Paul S.C. Taçon

Beauty Is More Than Skin Deep X-Ray Art Of North Australia Including

Introduction For at least 4000 years Australian Aborigi- sionally backbones represented with a thin nal artists of the Top End of the Northern line through a central body cavity (Figure Territory have been depicting creatures by 1; Taçon 1987, 1989a, 1989b). Over time showing both internal and external fea- the concern about the insides of things tures of the body. This began by including grew so that when Europeans arrived in empty body cavities in otherwise solid or this part of Australia, in the early to mid stroke infill paintings of animals and occa- 1800s, artists were producing elaborately

Figure 1: Early X-ray macropod, Wellington Range, .

Adoranten 2016 1 Figure 2: X-ray bar- ramundi fish, Kakadu National Park

detailed works on rock walls and sheets ways, with some paintings akin to scientific of bark that showed many organs, bones diagrams (e.g. Figure 2). This interest in the and other internal aspects of anatomy of mechanics, aesthetics, beauty and power of not only animals but also human figures. the inside was not confined to animals and These designs delineate many features of humans but was extended even to depic- bodies, in both naturalistic and abstract tions of European ships, fire arms and other

Figure 3: Rock painting of an X-ray macropod, Wellington Range, Arnhem Land

2 Adoranten 2016 Figure 4: Bark paintings of X-ray macropods, unknown artist, c.1960s introduced artefacts (Taçon and May 2013; also discovered. Arnhem Land X-ray paint- Wesley 2013). Since then so-called ‘X-ray’ ings were soon known around the world art has gained immense popularity among with many non-Aboriginal artists seeking non-Indigenous Australians, with works in inspiration from their simplicity, elegance, major art galleries and museums across the exoticness and beauty (e.g. see Taçon and world. Chippindale 2001). Skilled artists painted on both rock and sheets of bark, often with The European discovery of X-ray Abo- similar subject matter (e.g. Figures 3 and 4). riginal art began in the 1870s with Paul Foelsche, a member of the Northern Terri- In this paper the reader is introduced tory police force who patrolled the Cobourg to some of the X-ray and other forms of Peninsula northeast of Darwin (Taçon and rock art of western Arnhem Land, includ- Davies 2004). Foelsche obtained bark paint- ing Kakadu National Park, with a focus on ings for museums and private collectors, changing aesthetics as can be seen within as well as taking an acute interest in the the extensive rock art chronology. The pa- works himself. In the early 1900s, buffalo per also provides a guide to much of the shooter Paddy Cahill and scientist Baldwin key literature on the rock art of the region Spencer actively encouraged the production as well as flagging other recent summaries of bark paintings for sale or exchange and and new/emerging research. a new art industry was born. Since the early 1900s, great galleries of X-ray rock art were

Adoranten 2016 3 The rock art of sive sites (e.g. Djulirri – see May et al. 2010, Kakadu and Arnhem Land Taçon, Langley et al. 2010, Taçon, May et al. Much has been published on the rock art of 2010; Mt. Gilruth – see Chaloupka 1993 and Kakadu and Arnhem Land (see Chaloupka Haskovec 1992; and Nawarla Gabarnmang 1993 for the best illustrated large volume), – see David et al. 2011, David et al. in press, including some good recent summaries David, Barker et al. 2013, Gunn et al. 2010), (e.g. David et al. in press; May et al. 2015; in many overlapping styles. May and Taçon 2014). This is because the rock art of western Arnhem Land, includ- One of the earliest forms of rock art in ing Kakadu National Park, has long been this region featuring depictions of human- recognized as having World Heritage sig- like figures has been labelled ‘Dynamic nificance. At least 20,000 rock art sites have Figures’ by George Chaloupka (1977, 1984a, been reported and documented in various 1984b, 1993), the first rock art researcher forms of detail across the Arnhem Land to study this type of painting in detail. plateau and sandstone outliers, from near Chaloupka named the style ‘Dynamic’ Katherine in the south and as far north as because of the action-packed, ‘expressive the Wellington Range near the coast of the movement’ of the individual figures and Arafura Sea. Each year hundreds of new the scenes (Chaloupka 1984b: foreword). In discoveries are made. Many forms, styles this style, one of the earliest in the region and periods of art have been defined and (Chaloupka 1993; Taçon and Brockwell varied stylistic chronologies have been pro- 1995; Chippindale and Taçon 1998), human posed for rock art argued to span at least figures dominate, representing a significant 28,000 years (e.g. Brandl 1973; Chaloupka shift from the earlier naturalistic animal- 1993; Chippindale and Taçon 1998; David, dominated art. When animals are shown in Barker et al. 2013; Jones et al. 2016; Lewis Dynamic Figure art it is usually in relation to 1988; Taçon and Brockwell 1995; Taçon and human figures. Macropods are most com- Chippindale 2008; various papers in David mon, comprising 49% of animal depictions et al. in press). This region contains some and found at 81% of sites. Fish account for of Australia’s most outstanding surviving 22% of Dynamic animal depictions across painted rock art imagery, sometimes in mas- Kakadu – Arnhem Land and are found at

