Magistr·t hl. m. Prahy ñ ï Publikace roËenka Praha ñ ûivotnÌ prost¯edÌ (tato publikace, vyd·v·na od r. 1990), CD-ROM Praha ñ ûivotnÌ prost¯edÌ (vyd·ny jiû 4 od roku 1997, aktu·lnÌ CD-ROM Praha éP 4 vyd·n v roce 2001, elektronickÈ verze roËenek a jin˝ch publikacÌ, mapy). ï HlavnÌ str·nky hl. m. Prahy ñ ñ éP v rubrice ÑChci vÏdÏtì ñ ÑûivotnÌ prost¯edÌì. Publikace a roËenky:, Atlas éP:, resp., PREMIS, Praûsk˝ ekologick˝ monitorovacÌ a informaËnÌ systÈm (ovzduöÌ):, EIA v Praze:, Neûiv· p¯Ìroda Prahy a jejÌho okolÌ (geologie): aj.

»esk˝ hydrometeorologick˝ ˙stav ñ ï Publikace ñ ZneËiötÏnÌ ovzduöÌ na ˙zemÌ »eskÈ republiky ñ RoËenka ñ str·nky ⁄seku ochrany Ëistoty ovzduöÌ (, akt. vyd·nÌ ZneËiötÏnÌ ovzduöÌ na ˙zemÌ »eskÈ republiky v roce 2000 ñ RoËenka (vyd. 2001), ZneËiötÏnÌ ovzduöÌ a atmosfÈrick· depozice v datech ñ Tabel·rnÌ p¯ehled ñ str·nky ⁄seku ochrany Ëistoty ovzduöÌ (, akt. vyd·nÌ: ZneËiötÏnÌ ovzduöÌ a atmosfÈrick· depozice v datech, »esk· republika 2000 (vyd. 2001). ï Publikace ñ Hydrologick· roËenka (akt. vyd·nÌ: Hydrologick· roËenka 2000, vyd. 2001), Jakost povrchov˝ch a podzemnÌch vod v »R (akt. vyd·nÌ: Jakost povrchov˝ch a podzemnÌch vod v »R 2000, vyd. 2001 na CD-ROM). ï OvzduöÌ ñ Aktu·lnÌ stav ovzduöÌ ñ (Automatizovan˝ imisnÌ monitoring AIM) Seznam stanic AIM, MϯenÌ AIM: ï OvzduöÌ ñ Informace o kvalitÏ ovzduöÌ v »R St¯ednÏdob· data (mÏsÌËnÌ, ËtvrtletnÌ a roËnÌ tabel·rnÌ p¯ehledy): ZneËiötÏnÌ v datech (tabel·rnÌ roËenky): Zdroje zneËiöùov·nÌ: ï OvzduöÌ ñ V˝voj zneËiötÏnÌ ovzduöÌ (grafy) EmisnÌ bilance »eskÈ republiky: Mapy zneËiötÏnÌ (ZneËiötÏnÌ ovzduöÌ na ˙zemÌ »R ñ roËenka St¯ednÏdob˝ v˝voj (St¯ednÏdobÈ grafickÈ p¯ehledy): ï Voda ñ ReûimovÈ informace: ñ ˙daje o mnoûstvÌ a jakosti povrchov˝ch a podzemnÌch vod. ï Voda ñ OperativnÌ informace: ñ stavy vody na tocÌch »R.

»esk˝ ekologick˝ ˙stav ñ ï InformaËnÌ systÈm o odpadech: Odpady vyk·zanÈ v v letech 1994ñ1997, roce 1997 a v n·sledujÌcÌch letech, za¯ÌzenÌ k ˙pravÏ, vyuûitÌ a zneökodnÏnÌ odpad˘. ï Mapy registru kontaminovan˝ch ploch ñ GIS: (ve spolupr·ci s ⁄KZ⁄Z).

Ministerstvo ûivotnÌho prost¯edÌ ñ ï Publikace Zpr·va o ûivotnÌm prost¯edÌ »eskÈ republiky v roce (aktu·lnÌ vyd·nÌ: Zpr·va o ûivotnÌm prost¯edÌ »eskÈ republiky v roce 1999), Statistick· roËenka éP »R (akt. vyd·nÌ: Statistick· roËenka éP »R 2000 ñ pozn.: ˙daje za rok 1999 a p¯edchozÌ roky), Stav éP v jednotliv˝ch krajÌch »eskÈ republiky (akt. vyd·nÌ ñ 2001, stav za rok 2000, d¯Ìve za ˙zemnÌ odbory MéP). ï Br·na k informacÌm o ûivotnÌm prost¯edÌ ñ Jednotn˝ informaËnÌ systÈm o ûivotnÌm pro- st¯edÌ na internetu (odbornÈ i administrativnÌ informace, metadata, indik·tory), pilotnÌ verze od 1. 1. 2002. ï Ochrana ûivotnÌho prost¯edÌ ñ

»esk˝ statistick˝ ˙¯ad ñ ï Publikace: Informace o ûivotnÌm prost¯edÌ v »eskÈ republice (aktu·lnÌ vyd·nÌ za obdobÌ 1994ñ1999, pozn.: vyd. 2000). Produkce, ˙prava, vyuûitÌ a zneökodnÏnÌ odpad˘ v roce. ï Informace k tÈmat˘m éivotnÌ prost¯edÌ, zemÏdÏlstvÌ:

P¯ehled informaËnÌch zdroj˘ na internetu je uveden tÈû v kapitole D6. B4 ODPADY / WASTE


B4.1 EVIDENCE ODPADŸ B4.1 REGISTRATION OF WASTE UvedenÈ ˙daje o produkci a nakl·d·nÌ s odpady The given data on waste production and manage- jsou v˝stupem z InformaËnÌho systÈmu o odpa- ment are an output of the Waste Information System dech, kter˝ provozuje »esk˝ ekologick˝ ˙stav. operated by the Czech Environmental Institute (»E⁄). Data o odpadech za roky 1999 a 2000 byla zÌsk·na Data on waste for 1999 and 2000 were acquired z hl·öenÌ o produkci a nakl·d·nÌ s odpady, zasla- from waste production and management sheets sent n˝ch Magistr·tu hl. m. Prahy v souladu se z·ko- to the City Hall in accordance with the Act nem Ë. 125/1997 Sb., o odpadech a vyhl·ökou MéP No. 125/1997 Code, on waste, the Decree of the Ë. 337/1997 Sb., kterou se vyd·v· Katalog odpad˘ Ministry of the Environment No. 337/1997 Code, a stanovÌ dalöÌ seznamy odpad˘ a vyhl·ökou MéP the issuing the Catalogue of Wastes and establishing Ë. 338/1997 Sb., o podrobnostech nakl·d·nÌ s od- other lists of waste, the Decree of the Ministry of pady. Komun·lnÌmi odpady se rozumÌ cel· sku- the Environment No. 338/1997 Code, establishing pina 20 dle Katalogu odpad˘. certain details of waste management. The municipal waste shall mean the whole group No. 20 of the Catalogue of Wastes.

Tab. B4.1 Produkce odpad˘ v ËlenÏnÌ dle OECD [t.rok-1] Waste production by origin as established by OECD [tonne.year-1]

Odpady / Waste 1999 2000 Odpady ze zemÏdÏlstvÌ a lesnictvÌ 28 776 28 876 Waste from agriculture and forestry Odpady z dolov·nÌ a tÏûby 324 240 Mining waste Pr˘myslovÈ odpady 122 074 140 923 Industrial waste Odpad z energetiky (mimo radioaktiv.) 84 465 81 095 Energy industry waste (except radioactive waste) Odpady ze stavebnictvÌ 847 008 1 829 467 Demolition waste (rubble) Komun·lnÌ odpad 340 205 504 079 Municipal waste OstatnÌ odpady 660 765 640 180 Other waste CELKEM 2 083 617 3 224 868 TOTAL

Pozn.: N·r˘st produkce odpad˘ ze stavebnictvÌ je d˘sledkem investiËnÌch akcÌ pro rozvoj infrastruktury mÏsta. Note: The increase in demolition waste reflects investments for the City infrastructure development. Zdroj / Source: »E⁄, MHMP

Magistr·t hl. m. Prahy 153 PRAHA ñéivotnÌ prost¯edÌ 2001 Prague City Hall PRAGUE ñ Environment 2001 B4 ODPADY / WASTE Total waste celkem »E⁄, MHMP managed 2 077 132 3 224 868 Nakl·d·nÌ Source: Waste Zdroj / V˝voz odpadu exports Waste Dovoz odpadu imports raw Used as material surovina druhotn· secondary VyuûitÌ jako Stored Skladov·nÌ landfilling Disposed by ZneökodnÏnÌ skl·dkov·nÌm tepla with heat svyuûitÌm generation spalov·nÌm incineration Disposed by ZneökodnÏnÌ spalov·nÌm incineration Disposed by ZneökodnÏnÌ by means processes metodami logick˝mi Processed vyuûitÌ bio- and/or used of biological ⁄prava a/nebo 0000 000000 0 0015000210018 0 0 0 4 205 767 0 0 4 972 8 934 48 280 710 1 141 0 3 687 376 8 357 65 087 136 572 45 21520 57861 044 0 2 896 3 476 117 0 4 680 167 761 7 238 540 703 25 851 106 627 15 242 57 453 33 881 1 420 200 907 18 432 0 0 0 7 1 337 0 446 724 230 017 329 433 135 771 54 667 5 507 169 449 371 181 114 470 221 903 8 357 66 431 1 147 736 by means processes Processed of physical and/or used and chemical k˝mi postupy ⁄prava a/nebo nÌmi a chemic- vyuûitÌ fyzik·l- Waste management methods according to the OECD classification, 2000 [tonnes] WASTE ODPADY Nespecifikov·no zahrnuje zpracov·nÌ mimo ˙zemÌ Prahy a nevyk·z·no. Not specified waste includes waste processed out of the Prague territory and not registered waste. Odpady ze zemÏdÏlstvÌ a lesnictvÌ Waste from agriculture and forestry Odpady z dolov·nÌ a tÏûby Mining waste Pr˘myslovÈ odpady Industrial waste Odpad z energetiky Energy industry waste Odpady ze stavebnictvÌ Demolition waste Komun·lnÌ odpad Municipal waste OstatnÌ odpady Other waste DÌlËÌ souËet Partial sum Nespecifikov·no Not specified waste CELKEM TOTAL Tab. B4.2 Zp˘sob nakl·d·nÌ s odpadyv ËlenÏnÌ dle OECD, 2000 [t] Pozn.: V p¯ÌpadÏ dovozu a v˝vozu odpad˘ se jedn· p¯edevöÌmNote: o kovy. In the case of waste exports these are mostly metals.

