"Knowledge is Liberty VOL. 78, NO. 11

M M A N DOW JONES R Z E ^ I Hhf,T Y -—HM1MS MONDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2000 Tscnrnmr Donor gives $1.5 million Record donation to benefit Learning Disabilities Center BY ALISON ROTHSCHILD Steve Evans, associate pro- contributing writer fessor of psychology and direc- tor of JMU's Human Develop- A local man donated $1.5 ment Center, said that this gen- million to JMU last week — the erous gift will be used to sup- largest donation the university port the programs designed to has ever received. help students with ADHD and Alvin V. Baird, an 83-year- learning disabilities. Programs old retired cattle farmer, donat- will include Challenging Hori- ed the money to JMU's 1-year- zons,an outreach program for old Attention and Learning Dis- middle school students who abilities Center. suffer from attention deficit dis- "I donated this money to order or ADHD, an expansion help children with ailments of the university's learning dis- similar to mine, to save one stu- abilities evaluation services, a dent from suffering would justi- remedial reading and mathe- fy my life on matics center earth," Baird for public ROBERT NATT/ttfu'or photographer said. He suf- -a school stu- Quarterback Charles Berry (#11) dodges University of New Hampshire players on Saturday. The fers from a ... To save one student dents and a Dukes won 24-13. "We knew what they could do," Berry said. learning dis- parent train- ability that from suffering would ing program severely limits for parents of analytical rea- justify my life on earth. elementary Dukes dominate UNH soning. school stu- "The center -Alvin V. Baird dents with Wildcats no match for JMU's revamped special teams will work with donator of $ 1.5 million to JMU ADHD. the 6 percent Funds from BY ANDREW TUFTS including a 50-yard punt and day in practice. Around our of JMU stu- the donation sports editor four others inside the 20-yard locker room we tell ourselves dents as well will also cover costs for a psy- line. that this is the best defense as middle school students who chologist, two graduate assis- In a nutshell, Saturday's 24- "When their ball is [inside] we're going to see all year." have learning disabilities and tants, a part-time secretary and 13 defeat of the University of their own 30, if s hard to come Second, any questions con- Attention Deficit and Hyperac- sufficient teacher services to New Hampshire Wildcats up with good plays," senior cerning the ability or health of tivity Disorder (ADHD). The keep costs for the parent-train- proved an array of things to the defensive end Chris Morant Berry were answered as the center is not just for research, ing course nominal. JMU faithful ^^^^^^ said. "It was all about who had quarterback both ran and threw but for working with people," "The center promotes ser- and to fellow PHMPM good field position." for over 100 yards. Baird said. vice, training and research on Atlantic-ID- flW^g Morant's three sacks, which Berry had 22 rushes for 105 Baird's wife, Nancy Chap- the development of effective teams. gave him 28 career sacks and yards with two touchdowns pelear Baird, a 1939 Madison interventions for individuals First, the UNH 13 tied the JMU career record, and connected on 15 of 25 pass- College graduate, said, "He just with ADHD or learning disabil- Dukes used anchored a banged-up defense es for 181 yards and one touch- wants to help the kids." ities," Evans said. He is the their bye- which gets thinner by the week, down. The next largest donation to only faculty member involved week to revamp a special teams yet still held the Wildcats to six Third, Berry's performance this amount was a $1 million with the center and he works unit, whose errors against South total rushing yards in the game helped add another weapon to donation from Stephen and with interns, undergraduate Florida were largely responsible — 23 in the second half. the Dukes' arsenal — senior Mary Leeolou ('78) in Septem- students and graduate students. for the Dukes' 26-7 defeat two Also in that half, the Wild- receiver Lindsay Fleshman. ber 1999. Their donation was for Undergraduate students work weeks prior. Saturday, the spe- cats managed only 89 total Fleshman had nine receptions the Leeolou Alumni Center on with the center through psy- cial teams and junior Mike yards of offense. for 147 yards and one touch- the College of Intergrated Sci- chology independent study and Glover kept the Wildcats deep "We knew what they could down, which came on a 40-yard ence and Technology side of capstone and graduate students in their own territory — punt- do," senior quarterback Charles campus. The alumni center is see DUKES, page 5 work with the center through ing six times for 218 yards, Berry said. "We see them every currently under construction. practicum.

Over the Rivers A Cultivation of Cultures li.-iv.-i-ri The Play's the Thing Election Bun . Reggie Rivers, right, and the soccer team are International Week spins webs of unity Political groups, sociology JMU theater productions come to life &0-1 heading into their showdown with UVa. through JMU, allowing everyone to experi- as Theater II puts on "Valley Song" students to voter regis- and Latimer-Schaeffer features "Crip- on Wednesday. Check highlights from last ence and participate in cultures other than tration drive this week ple of Inishmaan." Page 23 week's 4-2 victory over Virginia Tech. Page 29 their own. Pages 20-21 throughout campus. Page 7 Monday, October 2, 2000 TABLE OF CONTENTS

DUKE DAYS EVENTS CALENDAR NEWS Board of Visitors 3 • Campus Assault Response (CARE) meeting, 6:30 p.m., AXP campout 3 MONDAY, OCT. 2 Taylor 302, e-mail Andrea Milo at miloal • "You Throw Like a Girl and Other Masculine Voter registration drive 7 Myths" by Don McPherson, former NFL TUESDAY, OCT. 3 quarterback and ESPN commenta- OPINION tor, 7:30 p.m., Convocation Cen- • Transfer Student Organization meeting, 6 to 7 p.m., Taylor ter, discussion about sports and 311, call Brian at 433-6692 gender norms, free, call X3503 • Yoga Club, 5 p.m., Taylor 400, e-mail Kai at safranka House Editorial: Putting a Band-Aid where there should be stiches 12 • American Criminal Justice WEDNESDAY, OCT. 4 Association/Lambda Alpha Darts & Pats 13 Epsilon meeting, 6:15 p.m., • Brown Bag Lecture , The Role of Creativity in Trans- Taylor 402, e-mail Dave at Jammed at JMU and missing kenneddw formation" by Dr. Bolekaja Kamau and Dr. Cheryl Talley, the way things were 12:20 to 1:10 p.m., Hillcrest House by Terrence Nowlin 13 • International Business Club meeting and yearbook • Pre-Physical Therapy Society annual picture, 8:30 p.m., PC Could we please talk about pictures, 7 p.m., Warren 4th Ballroom, e-mail Amanda at murphyaj something besides alcohol floor, bring dues to be includ- by Jason Slattery 15 ed in club picture, e-mail Marie • Latin American Studies Program: student panel and recep- at zuluetma tion, 2:30 p.m., Taylor 309, students in the program and in the Spotlight: Would you let your minor concentration are welcome to attend momma date Bob Knight? 15 Letters to the editor 17 STYLE POLICE LOG WEATHER CASEY BONDS Valley Song review 23 police reporter estimated cost of the damage is Today Cripple of Inishmaan preview 23 $400. Non-student Byron Madison, 41, Also, a Kenwood AM/FM/CD Partly cloudy WXJM CD reviews 25 of Harrisonburg, was arrested and stereo worth $250 and jumper High 75 Low 56 October coming attractions 25 charged with possession of stolen cables worth $20 were stolen from property on Sept. 29 at 2:10 a.m. the car. Rose knows 27 when an officer on patrol reportedly High Low spotted him wearing a JMU Police Petty Larceny Style weekly 27 Tuesday Partly cloudy 87 58 Cadet jacket on North Main Street. • A JMU student reported a JAC The officer, who did not card missing at UREC between 3 Wednesday Partly sunny 86 53 FOCUS recognize the subject, reportedly p.m. and 5 p.m. on Sept. 22. saw Madison riding his bike on a • A JMU student reported a license Thursday Mostly cloudy 75 49 International Week 20-21 sidewalk. He was not carrying any plate missing from a 1987 Pontiac form of identification. No Firebird in the Blue Ridge Hall lot at Friday Showers 64 42 explanation to the source of the 10:52 p.m. on Sept. 25. SPORTS jacket could be substantiated. Destruction of Property Men's soccer 29 In other matters, campus police MARKET WATCH report the following: • A JMU student reported his Geo Friday, Sept. 29,2000 Women's soccer 29 Tracker was broken into between Grand Larceny Aug. 28 and Sept. 22 in R2 lot. DOW JONES AMEX Reggie Rivers 31 • An officer on patrol discovered a Damage was caused to the black 173.14 car that had been damaged and 14.51 plastic cover around the door latch close: 10,650.92 close: 954.31 Jeers to bandwagon years broken into in R2 lot between noon assembly under the handle. t 4 by Dan Bowman 33 on Sept. 26 and 9 a.m. on Sept. 27. Nothing was reported missing The left windows of the vehicle from the vehicle. NASDAQ S&P 500 Sports Beat 33 were reportedly smashed and the 105.50 If 21.78 ♦ T dash was also damaged. The see POLICE LOG page 7 close: 3,672.82 1 close: 1,436.51 LIFESTYLES

INFORMATION Horoscope 37 Crossword puzzle 37 The Breeze is published Monday and Thursday mornings and distributed throughout James Madison University and LOCATION CLASSIFIEDS the local Harrisonburg community. Comments and com- plaints should be addressed to Gina Montefusco, editor. The Breeze is located in How to place a classified: Mailing address: the lower level of Come to The Breeze office week- The Breeze BREEZE G1 Anthony-Seeger Hall Anthony-Seeger Hall days between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. MSC 6805 Cost: $2.50 for the first 10 James Madison University Harrisonburg, Virginia 22807 words, $2 for each additional 10 "To the press alone, chequered as it is with Phone: (540) 568-6127 Fax: (540) 568-6736 words; boxed classified, $10 per E-Mail address: lhe_ [email protected] column inch. abuses, the world is indebted for all the tri- Breeze Net: www.thebreeze.org Deadlines: noon Friday for Section phone numbers Monday issue, noon Tuesday for umphs which have been gained by reason Opinion/Style: x3846 Bookkeeper Thursday issue. News: x6699 Susan Shifflett, x8089 Classifieds must be paid in and humanity over and oppression." Focus: x6729 Receptionist Sports: x6709 Angie McWhorter advance in The Breeze office. Photo/Graphics. x6749 — James Madison MONDAY, OCT. 2, 2000 | THE BREEZE | 3

"...we want young people to realize » Under the stars they have a voice in government." AXP camps to raise RAFFI VARTIAN money for cancer research junior page 7 NEWS see below Board of Visitors meet, discuss issues BYTOMSTEINFELDT news editor ber after the riot to keep them abreast of between JMU, the police and local resi- related developments. He said he has met dents would help prevent future problems. Similar to sentiments voiced by the with Harrisonburg Mayor Carolyn Frank Vice Rector Paul Chiapparone said, Community Coalition, JMU President Lin- and City Manager Roger Baker to "The good thing that could come out of wood Rose and other administrators improve methods in which JMU Police, this is the relationship with the communi- regarding the Forest Hills riot, JMU's Harrisonburg Police and the Rockingham ty could strengthen." Board of Visitors urged preventative mea- County Sheriff's Department work togeth- Chiapparone chaired the meeting for sures be taken to ensure that similar situa- er. "I have received nothing but coopera- Board Rector Zane Showker, who was in tions don't arise in the future. tion on that," he said. the hospital. His condition was not Supporting the coalition's immediate, But plans to prevent conditions that released, but Chiapparone said Showker short-term and long-term recommenda- resulted in the setting of two trash bin would be back for the January meeting. tions issued Sept. 15, the board encour- fires, broken car windows, the use of tear Several construction projects in various aged improved relations between the uni- gas and the arrest of 12 students stages of development were presented to versity and local community but ordered remained vague. the board by Steve Knickrehm, assistant no action at Friday's meeting. It was the Rose said that with freshman orienta- vice president for resource planning. first time the board has met since the Aug. tion, more people are in town the week- Although further delays in construct- 25 incident. end before classes begin than in the past, ing the parking deck are not anticipated, "We want the residents to look at the creating the need for more alternative it will not be in use for May 2001 gradu- university from a positive standpoint," events. ates, Knickrehm said. Unsuitable soils in said Conrad Helsley ('72), education and Greater off-campus enforcement of the caisson excavation holes, which support student life committee chair. "We want to student code of conduct will be examined, the structure, pushed the project's antici- develop the positive things JMU does for but he did not discuss how it currently pated completion back to June 2001. But MEGHAN MONTGOMERY'/senior photographer Harrisonburg and not dwell on the nega- applies or suggest specific changes. the deck should start to take form in tive things." Rose told board members he will con- about a week. JMU president Linwood Rose speaks to The Education and Student Life com- tinue to communicate progress on the Another major addition to the God- the Board of Visitors Friday. mittee discussed the Forest Hills incident matter to them rather than wait to inform win-Bridgeforth Stadium area is planned ment, kinesiology department and univer- for more than an hour in their meeting them at the next meeting in January. The for next summer. A new bookstore will be sity recreation said that the Hillside and before the full board convened, Helsley board meets four times a year. built adjacent to the Godwin bus stop, but UREC courts are sufficient. said. JMU Police Chief Lee Shifflett Helsley suggested looking at condi- will not change the bus shelter. It has not In their contract with JMU, Follett, brought committee members up to speed tions that led up to the riot and how those been determined what will occupy the which owns the bookstore, agreed to pay on the incident and its aftermath. Helsley affected the situation. space currently used by the bookstore. $4 million of the structure's $4.5 million said the main concern is to work with stu- "We want to know how to deal with To compensate for lost parking spots, price tag. Knickrehm said JMU will own dents, the community and the administra- that, how JMU should deal with that... so the Godwin tennis courts will be paved the building and Follett will have rights to tion to prevent such a situation from hap- a situation like that doesn't happen over, creating a net gain of 15 to 20 spaces, its use for the length of their contract. pening again. again," he said. Knkkrehm said. Rose also contacted each board mem- Helsley said improving relations Knickrehm said the athletic depart see BOARD, page 7 AXP brothers 'Camp Out for Cancer' BY LEAH LAVELLE tain their high spirits. ZTA also raises contributing writer money for breast cancer research through Members of the Alpha Chi Rho (AXP) other fund raising efforts. fraternity toughed out some chilly fall "When somebody says, 'Here's some weather last week to raise more than hot chocolate, you're doing a great job,' $1,000 for breast cancer research. The that means it all to me," Kom said. brothers sponsored a "Camp Out for Can- Several area businesses also supported cer" on the commons, which began last AXP's cause by providing food and gifts Sunday night and concluded Friday. for raffle prizes. Gift certificates for Brook- Inspired by a brother's mother's con- lyn's Delicatessen, the Biltmore Grill and tinued fight against cancer, AXP commit- Applebee's, CDs from Plan 9 Music, lift ted to a volunteer activity on a larger scale ticket vouchers from Massanutten Ski than in years past. Senior Eric Korn, who Resort and a Cellular One cell phone were coordinated the camp out, said in April donated for the raffle. Luigi's Pizza also AXP raised $300 for breast cancer research provided two pizzas each night for the by performing with the band Money campers and Wilderness Voyagers donat- Penny at the Biltmore Grill in April. This ed the tents. time, AXP collected $1,027 for The Susan JANE McHVGWsenior photographer "It's good to see people our age care G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. that much about a cure for a serious dis- "Something selfless like this is some- AXP brothers Eric Kom, (l-r), Steven Harris, Carleton Mayes and Mark Savage. ease, especially if you have dealt with the thing we really wanted to do," Korn said. Collecting donations, the brothers said, "There's been a lot of positive feed- disease in your family," sophomore Chris "We thought $1,000 when we started was manned a table in front of their campsite back ... This was one way we could give Mason said. a great goal, but the outpouring of sup- or stayed under the canopy during all back to the community." And after last week's success, Korn port is amazing." hours of the day and night with the excep- Korn said support from the JMU com- said AXP will continue to support can- The idea to organize the camp out was tion of eight hours on Wednesday due to munity encouraged his fraternity to stick cer research with similar activities in borrowed from a fellow AXP chapter at the International Week bazaar. Raffle tick- out five nights in the 'Burg's sporadic the future. Utica College in upstate New York. ets were offered for $2 donations, but weather. Late-night gifts of soup, hot "The first two nights out here, it was "Those guys do it (camp out) in Febru- many people didn't even ask about the chocolate and candy from Zeta Tau Alpha freezing cold and raining and we were ary in Utica, we can do this," Kom said. raffle when donating, Kom said. sisters and supportive comments from having a blast," Korn said. "Of course "That is what really spurred us on." AXP President Rob Down, a junior, people passing through helped to main- we're going to do it again." 41 THE BREEZE | MONDAY, OCT. 2, 2000 NEWS


