POL336H1S - Government and Politics of Ontario Jack Lucas, University of Toronto; Summer 2013 Contact 100 St. George Street
[email protected] Information Department of Political Science (647) 782-6477 University of Toronto Dates & Times Class Meetings: Tuesday and Thursday, 6-8pm, SS1086 Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday, 4-5pm (SS3108) Textbooks There is no textbook for this course. Readings will be available through Blackboard. Grades 10% Research Skill Assignments (2.5% each) 20% Annotated Bibliography 30% Research Essay (3000 words) 40% Final Examination Assignments Research Ski! Assignments: These simple assignments will allow you to refresh your research skills before you complete the longer assignments for the course. Each assignment will focus on a single research skill: library browsing, journal article research, newspaper research, and reference research. Annotated Bibliography: In this assignment you will prepare an annotated bibliography (that is, a list of sources with a brief description of each source) on a political issue or event in Ontario. I will provide you with a list of issues and events from which to choose. Research Essay: This assignment continues your work in the annotated bibliography. In this assignment you will use the sources that you have found to write a research essay on your chosen political issue or event. You will receive much more detail on this assignment in class, along with a list of tips on how to write a clear and convincing essay. Due Dates All assignments are due in class on the dates below: July 9 Skill Assignment 1 (Library Browsing) July 11 Skill Assignment 2 (Journal Articles) July 16 Skill Assignment 3 (Newspaper Research) July 18 Skill Assignment 4 (Canadian Annual Reviews) July 25 Annotated Bibliography August 8 Bonus Assignment (optional) August 8 Research Essay Please note that late assignments will receive a grade of ZERO (0), and no extensions will be granted, except with formal medical documentation.