WHANGANUI DISTRICT MARAE INFORMATION Register Item No: 5 WDC Property: 18029 Marae Name: Rānana Marae Hapū: Ngāti Ruaka, Ngāti Hine, Ngāti Rangi Wharenui: Te Morehu Wharekai: Ruaka Hall Location: 4475 Whanganui River Road, Ranana, Whanganui Legal Description: Rānana Reserve Part 10, Block VI Tauakira S.D, Whanganui Contact Details: Rāwiri Tinirau – Chairperson
[email protected] Trustees: Evelyn Broad, Tamatete Jackson, Brendon Te Tiwha James Puketapu, Terrence James Tapa. Rānana Marae (also known as Ruakā) is in Ranana, along the Whanganui River. Its principal hapū is Ngāti Ruakā of the iwi Te Ātihaunui a Pāpārangi. The wharenui is named Te Morehu, and the wharekai is Ruaka Hall. The marae connects ancestrally to the waka Aotea, the maunga Ruapehu and the awa Whanganui. Whare: Te Morehu Wharekai: Ruaka Hall Hapū: Ngāti Ruaka, Ngāti Hine, Ngāti Rangi Waka: Aotea Maunga: Ruapehu Awa: Whanganui Rohe: Te Tai Hauāuru Iwi: Te Ātihaunui a Pāpārangi Section 5 Block VI Tauakira Survey District and Part Ranana Reserve 10 Block & Part Ranana Reserve 10 Block Title Details Report - Block 19861 Block ID : 19861 Land Status : Maori Freehold Land District : Aotea Plan : ML 3811 Title Order Type: Partition Order LINZ Ref: WN24C/981, 484473 Title Order Ref: 106 WG 59-60 Area (ha): 5.8159 Title Notice Ref: - Total Shares: 30.5 Title Order Date: 18/12/1923 Total Owners: 190 Sourced from Maori Land Online (www.maorilandonline.govt.nz) - Crown Copyright Reserved. Disclaimer: The information contained in this report is a summary only - the accuracy of the Maori Land Court record, is itself, not accompanied by a state guarantee and to ensure accuracy users will need to verify the information against the records held by the Maori Land Court and the corresponding title information issued by Land Information New Zealand.