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' Some restrictions apply NEWS MONDAY, OCT. 2, 2000 | THE BREEZE | 5 Dukes' 'cup runneth over' for win DUKES, from page 1 Fleshman said. "If we score right there, that's a different pass from Berry. These two were game." the catalyst for three of the True to form for the 2000 sea- Dukes' scoring drives. son, the Dukes would have to "We're trying to tell you all rely on a big second half in order that we got a couple of to win the game. weapons," Berry said. "You real- "We were not concerned at ly can't key on one person. the half offensively because we Somebody's going to step up." only punted once," coach Mickey In the second quarter, Berry Matthews said. "We told the kids found Fleshman 40 yards down the best player for New Hamp- the center of the field for the shire in the first half was in our Dukes' first touchdown. Flesh- locker room because we had man was about five yards behind those turnovers. We were very the defense. confident that we could move "He was so wide open, I just the ball." didn't want to overthrow him," Berry was concerned with the Berry said. "The safety bit up. mentality on offense. The corner — he was on the "During the warmups I did- ground. I mean Lindsay gave n't feel like we were getting the him a great move. 1 was just say- right kind of intensity for the ing 'please do not overthrow game," he said. "I got on Lind- this.'" say and the guys. I was joking This touchdown and a first- with him that if I have to get on quarter Glover field goal were his back every game then that's the only points JMU was able to what I'll do." muster in the first half. After the half, the Dukes, led ROBERT NATTIsemor photographer Fumbles by sophomore run- by Berry, started cashing in on Two JMU players take down a University of New Hampshire Wildcats player. The Dukes took advan- ning back Brannon Goins and their opportunities. tage of their bye-week to revampt their special teams. senior back Delvin Joyce on con- On the second possession of secutive red-zone possessions the half, Berry ran four times had been prepared for all week. man. saw that they couldn't run at the prior to the Fleshman touch- for 45 yards and the touch- "Hey man," Berry said. "When you're in the zone you beginning of the half and we down ended two JMU scoring down. "You gotta keep milking the cow feel good," he said. shut down everything. We feel opportunities. From here on out, the Dukes if it's working. Our cup runneth With senior Earnest Payton that nobody can handle us." "We had two fumbles inside began benefiting from running over today. blanketed by the UNH defend- With the running game gone, the 20 and that hurts a lot," the option, something Berry "During the week, Coach ers, Fleshman stepped up in a the Wildcats had to rely on the Matthews came up to me and big way. arm of senior Ryan Day. After said we could win the game just "The first time we went to going 18-21 for 210 yards and running three plays rushing the him 1 barely missed him," Berry two touchdowns in the first half, ball. That came true today." said of throwing to Payton. the Dukes limited him to 13-25 Matthews agreed that they "After that the corner that was for 112 yards in the second half. were running the option well. guarding him dropped 20 yards. They also sacked him four times, "We just had good, solid He has so much respect, people and kept him bottled inside the offensive drives," he said. "Our around the league have so much 20 where Glover and the special third down conversions were respect for Earnest's speed." teams put him. good. Our execution was good in But the offense didn't need to The JMU defense has not the third quarter." worry about putting up mam- allowed a second-half point yet On the next possession, Berry moth numbers in the game. The this year. completed three passes to Flesh- defense took care of the high- "I would liken us to Tampa man for 41 yards, and then ran powered Wildcat offense for the Bay, but we might be a little the ball in from seven yards out second half. more explosive on offensive," for the touchdown. This pro- "We knew they weren't going Berry joked. "If it gets down to it, ROBERT HKUIsenior photographer duced the final 24-13 score, and to be able to run against our we feel we can rely on our Senior tailback Delvin Joyce tries to pull away from a New Hamp- epitomized the day for Flesh- defense," Morant said. "They defense [to win the game]." shire player during Saturday's game.

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NEWS MONDAY, OCT. 2, 2000 I THE BREEZE | 7 Voter registration drives start this week Social work students, campus political organizations urge JMU community to get involved

BY JAMES DAVID Junior Raffi Vartian said, "We, the stu- Other groups are sponsoring programs to raise money for the voter information contributing writer dents of SOWK 335, are running the voter to encourage student involvement. The drive signs, posters and literature. registration drive because we want young College Democrats are handing out flyers The College Republicans have been Voter registration drives will be held people to on the commons spreading the word on voter registra- this week to allow students to get regis- realize they from 2 to 6 p.m. tion also. tered and get involved in national politics. have a voice today through "The (College Republicans) handed For the first time, Social Work 335 (Social in govern- Wednesday. The out dozens of voter registration forms and Policy) students will have a voter registra- ment. It's not ,< WHERE flyers deal with absentee ballots at Student Organization tion drive. Three locations will be set up to just our civic the vast amount night," College Republicans chair junior reach as many students as possible. responsibility of issues Zak Moore said. "We've also been hand- Students can register at the College as Americans 1 TOREGISTER involved with ing them out at our weekly meetings. We Center (the Festival) today through of age, it's a this year's presi- have sent e-mails over our list regarding Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 5 human # The Festival today through Wednesday 10a.m.-2 p.m. dential election. the voter registration drive this week and p.m. to 7 p.m. or at the main lobby of the responsibili- On those same regarding information about the many Integrated Science and Technology ty to make it Main lobby of IS AT today through Wednesday 10 a.m. - 2 p.i days, they will Web sites offering voter registration and building today through Wednesday sure the law- also have a "Get absentee ballots." from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. or the lobby of makers don't it Lobby of Zane Showker Wednesday 10a.m. - 2p.m. Out the Vote" Vartian said the outcome of the presi- Zane Showker Hall on Wednesday from leave anyone table on the com- dential election affects college students on 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. out of their ^mtatil^i^SdWllilSalNini mons. At the a long-term level and that voting plays a Junior Lori Turner said the nonpartisan laws. RYAN PUDLOSKI/srapliio editor table, students key factor in social issues. social policy class decided to put together "Are you can register to "On a larger scale, if you care about a voter registration drive to get students tired of the vote and get abortion, hate crime legislation or affirma- involved in the political arena, increase way the police have been treating the stu- some information on Chuck Robb, Vice tive action, the man that sits in the Oval college-age voter turnout and make regis- dent body this year? If every JMU student President Al Gore and Joseph Lieberman. Office for the next four to eight years will tration more accessible. They also saw the registered and voted, we would have the On Friday, the College Democrats will affect you," he said. "Please, get regis- need for students to recognize and ability to vote (into office) our own city also be hosting a "Get Out the Vote" car tered, and regardless of what you care increase their role in politics. council members," Varitan said. wash at the Exxon on Port Republic Road about, get educated and get involved."

Innovation Center forum held to discuss tech- Board addresses issues at first meeting nology manufacturing trends in Va. BOARD, from page 3 approved by the board. The largest increase in Virginia's Manufacturing Innovation Center (VMIC) held a Continued construction on the College of Integrat- tuition, service fees or room and board will affect forum Friday in the CFW room in ISAT to discuss trends in small ed Science and Technology campus currently centers out-of-state graduate students whose tuition rose manufacturing technology. around the College Center. A 500- to 600-seat confer- $11 per credit hour to $402. Virginia graduate stu- A panel of industry leaders and gov- ence center, costing nearly $10 million, and the $3 mil- dents face $114 per credit, a $3 hike. In-state under- ernment officials spoke to a crowd of 30 lion Leeolou Alumni Center are underway. graduate tuition remained at $52, and non-Virginia representatives of Virginia's small man- An additional 200 parking spaces are also being undergraduates will pay $248, an $8 increase. In Brief ufacturers. added across from the College Center off Carrier Education professor Martha Ross brought the Issues discussed were biotechnology, Drive and should be completed in 30 to 45 days, board up to speed on the reaccreditation business to business e-commerce and Knickrehm said. He did not know for whom the lot process, which will be finished in the spring of microelectronics. would be designated. 2002. Like other colleges and universities, JMU Panelists presented ways small manufacturers could Bids for the next C1SAT academic building could be is evaluated every 10 years by outside accredi- improve their business process. Bill Russell, president of the extended as early as July, Knickrehm said. Currently, tors from the Southern Association of Colleges Human Group, a local consulting firm, stressed the importance $1.25 million has been spent on the design of the future and Schools (SACS). of the blue-collar worker. chemistry and physics labs and faculty offices. Ross chairs a committee that is performing a self- "Often the people on the factory floor know more about what's Rose and Showker will request the $27.3 million study. The committee analyzes the university's pur- going on than the president of the company," Russell said. needed for its construction from the General Assembly pose, effectiveness, educational programs, support VMIC is a JMU-sponsored program designed to promote and in January. If approved, a constructor will be sought. programs and administration process. Eventually, a the many small manufacturing companies around the state. Funds for Harrison Hall renovations will also be report on the committee's findings will be produced VMIC has set up partnerships with many companies to provide requested from the General Assembly in January. and given to a visiting committee that will evaluate education on technological advances and business techniques. JMU has already received $400,000 for planning the JMU in April 2002. project and now requires $8.8 million for building. "You learn a whole lot about the university as a -MITCH MARTIN, contributing writer The School of Media Arts and Design was consid- whole by going through this process/' Ross said. ered a likely candidate last year for a renovated Har- Ross said about 100 faculty, staff and students are rison following the decision to transplant the pro- working on the report and will complete a first draft JMU Police arrest two in connection with gram to the temporary modular quarters. by the end of the semester. The final draft should be recent car break-ins Rose and Showker will also ask the General ready at the end of the fall 2001 term. Assembly for $8.5 million to hire 68 more faculty With the aid of this report, the visiting committee JMU police arrested two non-students early Saturday morning members. JMU requested funds for 93 new positions will present JMU with areas that need to be in connection with several car break-ins in R2 lot on Port Republic last year and received enough for 25. JMU is still try- addressed and likely reaccredit the school. Road. ing to compensate for the addition of more than Although both Ross and Rose stressed that being John Kronk, 19, of Nellysford, and a juvenile were each 3,000 students since the early 1990s, but the state has reaccredited was essentially a sure thing, the process charged with two counts of property damage and one of been slow in providing the money. is critical. petty larceny. Rose said he and Showker were encouraged that Rose, who has evaluated other universities on According to JMU Police Chief Lee Shifflett, the suspects much of the funds, particularly the construction SACS committees, said, "It's a pretty stringent reportedly broke windows in two cars parked in Z-lot, now R2, and costs, would be approved following a recent meet- process ... It's not to be taken lightly." stole a stereo, CDs, a cell phone and $32 from one of the cars. ing with Virginia's secretary of education. Rose said several well-respected universities The suspects also confessed to several other break-ins that In other matters: receive 30-40 recommendations of problem areas occurred earlier in the week, Shifflett said. Cost adjustments for summer school were from the visiting committee. Police apprehended the two suspects in their vehicle on Port Republic Road at about 1:15 a.m. after observing a suspicious POLICE LOG, from page 2 vehicle exit R2. Shifflett said more charges will be levied when Possible Vehicle Tampering • A JMU student reported that the lug nuts on her police conclude their investigation. R2 has been the site of several • The left side vent window of a vehicle parked in R2 tire rims were loose on the front driver's side of her car break-ins this school year. lot was damaged between 12:01 a.m. on Sept. 25 and 1994 Ford Probe on Sept. 26 at 3:32 p.m. in R1 lot. -FROM STAFF REPORTS midnight on Sept. 27. The damage was discovered by an officer on patrol Number of drunk in public charges since Aug. 28:19 and nothing was reported missing.

if ■»■ 8 | THE BREEZE | MONDAY, OCT. 2, 2000 NEWS «I tun.

For a complete * listing of events and details, visit the JMU * Homecoming James Madison University 2000 Homecoming 2000 October 2-8 Web site at: /»T»w *** www.jmu.edu/alumni/HC2000.html Dance Party fJay, ^erteroLer 29 10 p.m. — 2 a.m., PC Ballroom, Phillips Hall, $3 with college ID, $5 w/o college ID Homecoming Banner Contest Commons Day 5 p.m., 215 Wilson Hall 11 a.m. — 2 p.m., on The Commons Have your organization or residence hall paint a banner to show your school Fall into the mage of Homecoming 2000 with free games and prizes on spirit Banners will be displayed on Godwin Hall dunng Homecoming The Commons Show your spirit by weanng purple and gold! $aV<% O&ler 7 Entries wiH receive spint points and winners will be recognized at the foot ball game. Be sure to turn your finished banner into Room 215, Wilson Hal Dukes 5K Fun Walk/Run Talent Jam 2000 by Friday, September 29, at 5 p.m. to help make Madison magical. For ban- 9:30 a.m., $10 in advance/$12 at the door ner details contact Jill Zagora at zagorajd@|mu.edu 8 p.m., Wilson Hall, FREE Show your JMU Spirit and join other alumni and students in this annual Join UPB and JMU alumnus Mike Rayburn as JMUs most talented per- event. Proceeds benefit PRO-REC, a student organization. The first 250 formers compete for cash prizes and the coveted #1 spot Call 540-568- registered participants are awarded race bags and T-shirts. Call 540-568- M^Jay, Ot°Wr 2 6217 or visit wwwjmu.edu/orgs/upb for more details 8710 to pre-register and for additional information Registration will remain open until race day. Madison Magic Points The Annual Pre-Game Godwin Runs all week, at all Homecoming events Field Festival and Tailgate Let your club or organization DUKE it out for the most mage points! Magic points can be earned by attending, winning, or showing off your purple and Lee Denim Day 11:30 a.m. — 2:30 p.m., Godwin Field, gold spint at Homecoming 2000 events Winners receive great prizes for Contribute $5 to the Susan G Komen Foundation for Breast Cancer Field Festival is FREE your entire organization To register for the contest contact Juke Dennis at Research and wear denim as part of your purple and gold JMU attire E- Alumni, students, faculty, staff and families are invited to this traditional dennisjr@jmu edu mail questions to: Anne Simmons at simmonae@jmu edu or check out the Homecoming festival There will be something for everyone, including live Web site www leedenimday.com. entertainment and games Enjoy a menu of rotjssefie chicken, pork bar- Madison Magic Beach Party beque, herb-crusted roasted potatoes, country-style baked beans, Madison Ala-Car-Zam Car Chesapeake cole slaw, tea and dessert at the Homecoming Tailgate. Cost 4-7 p.m., UREC Courtyard, FREE is $10 per person; $5 for children under the age of 12. (Advanced payment 1 Kick off Homecoming Week Gather up your friends, a favorite faculty or Decorating Contest is required Contact the Office of Alumni Relations at 540-568-6234.) staff member, or your family and share in good food, great music and play 10 a.m., Around Campus, FREE volleyball There will be plenty of giveaways for all attending — dont forget Gospel Concert to wear your purple and gold! Call 540-568-8710 for additional information Always admiring other flashy cars? Want somebody to admire yours? Ala- car-zam!!1 With a little Madison Magic your car can be the object of every- Featuring the Contemporary Gospel Singers one's affection Enter to win an Al-Zone Parking Pass by decorating your 1 p.m., in Wilson Hall, FREE car m the true spirit of Homecoming Cars will be displayed all around JMU [uesJajj, O&Ler 3 on Friday Oct. 6, and winners will have the chance to strut their stuff in the Homecoming Parade Friday evening at 6:00 p.m.! Contact Jill Zagora at JMU Football zagorajd@jmu edu for more information. The Cripple of Inishmaan by 3 p.m., Bridgeforth Stadium, $18 Martin McDonagh Spades Tournament (Reserved seating only) Runs Tuesday, October 3 — Saturday, October 7 Come out early to Godwin Field for food, music, games, and 7 p.m. — 9 p.m., Taylor Hall 404 and 405, $5 per more, beginning at 11:30 a.m. Then grab your seat in 8 p.m., Latimer-Shaeffer Theatre — Duke Hall, $6 team (pay at the door) Bridgeforth Stadium to watch the Dukes battle Villanova. Get Set in Frank McCort's Ireland, this bittersweet comedy presents a cast of Are you skilled at playing cards? Grab a partner and win some $$! AH stu- your reserved tickets in advance by calling 540-568-DUKE. eccentric island villagers Have questions7 Call the JMU Masterpiece dents, faculty, staff and alumni are welcome to play spades The winning Season box office at 540-568-7000. team will win $100! Contact Dawn Smith 93 (h) 804-261-9333 or DSSO- Stepshow L01@aol com to register your team 8 p.m., Wilson Hall, $8.00 in advance (Warren Homecoming Parade Hall Box Office), $10.00 at the door Wc4ne«Jay, O&LeT 4 Feel the vibes with this Homecoming tradition — a syncopated and rhythmic 6 p.m., Carrier and Bluestone Drives, FREE presentation of dance and music Call 540-568-7960 for ticket information Sunset on the Quad (Advance registration required for floats) Stepshow After-Party 5 p.m., on The Quad, FREE Show your Duke Dog Sprit and capture the magic of Homecoming 2000! For the best view of Parade Magic, stake your claim at Hansen Field! Immediately following the Stepshow, Godwin Come experience the 2nd annual Sunset on the Quad concert featuring Advanced registration is required for participating floats. For more info con- JMU's premier a cappella groups and other musical performances In addi- tact Jenn Weiss at weissjj@|mu.edu. Gym, $3.00 with ticket stub from stepshow, tion there will be plenty of food and special giveaways for wearing purple $5.00 w/o ticket stub and gold For more details, e-mail Jenn Weiss at [email protected] Questions? Contact CMISS at 540-568-6636 NEWS MONDAY, OCT. 2, 2000 |THE BREEZE 19

This is a paid advertisement

Due to the serious concern students have expressed over the events that occurred on the first weekend of school, Friday, August 25th and Saturday, August 26th, the Student Government Association has been actively involved in investigating the concerns of both students and members of the Harrisonburg community. As a representative of student voice at James Madison University, the SGA is pursuing a greater understanding of the actions of both the police and students present at Forest Hills in the hope that these disturbing occurrences never happen again. We will continue to investigate the events of Forest Hills and the concerns of students, and to pursue the complete disclosure of all information related to the events of August 25th and 26th.


0. OWulvW^te^

If you would like to share your personal experience during the Forest Hills incident, please contact the SGA at X6376, at [email protected], or in Taylor 234- 101 THE BREEZE I MONDAY, OCT. 2, 2000 NEWS Do You Live In A Sardine Can?

