HStud 33(2019)2, 337–366 DOI: 10.1556/044.2019.33.2.9 THE RECOGNITION OF ISLAM IN THE HUNGARIAN LAW OF 1916 (XVII): DOCUMENTS FROM THE VATICAN ARCHIVES 1 ORSOLYA VARSÁNYI Pázmány Péter Catholic University
[email protected] This article aims to reconstruct the reception of Act XVII adopted by the Hungarian Parliament in 1916, which brought about the legal recognition of Islam, from the stance of the Holy See of Rome. The research is based on archival material pre- served at the Vatican Archives, namely letters exchanged between the Nunziature of Vienna and the Holy See, which are published and translated here. The presenta- tion of so far unpublished material provides an opportunity to follow the growing understanding of the contents and background of this law; the key points of interest of the Catholic Church in this matter are identifi ed; while lexical references seek to shed light on the perceptions of Islam. Keywords: Hungarian Islam Law 1916, Catholic Church, Perceptions of Islam, Religious Pluralism Introduction In 2016, intense scholarly activity commemorated the offi cial legal recognition of Islam in Hungary, on the centenary of the so-called 1916 Islam law. Con- ferences were organized2 on the history and the signifi cance of the law from a variety of approaches; and a great proportion of the proceedings was published. Some studies elaborated on the perception of and attitudes to Islam, especially general trends, in the beginning of the 20th century in Hungary, but, to the best of my knowledge, the reactions of the Catholic Church to the emergence of the proposition and the actual proclamation have not been presented in detail so far.