r * ■, IS® *™ ? T- SH W LmL m 7 : • p ' f ' / *■ is* m m

■— t ______« 6 ' WEDDING GOLD WATCH 8 fc { PRESENTS. BRACELETS. NEWEST AND BEST. Beal Gold Self-Jit tiny Bracelets with J defiled Lever li'afphes i Phone .. 771:, LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. ■rrom , £ 3 Each. i / WmaBruford&Son, QUAHANTKItD. BoUtmitiu and Silversmith*, FASHIONABLE YISITOES’ RECORD AND GUIDE. Wjn. Bruford &Son, Butbonrne and Exeter. 100, 1 enniaua-nf.,


.OtiUlj. LaterbyAppoinUntU T e l e p h o n e : 22m , B a s t b o u e n b . Registered at the G.P.O. as a Newspaper. EASTBOURNE, SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1914. E s t a b l i s h e d 1 8 5 6 . PRICE ONE PENNY. ' STATIONS FREE. No. 3,052 ______»- =

THE EASTBOURNE ASTBOURNE COLLEGE. ... H E LADIES’ COLLEGE. SCHOOL OF COMMERCE, M ART H . COOPER, A r t is t ic C o u r t D r e s s m a k e r . E - President t Yours for the asking T GRASSINGTON HOAD EASTBOURNE. 11. P 1 V 1 N B B T B O A S . THE DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE. Bv return of post comes the handsome 1914 Rudge- A Day School lor me Daughters of Gentlemen only Shorthand, Typewriting, Book-kerning. Business Train­ Whitworth Catalogue. Every cyclist in the Kingdom Founded 1889. ing, Geography, ArithmettoTulvil Service Subjects and Creations in FETE and EVENING GOWNS at Moderate Prices Head Master t should have a copy. If interested in Principal ...... MLS DES RUELLES Languages. The REV. P. 8. WILLIAMS, M A. CERTIFICATED TEACHERS only are EMPLOYED. ORIGINAL AND EXCLUSIVE DE8IGNS. Motor Cycling ask for Budge Motor (Successor to the Misses Deacon), Schools Visited. _ i Bicyclei CatalogCatalogue. Assisted by a large Staff of Resident and Visiting BATES Maste rs and Mistresses.' ' Day and Evening Classes. Individual TuitioD. Telephone 78*, The School is a FIRST-GRADE SCHOOL for the Sons of Gentlemen. ’ f. By Anointment . Rudge-Whitworth, Ltd. Pupils prepared, if desired, for the Preliminary, Junior, X KINDS, Cycle Makers to Senior. ;:y and —r- Higher •—Cambridge ■ o>- — Local A,Examination-*, -vinvvalso OF LL SIDE, ST. ANNE’S ROAD, 6 , l i s m o r r r o a d , E a s t b o u r n e . . Boys are prepared for the Universities, tbeArmy, Navy cvU Maktrs to 10, Terminus-road, Eastbourne for Matriculation,lation, London \1 uivorsity uiversitv amia|mi forfur tho ' booiety flAT.M, ^ EASTBOURNE. 41 and Civil Services, Professions and Commercial Life. H.M. King George. R165 of French Profo-feoraProto-Bors in lmndon.l^yhdon. Honours obtained during last Eight Years: 1ATION* Preparatory School for Boys. There are special Army and Navy Classes. MR. W. H. JONES, M.A, F.R.G.S.JClifton Collegeiand For Prospectus and information as to recent Successes, Camb. Prelirainary — Int, and ,3rd Class Honours, If Emmanuel College, Cambridge.' RECEIVES SOYS (Proprietors, opeoial aistinc ions in HeiigiousKoowl^dKo, t’-nciiah; TO LET, DICKER & CO. E. A P. SLOCOMBE), application should ho made to the Head Master. llfinomGeography, rihn IHi.tor/, TS t... ^ ,U’it.axnetic, ..!■ __t >.. . iHuclid, • > Aigobra, . « ^ under 15 to he prepared for thehe Publlo Schools and French and Qei man. I In |bhe Whole of R.N.C., OBborne. Physical Drill is compulsory far the whole School. 8moial arrangements for Day Pupils and the Sons of Camh. Junior —1st. 2nd and; 3rd Clae8 Honours. First |.’8 (Ltd.: Ns VuttoraT 2} acres of Playlog Field in Gildredge Park. HIGH-CLASS PROVISION MERCHANTS 4 GROCERS, Britain’s Best Bicycle I Jiinzor Girl in England- Special distinct ions in pLOVELLY-K-EPPLESTONE, * m Kuowledi;e, Ktiglish, Geography, HiBtory tOneChaikc. vi*.i u O P P O .IT , t o w s b a l l , XASXBOVWra. (let In JLngland), French, Merman, Mathematics and TINDFIBLD, 20, THE AVENUE, Botany. . Sh u jnq, not over 20 Word* ^ STAVELEY ROAD, MEADS, EASTBOURNE. 1 i EASTBOURNE. i ' f WINES, SPIRITS AMD MINERAL WATERS. Telephone No. 118. Camb. 8euior.—1st, 2nd and 3rd. Class Honours. First .Two Be iLLD.ua end Sixpbho* BOARD and RESIDENCE in a Comfortable Home. Senior Qxrl in England. Speolal distinctions in .... Five Shillihsb ftjuf TftnniA School for Girls (Preparatory and Finishing). Religious Knowledge (lfat in England), English. Excellent references, medloal and otherwise. Old Slenlivet Wblakej, 8/6 1 4/- per bottle. Pine Old Tawney Port, 36/- 442/-per dozen. LETHBRIDGE 8 STORES tihieeHfcwfeMw. , m ss. ‘ ______MISS P. 0. AOKBRMANN.______N E W JAMS. abk fob P rice Mrs. F. H Browne anU Miss Tait-Reid, B.A., nh. Higher. - 1st, 2nd and 3rd Claa. Hohonre in • onoe In the following History. French, German. Latin and mathematics. BENCH GOUIN SCHOOL. , BOTTLED FRUITS, Je.. Assisted by ajarge It^ a o b t Stefr of Trained S u m m { 3 ; S S t e s S m T ” Grimtead 0\ __ „ . Teachers. Special distinctions iu History and French. m The Oldest Established, i ' In School Examination by tho Associated Board of i if Surrey Rumnymead, Mill Road, Upperton, Eastbourne. t many often, to the “oy« Academy of Music and Royal College of Music, and " at the Ladies College in June, 1900, nineteen candi* A living Method for a living Language. GKOCEBIES, TEAS, COFFEES, FRENCH AND ITALIAN GOODS, dates passed in Pianoforte Playing, one with Honours. L Tsrjr mull fort, an smonntof po b k e r _ of Ea< * • lot of East Sussex. Plarmns at all stages In variftus parts of the Town. I & SQNS Ate, Esq., M.D., F.R.O.8., and___ Students desirons of pursuing their studies after leaving 1 inhabitants. Schools Attended. J l.B .aP .t M.R.C.8., D.Fh. Cam., and School may Join-Advanced Classes in English l.itorature Prep, for Army, Navy and all other Exams. Frank GraveljL Esq., M.D, PROVI8IGN8. l| aQd History, French, German, Latin and Mathematics, SET OTHER LOCAL MEDIUM. Students Hear, Speak or Repeat Frenoh the whole time. (Newiok), 0. O’Brien Ha l., J.P., M.R.O.P., L 3 .0 .P ,, Hockey. Cricket and Tennis Clubs. AgenoohJeot. Lessons begin any time. MACHINE MADE P. Hollins, Eh ., and Mrs. ____ _ -Jie Rev. 0. and Mrs. Horsburgh, School Frenah Library. No extra charge for visiting. Conferences. the_____ Her.______H G . and____ Mrs.Jameson, W. J. 0. Meny, Esq., M.D., WISES, SPIRITS AND LIQUEURS. BOTTLED AND CASK ALES AND STOUT. t direct to Kannoonu * Oo.'« . A FEW BOARDERS ARB RECEIVED. r toft with authorised Agents. References. A. BONEFANT B. 6s L. (Unlv. GalL), ! and Mrs, Marry,tGathome On. Beq., and Mrs. Orr. the Rev. Urling Member of the Society of French Professors. and Bln, WheSpton, the Rev. O . Williams, M A. (Head Master FOREIGN MINERAL WATERS, AERATED WATERS Scholarship-open toallunder 14-tenabloat tho Ladies I the abot^ Low Baton. of Eastbourne College). College for three years: examination in connection with 3 d . [ p e r 2 - d b . L o a f . * this held in January of every year. OBOROUGH SCHOOL, BBU8HBS, BROOMS, A c. ntss s ooLbined Sato B UPPER AVENUE, EASTBOURNE. RANVILLE HOUSE, MEADS, For Prospectus, farther karticulars, &c., apply to the DELIVERIES TO ALL PARTS OF THE TOWN DAILY, EASTBOURNE. Secretary, The Ladies’ College. Prinni^aiafP- 8- GILBERT, B.A. (bond.). G 1 ADDRESSES; [ N.B.TMiss DW8 Ruklles is at home to see Parents IP IE £ WEEKLY, Principals j a Q qxlbERT, (Lond. Univ.). | ' 4 | | that aS r Jrr-i LADIES' SCHOOLl 87, S6A8lde-ro»d; 17, Carlisle-road; 10, Grand Hotel Building* on business on Fridays, 3 to 6 p m. Private School fqr Boys. House beautifully situated in its own [Grounds. 19 and 81, C hurch-street; 15, Pevensey-road and lj?5, Seaside. Field for Hockey, Recreation RUom (50-tL long). i Premises with S aciea of ground. Chemical and Special Advantages for Musioand Modern Languages. (Oompton-atroet W «t) and 54, Seaside. REENCROFT-ELL 15 S MER E, AS 1 Laboratories, Gymnasium and Playing Fields, xeL iee. , I . . Prospectus, references, 5tc., on application to the a I, SPENCER ROAD ation for London Matrioulatton and Oxford . ! ■ ■ ; ! (Late of 32, The Avenue). aod Cambridge Locals: Principal, MRS. C. H. de la MOTHE. Fees Moderate and Inclusive. Home School for the Daughters of Gentlemen. ts LETHBRIDGE’S ST O R 'E S. ; MISS LLOYDS has removed to more oommodious ~3 g jT . GEORGE’S SCHOOL (UPPERTON), /2H A N V ILL E OREST, ST. JOHN’S ROAD, premises aud is prepared to receivo an Increased U EASTBOURNE. number of DAILY PUPILS. : ROi t School for the Daughters of Gentlemen. FOR BOYS INTENDED FOR BUSINES8 LIFE. OETZMANN r pLAREMONT, BOLSOVER ROAD, Meads, The Subjects of Instruction Include those taught at Thorough Modern Education with special facilities for W Eastbourne. S hool for tho Daughtoru of Gentle- an PubUo Secondary Schools and. in addition, spe Music and Languages. imen. Specially reoommendod by ihe Countess of is paid to Commercial Subjects and ■f— & CO., L t d ., ------Opxn Scholarships obtained by Pupils. Carnarvon; Higholere Castle, Newbury; Mrs. Wrough eproofl Individual supervision and training. Happy home life ton, Woolley Park, Wantage; and present Parents, &e T and Goods, ■ T* ' Prospectus apply Hasp Mastsr. with healthy School discipline. Lovely Position, Tennis Lawus, Hookey Field, 8taff of I, Ac. t made Near TOTTENHAM OOTJRT ROAD, LONDON, W. JUST PURCHASED Certtfloated English and Foreign Mistresses and I/mdon Extensive premises In own grounds. Playing field. Masters. No failures in (he Oxford Locals, R.A.M. and Telephone 61 Crowborough. Telegrams: “ OETZMANN LONDON.” Telephone: “ MAYFAIR 101.” Large hall, well-lighted and ventilated, for gymnastics, * I R.C.M., Royal Drawing Society Exams, in 1907, The dancing and fBdoor recreation. highest position in Eastbourne in the Senior Oxford in ^e n g in e ] r £ * a d L1MiT,tI> gAFERONS, 0R0WB0R0UGH, Prospectus and List of Saooessesin PubUo Examinations FROM A BIRMINGHAM MANUFACTURER | 1908. All exams. optionaL Special homo care. (.,, during past year on application to Thh Principal. BUER RO. lO (Tele. u SUSSEX. Principals „■ THE MISSES DAWSON. [ NEW and! COUNTRY COTTAGES PUPILS COACHED (or the Universities, Professions, ip i K B . E. W. MAKOVSKI, M.A. EngUah Language and Literature, &c., at SPLENDID JOB LOT PENDANTS. jyjALVERNHURST, EASTBOURNE. i for CHARMINGLY AND INEXPENSIVELY FURNISHED. THE HOMESTEAD, 52, CAREW ROAD, or PARK WASHIN-h r * § VIEW, 16, BLACKWATER ROAD. DAILY CLASSES FOR GIRL8 will bo OPENED ILLUSTRATED p o s t SEE WINDOWS. igth 8H£jTING. with Pulley. KB. F. V. SELFE, B.A. “OUR COTTAGE” FREE. R . G . COLVILLE, M.A. Oxon. NEXT TERM, commencing Monday, May 11th, at b o o k l e t (late Open OUedcal Scholar of his College A Hononrman), 1 Malvernhurst Cottage, Meads-road. - ' Behrieh OoUege, and Scholar of Magdalene College, Cambridge), M Recent Successes: Pass Matrioalation.LondonUniversity, For Prospectus and further particulars apply, either to reoeive, either aa Boarders or otherwise, I ? - First Division, and in Supplementary Paper in Latin by letter to Mbs Gib, Malvernhurst, or personally desiring special Tuition in any Suhjeota, Profe, Sept., 1911. Previous Exam., Cambridge, First Marked at Practically Net Cost. £5 PEEP AID OEDEES CAEEIAGE PAID TO ANY . Class, Part L, Second Class, Part II., October, 1912. | between 12 and 1.30 p.m., any day but Saturday. MOTOR re prepared for the Entxanoe or Matriou- t>ER3 __lations of Oxford, Cambridge. Loudon or ereilies; for Scholarship fexamluatione and RAILWAY STATION IN ENGLAND OE WALES. SAVIOUR’S CHOIR SCHOOL, A SMALL CLASS FOR THE CHILDREN .PU dP — to Sandhurst and Woolwich. S. SOUTH STREET. EASTBOURNE GAS COMPANY. OF GENTLEPEOPLE ONLY lONAL( ENGINE and Suctta TERMS OH APPLICATION. BOYS ARE TAKEN FROM THE AGE OF EIGHT. IS HELD AT S, GRANGE ROAD. nearly c Fees £6 per Annum. )lla prepared, if desired,for the Cambridge Preliminary 1NGINE condition), Examination. Beginners received. MG1 new). NIOIPAL SCHOOL OF ART Many Choral Scholarships, some of which cover ITxchmicaX Institute, Grove-road) the whole amount of the Fees. References from Parents of Pupils, Training for Business Life. Apply, by letter, to MISS E. CLEATHKR. and EVENING CLASSES are held In all LOOK YOU LEAP !! shea of Art, lnoluding Classes In Metal Work, For Proepeotns and other information apply rT _ Wood Carving and Leather Work. THE WARDEN. . D. dswkll, Manager. [ADAME PETRELLI, R.A.M. Visitors ean join for short periods. Before you buy any kind of Furniture anywhere, it is worth your while to investigate (late Pupil of Signor Randegaer), of the principal TVTR FREDERICK CRAMER, A.R.C.M. London Concerto, and PRIM A DONNA D’Oyly LHAN'I | MACHINERY f MUNICIPAL SECONDARY DAY SCHOOL the, value we offer you—then compare it with what the other firms would offer you. aTJL (Pianoforte Solo-Playing Diploma), Diplom6 of Carte Operas, London, the Royal Conservatoire of Jtondershausen, Germany, MARSHALL & DUNBAR, FOR GIRLS You will at once rfeijognise that our Furniture is moke th an value for money, and also GIVES LESSONS in VOICE PRODUCTION (Ufpebton-boad). Givee Lessons in PIANOFORTE A VIOLIN PLAYING, and SINGING (Italian Methodi. * : i note that we guarantee to THEORY, HARMONYTMUBIOAL PQRM, Ac. MUNICIPAL SECONDARY DAY SCHOOL [ Addiws; C5Aia v-Dok, Dt -.i's Drtvj, Eastbourne ■UL-r-> , PupQnprwartdfor all. ^ p s io a l Examinations. Ladies’, Gentlemen s & Clerical Tailors. Many of her Pupils holding distinctive engagements — ——-—-—- FOR BOYS ' ‘ Address.-— ■ Schools Visited. in Opera ana Concerto, 1 to inwpiti (Tfchnioal I nstitute, Grove-road). - Save you 3/- in every £ 1 spent here. B at— M Lodge, St. Leonards Road, Eastbourne; Personal app 8, H ornsey Bibb Gardens, L ondon, N. i, are use HABIT AND BREECHES MAKERS. JPRAULEIN MEYER, Dipldmde h . ^ S S S ’f ^ All Goods we deliver Carriage Free, and in every conceivable way we economise for (Highest References of Schools and Privateate . ROV mlttee. Town Hall, Eastbourne. ' IGNORINA VIANELLI FamiHce), (above you. We invite your Inspection. Our Show Rooms are open to you, and we expect S (Professoressa di Lingua Italians Laureata GIVES LESSONS IN GERMAN GRAMMAR, NEW SPRING DESIGNS & MATERIALS. LITERATURE, CONVERSATION. m H E MODERN SCHOOL of LANGUAGES, y6u to look at the v a l u e s we offer. We specially cater for the Middle and Working I i nell’ University di Roma) Highly sneoeaeful in preparing for all Pnbllo Examinations. * Ba Bobby dk Co.'s Arcade, 10, Terminus-road. Classes. GIVES LESSONS IN ITALIAN Conversation Glasses for friends (if 4, course of 12), one In Schools and Families. French Lessons also given. guinea each. w 1 FRENCH, GERMAN, ITALIAN, SPANISH, MUSIC, SINGING, PIANOFORTE. ENGLISH, RUSSIAN, CLASSICS, HEBREW, For terms, &0., apply Heathkbdxne, 4, Meads btbeet, Hatters, Hosiers and Shirt Makers. Eastbourne. 1, A ll S aints’ Cottagk, Meads, Kabtbodrnh. CAN! lRIES on full 7a.«dJ, See. |21r. . T ints Moderate, Native Teachers. Trial Lesson Free. PETERS & SONS, ISS M. GRAHAM SCHOFIELD, ' SOLE ADDRESS : Telephone No. 995. ISS ALICE NORTON, l.r.a.m., A.E.C.M., »dc Edmonds, Principal—L. DK LAV ALLA Z, Dr. Litt» 3N PARR' ,1 M DiplOmde, Paris M Visits and Receives Pupils for (1st Class Certificate), | Pianoforte, Harmony, Singing & Voioe Production, Gives LESSONS in PRACTICAL DRE-»SCUTTING Ill & 113, SOUTH STREET, EASTBOURNE. Elmi • "M/TR. A. E. 8TYLER, 1, Silverdale-boad. Co m p l e t e h o u s e f u r n SHERS, In EASTBOURNE on SATURDAYS. I v l Medallist of 8odety of Arts. Long experience and MAKING, FRENCH PATTERN MODELLING I u County Modern Language Instructor ana Examiner. and MILLINERY. [ Pupils Prepared for Metropolitan & Local Examinations Bohofleld has had 12 years’ exporienoe with private Upwards of 200 Successes. FRENCH, GERMAN and ESPERANTO, 6 to 10 and 24 to 27, Kensington Gardens, Brighton. pnplls and in class teaching in sohools. Address: English, Latin, Spanish and Italiin taught by up-tojdatc method. Blouse Patterns a Speciality. CHARLES BREACH, 838 29, MAGDALEN TERRACE. ST. LEONARDS.. Five minutes’ walk from Central Station. Trams, stop at Horner. 2, CORNFIELD TERRACE. Private Lessons or small Classes. Schools visited. ■ ; J ; j. 1 * :-v j- , ■■ - / 1 ' j 1 — Unterrioht in alien Zweigen der englisohen Bpraehe. }■ DEPORTMENT AND BALLROOM DANCING. Tkl.: P.O., 818. National, 880x. WE CLOSE at ONE o’clock m SATURDAY. Builder, Contractor and Sanitary Plumber. On donne des legons d'anglais anx etrangera.______(JOACHING: English for Foreigners M ISS LUCY WAY begs to announce that JQRAWINQ AND PAINTING-CLASSES. MB. J. TALIBABT, B 6s-L. West End Building Works, Meads. Residence: 1, Matlock-road, Meads. saffronscrooms. o^ saturdS atE3DP. ^ the Td. Estd. 1830. ►WLEY & SO N , (who has had many years! experience in osachlng ESTIMATES GIVEN TOE GENERAL HOUSE REPAIRS. Boston, Double Boston, Tango, Maxixe, and Fancy IARGARET BENEOKB (a pupil of Mlw p RC Foreign Pupils in English land in preparing English L Dancing. Private Lessons can bo given at any time on and Mr. W. Rothenateim) HOLDS Closed Saturday, Candidates for various examinations in French and | application to— ______=_ h t THE BTUDIO, BATH ROAD , . 