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2 T 92 Green Valley Ln.,Mt. Crawford, VA 22841 (540)434-0309 NEWS MONDAY, OCT. 2, 2000 I THE BREEZE 111

JMU Homecoming 2000 UREC, UPB ifion & University Health Center Present: Ik <* *«* Jl Hora»coming Kick-Off * "4. * >>4 ' Madison Alagac Beach farfy -featuring-

Today Monday, October 2 UREC Courtyard 4-7 p.m. (free) Enjoy an evening of music, food, volleyball and prizes come and win Vertical Horizon Tickets or a Year-Long Movie Pass and enjoy Free pizza provided by Allthony S. (rain location: UREC atrium) For more Information on other Homecoming events visit www.jmu.edu/alumni/HC2 000.html

Be Sure to Talent Jam Vertical Horizon These Other w/ Mike Kay burn w/ Nine Days llimmilt PHUGHAM BO.Ulll Upcoming Events: TUrsday Monday ^^ IJct. 7 (Jet. 3Q UPB For UPB information visit www.upb.org or call x6217 II I * 121 THE BREEZE I MONDAY, OCT. 2, 20(X)



"To f/it* press a/one, chequered as it is with abuses, the ivorld is indebted for all tlie triumphs which liave been gained by reason and humanity over error and oppression." — James Madison

Editor Gina Montefusco Managing editor Alison Manser Ads manager Haylie Lum Photo director Carrie Klinker News editor Jen Bonds News editor Tom Steinfeldt Asst. news editor Richard Sakshaug Opinion editor Steve Glass Style editor Julie Sproesser Focus editor Amanda Capp Sports editor Andrew Tufts Asst. sports editor Travis Clingenpeel Copy editor Jennifer Surface Asst. copy editor Kristen Petro HOUSE EDITORIAL Photo editor Xris Thomas Photo editor Cindy Tinker Graphics editor Ryan Pudloski Putting a Band-Aid where there should be stitches Advisers Flip DeLuca It appears that, once again, JMU High Street and in that area contin- Breeze article. Alan Neckowitz has put a Band-Aid on a cut that ue to cross the treacherously engi- The university is moving SCOM requires stitches. Ouch. neered South Main Street, and courses out of Anthony-Seeger by For years now, students, faculty transplanting them would be a lot the spring semester, which is a step and administrators, have been hold- harder than it was to move classes in the right direction; however, the ing their breath as they hurriedly and offices out of Anthony-Seeger. fact still remains — there is a dan- race across South Main Street. gerous situation here and a solu- Last year, a horrific accident u tion is nowhere on the horizon. involving a JMU assistant professor It's time to rip off that Leonard VanWyk, an assistant EDITORIAL POLICY made it nearly impossible for professor of mathematics, read a administrators to ignore the pedes- Band-Aid, quickly and letter to the City Council which trian dangers of South Main Street. was written by his wife, Amy The house editorial reflects the opinion of the Note the word, "nearly." painlessly... Thompson, the assistant professor editorial board as a whole, and is not In what may have been the most necessarily the opinion of any individual staff of geology who was seriously member of the Breeze. ineffective solution to the South injured when struck by a car while Main Street problem, administra- crossing South Main Street on the tors moved Media Arts and Design So where is the solution here? Grace Street crosswalk. EDITORIAL BOARD: courses to the Modular Building, We're not sure exactly, but we "I'm surprised and dismayed that Gina Montefusco ... editor across Intersate 81. Besides anger- do know that the problem is that virtually nothing has been done" to Alison Manser ... managing editor ing hundreds of SMAD students, city and JMU officials are replacing improve the situation, he read. Steve Glass ... opinion editor this quick-fix didn't do much of the word "solution" with "sugges- And so, while JMU and city offi- anything. tion" and thus continually drag- cials continue to grasp for solu- Letters to the editor should be no more than Speech Communication courses ging out a permanent fix for pedes- tions, an entire summer has passed 500 words, columns should be no more than and offices remain in Anthony- trian safety. and we're halfway into another 800 words, and both will be published on a Seeger Hall, along with WXJM, the Last week, at a Harrisonburg semester, yet the extremely unsafe space available basis. They must be delivered to Bluestone and The Breeze. City Council meeting, council conditions are still painfully pre- The Breeze by noon Tuesday or 5 p.m. Friday. The Cl lot (gravel lot) also remains. members, residents and JMU pro- The Breeze reserves the right to edit for clarity sent. and space. And now, students are not only park- fessors hashed out a list of "sug- It's it time to rip off that Band- The opinions in this section do not necessarily ing there to walk across Grace Street to gestions," some of which includ- Aid, quickly and painlessly, and reflect the opinion of the newspaper, this staff, Anthony-Seeger. Many students are ed adding an additional cross- put those stitches in where they or James Madison University. using this lot to park and then cross walk, landscaping the median and are so sorely needed? South Main Street. installing barriers on each side of It's time to replace the word Residents who live on South the road, according to a Sept. 28 "suggestions" with "solutions." OPINION MONDAY, OCT. 2, 2000 I THE BREEZE 113 [HEPOISON PEN TERRENCE NOWLIN Jammed at JMU, and missing the way things were Every once in a while, after quiet It seems odd to me that they had trying for one space. Double parking as she swipes in student after student, hours, I will click my mouse a few enough space for freshmen in their has taken on a new meaning, explain- "accidentally" kicking the maximum times and my favorite playlist will respective residence halls last year but ing why a sport utility simply drives occupancy sign from the wall. begin thumping through the speakers they don't this year. Was a shortage of over and parks on top of another vehi- Not once last year did I have to of my strange green computer. I rock freshmen here causing such a major cle. wait in line for 20 minutes to have a with the tunes until someone below problem that they had to be import- I have seen an impact on my class- bowl of pasta fished out or a wrap screams, "Turn that crap off!" Obedi- ed in from, say, New England? es, as well. There are quite a few more prepared at Dukes. Now, waiting for ently, I turn off the music and I poke Unfortunately, even if Gilford's faces squeezed into the classrooms. less than 20 minutes at peak hours is my head under the bed to apologize to freshmen are plotting to kill me for One of my electives is a freshman Gen impossible. Dukes is now so crowded the freshman or transfer student living my room, there is no way to get rid Ed course (keep your laughter to a that walking through, you are more there. It's an embarrassing situation of them unless we can prove they are minimum). The freshmen come in likely to be felt up than a thigh on and I'm sure other on-campus stu- causing the roach problem. giddy about college life every day. prom night. dents have had similar experiences Gifford is not the only dorm being They are so fresh that they are green. I truly don't believe I am imagining this year. taken over by our freshmen friends. Somehow they manage to pack about things. Furthermore, I am unaware of Students at JMU know things have They are being greased up and slid 50 of themselves into a classroom fit JMU's motive with the increase in the gotten a little crowded here. Any vet- under the doors of many otherwise for no more than 30. My professor student population. Perhaps we are eran from last year looking around the upperclassmen residence halls. And casts his frightened eyes over the adopting Virginia Tech's technique, university can tell that there has been what about transfers? They're getting green haze with the understanding which involves placing a sign at the an influx of students over last year's prime scenic views from Greek Row, that a fire alarm would be lethal. I entrance to campus exclaiming, "47 seemingly meager population. This which has, in part, been transformed suggest he wear running shoes. billion educated." Why can't we focus swell or persona and character brings into the "Tree Houses" (I think some- Many of my other classes are similar- on the quality of our students educat- with it excess bodies that affect all one has to die or build a parking ly packed. ed, not the quantity, as this "all aspects of college-dom, from resident garage before these halls get really My final, and personally, most together one" university has been hall life to classes and even into our cool names). Perhaps I should check, important concern is the status of our known for in the past? precious dining facilities. but I don't think many of the transfer dining halls during mealtimes. To me, This year, I am a proud resident of students actually come from Greece, obtaining meals has become survival Terrence Nowlin is Gifford Hall, a "classmen" residence which leaves me stumped as to why of the fittest, as I bite and kick my way a junior SMAD hall. Last year, the word "upper" pre- they are living on Greek Row. to the chicken nuggets or soup of the major who sleeps in ceded "classmen," but this year, there Around the residence halls, pre- day. Traipsing the steps to D-hall a tent on the steps (where we are herded by the hun- are freshmen living here. They are cious parking has escalated further in of Wilson Hall demand. Outside of Gifford on the dreds), I would not be surprised to very nice, but I get the strange feeling when it gets too they are plotting to kill me so they can weekends, snagging legal room for find one of the card-swiping employ- steal my room and construct a bowl- your auto has become a life-threaten- ees standing outside with a large shoe- much for him and ing alley. All freshmen love to bowl. ing pursuit, dodging the seven cars horn, yelling "first come, first serve," bowls a 246.

Dart... Dart... A "thanks-for-almost-ensuing-a-riot" dart to the ship- Darts A "thanks-for-the-advanced-notice" dart to the univer- ping guys at Grafton-Stovall on Sunday. sity and the parking department for not telling early- Sent in by a group of irate and cheap movie-goers morning commuters that lot C4 was off limits Wednes- who ended up having to rent the movie at Blockbuster. day morning. and Pats Sent in by a group of annoyed seniors who wonder if Darts & Pals are submitted anonymously and the Summit Meeting was about parking problems at printed on a space-available basis. Submissions JMU. Pat... are based upon one person s opinion of a given A "thanks-for-all-your-hard-work-and-dedication" pat situation, person or event and do not necessarily to the brothers of Kappa Kappa Psi and the sisters of reflect the truth. Pat... Tau Beta Sigma. A "you're-my-hero" pat to Tim Reardon for keeping From a Marching Royal Duke who appreciates all me from falling into the stream when I slipped in the you do to help make us " Virginia's Finest." rain on Monday. Sent in by a girl who only wishes you had taken another minute to get her number. Dart... Dart... A "we'll-all-start-taking-you-seriously-when-you- An "I-hope-my-scarf-fits-you-like-it-was-supposed-to- start-acting-better" dart to JMU students, who want to fit-my-sister" dart to the person who stole my silk scarf be treated like adults but throw rocks at HPD officers, painting from the weaving room in Duke. urinate in public, lie drunk in vomit, destruct personal Sent in by a peeved student who hopes you realize and university property, incur weekly alcohol poison- how much time and effort was taken away by that sim- ings requiring hospitalization and exhibit overall inci- ple, mean action. vility and laziness in our classrooms. From an annoyed faculty member who thinks most JMU students are spoiled brats with too much money and time on their hands, products of parents who should be ashamed for making life too easy for them. Pat... A "thank-you-for-being-so-considerate" pat to the per- Pat... son^) at UREC who turned my silver elephant ring into A "way-to-be-creative-about-your-procreating" pat to the lost and found last Monday. our fornicating friends who took our welcome mat a lit- Sent in by a forgetful sophomore who was glad that tle too far. somebody else remembered to pick his ring up from the From the concerned welcome mat owners who were racquetball court. E-mail Darts and Pats to [email protected]. assured of your well-being when you flicked us off. 141 THE BREEZE | MONDAY, OCT. 2,20(X) OPINION

ATTENTION FACULTY m lp preserve Shenandoah Valley farm and forestland. open -pace and historic resources. Designate your contribution to the Valley Conservation Council #3814 through this year's Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign. Please write VCC's designation number #3814 twice: UmenleaDcnham. On your calendar now and on your pledge card later. Killed by a drunk driver on Good Friday, March 29,1991, at Become a VCC member through your qualifying gift CdBeff Park Drive and Hwy. 19 North in Meridian, Miss. e-*»i»,.. If you don't stop your fnend from driving drunk, who will? Do whatever it takes. www.valleyconservation.org E FRIENDS DON'T LET FRIENDS DRIVE DRUNK.

James Madison University We Have a Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs MSC7604 Harrisonburg. VA 2280? (540) 568-3685 New Exercise (540) 568-2338 Fax

Center. September 14,2000

Multicultural Workshop

Greetings! It is great to have the energy back on campus this fall, as we begin a new year at JMU. Last October, the Division of Student Affairs hosted a Multicultural Workshop open to (Open 24 Hours) the entire university community. Over one hundred students, faculty, staff and administrators participated in gathering ideas regarding how we might enhance our multicultural efforts. The event yielded excellent ideas, many of which have already been implemented and come to TRAX Concert line fruition. fte. (804)295-8729 TRAXis located at 122 I would like to invite all members of the JMU community to participate in our second 11th St Sw Charlottesville.VA Multicultural Workshop to be held on October 4, from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m., in Taylor 202. The www.Trax.rlc.net purpose of the workshop this year is twofold: (1) to provide an update on the progress we have Mon Oct. 2: Nine 2>ayl at/ 2)e*Je* made on items generated last year, and (2) to identify other issues that should receive focus and Qleeludt attention this year. Thurs Oct. S Kar( ftefiron'r Tinv Oniverse Last year, through the collaborative efforts of students, faculty, staff and administrators, the university made positive strides in the multicultural arena. Examples include: the decision to Fri Oct. 6: Peter Searcy UP/ LudwjToum cancel classes to commemorate the birthday of Martin Luther King, increased multicultural Sat Oct. 7 FIMITIXi; (SUAVITY programming dollars, and the implementation of new minority student recruitment strategies. Although we have made some progress, there is still much work to be done. Thurs Oct. 12. Lake Trout

Fri Oct. 13: Sunny Day Real During the 1999-00 academic year, the university identified a set of defining characteristics that cSstate w/ c-t\pl\ov\e we would like to describe JMU in the year 2008. One of those characteristics states, "The Sat Oct. 14 Mayflies USA & Gift University will seek a heterogeneous community to participate in a homogeneous JMU experience." The overall intent of the workshop is to enable us to move towards realizing this goal, as we advance closer to the centennial of our university. Wed Oct. 18: The Samples Thurs Oct. 19: Southern Culture on the Skids w/ FortyFives JMU is enriched through the different backgrounds, perspectives and experiences that our students, faculty, staff and administrators bring to our community. By working together, we can Wed Oct. 25: Elliott Smith w/ Grandaddy continue to enjoy progress and truly advance the learning goals of our university. ThursOct.26:|teilaThe Peacemakers*/ I look forward to working with you. Pnatness Sincerely, T\ies Oct. 31: Disco Biscuits Advance Tickets available at Plan 9, Harrisonburg Town & Mark J. Warner Campus Records or charge Vice President by phone 1-877-MUSIC77 Student Affairs OPINION MONDAY, OCT. 2, 2000 I THE BREEZE 115 EXCELLERATK JASON SLATTERY Could we please talk about something besides alcohol

Can we please change the subject? John or Jane Doe: "It's nine in the wrong, as a 21-year-old, I take full go fold my laundry. Take it easy." Over the course of my three years at morning!" advantage of my constitutional privi- Please alcohol talkaholics, for the JMU, I've had this conversation so I'm calling everyone out. Why in the leges from time to time, but alcohol love of mercy, give it a rest. How many times that I can give you the play world do so many JMU students inces- isn't my best friend. He's a casual many times do I nave to roll my eyes by play without a second thought. santly, talk about alcohol? Why? I guess acquaintance. I don't hang out with or say "Geez, not good" after you tell Have you ever had this conversation at after three years of school I should just him six days a week me how plastered you got on Saturday the bus stop? accept the fact and move on, but I still I don't care what you drank or how night before you get the point? I don't You: "What's up? How was your week- don't get it. There are always 10 million much you drank over the weekend. consider frequent drunkenness an end?" things going on in our lives, some of Still don't get it? Imagine this scenario admirable character trait. There is far John or Jane Doe: "It was awesome. We which are serious issues. So why does it instead. more significance and beauty in life went to a party on Friday, and of all come back to alcohol? You: "What's up? How was your week- itself than there is at the bottom of a course, I got hammered. I don't remem- Talking about alcohol in and of itself end?" bottle of Jack Daniel's. ber half the night, but what the hey, really isn't that big of a deal, but like John or Jane Doe: "It was awesome. On Obviously, not everyone is guilty right? We're in college." anything else, it can be, and on our Friday night I went to McDonalds. I here. There are several people that You: "Uh, okay (uncomfortable chuck- campus frequently is, done in excess. ate six Big Macs! It wasn't that bad don't feel the social responsibility to talk le)." If someone asks you how many kegs though. I think the chicken about when they drank and John or Jane Doe: "The drinks were so you're having at your party, that's not McNuggets really helped them stay what they drank. I may be good too. Jungle juice, jello shooters, a big deal. If someone tells you what down." preaching here, but let's and they even had kegs of Killian's. I kind of drinks he's serving at his You: "Excuse me, did you say you ate face it, this had to be was gone an hour after I showed party, that's not a big deal either. With six BL" said. up." that said, do I always have to hear John or Jane Doe: "Then I had a few You: "Yeah, anyway, this is my stop." about how drunk these people got at boxes of fries! I was so sick after- John or Jane Doe : "This is your stop? the party? wards, but who cares? We're in col- Jason Slattery is a We're at Blimpies!" Maybe my problem is that I don't lege right?" fourth year politi- You: "Uh, I'm hungry." drink enough. Now, don't get me You: "Rrrrriiiiight. Um, I need to uh, cal science major

BREEZE READER'S VIEW MICHAEL BUSTARD Eminem: to be or not to be a role model, that is the question One of the biggest issues in America he is saying, a lot of people might not Maybe there is another issue here. believe few good things come from the right now is the criticism of violence and like what he is saying but he has every Heck, Dr. Dre, lce-T and N.W.A. all said musical genre. What they fail to realize is morality in music and movies. Eminem, right to go ahead and say it. Where pretty much what Eminem is rapping that their children's generation has a one of the most successful rappers ever, would America be if people's views about now: drugs, violence and rage, but widened belief system but can still make has become one of the biggest targets of were deemed unacceptable because they never had this much public atten- rational decisions in the real world. all this hype. Many people do not care someone else did not agree with them? tion. I think it might be a race issue. 1 think the thing that best sums up for the lyrics of Eminem's songs because Now, many people will say that vio- When you look at who was outraged Eminem's views on the whole subject is they include violent undertones. Now, lence in music and other forms of media then, it was older, white, middle-class when he sings "I am whatever you say I anyone reading this should know what I influences children, young adults or Americans. These people could care less am." This points out two important am talking about, even if you do not care even adults to commit violent acts. This about what these black musicians were beliefs of the rapper — the first being for rap or Eminem. Why? Because this is a foolish argument in my opinion, rapping about, as long as it did not affect that no matter what he says, people matter concerns one of our basic rights, because I believe that it is a parent's (or them. Knowing that there is a legitimate, always have their misconceptions about freedom of speech. legal guardian's) responsibility to teach a marketable rapper of their same race, himself and rap music and the second • When I first heard Eminem's newest child what is wrong and what is right. I they fear their kids can identify with, belief is that he really does not care what CD, The Marshall Mather's LP, I knew that believe that I was raised well enough these people are scared. They were never anyone says, he knows who he is. If I am many people would be offended by that I can make the decision to listen to worried before because they never saw not mistaken, one of the main ideals that some of the lyrics. He talks about killing whatever I please. And I think my par- black rappers as an influence to their parents teach their children is to be sure the mother of his child and drug use and ents know that listening to rap that has white, suburban kids. of themselves and not to let anyone put violence toward other artists, just to "explicit lyrics" will not make me a drug Now that Eminem is saying what he them down. Sure, Eminem might not be name a few. I also knew that Eminem addict, a violent person or a murderer. If is, many people take that as a threat. a great role model, but you could do had every right to say everything he was parents think that this music might affect Why? Are they not secure in their own worse. rapping about. Sure, you might not like their teenage child, maybe they need to beliefs? They have such negative conno- what he is saying, I might not like what look in the mirror for the reason why. tations about the word "rap" that they Michael Bustard is a junior SMAD major. Want to work for the Best Non-Daily student newspaper in the country? Stop by The Breeze office in the basement of Anthony-Seeger or call x6127 to find out how

Spotlight Question: Would you let your momma date Coach Bobby Knight?