Figure 5: Rare yellow male Dynamic Figure, Kakadu National Park

4 Adoranten 2016 Figure 6: Female Dy- namic Figure, Mann River, central Arnhem Land

19% of sites. Other creatures account for subject of PhD research (Johnston et al. less than 10% of Dynamic animal paintings in press; May et al. in press). Body art and but the extinct thylacine (‘Tasmanian tiger’) adornments are indicated with depictions is found at 14% of sites and echidnas at of scarification, possible body painting 11% (Taçon and Chippindale 2008:77; see and material culture attached to limbs and also May et al. in press). waists. Curiously, dots and dashes are often present near the mouths and limbs of Dy- Sometimes human-animal composite be- namic figures, which may represent sound ings were depicted interacting with human and movement (Chaloupka 1993; Tacon and figures or engaging in human-like activi- Chippindale 1994; Chippindale et al. 2000). ties (see Taçon and Chippindale 2001 for Depictions of female Dynamic Figures (as detailed study). Human figures appear to evidenced by breasts and female genitalia) race across rock surfaces, legs outstretched are rare in comparison to Dynamic males. and arms bent with the weight of numer- Usually females (Figure 6) are shown with ous spears and/or boomerangs they hold. different material culture than males, such Sometimes hunting, domestic, sexual and as fibre objects (especially dilly bags). Some perhaps ceremonial scenes were illustrated. females carry spears like males, something not seen in more recent styles of rock art. There is considerable debate as to exactly Thus the imagery has the potential to pro- how old Dynamic Figure rock art is (e.g. vide insight into past gender roles and this Chaloupka 1993 versus Lewis 1988 versus will be the subject of future research (and Taçon and Brockwell 1995 and suggestion see May et al. in press). by David, Geneste et al. 2013). Despite this, it is generally believed that Dynamic Figures Dynamic Figures were replaced with are very late Pleistocene/early Holocene in various styles and forms of rock art, includ- age (May et al. in press). A number of new ing what have been labelled Yam Figures, dating projects should better ascertain the Simple Figures and various regional styles. age in the near future. Ongoing research by several PhD students and long-time researchers is revealing much Many male Dynamic figures have elabo- complexity to the chronology throughout rate headdresses (Figure 5), currently the the Holocene and the sequence is not only

Adoranten 2016 5 being fleshed out for various time periods the Kunwinjku language, played the most but also across space, from one end of the prominent role in the creation of the world Arnhem Land region to the other (e.g. for people, including the first Kunwinjku. papers in David et al. in press; Jones et al. Yingarna is said to have travelled across the 2016; Wesley and Viney 2016; and see be- sea, stepping ashore on part of the Cobourg low re. History Places project). Peninsula. She carried many dilly bags full of children and food. As she travelled in- land she deposited spirit children in water- Depictions holes, created the first people, told them of women and X-ray rock art what languages they should speak, taught Women and female subjects figure promi- them about the foods they should eat and nently in more recent periods of Arnhem gave them many other gifts. She was the Land rock art, especially the bichrome and first mother not only for the Kunwinjku polychrome art of the past couple thousand but also for many neighbouring language years (Taçon 1989a, 1989b). Some of the groups (Berndt and Berndt 1951, 1970; most powerful Arnhem Land Ancestral Be- Taçon 1989b). ings, responsible for the greatest acts of creation, are also said to be female. On the In stories and art Yingarna is often other hand, male Ancestral Beings under- portrayed as a powerful woman with hu- took both creative and destructive acts. In man form but sometimes is like a female western Arnhem Land, an especially impor- Rainbow Serpent, a composite being with a tant Ancestral Being, known as Yingarna in snake-like body but made of animal parts of

