The Quarterly Meeting of tl:e County Council was held in

the County Hall, Wexford on 6th FebruB.ry 1921.

Present:- Mr. John J. a 'Byrne, (Vice-Chairman) presiding.

Also:- Messrs. James Byrne, C. Culleton, Jo~~ Cummins, G. Devereux,

Michael Doyle, E. P. Foley, John Murphy, Thoma.s Murphy,and Jar.ues Shtl.!1l10n.

The Secrcto,ry and County Surveyor were also :tn attendance.

Confirration of inutes.

The Minutes of last Meeting were read a.nd confirmed.

New Merrher Gountv Council. Under d9.te 29th January 1921, Mr. A.A. Connolly, Clerk Enniscortby

R.D. Counci~, v~ote that Mr. Walter J. Furlong, Dranagh, Cairn,

Enniscorthy, hr'ld been appointed to represent Rural District

Council on tl1e Count;>' Council, vice Mr. JaT"leS Do;>rle (interned)

J\RP'ointI'1ent on Committseso

On the motion of M.r. Cununins, seconded by Mr. Foley, the following

1''' Rolu tion was adopt'ed:-

"That Mr. W. J. FUrlong, M. C. C. be 8.ppointed eo rrember o~ Asylurr

Cornmi ttee vice r\lr. Jame s Doyle 're signed. That Mr. Thomas Murphy M. C. C.

be appointed a member of InfirI1'ary Committee vice Mr.

PhiU.p Lennon res~gned, and Mr. W.J. Furlong l~. C. C. vice Mr. James Doyle

resjgned. That Mr. W.J. Furlong b9 appointed on the Proposal

COli1mittee vice Mr. James Doyle resign3d. That Mr. Thomas Walsh M.C.C.

be a.ppointed a me .ber of County Wexford Tuberculosis .Corrrnittee vice Mr.

John Sinnott resigned. That Mr. WoJ. Furlong be appointed a Member

of No. 5 Old Age Pension Sub-Corrrrnittel3 'rice Mr. Janes Doyle resig!l.ed.

That Old Age Pension Sub-Committee No.7 be asked to recommend t?1C

Members for appointment on this Comri tte e vice Rev. D. A. KBNanagh C. C.

and Mr. John a 'Neill.'

Mr. G. Devereux resigned as member of the Asyl~ Committee and, on

the motion of Mr. U. Doy-!.?, seconded by the Chairma.n, Mr. E.P. Foley

~ . t . was elected to the vacancy.

Count { Wexford Farmers ' nnton t:( Roads.

Underdate 2nd February 1921, the following resolution was received

fro~ the meeting of the County Execu~ive of the Co. Wexford Farmers'



"We are of the opinion that a deputa.tion representing tbe County

Executive should confer with the County Council on the -question of the

upkeep of the roads".

The following attended on the deputation:- Col. Bryan (Chairrl1an)

Iv~essrs. W.J. Devereux, J.S. McDonald, R.J. -Codd, S. Cullen, W. Boggan,

W.C. Metge and J. Deathe.

After considerable discussion the following resolution was

unjj.nirnously adop·ted on the motion of Mr. CurlJn1ins, seconded by Mr.


"That the various Branches of Count ~T Wexford Farmers f Union and

the various Branches of County Wexford Labour Unions be requested to

appoint an equal number of delegates in each parish for the purpose of

forr;-ing pa.rish Committees in order to bring about an improvement in the

present condition of -Lhe roads and in the hope that such Con'Jnittees will

'b~ able to deal ,lith other spher~~s of public duty in the future".

Represellt""II:':es of Co ._ Council on Council of Agriculture .

Under date 31st Janua.ry 1921, the Departr'1ent of Agriculture &

Tech'1jcal Instruction wrote ((',.384-21) forwardinb Regulations for the

appointment of two representatives of the Wexford County CounCil on the

Council of Agricul ture to hold office for three years as froll" 1st Aprjl

1921. Copy of ::tegulations had been furnished ea.ch County (;cuncillor.

The following resoh::tion ,'las adopted on tbe motion of ~\1r . Cur:mins,

seconded "y Mr. Jarres Byrne:-

"That Mr . . Micha,el Doyle and Mr. C1.ristopher Culleton, Members of

this Council, be appointed oyr representatives on the CounCil of

Agricul turo to hold offi ce -'or three years as from 1 st April 1921".

Eoad Contracts of Mr . ,Tames Brien, Glfmtei~y,e .

"The following resolution was received froT"'" t eEnniscorthy Rural

District Coun~il:-

, - "That the County Council be requested to re- consider th~ question

of James Brien's claiM, as we are of opinion he is entitled to the

a'TIount claiT'ied. We .70uld point out tbat payment as recorrrrnencled by

the old Coun t.y Counei 1 las Ij May".

