In operation from 1st January, 1943

H. W. H. RICHARDS, F. E. HARRISON, Chief Electrical Engineer. Engineer, (N.T./W/ 3) (G. 11/3). E. M. RUTTER, C. M. STEDMAN, Superintendent. Loco. Running Supt. (O. 4918). (G. 4). TABLE OF CONTENTS

PAGES. General Instructions 4--11

Instructions to Engineer's Staff 12-22

Instructions to Signalmen 23-45

Instructions to Station Masters, Guards, Shunters, Station Staff and others 46-50

Instructions to Electric Trainmen 51-62

Steam Hauling of Electric Trains in Emergency 63-65

Treatment for Electric Shock 67-70 Every Employee supplied with this Book must make himself thoroughly acquainted with, and will be held responsible for a knowledge of, and com- pliance with, the whole of the following Instructions.

The Rules and Regulations of the Company also apply except as otherwise provided in these Instructions. 4


Portions of 1.—The following portions of the London and line North Eastern Railway (YE. Area) are equipped equipped tor for electric traction :— Electric traction. The Tynemouth Branch between Newcastle and Tynemouth, and between Tynemouth and Manors North.

The Riverside Branch.

The Main Lines North between Newcastle and Benton Quarry Box. The Newcastle and South Shields Branch.

The Quayside Branch, and the several other curves, connections, sidings, and platform lines set out in detail in instruction 41.

On these portions of railway the following instructions, so far as applicable, will be in force. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS. 5

2.--Electrical Energy is supplied from the s Powero Stations of the North Eastern Electric electrical e nerSupplyi Company, Ltd. by means of High Tension Cables, to the Railway Company's Sub-stations at gy l . PP Wallsend, Percy Main, I Pandon Dene, *, Y *South Gosforth, *Pelaw, Benton, *, *Earsdon Grange, *Tyne Dock, Cullercoats, * Unattended. from which the Conductor throughout the Electrified lines and the Overhead Conductor in the Quayside Sidings are fed by Low Tension Cables known as Feeder Cables. During the hours at which the sub-stations mentioned above are shut down the Gosforth Car Sheds and Sidings are fed from a sub-station at the Car Sheds. The principal point of control is at Wallsend Sub-station where the Railway Company's Electric Control Room is located. The Electric Control Engineer at Wallsend will issue instructions with regard to the switching of the whole system. Telephone communication is provided between the Control Room and all important points. 6 GENERAL INS TRUCTION S

Third rail aid 3.--(A) Throughout the Electrified Area (except connections. as described in Instruction 5), a Third Rail is laid for the purpose of conveying electrical energy to the trains. Usually it is placed in the 6 ft. way, sometimes outside the track, but never in the 4 ft. way. Mounted on porcelain insulators it is elevated slightly above the track rails. Timber protection boards painted white are attached to the rail where necessary, while at the section ends the protection boards are painted red. At various points the rail is anchored to the sleepers by strain insulators, known as anchor insulators.

(B) The third rail is split up into various sections (as described in detail in Instruction 41). Electrical continuity to the various sections is established through cables connected to either a Sub-station, Signal Box, Chamber or Pillar Switchboard. These cables are known as Feeder Cables and are marked near the terminal.

(c) Electrical continuity is maintained over the gaps within the respective third rail sections by Continuity Cables, the ends of each individual cable being similarly marked near the terminals. A section can be subdivided by disconnecting the bonds from the old type terminals or dis- connecting the cable from the new type terminals. In the case of the old type terminal the set screws must be taken out and the bond lifted up clear GENERAL ENSTRUCTIONS. 7

3—Continued. of the metal cap and prevented by some insulating material from restoring contact. The bonds should not be allowed to make contact with ballast or disconnected rails. In the case of the new type terminal the nut must be taken off the large bolt and the cable taken off. The cable socket must be prevented from coming in contact with the third rail, terminal bonds, track rail or ballast. Disconnection, whenever possible should only be done when the rail is "Dead." (n) The Third Rail and Connections are charged with electricity at a potential of approximately 600 volts.

4.--An electric train bridging any gap connects TrPirl the adjacent third rails electrically and when s brunning through a cross-over road connects the g eathird rails of up and down lines electrically. rp 5. cs. coverhet Quayside- Tunnel are equipped with Overhead Wires ad forHi the purpose of conveying electrical energy , T tithrough collectors known as pantographs to the h gelectric locomotives using these lines. These wires derivee current supply from the same source as o doess the third rail and the safety precautions l applyi equally to both. ii d ng i n g s a t t h e t o p a n d b o t t o m o f t h e n d u o 8 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS.

Normal path of 6.—(A) Current is taken from the third rail by current. the collector shoes of the trains. It passes through the electrical equipment and the motors to the wheels, whence it is lead back to the sub-stations by the track rails, which are suitably bonded for the purpose. In addition a negative rail laid in the centre of the four-foot way, and bonded to the track rails to assist in carrying the current back to the sub-stations is provided at various places. After leaving the apparatus on the trains, and reaching the track rails, the current is not dangerous. (B) Where the normal path of the current is disturbed, a short circuit is set up, which has harmful effects, and needs to be quickly remedied. A disturbance may be caused by conductive sub- stances connecting the third rail with the ballast, track rails, or other track metal work. Ballast (especially coke and cinder ballast), wet materials, and all metals are good conductive substances. Caution against 7.—It must always be assumed that the third electric rail and its connections are alive, and even if it shock. be known that the current is cut off it must be understood that it may be switched on at any moment unless special provision has been made as provided for in Instruction 47. When one shoe of a train is in contact with the third rail, all the other shoes of the train are alive. Employees of the Company are warned against crossing the third rails more than is absolutely necessary in the discharge of their duty. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS. 9

8.—Trespass must not be permitted, and any Tres unauthorisedp person observed walking on or in theassin vicinity of the electrified lines must be requested to leave and warned not to trespass again. The nameg and address of any such persons must be taken and handed to the nearest Station Master or other superior officer with a report of the circumstances.

