Vol. 9(7), pp. 404-413, 18 February, 2015 DOI: 10.5897/AJMR2014.7249 Article Number: 562D89A50630 ISSN 1996-0808 African Journal of Microbiology Research Copyright © 2015 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article http://www.academicjournals.org/AJMR

Full Length Research Paper

Bacterial community in two subtropical fishponds in São Paulo, Brazil

Aylan Kener Meneghine1, Daniele Belarmino da Silva1, Rodrigo Ney Millan2, Lucia Helena Sipaúba-Tavares3, Eliana Gertrudes de Macedo Lemos1 and Lúcia Maria Carareto Alves1*

1Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias. UNESP – Univ Estadual Paulista, Campus de Jaboticabal, Departamento de Tecnologia. Programa de Pós-graduação em Microbiologia Agropecuária, Via de Acesso Prof. Paulo Donato Castellane s/n, 14884-900, Brazil. 2Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais. Av. Prof. Mario Palmerio, 1001, Centro, 38200000 - Frutal, MG – Brazil. 3Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias, UNESP – Univ Estadual Paulista. Campus de Jaboticabal, Aquaculture Center. Via de Acesso Prof. Paulo Donato Castellane, s/n, 14884-900, Brazil.

Received 4 November, 2014; Accepted 2 February, 2015

The knowledge concerning fishpond microorganisms is important considering the aquatic microbial ecology and water quality. In this study, we compared the bacterial communities present in freshwaters of two fish farm ponds from Brazil, one used as water reservoir (P1) and the other with conditions of high nutrient load (P4). The aim of this study was to identify and compare the bacterial population in two fishponds during dry and rainy seasons. The determination of the bacterial population was conducted through sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene. The results show that the bacterial population is different in the ponds and it changes according to the climatic period. Moreover, the diversity of microorganisms in P1 was greater than P4. predominated in the rainy season in both ponds varied in proportion and classes composition. In the P4 during dry season, Cyanobacteria were predominant due to favorable conditions of environment. This study provides the first local investigation that demonstrates that the bacterial community is differ according to the trophic state of aquatic systems and between rainy and dry seasons, the latter of wich exerted more influence in bacterial communities. It can be suggested that the management in P4 promotes favorable environment for the high density of Cyanobacteria, demonstrating the need for improvements in management.

Key words: 16S rDNA, biodiversity, freshwater, metagenome.


Aquaculture is an important social and economic activity, that affect society as a whole. In this respect, the currently accounting for 40% of world production of fish, deterioration of water is a major socio-environmental which corresponds to approximately 150 million tonnes effect that occurs in aquaculture ponds in the absence of (FAO, 2012). This activity causes environmental impacts good management practices in aquaculture ponds

*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected].

Author(s) agree that this article remain permanently open access under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International License Meneghine et al. 405