1 2 8 , S T . J AMES’ STREET, BRIGEETOl • One o'clock. I German), and , j SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO DRAINAGE AN» HOUSE SANITATION. (seat to ». GROVE ROAD). '— I IO OPTIOIANS; EXPERTS in DEFI OTS of the EYES, 2, WE8T TERRACE. EASTBOURNE. i daily 10-6 and on Tneedays and Thursdays 7.45 OPHTHALKIO and SOIHNTIF MB. A. H. ARDBSHTB, B.A. LL.B., Cambridge MAKERS OF OPTICAL, PHILOSdftnCAL, AURAL and SCIENTIFIC II ISTRUMBNTS. (late Open Historical Scholar of his College, Literature ’Phon* Bx. Watlmates Free: and Essay Prizeman, and Honourman, 1909 13 Governing MILLER & SELMES, DANCING AND DEPORTMENT. AGENTS FOB THE “ F ATHBSOOPB” HOM S OH fEMATOGBAPH. Tutor to sons of His Serene Highness the Ruling IS S ELEANOR RATOLIFFE, Sole Opticians to the Sussex Eye Hospital, 18SI-1911; Re appoin ed, 1913, Prince von TAum und Taxis) Builders. Decorators. M 10 years Assistant to MRS. WORDSWORTH, hRAWING AND PAINTING. ra RECEIVE PUPILS wishing thoroughly to study the Plumbers. I Has RESUMED her CLASSES at the GRAND HOTEL. CONTRACTOR 1 TO PUBLIC AND PRIVATE INSTITUTIOt English Language, or requiring coaching in History, Every gtion of Building and House Repairs done at Moderate Charges. SATURDAYS at 2.45; Juveniles, 11 o’clock. , by letter, 1 Classics, Mathematics, French, German, &o. " ‘il attention to Drainage and Sanitary Work, At DEVONSHIRE PARK, Wednesdays at 3,15 i PUPILS PREPARED for Oxford and Cambridge Bpecial Baby Class, 11 o’clook. Entrance Examinations and History Scholarships, Adult ClasB for Tango, Maxixe, &c., Mondays at 8 30. ”j “B R E W ’S B R IGHTON LITER P IL L S Diplomatic and Consular Servloes, &c. Office and W orks: 75, TID ESW ELL HOAX), EASTBOURNE. ALLANDALK, COOMBS ROAD, CROYDON. P eivatb Lubovs. Lkotufks. Schools Visrnro. Are a Certain, Sale aiid Effective Cure for all Stomach and Liver !troubles, i Shaw holds positions ofjn a n y years i Highest References. DANCING AND CALISTHENICS. t Teacher in the Mary Buss Schools, and i Address: GORDON LODGER ST. ANNE’S ROAD. . Established 1870. Telephone 105, r Schools In London. Kxcel'ent t~ A S A M P L E BC X F R E E ON A P P L [q.ATION. , For the Erection of High-Class Residences and the Thorough Execution of Repairs, ISS HUTTON MOSS and MISS PAINE East Doan road, Kastb ______M ; : Have resumed their '] : ,.f P rices : 1 / l i AND 2/9. gU S S E X HOTEL, CORNFIELD TERRACE CLASSES for Children at THE GYMNASIUM, YORK utb- 38 ELSIE S. M. REED, Certificated MARK MARTIN & SONS, ROAD, on SATURDAYS at 2.30. Advanced Grade Associated Board B.A.M. and 71, B A S T STREET, BRIGH TON. Special Class for Adults for Tango, Boston, &c., on aod Organ (Honours), late Deputy Organist Grill Boom and Bestaurant. TUESDAY EVENINGS, at 8.80. Church, Eastbourne, Accompanist to tho High-Class Builders, Decorators, Shop Eitters, Electrical aud Heating Private Lessons airanged. , GIVES LE2J80NB in A LUNCHEONS. TEAS. D1NNEBS. SUPPERS. Engineers, Sanitary Specialists. Apply to 39a, Habbinoton-boad, S.W. and ORGAN PLAYING and In HARMONY 2id. BUYS a TABLET-of Open to Non-Residents. Moderate Prices. Mbs. Boult, Proprietress. Office and Showrooms: 1, OOBNVQELD TEBBAOB, Eastbourne. Btadents prepared for the varioos Mnsical 1 , “Bach Villa,” THa Gbits, Eastbottbu. : D O L I H I N SO d P . And at 4, COMPTON TERRACE, MEADS. L i - MBNT AND PIANOFORTE PLAYING. DON’T HESITATE, GET IT. FOOTBALL, HOCKEY, LACROSSE, Certificated i n : A LARGE STATE of COMPETENT MEN RETAINED for PROMPT REPAIRS IN ALL BRANCHES. Distinctive and raoceesfnl method. Preparation for tw *- GOLF, &o. ______I all Musical Examinations. Testimonials from Well-known nior Local, j SEE RESULT 1 AFTER USE AND ITS EOONOE • X* ( Musical Critics. Ladiks’ Choib.— Easter Term com- i, GIVES 1— \ .Ti •: 1. ______cau Organ, and ____ _ R . N. COLLINS’ SPORTS SHOE, HemuU Wathtd in Ram Water, for the itoragi of which large underground Concrete Tanke have teen eonetmeted. menoes Third Week in January. it.—For Terms app^S. Calvedhy-road. Particulars from Miss Mina Hudson, Willoughby House, 8, SOUTH STREET (Near Town Hall), Station-parade; or Clut’b Studio, 1, Gildredge-road. — — TO MOTOB CYCLISTS. EASTBOURNE. 1 EASTBOURNE Singing, Pianoforte, Harmony Profusion*! OricAeter Butb • 0.0, 1891-92. WYNDHAM ROBINSON Few Shop Soiled M o t o r C y c l e s must be Sold; 3^-h.p. Cricket C l Eaetbonrae College, 1805-4-5-fl. SAKITARY STEAM LAUNDRY CO., LIMITED, | Tel. 261. Under Royal Patronage. Est. 1999. __ IB At THH F FREE m ENGINE. . w - » T w w -VARIABLE A nv a n< m nw GEARS. a oa DQ>7 £87. 1A. tl i H E CENTRAL GYMNASIUM, BBC HOT KIN 8TUDI0B, WIGMORE STREHTT,'7 HOTCHKISS * BON, B.8.A. and BOYAL ENFIELDS in Stock. Secondhand Magneto Models from £10. , LATIMER ROAD, EASTBOURNE. T CORNFIELD ROAD, Eastbourne. LONDON, W.,Oo Whdnmdatb, n g i n e e r s , millwrights , Proprietor, Prof. GEORGE RABEY (late) Sergt.- aod lo EASTBOURNE on other days. LARGEST STOok OP ACCESSORIES ON THE SOUTH IAST. Kvery oonvenlenoe Is provided for ensuring the Highest Class of Work tor Families, Lodging Instruotor H.M. Coldstream Guards. /tim et BEX HILL on Saturdays. Schools attended. E PATTERN MAKERS, Houses, or Hotels. & ,ng up IMhx Brighton. BLACKSMITHS AND BOILER MAKERS, The Su'-jeoto.of Instruction are: Gymnastics, Deport­ Address: KYA LAlfL THE GREYS, Eastbourne. SPACIOUS OPEN DRYING GROUND. ment, iilitary, Physical and Swedish Drill, Boxieg, R ^ m lV Votoe Production a speciality. R. BROWN a SON, And Repairers of all kinds of Machinery such aa Fencic„, swora, Slngle-stiok, Life Saving, Resuscitation, ; Steam, Gas & Water Engines, Hydraulic Lifts,&c, Lettere ehould be addressed*'Vm Hill, Sanitary Steam laundry, Latimer-road, Eastbourne." First Aid, &c. Y7T8ITING TUTOR AND LECTURER d u s Baskets. ASHFORD ROAD, EASTBOURNE. First-class Army Instructors. Schools attended. Tranks °,LS J,, Kit Bags, Cabin Tranks, Di MONEY. Established 1879. WARDROBES. Ladies’ and Juvenile Classes are 'held daily in Deport­ “ XX. A. GABA, B. 6sSc. (Franoe), Selection of Ladles' end Gent’s TWEED, FLEECE, FUR and THEB-LINED Engineering Works at Rear. ment, Physical and Swedish Exercises, and are under the P«N ! MONEY. personal supervision of Mrs. Geobqe Rabkv, OOATB for M otoring and T ravelling. W. T. LAMB k SON, ***°robe*. For particulars apply at the Gymnasium. -. Matnral Scienoes, See., Current Events. HUNTING KIT OF EVERY DE80RIPTI01 Telephone. { 4^ - Candidates prepared for Examinations. WEST EVO STYLES PAWNBEOKBBS, JBWELLEK8 AND GENERAL SALESMEN, Address: 18, THE AVENUE, EASTBOURNE. P H IL L IP S , 54-5, W est-street, Brighton; and at 201, Victoria-street, 8.W.; AT- 40, SEASIDE ROAD (opposite the Colonnade), EASTBOURNE. 90 mid 92, Brompton-road, &W.; 1, Victoria-buildings, 8.W.; Ma, Honndsditch, E.C.; 22. Park-street, Bristol. CITY PBIGE8. CHEALS’ ____!------’ ------1------Always ON SALE a Luge Assortment of NEW and Si ND-HAND WATCHES, CLOCKS, let. 1831. fJtHE QYMNA8IA, Tel. 917. Jewellery, Silver Plato, Kleotro-plated Goods, Cutlei Marine, Field and Opera Glasses, FOR FIRST-CLASS WH Y HOT DOUBLE YOUR XOHBY BY JOINING THB Spectacles, all kinds of Mnsloaluu>U UUu,Uu^^UuU,««.l&0..&0, iUu. YOBK __ l (near Town Hall), Suit - from 42/- ORNAMENTAL TREES, CAD, MEADS. lg Society? Oath Advanced on every description o f Property. ladies? and Gentlemen's Wardrobe» Purchasedfo r Prompt Oath, 4th Brighton and District Mm Benefit Bi PARTIES WAITED ON AT ANY TIME AT OWN RESIDENCE. MUSICAL DI ____SWEDISH EXI ! Shares Issued. ROBES, > D aily for Children or Ad PAID UP “ AA” SHARES £30 EACH. Halves and Quarters < G . & W . PIGOTT, ------j------.■■■-■ ■— ------'------L---1 -- . A / 1 mnrciHS ) compound Interest earned by these Shares equals their Capital Value within Eighteen Years I d t t S f f i l A Medical Subscription Shores, 10>. per Month. Advances Readily Madsdk . E a s t AYMRNT8. Fruit Trees and Hardy Flowers, /i “QHBON1GLK” PRINTING WORKS, 1 ATT d a TisppTtirAfl p d t OCEED & OTHER FEINTS, AND CONTAINING A MASS OF INTERESTING LOCAL INFORMATION. S i 01 m ■ 0 O K E , |J.: OHEAL & SONS, Ltd., , 1 VOld ttt oa c » i Books and Ivory, u l OM Needlework Picture*. c° GENERAL PRINTING WiU Pay Ct ton J i sen t o r C all by e THB HOTTEST Price ONE SHILLING, in Covert THE NURSERIES, J bRAWLE y J Or h m DMemmon d‘:' -j*Ij i J ' Established NEVER BLOCKS THB KITCHENER FLUBS. [seated In the Bert Style at Reasonable JPrtae. a , r . 1WITT, 72, SHIP STBEET, BRIG] H. 45 Years. ; a MIXED WITH A LITTLE COAL MAKES SPLENDID Thin Book will be found of great advantage to the Trade of ibourne when nsed aa a book of P IAN0K0RTES’ ^BKIOAN ORGANS, NARNOOXBN A OO.. Ltd. -JJ Ji : T DINING AND DRAWING BOOM FIRES. reference. The desire of the Publisher* was to this NEW ffiDmON HARMONIUMS and HARPS. YS, ■' ' .f By the Best Makers, on the Lowest Terms, for Sale, “CHRONICLE” PRINTING WORKS, DI P er Chaldron, Delivered...... 1 8 /9 POPULAR IN EVERY WAY. Hire and on the Three Years’ System...... M- 20, D, BRIGHTON. &> Workshops: 80, Eoad, Hove. „ „ Meads...... 1S/6 LYON 4k HALL, Warwick Mansion, 5, KING’S ROAD, BRIGHTON. THE EASTBOURNE AND DISTBI CTUS OPTICI S F e b S a c k , 1 / 5 ; M e a d s , 1 /0 . Copies may be obtained of the Publishers, Messrs. IA CJo., Limited, at the R^eauA County Hoepitals, Burgioal Aid Boolety. 1 *0 • £] "H j Experienced Tuners sent to all parts of the Country. ■ OILL POSTING AND ADVERT NG The above Prices are eubjeet to Alteration without Notice. Illustrated Catalogue. Free by poac. I and aSpedafite. Spsctaolsss Bykslas&bs " CHRONICLE ” OFFICE, SOUTH EASTBOURNE. t i ' S 3 OOMPANY, Limited. I lassss, Babokstsbs, Thi :o t r a n . Tulwoofbs, AND OF AT.T. BOOKSELLERS. M EM ORIAL CARDS—a variety of pattern* J U u a - , B W. FBUiOWS. Lomp till7; Saturdays,BtUlL le, 4,483 both Slope, ie Gas Company. tm Office-7, SUSANS ROAD. ***■ F***oomb* A Co. Ltd., Le wee,Eastbourne, Ao i'Yl ’ . ; \*K 1f i i , . ,, i: -j V-'j <:>1- . !> ,v' ' I M 1 i ■ I s ’ I ... | .'iv '' ■ - ,Sr ' --r h m i iv-; W. - r' ' : - . . :


an Increase be left to the Borough enable a man to pay his rent and keep a wife and pay men 26s. a week than force them into the when through Illness or time off at tbelr own family UMMtfqrt and deeenoy. If they took the workhouse. request the regular drivers were away. They The tor: Aa e matter offset of faot the Borough mattefMMM$M|>alked over it quietly, he thought . The Mayor : There are only 16 men to be dealt must realise that In a concern like that a lot of Roj 8 gives Increases without any reference thOT mJghi wallse the justice of luoreasing some with and the Surveyor will deal with them fairly. spare driving wonld have to be done, and it would to the Ittee. It ie perfectly rlgh ) to leave It Councillor Marshall : Unfortunately there are be Interesting to know how often these boys per­ The montJ to hlm.1 AUepaaiL Kbay hoped the Oounoll would not 148 who will not be dealt with. formed the duties of driving, as he understood E L L IO T T ’S took plaoe on Councillor Huggktt : Thanks toy. yottr explana­ senff^ltem ort baok. The oommlttee had devoted Councillor Pearson : We have been here three they were very considerable, especially In the tion, Mr. Mayor. 1 take It In this light.. I f he a considerable amount of time and thought to the solid hours (Voices : “ Two” and laughter). Well, summer months. With regard to the third class finds the warns not adequate—too low^-ghe uses his two; that Is quite enough. This matter ought oondnotors receiving 4d. per hour, the report did matter, and they had obtained Information which STORES, G . H. discretion. I submit, on the other hand, the had neoessarlly involved very considerable expense. not, I maintain, to be left to the Highways Oom­ not state that five conductors reoeived an advanoe l i h i t u b O. K l Oounoll should fix the lowest wage a id not have Up to the present time the information rcodved mlttee. I therefore propose that It be referred to of }4. per hour on the pay day previous to the last C. It. one man receiving 18s. and qthera 10s., 21a. and 90 had cost £60, and to extend the inquiry further a Speoial Oommlttee. Oounoll meeting, but after the question had been Ernest I forth. There should be a minimum wagje, or rather meant more expense, and the obtaining of no The Mayor said there was a notloe of motion to sent In to the chairman. With regard to one man (Opposite 8 . Saviour’s Ohnroh), t . e . <: a fixed trage, so that he know^ what to go upop U______9efal additional information. ______Councillor Huggett__ that effeot, which would be considered later. receiving £ 1. la. 8 ). per week, by a coincidence H . H. I ThXUDe BIU1UUUQattitude VIAof the11*10 UUAAAUXAVVOOoommlttee MOhe wasWip uwunot BUW-alto- i had stated that the attitude of theoommtttee was Oounolllor Ga r t e r agreed that there was no that amount appears In Mr. B. S. Rjwntree's b . o. r j gether surprised at, considering the personality of' against him. He (Alderman Keay) only wished need to Impart blcterness Into the dlsonssion. book----- EASTBOURNE Capt. J They wanted to give the matter heartfelt consider­ May o r: Y ou Dr. Nla the members. There were four build irs (orles of that the attitude of Councillor Huggett had been The have already dlsousBed that. And At MEADS. R. E. I ‘Order”). in oommittee what It had been In the Counoil, ation. They wanted to oonsider whether they .Councillor Ma rsha ll: lam going to discuss It T. B. CH Alderman Martin ; I don’t think a member of beoause it had been entirely different. The were paying those men a wage they could live on. as regards this conductor. Rev. H.l the Oonnoll should oome hear and oast slurs on attitude of Councillor Huggett In the oommlttee They were paying men 21s. a week. Was It a Counolllor Nibdermayeb : Mr. Mayor---- W. Jen J And Invite Inspection of their choice selections of others. -*-*■ - was absolute silence; It was most difficult for him living wage? That was what they had to oon­ Counolllor Ma rsha ll: I am on my legs now. Algorud The ayor (to Oounclllor Huggett): Let us not to say a single word. Even at their last oom­ slder ; and he hoped the Council would take the iedbrmaybr M Councillor N : The rates cf their Telephone Number!: . | 1 ■ ' A r, I have these personal remarks. mittee, when a resolution was moved that a certain matter In hand and pay the men what the j could wages will be raised at Easter, “ inclllor Huggbtt : I have not mentioned any seotlon should have an Inoreased rate of wages, no live upon. Whose fault was It that the oblldren Oounolllor P earson : I rise to a point of order. South Houses, 227 and 27. Dr. J. ’ members. ■ j i one seconded it. He (the chairman) had to say to had to go out to labour If the men were paid The Mayor : Please sit down. K W. ’ Vienna Tailor|-made Costumes, Mham Beanos, 207. B. T. V | The Mayor: Y ou arc making penional refer­ Councillor Huggett, ‘‘Now, Mr. Councillor Hug: badly? Councillor Marshall : I think it Is a disgrace to L E. f ences. ' gott, surely you won't let that go for want of a The Mayor : I think I may mention that the this Corporation. If they are about to have a rise Telegraphic Addreaa: E. Kidd Councillor Huggbtt : I have not met ittoned any seoonder?” OounolUor Huggett then said, “ Ob, number of ohlldren who have been found working at Eastor I don’t see any reason why they should W. M.] Parisian Gowns & Blouses particular persons. There are four bulMere. ye3,.l will second it.” They had heard that day In selling newspapers Is about thirty for the whole not receive It now. In the course of farther Elliott’s Sroans, The Mayor ; I most ask you to give your the committee sheltered themselves behind the town—not more. remarks Oounnillor Marshall said they provided arguments in a quiet way without a ll1 fils violent Surveyor. I t is only fair to say that wbeu the Councillor Ca r ter : Do you oonslder yourself linen coats for conductors to keep them cool In the Wiliingdonl Parisian Millinery & Neckwear, Surveyor came there eight years ago he found a that a man can bring up a family of children on hot weather, but did not give them overooats in ^Councillor Breach ; I don’t mind. large number of road sweepers paid from 18j. to 219. a week? I was very sorry to hear those winter to keep them warm. The medal! The Mayor (to Oounolllor Hugge it): Please 24 i a week. At the present day—although It was remarks from you. I don't think you have sym­ Oounclllor Niedermayer : W care muoh obliged above olub ti Parisian Petticoats & Dressing Gowns give your reasons In the usual langut ge used in very loudly proclaimed at the last Council meeting pathy with a labourer and the way he has to live. for the lecture (laughter). following res this Counoll. that they were paying their sweepers 18>. a week If you, sir—I should like to put it—oame away The committee’s proceedings were approved. Oounolllor Huggett : Evidently soma don't wish from your residence, how would you like to live In TEA AND COFFEE Mis«: |. - I______t I —they would find, If they went through the Miss' 8j| to hear. i information prepared, that they had one man only one of those