Madness at Noon: Mather Hall See Story on Page 4 Page 2, the TRIPOD, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1972 Jewish Studies: Making the Investment

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Madness at Noon: Mather Hall See Story on Page 4 Page 2, the TRIPOD, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1972 Jewish Studies: Making the Investment THE TRINITY TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 26,1972 TRINITY COLLEGE I POD HARTFORD, CONN. o a Madness At Noon: Mather Hall See Story on Page 4 Page 2, THE TRIPOD, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1972 Jewish Studies: Making The Investment When the Jewish Studies program at undertook the operating costs, and will Trinity was established in 1967 by a grant of continue to do so until the $100,000 goal is $14,000 from the Jewish Theological met. Seminary in New York, it was with the idea Asked for reasons explaining the fact that that when the grant, a declining one in terms 4/5 of the goal still must be met, Director of of money given over the years, was entirely Development Judson Reese replied that used up, the college would take over the "The fund raising plan has been to appeal to funding of the program. Thus, in order to interested people on a broad basis, with ensure the continuation of the program, a small gifts coming from a large number of committee was formed in 1969 to raise people, rather than large gifts coming from $100,000 over a period of four years. At the a very few people. The committee feels it present time, $21,000 has been raised by important to inform people that Trinity has approximately 200 gifts, and while this is far the Jewish Studies program, and this type of short of the goal, Director of Development fund-raising method facilitates that ob- Judson Reese is fully confident that the goal jective. It takes longer to raise the money, will be reached. but in the long run you receive more in- The purpose of the original grant was to volvement and interest from the people." provide Trinity with a "lectureship in Since its' inception in 1967, the program Jewish Studies" and thus to develop courses has succeeded in raising the number of in Jewish Studies which met the need of the courses dealing in Jewish Studies. Ac- students. This objective was accomplished cording to Dr. John A. Gettier, Chairman of in September of 1967 when the college began the Department ,of Religion, there are now to offer two courses in Judaism taught by nine courses of instruction related to Jewish Rabbi Stanley M. Kessler of West Hartford. Studies, three of which deal with specific In 1969, Leonard E. Greenberg, a member areas of Jewish thought, rather than of the class of 1948 at Trinity, began to in- treating Judaism as just a part of a survey vestigate what could be done to secure the course. Although there is no formalized continuation of the lectureship in Jewish academic program for Jewish Studies as a Studies once the grant was depleted. A major, these courses can be taken as part of committee of Trinity alumni, students, and a Religion Major, and there is now another friends of the community was formed, and a instructor in the field, Rabbi Kimmelman dinner was held at which Greenberg and who at the present time is working towards other members of the committee outlined his Ph.D in classical Judaism at Yale. the aims of the Jewish Studies Fund to As for the future of the program, Mr. members of the community at large. Reese commented that aside from the photo by Lloyd Wolf Greenberg was appointed chairman of the continuation of the funding until it is com- Fund, and a goal of $100,000 was set, the pleted, there are no firm commitments as of income of which, approximately $5,000, now. He stated that depending on the in- Judson Rees could be used to support the lectureship. terest of the students, faculty, and com- Last year there was concern over possible munity at large, it will be possible to con- discontinuation of the. lectureship, for the tinue the program and to also develop it in grant was running out, and there was a lack : other manners. of operating funds. However, the college Presidential Politicking Young Democrats Woo Underaged Voters by Tom Santopietro (Editor's note: This is the second in a series organizational meeting held Wednesday, leaf leting, canvassing, and voter to remind the Waterbury crowd of their of four articles concerning the College and September 13. This meeting was the first registration. \ traditional • Democratic leanings and the the Election.) campus-wide function held by the tremendous receptions that his brother had Democrats and featured a talk by Steven On Thursday, September 14, the Young been given there in the past. McGovern then y Minot, a member of the McGovern state Democrats sponsored buses for the ap- spoke for one half-hour, dealing mostly with While the Young Republicans expect President Nixon's record to bring