"My mom's not "No, because "Only if it's "Only if he beats ." he's dirty and 11:30 and the me like a red- he's too old for club is jumpin' headed stepchild." my mom." junipin'."

CAMPUS Sarah Hudson Craig Bryant Russ Meyer Steve Shepard SPOTLIGHT sophomore, kinesiology sophomore, ISAT sophomore, English BECKY GABRlEL/staffphotographer sophomore, GIS _i 161 THE BREEZE I MONDAY, OCT. 2, 2000 OPINION ■MHMIHIMHMaHillHHHIMMMIIIflllMlii :Wv:v:.w«<««* SALE RUNS OCTOBER 1-31

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PARENTS' DAY Oct. 25 & 26 NO BUDDY PASSES. 10 am - 4 pm 1 TICKET PER JAC\ Deadline Oct. 27 YOU CANNOT GET INTO THE GAME WITHOUT A TICKET! OPINION MONDAY, OCT. 2, 20001 THE BREEZE I 17 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Student responds to Turf ing in the footsteps of the block party smear, what a football game. It's almost humiliating to think that I will To the Editor: great way to give our campus another proud boost. be sitting next to a parent that has read this supplement. I picked up a copy of The Breeze on Thursday and Having been a resident adviser in a freshman resi- If anyone were to read each article, they would find flipped through the news articles, working my way dence halls for two years and this year acting as a hall that the supplement did succeed in proving that we towards the opinion section. My progress came to a director, this perception of the freshman class is com- haven't come very far with sexism and, in the spirit of quick halt when I came to a fully colored picture of half- pletely foreign to me. I get the strong sense that the class completely overgeneralizing, not very far with education. naked freshmen entitled Turf with the headline, "Fresh- was exploited for the sake of sensationalism in a Breeze I would like to kjiow where the information for this sup- men: are they as sexy as they seem?" Honestly, the first insert. If I myself were a freshman or the parent of any plement came from and at what point it was found to be thought that came to my head was "Ha, ha who slipped student that attended this university, I would be appropriate to brand this as indicative of all freshmen. I porn into my copy of the paper?" Laughing out loud, I appalled; it's disgraceful at best. am all about freedom of the press, heck, I am a SMAD opened the supplement to the "Contents" located right I would hope that the writers and editors of this major myself. I also love a good laugh just as much as next to the frontal view of a fully naked student covering insert were informed enough to realize that this supple- the next person. However, I don't feel that this should nothing but his genitals. It was at this moment that I ment closely followed a letter that was just sent to our be at the expense of generalizing a group of people and quickly came to the realization that this was a legitimate parents by JMU President Linwood Rose and Vice Presi- certainly not by focusing on nothing but negativity — publication, that someone had in fact actually published dent for Academic Affairs Mark Warner. This letter this supplement didn't contain one positive thing to say this. alerted parents of the severe alcohol and behavioral about living on campus at JMU. If this supplement was After reading over the articles, I decided that I would problems that plagued the opening of the university this for students, what students was it for? Not too many, take some time to congratulate the editors of Turf for year. In addition to this, the JMU Board of Visitors were from the responses I am hearing. nailing all two percent of the freshman at JMU. Follow- here this past weekend, along with hundreds of other Tara Hafer people from the surrounding community attending the SMAD/geology Send a Dart, send a PAT submit Darts and Pats to The Breeze office in the basement of Anthony-Seeger or e-mail them to [email protected] Welcome Back Alumni! Sandwich Specials EVERYDAY Crabcake Sandwich $6.25 Wings .25?! each BBQ Chicken Sandwich $4.95 So\d W doz or 1/2 d ^u (eat in only) « Fried Oyster Sandwich $4.95 Smokehouse Burger $5.25 All Sandwich Specials include I side of your choice Salads All you can eat Salad/Pasta Bar $4.99 Grilled Hot Dog & Fries Combo $1.95 Vegetarian Dishes Available

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The Bluestone The Yearbook of James Madison University OPINION MONDAY, OCT. 2, 20001 THE BREEZE 119

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STORY BY STAFF WRITER KAI SAFRAN International Week dazzles audiences while giving them a taste of different cultures through music, food, arts and speakers The third annual Folk Ballet performed, International the park was starting Festival at to fill up with a multi- Hillandale Park proved lingual and culturally to be the perfect start to diverse assemblage. the International Week The festival-goers celebrations at JMU. took time away from Hundreds of students the stage to sample mingled with the multi- the wonderful ethnic cultural masses gath- cuisine from countries ered at Hillandale on a such as Thailand, gloriously sunny day. Ethiopia and Russia. The day began with The high point of a performance by the CARRIE KLINKER/Photo Director the day filled with JMU student / teacher A piece of art by Osman arts, crafts, games, duo, N.U.M.B. The two food and music was Masrut is displayed at mixed deep beats and the Kurdish dancers. Hillandale Park during the clever turntable tricks The beautiful clothes, KAREN KUPELIAN/Contributing Photographer International Festival. with socially conscious intricate dances and Darryll Rose and Moziah Saleem make beautiful music together at the rhymes about spirituali- crowd participation African Drum Festival, which was moved to a stage at the Festival from ty and real-life struggles. Assistant was one moment that will go professor of sociology Nikitah down in festival history. It was the Commons due to rain. I main and senior Bill Fergus truly incredible to see such a tion about the culture of Mexico ments including djembe, sabar, (Deejay Poindexter) got the early diverse group all dancing in unity with an entertaining dance and berimbau, ashiko and a talking crowds hyped with their captivat- to the fine Kurdish music. costume routine highlighting the drum for a delightedly captivated ing live show. The following day again show- different regions of our southern audience. Harrisonburg-native reggae cased the talents of the Hispanic neighbor. The music was lively "Music is a shared form of com- stars Stable Roots, who followed, Folk Ballet at Wilson Hall. The and upbeat as the dancers let their munication throughout the found the crowds flowing in to expanded size of the stage and smiles and voices reach out to the world," said Christina Sanchez, dance and relax under the cloud- sound system uplifted the audi- crowd in a warm embrace. Assistant Director of the Center for less sky. By the time the Hispanic ence. The show combined educa- The founder of the ballet Multicultural / International troupe, Beatriz Amberman, spoke Student Services (CMISS). "Having about how to "treasure your cul- the African Drum Festival perform ture and keep it intact since immi- as part of Inter-national Week at grants want to succeed too, and we JMU was an uplifting and unifying can help by treasuring each other's experience that brought many peo- culture." The afternoon program ple together." demonstrated this point through Looking at the crowds fascinat- the stylish dances, the models dis- ed to the point of distraction from playing the clothing of the regions their lunches during the perfor- and the native Mexican music. The mance shows that our JMU com- Hispanic Folk Ballet performance munity truly appreciates the displayed the talents of the dancers power of music to bring people of as they contributed to the ex- different backgrounds together. change of cultural heritage crucial "We hope to have the financial to the International Week theme. support to continue to bring talent- Darrell Rose and Moziah ed performers such as Darrell Rose Saleem livened up the lunch hour and Moziah Saleem onto campus," at the College Center East on Sanchez said. "It would be won- Tuesday. Their African Drum derful to be able to develop a cul- Festival travels with an intoxicat- tural performance series to high- ing blend of percussive magic light various cultures on an ongo- across the United States to share ROBERT NATT/Senior Photographer ing basis at JMU." the rich cultural heritage of the The International Bazaar on Morocco's national ping pong champion, senior Rida Belkoura wows the audience with his original continent. The ensemble Wednesday, organized by Stacey ping pong skills on the Commons. played a wide variety of instru- Edwards of CMISS, resembled a MONDAY, OCT. 2, 20001 THE BREEZE I 21

BECKY GABRIEL/Staff Photographer Madeline MacNeil performed Celtic musical selections on the hammered dulcimer. multicultural version of Student Thai restaurant. They were fol- Organization Night. Many of the lowed by Charles Harris, professor international clubs, plus vendors of psychology, and Karen Harris, of worldly goods, spent their lunch who danced the tango and a waltz hour on the commons perusing the for the enraptured crowd. scene and listening to hip-hop hits. The highlight of the evening Against the breakbeat backdrop came after the meal when the JMU CARRIE KLINKER/Photo Director of the deejay, Morocco's national Folk and Ballroom Dancing Club ping pong champion, senior Rida strutted their stuff on the dance Belkoura, defended his honor floor. They opened their set with against any hapless players willing some energetic and uplifting to challenge his skills. pieces from Arabic There was so much and Israeli traditions. going on during the However, when they bazaar many people asked for some extra were asking why it dancers, no one only lasted two hours. expected the whole Perhaps next year room to get we'll see a day-long involved. Everyone bazaar similar to the was in a circle, mov- off-campus ing forward and International Festival back, spinning in Hillandale Park. around and clapping The culmination of to the beat of a dance the week was celebrat- from Brittany, ed on Friday evening France. in the PC Ballroom at Even Miramar, a the International belly dancer, whose entrancing move- Extravaganza. Imagine BRENNA BAILEY/Staff Photographer an entire night full of ments hypnotized the best food, music, the crowds, may not dancing and conversa- have topped the Moses Ndiritu, top, stands tion and you may be a audience participa- beside his African wood carv- little closer to under- tion earlier. She ings at the International standing the vibes at gyrated to Middle Festival. the affair. Since the Eastern music and performed several attendance was limited Harold HaKerman, above, of to 115, only the lucky dances, each people who got their increasing in intensi- Halterman Karate offers audi- tickets early were able XRIS THOMAS/Photo Editor ty and complexity. ences an Introduction to the One of the finest martial arts of Asia. to participate in the Alma Martinez captivates audi- diverse and engaging moments was when ences with her frank discus- entertainment that the she balanced a The Hispanic Folklore Ballet, sions about injustices in evening offered. sword on her head left, danced and educated Hollywood. while rapidly The sold-out audiences about Mexican extravaganza was a twirling in a circle. spectacular event as the third Now the festivities may be over, culture. annual International Week began but the energy generated over the to wind down. The musicians, last seven days has not been for- Gina Kudrav and Cheryl Tobler, gotten. The success of from the Department of International Week proves that our International Programs, and school has the resources, energy Angela Choi performed on a gui- and individuals ready to make tar, flute and panpipes respectively such significant entertainment and JANE MCHUGH/Senior Photographer to the delight of the audience dur- educational options available on a ing the meal catered by Taste of regular basis. wm

OPINION 221 THE BREEZE | MONDAY, OCT. 2, 2000 BREEZE Hours Mon-Fri 10am-8pm 574-0103 2035 E Market St ADVERTISING Sat 9am-7pm In the Circuit City& Toys-R-Us Plaza 11 EE TTTTT ■Manicure& Fill-in Acrylic $11"w/JAC Full Set J Pedicure 1 French Manicure | or White Air |$18"w/JAC We Kick Ads! |"Whirlpool Chair" Brush Included White Air Brush ($29 Regular) ($35 Regular) ($19 Regular) Mill MUM iBreeze 1 tTTTTn ReacMnc the James Madison Uni»crs*ly r community for over 75 years. We Have a New Awesome jame Room.


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The Power of Song "Clever listeners who can grasp their amazing lyrics may even be up for Student-directed play "Valley Song" was the heavy dose of spiritual jazz..." a success this weekend at Theater II KAI SAFRAN, STAFF WRITER Svv LL: see story below see story page 25 Student production of Irish play shows 'Valley Song' a success lives of villagers Honor, family and hope all important themes of play that in documentary BY KELLY MANION Ifocused on one girl's aspirations to find fame and herself contributing writer BY BRENNA WALTON died and the family discov- Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be on contributing writer ered she had left a child MTV's "The Real World" or "Road Rules," or the most recent "Valley Song" is the touching behind. Veronica had been -series "Survivor?" Have you ever thought about what your I story of a young girl who dreams in her grandparent's care life would be like if nearly everyone on the street knew your of leaving her small South African ever since. name and had an opinion about who you are? town to become a singer and the As the play continues, Well, plenty of people have ventured to find out, and mil- grandfather that wants her to stay Veronica's dreams of leaving lions more are waiting in the wings to get the opportunity to and follow in the footsteps of her town for the city to become have their lives documented on film. This is exactly what hap- ancestors. The show, which ran famous become more urgent. pens to the characters in "Cripple of Inishmaan," a play show- Sept. 27-30 at Theater II, contained She is secretly earning money ing at Latimer-Shaeffer Theatre, Oct. 3 to 7. far more than a girl who wants to singing on the streets on the This "bitter-sweet comedy," as described by the Master- escape a small town and a relative other side of town and mak- piece Season Box Office, is loosely patterned after a 1934 docu- who refuses to let her go. ing plans to leave. mentary by Director Robert Flaherty. The play is set in Nien-Bethes- When Veronica tells her The play takes place on a little island off the West Coast of [da, South Africa, which like most grandfather her plans to Ireland and centers on the eccentric island villagers who all rural South African villages, is leave, a compelling scene want desperately to be a part of a documentary being filmed [still essentially divided into two ensues where her grandfa- on the island. [areas by race. Seventeen-year-old ther loses his temper and Directed by Professor of Theater Roger Hall, "Cripple of [Veronica lives with her grandfa- reprimands her for disre- Inishmaan" stars junior Gabe Fry as 17-year-old cripple Billy ther, Abraam Yonkers, dr specting her ancestry by say- Claven, the title character of the show, junior Trinity Baker as "Buks," on their farm, where ing that she did not want to Helen McCormick, Claven's love interest who is constantly teasing him and is in general a very violent character. Claven's [they grow crops to sell on the spend her life washing white - T [other side of town. men's floors. two aunts, Kate and Ilene, with whom he lives, are played by Veronica, played by junior He proclaims that there senior Carolyn Bream and sophomore Hilary Mann. The local [Carole Jones, goes through her was honor in what her town gossip Johnny O'Dougal, played by senior Matt Horner, [daily chores, singing songs like grandmother did. Another also has a significant role in the course of unraveling events. 'Railway Bus" that she makes up angry scene follows in "Cripple of Inishmaan" is scheduled to run Tuesday [about leaving town and traveling which he discovers Veroni- through Saturday. [far away to become a star. Her ca has been singing for Tickets for the show can be obtained by calling 568-7000 or "Oupa"(oh-pa), as she calls him, money in order to pay for a by visiting the the Masterpiece Season Box Office, located in [played by freshman Michael train ticket to Johannesburg Harrison Hall, Mon.-Fri., noon-4 p.m. Sacks, tells her she mustn't and throws away her can [dream of such things because the full of change. world is harsh and he fears that He then tells her the truth "Cripple of Inishmaan" she will get hurt in the pursuit of about her mother running [her dreams. away from home with a man However, there is a story her parents disapproved of When: Oct 3 - 7 at 8 p.m. [underneath. There is a scene in after stealing all the money which Veronica, who never knew they had been saving over the Where: Lattimer-Shaeffer Theatre [her mother, presses her grandfa- years. Later, there is a scene jther for answers. She pries out of where Veronica and her JANE MCHVGWsenior photographer Cost: $8 for adults [him that her mother ran away grandfather are in church Junior Carole Jones played the role of Vic- jfrom home without any explana- together and in her despair, toria, a young girl with aspirations of $6 with JAC card tion and nothing was heard about she does not sing a word of musical fame. [her for a year until her grandpar- any of the hymns. When they adoring audience for an encore ents received a phone call from go home, her grandfather comes to were especially touching. [the hospital in Johannesburg. understand Veronica's need to pur- Sacks presented a moving By the time Veronica's grand- sue her dream after explaining to portrayal of his character's anger lother arrived, her mother had her that he feared she would follow at the past and fear of the future in her mother's footsteps. in the scenes where he repri- Veronica tells him she is going mands his granddaughter for to run away unless he lets her go. disrespecting an honest, humble In an emotionally charged closing life in wanting to run away on a scene, Veronica's grandfather risky chance. realizes her determination and The audience was visibly allows her to go. moved in the scenes where Jones and Sacks both gave emo- Veronica and her grandfather are tionally touching performances. in conflict and the scene where Jones provided a beautiful singing he finally lets her go. "Valley voice throughout the performance Song," directed by junior Rachel and the audience could hear her Kaplan, was a poignant portrayal character's need to follow her heart of a young girl's dream and the JANE MCHVGWsenior photographer in the songs she sang. The scenes strength it took on her own part KATIE MCLOUGHLIN/.5/«07>/!«toii{r(//./i