PRAHA ñ éivotnÌ prost¯edÌ 2001 154 Magistr·t hl. m. Prahy PRAGUE ñ Environment 2001 Prague City Hall B4 ODPADY / WASTE Total waste celkem »E⁄, MHMP managed 2 077 132 3 224 868 Nakl·d·nÌ Source: Waste Zdroj / V˝voz odpadu exports Waste Dovoz odpadu imports raw Used as material surovina druhotn· secondary VyuûitÌ jako Stored Skladov·nÌ landfilling Disposed by ZneökodnÏnÌ skl·dkov·nÌm tepla with heat svyuûitÌm generation spalov·nÌm incineration Disposed by ZneökodnÏnÌ spalov·nÌm incineration Disposed by ZneökodnÏnÌ by means processes metodami logick˝mi Processed vyuûitÌ bio- and/or used of biological ⁄prava a/nebo 17 451 91 5 354 1 022 44 691 960 16 245 0 57 85 871 118 320 54 576135 771 54 667 153 168 427 5 507 326 490 169 449 113 510 371 181 205 658 114 470 8 221 357 903 66 374 8 357 1 061 865 66 431 1 147 736 by means processes Processed of physical and/or used and chemical k˝mi postupy ⁄prava a/nebo nÌmi a chemic- vyuûitÌ fyzik·l- Waste management methods by waste category, 2000 [tonnes] WASTE ODPADY Nespecifikov·no zahrnuje zpracov·nÌ mimo ˙zemÌ Prahy a nevyk·z·no. Not specified waste includes waste processed out of the Prague territory and not registered waste. OstatnÌ Other waste NebezpeËnÈ Hazardous waste DÌlËÌ souËet Partial sum Nespecifikov·no Not specified waste CELKEM TOTAL Tab. B4.3 Zp˘sob nakl·d·nÌ s odpadyv ËlenÏnÌ dle kategoriÌ, 2000 [t] Pozn.: V p¯ÌpadÏ dovozu a v˝vozu odpad˘ se jedn· p¯edevöÌmNote: o kovy. In the case of waste exports these are mostly metals.

Magistr·t hl. m. Prahy 155 PRAHA ñ éivotnÌ prost¯edÌ 2001 Prague City Hall PRAGUE ñ Environment 2001 B4 ODPADY / WASTE

Technick· vybavenost pro ˙pravu, vyuûÌv·nÌ a zneökodÚov·nÌ odpad˘ Technology for waste treatment, processing, reuse, and disposal

Tab. B4.4 P¯ehled za¯ÌzenÌ k ˙pravÏ, vyuûitÌ a zneökodnÏnÌ odpad˘, 2000 Overview of facilities for waste treatment, processing, reuse, and disposal, 2000

Za¯ÌzenÌ k ˙pravÏ, vyuûitÌ a zneökodnÏnÌ odpad˘ PoËet Projektovan· kapacita [t.r-1] Facilities for waste treatment, processing, reuse, and disposal Number Designed capacity [t.year-1] ⁄prava a/nebo vyuûitÌ fyzik·lnÌmi a chemick˝mi postupy 232 Treatment and/or processing by physical and chemical processes ñ t¯ÌdÏnÌ / sorting ñ recyklace, zÌsk·v·nÌ sloûek / recycling, component recovery 140 ñ regenerace (kyselin, z·sad apod.) / recovery (of acids and alkalis etc.) 170 ñ solidifikace, vitrifikace / solidification, vitrification ñ chemick· ˙prava / chemical treatment 4 31 715 ⁄prava a/nebo vyuûitÌ biologick˝mi metodami Processing and/or reuse by biological processes ñ kompostov·nÌ / composting 1 2 000 ñ biologick· dekontaminace / biological decontamination ñ anaerobnÌ rozklad / anaerobic decomposition 1** ZneökodnÏnÌ / Disposal Spalovny / Incineration plants 1 300 Spalovny s vyuûitÌm tepla / Incineration plants with heat generation 5* 313 870** Skl·dky / Landfills 1 1 700 000***

* vËetnÏ cement·rny / including cement plant ** projektovan· kapacita nenÌ zn·ma u vöech za¯ÌzenÌ / designed capacity not known for every facility *** projektovan· kapacita je uv·dÏna v m3 / designed capacity given in m3 Zdroj / Source: »E⁄, MHMP

B4.2 KOMPLEXNÕ TÿÕDÃN› SBÃR B4.2 COMPLETE SYSTEM VYUéITELN›CH SLOéEK OF MUNICIPAL WASTE KOMUN¡LNÕHO ODPADU MANAGEMENT UsnesenÌm rady ZHMP Ë. 47 ze dne 16. 1. 1996 byl In the Decision of ZHMP No. 47 of January 16, 1996 p¯ijat Projekt hospoda¯enÌ s odpady v hl. m. Praze. the Project of Waste Management in the City of Tento Projekt vych·zel ze studie SystematickÈ Prague was adopted. The Project was based on sledov·nÌ mnoûstvÌ a sloûenÌ komun·lnÌch odpad˘ the study ìSystematic Monitoring of Amount and v hlavnÌm mÏstÏ Praze, jejÌmû zpracovatelem byl Composition of Municipal Waste in the City of v letech 1993ñ1994 ⁄stav komun·lnÌho hospod·¯- Pragueî, which was developed by the Institute of stvÌ a ze studie SystematickÈ sledov·nÌ skladby Municipal Management in 1993ñ1994, and on the study Systematic Monitoring of the Household Waste domovnÌho odpadu v hl. m. Praze, jejÌmû zpraco- Composition in the City of Prague, which was deve- vatelem byla v roce 1994 spoleËnost KZT s.r.o. loped by the company of KZT s.r.o in 1994. The Projekt byl n·slednÏ rozpracov·n a jeho realizace Project was then developed in detail and its imple- byla zah·jena 1. 1. 1998. mentation was launched on January 1, 1998. V roce 2001 byl tento Projekt realizov·n jiû Ëtvrt˝m In 2000 the Project has been running for the fourth rokem. Jeho principem je celoploön˝ komplexnÌ year. Its principle is the entire City system of sorting systÈm t¯ÌdÏnÌ komun·lnÌho odpadu (d·le jen KO). of municipal waste. The sorted waste fall into the T¯ÌdÏnÈ druhy odpadu jsou: following categories: ï papÌr a lepenka ï paper and cardboard ï sklo smÏsnÈ ï mixed glass ï plasty smÏsnÈ ï mixed plastics ï objemn˝ odpad ï bulky waste ï smÏsn˝ odpad ï mixed waste

PRAHA ñéivotnÌ prost¯edÌ 2001 156 Magistr·t hl. m. Prahy PRAGUE ñ Environment 2001 Prague City Hall B4 ODPADY / WASTE

Obr. B4.1 Sbìrné dvory mìsta a stabilní sbìrny nebezpeèných slozek¡ odpadu City collecting yards and stationary collecting points of hazardous waste

stabilní sbìrny stationary collecting points BØEZINÌVES TØEBORADICE sbìrné dvory




Zdroj / Source: OIM MHMP

Obr. B4.2 Organizace zajištìní svozu smìsného a tøídìného odpadu Organisation of the collection of mixed and sorted waste




Zdroj / Source: OIM MHMP

Magistrát hl. m. Prahy 157 PRAHA – Zivotní¡ prostøedí 2001 Prague City Hall PRAGUE – Environment 2001 B4 ODPADY / WASTE

ï nebezpeËnÈ sloûky KO ï hazardous components of municipal waste ï kovy ûeleznÈ a neûeleznÈ, stavebnÌ suù, elektro- ï ferrous and non-ferrous metals, demolition waste, technick˝ odpad, odpad z ˙drûby zelenÏ, d¯evÏn˝ electrotechnical waste, waste from care for greenery, odpad, pneumatiky. wood waste, tyres. Population opportunities to collect respective com- Moûnosti odkl·d·nÌ jednotliv˝ch sloûek KO ponents of municipal waste: pro obËany: 1. Paper and cardboard, glass, and plastics ñ into 1. PapÌr a lepenku, sklo a plasty ñ do sbÏrn˝ch collecting vessels dedicated to particular compo- n·dob urËen˝ch na tyto sloûky KO, p¯Ìmo na nents of municipal waste located in streets or in ulicÌch nebo v domech (na ˙zemÌ praûskÈ pa- houses (on the territory of the Prague Historical m·tkovÈ rezervace), tyto odpady lze odloûit Reserve). This waste may also be delivered to i ve sbÏrn˝ch dvorech mÏsta; the collecting yards; papÌr a lepenku mohou dÏti odkl·dat ve ökol·ch children may collect paper and cardboard in schools, which participate in the competition of zapojen˝ch do soutÏûe ve sbÏru starÈho papÌru, th konanÈ jiû 8. rokem pod patron·tem Magistr·tu waste paper collecting, already the 8 round hl. m. Prahy. under the patronage of the Prague City Hall. 2. Bulky waste ñ into the large capacity containers 2. Objemn˝ odpad ñ do velkoobjemov˝ch kon- located in the streets at regular intervals; such tejner˘ umÌsùovan˝ch na ulicÌch v pravideln˝ch waste may also be put off at the City collecting intervalech; tento odpad lze odloûit i ve sbÏr- yards. n˝ch dvorech mÏsta. 3. Mixed waste ñ into collecting containers forming 3. SmÏsn˝ odpad ñ do sbÏrn˝ch n·dob umÌstÏ- a part of house equipment of every real estate or n˝ch v domovnÌm vybavenÌ kaûdÈ nemovitosti, located in the streets. p¯ÌpadnÏna pozemnÌ komunikaci. 4. Hazardous components of municipal waste ñat 4. NebezpeËnÈ sloûky KO ñ p¯i mobilnÌm sbÏru, mobile collecting points, at stationary collecting ve stabilnÌch sbÏrn·ch vËetnÏ sbÏrn˝ch dvor˘ points including the City collecting yards (including mÏsta (z toho na 10 vybran˝ch stabilnÌch mÌstech 10 selected points for the return of decommissioned vy¯azen· chladicÌ za¯ÌzenÌ), v lÈk·rn·ch (ne- refrigerating equipment), at pharmacies (unused pouûitelnÈ Ëi proölÈ lÈky a rtuùovÈ teplomÏry), or expired drugs and medicines and mercury v ˙¯adech mÏstsk˝ch Ë·stÌ a na z·kladnÌch a filled thermometers), at the City District Authori- ties and at elementary an secondary schools (used st¯ednÌch ökol·ch (pouûitÈ monoËl·nky), batteries).

Obr. B4.3 Organizace t¯ÌdÏnÈho sbÏru ñ vz·jemnÈ vazbynakl·d·nÌ s KO Organisation of sorted waste collection ñ relations in the municipal waste management

papÌr, lepenka sklo plasty nebezpeËnÈ odpady paper, glass plastics hazardous waste cardboard

kontejnerov˝ sbÏr mobilnÌ sbÏr dovozn˝, don·ökov˝ mobile collection container collection 250 tras ñ 8 zast·vek sbÏr ve ökol·ch pick-up-collecting system, 250 routes 8 stops each collection kerbside-collecting system at schools stabilnÌ sbÏrn· mÌsta sbÏrnÈ dvory HMP stationary collecting points 4 Prague 17 mÌst / points collecting yards 241 lÈk·rny pharmacies objemn˝ odpad ostatnÌ vyuûitelnÈ odpady bulky waste termickÈ vyuûitÌ, skl·dkov·nÌ other usable waste thermal use, landfilling smÏsn˝ odpad mixed waste

Zdroj / Source: OIM MHMP

PRAHA ñ éivotnÌ prost¯edÌ 2001 158 Magistr·t hl. m. Prahy PRAGUE ñ Environment 2001 Prague City Hall B4 ODPADY / WASTE

5. Kovy ûeleznÈ a neûeleznÈ, stavebnÌ suù, elek- 5. Ferrous and non-ferrous metals, demolition waste, trotechnick˝ odpad, odpad z ˙drûby zelenÏ, electrotechnical waste, waste from greenery, d¯evÏn˝ odpad, pneumatiky ñ ve sbÏrn˝ch wooden waste, tyres ñ into the City collecting dvorech mÏsta. yards.