The followi"lg resolution 1IIaS adopt3d on the motion of the Chairman,


seconded hy Mr. Culletol1:-

"That as clai 'Tl of Mr. James Brien for extra payment in connection

wi th his road contra.cts has been considered on two recent occasions by

the County Council, and ruled on, a new hearing 9/ln only be provided for

by Notice of Uotion" .

Wexford Urban Demand.

The Secretary ca]led attention to the fact that third instal~ent

of Wexford Urha.n Derrand, which was oue on 1st December had not yet been


The following resolution ~ras adopted on the motion of the Chairman,

seconded hy Mr . 1!. Doyle:-

"That we e.gajn call 0::1 Wexford Urban Council to pay thE: third

instalmetlt of demand on them by County Council as the money is urgently

needed" .

School Attends.nce CO!1'1Jllj ttee s .

Under date 5th January 1921, the Secretary, Irish National Education

Office, wrote that the periud 0:' service of Rure,l District

School Attendance Comni ttee "',jould expire on 30th April 1921, and the

County Council as Local Authority under the Irish Educatlon Act If)92

should, in the rr eantime, proceed to the appointment of their five

representatives on the Committee to hold office.

On the. motion 0:' 7.Jhe Chairman, seconded by Mr. G\..'I"l~ins, the following

resolution was adopted:-

"That as recoIJl1tlended. by NeVI R03s Rural District Council the followin

be appointed as representatives of Wexford County Council on New Ross

Rural District School Attendance Corrrittge to hold office froF. 1st May

1921 to 30th April 1924~.

Messrs. Michael Donovan D.C. Berkeley, New Ross.

Mi c1:18,e 1 Doyle, D. C. Tellarought, C8.'3sagh, New Ro SSe

Patrick Condon D.C. Meelgarrow , Enniscorthy.

William Byrne, Camblin, New Ross. , . Denis Cummins, Raheenduff, Adamstown,l" Under date 1 st February 1921, the Se cretary, National Education

Office, wrote tbat the period o~ service of Rural District School

Attendance Committee, would expire on 31st May next, and the County


Council as Local Authority under Irish Education Act 1992, should appoin

their five representatives on the Committee to hold office for three

years as from 1st June 1921.

The following resolution was adopted on the motion of Mr . J.

Murphy, seconded by Mr. M. Doyle:-

"That Gorey Rural District Council be requested to r"3coPlTrend five

Member--s of Gorey Rura.l Dist.rict School Attendance Cornmi ttee to be

appointed liy Wexford COU~1.t~r Counoil as LOcal Authority, and which

Committee is to taka oi'fice :'or Lhree yea.rs as fro1"1 1st June 1921".

Mr. M. Byrne, Gorey Rural District School Attendanoe Committee

reported that Mr. Robert Spe'1c~r, a me~ber of t!'lc Committee had

and Messrs, John 8h~ehan, a!1d Patrick Doyle, Me'ybers, he,d been

disqualified after being absent fro~ six successive meetings of the Committee.

The Gorey Rural District Council recommended the appointment of

Messrs. John. Sheehan, ~1 allynestragh, Gorey, John Gannon, Tara Hill,

Gorey, and Michael Kinsella, lfonareagh, Coolgr~aney, Gorey, to fill the vacancies.

The following resolution was adopted on the motion of Mr. J.

Murphy, seconded by Mr. M. Doyle:-

"That Messrs. John Sheehan, Ballynestragh, Gorey, John Gannon,

Tara Hill, Gorey, and Michael Kinsella, Monareagh, , be

appointed me1"1bers of Gorey Rural District School Attendance Committee

up to 1st June 1921, viCe Mr. Robert Spencer, reSigned, and Messrs.

John Sheehan and Patrick Doyle disqualified for non-attendance at

meetings of said COT1JT!i ttee".

Letting Countx Htll.

The following resolution was adupted on the motion of Mr. Foley, seconded by Mr. J. Murphy:-

"That the question of letting prerrises at County Hall except for

day meetings be postponed for the p~esent". , . New Rate Collf'l\.,;tor"1 &- their Suretie,g.

The following resolutiotl was adopted on tlJ.e motion of the Chairman, seconded by Mr. Murphy:-

That the following be accepted as Sureties for the undermentioned © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES



William Quirke, Ballyruan, Screen, and Patrick Quirke, Hayestown,

MUrrintov"ln, for Japes Quirke, (No. 1 District).

Aidan Sutton, Tomlane, , and Daniel Dempsey, Oraanrue, Edermine,

for Thomas Sutton (No.2 District).