(Calijuri et al., 2008). tions in the food chain: they are directly involved with the In aquaculture ponds, there is a constant inflow and process denoted microbial loop, which was first described outflow of water that has pronounced effect on the distri- by Azam et al. (1983). bution of organisms, and the outflow effects on the According to these researchers, an important conse- residence time of water have become essential to the quence of the microbial loop is the ability of to understanding of the internal processes of artificial soak up the nutrients in the water column, which results systems (Pereira et al., 2004). Rainfall directly affects the in a rapid recycling of these nutrients. Fenchel (2008) dynamics in these environments by promoting the reported that the principal effect of the microbial loop on transport of nutrients and allochthonous materials, visual the nutrient cycle in the water column is the acceleration changes, and changes in the physical and chemical of the mineralization and the regeneration of production characteristics of the water (Sipaúba-Tavares et al., in nutrient-limited systems. 2007). Furthermore, the expansion of aquaculture leads to increase in nutrients in the aquatic environment which MATERIALS AND METHODS can cause algae accelerated growth (Macedo and Sipaúba-Tavares 2010; Chislock et al., 2013) and Study area alteration in diversity of microrganisms (Leff, 2009). Microbial activity is important in the removal and The study was carried out in two fishponds of the University of São transformation of organic matter in fish farms (Forster et Paulo State (UNESP at Jaboticabal (São Paulo, Brazil) 21º15'S and 48º18'W) during the rainy (January and February/2012) and dry al., 2003). In microbial ecology, one of the most critical (July and August/2012) seasons (Figure 1). The water samples determinants of an aquatic ecosystem it is trophic state were collected in the water outlet with two fishponds studied. The which is heavily influenced by the food chain and first fishpond (P1) is a water supply reservoir to the aquaculture biogeochemical cycles (Leff, 2009). The eutrophication of farm with continuous water flow surface area of 3,472 m² and water depth ranging from 1 to 1.3 m. This shallow reservoir was in the aquatic environments can be caused by man through disposal of effluent from aquaculture farm (Cao et al., past used as a fishpond, but since 1995, it is used only as a water reservoir for the aquaculture farm. The other fishpond studied is the 2007). The concentration increase of nitrogen and phos- fourth (P4) of six similary size at fishponds in a sequential line, and phorus are the principal cause of the eutrophication, which each one of them is directly or indirectly receiving water from the can affect the fast develop and excessive growth of algae previous one (Figure 1C). This fishpond studied has an area of and Cyanobacteria (Macedo and Sipaúba-Tavares, 2010). 4,268 m², a depth of 1-1.3 m, a continuous water flow with a daily The microrganisms in the water have an important exchange rate of 5% of its volume and an average fish density of 1 fish.m-2. A mix of fish species, such as Cyprinus carpio, Piaractus interaction in food chain, they are directly involved with mesopotamicus, Cichla ocellaris, Oreochromis niloticus and Brycon the process named microbial loop, first described by cephalus, were found in this pond. These fishponds are affected by Azam et al. (1983). According to these authors, in sum- continuous water flow, wind, rainfall, and the transport of nutrients mary, an important consequence of the microbial loop is and allochthonous materials. the bacterial ability to soak up the nutrients in the water The aquaculture consist of 73 small fishponds (c.a. 140 m²) with column, which leads to a fast recycle of these nutrients. a continuous water flow and six large fishponds, disposed in a sequence, ranging between 1.822 and 8,067 m². A semi intensive Fenchel (2008) relates that the principal effect of production is conducted for research. microbial loop on nutrients cycle in the water column is The climate in the region is subtropical Cwc (Peel et al., 2007), the acceleration of the mineralization and the regene- relatively dry in the winter (June to August) and rainy in the summer ration of production in systems limited of nutrients. (December to March), with mean yearly temperature of 22°C and Despite the importance of the microbial dynamic of mean yearly of rainfall 1,427 mm. population in freshwater ecosystems (Zwart et al., 2002; Taipale et al., 2009) studies in this area are scarce and Water sampling needed. In this sense, the aquatic bacteria are difficult to obtain in culture and consequently defining their biogeo- Physical and chemical parameters were sampled at 8:00 AM at 10 chemical role and understand the dynamics of popula- cm depth. Samples are collected with Van Dorn bottle and transported in refrigerated polyethethylene bottles to laboratory. tions in these systems becomes a challenge (Kemp and Temperature, pH, conductivity and dissolved oxygen were mea- Aller, 2004). sured in situ using a multi-probe Horiba U-10. Total phosphorus, The advents of molecular methods as metagenomic orthophosphate, total ammonia nitrogen, nitrite and nitrate, were strategies, especially ribosomal RNA-based techniques, quantified spectrophotometrically according to Golterman et al. can be used to explore the microbial diversity in samples (1978) and Koroleff (1976). Analyses were performed immediately after sampling or samples were duly store under a refrigerator until directly from the environment. Much of what is now analysis. All samples were carried out in triplicate. known of the diversity of aquatic bacteria is based on distinguishing among different organisms, as represented by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of 16S RNA gene, Molecular analyses where it is unnecessary culturing them or having any Water samples for molecular analysis were stored in sterile 5 L direct knowledge of their morphology, physiology or bottles. The total DNA was extracted using UltraClean ™ Water ecology (Kemp and Aller, 2009; Petrosino et al., 2009). DNA Isolation kit (0.22 µm) (MO BIO Laboratories, Inc., Carlsbad – The microorganisms in water present important interac- CA), and then subjected to PCR amplification of the 16S rRNA 406 Afr. J. Microbiol. Res.