T¯ÌdÏn˝ sbÏr papÌru a lepenky, skla a plast˘ Sorted collection of paper and cardboard, glass, v don·ökovÈm systÈmu and plastics in kerbside-collecting system Realizace n·bÏhu celoploönÈho systÈmu t¯ÌdÏnÌ The implementation of the entire City system of sorting v don·ökovÈm systÈmu byla pl·nov·na na 4 roky, ve within the kerbside-collecting system was scheduled for the period of four years yet in the course of 1998 skuteËnosti se poda¯ilo jiû v roce 1998 urychlit the implementation was accelerated by one year so n·bÏh o jeden rok, a tÌm bylo dosaûeno cÌlovÈho the target was achieved already in 2000. The com- stavu jiû v roce 2000. Porovn·nÌ z·mÏru a realizace parison of intention and implementation is seen in je uvedeno v n·sledujÌcÌ tabulce. the table bellow.

Tab. B4.5 Realizace n·bÏhu celoploönÈho systÈmu t¯ÌdÏnÌ v don·ökovÈm systÈmu Implementation of the whole City sorting in kerbside collecting system

Rok P¯edpoklad SkuteËnost Year Expected Implemented 1998 1 sbÏrnÈ mÌsto pro 2000 obyvatel 1 sbÏrnÈ mÌsto pro 1000 obyvatel 1 collecting point per 2000 inhabitants 1 collecting point per 1000 inhabitants 1999 1 sbÏrnÈ mÌsto pro 1000 obyvatel 1 sbÏrnÈ mÌsto pro 500 obyvatel 1 collecting point per 1000 inhabitants 1 collecting point per 500 inhabitants 2000 1 sbÏrnÈ mÌsto pro 500 obyvatel 1 sbÏrnÈ mÌsto pro 400 obyvatel 1 collecting point per 500 inhabitants 1 collecting point per 400 inhabitants 2001 1 sbÏrnÈ mÌsto pro 400 obyvatel 1 sbÏrnÈ mÌsto pro 400 obyvatel* 1 collecting point per 400 inhabitants 1 collecting point per 400 inhabitants*

* v tomto roce doch·zÌ ke z¯izov·nÌ sbÏrn˝ch mÌst pouze v oblastech novÈ bytovÈ v˝stavby this year collecting points are being established in areas where there is new residential development only Zdroj / Source: OIM MHMP

Obr. B4.4 MnoûstvÌ vyt¯ÌdÏnÈho odpadu, 1998ñ2001 Amount of sorted waste, 1998ñ2001

6 000

sklo / glass papÌr / paper 5 000 1 592 1 353 plasty / plastics 1 384 1 527 1 284 1 099 4 000 1 079 1 303

3 000 753 681 3 117 2 972 2 855 2 774 2 760 2 598 805 505 2 669 2 473

amount of waste [t] 2 000

mnoûstvÌ odpadu [t] 2 109 2 018 555 358 529 1 000 1 370 1 409 983 878 752 1 015 1 009 1 176 1 190 766 864 932 164 620 691 91 120 309 352 509 0 I.ñIII. IV.ñVI. VII.ñIX. X.ñXII. I.ñIII. IV.ñVI. VII.ñIX. X.ñXII. I.ñIII. IV.ñVI. VII.ñIX. X.ñXII. I.ñIII. IV.ñVI. VII.ñIX. 1998 1998 1998 1998 1999 1999 1999 1999 2000 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001

Zdroj / Source: OIM MHMP

Magistr·t hl. m. Prahy 159 PRAHA ñ éivotnÌ prost¯edÌ 2001 Prague City Hall PRAGUE ñ Environment 2001 B4 ODPADY / WASTE

V don·ökovÈm systÈmu jsou uplatnÏny sbÏrnÈ The kerbside-collecting system uses collecting n·doby (kontejnery) o objemu 1100ñ3200 litr˘ vessels (containers) from 1,100 to 3,200 litres in s hornÌm nebo spodnÌm v˝sypem. volume with upper or bottom emptying hole. Vedle toho je na ˙zemÌ PraûskÈ pam·tkovÈ rezer- Except for the kerbside-collecting system since 1998 so called pick-up-collecting system of sorted waste, vace od roku 1998 uplatÚov·n v kombinaci s do- in which the collecting points are located right in n·ökov˝m systÈmem tzv. odvozn˝ systÈm t¯Ì- housings, on the territory of the Prague Historical dÏnÈho sbÏru, kdy jsou plastovÈ sbÏrnÈ n·doby Reserve. For the purpose collecting plastic con- o objemu 120 a 240 litr˘ umÌstÏny p¯Ìmo v byto- tainers 120 and 240 litres in volume are employed. v˝ch objektech. TÏchto sbÏrn˝ch mÌst by mÏlo The target is up to 1,200 collecting points. Their b˝t aû 1200. Jejich z¯ÌzenÌ je vöak odk·z·no na establishing is conditioned to the agreement of the souhlas vlastnÌka nemovitosti. real estate proprietor. SbÏrn· mÌsta urËujÌ mÏstskÈ Ë·sti po konzultaci The City District Authorities upon consultancy with se svozov˝mi spoleËnostmi. PoËet sbÏrn˝ch mÌst collecting companies determine collecting points. odpovÌd· poËtu obyvatel a typu z·stavby. Pro kaûdÈ Number of collecting points corresponds to the sbÏrnÈ mÌsto musÌ b˝t povolenÌ na zvl·ötnÌ uûÌv·nÌ number of inhabitants and type of buildings. Every collecting point is obliged to have a permit for komunikace (pokud je umÌstÏno na pozemnÌ ko - special use of a road (if located on a road ñ on the munikaci ñ na vozovce, na chodnÌku apod.). pavement, sidewalk, etc.).

Tab. B4.6 MnoûstvÌ sbÏrn˝ch n·dob pro t¯ÌdÏn˝ sbÏr papÌru, skla a plastu, jejich obsluhovan˝ objem a Ëetnost svozu k 30. 6. 2001 Number of collecting containers for sorted paper, glass, and plastics collection, their volume and frequency of emptying by June 30, 2001

PapÌr / Paper »etnost obsluhy 1x za 2 t˝dny 1x za t˝den 2x za t˝den 3x za t˝den Frequency of emptying once per 2 weeks once per a week twice per a week three times per a week 120 litr˘ / litres 546 209 240 litr˘ / litres 222 32 27 1100 litr˘ / litres 3 1 638 521 1,1 m3 89 40 2,0 m3 37 3,2 m3 332 18

Plasty / Plastics »etnost obsluhy 1x za 2 t˝dny 1x za t˝den 2x za t˝den 3x za t˝den Frequency of emptying once per 2 weeks once per a week twice per a week three times per a week 120 litr˘ / litres 545 202 240 litr˘ / litres 204 34 1100 litr˘ / litres 3 428 1 866 390 1,1 m3 35 2,0 m3 35 3,2 m3

Sklo / Glass 1x za 8 t˝dn˘ 1x za 6 t˝dn˘ 1x za 4 t˝dny 1x za 3 t˝dny 1x za 2 t˝dny 1x za t˝den »etnost obsluhy once once once once once once Frequency of emptying per 8 weeks per 6 weeks per 4 weeks per 3 weeks per 2 weeks per a week 120 litr˘ / litres 1 941 240 litr˘ / litres 2 43 171 1100 litr˘ / litres 687 77 1,1 m3 557 12 2,0 m3 35 2,5 m3 1 131 6 3,2 m3 180 Pozn.: R˘st ˙Ëinnosti t¯ÌdÏnÈho sbÏru papÌru, skla a plast˘ je zn·zornÏn v Tab. B4.8. Note: The growth in the sorted paper collection, glass, and plastics is depicted in the Tab. B4.8. Zdroj / Source: OIM MHMP

PRAHA ñéivotnÌ prost¯edÌ 2001 160 Magistr·t hl. m. Prahy PRAGUE ñ Environment 2001 Prague City Hall B4 ODPADY / WASTE

Objemn˝ odpad Bulky waste Objemn˝ odpad mohou obËanÈ odkl·dat do vel- Inhabitants may turn bulky waste into large capacity koobjemov˝ch kontejner˘ (VOK) o minim·lnÌm containers (VOK) with minimum volume 7.5 m3. The objemu 7,5 m3. Hl. m. Praha hradÌ p¯istavenÌ Prague City Hall reimburses for the installation of 8764 VOK roËnÏ. VOK jsou p¯idÏlov·ny mÏst- 8764 such containers per year. VOK are allocated sk˝m Ë·stem podle poËtu obyvatel s tÌm, ûe kaûd· to the City Districts depending on their respective mÏstsk· Ë·st m· k dispozici minim·lnÏ 24 VOK population and every City district has at least 24 VOK at its disposal (that means on average (v pr˘mÏru 1 VOK kaûd˝ch 14 dnÌ) jako prevenci 1 VOK emptying per fortnight), to prevent illegal vzniku Ëern˝ch skl·dek. MÏstskÈ Ë·sti samy roz- dumpsite formation. City Districts may decide on hodujÌ o mÌstech a termÌnech p¯istavenÌ VOK dle locations and dates of VOK placement as they vlastnÌ pot¯eby. NÏkterÈ mÏstskÈ Ë·sti na svÈ n·- needs may be. Some City District Authorities place klady p¯istavujÌ dle svÈho uv·ûenÌ dalöÌ VOK. further VOK at their expense and decision.

SmÏsn˝ odpad Mixed waste DostateËn˝ objem sbÏrn˝ch n·dob na smÏsn˝ Landlords or real estate administrators are obliged odpad pro bytov˝ objekt majÌ povinnost zajistit to provide containers form mixed waste at volume vlastnÌci nebo spr·vci nemovitostÌ. PoËet sbÏrn˝ch large enough. The number of collecting containers n·dob u nemovitostÌ kolÌs· kolem 108 tis. po celÈ at real estates fluctuate around 108,000 for the hodnocenÈ obdobÌ. P¯ehled o poËtu sbÏrn˝ch n·- whole period evaluated. The table bellow gives number of collecting containers by volume and dob podle objemu a frekvence obsluhy v pololetÌ frequency of emptying in the half of 2001. At present roku 2001 je uveden v n·sledujÌcÌ tabulce. Vlast- landlords and administrators provide collecting nÌci a spr·vci nemovitostÌ v souËasnÈ dobÏ zajiöùujÌ containers depending on their financial expenses ñ sbÏrnÈ n·doby s ohledem na finanËnÌ n·klady ñ they strive to optimise number of collecting con- optimalizujÌ poËet sbÏrn˝ch n·dob, jejich velikost tainers, their volume and frequency of emptying a Ëetnost odvozu tak, aby mÏli co moûn· nejniûöÌ to keep their expenses as low as possible. it may n·klady. Lze konstatovat, ûe celkov˝ objem p¯i- be stated that since 1998 the total volume of col- staven˝ch sbÏrn˝ch n·dob se od roku 1998 mÌrnÏ lecting vessels allocated was slightly increased zv˝öil (z 5,20 litr˘ na obyvatele a den na 5,33 litr˘ (from 5.2 litres per capita and day to 5.33 litres na obyvatele a den ñ p¯epoËteno na poËet obyvatel per capita and day ñ calculated to population dle »S⁄). according to the »S⁄).