James Murphy, 92 South Main Street, Wexford, and Robert Moran, Quay

Wexford, for Ri ch.a.rJ Sinnott (no. 4 Di stri ct).

Patrick 'Kelly, Ga.rrynisk, Edermine, and John Bolger, r,oolnaboy, Oylegate

for Matthew Velly ('ITo. 6 District).

Laurence Cummins, Ballylucas, Ballymurn, A,nd Patrick Foley, Ballykelly,

Ballymurn, for W. Curmnins, (~Io. 11 District).

Patrick Keating, Ballyconiga.r, Blackv"later, and John 0 'Leary, Monanarigg,

Blackwater, for John Carty, (No. 12 District).

John Sheehe.r.., Ballynestragh, Gorey, and Michael Doyle, Upper Island,

Cra~n~ord, for Willjan Doyle, (No. 13 D1stric~).

Thor.;as Kinsella, Marl\et Square,- Gorey, and THomas Whelan, Annagh 1:1ddle,

GCJ:'eJ', for Mrs. K. ,McGrath (No. 15 District).

Mrs. Mary Kane, Parkannesle~- House, Clonevi1n, and Jopn P. Sinnott,Cahore, I

Gorey, for JOQ~ Sinnott (No. 16 District).

John Redmond, Barracks, Ad arli.S t own , g,ud Mrs, Ar..a.staSia Mllrphy, Shanoule,

Foulksmills, for Ja1'l'1es Murphy (No. 19 District).

Jarres CUrtis, Scullahogve, CarI'ighy~ne, and Terence Do/Ie, Scullabogue,

for John Curtis (Ko. ~O ~jstrict).

1 Joseph Harte., Tinnock, , Ce..1'pil A , r.. nd Thorras Hanlon, Gusserane, New Ross,

for Thomas SUllivan (No. 21 District).

National ,ank uS Tre~surer .

The following resolution was adopted on the Motion of the Chairman,

second~d by Mr. Michael Doyle:-

"That the National Bank, Wexford, be re-instated as 1'reasurer to the

Wexford County Council tt.

, . Ex-Rate Collect, )rs and IJodgments.

The folloViing resolution vvas adopted on the motion of the r.pairrran,

seconded by Mr. l~. Doyle:-

• "That as this County Council of Wexford have reinst~ted the National

Bank, 'Wexford, as their Treasurer, we hereby calIon Me Ssrs. Jobn A. Ryan, © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES

- - - -- ~ ------.. ~- .. 233

G. Rossiter, J.J. Barry. Joseph Day, P. Rossiter, John Mullett, P. Codd,

P. Redmond, M. Tohin, :M .J. Sheehan, P.J. Nolan, J.C. Smith, J.J. Fowler ,

J .L. Doyle and Ja.l""'es Cogley, eX-Rate Collectors, who have monie(of thj s

Council c')11ected as Peor Rates in th~~r hands to lodge same "v7ith this

Council by cheque payable to The Treasurer Wexford County Council".

~oposals for Pay~eDt.

On the motion oi' the Chairrran, seccnded by Mr. Shannon, the follov

resolution "NaS adopted:-

"That the several Proposals for Payment in r",elation to Tl}atters

other tnan public Works and in respect of quarter ended 31st December

19£.>1, be adopted and pa.i d as re cO!"'ST'1ended by the Proposa.l Cornmi ttee and

the Finance Coxmittee tt •.



Presiding Chairman

Dated this day of 19

, ,


MEE TI ~G . - 24th FEBRTTAF.. 1921.

A Meeting of the Wexford County COUhcil was held in the County

Hall, Wexford, on 24th February 1921.

Present:- Mr •. John J. O' Byrne (vice-Chairman)' presiding.

Also:- Messrs. Michael Byrne, RiChard Cor,ish, Co Culleton, John

G. Devereux, E.p, Foley, D. Ka.vanabh, Sillion i


The Secretary and County Surveyor were in attendance.

Confirwation of "inute s .

The Minutes of last Meeting "Nere r68.d and confir~ed.

Estiwate of R~ .

~e figur~s f'or Est"'p'Ete of Fa.te "'OT General and Sepc.re.te Charees

w'ere before the Finance Committee, which submitted the following


"That we refer back Asylum Demand to the Committee of this

Institution, and that we ~equest the Medical Superintendent to arranve

for the holding of a Spe cial Meeting of the Corumi ttee for re conSide r-

ation of the various items in Demand, in view of the downward

tendency of prices for pr'ovisions etc." ~

This recommendation was confir·med on the motion of Mr . Foley,

seconded by Mro Devereux.

