The Oxford Democrat

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The Oxford Democrat The Oxford Democrat. V<'I.I MF. I,Mil. PARIS. MAINE, TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 1. 1891. NUMBER 85. JOKE. AN INDIAN PRIZE FIGHT. •wiutfin me n»nn«l rerjr r»j*d, "w*'r* aU know, ami | hivf y«uir mother mil Ihrw THK SECRET. ARTEMUS WARD'S LAST AMONG THK KARMKKS. *W la h»r John of hut lleno, Okla., tC»in to free! Ho ■>"> tiw IUt«U«bQor A Counselor, llltle mil in |>n»\lde fur, too. Hllll, I l«Mn krt|M JrflrrMMi. In hla autobiography T. Millar, AMONO THE MORMONS. Attorney A»>kH Ihr MAM, IWrtiH Ik* 0». **«tei| In a ii (lie larlnlf "Wh*t'i <»•! ltrr*U»bnn ir»t to do "trim tn& kinl In hatrnUrt, »mi IhU flftv III lh«» < rrlatra what while Croup ■ ai^b rio«.a fiiu %* I *11 ar* lt»f IW *UM. Augu«t Vnturjr, r»mv Hold. I!••* «>f mn- with hit *howf" -.1 «» r» lot will ilfkl you i htmlaome timf. A»l Um Wr m »W g*m kr» ■ »J waa probably tin* la*t je«l of Artrtnua pugllWin IwlnK topic I, gitUn puttjr nlj "W lwii Ulk at«»ut •ELECTIONS FROM THE WRITINGS »y. It. V<ni ran luu lhrw • week to W'inl. trr*«l Ion. •*!<!: jtihi "THI Muter ll'-r«lA«hun>" anl I, drawtn mm rrmrVr+i wrV<«ar«l W»f4n day* Aft I ftmm I Im* of |^l» to In a In a flnl*h ami knock-out h|o«*, mOvi »l «.» trr*. aN m 1 |a call itMir nan, ami Ihil will |l»» T«* « A ft-1 ftuw • of ti.irH •»*». \\ !»«■»» th** famoua wit Ur ilylng flfht Of ARTEMUS WARD. np to tux foil biU »n«l looktn ► * *»*»»• tut IM* I* my«rlf lUtll |i II 4« < trim IW ««Wlrl •»«>»*• * a* trndnl til* l»»cli art* wltm**e»| In the h*m* to *ork ami If you ihaoM to I'TiniHit, Snullutii|>(itii lie by ahorghul ruond i][■ <«i the ornery krowd with * »"«u, \|rtr«lM«l B>M»r <*«lur>l IWaurat, I »f her rkk t»l a Ir- |,M« i ll|«* |>rr« ejea ilrviMM frlrinl "Tom" |{otM-rt»on. thr degree of |wrfectlon when A(lil Muter A Co an I'uto. II* httakititf palri?yMMMMi i"»ugiit WtMl UW I* AWat proud A <HUi»t nimn, "toll lie*- Attorney* ••lor*. A ft-1 all mea U«4, aal all aaalta, *Ih» a Wo a tween two Inilian buck* U *«*n lawf toy Ihf <Khrr day fro,n llagley you ran tuvr Kngllah playwright, own Hal mm maa h«4* «• •• I, rbwhun to tul»d bU blcnow, mb)«rt *A»*R. tlum To- tiouhk." frhwl «»f JfrtVr^in. In thr rlii*. the clirumferem-e of III* CtrM ml m Hwk ><ffM lilt, your TWi ma-k hw »••* a •Nil' whlta, to the Koruitltiuhnn of the I'mtnl GOtsa to liavc tmi farm " klitff H'iH'i uriln whkh l« not a rope, l-ut a •Irlnf V«a*4 to Jia* mljr M IMK» H»U thu trmt too much, tlr," Itat I will nli h tor llll I ill*. "Jo»t ilrath," flllli ttolay lt*h<lii| „ out of Intereateil human It I* sui»r IV »<»rk of thr farm hmtw ««• ovrr •Ummrrhl "I ilnnt know how Mr. Jribraoti, "llobrrtaon |*«iml *|«e*-tator*. fmi U r««tU (ienrg*. *»-l If I analrt m« aft-l Ihrft. lafN|Mi. "< a iwwt Ik * I and ort»trd a fart thai ImlUn* of tin- «<«rn«-' Hi now let im In, that'* K ,'oc thr day ; thr t'klUrni—tilth Ihr rt- In thank y«»u.** W bT UU m 4t««i« a IM>| W- MM ii»mII« !