Tab. B4.7 PoËet sbÏrn˝ch n·dob podle objemu v litrech a frekvence obsluhy k 30. 6. 2001 Number of collecting vessels by volume in litres and service frequency by June 30, 2001

»etnost 1x za 2 t˝dny 1x za t˝den 2x za t˝den 3x za t˝den 4x za t˝den 5x za t˝den 6x za t˝den obsluhy [l] once once twice three times four times five times six times Frequency per 2 weeks per a week per a week per a week per a week per a week per a week of emptying 70 5 149 6 143 16 80 1 874 1 250 9 110 5 826 29 968 16 245 65 9 5 1 120 1 449 4 985 4 015 150 4 15 4 240 259 4 700 14 890 297 37 35 20 360 5 10 11 1 100 52 830 6 858 2 874 4 5 5

Zdroj / Source: OIM MHMP

V˝sledky t¯ÌdÏnÈho sbÏru v letech 1998ñ2001 Results of sorted waste collection in 1998ñ2001 P¯ed realizacÌ Projektu hospoda¯enÌ s odpady Before implementing the Project of Waste Manage- v hl. m. Praze bylo na ˙zemÌ mÏsta z¯Ìzeno nÏ- ment in the City of Prague several local sorting systems kolik samostatn˝ch lok·lnÌch t¯ÌdicÌch systÈm˘, were established, which were operated mostly by the company of SbÏrnÈ suroviny Praha. In majority of kterÈ p¯ev·ûnÏ provozovala akciov· spoleËnost cases these were glass collection systems, in smaller SbÏrnÈ suroviny Praha. VÏtöinou se jednalo o sbÏr extent waste paper collection, and plastics collection skla, mÈnÏ byl sbÌr·n papÌr, minim·lnÏ plasty. at minimum points. Total yield of these systems did not

Magistr·t hl. m. Prahy 161 PRAHA ñéivotnÌ prost¯edÌ 2001 Prague City Hall PRAGUE ñ Environment 2001 B4 ODPADY / WASTE

Celkov· v˝tÏûnost v tomto obdobÌ nep¯esahovala account for more than 0.5 % of total mass of muni- 0,5 % hmotnosti KO. Od ledna 1998 se mnoûstvÌ cipal waste. Since January 1998 the amount of usable vyt¯ÌdÏn˝ch vyuûiteln˝ch sloûek KO zvyöuje. Trend components of sorted municipal waste has been in- je patrn˝ z n·sledujÌcÌ tabulky. creasing. The trend is notable in the table bellow.

Tab. B4.8 V˝sledky t¯ÌdÏnÈho sbÏru, 1998ñ2001 [t] Results of sorted waste collection, 1998ñ2001 [t]

2001 Druh t¯ÌdÏnÈho sbÏru 2001 1998 1999 2000 p¯edpoklad Type of sorted collection (I.ñVII.) expected PapÌr, sklo, plasty / Paper, glasss, plastics 6 915 13 400 18 404 12 732 22 000 PapÌr ñ ökoly / Paper ñ schools 510 851 950 456 800 SbÏrnÈ dvory / Collecting yards 513 1 210 3 486 3 030 5 200 NebezpeËn˝ odpad / Hazardous waste 120 222 267 163 280 Objemn˝ odpad / Bulky waste 13 128 15 900 16 150 9 763 16 750 Kovy ñ spalovna* / Metals ñ incineration plant* 1 970 3 056 2 878 1 563 3 100 Celkem / Total 23 156 34 639 42 135 27 707 48 130

* vyt¯ÌdÏno ze ökv·ry / sorted from slag Zdroj / Source: OIM MHMP

V roce 2000 doölo k 4,3 % n·r˘stu mnoûstvÌ KO, In 2000 the amount of municipal waste grew by coû je o 0,7 % vÌce neû v roce 1999, kdy meziroËnÌ 4.3 %, which is by 0.7 % more than in 1999, where n·r˘st p¯edstavoval 3,6 % hmotnosti KO. Pro po- annual increase was 3.6 wt% of municipal waste. rovn·nÌ je moûnÈ uvÈst nap¯. VÌdeÚ, kter· ud·vala In order to make a comparison Vienna may be taken v roce 1999 meziroËnÌ n·r˘st mnoûstvÌ odpadu ve as an example where in 1999 the annual increase in waste amount was 1.5 %. It is expected that average v˝öi 1,5 %. P¯edpokl·d· se, ûe pr˘mÏrn˝ meziroËnÌ annual increase of the municipal waste amount will n·r˘st mnoûstvÌ KO bude v obdobÌ do r. 2005 ve be 4 % maximum in the period till 2005. After 2005 v˝öi max. 4 %. Po r. 2005 by pr˘mÏrn˝ meziroËnÌ the average annual increase should attain approx. 2 %. n·r˘st mÏl dosahovat cca 2 %. In 1998 the City of Prague as the municipal waste Hl. m. Praha jako p˘vodce KO v roce 1998 vypro- originator generated 232,000 tonnes of waste. This dukovala 232 tis. tun odpadu. Toto mnoûstvÌ se amount was increased to 240,300 tonnes in 1999 and v roce 1999 zv˝öilo na 240,3 tis. tunavroce2000 exceeded by 700 tonnes the limit of 250,000 tonnes p¯ekroËilo o 700 tun hranici 250 tis. tun. in 2000. I p¯es tyto negativnÌ skuteËnosti se dÌky t¯ÌdÏ- Despite these negative facts the total amount of nÈmu sbÏru poda¯ilo udrûet celkovÈ mnoûstvÌ municipal waste disposed by landfilling or inci- neration was maintained at the level comparable KO, kterÈ bylo nutnÈ zneökodnit na skl·dce Ëi to the previous years (224,000 to 226,000 tonnes of na spalovnÏ, na ˙rovni srovnatelnÈ s p¯edcho- disposed municipal waste) due to the sorted waste zÌmi roky (224ñ226 tis. tun zneökodnÏnÈho KO). collection.

Tab. B4.9 CelkovÈ mnoûstvÌ zneökodnÏnÈho komun·lnÌho odpadu na skl·dce nebo spalovnÏ Total amount of municipal waste disposed by means of landfilling or incineration

KO ZneökodnÏnÌ [t] / Disposed off [t] Materi·lovÈ vyuûitÌ [t] / Material reuse [t] Rok Municipal waste Year celkem skl·dkov·nÌ energet. vyuûitÌ* vyt¯ÌdÏno Fe ñ ze ökv·ry [t] total landfilling energy generation* sorted iron ñ from slag 1998 232 000 224 000 94 000 130 000 8 000 1 970 1999 240 300 224 500 31 000 193 000 15 800 3 065 2000 250 700 226 000 59 000 167 000 24 700 2 900 2001** 254 300 226 000 29 000 197 000 28 300 3 100

* do roku 2001 je ze z·kona spalov·nÌ s vyuûitÌm energie totoûnÈ se zneökodÚov·nÌm; od roku 2002 je energetickÈ vyuûÌv·nÌ odpad˘ zrovnopr·vnÏno s materi·lov˝m vyuûÌv·nÌm odpad˘ due to the law till 2001 the incineration with energy utilization was identical with disposal; from 2002 the energetic exploitation of the waste will be equivalent to material exploitation of the waste ** odhad / estimate Zdroj / Source: OIM MHMP

PRAHA ñéivotnÌ prost¯edÌ 2001 162 Magistr·t hl. m. Prahy PRAGUE ñ Environment 2001 Prague City Hall B4 ODPADY / WASTE

Z tabulek je z¯ejmÈ, ûe se v roce 2000 snÌûilo mnoû- It follows from the tables that in 2000 the amount stvÌ smÏsnÈho odpadu zpracovanÈho spalovnou of mixed waste processed in the Incineration Plant Maleöice. Tato skuteËnost je d·na tÌm, ûe spalovna Maleöice was reduced. This was due to the shutdown byla v letnÌm obdobÌ (od 1. 6. do 18. 8. 2000) od- of the plant operation in summer (from June 1 to stavena z d˘vodu z·ruËnÌ rekonstrukce vnit¯nÌho August 18, 2000) for the sake of warranty reconstruc- tion of smokestack internal lining. pl·ötÏ komÌnu.

Tab. B4.10 ⁄Ëinnost t¯ÌdÏnÈho sbÏru KO (s uvaûov·nÌm pouze materi·lovÈho vyuûitÌ) Efficiency of sorted waste collection of municipal waste (merely material reuse considered)

⁄Ëinnost t¯ÌdÏnÌ Rok Pozn·mka [% hmotnosti] Year Note Sorting efficiency [wt%] 1997* 0,5 p¯ed realizacÌ projektu / before the project implementation 1998 4,3 za 1. rok realizace projektu / in 1st year of the project implementation 1999 7,8 za 2. rok realizace projektu / in 2nd year of the project implementation 2000 11,0 za 3. rok realizace projektu / in 3rd year of the project implementation 2001** 13ñ15 odhad pro 4. rok realizace projektu / estimated at 4th year of the project implementation

* p¯ed zavedenÌm projektu / before the project implementation ** p¯edpoklad 4. roku realizace projektu / expected at 4th year of the project implementation Zdroj / Source: OIM MHMP

Pokud za vyuûitÌ odpadu povaûujeme materi·lovÈ If material reuse as well as energy generation i energetickÈ vyuûitÌ odpadu ve spalovnÏ odpadu, are bot considered as the waste use in the incine- bude v˝sledek vyuûÌv·nÌ KO v˝raznÏjöÌ. Tento po- ration plant then the municipal waste use result stup odpovÌd· znÏnÌ novÈho z·kona o odpadech, is even better. Such approach is appropriate to kter˝ bude ˙Ëinn˝ od 1. ledna 2002. the new act on waste, which shall became effective on January 1, 2002.