The following recor.mendation of the Finance Committee was

confirmed on the motion of the Chairman, seconded by Mr . Foley:-

"That in view of the fact tba.t· the Estimate ' for WeXford Guardians .shows such. a conSiderable increase as corrpared with the other Unions, we request reconsideration of same oy the Board, and belteve it would

be advisable that a speCial T"ieeting shOUld be called for the purpose".

The follOwing recownendation of Finance Committee was confirmed

on the motion of vir. Foley, seconded by Mr. Devereux:-

"That the various demands of Publj c Bodies financed by the

County Council, be returned to each body concerned. That they be

each requested to appoint Corr,mittees to reconsider same in detail and ~ . ' that these COID~ittees be given a permanent status for consideration

of :natters connected with finbnce".

Demands of Pupli () 130dies.

In connection with the Dema.nds of PubliC Bodies, the following © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 235

recommendation of the Finance Committee Vias confirmed, on the motion

of Mr. Cummins, seconded by Mr. Corish:-

"That t -iV ent~r " per cent of the amounts outstanding on foot of

derra-nds," of Public Bodies be paid Asylum, County Infirmary, and Boards

of GUBrdians, but th~t no payment be made at this meeting to District

Councils. That, in fUture, it is possible the Co. Council will

have to ~eet the demands of Boards of Guardians by payments in

proportion to the amount of Rate collected in each District as regards

present financial half-year".

Letters from Mr . J. J. Rochford, Clerk New Ross Union, under date " 21st February 1921, and from Mr. A.A. ConnoJly, Clerk Enniscorthy Union,

under da,te ~7.j,..d Fp.bT>ua.ry 19?1, aSkinp; for substantial ne,yments on foot

of Union hen:ands \Vere read in connection Vii th above resolution.

Claim of Thompson ' s Motor Car Co . v . Co . Council

for Machinery. ------~------Correspondenoe fror.~ Eagle Engineering CQ. Sheffield, Mr. Charles

Thorr;pson (Tho1"11pson 's .MotGr r.ar "Co. Ltd. Dublin) ?,:essrs. }.1.J. O'Connor

& Co. 'Solici tors for Messrs. :rhornpson' s Motor Car Co. e.G to :paynent

for machinery ordered b~1 the County Surveyor from Thoopsons Mo~or Car

Co., and to be supplied by Eagle Engineering Co., Sheffield, was "subrr1tted.

In letter unier date lOth Febr1).f~ry 1921, Mr. C. Tho!l'pson, Manag-!ng

Dir'eotor, Thompson's 'fotor Car Co." Ltd. v,'!'ote ;-

ttWe presume Mr. O'Connor, Solicitor, a.d told you that the Eagle " . Engineering Co. have issued a Wri t and we shall be glad if you will let

us know how soon you can send 11S along another FIOOO, or even £500

Vlould help to k~ep the: 1 quiet".

The 'Finance CQmrni ttee re commAn jed "the adoption of the · following

resolution which 'NB.s confirned on the notion of Mr. Redmond, seconded

by Mr. Cummins:-

"That a sum of £500 be paid on. "footl of claim of Messrs. Thompson's

, " Motor Car Co. Dublin, for supply o~ i1achin:::lry, but t ·,t no consideration

be given to a,ny fUrther application for pa.yment unless the fou? tarill3r

waggons pajd for hy this Council be delivered to them".

FinanCe Co~mittee Agenda.

The fol"loWip..g resolution was adopted on tb.e motion of Mr. Foley, © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 236

seconded by Mr. Devereux:- "That agenda paper for weekly meetings

of Finance Committee be issued in future to the m0T1bers of the

Cornmi ttee".

Exp.enditure on County Hall.

In connection with expenditure for gas fi ttings etc. on County

Ha.ll, the following resolution was adopted, on the motion of Mr.

Cu mm ins, seconded by Mr. Kavanagh:-

"That Messrs. R. Corish, G. Dever"Jux and E.P. Foley, be

appointed s. special Committee to consider amounts spent in connection

'JIli th fitting up the County Hall as Officed, that they be reque sted to r

report to next meeting of the Co u n~y Council". • Bate Collect ton.

The following resol1.A.tion was C\dopted on the motion (If Mr. Cummins, seoonded by Mr. S. Kehoe:-

"That our Solicitor be instructed to supply for the information

of the Council draft form 0:' bond for personal security to be ~nt8red

into by Rate collectors".

Under date 20th February 1921, Mr. John Maguire, Ballinakl11

Ferns, recehtly appointed Rate Collector for No. 14 Collection District vv rote that he was nna.ble to carry out the Collection and t.herefore asked the County Council to accept his resignation.