9.--In order to avoid risk of interference Disturbance with the current in the third rail, it is important s othat all yards, sidings, and track be kept clean upand clear of dirt, refuse, and spare material. Proper receptacles are provided at each station forc dirt and refuse. iZ en 10.—(A) Every employee of the Company a knowingR of fire or sparking on the third rail or &c., and overhead wires (otherwise than when a train is apertoitongptly. c passing) or on the low tension cables and con- nections,e or of accident on the line, must report it, eor ensure its being reported at once to the nearestp signal box, and in any case wait and perform sucht r services as the signalman or the occasion shall require. e t n (n) In reporting fire, sparking, or accident, care musti be taken to state the exact locality, and whetherts the Up or Down line or both are affected. n g 10 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS.

Means of ensuring 11.--(A) In performing any service in connection safety. with the third rail, persons must protect themselves from electrical contact by means of the non- conductive articles supplied. (B) A pair of rubber gloves and two bags of dry sand must always be available in each signal box and at each station. Each motor coach carries a rubber mat and bag of sand. A damaged glove is dangerous, as also is a wet glove when the moisture extends as far back as the wrist. All damaged gloves must be replaced at once. (c) In default of rubber gloves or mat, a non- conducting medium must be improvised in cases of emergency. Dry wood, or dry woollen, cotton, or paper material of several thicknesses may be used.

Extinguishing fire. 12.—Fire extinguishers are provided in every luggage compartment. To use these a sharp shake or a knock on the ground is sufficient to cause them to work. They must, however, only be used for burning woodwork and not for any part of the electric equipment of the vehicle which may be alive, in which case sand must be used. Extinguishers for use on live electrical train equipment are carried in the Motorman's Com- partment, and are distinguished by a yellow band. In extinguishing fire on the third rail, dry sand. must be used. Water should never be used. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS.

13.—Electric head and tail signals are carried - by, electric passenger trains, particulars of which are given in the Appendix to the Working Time Table.1 ;r Electric parcels trains must carry an oil tail lampa by day and by night. t Block Regulation 19 is not applicable during daylighti to electric trains (except in the case of electric:l parcels vans). is. 14.--A line leakage test of all sections of third Li rail will be made each Wednesday night (Thursday test. a morning) after the cessation of electrically operated trains,n and the line will be alive during these tests. k e age 1 9


TrackElectric 15.—The Third Rail is normally of flat-bottomed Equipment— section, 120 lbs. to the yard, supported upon generaldescription insulators fastened by coach screws to the sleepers rail.of third of the permanent way. The rails are normally of 60 feet lengths, and are jointed with fish plates. Copper bonds provide continuity at the joints. The centre of the third rail is at a distance of 1 foot 4 inches from the gauge line, and the top is 3 inches above the level of the track rails. A section of track is shown below.

C- 4 .

The rails on either side of gaps and intersections are suitably tapered to allow the collector shoes to mount the rail easily. In order to ensure sufficient clearance at junc- tions and crossings between the shoes of a train travelling on one track and the third rail of the converging track, a clear distance of 1 foot 8 inches INSTRUCTIONS TO ENGINEER'S STAFF 13

I5—Continued. must be left between the track rail and the third rail, as shown below.

TracK Rail sher ,-Third • ) itus :

In special cases side run-on pieces are fixed to the side of the third rail to allow the collector shoe to mount the rail where it cannot be broken near points. A space of at least 3 feet is left between the ends of third rails and the sides of all level crossings. The insulators are generally fixed on the longi- tudinal centre line of the sleepers, and are not usually fixed upon the track rail joint sleepers. The distance between insulators should never exceed 14 feet from centre to centre. 14 INSTRUCTIONS

Bonding. 16.—Both the third rail and the track rails are respectively connected by means of copper bonds so as to ensure electrical continuity. Special fish plates designed to cover the bonds, are used on the track rails. At crossings and junctions long bonds are used to bridge across interruptions to the track rail. The track rails are generally cross-bonded be- tween the two rails of each track at intervals of 300 feet, and between the two inner rails of adjacent tracks at the same space interval. The bonds in the 6-foot way are midway between those in the 4-foot way. Where track circuits are installed cross-bonding is altered to suit. The bonds are made with beads slightly longer than the thickness of the web of the rail, and when they are " pressed " the copper is forced into close contact with the metal of the rail. All bonds are made of flexible copper strands in order to prevent breakage by vibration.

