r * ■, IS® *™ ? T- SH W LmL m 7 : • p ' f ' / *■ is* m m ■— t ___________ « 6 ' WEDDING GOLD WATCH 8 fc { PRESENTS. BRACELETS. NEWEST AND BEST. Beal Gold Self-Jit tiny Bracelets with J defiled Lever li'afphes i Phone .. 771:, LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. ■rrom , £ 3 Each. i / WmaBruford&Son, QUAHANTKItD. BoUtmitiu and Silversmith*, FASHIONABLE YISITOES’ RECORD AND GUIDE. Wjn. Bruford &Son, Butbonrne and Exeter. 100, 1 enniaua-nf., Eastbourne _____________ ___ ___________________________ .OtiUlj. LaterbyAppoinUntU T e l e p h o n e : 22m , B a s t b o u e n b . Registered at the G.P.O. as a Newspaper. EASTBOURNE, SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1914. E s t a b l i s h e d 1 8 5 6 . PRICE ONE PENNY. ' STATIONS FREE. No. 3,052 _______ »- = THE EASTBOURNE ASTBOURNE COLLEGE. ... H E LADIES’ COLLEGE. SCHOOL OF COMMERCE, M ART H . COOPER, A r t is t ic C o u r t D r e s s m a k e r . E - President t Yours for the asking T GRASSINGTON HOAD EASTBOURNE. 11. P 1 V 1 N B B T B O A S . THE DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE. Bv return of post comes the handsome 1914 Rudge- A Day School lor me Daughters of Gentlemen only Shorthand, Typewriting, Book-kerning. Business Train­ Whitworth Catalogue. Every cyclist in the Kingdom Founded 1889. ing, Geography, ArithmettoTulvil Service Subjects and Creations in FETE and EVENING GOWNS at Moderate Prices Head Master t should have a copy. If interested in Principal ............................................... MLS DES RUELLES Languages. The REV. P. 8. WILLIAMS, M A. CERTIFICATED TEACHERS only are EMPLOYED. ORIGINAL AND EXCLUSIVE DE8IGNS. Motor Cycling ask for Budge Motor (Successor to the Misses Deacon), Schools Visited. _ i Bicyclei CatalogCatalogue. Assisted by a large Staff of Resident and Visiting BATES Maste rs and Mistresses.' ' Day and Evening Classes. Individual TuitioD. Telephone 78*, The School is a FIRST-GRADE SCHOOL for the Sons of Gentlemen. ’ f. By Anointment . Rudge-Whitworth, Ltd. Pupils prepared, if desired, for the Preliminary, Junior, X KINDS, Cycle Makers to Senior. ;:y and—r- Higher •—Cambridge ■ o>- — Local A<s.«uiuiw.mvur>,Examination-*, -vinvvalso OF LL SIDE, ST. ANNE’S ROAD, 6 , l i s m o r r r o a d , E a s t b o u r n e . Boys are prepared for the Universities, tbeArmy, Navy cvU Maktrs to 10, Terminus-road, Eastbourne for Matriculation,lation, London \1 uivorsityuiversitv amia|mi forfur tho' booiety flAT.M, ^ EASTBOURNE. 41 and Civil Services, Professions and Commercial Life. H.M. King George. R165 of French Profo-feoraProto-Bors in lmndon.l^yhdon. Honours obtained during last Eight Years: 1ATION* Preparatory School for Boys. There are special Army and Navy Classes. MR. W. H. JONES, M.A, F.R.G.S.JClifton Collegeiand For Prospectus and information as to recent Successes, Camb. Prelirainary — Int, and ,3rd Class Honours, If Emmanuel College, Cambridge.' RECEIVES SOYS (Proprietors, opeoial aistinc ions in HeiigiousKoowl^dKo, t’-nciiah; TO LET, DICKER & CO. E. A P. SLOCOMBE), application should ho made to the Head Master. Gellfinomography, rihn IHi.tor/, TS t... ^ ,U’it.axnetic, ..!