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^K< Behind •pVl.irO.UOTCpXpi £y Valley Mall STYLE MONDAY, OCT. 2, 20001 THE BREEZE I 25


Nobody Soulmates Future Loop Foundation vs. Break Division featur- There is no accurate way to describe the ing D-Flava Live in the Middle of Nowhere debut from the West Coast artist Nobody. The entire foundations of hip-hop, Hailing from the city of steel, Sheffield, UK, Mark Barrott start- breakbeats and jazz are still coming to terms ed playing keyboards at the age of 5. He finally got his hands on a with this underground assault on the senses. synthesizer in his early teens. As he came of age in the glorious Nobody mixes all these original beats as he days of acid-house culture in the '80s, Barrett's imagination and just lets go of all creative juices that welled up studio grew to include live drums and the influences of ambient, in him over the years he pushed instrumental jungle and hard house. Noticing that few drum bass outfits mix tapes out of his backpack. Now its his played live, Barrott toured Europe at all the major music festivals. time to shine in the spotlight of major-label His dedication to the remixes in his studio and the timely contri- promotion at Ubiquity. butions of LTJ Bukem, the father of drum and bass, and Goldie Anyone who spits lyrics or makes beats at pushed his career to the next level. home can attest to the endless hours of work The live recording here features the guest emcee D-Flava, it takes to master the art of freestyle hip-hop. noted for his spontaneously creative flows that spark the audi- Nobody builds on this tried and true formula ence's imagination and eardrums. Break Division provides the and adds some guest emcees such as live scratching that spices up the delicious breakbeats from Bar- Medusa, Freestyle Fellowship, and Abstract rott. The turntablism and mixing displayed on this live album, Rude to liven up the disc. Clever listeners along with the uplifting rhymes from the gifted emcee are a sure- who can grasp their amazing lyrics may even fire combination for success. All together the Future Loop Foun- be up for the heavy dose of spiritual jazz that dation provides for a captivating hour of permeates the album. breaks and lyrics that only a true UK act — Reviews by Staff can deliver. " writer Km Safran Hollywood offers fall movie-goers a variety of films to choose from this October BY ZAK SALIH Ryder, literally. "Lost Souls" has her playing ex-demon host www.regalcinemas.com or by calling 434-7661 for Regal contributing writer Maya, who, using her past experience, searches and con- Cinemas 14 or 434-7107 for Valley Mall Cinemas, It's the time of year when leaves begin to rum color fronts the man whose body will be taken over by that and the heat of summer finally dies down, paving the grandaddy of horror film villains: the Devil, himself. way for colder temperatures. Despite all this change, one "The Contender" (Oct. 13) — Political races are thing remains static: movies. dirty, we all know that. So it's no wonder that Though October has been known to lack the block- when a woman (Joan Allen) runs for vice presi buster power of the summer months or the holiday season, dent, secrets from her past beginto rise to the that hasn't stopped Hollywood, which has cranked out surface and jeopardize her race for office. enough films to please as many tastes as possible in the Gary Oldman, the master of the vitriolic hope that perhaps the stigma of October can be reversed. villain role, plays the senator deter- Here are some of the features to be released but mined to bring the truth to light and first, let's all say the golden rule together: Release Jeff Bridges is the president. dates are subject to change so make sure to check the "Pay It Forward" (Oct 20) — local listings. This film smells of Academy "Dancer in the Dark" (Oct. 6) — Singer Bjork steps Award desperation as past into the acting arena in the role of a Czech mother who, winners Kevin Spacey and on the verge of losing her sight, struggles through her Helen Hunt, along with nomi- factory job in order to save her son from the same dis- nee Haley Joel Osment, help ease. Bjork and director Lars Von Trier won prizes at the to change the world for the Cannes Film Festival for their efforts. better by "paying it forward." "Meet the Parents" (Oct. 6) — Robert DeNiro, who How does that work, you ask? lately hasn't been choosing his roles wisely ("Rocky and Find out on Oct 20. Bullwinkle"), hopefully will make a turnaround in this "Blair Witch 2: Book of comedy as the father of Ben Stiller's fianc£, determined to Shadows" (Oct. 27) — It's espouse any dirt about his future son-in-law. Directed by back into the woods for Jay Roach ("Austin Powers"). another round with the Blair "Get Carter" (Oct. 6) — Sylvester Stallone's back in Witch. This time, the colorful this remake of the 1971 film as a mob enforcer searching group consists of a Wiccan and to solve the mystery of his brother's death. Michael yet another documentary director Caine, who originally played Stallone's role, also stars. and his crew. The only problem "Dr. T and the Women" (Oct 13) — another Robert Altman is: Do we really want to ruin the ensemble film, "Dr. T" puts gynecolo gist Richard Gere power of the first film? against a plethora of women — Helen Hunt, Farrah Fawcet, October has a lot to offer for fall Laura Dem and Liv Tyler. movie-goers. Make sure to check the local "Lost Souls" (Oct. 13) — Things get hot for Winona listings for show times either on line at OPINION 261 THE BREEZE | MONDAY, OCT. 2, 2000

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You would not be forfeiting your self-respect Advice for life on love & relationships necessarily, because you say that you're looking for just a physical relationship now, too. If what you One to remember n ¥ Rose u n really want is a long term relationship, then I >j*>*** o,V wouldn't bother with a guy like that. It's all up to 'Remember the Titans' brings • you. Good luck! local hereos to the big-screen Dear Rose, BY SCOTT KING movie occurs when the Titans # When I came to JMU last year, my high school contributing writer return back home and have to o boyfriend and I decided to stay together. I loved face the reality of the world. c "REMEMBER THE TITANS" 5 him very much and couldn't imagine making it Eleven-year-old Hayden through my freshman year without him. Every- RATED PG Panettiere,who plays Cheryl thing was going great for the first couple of RUNNING TIME: Yoast, the daughter of Coach V^klOWS* months. He came to visit every weekend and we, 100 MINUTES Yoast, had the most endearing > um ... christened almost every building on cam- i> ***** role. The veteran Disney and *. rf* After some missed phone calls and a M.I.A. Academy Award winner the part of a nine-year-old (missing in action) weekend, I became very suspi- Denzel Washington, is extra- who is more obsessed with cious. When he asked me if he could take another ordinary in his new mo^^g football than her father is. She Send Rose your questions girl to his fraternity's formal I said OK because I "Remember the Runs," his brings something special to~ to [email protected] trusted him. The night of the formal, I found out second adaptation of a true the movie and *'very time she that the girl he took was not just another girl, but story in two years. The appears she says something to — TTiis column is for entertainment purposes only. his other girlfriend. I was devastated. Unfortunate- movie is jne of those feel make you laugh. ly, I couldn't get it through my head that it was good movies where you Another strong pcmt about Dear Rose, really over, so every time I came home from college, leave the'theater smiling and "Tilm is-ftsjnotabfl sound- I dated this guy last summer, but it really did- I would hook up with him again just so that he'd be feeling very content about track. The sorrj^^ive the n't work out. We had a very steamy relationship, cheating on the other girl. It's been a year, and I still paying to see it. movie so much life aoAfeeling you know, the kind where you can't keep your hook up with him every time I go home. I date Washington ptavs that the music alqjle vias like hands off each other, but we ended up breaking other people here all the time, but I still can't get Boone, la football vine an addjtfona^cqaracter up because I wanted more and he wanted to keep over him. What's wrong with me? assigned to head up a ne\\ it on a physical level. — Heartbroken in Harrisonburg integrated squad at T. sic and We didn't exactly break up on a good note con- William*MHigh School JS not sidering he was only after one thing. I thought I had Dear Heartbroken, Alexandria, Va With his dri Hertain- gotten over him, but when I see him around with all Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with you. sergeant, coaching s*|Je Boone \ber the these different girls, all 1 can think of is the time I I guess the first thing you need to ask yourself is is a coach who is no^jnly ev/rything: spent with him. I see him all the time and he's whether or not you are over him yet? It seems to teaching his team to play FOOT drama. It always flaunting the fact that he's with someone me that you could still be harboring feelings for ball, but also respect and how touches on the topic of racism new. What should I do? Physically, we were great him because of the terms surrounding your to get along with each other and manages to keep a PG rat- together, but would 1 be risking my self-respect to break up. Maybe you continue to hook up with during tense times. ing. There was even a scene get back together with him for just that reason? him because of those feelings ... you're still try- Will Patton costars as Bill during which the girl sitting — Lusting for Love ing to hold onto something that may or may not Yoast, a white coach that is up next to me had tears running still be there. for the Hall of Fame. He loses it down her cheeks. *- Dear Lusting, You should examine whatever feelings you have all when he is replaced by It was amazing how well A lot of people at this age, both men and women, to help you figure out what you need to do. I would- Boone. However, Yoast "Remember the Titans" was are only after one thing. Sometimes a relationship n't suggest getting back together with someone who decides to stay on the coaching received by the audience. like that can work if both people only care about the cheated on you, but if you care for him, who am I to staff at T.C. Williams, working We were all compelled to physical aspect. If you can continue with him with- tell you no? On the other hand, you sound like you under Boone. cheer and clap in unison out raising those "commitment" feelings again, then haven't had any problems getting other dates. Don't For two weeks Boone and when certain scenes com- maybe it can work for a while. But do you really let this guy make you feel like you're doing some- Yoast take their team to a foot- pelled us to. It is rare when want this kind of relationship, or do you just miss thing wrong. You're young and there will be plenty ball camp where, as a group, you can see a movie and him because you're jealous that he is intimate with of other guys in your life. Just have fun right now. they grow and truly become a experience something with other girls now? — "Rose" is a sophomore SMAD major. team. The real drama of the the audience as well.


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// you would like an event featured in 'Style Weekly,' send a letter do Style section; Anthony-Seeger Hall; MSC 6805; JMU; Harrisonburg, VA 22807; include date, cost and location of the event. Compiled by TASHA HARMON/sta// u/riter ' SlYlE 281 THE BREEZE | MONDAY, OCT. 2, 2000 iiYmiiSiiKiS^

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Working te /"" tetnte fmi MONDAY, OCT. 2, 2000 I THE BREEZE 129

'He knows how and when to ■ Rapid Rivers use his talent." Reggie Rivers is making waves this season for JMU soccer. TOM MARTIN Page 31 soccer coach on Rivers JMU cruises past Tech Dukes overthrow BY AARON GRAY back of the net. contributing writer The offensive pressure didn't Senior striker Brandon Wright let up as the Dukes marched tallied two goals in the Duke's 4-2 down the field and continued the Monarchs, 2-0 victory over rival Virginia Tech in assault. In the 22nd minute, front of a packed house at Reser- senior mid-fielder Randy Steep- BY KELLY SCOTT the corner that followed as the voir Stadium Wednesday night. row (one shot, two assists) lined contributing writer The win marked the sixth-consec- up JMU's third corner kick of the Dukes pushed up their offense, and sent another utive victory over Tech and game. Steeprow found freshman Women's soccer finished upheld JMU's undefeated record defender Rob Overton on the off the Old Dominion Univer- threatening shot at ODU keep- sity Monarchs Friday night in er Tonya Dedmond within the of 7-0-1. near post as he snuck a low shot a 2-0 victory. next minute. "Probably no team will finish past Kibler. Without even regis- this thing without a loss," coach tering a shot on goal, the Hokies The Dukes set an aggressive Even a yellow card didn't tone as freshman Christy Met- Tom Martin said. "We were for- were already behind 2-0. shake the Dukes' momentum zker ripped off a shot in the as they matched the Monarchs tunate to get off to a good start Sophomore keeper Josh Kov- first minute of play. and we've had a couple of big olenko had another stand-out stride for stride in aggression Sophomore Meredith and possession. wins this season." performance with 79 scoreless McClure also took advantage Right from the start, JMU minutes in front of the Duke The Dukes created many of the first minute as her shot strikers had the Tech defense on goal. With 15 minutes left in the scoring opportunities the rest MATT C\R\SELLAIstaff photographer soon after Metzker's sailed of the first half by breaking their heels. In the first 10 minutes, half, he tipped a unexpected Junior Reggie Rivers provided just wide of the goal mouth. through the ODU defense. senior Atle Rognerud and Wright header shot over the upright key defensive play in the win. had an array of shots off numer- while backing up, contributing to ODU had its turn to shoot Often the Dukes passed or in the second minute, but took an extra step when a shot ous mid-field crosses, but just his three saves on the night. defenders claimed he was off- starting JMU goalie, junior could have been made. Several couldn't convert. "Josh is playing well right sides, but the goal stood, giving Suzanne Wilson easily crosses were sent, but no one The defense, led by junior now and is getting some experi- the Dukes a 3-0 lead. scooped up the opponent's could put them into the net. Carl Younis and junior Reggie ence," Martin said. "The guys With 38 minutes remaining, rolling shot. "We still have to work on Rivers out-sized the slower in front of him are helping him Rivers was streaking down the Less than 10 minutes later, getting numbers into the box," . Tech offense and won most out too, they're a strong unit middle of the penalty box when sophomore defender Colleen junior defender Noreen Van balls in the air. The defensive back there." he was tripped from behind, Mcllwrath lifted a pass to der Waag said. dominance shut down Tech and At the half, the Dukes had resulting in a JMU penalty kick. junior forward Teri Joyce who Towards the end of the first created numerous counter total control of the game, out- Wood collectively beat the out- showed the ball ODU's far half, the team moved the ball strikes for the mid-field, con- shooting Tech 12-6 with a two- stretched Pinkerton (four saves) post as the Dukes pulled around a bit slower than trolled by senior David Wood goal cushion. Tech subbed in to the left corner. ahead 1-0. before after a corner kick near (one goal, one assist). senior keeper Ben Pinkerton, but JMU gave up two charity In the 38th minute, ODU's the seven-minute mark, but t With 29 minutes left in the that didn't stop the Duke offense. goals in the last couple minutes corner kick landed within the they still worked back up the first half Wood and Wright The Hokies came out of the gates of play. Tech forward Fred Silva JMU goal mouth, yet a field for another shot on goal. would work together for the first strong with three quick but slop- had both assists as he hooked up defender sent it out of The Dukes began the second goal of the game. After collecting py shots. Their physical play with freshman Hohn Havas on a bounds. Wilson asserted her the ball at mid-field, Wood lofted landed them numerous fouls as corner kick with 7:41 remaining see SOCCER page 33 authority and punched out a dangerous ball into the penalty they accumulated three cautions and he found freshman Mike box for Wright. After beating his on the match. Tomoro on a long ball scoring defender, Wright took advantage Wright scored a controversial from four yards out with 59 sec- of keeper Colin Kibler's untimely goal in the 51st minute off a long onds left. commitment with a header in the throw-in from Steeprow. Hokie On Saturday the Dukes trav- eled to American to face off against an Eagles team that has taken JMU to overtime in three of the past five meetings. Scoreless through regulation the two teams were 5:42 into the first overtime when Steeprow sent a chip cross into the box that found its way to the back of the net to give the Dukes a 1-0. With a 8-0-1 record, Martin and the rest of the team are look- ing forward to making some noise for the rest of the season. But they have a hard stretch ahead of them with away games at American University and the University of Virginia this week. The biggest game of the year is waiting for them Oct. 4 at sixth- ranked Virginia. "We haven't had Virginia on our schedule in a couple of years," Martin said. "I honestly think they are talented enough to MATT CbRSELLAJslaff photographer win the national championship, Junior Brandon Wright celebrates one of his two goals scored against so we're just going to give it a JESS FOSSh I' I /contributing photographer Virginia Tech on Wednesday. Wright now has 25 career goals for JMU. shot and see what happens." Sophomore Meredith McClure has eight career points for JMU. 301 THE BREEZE | MONDAY, OCT. 2, 2000 STYLE MMMMW MMMMNMM VALLEY r»COLLEGE THE PUMPKIN PATCH NIGHTS To New Wednesdays LANES Market Tons of Pumpkins! U pick! 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• (squeak, squeak) SPORTS r MONDAY, OCT. 2, 2000 I THE BREEZE 131 Rivers runs through opposition Junior soccer midfielder is proving the old adage that speed kills BY PATRICE SEKO contributing writer field are commended. His friends Whatever you do, don't blink. describe him as funny and the You may miss the lightning-quick kind of guy who can hang out speed of junior Reggie Rivers. His with any group of people. outstanding performance playing "He's a nice guy with a great midfield has made him quite an personality," friend and fellow asset to the JMU men's team as he soccer player sophomore Chris continues his third season. Pitt said. "And he's really fast on "He knows how and when to the field." use his talents/'coach Tom Mar- Rivers speaks highly of his tin said. "He's a threat, he's a teammates also. dangerous threat." "Soccer guys are the best," Rightfully so, his opponents Rivers said. should feel threatened. In high That sort of comradeship has school, Rivers was named three- glued the Dukes together. Not time All-Patriot District and only do they spend plenty of two-time Washington Post All- time on the field, but they also Metro. In addition, he was an spend the majority of their free all-region player as a senior. time together as well. With this That alone should leave rivals type of cooperation, fellowship shaking in their cleats. and teamwork, the Dukes have In 1999, his first year as a produced an exceptional win- starter at JMU, he tied for second ning season. JMU is currently on the team in goals. among nine unbeaten NCAA Division I teams. Rivers started playing soccer when he was 4 years old and has Off the field, Rivers' love is played every season since. his black Camero, which is a direct reflection of himself. The "Usually, when you are young you play soccer or base- fast, sleek auto represents every- thing he displays on the soccer ball," he said. "I can't play base- field. And he isn't afraid to tell ball so I decided to play soccer." you about it either. And,even though he has Put simply, "I like the participated in soccer for almost MATT CARASELLfiJstaffphotonrapher speed," Rivers said. all of his life, he definitely has As for the remainder of the not lost the love for the game. Junior Reggie Rivers has three goals this year for the *0-l Dukes. His biggest game came against St. Francis where he scored two second-half goals to lead the Dukes to the victory, 2-0. season, he believes that the hard- "Soccer has to be the best est challenge will be against the sport," Rivers said. other sports, including bowling, Senior David Wood, the team Present assists, future goals University of Virginia on Oct. 4 which he enjoys in his spare captain, agreed Rivers' speed is because of their reputation. The need for speed time. At Robinson High School an asset. Rivers has been extremely Rivers is not worried, though. in Fairfax, Rivers displayed his "His defending up and down successful during his soccer "They have everything to But, like most athletes, Rivers speed as a freshman sprinter on the flank also helps tremendous- lose and we have everything to extends his athletic prowess to career and hopes to be success- track and field. ly," Wood said. ful in his future career. He plans gain," Rivers said. "I just like running past peo- So far this season, Rivers on majoring in sociology but ple," Rivers said. has utilized his speed to assist remains unsure of what occupa- This talent for running has in three goals. He notched his tion he will pursue. If all goes undoubtedly stuck with him first one against Rhode Island well, he hopes to join the Major through the years. Fortunately, it and drilled another two Soccer League or play for an A has emerged as a giant asset for against St. Francis. His parents league team after he graduates the Dukes. proudly witnessed these in 2002. "He brings a wealth of accomplishments. Although the future remains speed and quickness to the "My parents come to every ambiguous, one thing is certain. team," Martin said. home game," Rivers said. Rivers' reputation on and off the ROILIN' ON RIVERS CAREER STATISTICS Year GEZGS Qaals Assists Points QSi