Under date 22nd February 1921, Mr. Wll1iB1'1. Roche, To;ngarro71,

AdaI'1stown, vlrote that he had reSigned ~rom the R. I. C. in August last and unierstood that emplo~ment would ,be secure d for any man who do so, by the representatives of the people. TRough six months out of work, he ha.d not as yet heen offered any position. As vacancies for Rate

Collectors had oocured in the neantime he felt sure that had his case c orne under the notice of t be County Council they would have given it favourable consideration~ He trusted that his case would be borne in mind when next a vacancy occurred. Men who resigned with him had been given employment al ~ ost i mmediately.

The following resolution was adopted on the motion of Mr. Kehoe, seconded by Mr. Cumm1ns:-

"That William Roche, Tomgarrow, Adamstown, Enniscorthy, be


------~ ~-- 237

provisionally appointed Rate Collectnr for No. 14 Collection District

vacant through resignation of Mr. John Maguire, appoinment to be

confirmed at next meeting if it meets ith the approval of Mr. James

Hall, Mr. Patrick Byrne, and Mr. J.J. O'Byrne (Raheen) County Councillors for the District".

UnG. er da l.e 2e:)c,h January 1921, Mr. M.i cham1 Map.er, 20 Isla.nd Road,

Enniscorthy, wrote that his brother Mr . THomas Maher, who had been

appointed Collector for No. 7 Collection District, could not for

"certain reasons" accept the position. The writer, would however,

be prepared to act. The Collection Books were in the possession

of the R.I.C. Newtownbarry, and it \vas not therefore possjble to

proceed h'ith the Collection. He (1'r. Maher) had been asked if duplicate collecting Books could be suppljed.

The following resolution was adopted on the motion of Mr. Kavanagh, seconded by Mr. Redmond:-

"That Mr. Michael Maher, 25 Island Road, Enniscorthy, be appointed Rate Collector for No. 7 Collection District, vice Mr.

Thomas Maher, Main Street, Enniscorthy, who is unable -(,,0 act. That the County Councillors concerned endeavour to arrange for surrender of Collecting Books for Mr. Maher".

Miss MCCarthy, Rate Colleotor for No . 5 District gave as her sUreties, Messrs. Charles McCarthy, , and John O'Nel11 Dennistown.

The following resolution \'Jas adopted on the motion of Mr. CUlleton, seconded by Mr. Foley:-

"That Messrs. Co MCCarthy Murrintovm and John 0 'Neill, Dennistown

Murrintown, be a-ccepted its sure-c.ie s for Mi ss Agne s MCCarthy, Rate Collector for No. 5 District".


The Council and Local Gnvernment Board.

The 8e cretary su-"im i tted corre sp ondence from Local Governrl1ent

Board, Dub 1 in (ietter No. 2::.?GS/192l Wexford Co. under date '26th

Jnauary 1921 ~8 to position of Mr·. John Ryan) (letter No. 2083 1921

under date 1st Fehruary, as to pos:ftion of Mr. Je.mes Lo Doyle)

(letter No. 4566-1921, Wexford Co., under date 23rd February 1921,

re Rate Collection).

The following resolution wa.s adopt.ed on t 1e motion of Mr.

Devereux, seconded by Mro Byrne:-

"That all officials of t:t1is counciJjt.I'e wa.rned tha.t they vlill be

( severely dealt vrith if it he ascertained \; ey are corresponcling'ltlith

tl)e Local GO'r<"rnrn~nt. 'RoCl,rd, Gusto"" Rouse, Duh15n, uniess hy sppctal

directions of this Council".

Motor Duty.

The ,following was submitted hy the Secretary:-

A Notice has appeared in the Daily Papers that "OVlj.ng tc the

negle ct or refusal" of certain County Council s (including Wexford)

to perfor:n thEiir duties under the I!otor Ca.r Acts these duties l1vve

been transferred to the Post Offic~. This sta teMent is untrue as

~cg~rds Wexford. The duties under Motor Car Acts were most carefully

oarr ied out to the end of la.st year', wheY!, a new sCllle of e'u tie s, forrr s

etc. fl~ S introduced, and the headquarter a~T.inistration was handed over

to the Ministry of Transport. The ls.tter were to issue 'i'OrIPS and

in,:1tructions to the variOU3 Cour.ty Councilf';, but they never did 80.

The "neglect or refusal" consists in not issuing forms \r~hich Were

never supplied or carrying out instructions which were never received.

The loss to Wexford County Council annually will be £500.

Roads Co~mittee .

On the motion of Mr. Foley, seoonded by Mr~ Redmond, the following

resolution was a dopted:-

"That a Roads Corr~ittee to consider and draft the future policy , . of the County Council as regards road maintenance he appointed".