Main cables. 1.7.—Main Cables (i.e., high tension, telephone, pilot and lighting cables), run alongside the track in several places on the Area ; they are generally buried in the ground, and their route is indicated by cast-iron pillars marked "Cables." At bridges, viaducts, in tunnels and in cuttings where they cannot be laid underground, the cables are carried on brackets, and either armoured or enclosed in iron troughs. TO ENGINEER'S STAFF 15

18.—(A) Third rail feeder cables pass from the a sub-stations,•r signal boxes with section switch boards Return and switch chambers or pillars to section gap Cables. given terminals. Third rail continuity cables pass from terminalh to terminal where the third rail is in- terrupted., i(B) Negative return cables pass from the track railsi or negative return rail (where installed) to therc Sub-station. Where the negative return rail is interruptedi electrical continuity is established either by cables or bonding. l Cables are generally laid near the surface and are,Te covered by tiles marked "electric cable." WhereR a laid under ground they are placed at a deptha of from one to two feet. i 19.---(A)t When trains are approaching, employees ?bserr working on the permanent way must at once of' tl mover clear to the outside of the line, and on no accountnces stand in the six-foot way. e s (B) The Ganger or man in charge must not allow his men to work singly more than is necessary. u a (c) All Permanent Way, Telegraph and Shops vstaff working on the Electrified Lines must be provided with a pair of rubber gloves and each Engineer'se gang and each Engineer's train with a rubberlo mat or other insulating equipment. The Permanent) Way Inspector, Ganger, or man in charge;ees. must advise his mer. of the danger of allowing 16 INSTRUCTIONS

19 (c)-- Continued. themselves or any bare metal tools to make contact with both the third rail and the track rail or chairs, ballast, water mains, or other conductive material, and he must see that his men when working in close proximity to the third rail use the insulated tools and insulating equipment to avoid such contact being made.

Unloading 20.—(A) Care must be taken not to allow ballast material. or any other material to come in contact with the third rail, insulators, anchors or terminals. (B) Ballast or other material must be unloaded in the four foot way or clear of tracks used by electric trains Only wagon doors furthest from the live rail must be let down. (0) The man who has charge of the unloading must see that materials are not left any nearer than 2 feet 3 inches from the outside of the track rails or higher than the top thereof.

Scrap material. 21.—The Permanent Way Staff must see that all scrap material (such as broken chairs, fish- plates, bolts, old rails and wires) is kept clear of the third rail and taken to the scrap bins provided for this purpose. All spare material must be returned to the proper store. TO ENGINEER'S STAFF 17

22.—Great care must Ve taken when placing Trolleys. trolleys on the line and removing them, so that they do not come in contact with the third rail.

23.—(A) The Signal staff when fixing and lixing signal repairing signal wires must attach a cord to the wires. wire when reeving it under the rails, and also place a piece of wood under the third rail to prevent accidental contact. (B) Signal Fitters, Telegraph Linemen, Wiremen, or other workmen, are strictly forbidden to leave any wire or other metallic material by the side of the line unless it is secured in such a way as to prevent anyone tampering with it, or placing it in contact with the third rail.

24.—Each Ganger or man in charge must carefully Drains. examine the drains on his length, and keep them in proper order. On no account must they allow the water to accumulate so as to interfere with the third rail or insulators, and in cases where this is likely to occur they must at once report the matter to the nearest Signalman and by telegraph to the Permanent Way Inspector. 5. 25.—All boxing over point rods, signal wires, water and gas pipes, etc., and all timbers at level isohroesco.ilector crossings and bridges, must not be above the level of the track rails for a distance of 1 foot 9 inches from the outside thereof so as to be clear of the 18 INSTRUCTIONS 25- Continved. collector shoes of electric coaches. The shoes drop to a lower level when free from contact with the third rail.

Protection of cables. 26.—(A) Gangers or men in charge, and others when excavating ground or sleepering must, if they come across any hard substance, investigate the matter carefully before proceeding further with the work. (B) They must on no account allow anyone to drive posts, crowbars or picks into ground near those places where cables are known to be laid with- out first having received permission from the Engineer and Chief Electrical Engineer. Tools and V.—Tools, bonds, etc., for repairs to the stores. electrified lines must be kept dry and clean.

Sand for 28.--Permanent Way Inspectors will be re- putting out fire. sponsible for seeing that a supply of sand is kept at each station. Water Must Not be thrown on the third rail and must only be used for extin- guishing burning sleepers or timber work which is clear of the third rail and fittings.

Defective 29. fencing. along— the electrified lines must be kept under careful observationFe and if at any time it is found to be defective, steps must be taken to repair it im- mediatelynci and a report sent to the Permanent; Wayng Inspector. pr ot e ct in g t h e C o m p a n y ' s p r o p e r t y TO ENGMTEER'S STAFF 19

30.--(A) When examining lengths, the Gauger lengths. Examinin or gother authorised person must have with him a pair of rubber gloves in addition to the articles mentioned in Rule 220. He must examine the insulators, rail j oints, anchors and cable terminals, and any breakage or defect must at once be re- ported to the Permanent Way Inspector. (B) The Ganger or other authorised person when walking a length must attend to any matter reported by the Signalmen.

31.--Sparuaers which may be required in con- S nection with low tension cable terminal nuts and t pe bolts are kept at each signal box, l eial 32.--(A) In lifting the permanent way no lift katinginao.nd must be greater than one inch at a time, and must permanent be carried out in a length of at least 20 yards. All way*. sleepers to which insulators are fastened must be properly packed before trains are allowed to pass over them, so as not to cause breakage of the insulators. (B) Each gang is provided with a track jack, which must be used in place of the ordinary bars ; and on no account must it be placed under the third rail. In slewing the line or in packing the road, great care must be taken that the bars or tools do not come in contact with the third rail, insulators, anchors, terminals or cables. 20 INSTRUCTIONS

Lifting 33.—When lifting and packing the lines at cross- cross-over roads. over roads and junctions, care must be taken to see that both rails are raised equally up to a point where the rails are 2 feet 6 inches apart, so as to prevent the collector shoes of the trains from catching the cross rails.