bouses and try to exist on 21s. a PLEASURE GROUNDS COMMITTEE. The Mayor: Your method is oontrary to the receiving 18s. a week. This one man was 67 years week? Counolllor T hornton moved and Alderman praotloe here. J . of age. I t must not be forgotten that they paid The Mayor : I am not saving anything not In Duke seoonded the adoption of this committee’s French Dress Fabrics & Silks Councillor Huggrtt : I am not surprised, I say. their men—every man on the staff—for ten days’ sympathy. I only just mention the faot that the proceedings. EXPERTS. considering the personality of the oommlttee. If holiday full pay. In addition to that they paid number of children who’have to go out Is not Counoillor B eal, referring to the yearly estimate, for Tailor-mades and Afternoon Gowns. anybody looks at the names of the members they eaoh man 53. In lieu of a beanfeast. He ventured large- asked whether a sum had been allocated for the V ’ EASTBOUf i I 1 ----- won’t be surprised themselves. I will, say It to to think that very few workmen In a oountry plaoe Oounolllor Carter : I was referring to the provision of a band at Hampden Park during the that extent. I moved varlons motions for Increases were paid in that way. If these men were so dis­ remarks you made just now about their not being summer months ? The eleven] for the men. As regards the support I received, satisfied and they could got these higher wages, married and being able to live on a certain amount Counolllor T hornton: Yes, the same as last bourne, whiaf It was veiw scanty indeed. I must thank Mr. why in the world did not they go and get them? of money. If a man Is employed to do certain year. on Saturday,! Councillor Hoadley for supporting me to a certain Now what did they find? They had found that work, and he does It, he ought to be paid what he . Counolllor P ea rso n : What was the estimate PURE CHINA TEAS. beet looal tall EVENDENS Ltd., extent, otherwise I do not think there |would have until the last three months there was absolutely can exist on, and taking this list supplied by the last year ? Yellows a go! been anything considered at alL I ibould not no oomplalnt. The men were satisfied. It might Surveyor I Bay wo are not paying the men what Counolllor Thornton : If yon will give me three goals t(] have had anything seoonded. The ooi imlttee, to be said they were afraid. He did -not believe It. they: can exist on, I don’t think we should leave notloe of the question I will answer It next time, matoh the save their faoe, considered the carmen ;o a oertain Whenever their mea had wanted anything they the question of paying more to the Surveyor. Connolllor P earson : Kindly state how many 80 MUCH RECOMMENDED BY TBM defenoe a wa extent and gave them Is. lnorease. II seemed to had been to the proper ohaunel. The proper Most likely he will be acoused of having favourites, times the band plays there during the stason. play of Grt, W e a r buy it a t me that they began to realise tin ■r position, channel was not a oounclllor. Certainly an appeal and the arrangement is oertain not to give general Counolllor Thornton: I have not the slightest MEDICAL PROFESSION. After a quark Afto- a morning's consideration niflbody was could be made to him if they could not get justice. satisfaction. 1 should like the Oounoll to deolde Idea; If you ask me next time I will find out. pass from Wl entitled to any Increase. They thought they had But the request should not be made to the coun­ what they are going to pay. The report was adopted. minutes lateJ better consider the carmen and give them an cillor first. The proper person to go to was the Alderman Simmons : A remark was made by the shot, whlohl lnorease, but there their generosity ended. The h&ad of the department. The head of that depart­ proposer (Councillor Huggett) that he was asked PUBLIC LIBRARIES COMMITTEE. Interval Eastl Surveyor’s comparative table gave averages of ment is the Surveyor, and a fairer, more upright at the Highways Committee by an alderman If he On the proposition of Oounoillor E aster, scored. Ten f wages, but not the averages of rents, whioh he and more willing man to help the working Claeses wantwl the old men discharged. I never say In secondei by Councillor Durell, the mlnntes of put Eastbon (Councillor Huggett) regarded* as a notable omis­ they or.uld never fltd than Mr. Prescott (hear, oommlttee what I am afraid to say In the Counoil. the Publio Libraries Committee were approved Ideal Teas for Dyspeptic*. nearly half tr­ sion. He thought the two were Intimately j bound, hear). The committee thought It better to leave A former aurvi yor told ns that If he were allowed end the s&m| together as regards the oost of living and the the matter of the increase. It necessary, to those to discharge some thirty old men he oould do with SANITARY COMMITTEE. Eastbourne I wages required to meet It. When thl9 report was sweepers to Mr. Presoott. If he felt that they were a coutidejrably smaller number of young men Councillor Hollins introduced the recommenda­ Eastbourne.-r being oonaldered' the Trades and Labour Council; worthy of more he was sure Mr. Presoott would better paid. The committee were most emphatlo tions of the above committee and proposed their 2/-, 2/6, 3/- per lb. Wells, backs;! deolded that they would get Information from grant It. Some towns had to oontractfor their work. on that oaoaslon—as they have been on subsequent adoption. Councillor Fox seconding. Mitchell, hiUf-l other plaoes. He admitted that some of the They had In this way made a very great aavlcg. oooaBlons— ihab It Is far better that these men who OounolUor Beal, referring to a proposal to Garrard, J. C.T grant an application from the Old Town Church Mr. MacKiml averages were favourable to Eastbourne, but the He hoped the day would never oome In Eastbourne are past their prime should do what they can (even H. Jesson ll’o-t] were otherwise. The report of the Sur- when they would have to oontraot for their work. at a lower wage) and have the knowledge that Lads’ Brigade to rnse the baths for 21 . Inetead of Towner (Post] Solid Gold Expanding Watch Bracelet, veyor dealt with twenty-five to Tiaklng But they had other people to consider besides they have got their liberty and are doing some­ 3d., advocated a uniform charge for lads generally Henman (SI. L twenty-two (omitting the four famine-] lOed, raok- workmen. They bad to remember that there were thing to maintain a home than that they should be In the distriot, who, he said, If they did not belong Engineers), C. I 15 jewel lever movement, £3. rented towns of Eastbourne, Hove, lexhlll and numbers of spinsters and widows who worked driven Into the workhouse. Really, when we come to the Churoh Lads’ Brigades were debarred from i Dale (St. AM Bournemouth) the average rent for six-roomed hard from Monday morning to Saturday night to analyse the list, we must know perfectly well having privileges the other lads enjoyed. ELLIOTTS SPECIAL BLEND* Boys), forwards The Patent Britannic.Bracelet with Gold Lever Watch ...l ... £4 dwelling was 7s. Id. The average at given In and who had the hardest job In the world to make that many who are employed have been discharged Councillor H ollins said the suggestion, if the report for the Borongh of Eastbou: ) Is 9s. 6 d. both ends meet. They had got to oonstder them. by other employers of labour and are men no one adopted, would be of no advantage generally, First quality 1JT jewel Lever Watch with Patient Britannic Bracelet, £6. The common experience is that It Is 1 If they They had to oonslder that every penny put upon else would take on. The Counoll have In their beoause the elementary schools had a cheaper rate than 21. All boysivs undernnd 14 got In for Id. and boys 2/2 per lbj' went to Old Town they would have a job to get a them made a difference. Then a great deal had employ three men over 80, fourteen over 71, ST. Md six-roomed house at 12a. The workii men paid been said about rents. Some people In Eastbourne eighteen over 68, thirty-eight over 65 and fifty-three over 14 for 2d„ therefore he did not think a change W. BRUFORD & SON, 100, terminus Road, i 23. 5i. In exoees of the twenty-two to’ us that bad —working men—preferred living In a good house, over 60 Some of the members say, “ Yon don’t was necessary, sent In reports. This famine of woi ng men’s preferred the enjoyment of a large house beoause, know what It ts to live on the wage that has been The oommit,tee’s proceedings were approved. SAMPLES ON APPLICATION. St, Mary'B own ground I Eastbourne; and at Exeter houses enabled small property ownei to take with the help of their families, they wero able to ;)ald.’’ - 1 oan tell them that I do know what it Is WATCH COMMITTEE. 23. 5i. above the . average rent. 1Chls 1 might let. He wanted, In oonoluslon, to aBk the members ':o live on It, and a good many more In the room previously tod account for the. strong opposition in that quarter of the Counoll to study the Information the com­ also know, I would ask those councillors who are The minutes of this oommittee were submitted Leonards. Tl HI S ROAD BARRIER. to municipal housing. But, to be fair,’even accept­ mittee bad given them, for If they looked Into the pressing for Increases allround tore-oonslder wbat by Alderman Simmons, who proposed their adop­ and their on| tion. 1 first half fron TOWN COUNCIL. The Tow) Clerk read a petition handed to him ing the average given for Brighton -whioh " he figures they would see that Eastbourne oompared •heir aotlon Involves with regard to other rate­ contended was too muoh—and the ikverlge for favourably with other towns, and In most oases payers, to refleot how It will affeot the position of Alderman Rowe seconded, teams went | by Oouncl or Huggett. The document, whioh Councillor B eal noticed that applications for unpleasant bore the si) atnres of 48 persons, read as follow Eastbourne at 109,. the balance against iistbourne was above other towns In their rates of wages. persons who are straggling—and succeeding with vas that if Teat difficulty only—to get a livelihood. I deny two motor ohar-a-bano licenses had not been referee's deol| We, the nderslgned ratepayers and residents of workers was 23.2d. a week. The faot ■ Councillor Marshall said Councillor Huggett granted, and asked whether the committee would E L L IO T T ’S •CORPORATION WORKMEN’S WAGES. Greys-road, esiro to draw the attention of the Town the Eastbourne landlord must have h| pound of could not have been silent in oommlttee seeing bsolutely that the oommlttee or the Counoll have and there > defend Its een hard - henrfced In their relations with tbeir re-oonsider the matter, because he felt It was to visitors were | Council to tl very meat inconvenience and annoyance flesh (In raok rents) labour was out that he had moved the various resolutions for the interest of the town that these licenses should the homesb caused to by the existence of the useless and vlotlms from starvation wages. Rstl strong Inereases of wages. As to bringing forward employes. I contend we have been sympathetic STORES A SPIRITED DISCUSSION. dangerous ier at the eastern end of Greys-road and language, bat to the point. , In all our dealings with them, and I only wish be granted. further soor whether sol action cannot bo taken by the Council to arguments to that committee, I (continued the Alderman Simmons explained that the applica­ LIMITED to pleoes rath secure Its rci oval. ; . |T le speaker then, In detail, contrasted the speaker) should think you might as well bring olroiimstances justified us making the Increases Surveyor’s comparative averages of ja six-room asked. tions were for two additional licenses for outside Hastings and Aldermai arguments with Beaohy Head (laughter). Aider- drivers desiring to come into the town, and the (Oppoeit# 8 . Baviotu’e Church), St. Mary’s, nd The monthly meetl of the Counoll was held E bay (chairman of the Highways dwelling In various towns with jhe figures man Eeay states that you pay these road sweepers A division on Counolllor Huggett’s amendment Committee! We cannot remove It or order Its was then taken, with the following result :— committee were of opinion that those already at the Town Hall on inday, when there were obtained from the same and other toiwns by the 183. to 24s., and he deplores the faot that I men­ granted were ample to meet the needs of the present:— removal, We have no' power. I t Is, a) private Trades and Labour Oounoll. He followed up this street. 1 tioned 18;. at the last Connoll meeting. I deplore For the amendment...... ^...... 11 town. i j W. Bolton) In tee chair. • by reading a communication from Brighton con­ the faot that he does not tell you that he employs A gainst...... 24 EASTBOURNB The Mayor (I A motloi by Councillor Beal that the petition cerning artisans’ and laboarers’ dwellings In that The report was approved. The Deputy Mayor (I R. T. Thornton). be reifi two men at 24;., two at 23s., three at 22s. 6d., six And at MXAbs. to the Highways Committee was not town. at 229., twenty at 21s., four at 20s. and one at 103. Majority against ...... 13 FINANCE AND GENERAL PURPOSES Alderman E. Duke Alderman W. Sharp second Councillor Be a l : I rise to order- We are, I Now, do you think it fair to say that we pay our F o r: Alderman Weloh, Councillors Pearson, COMMITTEE. T Mi --- Alderman C.F. Simmons take it, dlsoosslng, not house rent, but rages. » j; Alderman J. C. Towner COMPTON PLACE ROAD IMPROVEMENT. men 18s. to 24s. when only two men reoeive the Hoadley. Prior, Morgan, Carter, Eden, Soddy, The recommendations of this committee ineluded A respond! The Mayor: The argument Mr, Oounolllor maximum wage and twenty reoeive 21s. ? whereas „ J lLMa Alderman J. Welah J h e ToUn Clerk, referring to the above, said Marshall, Hnggett and Chapman. an estimate for Borough Fund purposes of £37,665, goofldmooe Alderman T. & Rowe Hnggett__ intends to use is that, havln, to Mr. Rowntree says in his book that 21s. 81. Is the Against: Aldermen Keay, Rowe, Martin, Including £6,283 for polloe and £13,682 for educa­ ' J • Mr. Rolan(j/Burke had that day been to see him th- e rents of " houses, wages should' su\d be higher, so he BADMINTON. Call or W rite! R.Aloe Councillor F. J. Huggett I with to the proposed removal of trees in amount required for the lowest standard of life. Towner, Harding, Simmons, Duke and Sharp, tion. It was moved that the Ovarseers be ordered T. Beal Councillor D. Knight Comnton Is at liberty to refer to rents: but It Is really In farther remarks, Oounolllor Marshall said he Counolllors Thornton, Fox, Holllns.Durell, Puls­ to pay suoh contribution to the Borough Treasurer i l aoe-ro&d, and he (the Town Clerk) unnecessary to go Into all these details. B. Bradford Councillor A. JMarshall | suggested ihat before the trees were removed It should not regret the Corporation work being put ford, Wright, Niedermayer, Rnssell, Knight, Brad­ by quarterly instalments, [This Borough Fund A ladies’ matoh was played by the Central C. Breach Councillor H. Morgan Councillor Huggrtt alluded to the housing con­ out to contraot, beoause the Council had adopted ford, Easter, Breach, Rawles, Duke, Aloe and TeL 554. Conncillor Niedermayer would be esirable for the Highways Committee contribution Is Included In the poor rate, whioh Is Badminton Olnb against the Meade Club at F. A. Carter, ditions and prices of dwellings at Bexhlll, Bourne­ the fair wage olause, and the contractors would Beal. ’ to be the same as last year, viz , 2s. 61. In the £.] For It 1« hetu A.A.Chapman Councillor J. W. Pearson to see Mr. lorke on the matter. mouth, Tunbridge Wells and Hastings, Incident­ have to pay the standard wages. Folkestone Gymnasium on Saturday, a close game resulting In to apply to i J. Duke Councillor 3. Prior Oounolllc Russell: Are the trees standing on Councillor P earson asked how many aldermen The estimates for distriot rate purposes were a win for the latter team by five events to four. ally mentioning with regard to the I last-named Corporation had granted an lnorease of 2s. all had voted ? also submitted, and notice was given to make this F.». Bareli' Councillor J. Pulsford the Duke’s (land? a week, Miss Aldridge and Miss Dennison beat MissC. Andrew J. Easter; Councillor J. Bawles The Tot town that the road sweepers there got round. Eastbourne, one of the most expensive The Mayor renlied that the names had been rate on April 6 th at 33. 2d. in the £, the same and Mrs. Taylor, 7-15,154,1541; beat Miss S. Semple and J. Eden Councillor S. Russell Clerk said they were partly. plaoes to live In, saw no reason for taking the same MON & 1 Aide E bay Intimated that the oommlttee The Mayor: The Surveyor’s Infi atlon was oalled oat and Councillor Pearson should have amou at as for the past year. Miss Scott, 17-14, 15-5; lost to Miss Pace and Mla« S. N. Fox Councillor G. B. 8 oddy obtained from the Corporations of ose towns, course. Wages were generally lowest In places Alderman Duke, In giving a summary of the Morrison. 