On the motion of "Mr. Curmnins, seconded by Mr. Kavanagh, the

following resolution was adopted:-

"That the Rcads Cornni ttee be compri sed of the Chair'TI en of the


Rural District Councils, viz:- EnniGcorthy- Mr. Walter J. Fu~long,

Gorey- Mr. Patrick Byrne, New Ross- Mr. Michael Byrne, Wexford- MrQ C.

Culleton, Messrs. E. Foley and R. Corish, representing the County

Council, two Members of Farmers' Union, one representing North Wexford, and the other, South Wexford, two Members of the Transport Union, one representing North Wexford and the other, South Wexford, with the

Chairrlan and Vice-Chairr-1an of the County Council, who A.re ex-officio r:1embers of all Cot;l~ittees appointed by the Council'.

That the first meeting of the Committee be held on THursday 3rd

March 1921 at 11 o'cloCk"o

Malicious Injuries Qb .I!ges.

The following resolution flaS 'ldopted on t.he r:101:ion of Mr. Folev~ seconded by Mr. Devereux:-

tiThE! t the amount rai sed for p 'lyn ent of' Crjr'~inal I n jury de cree s in current rates be merged in the general rate of the Council".

Applications were received from Messrs. P.J. a'Flaherty & Son,

Sclicitors, Enniscorthy, for payr ent 0:' Malicious Injury decrees on behalf of the following:-

Stephen G. Moore, Clonmel, Mary ~\nne Murpnw, Ballynahallin,

Edward C. Blacker, Woodbrook, THoma'3 Fitzpatrick, THor:as Asple,

Galbally, Lord Carew, Castleboro, Samuel Whe elock, }iilehouse and

John Browne, Enniscorthy.

"lio order"

The Treasurership of the Council.

The following -resolution was adopted on the motion of Mr. Cu.mlrins, seconded by Mr. Culleton:-

"'rhat in vieW' of the fact that no guarantee will be given by Banks that they will refuse to pay over Br'ounts of Criminal Injury Decrees from the funds of the County Council, "" e aTe reluctantly cOr.1pelled no~ to accept any Banking Company for the present as our Treasurer".

Gorey R. D. School AttendancA f':ornmittee .

The followl 1lg resolution vms adopted on the motion of Mr. Redmond, seconded by Mr. Kavanagh:-

That as recor.1:"' ent"ied by Gorey R.D. Council, Messrs. John Sh8ehan,

John Gannon, Jichael Kinsella, Patrick Purcell, and Patrick Byrne


be appointed representatives of County Council on Gorey R. D. School

Attendance COTlmlttee, to hold office fer three years as froIT 1st June.

1921" •

Old Age Pension Sub- Committee NO . 1.

Under date 15th February 1921, Mrs. Howard, Clerk to No. 7 Old

Age 'Bansion Sub- Coromi ttee, wrote forwarding re corrJTIendation of the

Sub-Conmittee for appoirtrrrefit of Mr . " Sa~uel Hill, New Ross, as

The follo\\'ing resolution Ilras adopted on the motion of Mr. CUJrmlns,

secon:ied by ~A"r. Devereux:-

"That Mr. Samuel Htll, New Ross, be appointed a Member of No. 7

Sub-Committee (Old · Age Pensions) al1.d that t e Committee be requested

re90mmend SOllie sl~itab1e peT'son to fjll the secend vactl,ncy existing on

the Sub-r,o~mittee".

Council of Agriculture.

Under date 11th February 1921, the Department of Agriculture &

Technical Instruction wrote (G. 522-21) aCknowled8ing 1"e ceipt of

notification of appointment of Mr . Michael Doyle and Mr. Christopher

Culleton, as representatives of Wexford County Council· on the Council

of Agriculture, as from 1st April 19210

New Ross Bridge .

Under da to lOth Februa.ry 1921, Ur. M. J. Finn, TOTlm Clerk, Ne71

Ross, wrote that he had heen directed by h5.8 Council to draw special

attention of the County Council to the condition of the New Ross Bridge

and its ~pproaches a.nd to re@f3st "that the necesr;ary instructions \7ould

be given to have both put in a propar state of repair. New Ross

Urban wa.s cuutributing £2300 to t'1e Count~- Council in their present

demand and they fel t in view of this contribution the :ratepe,yers were

entitled to have the bridge and its approaches prop rly maintained.

The following resolution was adopted on the motion of the

Chairman, seconded hy Mr . Cummins: -

"That the letter fro· - the Town Clerk, New Ross, under date lOth

February 1921, be referred to the County Surveyor".

