228 QUARTERLY MEETING. 5th IoEBRUARY lQ2l. The Quarterly Meeting of tl:e Wexford County Council was held in the County Hall, Wexford on 6th FebruB.ry 1921. Present:- Mr. John J. a 'Byrne, (Vice-Chairman) presiding. Also:- Messrs. James Byrne, C. Culleton, Jo~~ Cummins, G. Devereux, Michael Doyle, E. P. Foley, John Murphy, Thoma.s Murphy,and Jar.ues Shtl.!1l10n. The Secrcto,ry and County Surveyor were also :tn attendance. Confirration of inutes. The Minutes of last Meeting were read a.nd confirmed. New Merrher Gountv Council. Under d9.te 29th January 1921, Mr. A.A. Connolly, Clerk Enniscortby R.D. Counci~, v~ote that Mr. Walter J. Furlong, Dranagh, Cairn, Enniscorthy, hr'ld been appointed to represent Enniscorthy Rural District Council on tl1e Count;>' Council, vice Mr. JaT"leS Do;>rle (interned) J\RP'ointI'1ent on Committseso On the motion of M.r. Cununins, seconded by Mr. Foley, the following 1''' Rolu tion was adopt'ed:- "That Mr. W. J. FUrlong, M. C. C. be 8.ppointed eo rrember o~ Asylurr Cornmi ttee vice r\lr. Jame s Doyle 're signed. That Mr. Thomas Murphy M. C. C. be appointed a member of County Wexford InfirI1'ary Committee vice Mr. PhiU.p Lennon res~gned, and Mr. W.J. Furlong l~. C. C. vice Mr. James Doyle resjgned. That Mr. W.J. Furlong b9 appointed on the Proposal COli1mittee vice Mr. James Doyle resign3d. That Mr. Thomas Walsh M.C.C. be a.ppointed a me .ber of County Wexford Tuberculosis .Corrrnittee vice Mr. John Sinnott resigned. That Mr. WoJ. Furlong be appointed a Member of No. 5 Old Age Pension Sub-Corrrrnittel3 'rice Mr. Janes Doyle resig!l.ed. That Old Age Pension Sub-Committee No.7 be asked to recommend t?1C Members for appointment on this Comri tte e vice Rev. D. A. KBNanagh C. C. and Mr. John a 'Neill.' Mr. G. Devereux resigned as member of the Asyl~ Committee and, on the motion of Mr. U. Doy-!.?, seconded by the Chairma.n, Mr. E.P. Foley ~ . t . was elected to the vacancy. Count { Wexford Farmers ' nnton t:( Roads. Underdate 2nd February 1921, the following resolution was received fro~ the meeting of the County Execu~ive of the Co. Wexford Farmers' © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 229 Union:- "We are of the opinion that a deputa.tion representing tbe County Executive should confer with the County Council on the -question of the upkeep of the roads". The following attended on the deputation:- Col. Bryan (Chairrl1an) Iv~essrs. W.J. Devereux, J.S. McDonald, R.J. -Codd, S. Cullen, W. Boggan, W.C. Metge and J. Deathe. After considerable discussion the following resolution was unjj.nirnously adop·ted on the motion of Mr. CurlJn1ins, seconded by Mr. Shannon:- "That the various Branches of Count ~T Wexford Farmers f Union and the various Branches of County Wexford Labour Unions be requested to appoint an equal number of delegates in each parish for the purpose of forr;-ing pa.rish Committees in order to bring about an improvement in the present condition of -Lhe roads and in the hope that such Con'Jnittees will 'b~ able to deal ,lith other spher~~s of public duty in the future". Represellt""II:':es of Co ._ Council on Council of Agriculture . Under date 31st Janua.ry 1921, the Departr'1ent of Agriculture & Tech'1jcal Instruction wrote ((',.384-21) forwardinb Regulations for the appointment of two representatives of the Wexford County CounCil on the Council of Agricul ture to hold office for three years as froll" 1st Aprjl 1921. Copy of ::tegulations had been furnished ea.ch County (;cuncillor. The following resoh::tion ,'las adopted on tbe motion of ~\1r . Cur:mins, seconded "y Mr. Jarres Byrne:- "That Mr . Micha,el Doyle and Mr. C1.ristopher Culleton, Members of this Council, be appointed oyr representatives on the CounCil of Agricul turo to hold offi ce -'or three years as from 1 st April 1921". Eoad Contracts of Mr . ,Tames Brien, Glfmtei~y,e . "The following resolution was received froT"'" t eEnniscorthy Rural District Coun~il:- , - "That the County Council be requested to re- consider th~ question of James Brien's claiM, as we are of opinion he is entitled to the a'TIount claiT'ied. We .70uld point out tbat payment as recorrrrnencled by the old Coun t.y Counei 1 las Ij May". The followi"lg resolution 1IIaS adopt3d on the motion of the Chairman, © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 230 seconded hy Mr. Culletol1:- "That as clai 'Tl of Mr. James Brien for extra payment in connection wi th his road contra.cts has been considered on two recent occasions by the County Council, and ruled on, a new hearing 9/ln only be provided for by Notice of Uotion" . Wexford Urban Demand. The Secretary ca]led attention to the fact that third instal~ent of Wexford Urha.n Derrand, which was oue on 1st December had not yet been paid. The following resolution ~ras adopted on the motion of the Chairman, seconded hy Mr . 