Tab. B4.11 Materi·lovÈ a energetickÈ vyuûitÌ odpadu ve spalovnÏ Material reuse and energy generation use of waste in the incineration plant

PodÌl vyuûÌvanÈho odpadu PodÌl zneökodnÏnÈho odpadu materi·lovÈ a energetickÈ vyuûitÌ skl·dkov·nÌ, vËetnÏ ökv·ry a popÌlku Rok Share of reused waste Share of disposed waste Year material and energy generation use landfilling, including slag and ash [% hmotnosti / wt%] [% hmotnosti / wt%] 1997* 0,5 99,5 1998 43,0 57,0 1999 63,0 37,0 2000 57,0 43,0 2001** 68,0 32,0

* p¯ed zavedenÌm projektu / before the project implementation ** p¯edpoklad 4. roku realizace projektu / expected at 4th year of the project implementation Zdroj / Source: OIM MHMP

Energetick˝m vyuûitÌm se rozumÌ pouûitÌ odpad˘ Energy use of waste shall mean the use as a fuel zp˘sobem obdobn˝m jako palivo, za ˙Ëelem zÌsk·nÌ for to obtain its energy content or by other way jejich energetickÈho obsahu nebo jin˝m zp˘sobem for energy generation. In this way of use the condi- k v˝robÏ energie. P¯i tomto zp˘sobu vyuûitÌ musÌ tion that the waste used does not need other sup- b˝t d·le splnÏna podmÌnka, ûe pouûit˝ odpad ne- port fuel for ignition and heat generated shall be utilised for the facility own consumption or shall be pot¯ebuje pro vlastnÌm zap·lenÌ ke spalov·nÌ jinÈ consumed by other entities. The Incineration Plant podp˘rnÈ palivo a vznikajÌcÌ teplo musÌ b˝t vy- Maleöice meets these conditions at mixed waste uûito pro pot¯ebu vlastnÌ nebo dalöÌch osob. Tyto incineration. podmÌnky jsou v p¯ÌpadÏ spalov·nÌ smÏsnÈho od- padu ve spalovnÏ Maleöice splnÏny.

Magistr·t hl. m. Prahy 163 PRAHA ñéivotnÌ prost¯edÌ 2001 Prague City Hall PRAGUE ñ Environment 2001 B4 ODPADY / WASTE

Technick· vybavenost ˙zemÌ Technology facilities on the area V roce 2000 se v˝razn˝m zp˘sobem zv˝öila sobÏ- In 2000 Prague substantially increased its own staËnost ˙zemÌ Prahy p¯i nakl·d·nÌ s vyt¯ÌdÏn˝mi capacities for the disposal of sorted waste compo- sloûkami KO. nents originating from municipal waste.

Tab. B4.12 Technick· vybavenost ˙zemÌ Technology facilities on the area

Druh za¯ÌzenÌ Pozn·mka Facility Note Dot¯ÌÔovacÌ linka ñ V kvÏtnu 2000 byl zah·jen provoz dot¯ÌÔovacÌ linky na papÌr a lepenku akciovÈ spoleËnosti PraûskÈ papÌr a lepenka sluûby, v Praze 9. Kapacita linky vyhovuje pot¯eb·m Prahy na dot¯ÌÔov·nÌ tohoto odpadu. Linka Aftersorting line ñ rovnÏû umoûÚuje dod·vky papÌru zpracovatel˘m podle aktu·lnÌch pot¯eb, coû je poûadavek papÌren- paper and skÈho pr˘myslu. KromÏ tÈto kapacity existujÌ na ˙zemÌ mÏsta i dalöÌ dot¯ÌÔovacÌ linky, kterÈ slouûÌ pro cardboard ˙pravu papÌru a lepenky z ûivnostenskÈho odpadu (nap¯.. PAPKOV, s.r.o., DomeËek ñ odpady, s.r.o., DDM, s.r.o.). In May 2000 an aftersorting line for paper and cardboard of the company of PraûskÈ sluûby, was put in operation in . The line capacity fits the needs of Prague for such waste aftersorting. The line also enables to deliver supplies of paper to manufacturers according their actual needs, which is the requirement of paper industry. Besides this capacity on the City territory there are other aftersorting lines serving for paper and cardboard treatment from business waste (for example PAPKOV, s.r.o., DomeËek ñ odpady, s.r.o., DDM, s.r.o.). KromÏ kontejnerovÈho zp˘sobu sbÏru je pod z·ötitou OIM MHMP realizov·na druh· forma sbÏru papÌru prost¯ednictvÌm z·kladnÌch ökol. SbÏr m· formu soutÏûe ökol. Za odevzdan˝ papÌr ökoly dost·vajÌ trûby a v z·vÏru ökolnÌho roku jsou pravidelnÏ vyhodnocov·ny a odmÏÚov·ny nejlepöÌ ökoly ve sbÏru podle celkovÈho mnoûstvÌ i podle pr˘mÏru na jednoho û·ka. Tuto formu sbÏru zajiöùujÌ St¯edoËeskÈ sbÏrnÈ suroviny, a.s., kterÈ papÌr dot¯ÌÔujÌ na svÈ lince v Kralupech nad Vltavou. é·ci praûsk˝ch ökol tÌmto zp˘sobem kaûdoroËnÏ vyt¯ÌdÌ cca 10 % veökerÈho vyt¯ÌdÏnÈho papÌru. Except for the container collection another form of the paper collection through elementary schools is carried out under the patronage of the OIM MHMP. The collection is organised as a competition among schools. Schools receive revenue for the paper collected and at the end of every school year they are evaluated and awarded on the basis of total amount collected and the amount collected per pupil. This form has been supported by the company of St¯edoËeskÈ sbÏrnÈ suroviny, a.s., which sorts the paper at its line in Kralupy nad Vltavou. This way pupils of Prague schools every year deliver approx. 10 % of all sorted paper returned. Dot¯ÌÔovacÌ linka ñ V ˙noru 2000 byl zah·jen provoz dot¯ÌÔovacÌ linky smÏsn˝ch plast˘ spoleËnosti WECOM, a.s. plasty v »akovicÌch. TÌm odpadla ekonomicky n·roËn· p¯eprava plast˘ do mimopraûsk˝ch za¯ÌzenÌ. Linku Aftersorting line ñ v souËasnÈ dobÏ hl. m. Praha nevyuûÌv·, neboù je p¯emÌsùov·na do are·lu »KD v Praze 9. plastics In February 2000 an aftersorting line for mixed waste of the company of WECOM, a.s. was put in operation in »akovice. This way the economically demanding transport of plastics to out of Prague located facilities was eliminated. The line is currently out of operation because of being moved into the premises of the »KD, Prague 9. V roce 2000 byla zprovoznÏna nov· linka na dot¯ÌÔov·nÌ a zpracov·nÌ smÏsn˝ch plast˘ v BÏchovicÌch spoleËnosti Stabilplastik, s.r.o. Tato linka byla vyuûÌv·na ve zkuöebnÌm provozu a trval˝ provoz byl zah·jen ve druhÈm ËtvrtletÌ roku 2001. Kapacita obou linek vyhovuje oËek·vanÈmu v˝skytu plast˘ z t¯ÌdÏnÈho sbÏru v Praze. In 2000 a new line for aftersorting and processing of mixed plastics was commissioned in BÏchovice by the company of Stabilplastik, s.r.o. This line was utilised in pilot operation and regular operation was launched in the second quarter of 2001. Capacity of both the lines fits the expected amount of plastics coming from sorted waste in Prague. Plasty jsou d·le p¯ed·v·ny spoleËnosti Sledge, s.r.o. v Tuklatech a v souËasnÈ dobÏ se projedn·v· nabÌdka spoleËnosti STAVOPLAST KL RESO, s.r.o. z JÌlovÈho u Prahy, kter· jako prvnÌ nabÌdla za smÏsn˝ plast takÈ finanËnÌ p¯ÌspÏvek a finanËnÌ p¯ÌspÏvek na p¯epravu smÏsnÈho plastu z hl. m. Prahy do JÌlovÈho u Prahy. Furthermore, plastics are delivered to the company Sledge, s.r.o., Tuklaty and currently the offer of the company of STAVOPLAST KL RESO, s.r.o., JÌlovÈ u Prahy is under negotiations. The latter company offered, as the first one, also financial reimbursement for mixed plastics and also certain contribution to the transport of mixed plastics from Prague to JÌlovÈ u Prahy. Dot¯ÌÔovacÌ linka ñ SmÏsnÈ sklo je jedinou komoditou, kter· je po svozu bez ˙pravy odv·ûena jeho zpracovatelem sklo (spoleËnostÌ AMT s.r.o.) do dot¯ÌÔovacÌho za¯ÌzenÌ v P¯Ìbrami. Ale ani v tomto p¯ÌpadÏ nejsou n·klady Aftersorting line ñ na odvoz na stranÏ mÏsta, ale hradÌ je s·m odbÏratel suroviny. glass Mixed glass is the only commodity, which is after the collection thereof removed by its processor (the company of AMT s.r.o.) to the aftersorting facility in P¯Ìbram. Yet in this case transport costs are also born by the raw material user and not by the City of Prague.

PRAHA ñéivotnÌ prost¯edÌ 2001 164 Magistr·t hl. m. Prahy PRAGUE ñ Environment 2001 Prague City Hall B4 ODPADY / WASTE