Figure 7: Rock painting of Yingarna, Injalak Hill, Arnhem Land

6 Adoranten 2016 Although important, the image of Yingarna is not to be found in one of the most prominent locations. Rather, her image is tucked away in a passage through the dissected sandstone cap of Injalak, sur- prising visitors as they make their way from areas of art, burial and past residence to a high platform with a com- manding view of the land- scape to the north and west that Yingarna created.

Depictions of women fea- ture in the spectacular X-ray rock paintings that can be found across western Arn- hem Land (see Figure 8 and Taçon 1987, 1989b, 1992), although fish are the most frequent subject, accounting for almost 67% of x-ray de- pictions (Taçon 1988, 1989b, 1992). Macropods and birds are also common and overall the recent period rock art that X-ray paintings are a part of is very different to the earlier Dynamic Figure rock painting tradition. But like Dynamic Figure paintings, great at- tention was paid to detail so that different species of fish, Figure 8: X-ray women, Kakadu National Park mammals, birds and reptiles can easily be recognised, but stylistically and various species (see Taçon et al. 1996). She aesthetically in a very different way. Paint- was responsible for creating large areas of ings of animals often occur as bichromes landscape while her Rainbow Serpent son, or polychromes with backbones, ribs, long- Ngalyod, is credited with creating numerous bones, internal organs and sometimes optic localised areas, often described as sacred nerves illustrated. Depictions of people sites, within Yingarna’s larger landscapes. and Ancestral Beings usually do not show internal organs, focusing instead on the One of the most outstanding and sig- skeleton and external cultural features such nificant depictions of Yingarna (Figure 7) as body painting designs and material cul- can be found on Injalak Hill, at Gunbalanya ture. The internal contents of some objects (Oenpelli), not far from the East Alligator were occasionally shown, including depic- River. Injalak has one of the largest concen- tions of cargo and people inside paintings trations of rock art in the area, with dozens of Macassan and European ships, replicas of of decorated shelters and several large gal- actual vessels that plied Australia’s northern leries. shores during recent centuries (Taçon and

Adoranten 2016 7 May 2013). At some sites hundreds of X-ray One of the curious features of the paint- paintings were made in conjunction with ing is that an actual barramundi with fillets images that have striped, hatched, cross- removed would look slightly different. That hatched or, occasionally, spotted infill, as is because the backbone and vertebral pro- well as a range of stencils, stick figures and cesses would not run through the centre of other forms of painted rock art. the fish but rather would be seen to lie im- mediately below the top of the back. When quizzed about this discrepancy, Brilliance For of northern Aboriginal elders point out that it is Australia the power of such paintings lies within the flesh of creatures that its life- not only in their form but also in the aes- force lies so the fillets have been included thetic effect created by portraying internal by placing them above the backbone (Taçon and external features in combination with 1988, 1989a, 1989b). Three dimensions, blocks of solid colour, hatching and cross- internal and external, have thus been col- hatching (Taçon 1987, 1988, 1989a, 1989b, lapsed into two with none of the essential 1991). Indeed, it is the ‘shimmering’ nature features lost. The result is a powerful and, of such works that makes them especially perhaps, unusual image that makes many beautiful to non-Aborigines and especially statements about aesthetics, belief and ex- powerful to Aboriginal people. These paint- perience at once. ings are said to display ‘brilliance’ – they are bright, shiny and colourful in ways that cre- ate an aesthetic effect that people of vastly New research on the origins of different cultures can experience. Arnhem Land X-ray art One of the many unanswered questions Take, for example, the painting illus- about Arnhem Land rock art is how did X- trated in Figure 1, a rock art depiction of a ray paintings emerge from very different barramundi fish painted in the early 1900s previous styles? For instance, given that at a site in the middle of Kakadu National Dynamic Figure rock paintings are so dif- Park. In the fish we can see lots of internal ferent to X-ray paintings how could there detail. There are eyes with optic nerves, a be a change from monochrome Dynamic to backbone, body cavities and many internal bichrome X-ray and are there intervening organs, as well as an exquisite and highly styles that can help us see the transition? To accurate external form. As well, the tail answer this and other questions the north- has diamond designs and there are many west Arnhem Land based History Places pro- areas of hatched colour. Aboriginal elders ject was established. state that the diamond pattern is related to body designs worn by certain initiated The History Places project focuses on individuals in ritual while the hatched areas the rock art of the Wellington Range, are the most significant of all. It is these northwest Arnhem Land, Australia. It was areas, shown in this case as hatched purple initiated in 2013 with Traditional Owners on white, bordered in red, that are said to concerned about threats to rock art. Their illustrate the life-force or soul of a creature. ancestors had frequent interactions with Because there are lots of these colourful Macassans, Bugis and others visiting from areas in the barramundi this depiction is Sulawesi and other parts of what is now In- considered to be especially beautiful, pow- donesia since at least the early 1600s. They erful and significant. It is an illustration of also had contact with people from Europe ceremony, story and ritual, as well as exhib- since the early 1800s. At many rock art sites iting landscape and totemic connections for evidence of both forms of contact can be some individuals (Taçon 1987, 1988, 1989a, found in the form of paintings of a diverse 1989b, 1991). range of ships, introduced (traded) mate- rial culture, depictions of foreigners and