10-15, 5-15. J. Hoadley Councillor J. C, Wright would see 1 'r. Burke. listened. j Certainly the Counoll would prefer the where living was dearest. The overage wage of Counolllor H oadley said he wished to move fluanolal position, said that with regard to the Mrs. Crisp and Miss Wilson lost to Miss O. Andrew F. Hollins 148 Eastbourne Corporation employes Is £1. Is. 6 d. and Mrs. Taylor, 15-12, 5-15, 15-17 : lost to Miss Semple and. UND1 1R0WTH AT HAMPDEN PARE. offlolal report of the toWna we have another amendment. He found several members Borongh Fund they had underspent by about £859, Miss Scott, 6-15, 7-15; beat Miss Pace and Miss Morrison, Cash Adva tee Medioal Councillor Huggrtt i Ours Is union a week. Rent absorbed nearly naif the Income not In favour of a general rise would support an wbloh was accounted for by the Burial Acts Com­ 15-9.15-7. the Borongh Gounol Pearson asked the Chairman of the and the miserable balance of 129. was left to mittee calling for £221 lets than was expected, Dairymenl tee^idtttaiK Surveyor | Pleasure (rounds Oommlttee what progress'had information. Coming to the analysis the wages, lnorease to employes reoelvlng.less than 23s. He Mrs. Cowper Smith and Miss Venables beat Miss C. ‘ Engineer (Mr. J. K. the speaker observed that of the 274 rovlde the ntcessarlef of life. In Eastbourne 148 would, therefore, move “ That the employes while there had also been a saving In respeot to Andrew and Mrs. Taylor, 7-15,18-17,15-10; lost to Miss S. been madi with the undercutting of the undesir- SCorporation employes were below the standard at the accommodation for lunatios In connection with Semple and Miss Scott, 7-16, 3-15; lost to Miss Pace and Borough Accountant (Mr.“Hr. W. A. Sparrow), able grot In the park at Hampden Park. employes in the Surveyor's de] tent 91 reoelvlng under 23s, a week be granted an Increase MisH Morrison, 3-15,10-15. is table (Major B. J. J. Tea’eale) and tee Motor 14, j 63 were which It bad been held men must stand In order to of 2s." Haywards Heath Asylum, although there had The Dei ty Mayor, In reply, said: Consider­ petitioned for an lnorease. Of the Advivno . ■ r (Mr. PjSllson). receiving 80s. and over; of a the remaining 211, 55 keep body and sonl together. CounotUor P rior : I will second that. not been an sotual saving of the rates, because, able thlm ing has taken place, and this will be The Mayor: How do they manage to do their their proportion had been less, the Guardians' had judloloui continued (laughter). had 26s. and underJ2& ; 106 reoeived■ ' to 25s.; Alderman H arding said the effeot of that would Personal A t DEVON!SHIRE PARE PURCHASE SCHEME and 50 (of whom lu were half-timers) lived 21s. work and keep in health. be that many of the persons whom It was proposed been more; therefore the aotual charge upon the EASTBOURNE FOXHOUNDS. CCoalost o r Promoting Bills. , REPORTS APPROVED, and under. In other words, taking _te average Oounolllor Marshall: A mystery that wants to benefit would then be bettor off than those now rates had been the same as in previous years. As Clerk having reported the unfavour-1 I the rent at 10a., 35 of the employes of althy East- solving. There are too many employers of labour reoelvlng 23s., 23;. 6d. and even 24s. regarded the District Fund, members would motion o f, the Mayor, seoonded by notice that they had saved, or probably would Friston Place was the meeting place on Satur­ t of the late poll on the Devonshire Park | Alderman Welch, tljfe report of the Asylums bourne bad from 16s. to 103. to . ivlde food, on the Highways Oommlttee. They are naturally The Mayor : Personally I may say that I am day, and a large company took advantage of the question, HammUfoACommit! bawimwaiI fPkA - l ' clothing, &o., for themselves and Ithel wives end biassed, and they ought not to vote, not In favour of this amendment save by the end of Marob, £646, but he hoped for a approved. The reports of i the superb weather. The day’s operations, without Hu h * i lor Hoadley moved that a return be Buildings Committee, IQeetrlolty and Street ohlldren—that is if they had made thi mistake of Councillor Breach said the housing question Councillor Chapman : Would It not be well for surplus on their Income of £1,356. The rate for belDg remarkably Interesting, yielded some good of all the oosts which had been lnoorred Lighting ' >mmittee and the Education Oommlttee getting married; 106 had to exist on 2s. to 15s. a was foreign to the matter before the Oounoll. He the whole matter to be referred back ? the year had brought in £ 1,000 more than was apart; The first fox was driven from Mr. >n wish the promotion of the BUI ou the week; and 50 had go exist, by going without The Mayor : The Counoll have already deolded estimated for, and he thought that spoke well for were also looted without dlsoussion. was surprised that, after what Councillors Huggett the town, beoause It meant that the proportion of Gorrlnge’s farm at Crowllnk into the valley as far vlons occasions, and that It be printed things, on 8 s. to lls. a w««k. and Marshall had said, they did not hkve the against that oourse. as Mr. Wlokliffe Taylor's house,1 where he was among the members of the Council, HWAYS AND DRAINAGE The Mayor : You seem to forget that many of eourage of their oonvlotlons and move an Increase For ConnolUor Hoadley’s amendment. 8 empty property had been very small, and this left bowled over. Two other foxes were killed after a he had been requested to move that COMMITTEE. ' ^ these men ere not married stf ell and do not of.-a halfpenny an hour for all these men. He Against ...... j...... 25 them with a net balanoe of £710 for the end-of the year. When they took Into consideration the faot little manoeuvring, and then hounds found In the as a large number of ratepayers felt require to rent a house.. Those who are married (Councillor Breaoh) would have supported that on For: ConnolUors Pearson, Hoadley, Prior, gorse at Charleston. Reynard led the field a merry had to pay, and they wanted to know Alderman Ebay moved and Alderman Sharp have not all large families and require less accom­ that they had spent £ 120,000, and the estimate seoonded the adoption of the above commit thjs understanding that the ordinary conditions of Morgan, Carter. Eden, Marshall and Hnggett. dance across the Downs nearly as far as Snap HUl, had to pay for. modation than yon mention; and In many oases employment were Insisted on. The Corporation was made twelve months ago and they had under­ Who have l report. The principal matter was that of the Cor­ Against: Aldermen Keay, Rowe, Martin, spent on these figures by £213, he thought It must whenoe he pointed for Jevlngton, bat turning to nearly 10 : ilntlon, whioh was seoonded by Conn- those who are married have grown-up i children to workmen would not be better off under an Towner, Harding, Simmons, Duke, Weloh and the right he got to ground in thick gorse. Another l all was defeated 13 to 12. poration Workmen's wages, respecting whioh (as assist by their wages In the payment of rent. prove that the estimate was very carefully pre­ the purpose of I RSH , by reported lh detail in our last Issue) the oommlttee ordinary employer. They would have to work Sharp, and Councillors Thornton, Fox, Hollins, capital ran fallowed a find at Snap Hill, but scent bants ( Breach pointed out that the coats These faota you seem to overlook. ; It Is very harder. The following comparative statement pared. With regard to the new estimate, they had negatived proposals to lnorease the wages of Durell, Puleford. Chapman, Wright, Nledermayer, asked on behalf of the borough fund for £37,655, giving out pursuit had ultimately to be abandoned. Adva t In the acoounts. difficult Indeed to say generally wbjat you say Bhowed that the Corporation workmen were Russell, Soddy, Knight, Bradford, Easter,'Breaoh, An nnfortunate Inoldent occurred at Snap Hill, arshall he had been different Masses of employes, the only exception as against £39,240 last year, a decrease of £1,765. To the Gentt. M said being the general carmen, who are to reoeivoa there. !' • neither overworked nor underpaid as compared Aloe and Beal. Mr, Roland Gwynne (brother of the Member for lied by several electors in his (the Oaveu- Oounolllor Huggrtt: To give the who are with; workmen In private employment :— For the district fund they estimated the sum Householders shilling peir week more. Counolllor P earson said he would now move required would be £66,927, against £65,436 asked the Eastbourne division) being thrown from hla alone, 7ard asking If it was possible fbr them to reoelvlng from 26s. to 203. one shilling week rise, Corporation workmen. — Honrs paid jfor: 34 that an all-round rise be granted to employes as horse, which bad stumbled over a rabbit hole, Mr. »petition for the purchase of the Park, as In rei to OonnoUlor Wright, the Town Clerk to give the 106 whose wages are 223. to 25s. two for last year, which meant a distriot rate of 3s, 2d. said be reoeived the draft conveyance In weeks at 56} hours per week, 5 weeks at 53} hours follows: Men under 60 years of age, Is. 6 J , ; all Although they were asking for a little more this Gwynne was temporarily knocked out, but after a l received postcards from someone saying shillings e week, and to give the who are over, Is. a week. rest was able to ride home on another mount, Hla MO FEESt respeot of « proposed Improvement at Ooklynge- reoelvlng 21s. a week and under thi shillings a per week, 13 weeks at 51 hours; total, 2,851 hours. year they thought the Increase In the rateable appeared on the petition roll. The road an(' Motcombe-road. The oonveyanoe was Average weekly wage paid r 7d. per hour painters, There was no seoonder and the proposal foil to own horse had broken its baok, and had to be ii would like to know If their names wage on week would cost the town £1,092, about flve- the ground. value would make up the extra amount. He destroyed. L - I t they were, It was forgery, because being eh id, and he hoped the matter would eighths Of _e penny rate,__ This ‘ ‘ Inorei se Would be £1. 129. per week; 7}d- per hour oarpenters, pointed out that this year they were bearlDg the be comp! d In a tew days without reoourse to It would benefit all! olasees. Including two hours for tools, £1. 15j. 6i . ; h}d. per The Highways Committee's report was then put The meet on Tuesday was at Hellingly Station. r_ not signed a petition for! the purchase, spent In the town. hour labourers, £1. 5s. 4d, to the Council and adopted. full oost of the scheme for the treatment of con- possible' tor those gentlemen to see the any f art) proceedings. - It' would provide needed nourishment for the sumDtlvec, whtoh they estimated would amount to A fox found lri Welburst covers, from which he Resident M» Council • Pearson congratulated the com- Average of looal builders.—2,706 hours. Average was evloted, afforded a short run and yielded hla lit he asked. children. In faot it would ba a profitprofitable Invest- weekly wage : 7}d. per hour painters, £1.12s, 4dT; COUNCILLOR HUGGETTS MOTION. £1,095^, He was sure no one. would regret this Remo lyob replied that thought his mlttee a; in their arrangement with the Railway ment. The total Increases would' m st more amount being spent. He felt the town generally brush on reaohtng Horeham Road. Springham if anyone Oompan; to provide automatlo apparatus-for 81. per hour carpenters, £1.15s. Id,; 81. per hour Councillor H uggbtt moved the following was then suooessfully drawn, and a protracted (off | I been Inserted wrongly he eould go to_the than £ 2 1 a week. I must add that wj e acous- motion with regard to Corporation workmen’s would be satisfied to know that the rates were not opening d closing the railway gates at Hampden tomed to pay as much to one offlolal. ' tbourne brioklayera, £1. 14s. 8 d 5}d. per hour labourer, going up this year. In spite of what had been woodland hunt ended in the quarry getting to ‘I . Berk, who would look itIt upu and Bee.see. The Park. £1. 4s. wages: “ That a Speoial Committee be appointed ground. From Nobody's Wood another fox was PROM! "lark would give any Information with Is a good place for the foreman. T! average In to re-oonslder the Borough Surveyor's report of aald outside they were asking fbr 3j. 2d. distriot Aldi E xay hoped the Council would eighteen other towns is 383. 6 d., w] ere as East- In further remarks Oounolllor Breach said the rate and 2 i. 6 J. poor rate, a total of 6 3 . 8 d. in the £. set going and after pursuing for some dlstanoe the Ii i the matter. support e committee in offering to pay a quarter Corporation workmen were satisfied until this January and February on the question of wages, hounds were called off and the day’s outing own? Clerk : Any ratepayer who says he bourne pays 47s. 2d. The Councillor [here read a and also to consider and bring up recommendations This was the fourth year in succession they had ofthecx i, but long table comparing the average wsges In other agitation was commenced. been so low. The rates dropped 3d. when the brought to an end. i told he has signed oan oome to me and I Aid on the question of wages paid by every department Loudon k ! m ' pleased to go through the petition with Dukb said he thought the Railway towns with those In Eastbourne, after deducting Councillor Hoadley : I say they were not. town beoame a county borongb, and they bad kept Oompan; ought to bear the whole of thb cost. Counolllor reach : Agitation has been the of the Corporation.” He observed that he did not 19. m ) whether his name is there. the alleged excess of rent Charged In ttyts town. B put forward the motion as suggestive of any down by that amount. There was a great possi­ ^Thank yon. Alderma Duke did not, however, press his objeo- The Mayor : All these figures, to whioh we have ourse of iabour, There are agitators who agitate bility that In about two years’ time they might A Day of Rest.—A new vicar was making Promptitude, 1 tion, for their own selfish Interests. prejudice against the Borough Surveyor, to whom ri! listened with great patience—and they have been the greatest oredit should be given. He asked that be able to bring the rate down to os. 7d. or even pastoral calls In his parish and stopped to converse iOATION FROM THE GARDENERS. * Couno! |or Prior favoured the oonstruotlon of a very lengthy—are based on the deduction of 2 s. 2d. Ocunolllor Marshall: What are yon doing? 53. 