Green Computing Guide For further assistance, additional green computing tips, or more copies of this brouchure, contact: IUE Teaching & Learning Center (765) 973-8561
[email protected] Reduce Your Impact on the Acknowledgement Much of the text for this document was Environment adapted from the “University of Buffalo Green Computing Guide” written by Walter Simpson, University of Buffalo Energy Officer. in Two Simple Steps! To manually put the computer and monitor to FAQS How to Reduce Energy sleep: 1. Click on the Apple (OSX) Won’t turning equipment on and off In 2 Simple Steps or go to “Special” on the menu bar at top of your shorten its life? screen (OS9). 2. Select “Sleep.” No. You are far more likely to replace your equipment due to obsolescence! Heat and 1 RIGHT NOW: Waking Up from Sleep Mode time are the primary wear factors. Hard drives Just hit a key to quickly wake up your system. are designed to handle many thousands of on/ Enable Your Power Management Feature off cycles. Most computers and monitors can be TIP: Do you have a flat panel display? Turning programmed to automatically power down to a 2 ONGOING: it off when not in use not only saves energy, low power state (also called “sleep” or Turn It Off Whenever Possible but will conserve the backlight and extend the “standby”) when they are not being used. The life of your monitor. EPA has estimated that enabling sleep mode • When not in use for an extended period of time, reduces a computer’s energy use by 60 to 70 turn off your computer and/or peripherals I thought my computer used about the same percent! (monitor, printer, etc.) wattage as a light bulb.