Figure 1. Cross section of aquaculture farm. A, shaded area indicates São Paulo state, in southeastern Brazil. B, Distribution of fishponds at UNESP farm. C, fishponds studied.

gene using Y1 and Y2 primers (Young et al., 1991). The PCR among the seasons (dry and rainy) and fishponds and their reaction were performed using 60 ng of DNA , 1X PCR buffer [20 interactions (Sokal and Rohlf, 1981). mM Tris- HCl (pH 8.4), 50 mM KCl ] , 1.5 mM MgCl2, 0.2 mM dNTP, 10 pmols of each primer and 0.8 U of Taq DNA polymerase. The reaction was subjected to the following the thermal profile: 5 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION min at 95°C, 35 cycles of 45 sat 95°C, 45 s at 65°C and 90 sat 72°C, followed by a final incubation at 72°C for 5 min. The A comparison of physical and chemical parameters amplicons were purified using the Wizard® SV Gel and PCR Clean- between the two ponds can be seen in Table 1. The Up System (Promega). After purification, the amplicons were randomly cloned using the CloneJET™ PCR Cloning Kit temperature related results shows that there was an (Fermentas) and chemically competent E. coli DH10B cells. increase of 3-6°C in the rainy season in the two assessed Extraction of plasmid DNA of obtained clones was performed with ponds. At the same time, the pH was more acid. the Wizard® kit MagneSil® Plasmid Purification System (Promega) Conductivity, dissolved oxygen, nitrite, total ammonia in epMotion 5075 (Eppendorf) instrument. nitrogen (TAN), orthophosphate and total phosphorus We obtained and sequenced 1344 clones that were sequenced were higher in P4 regardless of the period. The on a capillary device model 3100 DNA Analyzer ABI Prism (Pedrinho et al., 2012). After sequencing, the electropherograms concentration of TAN observed in P4 was even higher were analyzed with the tool Phred/Phrap (Ewing et al., 1998; Ewing during the rainy period while the concentration of total and Green, 1998) for detecting the reliability of each base phosphorus was higher in the dry period. sequenced and the ContGEN, for selection of only those In Figure 2 shows the principal component analysis. sequences that presented more than 200 bases with Phred quality. This graph appointed four distinct groups according to the Sequences with good quality were compared with the ribosomal genes database of Ribosomal Database Project (RDP) II (Cole et axis position. The first was positioned on the negative al., 2009), through Classifier (Wang et al., 2007) and also Library side of axis 1, which were grouped P4 in the dry period Compared (Cole et al., 2009), using confidence threshold the 70%. (P4-D) to the variables nitrate, nitrite, pH, dissolved The data of Co-Occurrence were performed using MEGAN 5 oxygen (DO), orthophosphate and total phosphorus, (Huson et al., 2007). indicating a higher degree of trophy. Positioned on the The GenBank accession numbers of the clones from the four positive side of axis 1 and contrasting the group libraries deposited in NCBI are KJ609244-KJ609302, KJ663950- KJ664015, KJ664016-KJ664179 and KJ676390-KJ676449. mentioned above, the group formed by the pond 1 in the rainy period (P1-R) was not associated with any variable, indicating a lower trophic level. The axis 2 shows the Statistical analyses same contrast of group. On the negative side was positioned the point related to pond 4 during the rainy Principal components analysis (PCA) was performed using the period (P4-R), associated to TAN and temperature. The average values measure in the fishponds in order to reduce the dimensionality of the environmental variables and to rank fishponds positive side showed the point related to the pond 1 in the during the experiment (Legendre and Legendre, 1998). dry period (P1-D) not associated with any variable, which Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to evaluate the differences shows an increase in TAN load from P1 to P4. Meneghine et al. 407

Table 1. Means values and standard deviation for pH, conductivity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, nitrite, nitrate, ammonia, orthophosphate, total phosphorus in the fishponds studied, during the rain and dry seasons.

Rainy Dry Parameter P1 P4 P1 P4 pH 4.7±0.2d 5.7±0.2c 6.5±0.5b 7.2±0.4a Conductivity (µS.cm-1) 40.0±0.1b 103.5±6.7a 36±0.5b 103.8±3.9a Temperature (°C) 23.4±0.3b 26.6±0.8a 19.0±0.3d 20.9±0.6c Dissolved Oxigen (µg.L-1) 1.4±0.2b 2.7±0.5b 2.4±1.2b 6.6±1.5a Nitrite (µg.L-1) 5.0±2.7c 36.9±9.4b 8.2±4.7c 78.9±15.3a Nitrate (µg.L-1) 322.2±56.8a 308.3±60.4a 190.1±73.4b 379.9±63.2a TAN (µg.L-1) 61.2±34.2c 439.3±95.6a 25.4±18.6c 156.5±29.3b Orthophosphate (µg.L-1) ND 11.2±10.5b 7.8±3.5b 56.0±12.2a Total phosphorus (µg.L-1) 11.6±21b 96.7±26.1b 42.1±35.6c 214.8±18.0a

P1, Pond 1; P4, Pond 4; Simple ANOVA, with mean and standard deviation. Tukey´s test.