6d. In the £. with a small boy at a garden gate. “ And where bridge the oommlttee should be a representative one, and Bowing communication, signed by 19 of rer the line, which would obviate all from wages on aooount of Eastbourne rents. Well, Councillor Breach : Taking the Corporation The Mayor : You must not be too sanguine. dots your father go ou Sundays, my little m a n t” future di ir to both vehicular and pedestrian workmen as a whole I say they are as well treated, that there should be due representation of labour. Alderman Duke : I have behind me the Borough ,t(on gardeners, was read :— I must say that they seem to be entirely vitiated Councillor Pearson seoonded on the ground that “ Well, on fine Sundays he goes golfing, and on wet SH adv traffic. by the consideration I have already mentioned and are paid no worse than the men of any other Acoountant, to whom we give credit for being Sundays he sends us all to churoh so as he oan c A m undi ; engaged by your Council, con- O’ jration orkmen s ages “ every resolution that was pat before the High- L R Bates andl the gardening staff, wish to draw yogr kind W ' W , that the rents of the employes are not necessarily town. waysysO< Uommittee----- * was negatived...... very oautlOus. In oonolttBlon, the alderman paid a have a bit of peace In the house 1” Alderman Duke said he was very sorry at the warm tribute to the work of Mr. Sparrow, and the to the duties performed by us, and the wages Coum tar Huggett spoke at length against the what you mention, 10a per week, on aooount of Councillor Breach repudiated the suggestion with a view to an increase. When we commit! ‘ decisions anent the applications for their not being married, or not having large kind of spirit manifested respecting the workmen careful way In which the latter had prepared the Call or 1 that af ternoon. Some of them had been members made by Counolllor Pearson and^sald he moved a ted cost of living, also the fact that inoreaae from different masses of the families, or their rente being reduoed by payments resolution whioh was oarrried. estimates. j • town Is so high in comparison wif Corporal In moving as an amend- by their family, and possibly in some oases by of the Counoll for many years, and one would Alderman Simmons said' he did not want to 4, Havelook-d the fact that many of ns have ’— think from the language used that the attitude of Councillor Peabson : Well, nine out of ten then. throw cold water on the Chairman’s prediction 9 for, we feel we have a claim ment tt the report be referred back for further their taking tenants. Counolllor Marshall said several oommittees class of work performed by us Is m oonslde lion except the olauseln whioh ------Councillor Huggrtt oontlnued hi1 notation of the Counoll had been a very arbitrary one towards with regard to the rates, hut he pointed out that a its employees. He took strong exception to the employed labour and the Special Committee should " we do feel that we are unde men ha been granted an increase, he statistics, alluding to prices paid for lous kinds be formed from them. total additional expenditure of £2,753 would ooeur _ ___> the foregoing Into your kind coi against e estimates for the ensuing vear of labour by the London County uooll, and remarks made that afternoon, and he said to the very shortly. * you will grant onr request, leaders of the Labour party, “ If you want to get The Mayor said he hoped the Oounoll would not settled fore this Important question of the stating that Woolwich and oertain ther towns adopt the motion. The matter had been fully The resolutions embodying the estimates were further think that the ratepayers will n< wagea d been determined. He strongl; had adopted the principle of a minimi wafee. H« benefit for the working-men It will not do to oome approved. little increase in their rates, since, to the Counoll in the Bplrlb shown this afternoon ” discussed in connection with the Highways Oom­ _____ i an increase, the amouht would be pected lere had been an nltertor pu (Councillor Huggett) was acoused i fomenting mlttee, and he thought it was not desirable to Alderman Duke proposed and Alderman Towner Trusting to your kind consideration and delayln the wages report, and he: hoped alsoontent. but the faot was the dtsooi mt existed (hear, hear). He felt that Council hadhJNntfs been seconded the adoption of the remainder of the W l sympathetic and been ready to listen tq applica­ prolong the disousslon. No donbt, the question of we are, Ac. _ e to Introdnoe supplemental i and needed no fomenting. He was b surprised house rent wae a serious one, but li affeoted committee's recommendations. the matter was deferred until in n t Of the committee's reoommi It existed seeing the impossible sums pon which tions from the workmen, and been wishful to help CounoUlor P earson drew attention to the postal them In any way possible. Referenoe had been praotloally all towns In the kingdom. I t was not ,ya Committee’s report wee brought up. ] being ^ rat. As regarded the meeting some men were expected to malntal themselves only the workpeople who found It rather hard to arrangements at Hampden Park, and said he e, he attended It with no ex and their families. I t was deemed iroper to made to the pressure experienced In itctlon wanted the same arrangements as the rest of the with rente. Many felt there was a| certain meet their rents, but he did not see what they ,,, and he me out not the least surprised. resist any Increases of officials’ salarli mb when could do at present. If an; new case did ooonr he borough, namely, five deliveries a day. , -I' 1 I there —atmosphere — tinged *Ith Ml they oame to the working-men It 'difficult to grievance on that soore; but not only cottage Alderman D uke : We are awaiting the reply of rente high, — a similar state of thli [8 was was sure that If the workmen went to the Borough (" Oh ”J, When a qu[uestton of working get the Counoll to listen to any pro Improve- Surveyor they would receive considerate treat­ the Postmaster and I cannot give any assuranoe interes atoaeato3e it waiwas treated as of. ment. Members were glad of the ig-man’s experienced by tradesmen and li .. -house at present. manhood. | keepers, and they knew thts arose from e very ment. lmisport ce. support at elpotlon times, but the; rgot his Alderman artin : I shall refuse to go on the Dunolllor P earson : A very cool way of answer­ T h e , .YOltor , interposing _ : I wia present at that claims afterwards, although the log-man charaoter of the town. They most all bear In M ing it, I think (laughter). the m meeting. It is absolutely unfounded * ‘ * that (there needed their consideration as muoh any official. mind that although rente were high people oommittee as regards the wages; I shall come to Made Strongj. ihere of bitterness. He maintained that any wage uni 25s. a week were given oertam opportunities of oouping grips with them In another direction presently. HOUSING COMMITTEE. 7% .“ themselves In Eastbourne which they _ Ight not Councillor Huggbtt denied that he was silent Counoillor H ollins proposed and Oounolllor Fox CounoLUorCorn i< __ Huggbtt : I am going to sav what I was too low. He ventured • to say i there was In eommlttoe and contended that he moved expert sn sed. 1...... found it ulte bitter and not one of the Oounoll who would c ive on it. get iu Oldham, Bolton and plaoes like thi e (hear, seoonded the adoption of the above committee's Xondon Man cured of Nervous The first th! g I was aubj eoted to was a At the oommlttee meeting he obeervi ,t trades- hear). In considering the position of Co (oration resolutions, but that he got so disgusted with the proceedings. Mrs. amount of ri glng for what aotlon I was eu] men looked ont for their banking i n ts and workmen, it must be remembered they ibst very wall of hostility—perhaps he bad better modify Counolllor Bea l:.I take it Hampden Park will Datnirse, AUnneham. 4- to have baki claimed, little time indeed on account of wet eather. that and say indlfferenoe—that he closed his papers be brought forward and a full report made on It. * 4 Breakdown and Indigestion by In the matter. I was aeon even tbelr motor care, and a counoUli up. He urged that the question of wages was not •1 ' different employees of the Ooun “They were quite justified.” ly ; but whilst the concession in reapeot of holiday and The Mayor : The committee have reported Cough that gave no rest and k out beanfeast was equivalent to an extra shilling a properly considered, and therefore he asked for them and lnduolng them to put efurely the working-man was entltli this oommlttee. against Hampden Park. 1 Sri CASSELL’S TABLETS for himself -as well. The Oounoll make it week to the men oonoerned. Then they i An amendment by Councillor Beal with regard hurt frightfully—Veno’a cured It n id not their business to be model employei id thus set elder who many of the men were employ The motion was then put and loat by 18 votes to the housing question was lost, only four voting urs of labour, Corporation. One did not wish to se; to 10. . i Veno’sj -j Lightningt» . Cough---- a - Cure is such a )s came to him, for a good example to other employ In Its favour. splendid thing that 1 feel I can never praise it tiiatlf they took any The worklng-mah was ! not able dodae his against any of them; bat when they F or: Councillors Pearson, Prior, Morgan, Carter, The oommlttee's reoommend at Ions wereapproved Mr. Harold S, Morgan, of 57, Welkam Road, Mitcham the-ages and capacity of oertain of the Eden, Soddy, Marshall, Hnggett and Chapman, enough. So says Mrs. Daintree, of The oild bet1 subjected t o ______liabilities under the bankruptcy a. | He was Cedars, Grosvenor-road, Altrincham. She Lane, Streatham, London, 8 .W., «ay«:—“ The trouble ' rett then suggested that the iwed by the Trade Protection Soi lety and the must admit that, If discharged from tl Against: The Deputy Mayor, Aldermen Keay, The Counoll then sat to oonslder private and -came on With loss of appetite, hind the Surveyor to shield inly Court into paying 20s. In the tion, these (men would have great dll Rowe, Martin, Towner, Harding, Simmons, Weloh confidential matters, the public business having continues: “ Mine was a hacking, tearing followed by severe indigestion. getting employment under an ordlui and Sharp, Oonnolllors Fox, Hollins, Durell, ooonpled three hours and twenty minutes. cough, that gave no rest, and hurt frightfully. I was so plagued with flatu- Keay strongly objeoted to the AldermaaM” M „artin: *' * . are we When it. staTted there was no gotting it to clllor went on to say that there j to sit here and listen to’thls ru ilsh? W hat What he was amazed about was Polsford, Wright, Russell, Breaoh, Rawlea and J. leave off; I coughed till roy wbole body ached Isnoe and violent palpitation, on the oommlttee. lias the Trade Protection Sootety to| do! with this Corporation had been treating their ( Duke. m- that sometimes I could .hardly badly as had bees made out, why had MOTOR OMNIBUS COMMITTEE. BRITISH with the strain. I dreaded to cough at all, and -get my breath. I had pain il Mayor: Don’t make Count SOCIETY. |nothing relieved me. However, after months ask ton to move your motion • qnlet way and Thi Mayor: I hope Mr. Oounol Hnggettls many appl lea ta p s tot various positions Oonnoillor Niedermayer proposed and Coun­ my Udneya, too, so Council? (hearT w a r).. A' ' of suffering, I got Veno’s Lightning Cough , that if I stooped it was without the violent language , are ooml ig to an end. cillor Chapman seoonded tine adoption of the PEVENSEY AND .Cure, and what a relief! I felt better after B Ooune llor Huggett said Ifr anyone looked into Uor Pearson : Oan we have minutes there was a batoh of mfen above committee's recommendations. WESTHAM CENTRE, te to stand up again. employment He had been V.A.D. Sussex /94. ithe first dose or two, and soon was cured oom- Yet another trouble was eieep- the names of the oommlttee; they would not be ihments? (laughter). Councillor Durell drew attention to a paragraph St ' at the result of this;question. What he " Huggett aatd If the gave to again by men who asked, In which the oommlttee recommended that a motor quicker ” 1 08111101 ima6 in« anything being lbssnesa, wad finally not* get work on the Corporate 'bus should run ouoe during the evening, for two vous breakdown. Everything committee and what he npw repeated „ olasses that const' i which The members of the above detachment were last was th a ) if the Council employed olr men It was entitled the present it would had been that men In all months from Ocklynge to Devonshire Park via week examined by Dr. Taylor, of Hellingly. on Awarded Grand Prlx and Gald Medal, heeUte att efEmt.' I triad all their duty to give them a con- He regretted to have so much anxious to get on the Corporation, Enys-road, Oarew-road, the Avenue and the station “ Nursing.” Twenty-four candidates entered, of j International Health Exhibition, Paris, 1810. •aorta of things, but nothing Mr. Morgan, London knew they got regular work, and the! me until I got Dr. tenllon indifference that attorn 1”), and by way of experiment. At the last Counoll meet­ whom 00 euooessfuUy passed the tests. They were Pop Coughs and Coldn, ever, ht did not advocate# With _ _jned councillors who turned wae far .better than If they were en»r’“ ing, he said, It was stated that the committee had as follows: Mesdames Anderson, Bennett, Frank­ THOMAS Tablets. Then I could positively feel fi ordinary contractor (hear, hear). Bronchitis, Asthma, i and strength growing in me, and to-day I am 4 sweepeijs (continued the speaker) the” tbetio ear to the dalma of the workln no power to run 'buses along these routes, and he lin, Fuller, Kelsey, Magrath, and tho Misses Influenza, Catarrh, save tty lr face, were paying low wages to _ .r ____ might find their seats in jeopardy wl enm Oounolllor Chapman aald there wae idently a asked It anything had been done to obtain that Barnes, Bernard, Bonifaoe, Bryant, M. Hopley, E. model of fitness ” division of feeling in the Oounell, and he :d the and all Chest and Lung - ire simply shelterlnct themselves 1 lehlnd appealed to the eleotors. This was ihe first time power? Hopley, W. Hopley, Maxwell, Mitchell, Pilley, B, Par Bottle. Troubles in old or young. pries 1 after cure, even in the most severe eases, have _ for cheap labour. They got behind the they had heard such an appeal fro in a working committee would see their way to re-ooi erlng Oounolllor iedermayer said If there was any N ThoirpA Warren, Willmer and Wyatt. Of these Larger Sizes Th* surest and speediest remedy I Dr. Cassell’s Tablets to he the surest remedy ever Borons: l Surveyor. Why should they get behind man, and he oonld assure them it would not be the applications. The matter was a eer one one, objection to the 'buses running along the roads two> gained 100, the maximum number of marks, for Nervous Breakdown, Anemia, Debility,K- 1 an official“ ’ to‘ avoid .void theirtheil responsibility ? the last. .[ no doubt end he did not think the Ooonl raid mentioned protest should be made to the Board of two 05, three 90, 1/1} A 9/9 known. , Nerve Pains, Heart Weakness, Kidney Aldeiman KEAY: As c oftnlsoommlttoe Oounoillor Hoadley, In seoondlni, said he felt be wrong in asking the committee to ( Into It Trade. It the oommlttee oonld show that the Willoughby, of East' _ VRKE’S| Disorders, Children’s Weakness, Spinaland I I must protest against accusation that the the committee did not give aneh at entlon to the again. For that reason he ehonld buj the \J to care, in e route was wanted they oould apply for power. from the Urinary enbjeot as it needed. The faot tha > they had in mend ment. Councillor Marshall referred to a renm-i, from Mercury. Eetabli their employ men—some of them,the thoughr, Councillor Prior hoped the Sum of all Ohemistsj World, or iseot f free "sample.'’ AU Chsmhts sell’Dr. CasseWs I i In this way wl: Midland Oounti^i Tablet, st 10H , Is Hd , and 2s. 9d.-the 2s. 9d. size I illlor Huggrtt: h.ing the moil etouuuucal. hteeji are under 80. They n v- i

EASTBOURNE CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1914. 3 S In the seoond round for the U1 Charity Cup rises at her very feet, and another i showed a GOLF: ATHLETIC NOTES. the Gas Go. beat Upperton a ampdeu Perk by lion caught in the net. Another f of a very DEVONSHIRE PARK, seven goals to two. Althui pperton had eon- different ohat muter was “ The Grof. i’s Foundling, (Bt Sfhotator.) sldetably strengthened their 11 for the oooaslon, and other items worthy of mention (“ Sleuths Eoyal Eastbourne Golf Club, their display on the whole lsappolntlng and Last Stand (oomlo), “ Polly at the Ranch ” (oomedy), ; MISS MARIE HALL’S CONCERT. had the Company’s forwards sn their shooting “ The Lorellu” (drama), and “ Snapshots In Wales ” The attendance at Saturday evening's ooneert In Tlw medal oompetlitltton ot this olub 'H E W EEK’S FOOTBALL. boots with them the might easily have (soenlo). j the Floral HaU feU somewhat short of expectations. Most Wonderful V alue! urday w lththe 0 8 took place on following result1M reached doable figures, a t Inside left, was There will be an exhibition to-day a t 3 and a con­ There was, nevertheless, qnlte a good audience, Division 1. HE. H. D. UA GKIFVEN'S the beet marksman, seourin| |o fewer than five of tinuous performance fixm 7 till 10.30. whose patronage was rewarded by pwformanoea of -4 Gross. the seven goals loored it Vine, at outside The principal attraotlons of the programme ’ high artistic quality. Miss Marie HaU, who V STORE8, Q. H. Peacock.. ” TO EliEYEN. left, bagged the other twfe Reed, the dashing arranjred for next week are’ “ The Fatal Legaoy,” an enthusiastic reoeption, oharmed aU present O. F.-Tidman .. inside right ot the Engineers, vas the best man on and “ VIotory or Death,” both powerful dramas by the exquisite taste and finish, as well as by the C. R. Wether&U the Uppertan side and some his efforts deserved that are oertaln to make a great hit. Full details technical perfection, of her playing, her reading of Ernest Smith .. TO-DAY’S MATCHES AND better results. In theirr leagueli matoh against the of the bt-weekly bills are-advertised, the first movement of Tschalkowsky's Concerto T. E. C. Hussey...... ark this afternoon at 3 0 the In D major being notably fine. In some ot the H.H. H. Hodgkins .... Congers at Gildredge Park uuq a less pretentious pleees the artist revealed £2.10 £2.10 B. G. Firmin ...... The team of F.A. players selected from the East- Gas Co. wll^be represented by— exceeding deUoaoy and elegance ol workmanship, 0. Woolgar, goal; W.;Townsend and F. EASTBOURNB JB HL ...... League clubs by Mr. H. D. M&cklnven to DEV0N8EHBE PAM THEATBE, and all ner contributions afforded the utmost R. E. Symington oonoluslons with the Blue and Yellows on Alderman, backs; E. Ford, H. Ellis and E. H I j . 1 pleasure. Herr Alexander Raab’s masterly piano­ T. B. C. Piggott...... feturday failed to realise < tatlons. FaUed In half-backs; S. 0. Butler, G. Hall, F. forte soloe were.foUowed with the keenest appre­ Rev. H. R Browne. sense, that Is. They were______JM and played Horrell, T. H art and E. Vine, forwards. “A PLACE IN THE SUN.” ciation. Chopin’s Sonata In B flat minor and 1 W. Jennlson ..