•»«• In (I»m la an wWr ther nmnhrr thou*- *»• ay—anvi* anl arverel ftOAlU, th*W I! tr|.ili>n <>f thr oklMl wo, «hn had |>iw "T»«» much* Then I d«w»t know wltal TVM >•» mm, It to III* friend. trllir, though uitf tTtafyrWh'-l faMltfml by UMM," pqttin »t Aft-l <1 «• kftfl me, «•»•* nnl •iili U W Attorney* Law, in ibr till»|^-«rr» la M, unl la thr voti'll to thK" iml thr farmer t«w«k ««l/ ly bj MW«rd Mid, ilrwr Tom, I cant ItxU, thrre are few of .|u*rre|. HUtta**** Tort. truu round iih* iu lartn "lieroai* *ay 'Mjr Itafcar a a tln-m tlitt »%er re*ult In munler. ] *AHK. till, exitfuft«h)r kluhrn Kiibdy IUm«- hl« Mto the arm an I lud him out on I oalj ait IMlW l»*g*r, Ukr that drmilful atulf.' among I of ml IWruma I'nwt A lur wirm by Wr la IW VL ftHTIiri, • Aft-l «a*rh tallikr* rwai, I* llhn C tut uud. hi* »llf and hi* ntfr'a alatrr, Mra. Ihf |*>r« h IVrr h aonllirr for "I'ulu#, com*,* told llobrrtaon, urging I lil* It •trinfr when It nrmeui'«-r"<l V*le.I to | _-a I ll»nVt jirrwnl llrra aaalla* a tlllta jroa." I +r-rr llgM lie imumniui unctwtrnl- A run TO MUOIUM TOCBO. Im**, alttlng «rwiiMl a crnlrr- you. my bor." Aft-l Ihrrv <>li!)u-rallhtf gkmum him to iwillnw ilrui; tlut th«* Imllan W pa**lunate, "Nut • rtmir ri 1, •Urtln l>*rk In » » » Hol.f, ,M VK UbW. Thr fanorr naa a "Vlwi" TIk1 word came fn»m 'llw'i i ilmr frllow Iki now, fur my lr»| In hU lmpul*e«, cruel anil ferorton* rmdlng |*a|»rr, -He >hm w W la • ua«ir-i horror it the i«lw. (I way do fllltl.-nltk. hla nlfr «n |mtlln( a on I he i-ei>rge'* with a i||h of M ati Im llw l-r»«4ri» a«a fall IkMlk, Mkf; r«Hi know I would anything l»v nature. Tli' r h**e their A Counselor, |MU-h ll|»« long )t»f, "Oh aUjr. Htr. *Ujr." <•*! • Ull. tT*wnt Att*»rn»v kow uf llatry'a dlmlnntlv* knhkertwxk- ami with one biumd he wm at the «1<W Turalfti la awfcl I ha fa-le-i »|far. for am! hown^r, l*it arbitration you.* ipiarrel*, <>r» ft •ummirs nut MAI«ft \ft-l maklaf •lUMuft-ta of «lew ) " or f>ru*il*. whuaihed %. u« % Y, rr» tivl Mr*. I.u«4* «u mxhrtlnf i of the Mat'k mare lie had thought never -Wo.,I,| youf «al«l IVml, Milr of theo|<| iiicii |»r»«»•*«»!• blnmUhnl a a be* •Ujr. \ HI be your ht««l of Mu* and nhltr for a to wv again, ami had both arm* about I all I al la4. a. ar Wart »»ar»a, at retching out hla hand to graap hla munlrr \H oiitf In while flchi |twn*l, •l» all l»r *rall. tr.1 lb*." •mall nkacr. her rather have (albrra ll«M, for I Ik* Uat tlm#. occur*. tn.I It I* a novel *l|jht to witm-**, ()«!• iwvk. 'iih. father, I'd uft-llfl Wkl la-Uaft** larfta frlend'a, |«-rhapa Aft<t " *m < « «l klU, mM llol*rt*on. • Mi.. another to "Not rf | know It, won't." I. IVrr «a< •llrocr In the lIU'Wl), M»f VUen than anrthlng el«e In tin* anrM!" ■* Ilka a «ra wf ll«M 'I non|i| Itiilml,' buck ctuHeflffe* o>U)bat, jtimi l>* " to f'ri I In* of thr firr la thr iluif, ami he hurfol hi* face In tin* 'Tln-n you tak* it* aald tt'anl. Hh1 ami. hr ttirlr frleml* to tlx MA«r* jruu Ikjunklu fitulle. Uo F« nui|i|i|n( pretty A»l Ida* I Iftua Ihfj *a* la |>*r| *«f"inp.miM • » a war but a few hour* Mch Imu k U to * ichat Attorney A CounMlor. thr thklft* uf th<- I>1| ttfht-dajr I"* k la crwature'* inane, and In •■•He of hi* eigh- Thai akkk i<»l mr a«rriil|> aMtj hiimorlat paa*r<| hatllr (TmihI, atrlpneil * t* Nunnrrjrr TW» 1 ml, thr tvrti«r and tlw» of tha farmrr'* teen broke down