Jayney Klimek

Johnny Klimek (born August 18, 1962) is an Australian musician, music producer, and composer, best known for his work innovative work in underground electronica music scene and for his film scores. Klimek was born in , Australia. His mother, Luisa née Cester (born January 29, 1916 in Pasiano di Pordenone) was a daughter of the couple Eugenia and Ernesto Cester. In the Summer of 1940 she left Friuli-Venezia Giulia for Australia. After the Second World War, she married Alfons Klimek (died 1998) The latest Tweets from (@JayneyKlimek): "Happy New Year to all my family and friends. I wish you all love,health and happiness.May all your dreams come true in 2015!" Ok everyone, it is out and ready to go! Awake Part 1 is the release of 8 tracks from Jayney Klimekâ™s new album. Enjoy!http://us2.campaign-archive2.com/?u=4d7100e46c7b91d65c2a4955f&id=56dc7dcfe1&e= ⦠0 replies 0 retweets 1 like. Jayney Miriam Klimek (born 18 August 1962 in Melbourne, Australia), is a -based Australian-born singer-songwriter. Jayney Miriam Klimek was born on 18 August 1962 and grew up in Melbourne. Her father, Alfons Klimek, and mother, Luisa née Cester (born January 29, 1916) had eight children: Eugenia, Lydia, Naomi, Greta, Alfons junior (born February 1956), Robert, and Jayney and her twin brother, Johnny. Johnny is a successful Hollywood composer. Their cousins and are Jayney Klimek. Comment must not exceed 1000 characters. 5. Klimekâ™s early fame didn't coincide with pecunary fortune and this taught her that creative success doesn't need to mean a full wallet. She recalls the highs of being a pop star: hit records, global touring, billboards in Time Square - "it was pretty big." The reality was that parallel to this she had to make ends meet working as a cleaner for - Gareth Jones. Jayney Klimek shared Deutsche-Mugge Musikmagazin's post. 29 January ·. And for those who did not get to read 🤗. Deutsche-Mugge Musikmagazin. 20 January ·. Wir hatten gestern Besuch von der Frontfrau der Gruppe The Other Ones, Jayney Klimek. Sie hat sich unserem Kreuzverhör in der Rubrik "Kurz & knapp" auf deutsche...-mugge.de gestellt und dort ihren Steckbrief für Euch hinterlassen. Schaut mal vorbei. Direktlink: http://www.deutsche-mugge.de/â¦/6668-steckbrief-jayney-klime⦠See more.