1998 20-0 0 1 0

1999 20-20 17 1

2000 9-9 0

2000 NOTES

MATT CARASELLA/staff photographer Scored two second-half goals in Dukes' 2-0 win over St. Francis MATT CARASELLA/«a#photographer Rivers became a full-time Named to Vanderbilt/Puma Classic All-Tournament Team Rivers was named to two Alt- starter last year and had 6 Named to George Mason/Kappa Classic All-Tournament Team Tournament teams this season, goals, 5 assists in 20 games. in George Mason and Vanderbilt. SPORTS 321 THE BREEZE | MONDAY, OCT. 2, 2000

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! i CRADLE MTN. c Participants with Trigon Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Qual ChoiceA/HP, Cigna, rrS3 EAST 433-7201 NTXTTOSHONETSINN Amalgamated, & Medicare SPORTS MONDAY, OCT. 2, 2000 | THE BREEZE I 33 CONSIDER THIS- n^n* Y 7— DAN BOWMAN Jeers to alllt you "bandwagoneers" Why Nelly is jumpin' the wagon and you should keep clear of it If therethpTP is onenno fhinrrthing about ,1-,. ,..i Ibeing : a //I ■ •/ true sports fan that irks me more than "bandwagoneers," at least in the bas- best regular season record in hockev ketball world is ''well the Wizards you cfn almost be assured thai and why I even became a Yankees anything, it is the "bandwagoneers." fan, and not enjoying the fall classic You know the type: This summer S n haVe Ne y S r tS Would have as I should. upupTea team.m ' AAnothernoth backupK"S*" team? ^ streets" ' of °°L.A. and not St. Louis *•»the Next they were trading in their Tim Dun- For the most part though, this arti- h r tin8 hC k f r t0 be can jerseys for Shaquille O'Neal jer- Wiz> CrTtecl r p °° <'7 u ^ '°° ° »«* -Porting the cle is being written to all those people h y 3re 3Wful but neW in st |e red Ya seys, proclaiming that "they've fhPv'vl I \ i ' 'y " y "ks cap because who wore Dallas Cowboy starter jack- always been Lakers fans." They are they ve got the man running the he's always liked New York, but also show upstairs now, so things should wearing Cardinal's colors ets in middle school and burned them the millions of St. Louis Rams fans be getting better in a shortly thereafter. This also goes out who just emerged from the depths of few years. The"bandwag- to those Bulls fans who seem to have oneers" whom I the cellar after all these years. And But some fans just -u vacated the planet as of the last two they are the most annoying people on can't wait a few years. despise the most are years. For those of you who gave up earth to watch any sporting event Or if they can, they There really is no feeling the ones who accuse on Terrell Davis because "you knew with. Period. simply don't show it the true fans of he was only a flash in the pan," I urge I myself am a diehard sports fanat- at all until their team better than to say you've being bandwagon you to get a real team, and stop root- fans. Where do they ic. I watch everything from the NBA starts winning again. ing for whomever will pad your fan- stuck it out with your team get off throwing (who's a bigger Knicks fan than me, Take, for example, rap tasy stats on a weekly basis. There stones at true fans, right?) to women's professional bowl- superstar Nelly in his really is no feeling better than to say through thick and thin. when they can't even ing — basically as long as it will keep hit video "Country you've stuck it out with your team name four non- my interest. But I also know how to Grammar." Yeah I through thick and thin, and that final- starters on the L.A . pick a team and stay with it. Just to know he's from St. ly they have come through. On that Lakers? (And Phil prove my point, I will willingly admit Louis, but how easy is » note, my real favorite basketball team that I am also an avid Philadelphia Jackson doesn't it for him to wear not only a Rams jer- count — he's the coach) is the Western Conference All-Stars. Eagles fan. Now who today has the sey, but also a Cardinals and a Blues guts to admit that? Us Yanks fans get it all the time. jersey? Pretty easy, considering all Heck, I get it from my own roommate But then there are those fans that three teams were or are basically at Dan Bowman is a - «H jump around from team to team each tK« >^„ „« .i. 77 ' "' *•»*•every■/ ;"iyear aiierafter thetne Worldvvora series.Series. sophomore SMAD major year, hoping to look like they simply MarkMrrw£ ^ C SP°urtS The Usual,y ^ the time the fi^l game who acknowledges that made the right choice a long time ago Mark McGwire excuse can be used rolls around (which would be game for the timing of the Cardinals jersey. four in Yanks vernacular) I'm £ Jeffrey Maher reached when they started watching sports. A into the field of play common excuse used among all Clearly though ,f the L.A. Kings miserable because I've been defend had won the Present's Trophy for ing myself the whole time as to how and thus interfered. Atlantic-10 Soccer Game Day MEN'S SOCCER WOMEN'S X-COUNTRY downs A cross by senior Randy Steeprow JMU participated in the lona ended up in the back of the net 5:42 into Meet of Champions on Saturday Standings overtime Saturday and gave JMU a 1-0 and made a strong showing, fin- over-time win over American. ishing sixth out of the 22 teams A-10 Qveral) W)P ft Monarchs, JMU held the advantage in nearly that competed with a team score Delaware 3-0 4-0 1.00 every statistical category, including shots of 166. Villanova 1-0 3-1 .750 on goal, in which the Dukes had 11 and Richmond 1-0 3-1 .750 Individually the top finisher for James Madison 1-0 3-1 corner kicks, in which the Dukes had six. the Dukes was junior Michelle .750 2-0 New Hampshire 2-1 4-1 .800 Smith, who placed 12th out of 187 UMass l-l 2-2 FIELD HOCKEY .500 SOCCER, from page 29 runners. Smith ran the course in a William & Mary 1-1 2-3 .400 time of 21:18.9. Senior Liz Sanders has passed the Northeastern 0-2 3-2 .600 half challenging the goal net. They 100-point career scoring mark. Senior Keisha Banks finished Maine 0-2 2-3 .400 Rhode Island 02 0-4 finished firing a final shot with 55 Sanders is currently ranked in the top right behind Smith in 13th place .000 with a time of 21:20.9. seconds remaining, causing Ded- five in the country in four individual mond to bat the ball backwards and statistical categories. Last Weeing Rwwltl out of bounds. On Saturday Sanders had a hat-trick MEN'S X-COUNTRY Once again, the Dukes proved the Brown 29, Rhode Island 19 to power the Dukes past LaSalle 7-0. second half would be no different JMU followed it up on Sunday by beat- On Friday JMU's B team finished Hofslra51.UMass36 ninth out of 19 teams at the Delaware 42, Northeastern 0 releasing a shot in the first two min- ing Temple 5-1. Sanders registered a utes and would put the game away hat trick for the second day in a row. George Washington University Richmond 30, Arkansas St. 27 Invitational with an average time of William & Mary 31, Maine 28 when freshman Christy Metzker 27:12.44 amd a score of 248. James Madison 24, New Hampshire 13 passed to freshman Marisa Lemme VOLLEYBALL In the lona Meet of Champions on the left of the goal box who then JMU kicked off its weekend by on Saturday, JMU finished sixth snapped the ball center to Joyce. out of the 24 men's teams that Joyce one-touched the ball past Ded- cruising past UNC-Wilmington 3-0. Saturday's schedule Senior Karla Gessler reeled off 14 were competing with a team score mond, securing the Dukes' lead with of 187. kills in the 15-10, 15-5, 15-6 win. Delaware at Richmond 15 minutes remaining. ODU never Individually senior Mike Fox fin- rallied back. The Dukes suffered their fourth Rhode Island at William & Mary oss of the year on Saturday when ished second in a field of 216 run- "One of the labels we had earlier ners with a time of 24:35.9. Villanova at James Madison hey lost to East Carolina 15-10, 15- was inexperience ... this is the first Senior Eric Post placed 32nd in UMass at Northeastern '3, 14-16, 15-8. game we played [together all] 90 ■ Junior Larissa Daily led the way the meet, running the course in a time of 25:28.7. minutes," Coach Dave Lombardo i^ith 16 kills in the defeat. JMU hosts said of the team's cohesiveness. WV&M on Friday. Junior Brian Reutinger finished 46th overall with a time of 35:40.3. The Dukes travel to Richmond to . 2. face the Spiders next Wednesday. j 341 THE BREEZE | MONDAY, OCT. 2,20(X) SPORTS

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Group Fitness Yoga Session II Session III Oct. 10-31 Nov. 7 ■ 28 Tuesdays Tuesdays 4 -5 pm 4-5 pm Cost: $20 per session Adventure Intramurals Climbing School Raggetpall Dqgples Oct. 9 & 11 Entries due Oct. 2 - 5 Outdoor Leadership DOUBLE DAWG DARE YA... Play dates Training Oct. 11 -Nov. 16 Sun, Oct. 8 7 - 8:30 pm Fitness & Nutrition Duke's Homecoming 5K Fun Run/Walk Mandatory Diet Zone Pre-Race Meeting Massage $10 pre-register, $12 race day Diet Fact and Fiction 9:15 am Studio Opening Oct. 9 7 - 8 pm Sat, Oct. 7 Sign up early for all programs at the Program Registration Desk! Soon! For more information call x8700 or visit www.jmu.edu/recreation SPORTS MONDAY, OCT. 2,20001 THE BREEZE 135 CHARGING THE MOUND JEFFREY CRETZ Reaction: Romanian gymnast robbed I haven't really been focusing on the silver medal in the vault and the team Press article. "(The IOC) thought it was tions like this," as reported in an Associ- Olympics in Sydney, Australia this year gold medal. better to exaggerate and forget the ated Press article. for a variety of reasons. Simona Amanar, Raducan's team- most beautiful sentiment of the It makes people wonder how far oth- But I have been keeping up with the mate who originally won the silver Olympics — tolerance." ers will go to get something they want. latest highlights: Gail Devers pulling medal was elevated to individual Although I don't agree with the IOC's The Romanian doctor not only lost his out of the 100m hurdles, USA baseball gold-metal status. The remaining decision, I understand where they are job, he forced Tiriac in a position to quit, defeating the heavily favored Cuban Romanian gymnasts on the team coming from and I realize that they are he put Amanar in a position to retire, his national team and USA women's soccer returned their medals in protest of not able to make exceptions. If every- actions stripped Raducan of a gold losing to Norway in the finals. But I the IOC decision. thing in the world medal, and his actions put a damper on decided to write about an incident in I really do — was the way it Romanian gymnastics. I know what I gymnastics that most of you have prob- sympathize with -a should be, Radu- saw and in my heart I know who ably already heard of: an incident that Raducan. She (The IOC) thought it was better can would be the deserved that gold medal, even though directly affects a teenager from the basically had her gold medalist. Her she can't wear it on her neck. European country of Romania. dream bluntly to exaggerate and forget the doctor was sus- The Romanians were threatening to The Romanian delegation absolutely taken away from pended through sue over moral damages caused to Rad- swept the world with their performance her for reasons most beautiful sentiment of the the 2004 summer ucan and the Romanian delegation. I'm in women's gymnastics. Their star gym- that were out of games in Athens really not to sure about whom they will nast, Andreea Raducan, who just turned her control. She Olympics — tolerance. and has probably sue and what judicial body will hear 17 on her return trip from Sydney, did something lost all credibility this case if it does indeed go to court. became a topic of conversation almost that she had done — Octavian Belu Rumanian gymnastic coach in the international Hopefully, we'll find a way to make instantly. She had won the individual blindly for years: sporting arena. sure those who took a drug purposeful- gold medal with tremendous stunts and trust her doctor. , » Romanian ly will be punished, and those who unbelievable accuracy. Raducan is not to Olympic Commit- unknowingly ingested one to take care She was stripped of her individual blame here. But tee President Ion of a cold won't. gold medal because pseudoephedrine rules are rules. And to make the Tiriac had earlier imposed a life-ban on (a banned stimulant found in cold pills) Olympics dope-free, there can't be any any Romanian athlete who tested posi- was detected in her system. The pseu- exceptions. The world, her country and tive for drugs. He has supported Radu- doephedrine pill is an over-the-counter even Raducan herself know that medal can since this mess began and has Jeffrey Cretz is a cold remedy that was prescribed by the is hers. But, facts are facts here: pseu- agreed to step down as to not open him- sophomore SMAD Romanian team doctor. The Interna- doephedrine is a banned stimulant, self up to attacks about making excep- major who placed ' tional Olympic Committee (IOC) Raducan is an Olympian and she was tions about his life-time ban. He did say, fourth in the men's acknowledged that the drug gave her caught with that drug in her system. "Maybe the person who replaces me rhymthic gym- \^^ no competitive advantage. Although "We have five medals, but we will be smarter than me and include nastic singles she was stripped of her individual should have had six," Romanian Coach some clause (in the doping suspension competition . —«»» medal, she will be allowed to keep her Octavian Belu said in an Associated rules) so we don't have ridiculous situa- with a 37.625. aMlfMU i ■