Druh za¯ÌzenÌ Pozn·mka Facility Note Spalovna KO Po celÈ hodnocenÈ obdobÌ se smÏsn˝ odpad a objemn˝ odpad z vÏtöÌ Ë·sti vyuûÌvaly energeticky Incineration plant ve spalovnÏ Maleöice (58 %) a z Ë·sti byly ukl·d·ny na skl·dku œ·blice (42 %). of municipal waste Over the period evaluated mixed waste and bulky waste were mostly used for energy generation at the Incineration Plant Maleöice (58 %) and partly were disposed at the Landfill œ·blice (42 %). Spalovna Maleöice proch·zÌ ¯adou technologick˝ch ˙prav provozu s cÌlem maxim·lnÏ eliminovat moûn˝ negativnÌ dopad na ûivotnÌ prost¯edÌ. JednÌm z prvnÌch opat¯enÌ byla instalace senzor˘ kontro- lujÌcÌch radioaktivitu nav·ûenÈho odpadu (r. 1998). TÌmto opat¯enÌm se do spalovacÌho procesu nem˘ûe dostat û·dn· l·tka, kter· by mÏla vyööÌ radioaktivitu neû je nastaven· meznÌ hodnota. VylouËen˝ odpad je za stanoven˝ch podmÌnek odvezen do are·lu skl·dky œ·blice a v souladu s platnou legislativou zamϯen (lokalizov·n), vyjmut z odpadu, odvezen a n·slednÏ zneökodnÏn podle pokynu S⁄JB. Druh˝m opat¯enÌm, kterÈ bylo realizov·no v roce 2000, je technologick· ˙prava v procesu ËiötÏnÌ kou¯ov˝ch plyn˘, jejÌmû v˝sledkem je snÌûenÌ emisÌ dioxin˘ pod ˙roveÚ 0,1 ng.m-3 (0,082 ng.m-3). TÌm se spalovna dostala pod ˙roveÚ, kterou vyûaduje nejen legislativa ES, ale i naöe novelizovan· vyhl·öka stanovujÌcÌ emisnÌ limity, jeû nabude ˙Ëinnosti v roce 2003. PoslednÌm v˝znamn˝m zlepöenÌm, kterÈ m· vliv na snÌûenÌ emisÌ l·tek, je realizace opat¯enÌ ke snÌûenÌ emisÌ oxid˘ dusÌku na ˙roveÚ 180 mg.Nm-3. The Incinerator Plant Maleöice have been undergoing numerous technological modifications aimed at maximum elimination of potential adverse environmental impacts. One of the first measures was the installation of sensors checking radioactivity level of the waste delivered to the Plant (1998). This measure provided that no material having higher radioactivity level than a pre-set limit might enter the incineration process. The waste rejected is transported to the Landfill œ·blice under established conditions and, in accordance with valid legislation, there it is localised, removed from the waste volume, transported away and then disposed pursuant to instructions of the S⁄JB. The second measure, implemented in 2000, is the technology modification of the flue gas purification process resulting in dioxin emission reduction bellow the limit of 0.1 ng.m-3 (0.082 ng.m-3). This makes that the Plant emissions are bellow limits required by the EC legislation as well as the amended national decree establishing emission limits, which shall become effective in 2003. The last important improvement reducing emissions was the implementation of measures for nitrogen oxides reduction to the level of 180 mg.Nm-3. Vedle tÏchto pozitivnÌch opat¯enÌ je nutnÈ zmÌnit nedo¯eöenÌ postavenÌ spalovny jako energetickÈho zdroje. Z·jem o vyrobenÈ teplo ze strany PraûskÈ tepl·renskÈ, a.s. umÏle sniûuje moûnost kapacitnÌho vyuûitÌ spalovny na max. 70 %. To znamen·, ûe z teoreticky optim·lnÌho mnoûstvÌ 280 tis. tun m˘ûe b˝t ve spalovnÏ zpracov·no cca 195 tis. tun KO. Nev˝hodn· a cenu nakl·d·nÌ s odpady zatÏûujÌcÌ je i nÌzk· v˝kupnÌ cena, za kterou je tepeln· energie ze strany PT, a.s. odebÌr·na (cca 40 KË.GJ-1). Besides these positive measures it is necessary to mention that the position of the Incineration Plant as an energy producer has not been completely established yet. The interest in heat of the Praûsk· tepl·rensk·, a.s. makes the plant incineration capacity is reduced to 70 % as maximum. This means that the Plant may incinerate approx. 195,000 tonnes municipal waste only, compared to maximum capacity of 280,000 tonnes. The low purchase price of heat, which Praûsk· tepl·rensk·, a.s. buys the heat for, (approx. 40 CZK.GJ-1) is a drawback making the rates for waste disposal even worse. Skl·dka KO Skl·dka œ·blice je v provozu od poloviny roku 1993 (prvnÌ etapa). V souËasnÈ dobÏ je prvnÌ etapa Landfill tÈmϯ zaplnÏna. Z uvedenÈho d˘vodu poû·dal provozovatel skl·dky o zpracov·nÌ zmÏny ˙zemnÌho of municipal waste pl·nu k realizaci druhÈ etapy. P¯i standardnÌm mnoûstvÌ n·vozu odpadu provozovatel skl·dky odha- duje ˙plnÈ zaplnÏnÌ prvnÌ etapy skl·dky v roce 2002. Tato doba m˘ûe b˝t prodlouûena vyuûÌv·nÌm skl·dky ⁄holiËky, kter· m· stejnÈho provozovatele. UkonËenÌ skl·dkov·nÌ v œ·blicÌch m˘ûe zatÌûit (kromÏ dopravnÌch n·klad˘) kaûdou tunu odpadu poplatkem za uloûenÌ odpadu (kter˝ podle novÈho z·kona o odpadech nar˘st· z v˝öe 200 KË.t-1 v roce 2002 aû na 500 KË.t-1 v roce 2009). P¯i skl·dkov·nÌ na ˙zemÌ obce se pro vlastnÌ KO obce tento poplatek nevybÌr·. V dalöÌm obdobÌ bude ˙silÌ o snÌûenÌ n·klad˘ nasmÏrov·no na vyööÌ procento vyuûÌv·nÌ ökv·ry jako stavebnÌho materi·lu nebo jako technologickÈho materi·lu v r·mci skl·dkovÈho tÏlesa. TÌm by zanikla povinnost hradit poplatek za uloûenÌ tohoto odpadu na skl·dce a snÌûila by se i v˝öe skl·dkovnÈho. The Landfill œ·blice has been under operation since the middle of 1993 (first phase). At present the first phase is getting to be filled. For the reason the landfill operator applied for a modification of land-use plan in order to implement the second phase. At standard amount of waste delivered the landfill operator estimates the first phase of the landfill to be filled in 2002. This time may be prolonged by the use of the Landfill ⁄holiËky of the same operator. The termination of the landfilling in œ·blice may cause the increase (except for transport costs) the cost per every tonne of waste by means of the fee for landfilling (which pursuant to the new act on waste shall be raised from 200CZK.t-1 in 2002 up to 500 CZK.t-1 in 2009). If the landfilling is performed on the municipality district this fee is not charged for the municipality own municipal waste. In further period the efforts for cost reduction shall be focused to higher percentage of slag use as construction materials or technology material within the landfill premises. This would eliminate the duty to pay for landfilling of this waste and also the charge for landfilling would be lower.

Zdroj / Source: OIM MHMP

Magistr·t hl. m. Prahy 165 PRAHA ñéivotnÌ prost¯edÌ 2001 Prague City Hall PRAGUE ñ Environment 2001 B4 ODPADY / WASTE

InformaËnÌ podpora Information support Hl. m. Praha v pr˘bÏhu celÈho obdobÌ realizo- Over the period the City of Prague implemented vala nÏkolik projekt˘ zamϯen˝ch na podporu several projects focused on the support of the t¯ÌdÏnÈho sbÏru. Dopady se pozitivnÏ projevily sorted waste collection. Impacts were positive and ve vyt¯ÌdÏnÌ stanoven˝ch mnoûstvÌ jednotliv˝ch reflected in meeting the set objectives of sorted sloûek KO i v kvalitÏ komodit. P¯Ìklady vËetnÏ waste collection per respective component and also cÌlov˝ch skupin jsou uvedeny v n·sledujÌcÌm in quality of the sorted waste. Examples including p¯ehledu. target groups are summarised in the table bellow.

Tab. B4.13 P¯ehled projekt˘ zamϯen˝ch na podporu t¯ÌdÏnÈho sbÏru Overview of projects to support sorted waste collection

äkolnÌ ml·deû äkolnÌ ml·deû OstatnÌ P¯eökolnÌ Projekt (Zä) (Sä) populace ml·deû (Mä) Project Elementary Secondary Other Kindergartens schools schools population Samolepky ve vozidlech MHD (vnit¯nÌ ñ malÈ) xxx Labels in vehicles of the City Public Transport (on the outside ñ small) Samolepky na vozech MHD (vnÏjöÌ ñ velkÈ) Labels in vehicles of the City Public Transport (on the outside ñ large) SoutÏûnÌ seri·l v Ëasopise SlunÌËko xx Competition series in the children journal SlunÌËko Hry a soutÏûe v Ëasopise Pastelka Games and competitions in the children journal Pastelka OdpadovÈ FÛrum (pravidel. p¯Ìl. Praha a odpady) xx Waste Forum (regular supplement to Prague and Waste) Rodina a ökola xxx Family and School (professional journal) Odpady (odb. Ëasopis) x Waste (professional journal) EKO (odb. Ëasopis) EKO (professional journal) RoËenka Praha ñ ûivotnÌ prost¯edÌ xx Yearbook Prague ñ Environment Podklady pro tiskoviny M» x Background materials for City Districts printed materials Hra o t¯ÌdÏnÌ odpadu ÑKontÌciì xx Game on sorting ìKontÌciî Informace na (OIM MHMP) xx Information at (OIM MHMP) Harmonogram mobilnÌho sbÏru NO x Schedule of mobile points for hazardous waste collection Dokument·rnÏ-instrukt·ûnÌ film ÑKam s nÌmì xxx Documentary and instruction film ìWhere to Turn Itî Hra podporujÌcÌ t¯ÌdÏnÌ ÑOdpadkovÈ dominoì xx Game to support sorting ìWaste Dominoî InformaËnÌ stan ñ akce na podporu t¯ÌdÏnÈho sbÏru ñ xxx diskuse s obËany p¯Ìmo v ulicÌch mÏsta Information tent ñ event to support sorted waste collection ñ discussion with inhabitants directly in the streets

Zdroj / Source: OIM MHMP

PRAHA ñéivotnÌ prost¯edÌ 2001 166 Magistr·t hl. m. Prahy PRAGUE ñ Environment 2001 Prague City Hall B4 ODPADY / WASTE