Broken 34.—A broken rail must be replaced as early as rails. possible, but in cases of emergency the broken part may be drilled, fished and bonded until proper arrangements can be made to remove it. All cases of broken rails must be reported to the Permanent Way Inspector by telegraph.

Alterations to 35. permanent of -the track rails are made they must be re-bonded way— re-bonding. as Whspeedily as possible. All materials and tools necessary for this purpose must be on hand previous en to breaking the road. a

Fixing n bonds. 36. taken-y to see that the holes into which the heads are inserted are drilled to exact size, and the bond Whal heads and holes thoroughly cleaned and dry ente beforera insertion in order to ensure good contact betweenfi the two metal faces. Soap and water mayxiti be used in drilling, but reamering must be doneno dry. gAlln old bonds must be returned to the Engineer's Electrical Stores. bs oi n dv so gl rv ei an tg ct ah re eb mr ue sa tk bi en g TO ENGINEER'S STAFF 21

37.—All cases of broken insulators must be Insulators.3rc reported' to the Permanent Way Inspector and be replacedken as soon as possible. Care must be taken to use rubber gloves when carrying out this work. 38.—In all cases of accident, or of obstruction Accidents due to the presence of snow and ice, an advice11struction. must be immediately sent by telephone or tele- graph to the Permanent Way Inspector, informing him of the nature of the accident or obstruction.

39.—When it is found necessary to clear the ol thirdT rail of snow or ice before the service begins in aringthe morning,. the Permanent Way Inspectors or or ice. men in charge will be called out and held re- sponsible for clearing the third rail. In the event of further assistance being required with scrapers, the Permanent Way Inspectors will communicate with the Superintendent of the Car Sheds, who will place vehicles with scrapers at their disposal. (See also Instructions 55 and 81). 40.--(A) Should it be necessary to make a nir(Prgaitthe section of the third rail dead for repair purposes, dead for the Ganger or man in charge must communicate p rwith the nearest signalman, who will then arrange for current to be cut off in accordance with l Instructions 41 and 47. a An entry must then be made in the signal box p Occurrence Book giving particulars of the work abouti to be done on the dead section of third rail. o r s „. 22 INSTRUCTIONS TO ENGINEER'S STAFF 40 (A)—Continued. The signalman, also the man requesting the line to be made dead, must sign the book, such signed entry being an assurance to the Ganger or man in charge that the section of the third rail has been made dead.

(n) When repairs have been completed and the section of line can be made alive again, an entry in the Occurrence Book must be made stating that all men and materials are clear. This entry must be signed both by the signalman and the person who requested the section to be made dead, after which arrangements may be made to make the section alive.

(c) When it is necessary to disconnect the terminals at each side of a derailed vehicle or obstruction, this work may be done by the per- manent way men, if available, under the instructions of the Station Master or Signalman. The Electric Control, Wallsend, must be advised immediately of any such cable disconnection. 23


41.—The Chief Electrical Engineer is res- sorsonin, pousible for controlling the supply of Electrical third rail Energy to the third rail and overhead conductors. An Electric Control Engineer is stationed con- tinuously in a Control Room situated adjacent to Wallsend Sub-Station and he will control all switching operations. Contact can be established on the following telephone circuits :— North Tyneside South Tyneside Direct Line Special Circuit Various Omnibus circuits Emergency circuit via Newcastle Telegraph Office G.P.O. Wallsend 63471 Wallsend 63471 A diagram of the whole system showing the switching connections is posted in each Signal Box on the Tyneside Electrified Lines, also a diagram is posted in signal boxes responsible for switching operations showing in greater detail all the local switch connections, and feeder and continuity cable connections in the immediate neighbourhood. Under normal conditions, the whole of the third rail is electrically connected together through the various circuit breakers and switches housed in the sub-stations, signal boxes, switch pillars, and chambers. 24 INSTRUCTIONS

41—Continued. When not in me or in case of accident individual sections of third rail can be made dead by having all the section feed point switches opened. The ends of these sections are indicated by the protection boards being painted red for a length of 12 feet. Up and Down lines can be made dead separately.

The following is a list of Third Rail Sections, giving the situation of the controlling switches ; each section is known by a number, and all switches and circuit breakers are suitably indicated on the various switchboards :—

PASSENGER LINES. Situation Section. Situation No. of Switch. From To Line. of Switch. P. I. — Buffer Ends End of No. z Platform Switch cupboard No. 1 Platform Platform. on No. I Box Signal Bridge. P. 2. Buffer Ends End of No. 2 do. do. No. 2 Platform Platform. P. 3. — Buffer Ends End of No. 3 do. do. No. 3 Platform Platform P. 4-• — Buffer Ends End of No. 4 do. do. No. 4 Platform Platform P. 5. Buffer Ends End of No. 5 do. Switch pillar at No. 5 Platform Platform East End of Nos. 5 and 6 Platforms (this section is also made dead when section 52 is dead). P. 6. — Buffer Ends East side of Platform Switch pillar No. 6 Platform No. r Signal immediately Box East of No. 1 Signal Box Sections Nos. P. I to P. 6 refer to Platform lines in Newcastle Centra Station. 5. Switch pillar Central Dean Street Dean Street North end of Station Switch Down Switch High Level Chamber. Chamber. Bridge. 6. do. do. do. Up do. TO SIGNALMEN. 25