students executive committee and an unsuccessful proximately 210 Trinity students who went economics, and noted the high rise of into their camp, the Trinity Young peace candidate for Congress in 1966. to hear Senators McGovern and Kennedy in unemployment in Waterbury. Morgans also Democrats already have the largest Morgans stated that approximately 60 Waterbury. Morgans feels that even more commented that McGovern's biggest ap- following of any of the political groups on people attended, and that 45 of them signed students would have gone if it hadn't been plause of the night came when he said, in campus. up to work for the Young Democrats- raining in Hartford when they left, and said effect, that the North Vietnamese people students for McGovern. Minot spoke on trust that speeches were given by Senator may be shorter than Americans, but that The poll the Young Democrats conducted in government and on the issues, Abraham Ribicoff of Connecticut and Mayor they are God's children also, and that the at registration showed their candidate, specifically the Vietnam War. He en- Victor Mambruno of Waterbury, in addition war should stop. Morgans said that there George McGovern; with 61% of the student couraged students to work for McGovern to those by Kennedy and McGovern. were many students in the crowd, but that vote, compared with 21%, for Nixon, and 1% and according to Morgans was "very well there were also a "good mix of older men 1 Kennedy spoke to the crowd (estimated as for Linda Jenness, the Socialist candidate. received." Short speeches were also anywhere from 8,000 to 14,000) on labor, the and women." He termed the crowd en- 17% of those polled were undecided. delivered by John McCallum (State director Democratic Party nature of Waterbury, and thusiastic, but not wildly so." j of Volunteers) and by Bob Borrows, on according to Morgans, seemed to be trying The Young Democrats are after those 17% Asked for his feelings as to the polls which; and the support of voters in the community. show McGovern trailing Nixon by a widej The program that the Young Democrats margin, Steve Barkan stated that "the polls have planned for the fall is what they term a don't reflect the support of-McGovern "three pronged attack," 1.) They want to among the people. In terms of bis campaign "get the vole out" at Trinity and especially and the response of the people, the polls are get the McGovern vote out via campus not accurate." He believes that there is a lag registration of voters and absentee ballots. of three weeks Uv the polls, jmd jhat They also plan to caucus in a month to McGovern has a "reservoir determine where McGovern's support lies. which will well up, just as i 2.) The major goal, which the state primaries." Barkan also cited the t McGovern headquarters asked them to McGovern only trailed Nixon by ay^t partake in, is for Trinity students to canvass cent four months ago, and t in Hartford. The start of this was Saturday Eagleton crisis and defection September 16 when a group of Trinity had widened the gap, he expected it to ^ students did canvass for registration. again as McGovern made "inroads on areas 3.) The third objective is to raise funds on of former support." campus. Morgans and Barkan cited Yale as an example of a college where. $1,000 was As for the future plans of;*e, raised for McGovern, and they hope that Democrats, Barkan • •com-mentea their "top money will come through movies, politics will admittedly die down after tne rock concerts, and by other similar means *' election, out that (he Young ^tauenti^ become involved in the primaries in me , The Young Democrats had died out in 1968 spring. He stated that there * but last year the organization was revived possibility of organizing the l^ by Jon Entine. Gary Morgans '75 Coor- Union which Maury Landry ^ dinator of the Young Democrats at Trinity This Union would embrace nil and Steve Barkan, '73, Director of Publicity, political parties at Trinity. stated that the official aim. last year was to In summing up the political —- . "work and arouse political interest, Trinity, Barkan stated that the main t especially in the Democratic Party." The seemed to be the war and that** tteBJ organization endorsed McGovern last people who attended the -tag* **g January, and has ties with the Connecticut Blatford, the -discussion center^ wv Young Democrats although it receives no VietNam war and their anger witnu- ™> funding from them. The Young Democrats his own feelings on the McGovern have a bucljjol of $135 which comes from the paign, Barkajn commented, I v* SUioVii Aciiviiies fund and they receive no lot. A grass root campaign is a gt direct money from thp nation il really takes working from the •£*»-• -„ orssaniwition. People should become inter""'*"1 After its ivgistraiinn ijol!, the .second levels of politics, not only in enrienvor of the Young Democrats was an politics, but.
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