Figure 2. Interpolation of eigenvalues from the matrix of water variables. First two axis the principal component analysis (PCA); filled circles= water variable, open triangles= fishponds, R= rain season, D= dry season, DO= dissolved oxygen; OP= orthophosphate; PT= total phosphorus; Cond= conductivity; pH= hydrogen potential; Temp= temperature; NO2= nitrite; NH4= total ammonia nitrogen; NO3= nitrate.

Sequencing of 16S rRNA gene from DNA samples aquatic macrophytes present in this pond, which may act revealed variation in bacterial community according to the as a biofilter capturing the nutrients from the environ- nutrient load of the ponds and the climatic seasons. ment, mainly phosphate. There was no farming at P1; the The sequences were classified into distinct phyla aquatic organisms that live there survive from the aquatic (Figure 3). The composition of the bacterial population biota, and therefore metabolites of animals are low and was different between the ponds and some phyla showed there is not availability of nutrients resulting from feed. In greater variation between the dry and rainy periods. P4, a more eutrophic pond (Sipaúba-Tavares et al., The lowest concentration of nutrients found in P1 may 2010), the concentration of nutrients was higher due to be associated with the great diversity and quantity of the discharge of effluents from the raniculture and 408 Afr. J. Microbiol. Res.

90 80 70 60 50

40 P1 RAINY 30 P1 DRY Percentage(%) 20 P4 RAINY 10 P4 DRY 0

Figure 3. Percentage of different phyla and unclassified bacteria found in water samples from the studied ponds (P1 and P4) during the different climatic seasons (dry and rainy).

previous fishponds. Consequently, it promoted increased related to biological nitrogen fixation. According to amount of nutrients in the water column, especially in the Nishimura and Nagata (2007), α-Proteobacteria is forms of nitrogen and phosphorus. abundant in freshwater. The source of complex organic The increase of nutrients in the aquatic environment matter in P1 was the macrophytes. This pond had was an important factor to local bacterial population different macrophytes species with different content of changes. When in P4, during dry period, nitrogen levels organic matter such as Eichhornia azurea (Sw.) Kunth were relatively low com-pared to the rainy period, the and Salvinia auriculata Aublet. These species compete nitrogen fixing Cyanobacteria have proliferated due to the with each other and have alternating life cycle in the pond availability of phosphorus, winning the competition with (Dias and Sipaúba-Tavares, 2012). other bacterial species. Table 2 shows the significant difference between each The ability of organic matter degradation, assimilation library, according to the tool Library Compare from RDP II and cycling of nutrients in water were related to the (Cole et al., 2009). It can be observed that only bacterial community which forms the basis of the food Proteobacteria demonstrated significant difference bet- web as the microbial loop model proposed by Azam et al. ween fishpond 1 and 4 in dry and rainy seasons. In (1983) and supplemented by Fenchel (2008). contrast, the fishpond 4, for the same seasons showed In this study, the Proteobacteria were found in abundance significant difference too between Armatimonadetes, in the bacterial communities identified mainly in P1 and in Cyanobacteria and Actinobacteria. the rainy period for P4. According to Newton et al. (2011), For each pond, the percentage of Proteobacteria was

Proteobacteria residing in the freshwater generally were higher in the rainy period. Large percentage of Cyanobacteria competitive under conditions of low nutrient/substrate. (almost 80%) was observed in P4-D. The percentage of This group is also able to degrade complex organic Actinobacteria remained similar in the two periods for P1, compounds as well as participate in the nitrogen cycle. but demonstrated a remarkable reduction in P4, High conductivity values were found in P1 during the especially during dry period. rainy period, indicating that the site had a high degree of Some phyla were identified as unique to certain organic matter decomposition. During this period there samples, such as: Synergistetes and Firmicutes in P1-R; was predominantly β-Proteobacteria, which is related to TM7 in P1-D; Armatimonadetes and Planctomycetes in the degradation of complex organic matter. In the dry P4-R. In all samples, the presence of unclassified period, there was a balance between the β- bacteria was noted. Proteobacteria and α-Proteobacteria, which in turn are The significant difference involving the Proteobacteria Meneghine et al. 409

Table 2. Values obtained with Library Compare tool from RDP comparing the phyla of the libraries of fishpond 1 (P1) and fishpond 4 (P4) in the rainy and dry seasons. The symbol (*) demonstrates a significant difference at 0.01 for P1 and the symbol (**) demonstrates a significant difference at 0.01 for P4.

