PA/S4/12/12/M PUBLIC AUDIT COMMITTEE MINUTES 12th Meeting, 2012 (Session 4) Wednesday 12 September 2012 Present: Colin Beattie Willie Coffey Iain Gray (Convener) Mark Griffin Colin Keir Gil Paterson (Committee Substitute) Mary Scanlon (Deputy Convener) Sandra White Apologies were received from Tavish Scott. The meeting opened at 10.00 am. 1. Declaration of interests: Sandra White stated she had no relevant interests to declare. 2. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee agreed to take item 5 in private. 3. Section 23 report - Managing ICT contracts: The Committee took evidence on the Auditor General for Scotland's report entitled "Managing ICT contracts" from— Caroline Gardner, Auditor General for Scotland; Ronnie Nicol, Assistant Director, and Gemma Diamond, Project Manager, Performance Audit Group, Audit Scotland. 4. Major Capital Projects: The Committee considered an update from the Permanent Secretary on the Scottish Government's progress towards delivering the Committee's recommendations in its 2009 report entitled "Major Capital Projects". The Committee agreed to write to the Scottish Government on issues raised in its discussion. PA/S4/12/12/M 5. Consideration of approach - Managing ICT contracts (in private): The Committee considered its approach to the Auditor General for Scotland's report entitled "Managing ICT contracts" and took evidence from— Caroline Gardner, Auditor General for Scotland. The Committee agreed to invite Registers of Scotland and the relevant Scottish Government Accountable Officer to give oral evidence at a future meeting. The Committee also agreed to invite Disclosure Scotland to provide written evidence on issues raised in the report. 6. Section 23 report - Cardiology services (in private): The Committee considered and agreed a draft report on the Auditor General for Scotland report entitled "Cardiology services", subject to changes to be agreed by correspondence, and agreed arrangements for its publication.
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