAL AssocIATION." The Subscription is payable in advance, on the ist January in each year. Gentlemen desirous of becoming Mcmbers of the Association should communicate their wish to the HONORARY LOCAL SP.CRZTARIIS or to the General Secretary, F. FOWKB, Esq., 429, Strand, London, W.C., in order that the proper steps may be taken for their election. For the Annual Subscription of One Guinea, paid in advance, the BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL is forwarded weekly to Members, free by post. For persons not Members of the Association, the Annual Subscription is Twenty-eight Shillings.-Orders, enclosing remittances, should be addressed to FRANcIs FOWKE, Esq., at the Office of the Journal, 429, Strand, W.C. GRANTS IN AID OF ORIGINAL RESEARCHES IN MEDICINE AND THE ALLIED SCIENCES. Annual Grants of the total value of £300 are made, in aid of Scientific Researches in Medicine and the Allied Sciences. A list of the recipients during the past year will be found a page iii. Applications, stating the nature and objects of the intended research, should be sent to Mr. ERNEST HART, Honorary Secretary to the Scientific Grants Committee, or to the General Secretary, at the Office of the Association, 429, Strand, London, W.C. At the Annual Meeting in Liverpool, in 1883, the Association instituted, in addition to the grant above-mentioned two Research Scholarships, each of the yearly value of XISo. ii THE BDRITIS11 MfEDICAL JOURNAL. [Dec. 10, 1887. The BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL for 1888. Edited by ERNEST HART, Esq. The JOURNAL includes the earliest scientific, social, and potitical information on all subjects interesting to the Profession; LEADING ARTICLES and Editorial Comments on the Subjects of the Week; ORIGINAL ARTICLES and LECTU RES by the most eminent authorities; MEMORANDA and RECORDS of DAILY PRACTICE by Hospital and General Practitioners; Extracts from British and Foreign Journals ; Reports of the Practice of the Hospitals and Asylums of Great Britain and Ireland; Full Reports of the Proceedings of the British Medical Association and of its Branches and Committees; Special Correspondence from the principal Cities and localities tf Great Britain, Ireland, and the Continent; Reports of the Principal Medical Societies in England, Scotland, and Ireland; Reports on New Inventions; Special Reports on Sanitary and Medico-Legal Questions; Reviews of Books; a Department devoted to the Public Health and Poor-Law Service; a Department devoted to the Military and Naval Medical Services; University Intelligence; Lists of Vacancies and Appointments; Obituaries of Medical Men; Notices and Answers to Correspondents. The arrangements for reporting the proceedings of the MEDICAL SOCIETIES throughout the United Kingdom are very complete, and include the Transactions of Societies in London, Edinburgh, Dublin, Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, Glasgow, Cambridge, Leeds, Sheffield, etc., together with selected Reports of the Papers read, and of the Cases and Specimens exhibited, at the Meetings of the Branches of the BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION throughout Great Britain and the British Dominions and Colonies. The Department devoted to the interests of the PUBLIC HEALTH and POOR-LAW MEDICAL SERVICES has been largely developed, and the services of gentlemen of the highest authority and largest experience have been obtained. The: Department includes notices and answers to questions from Medical Officers of Health and Poor-Law Medical Officers, and is intended to assist and support them in the performance of their difficult duties. The Department devoted to the interests of the ARMY and NAVY MEDICAL SERVICES has been greatly developed and fulfils similar functions in respect to these services. MEDICO-LEGAL and MEDICO-ETHICAL Questions and Queries arising out of scientific or professional difficulties in the daily life of Medical Practitioners are referred to experts, and answered with care