Congressional Record—House H3026

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Congressional Record—House H3026 H3026 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 5, 2008 Although these members are from a U.S. African Republic in Chad, and more than (3) calls on parties to seek a negotiated territory, they are our fellow citizens and com- 180,000 Chadians have been displaced from settlement; mit their lives to the diplomatic causes. They their homes; (4) urges the Government of Chad to— Whereas more than 12,000 new refugees (A) engage in an inclusive national dia- join for the love of their country and risk their from Darfur arrived in Chad in February 2008 logue with all stakeholders of the current safety in dangerous posts. due to increasing attacks against civilians conflict to reach a comprehensive agreement The bill before us today would eliminate this by Sudanese Government forces, even as that would address the root causes of the unequal and unfair treatment between Foreign 30,000 Chadians were forced to flee the Chadian crisis and strengthen democratic in- Service members who reside in the territories N’Djamena area to seek refuge in Cameroon; stitutions; and those that reside in the states. I urge my Whereas the Government of Chad has pro- (B) protect its civilians from violence and colleagues to support passage of H.R. 3658. vided important support to the many refu- respect and enforce the rule of law in accord- Mr. POE. Mr. Speaker, I yield back gees from Darfur and the Central African Re- ance with international norms and stand- public in Chad, despite serious economic and ards; and the balance of my time. political difficulties; Ms. WATSON. Mr. Speaker, I yield (C) honor its May 9, 2007, agreement with Whereas the United States considers the the United Nations Children’s Fund, ensur- back the balance of my time. Government of Chad an important ally in ing its commitment to end all recruitment The SPEAKER pro tempore. The the war against terrorism; of persons under the age of 18 and demobilize question is on the motion offered by Whereas a December 2007 report by the all children under the age of 18 from its secu- the gentlewoman from California (Ms. United Nations Secretary General stated rity forces; WATSON) that the House suspend the that ‘‘the security situation in eastern Chad (5) urges the Government of the Central rules and pass the bill, H.R. 3658. has remained volatile and unpredictable [and African Republic to— t]he renewed violence has put the civilian The question was taken. (A) fulfill its obligation under inter- population living in the area at increased national law to protect civilians; and The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the risk and will further impede the work of the opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being (B) engage in constructive and inclusive humanitarian community’’; dialogue with opposition and armed groups; in the affirmative, the ayes have it. Whereas an armed rebellion in Chad, sup- (6) calls on armed opposition groups to— Mr. LEWIS of California. Mr. Speak- ported by the Government of Sudan, has led (A) renounce violence and respect the rule er, I object to the vote on the ground to a serious humanitarian crisis and political of law; that a quorum is not present and make instability in Chad; (B) engage in political dialogue to resolve the point of order that a quorum is not Whereas on September 25, 2007, the United the current crisis in their respective coun- Nations Security Council passed Security present. tries; and Council Resolution 1778, authorizing a multi- (C) immediately end cooperation with the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- dimensional presence intended to help create ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the Government of Sudan and others that en- the security conditions conducive to a vol- courage and support armed rebellion; Chair’s prior announcement, further untary, secure, and sustainable return of in- (7) urges the United Nations Security ternally displaced persons and refugees by proceedings on this motion will be Council to remain focused on the crises in contributing to their protection, both by fa- postponed. Chad and the Central African Republic, and cilitating the provision of humanitarian as- The point of no quorum is considered to ensure the effective and impartial protec- sistance in eastern Chad and the northern re- withdrawn. tion of civilians, including internally dis- gion of the Central African Republic and by placed persons and refugees, particularly f creating favorable conditions for the recon- local populations, by preempting, pre- struction and economic and social develop- DEVELOPING A COMPREHENSIVE venting, and deterring attacks on civilians; ment of those areas; and REGIONAL STRATEGY IN CHAD Whereas on October 15 and 16, 2007, the (8) calls on the President to— AND DARFUR Council of the European Union agreed to de- (A) continue United States humanitarian Ms. WATSON. Mr. Speaker, I move to ploy the military component of the multi- dimensional presence in