Table 4.2: Branches of the Maxillary of the Domestic Pig, Sus scrofa Artery Origin Course Distribution Departs superficial aspect of MA immediately distal to the caudal auricular. Course is typical, with a conserved branching pattern for major distributing tributaries: the Facial and masseteric regions via Superficial masseteric and transverse facial originate low in the the masseteric and transverse facial MA Temporal Artery course of the STA. The remainder of the vessel is straight and arteries; temporalis muscle; largely unbranching-- most of the smaller rami are anterior auricle. concentrated in the proximal portion of the vessel. The STA terminates in the anterior wall of the auricle. Originates from the lateral surface of the proximal STA posterior to the condylar process. Hooks around mandibular Transverse Facial Parotid gland, caudal border of the STA ramus and parotid gland to distribute across the masseter Artery . muscle. Relative to the TFA of Camelids, the suid TFA has a truncated distribution. From ventral surface of MA, numerous pterygoid branches Pterygoid Branches MA Pterygoideus muscles. supply medial and lateral pterygoideus muscles. Caudal Deep MA Arises from superior surface of MA; gives off masseteric a. Deep surface of temporalis muscle. Temporal Artery Short course deep to zygomatic arch. Contacts the deep Caudal Deep Deep surface of the masseteric surface of the masseter between the coronoid and condylar Temporal Artery muscle. processes of the . Artery Origin Course Distribution Compensates for distribution of . It should be noted that One of the larger tributaries of the MA. Originates in the this vessel does not terminate as sphenopalatine fossa as almost a terminal bifurcation of the mandibular and maxillary labial MA; lateral branch continuing as buccal and medial branch arteries. Instead, the upper and contributing the palatine, septal, and infraorbital vessels. lower lip are largely supplied by Buccal MA Buccal a. passes between maxillary tuberosity and anterior the infraorbital and mental arteries border of the dentary. Courses rostrally superficial to the respectively. The Buccal is highly maxillary teeth. Substantial caliber and branching dendritic at its termination, pattern compensate for truncation of the facial and transverse forming an anastomotic plexus facial arteries. with the aforementionned vessels; this plexus approximally correlates with the location of the diastema. Originates on dorsal surface of , immediately distal to the origin of the parent vessel (proximal to passage Rostral Deep Buccal Artery between malar and coronoid process). Extensive course Temporalis m. Temporal posterolaterally to periorbita and deep to zygomatic to reach anterior border of temporalis muscle. Second dorsal branch of the buccal. Extends cranially from the superior face of the buccal, departing immediately Medial angle of the eye; inferior Angularis oculi Buccal Artery anterior to the zygomatic arch. Parallels the zygomatic arch eyelid. before terminating near the medial as the medial inferior palpebral vessel. Next vessel downstream from the buccal, from superficial surface of MA, coursing in parallel with posterolateral margin of pterygoid crest. At F'OR passes branch to CR. Receives int. ophth. Near this intersection arise the ciliary External vessels. Supplies eye, periorbital fat, and named branches to MA Eye, orbit, and adnexa. Ophthalmic extraocular muscles. Medial branch = external ethmoidal; enters nasal cavity thru ethmoidal foramina. Dorsal branch continues as supraorbital a., which enters frontal sinus cells but does not continue superficially. Rostrodorsal branches supply eyelid from medial aspect. Artery Origin Course Distribution Medial palpebral; frontal region One of the terminal branches of the MA; course is as typical Malar MA between the orbits; dorsal nasal in other artiodactyls. region. Lateral nasal region, including Numerous branches arise from the dorsal surface of the malar Lateral Nasal Malar ramifying extensive nasal arterial artery. mat. Rostral termination of the MA. Departs from the IO deep to the malar, within the . Descends through the pterygopalatine canal and emarges through the greater palatine foramen. courses rostrally intimately associated and Greater Palatine MA , nose. partially embedded within the hard palate. Its anterior termination is a remarkably dense vascular bed supplying the ultra-sensitive rostrum. It supplies the rostrum from the ventromedial aspect. Departs the greater palatine @ rostral portion of pterygopalatine fossa; enters nasal cavity through Sphenopalatine MA Nasal floor and septum. . Highly branching across nasal floor and septum; anastomoses freely with greater palatine. Ventral termination of the treater palatine artery. Splits from the GP deep to the malar, within the pterygopalatine fossa. Descending (lesser) Soft palate; lateral wall of Greater Palatine Enters and descends through to the hard palate where it Palatine oropharynx. immediately distributes across the soft palate and caudal hard palate.