1!. Doyle:- "That we e.gajn call 0::1 Wexford Urban Council to pay thE: third instalmetlt of demand on them by County Council as the money is urgently needed" . School Attends.nce CO!1'1Jllj ttee s . Under date 5th January 1921, the Secretary, Irish National Education Office, wrote that the periud 0:' service of New Ross Rure,l District School Attendance Comni ttee "',jould expire on 30th April 1921, and the County Council as Local Authority under the Irish Educatlon Act If)92 should, in the rr eantime, proceed to the appointment of their five representatives on the Committee to hold office. On the. motion 0:' 7.Jhe Chairman, seconded by Mr. G\..'I"l~ins, the following resolution was adopted:- "That as recoIJl1tlended. by NeVI R03s Rural District Council the followin be appointed as representatives of Wexford County Council on New Ross Rural District School Attendance Corrrittge to hold office froF. 1st May 1921 to 30th April 1924~. Messrs. Michael Donovan D.C. Berkeley, New Ross. Mi c1:18,e 1 Doyle, D. C. Tellarought, C8.'3sagh, New Ro SSe Patrick Condon D.C. Meelgarrow Clonroche, Enniscorthy. William Byrne, Camblin, New Ross. , . Denis Cummins, Raheenduff, Adamstown,l" Under date 1 st February 1921, the Se cretary, National Education Office, wrote tbat the period o~ service of Gorey Rural District School Attendance Committee, would expire on 31st May next, and the County © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 23 1 Council as Local Authority under Irish Education Act 1992, should appoin their five representatives on the Committee to hold office for three years as from 1st June 1921. The following resolution was adopted on the motion of Mr . J. Murphy, seconded by Mr. M. Doyle:- "That Gorey Rural District Council be requested to r"3coPlTrend five Member--s of Gorey Rura.l Dist.rict School Attendance Cornmi ttee to be appointed liy Wexford COU~1.t~r Counoil as LOcal Authority, and which Committee is to taka oi'fice :'or Lhree yea.rs as fro1"1 1st June 1921". Mr. M. Byrne, Gorey Rural District School Attendanoe Committee reported that Mr. Robert Spe'1c~r, a me~ber of t!'lc Committee had and Messrs, John 8h~ehan, a!1d Patrick Doyle, Me'ybers, he,d been disqualified after being absent fro~ six successive meetings of the Committee. The Gorey Rural District Council recommended the appointment of Messrs. John. Sheehan, ~1 allynestragh, Gorey, John Gannon, Tara Hill, Gorey, and Michael Kinsella, lfonareagh, Coolgr~aney, Gorey, to fill the vacancies. The following resolution was adopted on the motion of Mr. J. Murphy, seconded by Mr. M. Doyle:- "That Messrs. John Sheehan, Ballynestragh, Gorey, John Gannon, Tara Hill, Gorey, and Michael Kinsella, Monareagh, Coolgreany, be appointed me1"1bers of Gorey Rural District School Attendance Committee up to 1st June 1921, viCe Mr. Robert Spencer, reSigned, and Messrs. John Sheehan and Patrick Doyle disqualified for non-attendance at meetings of said COT1JT!i ttee". Letting Countx Htll. The following resolution was adupted on the motion of Mr. Foley, seconded by Mr. J. Murphy:- "That the question of letting prerrises at County Hall except for day meetings be postponed for the p~esent". , . New Rate Collf'l\.,;tor"1 &- their Suretie,g. The following resolutiotl was adopted on tlJ.e motion of the Chairman, seconded by Mr. Murphy:- That the following be accepted as Sureties for the undermentioned © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES - ---- ------- 232 C011ectors:- William Quirke, Ballyruan, Screen, and Patrick Quirke, Hayestown, MUrrintov"ln, for Japes Quirke, (No. 1 District). Aidan Sutton, Tomlane, Oylegate, and Daniel Dempsey, Oraanrue, Edermine, for Thomas Sutton (No.2 District). James Murphy, 92 South Main Street, Wexford, and Robert Moran, Quay Wexford, for Ri ch.a.rJ Sinnott (no. 4 Di stri ct). Patrick 'Kelly, Ga.rrynisk, Edermine, and John Bolger, r,oolnaboy, Oylegate for Matthew Velly ('ITo. 6 District). Laurence Cummins, Ballylucas, Ballymurn, A,nd Patrick Foley, Ballykelly, Ballymurn, for W. Curmnins, (~Io. 11 District). Patrick Keating, Ballyconiga.r, Blackv"later, and John 0 'Leary, Monanarigg, Blackwater, for John Carty, (No. 12 District). John Sheehe.r.., Ballynestragh, Gorey, and Michael Doyle, Upper Island, Cra~n~ord, for Willjan Doyle, (No. 13 D1stric~). Thor.;as Kinsella, Marl\et Square,- Gorey, and THomas Whelan, Annagh 1:1ddle, GCJ:'eJ', for Mrs. K. ,McGrath (No. 15 District). Mrs. Mary Kane, Parkannesle~- House, Clonevi1n, and Jopn P. Sinnott,Cahore, I Gorey, for JOQ~ Sinnott (No. 16 District). John Redmond, Barracks, Ad arli.S t own , g,ud Mrs, Ar..a.staSia Mllrphy, Shanoule, Foulksmills, for Ja1'l'1es Murphy (No.
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