University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 9-25-2009 Sandspur, Vol 116, No 03, September 25, 2009 Rollins College Find similar works at: University of Central Florida Libraries This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol 116, No 03, September 25, 2009" (2009). The Rollins Sandspur. 1889. Capitalism: Good or Bad? Who's Who Page 8 I Page 5 & E Film Club Page 9 The Oldest College Newspaper in Florida, Est. 1894 Friday September 25, 2009 Volume 116 issue 3 follow us on Twitter What is the Rollins Plan? Where would you want to live? Ward or McKean? COURTESY OF RESLIFE One has accomodations com parable to a five star hotel, while the other resembles a fleabag inn. this day in history September 25,1789: The United States Congress passes 12 amendments to the Consti tution. The first 10 are more commonly known as the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights protects many of Americans' most sacred freedoms. ANGELA STOBAUGH ed in participating in the Rol they will only be required to ex have participated in programs the sandspur lins Plan must first apply for a hibit a proficiency in writing, throughout the community, that COURTESY OF US spot in the themed path of their essential math, and foreign lan they had a clear focus at Rollins, ARCHIVES choice.