Larcenv of Electric Exploder • • The County Surveyor reported that an Electric Exploder used in


quarry work had been ta]{en from his offices between Saturday 19th

February and the morning of Monday 21st. Be notified the Police

Authorities, and they stated that no more explosives would be supplied

the County Council until the Exploder was returned. The County

Council had no gelignite now as it was only got from Dublin hy special

arrangement, with the Military Authorities. He would, however, be able

to get a certain amount of Taterial from some of the quarries without

using explosives.

Wild Bird~ f Protection Act.

The following resolution was a.dnpted on the motion 0:.' Mr. Cummins,

seconded by Mr. Kavanagh:-

"That our Secretary be instructed not to issue usu8.1 Notice under

Wild BiLlS' p!'ot~ction Act If"94".

Report . of COUI1.ty Surveyor.

The following report of t'D.e County Surveyor adjourned from last

me e ting, vms read:-

"I am sub~'itting to the Proposal Corr:mittee a '. list of proposals

which I consider should he made. There are three ite~s for

maintenan8e of rOE~dways over Bridges and one for rent of tool house . - at Wexford Bridge. I have supplemental proposal al flO to complete

work at the Deeps Bridge, last Summer I toms directed to carry out this

by Dire ct Lab our and thi s sum will bi9 ne ce 3s ary for its cOP.'lpletio'l.

Proposal for Kilmore Harbour is to make good the sl~p\vay whiclit. is at

present in an undatisfactory condition. The repair of U '"lb er in New

Ross Bridge is an advancAd proposal to cover the expenditure for repa~.rs

to sarle frofL time to time, aild Caretaking to cover period hetween the

t p- rmination of t.he contract ald the making o::~ the new carets,king

contract in September. There was a former proposa.l for the

rebuilding of lv:ountgarrett Bridge and I am letting this la.pse and am

brineing forward a nevI proposal to Cover the entire cost of the work . .;J; t . taking into account the grant from tlle Ministry of Transport and that

the Kilkenny County CounCil will contr'ibute he,lf cost. The present

proposal will spread the cost over two years. There are three other

proposals to cover the expenditure e,utborised by the County ' CounCil under resolution.


I have been in corr' munication with the Kilkenny County Surveyor with

regard to the rebuilding of Mountgarrett Bridge and he wants to knoVl

what arrangements are to be made with reg6.rd to putting the work in

tands_ He suggests that a Committec of the two Councils be authorised

to deal with the matter, and I ask the Council to adopt this.

I shall SUbllli-L Sepu.l'ci.te reports with reg8,rd to a number of claims

by contractors which were put in TJ; y hands at a recent meeting.

I h8~e received payment on account for the employment of ex-service

~ en, and now have a number of these engaged on the work. In order to have this .vork carried out properly, I have employed gangers who

11'1~:re fOY'l'11er ly in 0'.1.1" PP1ployment ftnd 'lot eX- serv i ce men and the wage s

of lhese will be ba.rged to t he ordinary Pl"oposf.ls and they will be

employed f'u.ll time.

~I have forms for the Unemployment Grants Corrmittee qith regard to , contributions and I ask for your direction !fIi th regard to this.

/ The st~tistics in connecV_on wi th the roa.ds !3.l d bridges

PI' ogramme 19~)O have been f'orv,rarde d B.f: dj.re cte d by you. "

With regard to Classification of roads I· notified t11e Mini 9tr:,r of • : . Transport when sending in the forms that you were not satisfieq with

some of the condj.tions and have a letter in reply stati.ng that the . Ministry ha.ve noted the vievls of the County Council in the matter.

Some time ago I was directed to prepar~ . new esti l~; ate in connection

wi tb the subsidy from the Railway Companies towards the repair of rOG-ds

oVer Railwa.y Br:tsges and I nO li have this matter in hands. In order

to t erminate the existing agreements 'v'lith the Railway Companies fonr al

notice should b e sent and I now ask you to direct the Solicitor to

deal wi tb tn.i s.

Last Autumn Mr. Willi8.r:i '!Jurphy, Machinery Overseer, resigned his

position and subsequently you fixed terms of new appointment, but

no appointment was then nade. Later on I employed Hr. Mnrph~r to t . erect the new Breaker' and since I have had him in occasional

employment doing special work to carryon with the maChinery_ He now

writes to me that he is willing to take up the permanent position llnder

the tern s of the recent advertisement, and I have employed h:i_IJ1

accordingly subject to your sanction. I may note that particularly © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 24 :;.)

during M.r. Treanor's absence it \'0'111 be neCessar'y to have a person

conversant with the v·ork, 'in charge, tmd h~ could deal with any special

diffi cuI ty i n the qua,rrieso In connection with q lBrry work I have to

report ttat it v'ill be expressly difficult to carry it out properly,

owing ~ o lack of explosives. I have lately had a few srrall blasts

at Ferrybank in the nei~hbourhooa of Wexford and even these are

difficult to arrange for .