Situation Section. Situation No. of Switch From To Line of Switch 7. Dean Street Dean Street Manors Main Manors Switch Switch Signal Down Signal Box. Chamber Chamber Box. B. do. do. do. Main Up do. 9- do. East of No. r do. Tynemouth do. Box Central Down t o Up II. Manors Manors Riverside Main Riverside . Signal Box. Signal Box. Signal Box. Down Signal Box. d12. do. do. do. Main Up do. o 13. do. do. do. Tynernouth do. . Down d 14. do. do. do. Tynemouth do. o Up .15. Riverside Riverside Heaton Main Heaton Sou ,! Signal Box. Signal Box. South Down Signal Box. d Signal Box. o 16. do. do. do. Main Up do. . Tx7. do. do. do. TynemouthDown do. y 18. do. do. do. Tynemouth do. n Up e29. Heaton Heaton Point on Main Benton m South South Benton Down Sub-station. Signal Box. Signal Box. S.W. Curve. o u20. do. do. do. Main Up do. t 21. do. do. Point East Tynemouth Wallsend of Wallsend Down Sub-station h Station. d22. do. do. do. Tynemouth do. o Up . 23. Riverside Riverside Walker Riverside Walker Signal Box. Signal Box. Signal Box. Down Signal Box. 24. do. do. do. Riverside do. Up 25. Walker Walker Point East Riverside Wallsend Signal Box. Signal Box. of Carville Down Sub-station. Station. 26. do. do. do. Riverside do. Up 26 INSTRUCTIONS

41—Continued. Situation Section Situation No. of Switch From To Line of Switch 27. Wallsend Point East Percy Main Tynemouth Percy Main Sub- of Wallsend Down Signal Box. Station. Station. 28. do. do. do. Tynemouth do. Up 29. do. Point East do. Riverside do. of Carville Down Station 30. do. do. do. Riverside do. Up 31. Percy Main Percy Main Tynemouth Tynemouth Tynemouth Signal Box. Down South Signal Box. 32. do. do. do. Tynemouth do. Up 33. Tynemouth Tynemouth Point North Tynemouth Cullercoats South of Culler- Down Sub-Station. Signal Box. coats Station. 34- do. do. do. Tynemouth do. Up Sections 33 and 34 are continued through the Platform Lines. On leaving Tynemouth Station the Up line becomes the Down line, and the Down line becomes the Up line. 35. Cullercoats Point North Backworth Down Backworth Sub- of Station Station Station Cullercoats Signal Box. Signal Box Station. and Earsdon Grange Sub- S 36. do. do. do. Up do.t 37. Backworth Backworth Point E. of Down Bentona Station Station Benton Sub-Station.t Signal Box. Signal Box. Station. i 38. do. do. do. Up do.o 39. Benton Point East South Down Southn Sub- of Benton Gosforth Gostorth. Station. Station. East East Signal Box. Signal Box. 4c. do. do. do. Up do. TO SIGNALMEN. 27

41—Continued Situation Section. Situation No. of Switch From To 13ne of Switch 4 South South Point North Down Pandon Dene Gosforth Gosforth of Manors Sub-Station. , East East North • Signal Signal Station. Box. Box. 4 do. do. do. Up do. 2 43. Pandon Point North Manors Down Manors . Dene of Manors Signal Signal Box. Sub-station N. Station. Box. 44• do. do. do. Up do. 45• South South South Down South Gosforth Gosforth Gosforth Gosforth East East West West Signal Box. Signal Box. Signal Box. Signal Box. 46. do. do. do. Up do. 47. South South South Down South Gosforth Gosforth Gosforth Gosforth emergency West Signal West Signal Switch pillar Box. Box. 48. do. do. do. Up do. 49.* Chamber at Heaton East Benton Bank Down Terminal Heaton East Signal Box. Signal Box. Indept. No switch. Signal Box. 50.* do. do. do. Up Indept. do. * Goods Lines used by Passenger Trains in emergency only. 52. Terminal East end Point E. of Up and In Switch No Switch. Nos. 4, 5, 6 No. x Box. Down pillar East of platforms No. a Box. Central Stn. 53• Switch North end Point West Down Gateshead Pillar North High Level of St. James Sub-Station. end of High Bridge Bridge Level Bridge. Signal Box. Switch Pillar 53A do. do. South end Down slow High Level North End Bridge. Gateshead East Station. 28 INSTRUCTIONS


Situation Section. Situation No. of Switch From To Line of Switch 54. Switch pillar North end Point West Up Gateshead North end of High Level of St. James Sub-Station High Level Bridge Bridge Bridge. Signal Box. 55. Gateshead Point West Pelaw Down Pelaw Sub-Station of St. James Signal Box. Sub-Station Bridge Signal Box. 56. do. do. do. Up do. 57. Pelaw Pelaw Point East Down Jarrow Sub-Station Signal Box. of Pontop Sub-Station. Signal Box. 58. do. do. do. Up do. On leaving Pelaw the Up line becomes the Down line and the Down line becomes the Up line. 59. Jarrow Point East Horton Down Tyne Dock Sub-Station of Pontop Signal Box. Sub-Station. Signal Box. 6o. do. do. do. Up do. 61. Tyne Dock Horton South Shields Down Switch Sub-Station. Signal Box. Signal Box. Chamber adjacent to South Shields Signal Box. 62. do. do. do. Up do.