in columns devoted to this purpose. In the forthcoming Volumes will be published, either in full or in abstract, and adequately illustrated- THE HARVEIAN ORATION and the BRADSHAW LECTURE delivered at the Royal College of Physicians of London. THE LUMLEIAN LECTURES delivered at the Royal College of Physicians of London, on The Tongue- considered with reference to Constitutional and Organic Diseases. By William Howship Dickinson, M.D., F.R.C.P., Physician to St. George's Hospital. THE CROONIAN LECTURES delivered at the Royal College of Physicians of London, on The Pulse. By Donald Macalister, M.A., M.D., F.R.C.P., Physician to Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge. THE GULSTONIAN LECTURES delivered at the Royal College of Physicians of London, on Certain Subjects connected with the Pathology of Insanity. By William Julius Mickle, M.D., F.R.C.P., Medical Super- intendent of Grove Hall Asylum. THE ANNUAL ORATION at the Medical Society, by Sir Joseph Fayrer, K.C.S.I., M.D., F.R.S. THE LETTSOMIAN LECTURES by Reginald Harrison, F.R.C.S. LECTURES delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, by Thomas Bryant, F.R.C.S., on Tension and its Treatment, and Arthur E. J. Barker, F.R.C.S., on The Operative Treatment of Tubercular Diseases of Joints, the Hunterian Professors of Surgery and Pathology; by Charles Stewart, F.R.C.S., C. B. Lockwood, F.R.C.S., on The Development of the Organs of Circulation and Respiration. Walter H. Jessop, M.B., F.R.C.S., J. Bland Sutton, F.R.C.S., on Evolution in Pathology, W. Watson Cheyne, M.B., F.R.C.S., on Suppuration and Septic Disease, the Hunterian Professors of Comparative Anatomy and Physiology; and by R. Marcus Gunn, F.R.C.S., Arris and Gale Lecturer on Anatomy and Physiology, on Light Percipient Organs in all classes of Animals. THE BRADSHAW LECTURE and THE HUNTERIAN ORATION delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons of England. HARVEIAN LECTURES on the . Causes and Clinical Characteristics of Lupus. By Jonathan Hutchinson, F.R.C.S., F.R.S., Emeritus Professor of Surgery at the London Hospital. REPORTS presented to the Scientific Grants Committee of the British Medical Association. The PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS; the Address in Medicine, by T. Clifford Allbutt, M.D., F.R.C.P., F.R.S., Consulting Physician to the Leeds General Infirmary; in Surgery, by Sir George Macleod, M.D., F.R.C.S.Ed., F.R.S.E., Professor of Surgery in the University of Glasgow; The Address in Physiology, be J. Gray McKendrick, M.D., F.R.S., Professor of the Institutes of Medicine in the University of Glasgow; and Professor Macewen's Address on Certain Special Investigations in Surgery; also the Addresses of the Presidents of Sections, delivered at the Annual Meeting of the BRITISH ME)IECAL ASSOCIATION. Lii iii DeC. i. 1887.1.1887. ME BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL.P - REPORTS by the Research Scholars of the British Medical Association. M\Tr. W. WATSON CIIEYNE, M.B, F.R.C.S., of King's College, London. I Dr. SIDNEY MARTIN, of University College, London. REPORTS from the Recipients of Special Grants. Dr. H1. H. Ashdown, University of Edinburgh.-A research upon C. B. Lockwood, Esq., of St. Bartholomew's Hospital.--Pathology Absorption from the Bladder. of Syphilis Dr. J. B. Haycraft, of the University of Edinburgh.-An in- Dr. J. S. i1aldane, } hysiological Laboratory, Oxford.-For a research vestigation on the Phenomena of Coagulation and Changes which relatin- to a l)roblcil in the Ph)siology of An mnal Heat ; namel), result when Blood is kept Artificially Fluid Outside the BIdy. to a:,ccrtain the influence which variations of surrounding tempt- D.r. D. Noel Paton, of the University of Edinlburgh.-The influence ralure exercise on the production of hcat, aid the activity cf the of Fever on the Carbo-hydrates (gI) cogen and sugar) of the Aniiiial chtmical yrocesses of respiration as indicated by the rate of Body.
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