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Wednesday, October 4 7:30pm -$15 Scott Murray Call For iger Thursday, October 5 Homecoming Wednesday 434-8777 | Coffeehouse Information 41 Court Squar* L^ Sponsored by WMRA 90.7- FM H»t*ortMB.VA?2801 ■niKA Splatt 432-1179 HOROSCOPES CROSSWORD PUZZLE Today's Birthday — You may discover something new in your neighborhood this year. You may also get to visit distant shores. This ACROSS ought to be interesting! In November start with a list of things you 1 2 3 4 5 6 / 8 9 ■ •(> 1 12 1! 1 Flowed back want to accomplish. You won't have to go far to find adventure in 6 Studio apts. 14 15 I '<> December. Tell someone who knows you well your crazy dreams in 10 Club fees February. If you work together, you might make a few come true by 14 Welsh dog 1/ 18 June. Mind your manners to gain wealth in July. Keep a secret about 15 Medical fluids 20 21 ■22 ■ ?3 money in September. 16 Cross letters 1 17 Lion's laments ■ ;M * 26 Daily rating: 10 is the easiest day, Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) 18 Fill too tightly 0 the most challenging. Today is a 9 — Today is ?/ 28 ■ 30 ■ 19 Dutch cheese ■ an 8 — You're clicking 20 Short-handed Aries (March 21-April 19) 33 34 i right along, making an 23 Ike's command 35 36 ■ 38 3S ^^ Today is a 7 — Having to even greater impression 24 Implement ■ , go back to work on such than you realize. It's not just ■1.) WMF a nice day is a pity. If you what you know; it's also what 25 V-shaped TT ]T JJ // can fmci a wav around it, you're learning. insignia 43 44 45 you probably will. There might 27 Tempesch. be something only you can do, so Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 21) 30 Mr. Brummell i 49 >0 don't drop that out. Don't spread ^ Today is a 6 — Money's 32 Sponsorship 51 52 53 1 55 yourself too thin, or you won't ■ available, but it's not 33 Slow-witted do a good job at any of it. steady. Something about 35 Ski tow 56 ■ 57 58 59 60 61 it's bouncy. You might 37 Santa Maria's Taurus (April 20-May 20) 1 even think you have more than sister ship 62 63 My 64 . Today is a 6 — A carefully you do. Better count it before you 40 Miami's county -M- Jj^Li c.ik-iil.Ui'd risk could pay spend it. 66 ^^Joff, but your timing has to 41 Bay on the I English Channel be perfect. Better late than Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 69 early, and if you have to wait 21)—Today is a 7— 42 Russian ruler ■ I until tomorrow, OK. You have a ^* You're sensitive and car- 43 Editor's directive ■ I good chance of winning, but the /■L ing, but a little eccentric. 44 PartofUAR. path is full of chuckholes. " " You may not know what 45 Remain in place you'll do next. You're keeping facing into the SOLUTIONS TO LAST WEEKS PUZZLE: Gemini (May 21-June 21) the others guessing. That's part wind 5 Get undressed Today is a 7 — You of the fun, but show compassion. 46 Actor Julia 6 Moving stairway think you're communi- One person deserves an explana- 48 Record 7 Simple plant s T O P s E s P N_ c H A P cating well, but some- tion. 50 Ho or Budge %body else doesn't seem 8 French currency A W A R E G L E E H A L E 51 Rhine siren 9 I'll have what he's to get it. Instead of doubting your Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) P O K E " n O A M O L G A 54 Earl Grey and having T 1 abilities, be patient. The other Today is a 7 — Recent l E L E P n O|M]P 1 E R oolong 10 Conk out E person's liable to change to your -4£ changes may impact A L 1 E N A T l |u|s E R S 56 Alias letters 11 Smaller than side, just when you least expect mJ^k'' your plans. Review the S Y D N E Y| |H 1 s R 1 O it. **^w project before plunging 57 Exceptionally normal P L A p 1 E C E S A N boldly forward. Work you're cheap 12 Poetic Muse S| M | E | R R O R L E s; S ■ Cancer (June 22-July 22) involved with could bring a lot of 62 __ Hari 13 Neil or Paul L A S A H E A C L A P Today is a 6 — Work revenue, but make sure you're on 64 Architect 21 One Stooge D| E L K G T A R O N looks kind of tricky. A the right track before proceeding. Saarinen 22 M.B.A. or Ph.D. O S G 65 India's first Prime 26 Leonardo's 0 B E S|E| A I A L A N T A breakdown's quite possi- Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) ble, so take care. Some- Minister birthplace T A L K|S|H 0 W H 0 S I _^ Today is an 8 — You're 66 Topmost point 27 Contributes A N T I O M A R R E S thing you've recently learned iHh fascinating, and you A c 67 Up 28 Bench or bucket may not work as well in practice M^K have an interesting R I O T W 0 R E c H 1 L E as it did in theory. 68 Linda or Dale 29 Not given enough ■/» V person charmed. D A N S L 0 D E k Y D 1 E Actually, you may have two or 69 Facet credit 1 Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) three. Avoid confusion and keep 70 Fast jets :abbr. 31 German sub Today is a 7 — You them as friends. They'll sort 71 Bo or John 34 Stiff bristles 41 Pallor 55 Kitchen strainer '£\. should do pretty well, themselves out. 36 Bird of 'The Rime 45 Well-educated 58 Formerly, ^^K although it may not be DOWN of the Ancient 47 Eskimo knife formerly ■ the way you expected. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) 1 Light beige Mariner" 49 Liveliness 59 Scorch You're learning all the time, so Today is a 7 — Expect a 2 Benefit 38 European 51 Actor Fernando 60 Sea eagle watch and listen as somebody -little confusion, as 3 Actor Pitt defense assn. 61 Twilight does a big turnaround. 52 Giraffe's cousin

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',- MONDAY, OCT. 2, 20001 THE BREEZE |39

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Log onto TeamMagma.com looking for electric rhythm and Table Soccer. 5686127 after 4:00 p.m. 433-4867. or call 1-877-866-2462. guitarist, 560-0222. 1 800 426 7710 Attention Alumni: Get the latest in-depth campus news twice a week Subscribe now to keep in touch

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i —■■ oar/A authors id Borgenicht ow to avoid shark attacks no dozens of other disasters.

Firsi Time Buyer's Guide: Handheld MP3 players What is blogging? Olympic collegians The latest Iremde la Saul High-tech toys Tracking online hate groups Web site leatare review: Ireebie sites Also reviewed: soarknotes. fashion planet, activism.net, dietsite, youlirst. shoutcast. dictiooary.com, go-girl PERSONALITY PROFILE

Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook authors David Borgenicht and Joshua Piven How to escape from By Erin Dionne a mountain lion You're on a plane going home for Thanksgiving, when suddenly the pilot keels over. What do you do? If you've read David Borgenicht and Josh Piven's The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook, you're all set: remove the pilot, take your place at the controls, call for help, and identify the instruments. Whoever is on the other end of the mayday call will help you land. Traveling in the jungle for spring break and step in some quick- sand? No problem—float on your back and use a pole to leverage yourself out. Attacked by an alligator? Cover its eyes. Worst-Case will help any college student successfully escape the harrowing situations encountered in most action movies and on the Discovery Channel. It was one of the top-selling books on campuses last spring, and a year after publication it's still on Amazon.com's best seller list. A desk calendar is available, a sequel, Worst- Case Travel Scenarios, is due out in spring of 2001, and the authors are planning a Worst-Case College Scenarios.

David Borgenicht

Age: 32

Company: Book Soup Publishing, a book produc- tion company

Home: Philadelphia. PA

School: UPenn. Major: History. Minor: English, with a writing concentration Upon sighting a mountain lion, do not run. Inspiration for Worst-Case: Read a magazine article about how to land a Do not crouch down. Try to mafa yourself appear plane if a pilot lost consciousness larger by opening wide your coat. Pop-culture inspirations: "The A-Team," Indiana Jones, "MacGyver"

Quote: "People want to know how to do this stuff, not because it'll ever happen, just because they enjoy reading about it."

Joshua Piven

Age: 29

School: UPenn. Major: English

Home: Philadelphia, PA

Family: Married—his wife works at Penn

Occupation (besides author): Computer journalist and web site designer

How he researched the book: "I emailed and sent letters to people, telling them they'd get credit for their responses. With the sequel I got a much faster response."

Book's web site: worstcasescenarios.com

Quote: "We've tapped a whole vein of armchair adventurism—along with people's paranoia and neuroses.''

Visit steamtunnels.net to read actual scenarios from the book and for more information on Piven and Borgenicht.

2 steamtunnels.net Sfeamtunnels MEET THE STAFF O www.^lv.inituniK'K.nel Erin Dionne Corporate Maria Hilaga President & CfO-Robert Desmond Campus Representative Senior Editor Chief Operating Officer-Joseph Freeman University of Central Florida Chief Financial Officer-Peter Catalino As the Senior Editor for Vice President of National Adverti'ing- Steamtunnels, Erin Mark Businski Maria is a junior majoring in English and MIS Director-David Stifter Creative Writing with a minor in Political writes and assigns sto- Office Manager-Jesse Lee Science. Maria keeps Steamtunnels' UCF ries for the magazine. Editorial site up-to-date with She's also in charge of monitoring the Editor-in-Chief-Robert Desmond Managing Editor-Keith Powers great events, photos news content on Steamtunnels.net and Creative Director-Audrey Borowski and an extensive finding great web sites for us to review in Senior Editor-trin Dionne Events Editor-Molly Delano local bar and restau- each and every issue. Production Coordinator- Thomas Webb rant guide. Check it Contributing Designers-Jason Fairchild, Sue Cell School: MFA in Creative Writing from Contributing Writers-Michelle Aguilar, Adam out! Emerson College, 1999; BA in English and Baldwin. Melanie Farmer. Erica Feick. Cina Fraone, January Gill. Amanda Hill. Dan Johnson, jason Age: 20 Communications from Boston College, Lowenthal.Tamar Maor. Nick Montfort, Bob Mucci. 1997. Mac Randall. Cenevieve Robertson, Stacey Hometown: Fort Lauderdale, FL Shackford, Michelle Silver, |ack Teems, |ohn Walker. Before Steamtunnels: (like there was any- Karen Zierler Interests: Reading, Anime (Japanese ani- thing before Steamtunnels) Erin worked in National Advertising mation), surfing the Internet, and WWF Account fxecuti've-Eli S. Belil the College Marketing Department at Account Executive-Kay Dendy Favorite Web Sites: Anipike.com, Houghton Mifflin Co. in Boston. Account fxecufiVe-Francis). Fitts rajawwwf.com, himeya.com, Sales Associate-Lisa Bruckenstein Favorite Web Sites: salon.com, animenation.com, astroadvice.com Sales Associate-Usa M. Karl nuttysites.com, cnn.com, redsox.com Regional Marketing Managers Future Plans: Maria's planning on getting Northeast-Andrew Gregory Dream Car: Chrysler PT Cruiser Southeast-Saul Lookner her Master's in Creative Writing, another Mid-Atlantic-David Mars degree in Animation, and then moving on Southwest-Peter Maugeri Obsessions: Boston Red Sox, BC football Midwest-Tony McRoberts to write a few best-selling books and ani- Little Known Fact: Erin also writes fiction West Coast-Matthew McRoberts mated specials for HBO. Web Development for adolescents Directors of Web Development-Aaron Bell, Lawrence Centilello. Tuyen Truong Online Editor-Wendy Marinaccio Content Manager-Brian Mackle On the Cover Graphic Designer-Sanford Arisumi Steamtunnels' Dorm David Borgenicht (left) and Joshua Piven, Editorial Advisory Board photo © AP Photo/Rusty Kennedy Darryl). Brehm-University of Illinois, Chicago Decorating Contest! Kathryn Lawrence-University of Texas, Austin Is your whole room covered in purple Brendan Maher-Soyouwanna.com, Inc. Photo Credits Stacey Nail-Cal State Long Beach velvet? Does your idea of decor include Page 4, from top: Troy Dumais, ©Mike Laurie-Ann Paliotti, M.Ed.-Brown bar mirrors and twinkly lights? Show us! Blaise Provitola-Florida State and Florida Powell/Allsport; Seilala Sue, © Brian Ronald Spielberger-College Media Advisors. Send Steamtunnels a picture of your deco- Bahr/Allsport: Cabe Jennings. Andy Executive Director rated dorm and we'll award a prize to the Lyons/Allsport; Clarence Vinson, © Al Alan Waters-West Virginia coolest room out of all entries received Bello/Allsport. Steamtunnels' is a publication of by October 13, 2000. Email digital pic- CollegeWebGuide.com. Inc. tures to [email protected] or send Copyright © 2000 All Rights Reserved them to Steamtunnels, 220 Boylston St, Steamtunnels Poll Ste. 302, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467. Each Should hate groups be CollegeWebCuide.com, Inc. week we'll post our favorite entries on Main Office censored on the Internet? 220 Boylston St.. Suite 302 our site for you to check out. Click on Chestnut Hill, MA 02467 steamtunnels.net for complete rules and Go to steamtunnels.net tel (617) 964-5060 submission guidelines. fax (617) 964-5065 and let us know. [email protected] Advertising Sales Empire State Building, Suite 3920 350 Fifth Avenue In next week's issue Nave fun, earn cash! New York. NY 10118 Steamtunnels personality profile: Alt- tel (212) 404-7455 Steamtunnels is hiring campus repre- fax (212) 404-7460 rocker Beck has it all—critical success [email protected] and the ability to sell records. sentatives and sales reps at each of Web Development our affiliate college newspapers. Web site reviews: Live web cast sites, 37A 29th Street Check out steamtunnels.net for San Francisco, CA 94110 study sites, music- tel (415) 401-1560 more information. fax (415) 206-1409 Plus: The digital divide, Taking a year off, the latest FPS video games, Digital DJing, Email your resume to Email: You can send email to any Steamtunnels staff and lots more member by typing the person's first initial and last [email protected] name, followed by @steamtunnels.net. steamtunnels.net 3 Sydney 2000 Student Olympians to Watch Dozens of electronics companies are By Erin Dionne providing high-tech toys for the next generation of consumers. Portable CD Troy Dumais players. MP3 players, cell phones and wire- U.S. Diving Team less pagers are becoming increasingly com- University of Texas, Austin mon on college campuses—but At 16, Troy Dumais won his first national championship in the they're boring in comparison to 3-meter springboard event and narrowly missed diving for the U.S. in some of the other products on the the Atlanta games. He followed that up with being named the U.S. Diving Athlete of the Year market. in 1997. Now a junior at UT/Austin. Dumais is one of only two divers from the U.S. to com- pete in the men's springboard event in Sydney. His road hasn't been easy this year—at the Fisher Space Pen Olympic Trials in June he fell ill with 2 kidney stones hours before the finals. Tolerating the The Fisher Space Pen pain, he made his last 6 dives and more than earned his place on the team. (store.thetech.org/fisherspacepen; "I told myself if I was able to walk, there was no way I wasn't diving. I put in too many $19.95) is no ordinary pen—it years of training to just step out.'' was designed for use by astro- nauts. It can write upside down, SeilaSa Sua under water, over grease, in extreme cold and heat and is U.S. Track and Field almost guaranteed to outlive you, UCLA with a shelf life of 100 years. Seilala (pronounced Say-la-la) Sua's winning discus throw at this year's U.S. Olympic Trials was 216 feet, 2 inches—which Robomow would have earned her a bronze medal at the 1996 games in If your yard is huge, and you've Atlanta. The throw catapulted her onto the U.S. track and field got better things to do than push a noisy team, and earned her a national title. A UCLA senior majoring in mower around, the compact Friendly Sociology. Sua is a fierce competitor and has her sights set on gold in Sydney. Robotis Robomow (productopia.com; "In big meets I know I can turn it on. I'm very competitive. Competitions are something I $795) is a great gadget. The little yellow love. I love track and field, and I just want to spread the news about it." lawnmower will mow your lawn for you and uses touch-sensitive bumpers to stay within Gabe Jennings the perimeter. U.S. Track and Field Stanford University Cabe Jennings took the NCAA Championships in the indoor mile and the 1500-meter this year, proving that he's one of the best middle-distance runners in the U.S. In Sydney he'll be competing for gold in the 1500m race. A senior at Stanford, Jennings is as well-known for his quirky behavior and his non-traditional childhood as he is for his running. (He grew up without a TV, and his family generated their electricity using hydroelectric and solar power. They also only ate food from their garden.) "I started running to school when I was five years old. School was two miles away. I was in a real rural community. My nearest neighbor was a mile away. My dad would have me run to C-pen Scanner school and he'd bike behind me, making sure I had good form." The C-pen (cpen.com; $249) may be the coolest scanner ever. Use the pocket- Clarence Vinson sized, handheld device like a digital high- lighter and it will capture text from almost U.S. Boxing Team any source. It's actually a minia- N. Michigan University ture digital camera that uses In February, Clarence Vinson placed first at the U.S. Olympic Optical Character Team Trials for bantamweight boxing, defeating challenger Aaron Recognition (OCR), which Garcia in the finals and earning a spot on the U.S. team in Sydney. :urns what you scan into Nicknamed "Untouchable" for his quick punches and movements in workable text that you the ring, Vinson boxes in one of the lightest categories—ban- can easily transfer to tamweight—and tips the scale at 119 lbs. Crowing up on the inner-city your laptop. It comes streets of Washington, D.C., Vinson lost friends and family members to street violence. Now a with a built-in calen- student at Northern Michigan University majoring in business management, Vinson sees the dar, 1000-contact reward of years of hard work and training. address book and "Boxing is my ticket to doing something positive with my life, instead of negative." • memory capabili- ty for 3000 For profiles of more student Olympians, go to pages of text. • steamtunnels.net and use keyword "Olympics." 4 steamtunnels.net Perfect for websurfing and email. Sign up for FREE Internet access, or use your current ISP. Ethernet connection and 56k

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OIM ill In Mm IMMI (mat Do you blogP Hot just personal home pages, wed logs reflect their creators' character. By Marc Gerard