Siding Switches. Central Station Fish Dock, Horse Dock and Siding Lines are fed from a switch housed in the switch cupboard on No. 1 Box Signal Bridge. The Dock Platform lines and the Down Goods line at Manors North Station are fed from a switch on the signal- box switchboard. The Dock lines and sidings can be further disconnected separately by pulling out the respective switches in the chamber which is placed between Nos. 4 and 5 Platform lines. TO SIGNALMEN. 29 41— Continued. Switch pillars are placed at the North end of No. 1 Platform Manors Station, under Argyle Street Bridge and outside Argyle Street Box, to disconnect the direct feeder from the Quayside Tunnel lines, and Trolley siding line switch chamber. A switch pillar is placed at the Trafalgar end of the Quayside Tunnel. The switches disconnect both or either of the following :— Quayside Tunne :lines, Trolley line for siding. A switch box is placed at the East end of the loading dock in Trafalgar Yard to disconnect the overhead wires for the loading dock line. A switch chamber is placed at the Quayside end of the Tunnel to discolmect the tunnel lines from the trolley lines in the Quayside yard. A switch is placed in the Heaton East switch chamber to disconnect the Down Independent Line to Walker Gate. A switch pillar is placed at Wallsend Station to disconnect the siding. A switch pillar is placed at Howdon-on-Tyne to disconnect the Dock Siding. A switch pillar is placed to the west of North Shields station to disconnect the siding and carriage dock. A switch pillar is placed opposite Tynemouth South Signal Box. The switches disconnect all or any of the following :— The Down Main Line, Platform lines 4 and 5, Platform line 6 and Fish Dock. A similar pillar is placed opposite Tyrtemouth North Signal Box to disconnect Platform lines 1, 2 and 3 and the Up Main line. 30 INSTRUCTIONS 41—Continued.

A switch pillar is placed at the North end of Cullercoats station to disconnect the siding. A switch chamber and two switch pillars are placed at the East end of Monkseaton station to disconnect sidings as under :— One to disconnect the Shunting Neck and Standage Siding. One to disconnect the Horse and Carriage Dock. One to disconnect Cattle Dock Siding in the Goods Yard. It is necessary to make No. 1 Standage Siding alive before the Cattle Dock Siding can be made alive. Switches are provided on the Switch board in South Gosforth East signal box to disconnect :— Approach to Car Sheds from the East, and East Car Shed lines 1 to 8. Approach to Car Sheds from the East, and East Car Shed lines 9 to 12. Switches are provided on the switch board in South Gosforth West signal box to disconnect :— Approach to Car Shed lines from the East, South and West Car Shed Lines 3 to S. Approach to Car Shed lines from the East, South and West Car Shed lines 9 to 12. The East and West Car Shed lines are connected through switches in the Car Shed sub-station. A switch pillar is placed at the East end of Pelaw Station to disconnect the station siding. A switch pillar is placed at the West end of station to disconnect the Up Independent. TO SIGNALMEN. 31

41—Continued. A switch pillar is placed at the West end of Jarrow station to disconnect the siding. A switch pillar is placed atljacent to Garden Lane Signal Box to disconnect Sidings 1 and 2. Switches are placed in the Switch Chamber adjacent to South Shields Signal Box to disconnect all or any of the following :— Middle Road. Sidings 1 and 2. Sidings 3 and 4. Sidings 5 and 6.

42.—The Signalman at the undermentioned 1 boxes, will be responsible for reporting to the r Electric Control, Wallsend, all matters pertaining Sections. i .eP°nsi- irdto the working of the undermentioned third rail sections and for the execution of instructions from the Electric Control, Wallsend, concerning such sections :— Box Section Numbers : Newcastle No. 1 P. 1, P. 2, P. 3, P. 4, P. 5, P. 6, and 52 Manors 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 43 and 44 Riverside 11, 12, 13, 14, 23 and 24 Heaton South 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 49 and 50 Walker Station 25 and 26 Percy Main Station 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 and 32 32 INSTRUCTIONS 42—Continued. Tynemouth South 33 and 34 Backworth Station 35, 36, 37 and 38 South Gosforth East 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 47, 48 Gateshead High Street 53, 54 and 53A Pelaw 55, 56, 57 and 58 Harton 59, 60, 61 and 62 During the time Riverside box is closed, third rail sections 11-15, 12-16, 13-17 and 14-18 will each become one third rail section under the charge of Heaton South Box. During the time Percy Main Station box is closed third rail sections Nos. 27-31 and 28-32 will each become one third rail section under the charge of Tynemouth South Box. During the time Walker Station Box is closed when the Riverside lines are alive third rail sections 23-25 and 24-26 will each become one third rail section under the charge of Riverside Box. During the time Harton Box is closed third rail sections Nos. 57-59-61, and 58-60-62 will each become one third rail section under the charge of Pelaw Box.

All Signalmen mentioned above when closing and opening their boxes must report to and take instructions from the Electric Control, Wallsend. TO SIGNALMEN 33

43.--(A) Only Signalmen under the instructions Operation of the Electric Control, Wallsend, shall be allowed s c)to operate the switches and circuit breakers on the Nsectioning switchboards except as otherwise laid down in local printed instructions. In emergency I Station Masters or Inspectors in charge will be NItches.allowed to execute switching operations on receipt of instructions from the Electric Control, Wallsend.

(B) It is desirable that one Signalman only should undertake the arrangements for making the third rail " Alive " or "Dead." A signalman engaged on this duty is not relieved until such arrangements are completed and the entries recorded in the book provided for the purpose.

(c) A diagram has been placed in every signal box in which there is a switchboard, showing the arrangement of the switches. The switches are of two kinds, section switches and interconnector switches. The handles of the interconnector switches are painted white and like the section switches must only be operated on receipt of instructions from the Electric Control, Wallsend.

