Age Determination of the Spot-breasted Wren and the White-breasted Wood-Wren Using Molt Limits ~ngelina Ruiz-~an~hez'; R,aJ.ael Rue~a-Hernandez ,. Santiago Guallar and Peter Pylel Posgr.ado ~n ~1enc1as Bwlog1cas, Instltuto de Biologfa, UNAM, Circuito exterior s/n, Ciudad Umvers1tana, Mexico D.F. 04510 Mexico 2Galanthus, Carretera de Juia, 46, Celra, Girona 17460 Spain 3Institute for Bird Populations, Point Reyes Station, CA. *Corresponding author:
[email protected] ABSTRACT conocimiento de Ia biologia, estructura de edades y dinamica The Spot-breasted Wren (Pheugopedius maculipectus) and poblacional de estas y otras aves Neotropicales poco the White-breasted Wood-Wren (Henicorhina leucosticta) conocidas. undergo a partial preformative molt resulting in molt limits each between juvenal and formative feathers within and INTRODUCTION between the lesser, median and greater coverts, alula, and tertials. These two wrens do not replace secondaries or Age is a fundamental parameter that influences primaries, and only some White-breasted Wood-Wrens molt many aspects of avian biology, including rectrices. Their definitive prebasic molt is complete, and, if morphology (Alatalo et al. 1984), plumage present, their prealternate molt is limited to body feathers. (Rohwer 1978), behavior (Greenberg and Gradwohl These patterns combined allow the identification of first 1997), survivorship (Saracco et al. 201 0), and cycle (HY or Sl] individuals as those showing molt limits developmental processes such as molt (Jenni and within the above-mentioned wing-feather tracts. Description Winkler 1994 ). Therefore, ageing birds is a basic of molt patterns enhances our ability to correctly age birds operation in many ornithological studies. and, therefore, helps increase knowledge of the biology, age structure and population dynamics ofthese and other poorly In the majority of passerine species, criteria based known Neotropical species.