Phylum % P1 Rainy % P1 Dry % P4 Rainy %P4 Dry TM7 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.0 Cyanobacteria** 0.0 4.4 9.7 84.9 Bacteroidetes 1.1 0.0 2.2 0.0 Synergistetes 1.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Firmicutes 2.1 0.7 0.0 0.0 Actinobacteria** 16.8 16.1 12.9 2.1 Proteobacteria*/** 65.3 40.9 29.0 2.6 Armatimonadetes** 0.0 0.0 8.6 0.0 Planctomycetes 0.0 0.0 2.2 0.5 Unclassified Bacteria 13.7 37.2 35.5 9.9

Table 3. A significant difference in the classes of Proteobacteria found was detected.

Class Order Genus Sample β-Proteobacteria Rhodocyclales Dechloromonas P1-D Unclassified P1-D/P1-R Polynucleobacter P1-D/P1-R/P4-R Pseudorhodoferax P1-D/P1-R Macromonas P1-R Limnohabitans P1-D/P1-R Inhella P1-D Ideonella P1-D Piscinibacter P1-D Curvibacter P1-D Pelomonas P1-D α-Proteobacteria Rhizobiales Labrys P1-D Bradyrhizobium P1-D

was in the classes found. In Table 3, we showed the mination and can be pathogenic to several species distribution of classes of the phylum Proteobacteria found (Newton et al., 2011). This is a factor to be considered in the libraries studied. when determining the management of aquaculture farm Among bacteria in order Rhodocyclales the genus concerning their role in human nutrition and its economic Dechloromonas was found only in P1-D. Although the importance. high frequency was in rainy seasons (P1-R); it was not The significant difference between phyla Proteobacteria classified in any genus. in P4, was in classes β-Proteobacteria and ɣ- Most of these bacteria genus, are classified as Proteobacteria. Both this classes were in rainy season chemoorganotrophic, aerobic and anaerobic facultative, (P4-R) and was predominant. The genus Polynucleobacter, and are frequently found in freshwater habitats (Hahn et order Burkholderiales, class β-Proteobacteria, was the al., 2010a, 2010b; Kasalicky et al., 2010). only one found in P4-R. This genus is cosmopolitan and The presence of β-Proteobacteria in P4 was probably has high ability of adaption in distinct environments associated with the discharge of effluents from other (Hahn et al, 2010a; Newton et al, 2011). When the same ponds used for farming of aquatic organisms and also the phylum in P4-D, was observed α-Proteobacteria was algae decomposition present in the study site. In P4-R predominant. was also observed the presence of ɣ-Proteobacteria. The In general, in P4-R, the classes β-Proteobacteria and γ- organisms found in this phylum are mostly of enteric Proteobacteria were predominant, and consequently origin and they indicate anthropogenic or zoonotic conta- different according to Library Compare. No order of γ- 410 Afr. J. Microbiol. Res.





20 P1 RAINY Percentage(%) P1 DRY 10 P4 RAINY P4 DRY 0

Figure 4. Percentage of different classes of Proteobacteria found in water samples from studied (P1 and P4) during the different climatic seasons (dry and rainy).