■ __t >.. iHuclid, • > Aigobra,. « ^ under 15 to he prepared for thehe Publlo Schools and French and Qei man. I In |bhe Whole of R.N.C., OBborne. Physical Drill is compulsory far the whole School. 8moial arrangements for Day Pupils and the Sons of Camh. Junior —1st. 2nd and; 3rd Clae8 Honours. First |.’8 (Ltd.: Sussex Ns VuttoraT 2} acres of Playlog Field in Gildredge Park. HIGH-CLASS PROVISION MERCHANTS 4 GROCERS, Britain’s Best Bicycle I Jiinzor Girl in England- Special distinct ions in pLOVELLY-K-EPPLESTONE, * m Kuowledi;e, Ktiglish, Geography, HiBtory tOneChaikc. vi*.i u O P P O .IT , t o w s b a l l , XASXBOVWra. (let In JLngland), French, Merman, Mathematics and TINDFIBLD, 20, THE AVENUE, Botany. Sh u jnq, not over 20 Word* ^ STAVELEY ROAD, MEADS, EASTBOURNE. 1 i EASTBOURNE. i ' f WINES, SPIRITS AMD MINERAL WATERS. Telephone No. 118. Camb. 8euior.—1st, 2nd and 3rd. Class Honours. First .Two Be iLLD.ua end Sixpbho* BOARD and RESIDENCE in a Comfortable Home. Senior Qxrl in England. Speolal distinctions in .... Five Shillihsb ftjuf TftnniA School for Girls (Preparatory and Finishing). Religious Knowledge (lfat in England), English. Excellent references, medloal and otherwise. Old Slenlivet Wblakej, 8/6 1 4/- per bottle. Pine Old Tawney Port, 36/- 442/-per dozen. LETHBRIDGE 8 STORES tihieeHfcwfeMw. , m ss. ‘ _______ MISS P. 0. AOKBRMANN.__________ N E W JAMS. abk fob P rice Mrs. F. H Browne anU Miss Tait-Reid, B.A., nh. Higher. - 1st, 2nd and 3rd Claa. Hohonre in • onoe In the following History. French, German. Latin and mathematics. BENCH GOUIN SCHOOL. , BOTTLED FRUITS, Je.. Assisted by ajarge It^ a o b t Stefr of Trained S u m m { 3 ; S S t e s S m T ” Grimtead 0\ __ „ . Teachers. Special distinctions iu History and French. m The Oldest Established, i ' In School Examination by tho Associated Board of i if Surrey Rumnymead, Mill Road, Upperton, Eastbourne. t many often, to the “oy« Academy of Music and Royal College of Music, and " at the Ladies College in June, 1900, nineteen candi* A living Method for a living Language. GKOCEBIES, TEAS, COFFEES, FRENCH AND ITALIAN GOODS, dates passed in Pianoforte Playing, one with Honours. L Tsrjr mull fort, an smonntof po b k e r _ of Ea< * • lot of East Sussex. Plarmns at all stages In variftus parts of the Town. I & SQNS Ate, Esq., M.D., F.R.O.8., and___ Students desirons of pursuing their studies after leaving 1 inhabitants. Schools Attended. J l.B .aP .t M.R.C.8., D.Fh. Cam., and School may Join-Advanced Classes in English l.itorature Prep, for Army, Navy and all other Exams. Frank GraveljL Esq., M.D, PROVI8IGN8. l| aQd History, French, German, Latin and Mathematics, SET OTHER LOCAL MEDIUM. Students Hear, Speak or Repeat Frenoh the whole time. (Newiok), 0. O’Brien Ha l., J.P., M.R.O.P., L 3 .0 .P ,, Hockey. Cricket and Tennis Clubs. AgenoohJeot. Lessons begin any time. MACHINE MADE P. Hollins, Eh ., and Mrs. ____ _ -Jie Rev. 0. and Mrs. Horsburgh, School Frenah Library. No extra charge for visiting. Conferences. the_____ Her._________ H G . and____ Mrs.Jameson, W. J. 0. Meny, Esq., M.D., WISES, SPIRITS AND LIQUEURS. BOTTLED AND CASK ALES AND STOUT. t direct to Kannoonu * Oo.'