8 Adoranten 2016 paintings of animals such as buffalo, horses, its outstanding values. Intensive Griffith goats and even a macaque monkey (e.g. University/Australian National University see May et al. 2013a). The largest rock art research identified the Wellington Range site complex, Djulirri, has one of the larg- as having one of the most impressive and est assemblages of this type of contact rock extraordinary bodies of rock art in Aus- art from anywhere in Australia (May et al tralia, consisting of paintings, stencils, prints 2010, Taçon, May et al. 2010). Djulirri is also and beeswax designs in sandstone shelters. one of the largest rock painting complexes The full Kakadu – Arnhem Land sequence so far recorded in Australia (e.g. May et is represented but there are also unique al. 2010, 2013a, 2013b; Taçon et al. 2011; styles and forms of imagery (e.g. stencils Taçon, Langley et al. 2010; Taçon, May et al. of birds – Taçon , Langley et al. 2010). Rare 2010; Taçon, Paterson et al. 2012; Taçon and depictions of extinct animals, including life- May 2013). size thylacines (Tasmanian Tigers), a giant kangaroo and a possible depiction of thy- Stretching across the heart of the Wel- lacoleo (marsupial lion), suggest the oldest lington Range lies the Namunidjbuk tradi- surviving rock art is 15,000 years of age or tional clan estate. Namunidjbuk extends older (Taçon et al. 2011; Taçon and Webb in from the coastal waters south of South press). The Wellington Range also has the Goulburn island to the tributaries of the greatest concentration of contact period King River further south. Senior Traditional rock art in Australia, with imagery from the Aboriginal Owner Ronald Lamilami not only past few hundred years documenting the supports intensive heritage research across arrival of Asians (e.g. Bugis, Macassans) and the Namunidjbuk Estate but also is in the Europeans (mostly British). A multitude of process of setting up a sustainable tourism forms and styles lie between these two ex- business and research centre with family tremes. At Djulirri, over 3000 images were and clan members at Waminari Bay. Lami- recorded including the oldest depiction of lami refers to rock art sites as ‘history books’ a Southeast Asian perahu (large wooden and big complexes such as Djulirri as ‘librar- sailing vessel). Radio-carbon dating of a ies’ that record all the experiences and en- beeswax snake that overlies the painting in- counters his ancestors had over time. dicates it was made prior to the mid-1600s, contradicting the view of historians that Results from the pilot phase of the His- people from Southeast Asia did not begin tory Places project (Taçon 2013) led to visiting Australia’s northern shores until the substantial Australian federal government mid-1700s (Taçon, May et al. 2010). funding and a major second phase (2016 – 2018) of field research. In the Welling- Significantly, only a small area of the ton Range pigs, termites, future tourism, Wellington Range has been surveyed and vandalism, mining exploration and future recorded. Large parts of the Namunidjbuk development are the biggest risks to its Estate as well as the western and eastern rock art. Consequently, the History Places Wellington Range have not yet been sur- research project was designed to, among veyed or documented, despite information other things, develop a conservation and collected from local Aboriginal communi- management model for use not only in ties and past researchers that suggest many Arnhem Land but also nationally. A key hundreds of sites, with rich imagery, are research objective is to better understand waiting to be researched, conserved and chronological change in Wellington Range managed for future generations. Few exca- rock art and to record the contemporary vations have been undertaken but recent cultural significance of rock art history results from four localities indicate a rich places. record of more than 30,000 years (Wesley 2014). We began further excavations led by George Chaloupka (1993) first visited Duncan Wright (Australian National Univer- the Wellington Range, in the 1970s, noting sity) in June 2016, including below and close

