February 1921, the Following Resolution Was Received
228 QUARTERLY MEETING. 5th IoEBRUARY lQ2l. The Quarterly Meeting of tl:e Wexford County Council was held in the County Hall, Wexford on 6th FebruB.ry 1921. Present:- Mr. John J. a 'Byrne, (Vice-Chairman) presiding. Also:- Messrs. James Byrne, C. Culleton, Jo~~ Cummins, G. Devereux, Michael Doyle, E. P. Foley, John Murphy, Thoma.s Murphy,and Jar.ues Shtl.!1l10n. The Secrcto,ry and County Surveyor were also :tn attendance. Confirration of inutes. The Minutes of last Meeting were read a.nd confirmed. New Merrher Gountv Council. Under d9.te 29th January 1921, Mr. A.A. Connolly, Clerk Enniscortby R.D. Counci~, v~ote that Mr. Walter J. Furlong, Dranagh, Cairn, Enniscorthy, hr'ld been appointed to represent Enniscorthy Rural District Council on tl1e Count;>' Council, vice Mr. JaT"leS Do;>rle (interned) J\RP'ointI'1ent on Committseso On the motion of M.r. Cununins, seconded by Mr. Foley, the following 1''' Rolu tion was adopt'ed:- "That Mr. W. J. FUrlong, M. C. C. be 8.ppointed eo rrember o~ Asylurr Cornmi ttee vice r\lr. Jame s Doyle 're signed. That Mr. Thomas Murphy M. C. C. be appointed a member of County Wexford InfirI1'ary Committee vice Mr. PhiU.p Lennon res~gned, and Mr. W.J. Furlong l~. C. C. vice Mr. James Doyle resjgned. That Mr. W.J. Furlong b9 appointed on the Proposal COli1mittee vice Mr. James Doyle resign3d. That Mr. Thomas Walsh M.C.C. be a.ppointed a me .ber of County Wexford Tuberculosis .Corrrnittee vice Mr. John Sinnott resigned.
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