the Central African assistance to the refugees and internally dis- suspend the rules and agree to the reso- placed persons in Chad and the Central Afri- lution (H. Res. 1011) calling on the Republic and Chad for a period of 1 year from the date that its initial operational capa- can Republic; United States Government and the bility is declared; (B) provide support to strengthen demo- international community to promptly Whereas in late 2007, the Government of cratic institutions and respect for human develop, fund, and implement a com- Sudan reportedly gathered several Chadian rights and rule of law; and prehensive regional strategy to protect armed groups in Khartoum in order to bring (C) seek punitive measures against the civilians, facilitate humanitarian oper- the armed factions under one coalition for Government of Sudan by the United Nations the February 2008 offensive; Security Council for its aggression and de- ations, contain and reduce violence, structive activities in Chad and the region. and contribute to conditions for sus- Whereas in early February 2008, Chadian The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- tainable peace and good governance in rebels armed and supported by the Sudanese Government’s armed forces launched a major ant to the rule, the gentlewoman from Chad, as well as in the wider region offensive in Chad’s capital, N’Djamena, to California (Ms. WATSON) and the gen- that includes the northern region of overthrow the government of President tleman from Texas (Mr. POE) each will the Central African Republic and the Idriss Deby Itno; control 20 minutes. Darfur region of Sudan, as amended. Whereas in late February, the United Na- The Chair recognizes the gentle- tions reported that the European Union The Clerk read the title of the resolu- woman from California. tion. Force began deployment to Chad and that an GENERAL LEAVE The text of the resolution is as fol- estimated 400 personnel have been deployed Ms. WATSON. Mr. Speaker, I ask lows: as of late February 2008; Whereas the United States, the European unanimous consent that all Members H. RES. 1011 Union, and the African Union condemn the may have 5 legislative days to revise Whereas since independence in 1960, Chad’s fighting in Chad and the foreign support for and extend their remarks and include political life has been afflicted by a series of the rebellion; and extraneous material on the resolution internal conflicts and civil wars as well as Whereas the Department of State issued a conflicts with its neighbors; under consideration. press release condemning ‘‘the attempt by The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Whereas Chad has held several legislative armed rebels entering from outside the coun- and presidential multiparty elections since try to seize power extra-constitutionally in objection to the request of the gentle- 1996, although the Department of State re- Chad’’: Now, therefore, be it woman from California? ported that the elections were ‘‘orderly, but Resolved, That the House of Representa- There was no objection. seriously flawed’’; tives— Ms. WATSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise in Whereas human rights groups and the most (1) expresses concern about the safety and strong support of this resolution and recent Department of State Country Reports well-being of innocent civilians in Chad, yield myself as much time as I may on Human Rights Practices stated that ‘‘the Chadian refugees and Internally Displaced consume. [Chadian] government’s poor human rights Persons (IDPs), and refugees from Darfur and I would first like to thank Represent- record deteriorated further’’; the Central African Republic that have ative WOLF and Chairman PAYNE for Whereas the genocide in Darfur, Sudan, taken refuge in Chad; continues to affect neighboring countries, es- (2) strongly condemns Sudanese President recognizing the importance of devel- pecially Chad; Omar al-Bashir and the National Congress oping and implementing a strategy to Whereas the United Nations estimates Party for their support of the armed rebel- resolve the crisis in Chad. there are more than 240,000 refugees from lion and aggressive behavior in Chad and Chad has been politically unstable Darfur and 52,000 refugees from the Central throughout the region; for over 40 years, suffering from civil VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:11 May 06, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05MY7.007 H05MYPT1 erowe on PRODPC61 with HOUSE May 5, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3027 wars as well as ethnic and religious Chad has been plagued by intermit- I want to acknowledge the support of my tensions. Human rights conditions re- tent conflict, both internally and with colleague and Africa subcommittee Chairman main notably poor, and the govern- its neighbors since it gained independ- DONALD PAYNE in working together to intro- ment lacks transparency and account- ence in 1960. The current President of duce this resolution, and also thank Foreign ability.
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