« . A FEW BOARDERS ARB RECEIVED. r toft with authorised Agents. References. A. BONEFANT B. 6s L. (Unlv. GalL), ! and Mrs, Marry,tGathome On. Beq., and Mrs. Orr. the Rev. Urling Member of the Society of French Professors. and Bln, WheSpton, the Rev. O . Williams, M A. (Head Master FOREIGN MINERAL WATERS, AERATED WATERS Scholarship-open toallunder 14-tenabloat tho Ladies I the abot^ Low Baton. of Eastbourne College). College for three years: examination in connection with 3 d . [ p e r 2 - d b . L o a f . * this held in January of every year. OBOROUGH SCHOOL, BBU8HBS, BROOMS, A c. ntss s ooLbined Sato B UPPER AVENUE, EASTBOURNE. RANVILLE HOUSE, MEADS, For Prospectus, farther karticulars, &c., apply to the DELIVERIES TO ALL PARTS OF THE TOWN DAILY, EASTBOURNE. Secretary, The Ladies’ College. Prinni^aiafP- 8- GILBERT, B.A. (bond.). G 1 ADDRESSES; [ N.B.TMiss DW8 Ruklles is at home to see Parents IP IE £ WEEKLY, Principals j a Q qxlbERT, (Lond. Univ.). | ' 4 | | that aS r Jrr-i LADIES' SCHOOLl 87, S6A8lde-ro»d; 17, Carlisle-road; 10, Grand Hotel Building* on business on Fridays, 3 to 6 p m. Private School fqr Boys. House beautifully situated in its own [Grounds. 19 and 81, C hurch-street; 15, Pevensey-road and lj?5, Seaside. Field for Hockey, Recreation RUom (50-tL long). i Premises with S aciea of ground. Chemical and Special Advantages for Musioand Modern Languages. (Oompton-atroet W «t) and 54, Seaside. REENCROFT-ELL 15 S MER E, AS 1 Laboratories, Gymnasium and Playing Fields, xeL iee. , I . Prospectus, references, 5tc., on application to the a I, SPENCER ROAD ation for London Matrioulatton and Oxford . ! ■ ■ ; ! (Late of 32, The Avenue). aod Cambridge Locals: Principal, MRS. C. H. de la MOTHE. Fees Moderate and Inclusive. Home School for the Daughters of Gentlemen. ts LETHBRIDGE’S ST O R 'E S. ; MISS LLOYDS has removed to more oommodious ~3 g jT . GEORGE’S SCHOOL (UPPERTON), /2H A N V ILL E OREST, ST. JOHN’S ROAD, premises aud is prepared to receivo an Increased U EASTBOURNE. number of DAILY PUPILS. : ROi t School for the Daughters of Gentlemen. FOR BOYS INTENDED FOR BUSINES8 LIFE. OETZMANN r pLAREMONT, BOLSOVER ROAD, Meads, The Subjects of Instruction Include those taught at Thorough Modern Education with special facilities for W Eastbourne. S hool for tho Daughtoru of Gentle- an PubUo Secondary Schools and. in addition, spe Music and Languages. imen. Specially reoommendod by ihe Countess of is paid to Commercial Subjects and ■f— & CO., L t d ., ------- Opxn Scholarships obtained by Pupils. Carnarvon; Higholere Castle, Newbury; Mrs. Wrough eproofl Individual supervision and training. Happy home life ton, Woolley Park, Wantage; and present Parents, &e T and Goods, ■ T* ' Prospectus apply Hasp Mastsr. with healthy School discipline. Lovely Position, Tennis Lawus, Hookey Field, 8taff of I, Ac. t made Near TOTTENHAM OOTJRT ROAD, LONDON, W. JUST PURCHASED Certtfloated English and Foreign Mistresses and I/mdon Extensive premises In own grounds. Playing field. Masters. No failures in (he Oxford Locals, R.A.M. and Telephone 61 Crowborough. Telegrams: “ OETZMANN LONDON.” Telephone: “ MAYFAIR 101.” Large hall, well-lighted and ventilated, for gymnastics, * I R.C.M., Royal Drawing Society Exams, in 1907, The dancing and fBdoor recreation.
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