Blog. Its a strange word, isn't it? Sounds kind of like a race of think and hope others will identify with, or maybe disagree and beings in Star Wars, or the name of a punk band. But in fact teach me a thing or two in the process." a blog is something quite different. And it's hard to classify blogs, or pin them down, because Imagine if you could take your journal or diary and make it a they're always changing, said Meg Pickard, creator of the blog web page, complete with your thoughts on life, some guest "Not So Soft" (notsosoft.com/blog). appearances from your friends, some links to your "For me, a web log is constructed in the favorite sites, and anything else you came across. It act of updating. As soon as it stops growing wouldn't be perfect, it might not always make sense, but and changing, it's dead," said Pickard. "When it'd be you—honest, unedited, and one day at a time. I write my web log I'm being me, digitally and Well such a site exists. It's called a blog. sequentially. And publicly. My web log is a The word is an abbreviation for "web log," and that way of constructing myself in digital form." about sums it up. A blog Blogging isn't anything new, say its prac- is simply a regularly titioners. And though some have referred to updated site. And while blogging as a new type of journalism, or even a work of art, that's a pretty basic idea, these bloggers don't think those terms fit. blogging has triggered "Blogging started as a way for people to publish their com- an Internet phenomenon: mentary about specific web sites, or other aspects of the Internet, a different breed of web but it grew so far beyond that so quickly that it's almost impossi- site that pulls together ble to define now," said Rabi Whitaker, a student at Swarthmore ramblings, thoughts, College and creator of "Wockerjabby" facts, links—anything (wockerjabby.com). "I don't think blogging and everything that the as a whole is an art form any more than web has to offer. For small talk or political debates are art forms. some it's an online journal, for others it's a newspaper or a "Blogging is, at its core, a whole lot type of self-portrait. of people talking to each other in public "Blogging, for me, is a healthy channel to share my frus- space," said Whitaker. "If anything, it's a trations," said Patrick Lao, a student at Wesleyan University gigantic social science experiment, where and creator of the blog "I've Seen Better Days" we are all the participants and observers (rlao.web.wes leyan.edu). "Some people vent by smoking at once." and drinking, or working out. I vent by blogging." So where do you find these bloggers? Vent he does, and so do others on his site. Visit Lao's blog and All over the Internet, really; type the word "blog" into any search you'll find anything from words of the day—like falafel—to rantings engine and you're sure to come up with more than you can possi- about his life, to pictures and links. It's random and subject to bly sort through. Lao's mood and interests at the time. The sites you discover Look at these popular blogs to or create might not be see what it's all about:

Larkfarm.com/weblog_ "When I write my web log I'm being me. digitally and sequentially. And madness.htm publicly. My web log is a way of constructing myself in digital form." Evhead.com Sixfoot6.com "Blogging is a ritual," said Lao. "A blog is like a Pokemon. It slick or regularly updated, Highindustrial.com must be fed daily, groomed, and occasionally used to lambaste but they will feel real. other people." Perhaps that's why people Underachievers.com The concept means different things to different people. Visit seem to enjoy reading Electrobacon.com/apathy the popular blog "Robot Wisdom" (robotwisdom.com), and them so much. you'll find a list of links to quirky sites. Kottke.org, meanwhile, is "I'm not doing any- To create your own blog, a popular diary-entry blog. And other blogs fall in between. This thing unique here," said check out these sites: is one of the concepts behind blogging, said Jared Dunn, a stu- Dunn. "I'm just spewing Blogger.com dent at the University of Illinois, and creator of the blog Entropy out harebrained ideas (students.uiuc.edu/~jddunn/entropy). when the urge hits me. Pitas.com "My (blog) is quite aimless, really," said Dunn. "It's just a pub- Some people seem to like Newsblogger.com lic venue for me to sort myself out, to get my ideas out there it, though. Who knows somewhere to connect with people. I don't try to keep any sort of why, exactly?" • Weblogs.com focus at all. I find that rather boring and limiting. I just write what I

6 steamtunnels.net musicmusicmusicmusicmusicmusic Prof Psychology 101 De La Soul Art Official Intelligence: Simple tips for getting along better with your professors. By Emile Andre Mosaic Thump (Tommy Boy) Showing up for class, paying attention, ble with a professor, don't overreact. By Tony Green taking notes, doing the work, passing Always try to remedy conflicts with faculty the tests—this should be enough for members first. If the problem remains a good grade. But good social skills are unresolved, seek advice from your aca- Hip-hop career strategies often lean toward the sure shot—namely, find sometimes as important as good study demic advisor, a student support services out what works, and keep at it. Part of skills in getting through a staff member, or check your the problem is the genre's quick trend tough class. Here's some Make sure the student handbook for the turnover, which impels a lot of artists to try practical tips to help you professor knows proper complaint protocol. • stand out. to make their loot while the making's good. But this "follow the latest trend" method First off, make sure the your name. Putting For more practical tips on doesn't easily accommodate artistic professor knows your name a face with a name dealing with professors, go growth. De La Soul's protean approach has and something about you. to steamtunnels.net Putting a face with a name is is a big help, allowed them to age better than many of a big help, especially if your especially if your their contemporaries. grade is borderline. grade is borderline. The group's fifth album, Art Official Every professor has Intelligence: Mosaic Thump, doesn't sound ,h office hours, and since they like the work of a group in its 13 year. have to be there, you might Rather, it sounds like the work of three ver- as well take advantage of them. Dropping by a professor's office gives you a chance to see what they're like out of class, to find out what else they might be interest- ed in. and most importantly, give you a chance to stand out in their eyes. Make up an excuse to visit: You can clarify something on the syllabus, or discuss the choice of a term paper topic. DG LCI SOUL And if you receive a low grade for ART OfMCIAL INILl.LII.LNLt MOSAIC- IHUMI' something, you certainly can discuss what went wrong on a test or with an assign- ment. You can always visit a professor before a big exam, to clarify what the overall approach will be. It's also a great chance to warn a professor if you need to balists who have mastered the art of seri- miss a class, or if you've missed one ous fun, are relaxed enough to abandon the unexpectedly and have work to make up. often theme-oriented approach of past Relationship building is especially , and are confident enough to let important in your major and minor depart- What irritates their muses follow their own whims. On ments—these are instructors you'll likely professors and some tracks, like "My Writes" and "Oooh." see over and over again before you gradu- they trade lines with a bevy of high-fiber ate. So get acquainted: ask for course instructorsP guest stars (Redman on the latter, Xzibit planning advice, or seek out special help and Tash on the former). (Chaka Khan, for career development or finding a 1. Sleeping in class Busta Rhymes and a couple of the Beastie Boys also guest on different tracks.) worthwhile summer internship or job. If 2. Brown nosing you already have a certain interest area in Crackpot skits like the recurring "Ghost your major or minor, let the professor 3. Not going to class Weed" shtick show that the group's oddball know—there might be a project that you edge didn't depart with Prince Paul. And can get inside information on. 4. Lack of responsibility while they've added some R&B sheen to their boom-bap, their puzzlebox rhymes Some classes are tougher than oth- 5. Not reading the syllabus ers—these are the professors you should and ironic lyrical twists ("All Good?" "The be seeing regularly. Don't be afraid to ask 6. Excuses Art of Getting Jumped") remain intact, for copies of previous exams—a profes- showing that time, change and experience sor who doesn't want to share exams will 7. Asking irrelevant questions can't keep de la Soul's best features from shining through. • just say no. And if you get into real trou- SOUK P: II.IK li.irls.t om/k< allege I .htm

steamtunnels.net 7 Hate.com Hate groups lure recruits online. By Stacey Shackford

The Internet has the potential to change Tracking Hate our world for the better by informing HateWatch was and connecting people in a way that no formed in 1996 to other technological innovation can. monitor and catalog However, as surfers connect online, hate groups that use building a global community, the dark side the web to recruit of the Internet is gaining ground. and organize, and From the Ku Klux Klan to the American maintains a lengthy Nazi Party to sites that advocate rape, mur- list of hate sites. It der and racism, the Internet is a breeding also features inter- ground for hate. Many of these organiza- views with leaders of tions lure visitors with seemingly benign web hate groups who sites that don't reveal their violent under- admit that the belly until you get three or four pages deep. Internet has been a Online hate ranges from groups of boon for them. Holocaust deniers to truly frightening pro- The proliferation pagandizes like the Christian Holocaust, of hate online has which advocates the killing of all Christians attracted the atten- to ensure "a clean genetic slate for future of tion of civil rights the human species." The American Nazi activists and aca- Party and the American Skinheads sites are demics alike. At not far behind in recruiting visitors to join Emerson College in Machado was convicted of sending threat- their "battle." Boston. Prof. Robert Hilliard, author of the ening e-mails to 60 Asian students at the Mark Potek. spokesman for the book Waves of Rancor: Tuning in the Radical University of California at Irvine. Montgomery, Ala.-based Southern Poverty Right, is teaching a seminar called Hate.com, The good news: just as most Internet Law Center (splcenter.org), says the which will examine how hate sites market to users tend to withdraw from social activity, Internet has made it easier for anyone to youths and other potential recruits. many individual haters who retreat to the preach intolerance and reach a vast audi- The bad news about hate online: such Internet are not actively engaged in the ence. In the past, a Klansman would have speech cannot be controlled. movement in other ways, the SPLC reports. needed to put out a substantial effort and a Stopping Hate That means that although the propaganda lot of money to produce and distribute a According to the Anti-Defamation they are spreading may be offensive to pamphlet that might reach 100 people, says League (adl.org), Internet speech that is many, less people seem to be acting on it Potek. But today, that same Klansman can merely "critical, annoying, outside of cyberspace. offensive or demeaning" enjoys And a new campaign, United Against constitutional protection. Only Hate (unitedagainsthate.org) is trying to These organizations lure visitors with seemingly when the activities of online get legislation passed that would strengthen benign web sites that don't reveal their violent hate groups rise to the level of the federal hate crimes statute to ensure criminal conduct by directly less people participate in hate crimes, both underbelly until you get three or four pages deep. inciting illegal action or includ- on- and off-line. • ing speech that is a direct, credible threat against a spe- put up a slick web page and potentially cific target, can they be prosecuted. attract millions, with little money or effort. There have been a few incidents of col- According to the Southern Poverty Law civilrights.org lege students who were convicted of civil- Center, the number of extreme hate sites rights violations for sending threatening e- antiracist.com—an informative Canadian grew from 254 in 1999 to 305 in early mails to minority groups at their schools. A site with lots of links 2000. Other organizations, like HateWatch California State University at Los Angeles (hatewatch.org) or the Simon Weisenthal ih2000.net/ira/ira2.htm#terror—more student, Kingman Quon, was sentenced to Center (weisenthal.com) estimate the over- great links two years in jail for e-mailing threatening all number of sites with hate content to be messages to Hispanic students and profes- between 500-800. sors last year. A year before, Richard 8 steamtunnels.net FIRST TIME BUYER'S GUIDE Portable MP3 players Steamtunnels digs... I Want My MP3 By Michelle Silver RFC jazPiper SMV32U ($229) This inexpensive player has a voice memo recorder and capabili- Iy first introduction to all things MP3 was seeing the name ty to store phone numbers. It's expandable to only 64 meg, but splashed across newspaper headlines, next to things like still lets you get plenty of music on there. "piracy," "stealing" and "Metallica prepares to sue." So I knew M Rio 500 ($269) MP3s were worthy of Stores up to 2 hours of digital-quality music and up to 32 attention. I just didn't hours of spoken audio. This is also the first portable digital know what they were, or audio player to support both the Mac and Windows. why I'd want my own MP3 player. That's when I Saehan MPMan ($249) started exploring—and Good sound quality that includes option for bass enhancement. realizing that, even with- Can also hold other files in addition to music, such as doc, gif, out all the controversy, etc. And comes with parallel port cable, headphones and carry- these electronic devices ing case. are quite cool. Here's Creative Nomad Jukebox ($499) what I found out. Yes, this baby is far more expensive, but it offers 6CB of memo- ry and can hold approximately 2,000 songs. The Nomad may MP3 is an online have most storage space of all MP3 players. music file format that allows for major file com- • Platform determines whether the players will be compatible with pression, making it easy Windows-based PC, Mac or both to distribute music over • FM Stereo (speaks for itself) the Net at a rapid-fire pace. This means you can • Internal Memory. Typically, players hold 16 or 32MB. More browse thousands of advanced come with 64MB (although you can add memory cards music choices, and then to almost all players). More memory means more music. mix and customize all RioPMP600 ($169.95) • Phone book. Allows you to store thousands of phone numbers. your own soundtracks (so • Built-in microphone. So you can record thoughts, ideas, latest you can put Talking Heads and Mozart together). It also means— top-40 smash hit, etc. • and here's the controversial part—that, for better or worse, music can be sent all over the world without agents, music companies or record labels stepping in (for more info, go to thesourcesite.com). For complete pricing information, and a comparison guide to all portable MP3 players, go to steamtunnels.net and use keyword Why MP3 players rule "portable MP3." The quality of the sound is comparable to listening to a CD, and it downloads on the fly. An MP3 file takes less than 5 minutes per song to download. Plus, they're the perfect portable. Not only are they small (smaller than a Walkman), but there are no movable parts, so music won't skip when you play it. In fact, one owner raved "The first day I bought it, I dropped it accidentally 8 times and it still works fine." (Why he dropped it 8 times I don't know.) For more Ask the experts JOBTKAK.cOM reviews, check out productopia.com. Many also offer built-in micro- Q. I do not have a lot of work experience. What other than edu- phones and phone book capability—and will probably become more cation can I include in my resume to give it "substance"? and more like PDAs. A. A resume is a showcase of skills acquired, not necessarily a few bummers long list of jobs held. Take ad\antage of projects, especially Depending on memory size, you can run out of space pretty fast group projects, you have worked on in your major program, and when you download files onto your player. You can, however, always list the skills you used to complete it. Also, if you have held add more memory cards to your player, or, dump MP3 files back onto leadership positions in an organization, be sure to describe your your desktop computer and then transfer them to CD (Visit responsibilities and projects completed. Most college recruiters beyond.com/features/mp3/portable). realize that students do not have lots of work experience. Shelling out the bucks -Leslie Schuh, Campus Recruiter, Cerner Corporation MP3 players tend to run from $100 to $800 (most fall between $100 to $200). If you're paying over $300, you'd better have a good reason. Features to consider when shopping: steamtunnels.net 9 HHH-IHiJ-S visit steamtunnels.net fur links to all these sites and more. SPECIHL ^ FFHTURE v Editor's Pick GET INVOLVED Sites for bargain hunters Activism You won't find a free lunch—but you can find dozens of giveaways. aciivism.net By Erin Hagedorn Do you want to get involved? This site is a great jumping off point for those who wish to Ioney management takes many and games) and Free2Try.com (a little express themselves politically and socially. The forms—sneaking utensils out of everything). links are efficiently organized and comprehen- M from the dining hall, hoarding Virtualfreesites.com/free is fast sive, giving you many sides to an issue. You will bagels, re-using dryer sheets (all the loading, nicely organized and well- find information here on everything from the better if taken from someone else's maintained, providing more than 3,500 environment to drug reform laws to sexuality dryer), using Starbucks napkins as cof- free offers into 100 convenient cate- concerns. JWorkman fee filters. There are plenty of cyber gories. Also, thefreesite.com is broken freebies as well—from sneakers and down by category: free personals serv- FASHION lotto cards to cold hard cash. So surf ices, web cards, prizes and contests, and earn—here's a list of sites that offer online giveaways, CD-ROMs, videos Fashion Planet freebies for a little bit of your time. and more. It links to fpl.com Freestuffcenter.com is loaded with DirectFreebies.com (a directory to Fashion Planet is an extensive site on the fashion earn-money-while-you-do-nothing sites. arts & crafts, business, catalogs, com- and beauty world. FP features shopping, The site gets more than 25,000 visitors a puters, entertainment, food and travel). columns, travel, food, horoscopes and much more. You can find out the latest trends in day—if not for its free screen savers, Reverse sticker shock sets in when swimwear, how to care for your beach bod, and then for the dozens of other freebie links. you click on freestuffonline.com— why Victoria's Secret's dress code is upsetting Similarly, totallyfreestuff.com and where you can find for the specific items. society. To keep yourself updated on the world FreeBCity.com are site with lots of gen- Search for "free pants" and you get links of appearance, surf your way to Fashion Planet. eral categories to browse. to four pants-giveaway sites, search for TMaor Looking for free Internet service, "free coffee" and you get 10 sites. call waiting or voice mailP Gratis MerchandiseForFree.com displays pictures of the several free (although a FASHI cologne, no-pay pantyhose or tad tacky) knick-knacks they offer—all miserly makeupP Here's a list of bargain hunter-friendly. Browse through sites that offer freebies for a little items (limit one per person) like a point- bit of your time. and-shoot camera, pocketknife and a super soaker. UltraFreeStuff.com has more than Looking for free Internet service, call 1,500 links to free samples, cosmetics, waiting or voice mail? Gratis cologne, food, graphics, a large assortment of no-pay pantyhose or miserly make-up? magazines, web space and contests. Co to Coofballs.com. How about spin- IK PlanetFreebee.com has daily free give- ster-friendly stamps? Check out lilt W aways. FreePalace.com has free jokes, Postage4Free.com, where you get 10 pictures and other cool items. free pre-stamped envelopes. AIIHere.com has links to free DSL, e- Another sloth-friendly option is mail and web pages; FreeNetwerk.com ezsweeps.com. It does the dirty work STUDY AIDS has hundreds of free downloads, CD- for you: Fill out a form, pick contests to SparkNotes ROMs and cash. enter, and Lucky the RoboHound fetches sparknotes.com CoolFreebieLinks offers a compre- the choicest sweepstakes for you. It's a big jump from high school (where we hensive roundup of bargain-oriented Feeling lucky? Check out iwon.com, breezed through small classes full of familiar sites—all with plenty of worthwhile free- which gives away $10,000 cash a week faces, with a teacher who knew everybody by bie content. There's lots of links, includ- ($10 million a year). Or iwin.com, name) to college (where we sit in an auditorium ing Free-n-Cool.com (from samples to where you can choose from 48 games. full of strangers, in front of a professor who gifts to sweepstakes), FreewareFiles.com Also play for free on freestatelotto.com probably doesn't know what your name is). Visit (free software, utilities, programming files and freelotto.com. • SparkNotes.com, a collection of other college students' notes as varied as the hair colors in your freshman philosophy class. You'll still have 10 steamtunnels.net


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