Adoranten 2016 9 to both Dynamic Figures and recent X-ray fith Centre for Social and Cultural Research paintings. (GCSCR), Australian Research Centre of Human Evolution (ARCHE) and School of In June and July 2016 160 previously Humanities, Languages and Social Science, unrecorded rock art sites were also located Gold Coast campus, Griffith University through survey. They were documented Queensland 4222, Australia with a large team of Traditional Owners email [email protected] and colleagues, including other chief in- vestigators such as Sally May (Australian National University), Liam Brady (Monash University), Ines Domingo Sanz (University References of Barcelona), Joakim Goldhahn (Linnaeus Berndt, R.M. 1951. Sexual behaviour in University), PhD students and volunteers. western Arnhem Land. Viking Fund Publica- Results of the 2016 field season are cur- tions in Anthropology 16, New York. rently being analysed and will be submitted Berndt, R.M. and C. H. Berndt. 1970. for publication in late 2017. But suffice it Man, land and myth in north Australia: the to say that we found many sites with previ- people. Michigan State Univer- ously unknown Dynamic Figures, early X-ray sity Press, East Lansing. paintings and various forms of imagery in Brandl, E. 1973. Australian Aboriginal between. After analysis is complete and paintings in western and central Arnhem another season of field work is undertaken Land: temporal sequences and elements of we should be in a position to answer the style in Cadell River and Deaf Adder Creek question of how X-ray rock art developed in art. Canberra: Australian Institute of Abo- the Kakadu – Arnhem Land region, as well riginal Studies. as how and why aesthetics and manners of Chaloupka, G. 1977. Aspects of the depiction changed dramatically over time – chronology and schematization of two pre- from large naturalistic animals to Dynamic historic sites on the Arnhem Land plateau. Figures to X-ray rock art. In P.J. Ucko (ed.), Form in indigenous art: schematization in the art of Aboriginal Aus- tralia and prehistoric Europe, pp.243-259. Acknowledgements Canberra: Australian Institute of Aboriginal The Traditional Aboriginal Owners of Studies. Kakadu-Arnhem Land are thanked for many Chaloupka, G. 1984a. From palaeoart to decades of hospitality and the sharing of casual paintings. Darwin: their knowledge and intellectual copy- Museum of Arts and Sciences. right. The History Places research is funded Chaloupka, G. 1984b. Rock art of the with Australian Research Council grant Arnhem Land plateau: paintings of the Dy- DP160101832 and is undertaken in collabo- namic Figures style. Darwin: Northern Terri- ration with Ronald Lamilami and other Wel- tory Museum of Arts and Sciences. lington Range Traditional Owners, as well Chaloupka, G. 1993. Journey in time. The as other chief investigators Sally K. May, world’s longest continuing art tradition. Liam Brady, Duncan Wright, Ines Domingo Reed Books, Chatswood. Sanz and Joakim Goldhahn. Chippindale, C., Smith, B. and P.S.C. Griffith University, The Australian Na- Taçon. 2000. Visions of Dynamic power: tional University, Monash University, Uni- archaic rock-paintings, Altered States of versity of Barcelona and Linnaeus University Consciousness and ‘clever men’ in western are thanked for supporting History Places Arnhem Land (NT), Australia. Cambridge research. Archaeological Journal 19(1):63-101. Chippindale and Taçon 1998. The many Prof Paul S.C. Taçon, Australian Research ways of dating Arnhem Land rock-art, north Council Laureate Fellow, Place, Evolution Australia. In C. Chippindale and P.S.C. Taçon and Rock Art Heritage Unit (PERAHU), Grif- (eds.), The archaeology of rock-art, pp.

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12 Adoranten 2016