With your approval I propose to start the men in the quarries

and try and get 9.s much rrateri8.1 as possible 'b1."..t I should note that

in ma.ny cases it will be F;uch more expensive without blasting.

I ask (our directions as to ';lhat systeU' should be adopted in

bringing +orward proposals before the several R.D. Councils at the Apri

meetings. ForlTlerly 'all 'Works were subr'itted to tender but as the

Council noW favours "Direct Lahour" I wish to know if any tenders

should 'be invited to ca.rry out the 'fork by eontract. With regard

to road IJlaintena!1ce genera,lli! ' I must state that I do not consider that

the former syste~ can possibly 'keep the roads in condition to stand

,the present day traf"fic. Some years ago When I first Callie to this

Count,Y I recommended piece "vork rolling in order to be prepared for

this class of traffic, but it was only ac.opted in a very limited

manner. New I consider it will be neccessary to consolidate by

roller a large portion of the material on all roads 'JUbject to heavy

engine or l:1 otor traffic, and 0:' course this :;;eans that 1';S should Olyria

number of rollers. ~he Scheme o,rlopt:;d by ZlOU lo8~ Summer woul d hn.~le

provided for this, but oi"i-:1t; to "financf'} t he 't"a.tt'3I' hn s fa,1len through,

and I con1idp.r the ROD,ds Com:~i ttde should again take up the ~atter.

Our Motor Lorry bas been working Ci.t ~errybank in ca.re of a temporary

drivar, and I have nO \1 ceased this vlOrk, A.ud am Y)ri'!1gi.1.g in Lorry to

t.he County Hall, pendi:'1g such 3,r 8,ngC!"1::mts as wray. b(,; in a posit.ion

to make for its fUrt.her USe. I have found it neCessA,!,y in order to

save expense of hirage to keep l""'3n working 'Nith the mach '1. ery on full t , time 'but generally workmen have l)een engaged only 32 hour week and I a

for your sanction for the continnance of this.

I have had a nUT'1ber of notices served on owners to cut hedges and '

in the case of those wholo not a.ttend to same I ani in doubt as to



what procedure should be taken, and I ask for your instructions.

In December last Mr. J .L. Ntinn, of Alma., 'Wexford, made E:.rrange-

ments with Miss Bishop of ~a11yboggl:m Quarry to obtain material for

the repair of his R.venue, and on. the matter 00r.1ing to rrJy notice I

co:nmunicatedboth with Mr. Nunn and Miss Bishop. It appears that , Mr. Nunn had agreed with Miss Bishop to purcha se material believing

that she had the right to sell the stones. The agreed on price was

5/-, which Mr. Nunn'p8.id to Miss Bishop and which she subsequently

returned to him, and this has nnw bet3n handed over to me. I

consid.er V:at Miss Bishop had no authority w~tever to so deal with '

the County Council rr:atArial, 'and I ask for' you to impose a penalty

to cover the full value of the nateri[~l. I suggest that Miss Bishop

h e asked to p8.. y A. sum of /~'2. in c ddition to tr..3 sum s.lread~r hended over ff. by Mr. }lunn.

I submit t.lJe Assisti;!.nt Sur';rF~yorsf \i7 eekly :::dports with a synopsis

of same~.

The para.graph in the report e,g to Unemplo,)7Jncnt Grants Cor:1J1littee

was referred to Roads COffimi ttee on the motion. of Mr. Cu,lleton,

se cond~d by .tr 0 Cumm. :1 nso As regards. new Esti"ate in con'1!'>ction vlith Subtidies from

Railway Companies the following resoluti on was adopted on the ~otion

of Mr. Culleton, seconded 'by Mr. RedT.1ond:-

"That the agreements nith the Railway Companies, relative to

ffiaintenance of over1ine bridge s and approaches thereto be determined

by six months' notice, notice to be served on or before the 1st July

1921, on Great S01 ... thdrn & Western. Railway Company, and Dublin & South

Eastern Railway Company, and on Fishguard & Rosslare R&ilways &

Harbours Company, on or before the 1st April 1921".

"The que st i on of the permal'1:m t app ointi'len t of Mr. William

Murphy as Machinery Oversder, vl8.3 specially referred to the Roads

Commi ttee on the moti on of Mr. Cummins, se conded by Mr. Kavanagh".

"It was also decided to ·ref3r the p.ortions of County Surveyor's

Report undea1t with at present m1eting, to the meeting of Roads

Corami ttee for consideration • © WEXFORD COUNTY~------ooooo------COUNCIL ARCHIVES