—.. ttter football than someae people had anticipated, No donbt most of those who witnessed, Mr. Cyril Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsodic, No. 6, were both Algernon Smith failed to beat the very moderate The Congers won their bill Charity Cup tie Haroourfs play when orlglnaUy produced have splendidly treated. The vocalist, Mr. Hubert SOLID GOLD THROUGHOUT! Division II. » team opposed to them. And a win against St. Mary’s IL In Glli ige Park on Satur- taken the opportunity of seeing It again during the Bromtlow, who possesses a cultured and pleasing Hoe. Net*. oertalnly been hoped. for them In some day by two goals to one, after i game that was far visit of the company now located at Messrs. baritone voice, rendered a number of weU-ohoaen And fitted with a FULLY JEWELLED LEVER WATCH, Dr. JS W. Emmett 100 18-82 227 usd 27. S W? Wilson___ .... 96 12-81 from pleasant In some of Its ages. In the first Murray King & Clark’s Theatre. The play ts strong songs with muoh spirit and expression. which we-G uarantee to be a Reliable Timekeepor. S. T. Vorley-...... 103 18 - 85 half, aided by the slope, St. Mi .T’ssooredonoeand in oharaoterlsatlon and dramatic feature and has , 207. L. E. Sampson ... __100 11-86 represi I think they were, perhaps, entitled to another tally merited the suooess It has hitherto aohteved. RINK RACING. E. Riddell------.... 101 ,17-87 aa a trial; of strength between tne two looal point from a comer klok whioh was disallowed. Mr. Haroourt has shown Insight and Ingenuity In The first of a series of weekly half-mile skating JAY’S Special Price £ 2 - 10. Complete, in Case W.M. Harvey ...... 101 . 13 —I 88- sttons the result oan hardly be deemed conclusive. In the seoond half the ngers praotloally his treatment of an interesting soolal problem, and handicaps took place on the rink at Devonshire Still, the-fact) remains that the F.A. men were monopolised the game and S' cceeded in fc irln his j work has the saving grace ot humqur and Park on Monday evening. The prizes, four In beaten by three clear goals to nothing—a sufficiently twice through G. O. Elliott (i im a penalty) am pathos deftly disposed. Following the original number, are to be awarded on the aggregate A THE COUNTY JEWELLERS, Willingdon (Eastbourne) Ladies’ Golf Clnb, large margin to require some explaining away. At H. G. Sutton. In the last hi f hour St. Mary’s company, the combination cf artists now touring points soored bv the different competitors. The J le same time, It must In fairness be stated that appeared to lose their heads, r they Indulged In might be thought to appear at somq disadvantage; results of the initial event were as follows -.—Heat The medal oompetltitltion In connection with the 8e difference between the two teams was not rough play besides interior) with the referee, but suoh U not the fact. Throughout the cast is 1: 1, H. N, Carey (60 yards); 2, D. Hudson (75); J A Y b , 56, KING’S ROAD, BRIGHTON. above olub took place on Wednesday, with the rly so grew as the Boore would suggest. The oondnot of their support__i, too, was anything satisfactory and for the obief characters represent­ fastest loser, L. S. Mason (soratoh). Time, 2 mins. following result but sportsmanlike. atives have been seoured capable of doing them 20-seos.—Heat 2: 1, W. E. Perry (75); 2, R. Chat- 03- Special Agents for WALTHAM WATCHES. Grom. Nett. field (45). Time, 2 mins. 22 3 5th secs.—Final: 1, Ml« Lott...... 110 . - 87 |Ot Eastbourne’s regular side, only the goal- full justice. Mr Ian Fleming, who fills the role of Miss Bymlngtoi ' 120 . - 103 eper, one of the backs, two of the halves and Wooller, Goldsmith and tell were the plok “ Diok Blair,” who bo manfully defends his Carey; 2, Hudson; 3, Perry. Time, 2 min. 20 secs. |ro of the fi as were playing, whilst Mr. Mac of the losing team and speoii mention mast be wronged sister and becomes the ardent lover of —The offlolals acting In the competition were; oven was dl olnted of several men who had made of Creasy In goal, who .tyed a great game Marjorie Capel, aots with earnestness and judg­ Judge, Mr. H. C. Harris, N.S. A.; starter and time­ i originally, oted to form his team. I t was ingers the man who ment, and easily Ingratiates himself In the favour keeper, Mr. Gavin G. Stonham, N.S.A.; lap . FOOTBALL. In the second half. For the of his audience. “ Stuart Cape),”. the ■ nonohalent soorers, Messrs. 0. Rloh and T. H. Rooks; umpires, Sther « good' le to watch. Both sides were took ohlef honours was Jenk| ns, who played very POLICE COURT. Detective-Sergeant Wells stated that on the n, the oondli i were almost perfect and some finely at right book, this bel his first appearance seducer. Is very effectively impersonated by Mr. Messrs. A. E. Hedges and Mookett. ■ previous day he saw the prisoner detained at EASTBOURNE v. MR. MACKINVEN’S the football __■__ of a ____ distinctly____ good _ class. jl&s&L In In that position. Others 'ho did well were Guy P. EUls. “ Sir John Capel, the autocratloand Grays Inn-road police station. On being charged ie first half the visitors were, If anything, slightly stubborn-father of Stuart, Is ably portrayed by Mr. CINEMATOGRAPH EXHIBITIONS. The eleven, consisting of E.A.' men In Wheeldon, Terry, Murrell, Sul ,, Woodall and L. Monday.—Before Mr. A. Mayhewe (in the chair), j n iCi*hfch^ i w ? ropllcd’, “ Ye9’ te better side, and throughout the, whole game H. Elliott. Edward Petley, and Mr. John Manners Is excellent The moving picture displays oontlnne to fully Mr. 0. A. Leatham, Mr. H. D. Foretell, Councillor ' 2? ™ yjL° ^ . priu0r‘er7 bourne, whioh m et the premier olub at the Saffrons iy may be said to have been pretty nearly the • • as the dissipated journalist, “ Arthur Blagden.” merit the support they attraot. A change of pro­ fUla I I see you are wearing the boots that are alleged on Saturday, although not representative of the uals of their rivals In everything but eooring. The Congers' matoh agali st the Gas Co. In For the bwo outstanding ladies’ parts very oapable gramme took plaoe on Thursday, a two-part drama, to have been stolen,” to whioh Mark wick replied, best looal talent, nevertheless gave the Blue and exponents have been secured lu Miss Renee de “ In the Colls of the By thou,!’ beoomlng the star NO LIGHT. | “ Yes. I whs hard up, or else Ishould-not have Yellows a good game, being defeated in the ehd by Gildredge Park this afternooi i will probably have L’Estrade (“ Rose Blair”) and Mies Sylvia Dawson film, in Hen of “ Wamba,” whioh proved very Inter­ tbourne owed their victory, .u a, very greai an important bearing upon tlbe ehamplonship of William Woodgate,odgate, of "WoodfrVcWoodgatc - roal,roa 1, was 1 t h t ra wa8 » ticket cn prisoner three goals to none. In the opening stages of the (“ Marjorie Capel’’), whilst Miss !(Iarle Clavering esting during the former half of the week. The summoned for riding a bloyole without a light in rmfttlnifc ,t.o the, overcoat, wbloh was pawned at mmtofa the scratch side gave the Eastbourne •sure, to the Roborough sohoolboy, J. O. damp- the league and a great game " ould be witnessed. has the right grip of the lrrepresslbl matoh-maker, new pioture is full of exciting incidents and is a Brighton on January 24ih for 7^. The Congers will rely upon St. Anne’s-road on February 21st. defence a warm time, and it was only the sterling 1, who aoored aU three goals. Then s were other “ Mrs. Moutrie. The pleae has thi further reoom- fine cinematograph produotion. A Dutch comedy, P.O. Harmer said he drew defendant's attention On the application ot the Chief Constable (IVt^jor play of Grevett that - prevented them scoring. tors leading to the result, of ooure but It was J. Davis, goal; C. AUerton and L. W. Wheel­ meadatton ot betag satisfactorily itaged, and the “ St. Valentine's Sabots,” is excellent, and there Tea|e) the prisoner was remanded until Monday. ivlously oertaln that had not OampbeU been In don, baoka: H. Jenkins. A. 0. Terryand F. to the lamp, whioh was out at 7.25, After a quarter of an hour's play CampbeU took • warmth of its reoeption daring he week mu9t are a couple of stirring dramas in “ A Child of the Defendant said he was net on his machine when paas trom Weaklord and beat Oburob, while a few , ie front line to score the goals none of the other Murrell, half-backs; L. H. EUiott, H. Woodall, have been gratifying' not only to the artists them­ Prairies ” and “ At the Sign of the Lost Angel." Y esterday.—Before the Mayor (Councillor Ot W. rwards would or oould have got them. Some V G. O. EUiott, H. G. Sutton and W. Hewitt, the oonstable came up. Bolton), in the. ohnir. Major H P. Molihcux, minutes later Jupp, at the other end, got In a fine | selves, but to those responsible for the presenta­ Humorous films lnolude “ The Hungry Tramp” A fine of 2s. 6d. was Imposed. shot, whioh missed only by Inches. At the ea of CampbeU’e value to the team may be found forwards. tion. and “ Tommy’s Locomotive.” Yet another admir­ Mr. 0. A. Leatham, Mr. C. H. Evill, Mr. O.C. Interval Eastbourne were leading by the only goal the fact that oat of the seven goals registered If the nound be nnfit the matoh wlU be played A Place in the Sun Is preceded ly an original able film deals with torpedo fish, and the Gaumont OBSTRUCTION. Foran and Councillor J. Duke. aoored. Ten minutes after the re-start, Campbell Eastbourne in their last two matches, the at Hampden Park. one-act comedietta, Who’s Wxjt ? which reproduces Graphio topioal examples are well worth Inspec­ Joseph Valenti, of Dudley-terrace, was sum­ NAME RUBBED OFF. put Eastbourne two up after a brilliant ran ot ung Roborlan has aoored six of them. • • • an episode In the Frenoh Revolution. The little tion. moned for obstructing Seaside with a barrow on Alfred Harris, of Seaside, was summoned for fer Dyspeptic* M arly halt the length of the field, whUe before the Congratulations to the FIsl .mongers Olub, who piece is admirably presented by Mr .John Manners, On Monday and following days “ Between Man February 23rd. havlDg no name and address on a.cart in Flrle-road end the same player ebtalned a third point after Hls seoond goal was the best of the three, i Wednesday last acoomplli ’led a splendid per- Mr. Fred Sutollffe and Miss Dora Mason. and Beast” will form the ohief attraction. It is, P.C. Skinner said the defendant left his barrow on February 26th, Eastbourne had been strongly attacking. Teams: | Jthough there was jnat the element of doubt form an ee by beating the mbtable St. Anne’s To day the company oonolude their engagement we hear, a more than ordinarily good pioture. In standing for fifteen minutes. P C. King stated that he eaw a greengrocer’s Eastbourne.—S. D. Wale, goal ; W. Grevett and F. C. out lta legitimacy. Campbell obtained poases- team In the Wednesday J gue. This Is St. with a matinee at 2 30 and evening periormanoe addition, there will be a miscellaneous series of Chief Inspector Taylor proved five previous lotry standing on the side ot the road and subse­ 3/- per lb. Weils, backs; G. 8. Selmes, S. Weaklord and A. E. about 25 yards oat, and with the defenoe Anne's first defeat in the ornament and It at 8. films. ExhibiiionB take plaoe daily at 3 and 8 p.m. convictions against the defendant, all for obstruc­ quently ascertained that it belonged to the Mitchell, half-backs; E. A. Stevenson L. Hide, F. W. naturaUy caused general sur rise. The victory “ THE HEADMASTER.” Garrard, J. C. Campbell and D. Wood, forwards. | sing In around him he very oleverly dribbled tion, and a fine of 5s. was now inflicted, defendant. luare to an Inside right position, and then wheel- should do the winners a world of good and shows The Headmaster should abtraot large houses ORCHESTRAL CONCERTS. Harris said he had bad a piece of oardboard on r. MacKinven’s XL—E. Church (St. Anne’s), goal; E. I For the Easter holiday season the Meisterslngera' Jesson (Post Office) and J. Cook (Dairies), backs; J. R. _ _ k whioh Church caught what an earnest,’ plnoky team Is capable of accom­ during next week. The piece has been so suooess- OBSCENE LANGUAGE. the side of t he cart, but that had been rubbed off. 'Post Office), M. Carter (St. Anne’s) and 8. l saved. In doing ao, however, the St. Anne's plishing. They played very good football and won ful that Mr. Maude Is taking it on tour to the Orchestra has been engaged. Devonshire Park Thomas Hanoook, of Leslie-street, was sum­ He had now had the name painted on. (St. Anne's), half-baoks: F. G. Jesson | balie stepped back over the line and apparent on their merits by two goals to nil. In the same prinolpal cities of Amerloa. The Headmaster will Orohestra Is to resume its performances on May moned for using obscene language in Leslie-street A fine ot 5s. inclusive was Imposed. neers), C. Hollands (Butchers), F. Jup 8t» Anne’S), trrled the ball with him. Whether the ball < competition the Post Offloe won their game Be preseted by the popular and olever comedian, 9bh, from whioh date it will appear regularly on February 21st. ___ ile (St. Aidan's) and H. C. Cook (St Hip's Old rdid not cross the line must have:been ami against the Y.M O.A by eight goals to two, Jaok Mr. Charles Windermere, who will be supported during the ensuing months. P.C. Austen said at 11.25 a woman rushed into . DRUNKEN WOMAN’S STRANGE CONDUCT. Boys), forwards. ______'Boult question to decide, and the referee won French being In fine form and shooting four of the iy a speolally selected West Eud Company. The VISIT OF BENNO MOISEIWITSCH. the street from a house, and when witness Violet Jones (20), of Eastbourne, was c-hnjrged l my opinion, have been wise to give the ei goals. I i . .ilay has been produoed by Mr. C, L. Eeston, of inquired what was the matter defendant came to with being drunk and disorderly in Terminus road • . * . * A oonoert in whioh that great pianist and on March 5th. League. i the benefit of the donbt on this oooaslon. j ;he Playhouse, and an exaob replioa of everything popular favourite, Mr. Benno Molseiwltsoh, Is to the door and used an obscene expression,and said, • • • The St. Aldan’s team met with a rude shook In will be seen as at the Playhouse. Mr. Charles “ What does It matter to you what I do to my P.O. Watson said the defendant came up to;him the 2nd division of the league on Saturday last. take a prominent part is anuounoed for Saturdav and said she Intended to be looked up. Witness- ST. MANY’S v. HASTINGS Windermere Is playing the title role and It suits evening next, the 14th InBt., In the Floral Hall. wife?” The woman went towards tbo defendant jThe F.A. team oame very near soorlng at tlmi They had hoped to have gone through the season him admirably, as he Is an aotor: of charm and to go Into the house, when Hancock straok her in advised her to go away, but she said if he die} not LEONARDS. lost ably baoked np by their halves, they did thi In tnla division without tasting the bitterness of quaintness, and Is olever la funny situations. The other special artists will include Miss Isolde the jaw. lock her up she would tbrovr herself under a motor S t Mary’s were defeated on Saturday on theh ‘1 share of attacking, bat were rather weak defeat, but the R.N.V. put up suohj a keen, There will be matinees on Wednesday and Satur­ Menges (the distinguished young violinist) and Defendant had not been up before, and he was oar. Ju sta t that time a private motor car oame own ground (an event which had not occurred nt of goal. Their forwards were nature basiling game st them they had to go day at 2.30. Miss Winifred Gray (contralto vooallat). The pro­ now fined 5s. along and the prisoner made a dash and goit In ' r for three seasons) by Hastings and St. ough not very well together, and they were nnder by two gramme will be one of exceptional excellence, and INCAPABLE. front of it, causing the driver to pull up. Witness The visitors were not particularly good a Inst a strong defenoe, Grevett at back and Wi the repute of the artists is a guarantee that It then took her into custody, but on reaching Giove- their one and only goal was obtained In the goal both playing finely. Wells, too, did wlU be worthily Interpreted. Joseph Bartholomew, of Eastbourne, was charged road the prisoner became very violent and used nely well, bat woe overshadowed by h The Eastbom ae League lean vUit Burgess HU1 EDUCATION NOTES. with being drunk end Incapable in Seaside on k half from a free-kick. After the Interval I ' on Wednesday next to pla] their lnter-lesgne LIFE TARGETS. disgusting language. She threw herself to; the went to work rather too tner Grevett, whose performance was one i February 28 jb. ground aud commenosd to ocream. With; the optional merit. Wale, in goal, was much safi ___matoh__ with______1-Sussex_ and tope to reverse the The oinematograph shooting gallery well main­ P.C. Jones said he found the prisoner lying on Incidents ccourred. Some of the result of the first matoh, at Eastbourne, when they The A fter-C ue Committee of the Bradford assistance of P.C. Daan prisoner, who was very eoisions were resented by the spec tat ban usual, and had almost twice as much to do i tains its popularity. The attraction is as the pavement and quite incapable of taking care of drunk, was taken to the Town Hall. bur oh. I were beaten. The following team has been Education Authority has j ust oompleted one year’s entertaining as It Is novel. The racquet oourt, In himself. was considerable feeling shown. The Beleoted' The Chief Constable said the prisoner iwas re on the offensive towards the end, but work. Its ohief function Is to advise parents on whleh the g&Uery Is arranged, Is reached from There was a commitment order against the already in default on a previous fine and was |Of the rest of the Eastbourne team, Weakford G Creasy (St. Mary’s), goal; _ W. Pntland the oholce of employment for boys and girls on Compton-street. prisoner in respect to the non-payment of another 11 ible to 13 days’ imprisonment. were equal to their attacks and nq and Woods (Butohe ), backs; flpe of 5s. Ho was now ordered to pay 2s. 6d,, and scoring resulted. St. Mary’s front line 1 entre half was oonsplcoous for olever drlbbir leaving sohool, in order to prevent their taking up ROLLER SKATING. The Mayor (to the prisoner): How long bavo you at tar too muoh of it. Selmes did pretty o. nuuuKtu ouud at. Ji R. Towne captain was allowed until to-day to find the two amounts. been married ? rather as the game progressed. Score atlonals), any occupation of the “ blind alley" description. Next week’s arrangements for roller skating are and St. Leonards, one goal; Eastbourne ntll an in jury necessitated his retirement short!; (Post Offloe) and A. C. Terry (Congref Over twelve hundred parents have conferr Prisoner: Twelve months. Tore the end, and Mitchell on the other wini halves; F. Jesson (Engineers), F. fnpp (St. Over twelve hundred parents have conferred with set oat in an advertisement. There is a musical A HUSBAND’S NEGLEGT. ’s, none. the committee, who ‘ had been ; notified of nine accompaniment to all but the morning assemblies. Do you wish tossy anything?