Proteobacteria was possible to be classified according to Specifically for the P4, it can be observed that phyla the tool used, because they showed threshold under Armatimonadetes, Actinobacteria and Cyanobacteria, 30%. But Newton et al. (2011) demonstrated that this also had significant difference in the climatic seasons class is more abundant in ocean, however when found in explored. freshwater many of these organisms were enterics, for Dunfield et al. (2012) clustering the sequences of the example, Escherichia coli, indicated anthropogenic conta- phylum Armatimonadetes and in the tree constructed mination or zoonotic sources. found 12 groups, the group 1 belongs to class Glöckner et al. (2000) in a study cluster the α- Armatimonadia, the same was found in this work and Proteobacteria in six phylogenetic groups: αI, αII, αIII, were frequently found in soil and water. This phylum are αIV, αV e αVI, which according to his results, the groups also frequently found in areas where photosynthetic αII, αIV, αV really are from freshwater, but the others are predominant which includes Cyanobacteria showed different origins. According Newton et al. (2011) bloom in freshwater. αI included Rhizobiales, αII the Caulobacter and The Actinobacteria explored also is different according Brevundimonas, genus generally found in libraries clones to Library Compare, which showed high frequency in P4- of freshwater. R. The bacteria in these phyla can grow up in environ- The importance of the α-Proteobacteria and β- ments with lower pH and high heavy metals concentration, Proteobacteria found in the fishponds are in the fact that nitrate and organic matter (Bollmann et al., 2010). The the microorganisms belongs to this classes; it is funda- abundance of these group in freshwater is connected mental in biomass degrading (Newton et al., 2011) and with physical and chemical properties, as pH (Newton et there are bacteria nitrogen fixing (Souza et al., 2012; al., 2011). Noar and Buckley, 2009). These are characteristics It can be observed, that there was abundance of necessary in fishponds to regulate the environment Cyanobacteria in P4, especially during dry period. production and equilibria. According to the tool Classifier from RDP, all of them Alterations were observed in the prevalence of belongs to the same family II, and the genus GpIIa. The Proteobacteria classes depending on the hydrological Cyanobacteria are atmospheric nitrogen-fixing; these period. In the rainy period there was a preponderance of organisms can rapidly proliferate when the availability of β-Proteobacteria, while in the dry period there was a phosphorus is high (Conley et al., 2009; Yuan et al., more diverse distribution of present classes, being the α- 2009), which was observed in P4. The domain of Proteobacteria present in the highest proportion. In the Cyanobacteria in this pond during dry period suggests P4-D, the presence of Proteobacteria was negligible that the bloom of these bacteria caused inhibition of (Figure 4), probably because of the higher presence of proliferation of other bacterial groups. The bloom of Cyanobacteria. Cyanobacteria are common in eutrophic freshwaters, and Meneghine et al. 411

Figure 5. Taxonomic profile for Co-occurrence of classes from 2 libraries (P1 dry and P1 rainy) clustered for MEGAN5.

Figure 6. Taxonomic profile for Co-occurrence of classes from 2 libraries (P4 dry and P4 rainy) clustered for MEGAN5.

this proliferation can lead to high production of Cyanobacteria was not cluster with any other phyla; this cyanotoxins and other toxic compounds that impair water probably occurs because this phyla was showed only in quality (Eiler and Bertilsson, 2004). the dry season. All classes of Proteobacteria found is Observation of the distribution of bacteria in the four related with Actinobacteria, and according to literature fishponds, the analysis of Co-occurrence (Figures 5 and data, describes above, this occurs frequently. 6), becomes important because there are the clustering Figure 6 shows the data about the fishpond 4 in dry of the classes found in the libraries which demonstrated and rainy seasons. All classes of bacteria are clustered. how the population is correlated. The important fact was that the data showed was similar Figure 5, shows the fishpond 1 in dry and rainy to that we found in literature; Cyanobacteria, Actinobacteria seasons. The fact that draws attention is that only and α-Proteobacteria were related, as described above. 412 Afr. J. Microbiol. Res.

Generally, Cyanobacteria and Proteobacteria were asso- Chislock MF, Doster E, Zitomer RA, Wilson AE (2013) Eutrophication: ciated with nitrogen cycle. When we observed the graphic causes, consequences, and controls in aquatic ecosystems. Nature Education Knowledge 4(4):10. of co-occurrence this phyla were correlated, it indicates Cole JR, Wang Q, Caardenas E, Fish J, Chai B, Farris RJ, Kulam-Syed- that this population have a possible interaction in these Mohideen, AS, Mcgarrell DM, Marsh T, Garrity GM, Tiedje JM (2009). nutrients recycle. The Ribosomal Database Project: improved alignments and new Although, to understand better what really happens tools for rRNA analysis. Nucleic Acids Res. 37:141-145. Conley DJ, Paerl HW, Howarth RW, Boesch DF, Seitzinger SP, Havens between them in these specifically sys-tem, there are KE, Lancelot C, Likens FE (2009). Controlling eutrophication: necessary other kind of analysis. The importance of the nitrogen and phosphorus. 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