Protestantismus Und Ostkirchliche Orthodoxie
LABYRINTH Vol. 20, No. 2, Winter 2018 BASILIUS J. GROEN (Graz) Protestantismus und ostkirchliche Orthodoxie Protestantism and Eastern Orthodoxy Abstract The relations between Protestantism and Eastern Orthodoxy span five centuries and bear upon nu- merous aspects, hence, only some items can be dealt with here. First, I discuss the late-sixteenth- century correspondence between German Lutheran theologians and Patriarch Jeremiah II of Constan- tinople, the Calvinist leanings of Patriarch Cyril Lukaris, and the influx of Protestant missionaries into traditionally Orthodox territory. Second, I outline the rise of a 'counter movement’, i.e. the Ecumeni- cal Movement, and the aim and structure of the World Council of Churches, where Protestantism and Orthodoxy meet, as well as other inter-ecclesiastical organizations and theological dialogues. Third, attention is paid to tension and resistance to ecumenism; ecclesiological differences between Ortho- doxy and Protestantism; and the need for solid ecumenical formation. Fourth, I focus on the key role of worship reform and liturgical theology, inter alia, on the significance of Alexander Schmemann’s oeuvre. Fifth, interdenominational cross-fertilization with respect to worship songs and hymnals, as well as monasticism, are examined. It is, however, not all roses and therefore, sixth, I mention the challenge of stumbling blocks like prejudice and lack of communication skills. Nevertheless, in both Orthodoxy and Protestantism, freedom in Christ is the principle that matters. Keywords: Protestantism, Orthodoxy, Ecumenism, Anti-Ecumenism, Theological Dialogue, Liturgy, Sacred Music Kontaktaufnahme, Abbruch des Dialogs und Mission Als Martin Luther (1483-1546) vor fünfhundert Jahren seine Thesen proklamierte – in einem ernsthaften Versuch, eine Reform der damaligen Westkirche in Gang zu setzen und die Botschaft der Gnade Gottes und der Rechtfertigung der Christenmenschen durch Jesus Christus sowie der Vergebung ihrer Sünden durch Ihn erneut klarzumachen –, exis- 78 LABYRINTH Vol.
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