(n) Normally all section switches will be kept closed, except in the case of siding switches, which must be kept closed only at such times as is necessary for traffic purposes. 34 INSTRUCTIONS 43—Continued. (E) A section of third rail is not disconnected and dead until all the feed point switches con- nected to the section are opened. The section signal box is responsible for ensuring that All such switches are open before advising inter- mediate signal boxes or workmen that the line is dead.

Operation of Siding switch 44.—(A) The switch pillars and chambers must pillars and be kept locked and the keys left at the nearest chambers. signal box. Special instructions are posted in each pillar and chamber, in regard to the operation of the switches. These switches may be operated without first having the current cut off or com- municating with the Electric Control, Wallsend, provided there is not a train in motion or electric trouble in the siding Instructions 48 and 51 apply. The Electric Control, Wallsend, must be immediately advised of such operations as soon as complete through the Signalman in charge of the Section. When electrical trouble is being ex- perienced on the third rail system, siding switches must only be operated on the instructions of the Electric Control, Wallsend. (B) The Signalman in charge of the switch pillar and the Signalman in charge of the third rail section must record the full particulars of every switch operation in the book provided for this purpose. (See also Instruction 58). TO SIGNALMEN. 35

45 (A) Prior to making the third rail alive under Switching normal routine conditions first thing in thepatorr to and morning, the Electric Control, Wallsend, w Electric traffic. illadvise cessation the Signalmen inof charge of the various third rail sections of the times at which the various sections will be made alive in accordance with the switching "time table." (B) As soon as the running of electric traffic has ceased on each respective section the Signalman in charge of the section must report the fact to the Electric Control, Wallsend, giving the number of the section. The Electric Control will then arrange to make the necessary section or sections dead, advising the Signalman in charge of the section or sections accordingly.

46.—(A) In cases of emergency such as danger to operation human life or risk of serious fire, Signalmen must s communicate direct with the Electric Control, of c ILI e emergency. tWallsend; s advising which section or sections should be made dead, and the Electric Control will make thec necessaryh e arrangements s accordingly, thereafter informing, firstly, the Signalman who reported the occurrence and, secondly, the Signalman in charge of the third rail section concerned, as to the action taken. (B) When the current has been out off in cases of emergency, it must only be restored on an applica- tion from the Signalman at the signal box at which 36 INSTRUCTIONS

46 (B)—Continued. the request was made for the current to be cut off, and such request must be made by him to the Electric Control, Wallsend, through the Signalman in charge of the particular third rail section, or sections affected. (c) Care must always be taken to state correctly the number of the section. as given in Instruction No. 41. (n) As soon as the section has been made dead, the Signalman at whose request it has been made dead must report to the Signalman in charge of the section.

Safeguarding Men during 47.--(A) Should it be necessary to make a section Track repairs. of third rail dead for repair purposes, or if men are engaged on the permanent way during the period the section of third rail is ordinarily dead, the person in charge of the work must com- municate with the Signalman in charge of the third rail section, either direct or through an intermediate Signalman. Signalmen at intermediate boxes must transmit communications between the person in charge of the work and the Signalman in charge of the third rail section. The latter will in all cases report to and take instructions from the Electric Control, Wallsend, who will make special arrangements for safeguarding the men. Prior to giving the Signalman in charge of the third rail TO SIGNALMEN 37

47 (A)—Continued. section an assurance that the section in question is " dead," the Electric Control, Wallsend, will receive from such responsible third rail section boxes in which indication is installed, confirmation that the respective Neon Indicator has ceased to glow. . (B) When the Signalman in charge of the third rail section has received permission from the Electric Control, Wallsend, for the work to commence, and an assurance that the section of third rail affected has been made dead, an entry must then be made in the signal box Occurrence Book showing the time, particulars of the work to be done, and the section of third rail affected. A similar entry must be made at the box where the request has been made for the third rail to be made dead. This entry must be signed by the Signalman and the person in charge of each section of the work. In the event of the Signalmen changing duty during the time the work is in progress, the man going off duty will be responsible for seeing that the man coming on duty countersigns the entry in the Occurrence Book. When repairs have been completed and the section of line can be again made alive, an entry must be made in the Occurrence Book stating the time that the line has been restored to its normal condition and that all men and material are clear. This entry must be signed by the Signalman and 38 INSTRUCTIONS 47 (B)-- Continued. the person in charge of each section of the work should this person be withdrawn before the work is completed his relief must deputise. After this has been done the signalman in charge of the third rail section will advise the signal boxes on the section prior to informing the Electric Control, Wallsend, who will arrange for the section to be made alive as soon as required for traffic purposes. (0) When a section of third rail is made dead before traffic ceases on account of accident, and the current is not restored before the time at which the section should normally be made dead for the night, then if the electrically operated traffic has not ceased the Signalman must not ask for the section to be made alive again without first ascertaining that all men are clear of the line and an entry has been made in the Occurrence Book in accordance with the above instructions. A third rail section must NEVER be assumed " Dead" if the respective Neon Indicator fails to glow. During the period that the third rail is alive all changes of indications should be immediately reported to the Electric Control, Wallsend. (n) The signal boxes, switch pillars and chambers, in which Switch Boards are fixed are provided with wooden caution blocks painted red and lettered "Men working on line," for the purpose of placing on the Switch Contacts to prevent the Switch being closed whilst men are working on the third rail or its connections. TO SIGNALMEN 39

47 (D)-- Continued. Whenever the line is made dead for men to effect repairs or when men are engaged on the third rail during the period it is ordinarily dead the Signal- man in charge of the Section Switch must place or have placed one of the wooden caution blocks on the switch contact for the Section on which the men are working Where there are signal boxes at each end of the Section both Signalmen must make use of the red caution blocks. The caution blocks must not be removed from the switch contacts until definite instructions have been received from the person in charge of the men that all the men are clear of the rail and then only after permission has been granted by the Electric Control, Wallsend. In cases where there are signalmen at each end of the Section the Signalman who receives the information must transmit to the Signalman at the other end of the Section, and the Signalman in charge of the Section must report to and take instructions from the Electric Control, Wallsend.