B4.2.1 SbÏr nebezpeËn˝ch sloûek B4.2.1 Collection of hazardous komun·lnÌho odpadu components of municipal waste V roce 2001 je na z·kladÏ smlouvy se spoleËnostÌ In 2001, the entire City territory sorted waste collec- IMP servis s.r.o. t¯etÌm rokem realizov·n celo- tion of hazardous components of municipal waste ploön˝ t¯ÌdÏn˝ sbÏr nebezpeËn˝ch sloûek komu- has been arranged on the basis of an agreement n·lnÌho odpadu. Tento sbÏr m· Ëty¯i ˙rovnÏ: with the company of IMP servis s.r.o. The collection is subdivided into four levels: ï mobilnÌ sbÏr (zast·vkov˝ zp˘sob) ñ celkem ï mobile collecting points (collecting at marked 250 tras s 8 zast·vkami stops) ñ in total 250 routes with 8 stops each ï stabilnÌ sbÏr (stabilnÌ sbÏrn· mÌsta ñ sbÏrnÈ dvory, ï stationary collecting points (stationary collecting provozovny sbÏren surovin atd.) ñ celkem 21 points ñ collecting yards, facilities of raw material (z toho 10 mÌst urËeno i pro sbÏr lednic) collection business, etc.) ñ total 21 (out of that ï sbÏr lÈk˘ a rtuùov˝ch teplomÏr˘ v lÈk·rn·ch ñ 10 points also dedicated to collection of refrige- celkem 241 lÈk·ren rators) ï sbÏr monoËl·nk˘ v ˙¯adech mÏstsk˝ch Ë·stÌ a na ï collection of drugs, medicines, and mercury-filled z·kladnÌch a st¯ednÌch ökol·ch ñ cca 550 mÌst. thermometers in pharmacies ñ total 241 pharmacies ï collection of batteries at Local Authorities of City NebezpeËnÈ sloûky komun·lnÌho odpadu: Districts and at elementary as well as secondary baterie, autobaterie, oleje a tuky (kromÏ potra- schools ñ approx. 500 points. vin·¯sk˝ch), ¯edidla, starÈ barvy, lÈky, kyseliny, Hazardous components of municipal waste: hydroxidy, lepidla, prysky¯ice, odmaöùovacÌ p¯Ì- batteries, car batteries, oils, greases and fats (except pravky a detergenty, fotochemik·lie, pesticidy edible ones), thinners, old paints, drugs, medicines, (zahradnÌ chemie), z·¯ivky a ostatnÌ p¯edmÏty acids, hydroxides, adhesives and glues, resins, s obsahem rtuti, obaly se zbytky chemik·liÌ a ne- degreasing agents and detergents, photographic bezpeËn˝ch l·tek, odpady obsahujÌcÌ chlorfluor- chemicals, pesticides (garden chemicals), incan- deriv·ty uhlovodÌk˘ (chladicÌ za¯ÌzenÌ). descent tubes and other subjects containing mercury, packagings containing rests of chemicals and MobilnÌ sbÏr je provozov·n v obdobÌ od 10. do hazardous substances, waste containing chloro- 48. t˝dne kalend·¯nÌho roku ve t¯ech cyklech (po fluorocarbons (cooling and freezing equipment). 13 t˝dnech). Do jednotliv˝ch mÏstsk˝ch Ë·stÌ ve Mobile collecting points are operated in the period stanoven˝ch termÌnech zajÌûdÌ speci·lnÌ svozov· from 10th to 48th week of calendar year in three vozidla tak, ûe v kaûdÈ mÏstskÈ Ë·sti je sbÏr cycles (of 13 weeks each). Special collecting vehicles proveden minim·lnÏ 3x roËnÏ podle pevnÏ sta- drive to respective City district on set dates the novenÈho harmonogramu. PoËet sbÏrov˝ch tras a way in every City district the collection could be zast·vek odpovÌd· poËtu obyvatel p¯ÌsluönÈ mÏst- performed at least three times a year according to skÈ Ë·sti. Na urËen˝ch zast·vk·ch ve stanovenÈm a pre-set fixed schedule. Number of collecting routes Ëase os·dka vozidla p¯ebÌr· od obËan˘ nebezpeËn˝ and stops corresponds to the number of inhabitants odpad. SbÏr odpad˘ probÌh· v odpolednÌch a pod- of the respective City district. At the marked stops and veËernÌch hodin·ch. at pre-set times the vehicle crew takes hazardous waste from citizens. The hazardous waste collection StabilnÌ sbÏrn· mÌsta tvo¯Ì 21 st·l˝ch provozo- is performed in afternoon and evening hours. ven, ve kter˝ch mohou obËanÈ odevzd·vat ˙pln˝ Stationary collecting point network consists of sortiment nebezpeËn˝ch odpad˘ kromÏ chladni- 21 permanent collecting facilities where citizens may Ëek (za¯ÌzenÌ obsahujÌcÌ chlorfluorderiv·ty uhlo- deliver complete line of hazardous waste except vodÌk˘), pro jejichû sbÏr slouûÌ 10 shora uvede- refrigerators (equipment containing chlorofluoro- n˝ch sbÏrn˝ch mÌst. carbons), which are collected at ten above mentioned collecting facilities. SbÏr nepouûiteln˝ch lÈËiv v lÈk·rn·ch je dalöÌ formou sbÏru, kterou mÏsto pro obyvatele zajiöùuje. Collection of expired drugs and medicines in pharmacies is the third type of collection, which the Ve vöech lÈk·rn·ch mohou obyvatelÈ odevzdat City provides for its inhabitants. In every pharmacy nepouûiteln· Ëi vy¯azen· lÈËiva a rtuùovÈ teplo- inhabitants may return unusable or expired drugs mÏry. P˘vodnÌ p¯edpoklad, ûe tyto sloûky tvo¯Ì or medicines and mercury-filled thermometers. The pouze 1 % hmotnosti nebezpeËn˝ch odpad˘ od original assumption that these components account obyvatel, se uk·zal jako podhodnocen˝, a za for mere 1 % of the mass of hazardous waste ge- prvnÌch 10 mÏsÌc˘ realizace tvo¯il jejich hmot- nerated by the population demonstrated itself as

Magistr·t hl. m. Prahy 167 PRAHA ñéivotnÌ prost¯edÌ 2001 Prague City Hall PRAGUE ñ Environment 2001 B4 ODPADY / WASTE nostnÌ podÌl cca 9 %, po 17 mÏsÌcÌch sbÏru jiû underestimated and in the first 10 moths of the 11 %. V systÈmu sbÏru je zapojeno 241 lÈk·ren. P¯i system implementation their portion summed for realizaci tÈto formy sbÏru spolupracuje Magistr·t approximately 9 %, and after 17 months already hl. m. Prahy s »eskou lÈk·renskou komorou. 11 % of such waste. 241 pharmacies are incorpo- rated on the system network. This form of collection V listopadu 2000 byl systÈm rozö̯en o pilotnÌ has been implemented in co-operation of the Prague projekt sbÏru pouûit˝ch injekËnÌch jehel od diabe- City Hall and the Czech Chamber of Pharmacists. tik˘. Na tomto pilotnÌm projektu participuje Svaz In November 2000 the system was expanded for diabetik˘ »R, kter˝ od hl. m. Prahy zÌskal grant a pilot collecting of used injection needles from the na zhotovenÌ a distribuci speci·lnÌch kontejnerk˘ diabetics. This pilot project is carried out with the pro sbÏr pouûit˝ch injekËnÌch jehel. Diabetici pak participation of the Union of Diabetics of the Czech mohou jehly odevzdat v urËen˝ch lÈk·rn·ch (ve Republic and the Union received a grant of the City skuteËnosti je moûno kontejnerek odevzdat ve of Prague for the production and distribution of vöech 241 lÈk·rn·ch, obsluhovan˝ch v r·mci pro- special containers for the collection of used injection vozovanÈho systÈmu sbÏru NO). needles. Then the diabetics may return the needles in selected pharmacies (in fact such container may be SbÏr monoËl·nk˘ je zav·dÏn od Ëervence roku returned to any of 241 pharmacies being served within 2001. Na ˙¯adech mÏstsk˝ch Ë·stÌ a v z·kladnÌch the hazardous waste collecting system operated). a st¯ednÌch ökol·ch byly rozmÌstÏny speci·lnÌ Collection of batteries has been introduced since 35 litrovÈ sbÏrnÈ n·doby, do kter˝ch mohou Pra- July 2000. There were special 35-litre collecting ûanÈ odkl·dat pouûitÈ monoËl·nky. containers, where citizens may drop used batteries, distributed to Local Authorities of the City Districts and at elementary as well as secondary schools.

Tab. B4.14 OdevzdanÈ mnoûstvÌ nebezpeËnÈho odpadu podle jednotliv˝ch mÏsÌc˘ [kg] Received amounts [kg] of hazardous waste in respective months

MobilnÌ sbÏr StabilnÌ sbÏrny LÈk·rny Celkem MÏsÌc Mobile collecting points Stationary collecting points Pharmacies Total Month 1999 2000 2001 1999 2000 2001 1999 2000 2001 1999 2000 2001 Leden ñ ñ ñ 9 076 14 623 ñ 4 699 3 882 ñ 13 775 18 505 January ⁄nor ñ 629 920 5 856 9 417 ñ 3 861 2 800 ñ 10 346 13 137 February B¯ezen 18 358 12 901 10 206 ñ 14 081 10 600 2 796 2 113 2 191 21 154 29 095 22 997 March Duben 19 166 9 631 9 685 4 613 13 614 13 430 2 069 2 196 2 802 25 849 25 441 25 917 April KvÏten 13 337 12 711 13 473 5 916 13 518 11 508 2 703 2 463 2 613 21 956 28 692 27 599 May »erven 8 760 8 711 9 323 3 829 14 767 14 729 2 146 2 273 2 652 14 735 25 751 26 703 June »ervenec 4 769 7 119 7 802 7 639 13 957 18 330 2 155 2 398 2 195 14 563 23 474 28 327 July Srpen 9 639 10 666 5 751 11 555 13 505 24 487 1 832 2 468 2 455 23 025 26 639 32 693 August Z·¯Ì 18 814 9 346 7 269 17 484 10 090 23 462 2 160 1 947 2 235 38 458 21 383 32 966 September ÿÌjen 8 055 10 965 ñ 15 748 11 594 ñ 2 635 2 409 ñ 26 438 24 968 ñ October Listopad 11 491 10 708 ñ 13 977 11 813 ñ 1 791 2 718 ñ 27 259 25 239 ñ November Prosinec ñ ñ ñ 7 388 10 092 ñ 1 208 2 343 ñ 8 596 12 435 ñ December Celkem 112 389 93 387 64 429 88 149 141 963 140 586 21 495 31 888 23 825 222 033 267 238 228 844 Total

Zdroj / Source: OIM MHMP

PRAHA ñéivotnÌ prost¯edÌ 2001 168 Magistr·t hl. m. Prahy PRAGUE ñ Environment 2001 Prague City Hall B4 ODPADY / WASTE

Tab. B4.15 P¯ehled stabilnÌch sbÏrov˝ch mÌst nebezpeËnÈho odpadu Overview of stationary collecting points for hazardous waste

MÏstsk˝ obvod Adresa Provozovatel Telefon City District Address Operator Telephone PRAHA 2 * Peruck· 4 KOMWAG22 51 54 58 PRAHA 3 Na VackovÏ 24 Ji¯Ì ät˝rsk˝ 66 31 30 43 PRAHA 4 Bartoökova 1/a Gruber Frantiöek ñ v˝kup druhotn˝ch surovin 69 25 966 Mikulova SbÏrnÈ suroviny Praha 79 19 035 * Kolarovova SbÏrn˝ dv˘r hl. m. Prahy 44 40 01 64 * Dobronick· 892 VS ñ Ekoprag 0603 45 50 04 PRAHA 5 Klikat· 46 TORES 57 21 43 09 Na Valentince 6 VDA Praha 900 52 120 äostakoviËovo n·m. 1987 SbÏrnÈ suroviny Praha 65 22 519 PRAHA 6 * Proboötsk· 1 SbÏrn˝ dv˘r hl. m. Prahy 24 31 12 49 * Suchdolsk· Are·l KaËÌrek ñ Seidl 20 92 20 21 PRAHA 7 BubenskÈ n·b¯. 10 VDA Praha 87 50 32 PRAHA 8 * Voct·¯ova SbÏrn˝ dv˘r hl. m. Prahy 66 00 72 99 PRAHA 9 * PodÏbradsk· 36 IMP ñ servis 66 31 09 62 K éiûkovu PraûskÈ sluûby 66 00 83 00 * Chvalkovick· 3 SbÏrn˝ dv˘r hl. m. Prahy 81 92 49 59 PRAHA 10 * D¯evËick· 224 SbÏrn˝ dv˘r DomeËek 62 80 541 Moskevsk· 418 PraûskÈ sluûby 67 31 01 18 Tepl·rensk· 5 Josef Assmann 72 70 32 31 0603 349 323 V Korytech Papkov 78 22 929 * Praûsk· 38 RPS ñ Ekologie 96 33 99 45

* SbÏr za¯ÌzenÌ obsahujÌcÌch chlorfluorderiv·ty uhlovodÌk˘ ñ chladniËky atp. Collection of equipment containing chlorofluorocarbons ñ refrigerators, etc. Zdroj / Source: OIM MHMP