aud *ob- «hr |i>«< ixa (laftrva »f Wr Wad, aftrrNanl." I lie nudit* mi In tlie hlfn ml* ML MAI*K. year* fairly ple**ing 1KM tottIL, Mra. Ilarrwond •l«»l *a, IW aaaafcl** of Wr aaat. turral arl *choo|* the ftitt, lirar. anl alxm M, among |«le "X I," «•»! * fa chunky fem*il*, wbo • hnth hrr alalrr ltd hrr de«lre to leave an.I mt'l* to coufmnt tie* other. lie » II .Irrplf, That ended tieorge'a DOES IT PAY? A CURIOUS NAME COMBINATION. must her w»It« taorw than U«» hundred to lie* war rlub a (month haikiMl 'onkrd up In «nrpr4o». the farm, lie via* never again heard la In a nam«*r* lua h««en * tween tliern a j Uwa ptjrf Ortalnljr thl« quea- ••What lb*. "I will l"» your pwi'.-t to4in Hurf Attorney «t Law, hat a thr wilttr, '•inhr lakwl mention the «uhW>rt, ami he grumbled mi un*n«w»>»vd to atlll Imi| piece of hanl WOOil, aeaaoneij bv *!•»•» Im* a wMr range of «|«pll« •luxation atiffliVnlly ti c I. "Il« bet two dolb»ra and « half thr lattrr, -That via thr loudrat more aU>ut hard work and the monotony hut teara aervliv ml regarded a* a *ort of MAl*K. *lfh Hut i|>a | f«n give It * aort of gen- mutln * aiihjnrt for dlamaalon, I* Li*. |icrli a in i*<i»t ataln* on jrou woo tr Wharmr I may llou>« Mint I fitr r*m In everr wav trle*l to 1 ■ be«*au*e of the blood hrurd g\r*.
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    CANDIDATE’S REPORT (to be filed by a candidate or his principal campaign committee) 1.Qualifying Name and Address of Candidate 2. Office Sought (Include title of office as OFFICE USE ONLY well OLIVER (JACKSON) SCHRUMPF Report Number: 46349 JUDGE 2237 PETE SEAY CALCASIEU Date Filed: 1/15/2015 SULPHUR, LA 70663 14TH JDC Report Includes Schedules: Schedule A-1 Schedule B Schedule E-1 3. Date of Primary 11/4/2014 This report covers from 11/17/2014 through 1/5/2015 4. Type of Report: X 180th day prior to primary 40th day after general 90th day prior to primary Annual (future election) 30th day prior to primary Supplemental (past election) 10th day prior to primary 10th day prior to general Amendment to prior report 5. FINAL REPORT if: Withdrawn Filed after the election AND all loans and debts paid Unopposed 6. Name and Address of Financial Institution 7. Full Name and Address of Treasurer (You are required by law to use one or more DARLA B. PERRY banks, savings and loan associations, or money 514 WEST NAPOLEON STREET market mutual fund as the depository of all SULPHUR, LA 70663 MIDSOUTH BANK 1500 BEGLIS PKWAY SULPHUR, LA 70663 9. Name of Person Preparing Report DARLA PERRY Daytime Telephone 337-528-4000 10. WE HEREBY CERTIFY that the information contained in this report and the attached 8. FOR PRINCIPAL CAMPAIGN COMMITTEES ONLY schedules is true and correct to the best of our knowledge, information and belief, and that no a. Name and address of principal campaign committee, expenditures have been made nor contributions received that have not been reported herein, committee’s chairperson, and subsidiary committees, if and that no information required to be reported by the Louisiana Campaign Finance Disclosure any (use additional sheets if necessary).
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