—No, I don’t. ! irked hard and was very usefnL Eastbourne’, Anne’s), F. HorreU (Gas Co.), F. erman Stephen Wallis, of Tovrer-street, was summoned The Magistrates' Clerk (Mr. E 0 Langhim): (Gas Co.) and E. Vine (Gas Co.), forwards. hundred vaoancles by looal employers. Nearly for neglecting his children, Eiien, aged two years, ness was In the front line, where Campbell seven hundred of thege were filled through the Where do you get the money to get drunk ? out head and shoulders above the rest, and Edith, agec) eight mouths, in a manner likoly Prisoner (smilingly): It’s not the money ; it’s the MONEY-£2 to £1,000. food showed no ability to control the ball, committee, who oarefully considered both the to oause unnecessary suffering and injury to capabilities of eaoh chUd and the proepeots of each TH$ PIER. health. friends y m get. ADVANCED PRIVATELY. l:was slow with his shooting and Hide and vacancy. Mr. P. Klmptcm (Polioe Court missionary) said venson were jnst a moderate right wing. But THE HCTURE HALLS. * • Mr. R. A. Niedermayer, who appeared to prosecute on behalf of the N.S P.C.U., said the the prisoner promised to give up the drink after • T Moderate Interest. Easy Repayments to npbdl was a shining light and quite the most In Germany we find that girls In evening sohools I “A TEXAS RANGER” the last ocoasion. ible Householders. Promptly and in strict igeroos forward on the field. He seems to be GALLERY KINBMA. case was brought against the defendant on aocount are to be taught the art of seUlng goods. They | A typical story of the American plains is being of the latter’s refusing to earn sufficient money The Mayor said the Bench thought the prisoner Tea Only A aron RxsiDMrr Lbnmb. 1 a class by himself fend reminds me somewhat In will have to attend whether they wish to do so or ought to have a sharp lesson, and 6he was sen­ ‘ style and methods of George Harris. And I The Army In the FavUion during the onrrent week, whereby the ehlldren would have been properly In not. The course covers two years, the first of is, oowboys, rangers and U.S. soldiers supported, having had the opportunity of doing so. tenced to a month’s hard labour, the term to 31 CaU or W rite :-M ISS A. JEWELL, no reason why—given the opportunity—he To-day’s principal film Is “ The W ar Makers,” whioh ie to be devoted to obtaining a situation; inolude the 13 days already mentioned. 86, GRAND PARADE, mid not become as famous. htch Mr. Manrloe Costello, the popular cinema tg in a drama that conveys a strong impres­ Ellen Wallis, wife of the defendant, said they aotor, takes the leading r le. I the art of pleasing an employer; general behaviour sion o f the rough, hazardous life on the great had been marjrled for two ySrt,-aod there were ADJOURNED. 6 and hygiene. In the seoond year the girls wUl be Li by the Central TeL 664. EASTBOURNE. - For next week Mr. Davis, always alert to enter­ prairies. A Texqs Banger has many feaenres two ohildren.' Her busband^naa not ti led to | Lewis Stanley Walker, of Eastbourne, was sum­ Is Club a t Meads The losers gave a highly credits I le acoonnt of prising ventures, has secured the muoh advertised taught the art of selling to customers who know whioh commend It for public favour and inter­ maintain her, nnd on one occasion he was away for VST tils better to deal dlreot with the LBHDRB than | emselves and I have nothing but for them exactly what they want. Later, 'they wUl be moned for riding an unregistered motor cyme In game resulting In to apply to Agents and Financial Companies. and talked of Army film. It has been released preted as it Is by an experienced company It forms two months, during which time he only sent her a Compton-street on February 28.h. Ho was also events to four. vtdually. But for the dashing ol the BexhlU about a month now and had| a great send-off at Instructed In the way to deal with those people an adventurous pioture that gripe by reason of its few shillings. y Cup ties (postponed from he previous summoned for having no light on the machine. beat Mias O. Andrew the Palace Theatre, London, when Lord Roberto who have not decided what they j require, and novelty. There are no intrloate situations to Defendant: Don’t worry her too much ; you oan The Chief Constable (Major Tcule) said he had a ,t Mii» 8. Semple and ay) Mr. “ Mao” would have had a very Sir Edward Ward, Sir Herbert Tree and Sir George beoome short-tempered when they find themselves figure out, but It is a plain, unvarnished story, and do what you like with me, but don’t worry her. M ONEY, MONEY. 'erent selection. Creasy, Rowai and Gay and the shop assistant unprepared. A speolal medical oertlfloato whioh stated that the defendant ~ Pace and Mine Alexander were among a distinguished audlenee. the roughness of Its i oonatruetion acoords with Mrs. Wallis, continuing, said during the time was ill. He lherefore asked for an adjournment. 11 1 £10 to any Amount. mid have formed the defenoe, hllst Satur- degree awaits the girl who persuades suoh a lost to Miss Andrew Messrs. Keith, Prowse were the producers and conditions of life on the plains. Ohief Interest is the defendant was working on a pipe track ho gave The case was accordingly adjourned for a week. a it’s half-baoks oould not have n Improved praotloaUy had the Army at Ithelr command. It customer to take what he or she does not want oentred In the exploits of Freshwater Jaok, the ’ ,er 14s. 8d., whioh represented a fortnight’s work, i s a p e t s u s t Cash Advances promptly made to Farmere, | , the front line might have been! stronger had commences with the recruit, raw as,s they ‘ make and so makes a sale. Other,raolnts whioh wUl be oaptaln of the rangers, who Incidentally has fallen ler father and mother had paid the rent of the Dairymen and all responsible applicants. loh men as the brothers EUiott (Congers), HorreU ’em,” and shows how he Is gradually. educated In notloed are evidences of poillteaese,! dignity, and a victim to the obarms of the oolonel’s daughi house. I ft 1 ■ ’ _. Venables beat Miss a d Hart (Gas Co.) and Goldsmith ana WooUer (St. the arts of war tUl he can c tool and work the the handling of complaints. The latter, however, has consented to be the Dride Dr. Bryce Maoanlay said be saw the mother and ADJOURNED LICENSING SESSIONS 18-17,15(10; lost to Miss & S ru o n a r Privacy Assobhd. ’s) been able to play. modern complicated maoblni of death or take • » of Ltent. Vivian McClure, of the U.S. army, but It ohildren on February 24th. He found the latter In 3-15; lost to Miss Pace and No Fees oharged. « soon beoomes apparent that the soldier’s only a fair state of health, but the mother was weak his plaoe as a unit In the mo ing masses of men. To return to oar own ooantry, we find that the THE SALE OF MEDICATED WINES. Advances oompleted on day of application. Whether suoh a team as the above oonld have Mlnee and pontoon bridges a; shown In conBtrnc- Elementary Sohools Committee in Cheshire have objeot In marrviDg the girl Is a mercenary one. through goncral debility, caused by want of proper defeated Eastbourne, as Some looal orltlos fancy, tlon, and in fact aU the tloe whleh goes to deolded to train their girls in housekeeping. At Freshwater Jaok and the lieutenant quloklyoome nourishment. |[ : Personal Attention given, j No Sureties required, j must remain a matter of opinion. “ Mac's ” object make up the modern “ pai knight,” as Spenser the various cookery centres girls are to do their to “ words,” and as the plot develops the two are Mr. B. G. White, relieving officer, said he had At the adjourned LioeoslugSessions on Monday, Apply by letter, ip oonfidenoe, to was rather to demonstrate that there is good would have said. Then havln| shown the process own shopping, so as to get an idea of the oast of constantly engaged in a bloodless duel for the known the case for two years. He had taken the the question of ohemists’ iicenses c .me up for rang talent to-day in the various clubs of the of training, the audience will see what ha], foodstuffs, and the oommlttee have arranged fer upper hand. Aided by a half-breed Indian woman to the Infirmary and she had been given derision, the matter having been left over from tbe onSatnr- \|B88B0. M. ralor league and Saturday’s game certainly when war breaks oat and the soenes of mob! the provision of the purobase money. This Is. of oClure conceives several sohemes by means o: relief. On November 26 b the defendant wont into annual Licensing Sessions; The Justices present 44, La s s n r nded to prove this. Those eleven juniors may tlon and going Into aotion are guaranteed to give oourse, a step In the right direotiun, and might whioh be endeavours to rain his rival's hopes, but the workhouse, the wife living with her parents. were Mr. A. Mayhewe (In the chair), Mr. C. A. vantage of tha the inevitable exposure follows and after obtaining Subsequently witness sent him to the Corporation tlons, without Msnssw StuA moomliy tmtf Monflay, lima, to Ipja. it have been the best available, bat. they made a every bit as muoh excitement as any drama of weU be foUowed by other Education Authorities. Leatham and Mr. H. D. Farnell. ■Mnotly promising show.1 “■gore gore and______thunder.” The_____ British soldier in hts assistance by running through the Indian lines yard, and on January 21st defendant bad work The Magistrates' Clerk (Mr. E. 0. Langbam) said (elded come mod te a m during an attack on Uie fort he gains the desired obtained for him. ren from Mm. • • “ off” time supplies contrasting matter and little People sometimes remark that the teaching of there were four chemists applying fer licenses, dramas and oomedles of military life enliven the reward.ra. Incidentally there Is a search by Col. A foreman to the Corporation (Mr. Baldwin) and Mr. F. Lawson Lewis formally applied for valley an far Chnroh, of St. Anne’s, a first season goalkeeper, oookery at the speolal centres is far too elaborate Marshall for his brother's daughter, who is stated that the defendant was employed on Cor­ . where he was £3 to_£l,000. passage of the film.: i for the ordinary home. We do not know If the their renewal came out of the ordeal very oreditably even If The Army film has been all ly shown by Royal supposed to have been lost 17 years before, and she poration work, and earned 22 j. or 23s. a week. The -Oh Airman said three chemists had given an were killed after a unlncky with Campbell’s seoond goal, to whioh I experiment has ever been tried ot ;teaching our is eventually found living as an Indian girl. Mr. Inspector Meech, of the N.S.P.C.C , said In May, ids found In the have previously referred. Probably nothing handi­ eommand and enjoys the dlatl otlon of being the girls to cook with exaotly the same utensils as undertaking that they would only sell medicated only film taken by authority ol the Army Council, Seaton Dane supplies a foroeful impersonation of 1913, he visited the house and warned and advised wines. Their premises had been visited nnd the field a J . & CO., capped the scratch side so mnoh as the inability of they would have to use at home. At any rate, It “ Freshwater Jaok,” his aoting being thoroug’ Karas So mnoh for the film itsej now for the local _ ly him. He went again iu Jane and found there was nothing but medicated wines were found, nor Who have boon established In the Midland Counties for the taU St. AnnC’a left baok, P. Horrell, to turn exclusively to the would prove Interesting, we feel sure. Recently, in keeping with the spirit of the picoe. The blunt, little Improvement. Slnee that time there had i, bat nearly 18 yean, have OPENED a LOOAL OFFICE for oat with the team. Tb(s necessitated; a re-arrange­ arrangements. It Is In a book entitled “ Round About a Pound a were the Magistrates aware they sold anything Gallery Klnema, and the it -half of the film, outspoken old Colonel Is admirably portrayed; by been alternately slight Improvements and relapses. but those wines. Therefore with regard to them the purpose of affording Cash Assistance totthe Inhabi­ ment of the forward Une, 0. H. Cook'Coming In at Week,” we oame aoross a description of the oook- Mr. Arthur T. Leonard, while Mr. Harry Wren “ I have seen him the worse for drink, but he . bat scent tants of EASTBOURNE and District. ousldet left and J. Cook (Dairies), an Inside right, whlah lasts abonb ah hour, wi be shown during lng of porridge In a poor home In London. the position was quite dear and tha lioenses would the first half of them s week,„oc», mifam the seoond half In fills the part of “ Lieut. MoClure " with distinction, oarries It very well,” added the inspector. be renewed. With regard to the license o’ Mr. to bo abandoned. t Anvincxs Maim a* a Frw Houbs' moving to left baok. Thus they had two Inside Miss Lillian Maude gives a charming representa­ Defendant: Thank you. at Snap Hill* the latter end. There will beifour “ shoes’’ of it * * ' • ; Routly, tho words “ or invalid" were Introduced To the Gentry, Clergymen, Farmers, Tradesmen and rljghts playing baok together — a rather risky eaoh day according to the Ga Klnema system The lady visitor was singing the praises tion of “ Ne-Wa-Ta,” who proves to be the lost glri, In reply to Mr. N iedermayer, the witness said if iu the undertaking, and in that respect it differed the Member for —----. ------sralGupon simple Promissory Note experiment, to say the least of It. and Miss Luoy Barrows, as “ Ethel Marshall,” plays the parents of the wife had not provided for the thrown from hia of oontlnuous performances. jorridge as a food to a poor woman whose only pot from the undertaking given by the three others, by Weekly, Monthly or Quarterly All the looal Territorial For are to attend, and lad a hole In the side, and had to be need for was considerable vivaoity and ekUl. Mach comio ohildren there would have been injury to their and he might possibly construe tho additional a rabbit hole. Mr. lents at Moderate Interest. ePost Offloe, on the evenings of the lOtl and 12 th they wUl oooking stews and probably everything else. She relief is afforded by the curious love-makiag of health. words as permission for him to sell wines whiah out, bat after a HO FEES, oil Traiuactioru Strictly Confidential. "efender. A mar oh to the haul with their 1 ids, whleh will also informed the visitor that owing to the leakage It “ Trooper Wlx" and “ Kitty,” the pride of the Defendant said he was quite willing to keep his wore not medicated wines. The Magistrates i dealing with other lenders can have their 1 ’, kloklng po.Terf he looked dispense musle inside. On Sa lay after ioon the had to be held sideways, and that porridge made nrsirie, parts whioh are ably sustained by Mr. wife and oh'lldren, but he was not going to be intended Mr. Routly should be In the same position off and increased. We are the ACTUAL atypical baok, whilst little Cook, whi I am told, Mayor and Mayoress (Oounc: |lor and Mrs. C. W. in a pot of that description usually got burnt, to