Obr. B4.5 HmotnostnÌ zastoupenÌ nebezpeËn˝ch sloûek komun·lnÌho odpadu, b¯ezen 1999 ñ z·¯Ì 2001 (celkem 718 t) Weight percentage of hazardous components of municipal waste, from March 1999 to September 2001 (in total 718 tonnes)

baterie, akumul·tory batteries, accumulators 19 % lÈky drugs and medicines 11 %

oleje a tuky chladicÌ za¯ÌzenÌ oils, fats and greases cooling equipment 4% 23 % kyseliny, hydroxidy a vy¯azenÈ chemik·lie acids, alkalis and expired chemicals 2% rozpouötÏdla solvents 1% ostatnÌ others 2%

barvy, lepidla, prysky¯ice paints, adhesives, resins 38 %

Zdroj / Source: OIM MHMP

Magistr·t hl. m. Prahy 169 PRAHA ñ éivotnÌ prost¯edÌ 2001 Prague City Hall PRAGUE ñ Environment 2001 B4 ODPADY / WASTE

Obr. B4.6 PomÏr odevzdanÈho mnoûstvÌ nebezpeËn˝ch sloûek komun·lnÌho odpadu dle jednotliv˝ch druh˘ sbÏru Percentage of collected amounts of respective hazardous components of municipal waste by type of collection

lÈk·rny pharmacies 11 %

mobilnÌ sbÏr mobile collecting points 38 %

stabilnÌ sbÏr stationary collecting points 51 %

Zdroj / Source: OIM MHMP

Tab. B4.16 KoneËn· bilance nebezpeËn˝ch odpad˘ podle zp˘sobu vyuûitÌ a zneökodnÏnÌ NO, 2000 Final balance of hazardous waste by the method of reuse and disposal, 2000

MnoûstvÌ PodÌl Celkov· bilance nakl·d·nÌ s NO Pozn·mka Amount Share Total balance of hazardous waste management Note [kg] [%] TermickÈ zneökodnÏnÌ / Thermal disposal 47 950 17,9 spalovny NO / hazardous waste incineration plants Materi·lov· recyklace / Material recycling 154 087 57,7 Skl·dkov·nÌ / Landfilling 65 199 24,4 skl·dky NO / hazardous waste landfills Celkem / Total 267 236 100,0

Zdroj / Source: OIM MHMP

Z uvedenÈho p¯ehledu je z¯ejmÈ, ûe se da¯Ì za- It is clear from the overview presented here that jiöùovat vysok˝ podÌl materi·lovÈho vyuûitÌ (re- a high percentage of material reuse (recycling) of cyklace) vyt¯ÌdÏn˝ch nebezpeËn˝ch odpad˘, kter˝ sorted hazardous waste has been achieved, which v roce 2000 Ëinil 58 %. Spalov·nÌ ve speci·lnÌch in 2000 accounted for 58 %. Incineration in special spalovn·ch je nejmÈnÏ vyuûÌvan˝m zp˘sobem incineration plants is the least employed method of zneökodnÏnÌ nebezpeËn˝ch odpad˘, kterÈ nelze the hazardous waste disposal for such hazardous materi·lovÏ vyuûÌvat. Pouze jedna Ëtvrtina vyt¯Ì- waste, which may not be reused for material. Merely dÏn˝ch nebezpeËn˝ch odpad˘ je ukl·d·na na one third of sorted hazardous waste is landfilled skl·dky nebezpeËn˝ch odpad˘ (kategorie SIV). at hazardous waste landfills (category SIV).

B4.2.2 SbÏrnÈ dvory B4.2.2 Collecting yards V˝sledkem Projektu hospoda¯enÌ s odpady v hl. m. The Project result is the sorting of municipal waste. Praze je t¯ÌdÏnÌ komun·lnÌho odpadu. KromÏ celo- Except for the entire City area sorting of glass, ploönÈho t¯ÌdÏnÌ skla, papÌru a plast˘ je postupnÏ paper, and plastics, the network of collecting yards z¯izov·na sÌù sbÏrn˝ch dvor˘, kterÈ umoûÚujÌ od- has been gradually established where the City kl·dat vybranÈ druhy odpad˘ ve vÏtöÌm mnoûstvÌ. inhabitants may dispose of sorted waste at larger Jedn· se o objemn˝ odpad, stavebnÌ odpad, odpad amounts and higher number of waste types. This ze zelenÏ, elektroörot, d¯evo, kovy, papÌr, sklo a means first of all bulky waste, demolition waste, plasty. NavÌc je moûno odkl·dat i nebezpeËnÈ waste from greenery, electrical scrap, wood, metals, sloûky komun·lnÌho odpadu vËetnÏ vy¯azen˝ch paper, glass, and plastics. Furthermore, hazardous

PRAHA ñ éivotnÌ prost¯edÌ 2001 170 Magistr·t hl. m. Prahy PRAGUE ñ Environment 2001 Prague City Hall B4 ODPADY / WASTE lednic. FyzickÈ osoby s pobytem na ˙zemÌ Prahy components of municipal waste including refrige- majÌ tuto sluûbu zdarma, pr·vnick˝m osob·m a rators may be disposed there as well. Physical fyzick˝m osob·m opr·vnÏn˝m k podnik·nÌ je tato entities residing on the City territory can use the sluûba poskytov·na za ˙hradu. service free of charge, legal entities and physical entities authorised for making business on the V souËasnÈ dobÏ provozuje hl. m. Praha Ëty¯i City territory have the service available for a reim- sbÏrnÈ dvory: bursement. ï Praha 6, Proboötsk· 1 At present the City of Prague operates four collecting ï Praha 8, Voct·¯ova ul. yards as follows: ï Praha 12, Kolarovova ul. ï , Proboötsk· 1 ï Praha ñ HornÌ PoËernice, Chvalkovick· 3. ï , Voct·¯ova ul. ï Prague 12, Kolarovova ul. V nejbliûöÌ dobÏ bude z¯Ìzen dalöÌ sbÏrn˝ dv˘r, ï Prague ñ HornÌ PoËernice, Chvalkovick· 3. SD Spo¯ilov ñ poblÌû k¯iûovatky JiûnÌ spojka ñ Chodovsk·. SouËasnÏ akciov· spoleËnost Praû- There shall be a new collecting yard, SD Spo¯ilov ñ near the crossing of the JiûnÌ Connection ñ Cho- skÈ sluûby p¯ipravuje ve svÈm are·lu v˝stavbu dovsk· Street established soon. At present on its SD Pod äancemi, kter˝ bude takÈ za¯azen do premises the joint stock company of PraûskÈ sluûby systÈmu hl.m. Prahy. prepares the construction of SD Pod äancemi, which SbÏrnÈ dvory jsou obsluhov·ny s jednotnou otevÌ- shall also be integrated into the system of the City racÌ dobou: pondÏlÌñp·tek od 8,30 do 18,30 hod. of Prague. (v zimnÌm obdobÌ do 17,00 hod.), sobota od 8,30 Opening hours of the collecting yards is as follows: do 15,00 hod. On Mondays through Fridays 8:30 to 18:00 (in winter to 17:00), on Saturdays from 8:30 to 15:00. Za uplynul˝ch 12 mÏsÌc˘ navötÌvilo sbÏrnÈ dvory hl. m. Prahy 19 105 uûivatel˘ a bylo vybr·no cel- In last 12 months the collecting yards recorded 19,105 users who delivered over 8,429 tonnes of kem 8429 t odpadu. sorted waste. MÏstskÈ Ë·sti Praha 4, Praha 6 a Praha 10 pro- Moreover, the City Districts of , Prague 6, vozujÌ navÌc sbÏrnÈ dvory ve vlastnÌ reûii. and operate collecting points financed through their own budgets.

Obr. B4.7 HmotnostnÌ zastoupenÌ jednotliv˝ch druh˘ odpadu ve sbÏrn˝ch dvorech hl. m. Prahy Weight percentage ofrespective types ofwaste in the Prague collecting yards

kovy plasty pneu zeleÚ metals plastics tyres waste from 2,32 % 0,22 % 0,10 % elektroörot greenery electrical scrap 9,64 % 1,42 % d¯evo / wood 5,25 % sklo / glass 0,55 %

stavebnÌ suù objemov˝ odpad demolition waste bulky waste 50,33 % 29,26 %

papÌr paper 0,90 % Zdroj / Source: OIM MHMP

Magistr·t hl. m. Prahy 171 PRAHA ñ éivotnÌ prost¯edÌ 2001 Prague City Hall PRAGUE ñ Environment 2001 B4 ODPADY / WASTE

B4.2.3 SoutÏû ve sbÏru starÈho papÌru B4.2.3 Competition in collecting of waste paper Sedm˝ roËnÌk soutÏûe ve sbÏru starÈho papÌru na z·kladnÌch ökol·ch, kterou po¯·dajÌ St¯edoËeskÈ The seventh year of the competition in collecting of sbÏrnÈ suroviny Praha, a.s. pod z·ötitou Magistr·tu waste paper at elementary schools organised by the hl. m. Prahy, byl letos slavnostnÏ ukonËen v prosto- company of St¯edoËeskÈ sbÏrnÈ suroviny, a.s. under r·ch StaromÏstskÈ radnice v Praze p¯ed·nÌm cen the umbrella of the Prague City Hall was this year nejlepöÌm ÑsbÏratel˘mì. OdmÏnÏno bylo prvnÌch terminated by the handing awards over to the best ìcollectorsî at a celebration in the areas of the 5 nejlepöÌch ökol v r·mci I. kategorie (podle cel- Hall. The first five best schools in the kovÈho mnoûstvÌ nasbÌranÈho papÌru) a prvnÌch category I (according to the total amount of paper 5 nejlepöÌch ökol v r·mci II. kategorie (podle pr˘- returned) and first five best schools in the category II mÏru na û·ka). (according to the average amount returned per Do soutÏûe se ve ökolnÌm roce 2000/2001 zapo- pupil) were awarded. jilo 69 praûsk˝ch ökol, kterÈ nasbÌraly celkem Sixty-nine Prague elementary schools participated 849 550 kg starÈho papÌru. VÌtÏzem soutÏûe se in the competition and collected 849,550 kg of staly: Zä Ratibo¯ick· 1700, Praha 9 ñ HornÌ waste paper in the school year 2000/2001. The PoËernice (podle mnoûstvÌ nasbÌranÈho papÌru ñ Elementary School Ratibo¯ick· 1700, Praha 9 ñ 77 880 kg) a FZä Oleösk· 2222, Praha 10 ñ HornÌ PoËernice (according to the total amount Straönice (podle pr˘mÏru na û·ka ñ 149 kg). of paper returned ñ 77,880 kg) and the Faculty Elementary School Oleösk· 2222, Praha 10 ñ Straönice (according to the average amount returned per pupil ñ 149 kg) were the last round winners.

Tab. B4.17 P¯ehled jednotliv˝ch roËnÌk˘ soutÏûe ve sbÏru starÈho papÌru Overview of the competition years in collecting of waste paper

äkolnÌ rok PoËet p¯ihl·öen˝ch ökol MnoûstvÌ sebranÈho papÌru [kg] School year Number of participating schools Amount of paper collected [kg] 1994ñ1995 20 105 362 1995ñ1996 39 375 665 1996ñ1997 54 391 251 1997ñ1998 42 426 161 1998ñ1999 62 749 039 1999ñ2000 73 977 438 2000ñ2001 69 849 550

Zdroj / Source: OIM MHMP

PRAHA ñéivotnÌ prost¯edÌ 2001 172 Magistr·t hl. m. Prahy PRAGUE ñ Environment 2001 Prague City Hall