Planning Applications 2010
Planning Applications 2010 Planning No Applicant Location Application Date Decision Date Stage Decision 20100001 LARRY MCDONALD The Oil, Edermine 04/01/2010 25/02/2010 Decision made GRANTED subject to CONDITIONS 65sqm, 1 storey extension including kitchen/dining, living room, utility room and all associated works 20100002 KEITH & MARY BAILEY Craan Upper, Kilnahue 04/01/2010 18/02/2010 Decision made GRANTED subject to CONDITIONS A) Retention of alterations to dwelling granted under planning reg. 980374 comprising of additional rear dormer window, storey and a half extension to rear comprising of utility room and additional bedroom and revised internal layout on first floor. B) proposed extensions to dwelling comprising of extended hallway, extended kitchen, additional bedroom and revised internal layout on first floor and additional windows and doors with associated site works 20100003 BERNIE & NED BYRNE Ballybrennan, Bree 04/01/2010 28/07/2010 Decision made REFUSED Erection of a shed/structure approx 631sqm, for the purposes of agricultural and general purpose goods and materials storage and sales, also permission for the creation of a new site entrance, together with all associated site works 20100004 JAMES CARROLL Saunderscourt, Kilpatrick 06/01/2010 25/02/2010 Decision made GRANTED subject to CONDITIONS Construction of a straw storage shed with an internal area of 297m2 and all associated site works 20100005 DES WINTERS Ballyteige, Kilmore 07/01/2010 24/02/2010 Decision made GRANTED subject to CONDITIONS Erection of 3 no. agricultural sheds 20100006 PHIL & HELEN THOMPSON Ballygillane Big, St. Helen's 08/01/2010 23/02/2010 Decision made GRANTED subject to CONDITIONS Erection of alterations and extensions to an existing dwelling house with associated and auxillary site works (including demolition of front porch and of kitchen to rear) 20100007 AUSTIN & JULIE HEALY Tullabards Little, Kilmore 08/01/2010 24/02/2010 Decision made GRANTED subject to CONDITIONS Erection of a gate lodge for the use as an amenity and games room (to serve 3 no.
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