Harry 0. Morton and Miss Ethel HaU respectively. “ messed” about. as the others, and these words must be omitted and every Application will receive imme­ most promising goal-getting fi ward of the Bolton) wiU attend. Brigs ter-General H. C. say nothing ot the added flavours from previous Other characters are successfully portrayed The Magistrates sentenced Wallis to a month's from the undertaking, beoanse upon the construc­ diate and personal attention by out nnlat type, after opening in ther shaky Fitton has oommnnloated to * •. Davis expressing dinners. It Is needless to add that! her husband Mr. Kendrew Milson, as “ Yellow Dog," Mr. hard labour. > tion to be plaoed upon them Mr. Routly might feel Resident Manager. THOS, GRUNDY, i, settled down to play a vi ly, useful the hope that the residents of Isstbonrne wlU show drew the Une at porridge, and dlsoohroged any Harry Courtln, as “ Lone Wolf,” and Mrs. J, W. CHILDREN’S COURT. justified in selling any description of wine that e. The little man In the knickers farther attempts in the oooking of it. Braltnwalte as “ Mrs. Martha Ramsay.” Removed to 44, Cavendish-avenue their Interest In the Army ly attending on the SENSATIONAL LITERATURE AND was ordered for an invalid by a medical attendant. (off Bonrne-st.), Eastbourne (private" house). ted general attention and ly played so military nights especially. t • ♦ * The concluding performanoes of A Texas Banger Therefore the Magistrates suggested he should eU that he deserved It. Cook hli elf, I under- There will be a varied prog ume of other films A recommendation, that the Council should take plaee to-day at 3 and 8. PICTURES. give the same undertaking that the others had id, would have been happier at Inside right. , In addition to the Army fi Exhibitions wlU The lad Victor Culver, of Penge, who was sum­ given to sell only medioated wines. That would PROMPT CASH ADVANCES. inolude in the conditions of lioenses issued to “ THE PRAIRIE OUTLAW, ! eommence at 2.45, as asn&l. elnema houses a role that ohlldren under fourteen moned on the previous Friday for stealing a pair prohibit the selling of port, burgundy, champague On Monday next and throughout the week Pier ot opera glasses from the rifle range on the Pier, and other wines whioh wloe merchants ordinarily £10 upwards. The half-baok Une was lod and quite I EASTERN Oil IMA. should not be allowed to be in the baUs after 9 p.m., the_____ strongest _____ element In the____ team. llllton Carter and should only be admitted after 7 p.m. if acoom- patrons will have an opportunity of witnessing the was again before the Magistrates. t sold, and whioh the Magistrates considered the London t Provinces Discount Company, Ltd., i id Joe Towner, both of whom are approaohlng Having seoured the exoli live rights for the ianled by their parents, comes from the Croydon above play, whioh is a drama of Western life of The boy’s father, who was present, said he did chemists were not entitled to sell. ^ exhibition In this dlstriot ol one of the finest romantio and exoiting character. Mrs. E, G. not know why his son left home. He was going to Mr. Lawson Lewis, after giving the required 19, Lansdoumeroad, Croydon. '■ ^ 1 I is veterfen class, were both lu their very best and Education Committee. Certainly the oraze for ood and at various times durlDj e game gave oinematograph shows is beoomlng more evident Kimberley is the author of thepleoe, whioh is to get the lad employment as a clerk. undertaking on behalf of Mr. Routly, went cn Promptitude, Privacy, Easy Terms and Straightforward tema be produced by Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Vaughan’i The Rev. Canon Allen said he received a letter to say that perhaps the safest description of what Dealing. ,e Eastbourne halves an object In their every day, and the Influence for good or evil on the ethods. of _ plaolng____ _ the baU to . thi jlr forwards. and rising generation is a much-discussed point. company. The play, which Introduces scenes and from a gentleman stating that on the previous were known aa medloated wines was that they progressive policy. The exoe; lonal beauty ot some incidents amongst the Indians and oowboys in the Thursday he was out walking when he met the contained medicinal qualities. There was one MONEY. In faot, was simply splendid and he not • • • ayed finely himself, but ooaohed and con- if the soenes, the wealth 7 letaU in the photo­ Far West, has been well reoeived in many of the boy at Mayfield. The lad asked the way to East­ difficulty that occurred to him and that was the 'NASH advanced PRIVATELY, at Reasonable I graphy, and the splendid s render the picture Twelve out ot thirteen head teaohers in eltles and large towns of the North of England. bourne, and this seemed rather strange to the Belling of Invalid port. There were two wines , i led bis team with muoh aklil and, judgment, _„iphy. Thrilling Lancashire agree that the shows are physloaUy iRates and on Simple Norn or H and, In amounts of | enmau, who, it may be remembered, floored In a veritable triumph in olneme ;entleman. The boy said he was walking to East which, he thought, gave rise to difficulty some and in many parts almost sen itlonal, the film has detrimental to the sobolars. Late hours, loss of sourne, that he had no father or mother, and that time ago—invalid port and Keystone burgundy. £10 AND UPWARDS. ,e Eastbourne front Unie on more than one sleep, impaired eyesight, bad atmosphere, and jlon a few seasons baok, has been playing a met with enthusiastic approval from large audi­ he wanted to find an aunt. The gentleman paid With regard to the latter, it oould soarcely be said Call or write. In confidence. ences. There are further opportunities of witness­ adacbe are some of the results mentioned. Men hia railway fare-and gave him sufficient for one it was a medicated wine and therefore its sale had it game this year ae a left half, and though he and women generally oonoerued in education K0YA1 HIPPODROME. MR.LH. GREEN, Id weU In that position on Saturday,: I liked him ing this remarkable reproduction to-day, when night’s lodging, also telling him to go to the Leaf been stopped by tho chemists/ The only wire With 4, Havelook-road, Hastings, and 92, Terminus-road, exhibitions will be given an; 2 30, 0 30 and 845. throughout the oonntry are doubtful whether the Hall The lad subsequently went to him (Canon regard to which any difficulty might now arise itter when he moved np forward toi inside right gain would outweigh the disadvantages, even if Mr. S. W. Winter has suoceeded In placing the seoond half. ; Owing to the length ot the jfilm the only other Allen) and he gave him something, telling him to was what was known as Invalid port. All the picture Ife the Paths Gazette, with its piotorial the oinematograph were epeolaUy arranged for another very acceptable entertainment before call again the next day. ohomlsts were desirous of abiding loyally by record ot the world’s news. educational purposes. Hippodrome patrons this week, the programme The defendant said he got to Sevenoaks, where the restrictions the Magistrates might Impose thought Dale (St. Aldan’s) and Japp (St. MULTyEMANUS. being as varied and replete with good things as »’s), inside left and centre sttvely, the For the first part of next week a Vltagraph he was told it was not far to Eastbourne, so he upon their lioenses. When they came to FRIENDS drama, “ The W ar Makers,” will form ope of the eoula well be desired. The Four Mir&dors supply thought he would go. invalid port there were certain properties whioh ost promising rpteh side, the chief Item, their turn being composed of a hat they did not pisros iefenoe at principal attraotlons. It is ! story of a daring Ohief Inspector Taylor said the lad had upon gave It inedlolnal qualities, so that it might be ' diplomatic plot, the play bell unfolded In two series of attractive and oleverly-executed novelties. him some oneap sensational literature and books. used as a tonic. It was ordered by the medloal l may have been dnr *- . bile both enbl They first appear in a number pf 'effSotive poses WITH NEW FACES. tbaU, they did parts. Another drama Is 1 “ The Actress,” NEWS IS Mr. Culver: And he was very fond of going to profession and It would be ordered In tbe nature ot owing a lot of ge ’ a powerful story of a noble ited actress, who representative of* the'■ 1 highest art, and afterwards the piotures, whioh"I think are a very great draw- a prescription. He asked the Justices if there * — w to fit in with each other's style proceed to the aooomp! ishment of feats of a skilful finds that her lover la i _ another,hat after P botest Asanraif H ome R baok to a young man. > would be any objection to placing this construction M is no mors aqreeabl* experience lnatanoe, wars fre- a happy ending, and genuinely interest Ingnature. The exhibition atly too b! who is Evidently a tor- many vlolssltudes there . The Bench bound the defendant over for six npop the restrictions so as to permit of the sale of i to come upon an old triend who bsa Amongst tbs humorous li ims will be found A “ solemnprotest and declaration l*’ against the Is noteworthy for the v imminent part taken by the months. that wine. * the more type. Still, even on coercion of Ulster by armed force and the passage two ladies, whose all letio propensities give an •how left his ailments behind him, tailed to get through, Flaming Hearts” a very asing love story; The Chairman: We agree that it Is not desirable r’s play, th . 'A Little Fond Play,” a Uvl ily pieture showing of the Home Rule Bfil without the sanotion of the additional oharm to ,n altogether pleasing turn, Wednesday.—Before Mr; A. 0. Hillman (In the to allow tbe Bale of invalid port. 1 understand the now looks tha picture of four tholomew, who was before the Magistrates lor a After reading this generous and encouraging ■tafty enduring rt. If yon inquire what presslni “ Simple Simon Outwitted," e nnedy, &o. now only five minutes in whioh to get ordinary tables' is daring enough to satisfy the similar offenoe on Monday. report from Mrs. Glass, thoBe who have the mis­ Commencing on Thursday, another thrilling Indoors. most ardent oraving for sensationalism. Of the The Benoh sentenced him to 14 days for each fortune to suffer as she did will naturally long to Ibat baa wrought such a striking drama, " The Dagger’s Stroke," will be soreened, in Cuttings, Eastbourne i im home to-day, having | comedians Ohas. Sloman presents some character offenoe, the sentences to ran concurrently. et similar relief. But to get the same good as i for tha batter, to what medicine or addition to “Ann ot the Trails,” drama;__ M n. A London journalist is said to have Insured his studies of a highly amusing nature, while Chas. fIrs. Glass had you must get the same pills. The make a 1 _ in order to TTntiifi'aUpton's TlawlnaDevioe,” ” nnmnHvoomedy; • anfind (* TronlTroublesome newspaper cuttings, extending over many years, 400 CONVICTIONS! i your friend attributee his retain the Sout Amateur Gardener in song and patter is an established fact that Doan’s Backache Kidney .Pills helped isst their eng Mole,” eomedy. for £3,000. favourite, particularly with the “ gods.” EUiott William Jeffery, a middle-aged m ar, was oharged odr neighbour is no proof that any other back- 1th and vigour, It la more than is. The! l wiU lea' by the 11.45 ,t 3, 7 and 9 o'olook. ExhlbltioIons take plaoe dally W oman W ho Saw Napoleon. and Warne contribute a versatile aot as patterers with begging on the 3rd Inst, in Seaside-road. aohe and kidney pills will help you, for there are lie that he will answer In two H. O. Wood am F.O. Wells, and dancers, and Gwen Field, a pretty comedienne, F.O. Aroher said he received complaints oonoern- no other backache kidney pills the same aa a D ,1 OLD TOWN 01 'EMA. ; Mrs. Sarah Brooks, of Downham, Essex, widow renders two popular songs very ably. ing prisoner and took him to a house in Seaside- Doan’s. That is why Eastbourne people are firm, backs; G. S. Selmes. a We"*' * and W. The new patent semen wh _ was Installed at of an offloer of the Indian Mercantile Marine, was road,imi, wherev the servant said he had been mw uw . and mean tchat they >ay, when they ask for Doan’a Grevett halves; L. Hide and „ 102 years old on Monday. She says she remembers The star torn next week will be supplied by the above pioture haU last has proved a great Clown Barker, who, with Rczsika, is bringing his Prisoner. In a long story, said he was first oon- pills. wing),__ W. Garrard (oentre), I snooess, the result being that ,e plotures are now seeing Napoleon In the “ Bellerophon ” ip Plymouth viotod in 1887 at Eastbourne, and since then he Mrs. M. Glass, of 45, Clarence-road, near tho beU and D. Wood (left wing), for Sound after the battle of Waterloo in 1815, when wonderful elrons of trained animals. This should shown with an extraordi brUlinney and a truly prove a big draw. The management also annonm thought he had had about 415 conviotlons, Id Recreation Ground, Eastbourne, save: “ I find ; 4 wonderful stereoscopic effeoT Bhe was three years old. ? the speolal engagement of Prince Kurokt, the whioh over “ 1,200 brave, healthy polloemen ” had that chills very! often disturb my kidneys. Then Eastbourne St. Mary’s have Important - The chief feature of a. si. id programme on Hounds Over a Precipice. Japanese magician, whose tricks are all of a been concerned. He said he had been in prison I get dull, aching pains settle in my back; I atlon Is no tha first three days of this wi was the fourth ot While hunting at Maohen (South Wales) on remarkable character. The oentral feature is the Intermittently ever since 1887, and every night In have often found it miserable getting about the to play the the famous Fantomas di" soriea, entitled Saturday the Tredegar and Fentyroel Hounds ran mysterious poucette en aoler (anolent thumb-screw his cell he saw all thb policemen who had seoured house on this account. Besides the backache, I- 7Ield In the “ The Tragedy of the Ball," which was a fox to the edge of a atone quarry. The fox trick). Other artists to appear are the Henleys, in his oonviotlons parade past. was troubled with headaches and dizziness, and hopes are reoeived with marked a] blon. “ Bow they doubled In the nick of tlm*« and escaped over a their comedy aet, “ The Window Cleaner” ; Adele The Ohief Constable said he oould, by going always seemed so languid and depressed. chat they Outwitted Father” and beoomes a danger- roof. Seven of the punning hounds, however, fell Henderson, in her latest snooess, “ Should baok to the registers ol 1887, find 65 convlotions in “ I shall always be able to speak well of Doan’s a very hard one Character” were a oon; of most amusing Eastbourne. Backache Kidney Pills, however, for no other over the preelpioe and were badly injured. The Woman Tell?” ; Tinsley and Knight, in humorous medioine has put me right so quickly. They I Ub bU ORH1& UU MICI It will be a oomlo plotores, whilst “ The elfth Juror” was re9t of the hounds oaptured Reynard after an duologue; Arthur Stevens, eomedlan, and others. 'The Bench sent the prisoner to prison with hard dour straggle for the fares (la. 8d.) an exoiting drama. labonr for 14 days. relieve my back, make my head better, end exeitlng ran. generally tone me up. I recommend Doan’s dills aw being Usued by t h e ----- Eastbourne As usual, there was an « . ^ . ~ 30 and returning from Lewi * 0,427 The gramme on Thursday. The. Bibd Catcher F ined. Thursday*—Before Alderman E. Dube. to the. holiday, Jay. makers whp often stay with us. - Heavy F lannelette Death Roll. — From (Signed) (Mrs.) M. Glass.” ___ -off Is timed for 3.15 p.m.. St. a well-selected programme wi ' At Hastings on Saturday Alfred Edward Miller ALLEGED HOUSEBREAKING. Jangle,' wan fined £1 and costa for being in possession of a Sept., 1913, to Jan. 10th there were 106 bnmlag Price 2s. 9d. a box, rix boxes I3s. 9d.; of all Maty’s being represented as follows: drama, entitled fatalities recorded in the Press as being dne to Thomas Markwlck, of Eastbourne, was charged T. Medhurst, goal; A. Teague B. Bennett, whioh deplete Ilona, tigers. , enas and goldfinoh recently taken on Falrligfft Cliffs. dealers, or from Foster-McClellan Co., 8, W’

T—I HUPS*** m A 1 m W* J- ! •/ Wm k:- - ■ P 1 ,i i EASTBOURNE CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1914.

K nuum i 18B. EnAmsHiB 1679. ;/?• ' Jy Bpeeicl Apprinte ml Oewrl IWhri U their Soyat Eifhnmm ike Or** D*h* m i Dm** *f Bairn. MR. JOHN 0. TOWNER, AKDEN & CO., AUCTIONEERS, I GENT for all the PRINCIPAL PRIVATE I o EASTBOURNE. DEVONSHIRE P A R K . w g m . &W BENNE A RESIDENCES. j H. W. BASHINGS fc SONS, HOUSE, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS. Manager and Secretary Mr. E. A. Brown. To b e Sold, Let (Famished or Untarnished). SURVEYORS. VALUERS. Telephone: No. 9. Telegrams : 11 Co n c e r t s ." m AUCTIONEER, HOUSE and ESTATE AGENT, ] Mortgage