48.---(A) If a section is made dead daring the Protection period the third rail is normally alive, due either stt ato defect or instructions from the Electric Control, nWallsend, all signal boxes on the section, together with the nearest signal boxes on the adjoining dsections, must be informed of it by telephone by .the Signalman in charge of the section. .•• 40 INSTRUCTIONS

48—Continued. (B) Electric trains must not be allowed to pass on to a dead section except as provided for in clause (E). The Signalman must ascertain from the Motor- man or Guard whether the train is standing over the section gaps, or in contact with the section of third rail to be made dead, and if so, the train must be moved clear, if this can be done before the section is made dead.

(c) If a section of third rail is to be dead for any length of time during the hours that electric trains are running, the ends of the dead section must be indicated by a red flag by day and a red light after sunset or during fog or falling snow. All trains must be stopped at the signal box in rear and be cautioned up to the point at which the line becomes dead. In addition to the fore- going precautions, the usual hand signals must be exhibited, and detonators placed on the lire in accordance with the Company's Rules. The men in charge of the Engineering operations will be held responsible for seeing that the train is brought to rest before reaching the dead rail. (n) The precautions prescribed in clause (a) must always be observed where the line is made dead to enable men to work on it. The person in charge of the work will be responsible for seeing that this is carried out. TO SIGNALMEN. 41

48—Continued. (E) When there is not sufficent distance between the points of a cross-over road and the end of a dead section to enable a train to be put through, the Motorman must disconnect the train line jumper of the coaches which otherwise would foul the dead section. This method must only be adopted when greater inconvenience would be caused by using the next crossover road. 49. (A) Where a section is made dead on k account of a continuing fault or obstruction, it is section.e necessary to localise the fault quickly and limit i the effects. x (B) As soon as the section is dead, the nearest terminal bcnds or cables on either side of the f fault or obstruction must be taken off if necessary n by the permanent way staff if they are available, e under the direction of the Station Master or the c Signalman. When the terminals are disconnected i the Station Master or Signalman must advise the Electric Control, Wallsend, who will arrange for t the switches to be placed as necessary. The t dead section will then be limited to the third i rail between the points of disconnection, and the i instructions contained in Instruction 48 apply. (As n the terminals are not always close to the break in the third rail the terminal itself does not mark v the end of the section). g The spanners required for disconnecting the , terminals must be kept at each signal box. 42 INSTRUCTIONS

Single 50.—In order that single line working may be line working. brought into operation, Instructions 48 and 49 must be strictly adhered to.

Handling of switch 51.--(A) The special instructions posted up in gear. the signal box must be strictly observed. (B) In following out the special instructions posted in the signal box, a subsequent step must not be taken until assured that the previous step has actually been completed. (a) The person opening or closing switches must always stand clear ; on opening pull the switch out sharply with the strap provided, and on no account leave a switch partially open. Not more than one switch must be operated at the same time. (n) In the event of a flare continuing after a switch has been opened, it should be extinguished by means of dry sand. (E) After a flare on the switch board, the switch blades and forks should be examined, and if any beads of metal or roughness caused by burns are found, the switches and forks concerned must be made dead, and the beads or roughness filed off before the switches are again operated so as to ensure an even contact. A six-inch second-cut file and emery paper are supplied to each signal box, where necessary, for this purpose. India- rubber gloves must be worn while this is being done. This special file must not be used for any other purpose. TO SIGNALMEN. 43

52.—Prior to making any Circuit BreakersAVtogatic alteration or adjustments, the Electrical Depart- gear and ment's representative must advise the Electric •-r Control, Wallsend, of his intention and enter the r details of the alteration in the book provided in the e c signal box for the purpose. a u 53.--(A) Signalmen must keep a constant look lleo rs out,F and must pay careful attention to reports . of fire, sparking, or accident made to them and immediatelyr advise the Electric Control, Wallsend of irsuch occurrences through the Signalman in chargea of the third rail section. They must draw thee attention of the undermen or other servants of cthe Company within call to the fire, sparking, or accident, so that it may be remedied, or the causesig ascertained. e (B) Every effort must be made to keep the lines cleark of obstruction and to remove the cause of any shortn circuit without making the section dead. in(a) A shunter's pole must be kept at each signal boxt for the purpose of removing any obstruction fromg the rails. Dry wood may be used for the same purpose. (o) When a fire or accident occurs on the line which cannot be dealt with under Clause (A), or there is need of urgent repairs, as provided for in Instruction 40, if the Signalman considers that it is desirable he must arrange for the section of third rail affected to be made dead. 44 INSTRUCTIONS

53—Continued. - (E) A record of the time, nature, and conse- quences so far as can be ascertained, must be made and a report sent immediately to the Station Master, who will at once report fully to the District Superintendent.

Reporting of 54.--(A) When sparking, fire or accident affects accidents. or is likely to affect the working of traffic, an advice must be sent by telephone to the Station Master's Office, Newcastle ; Train Control New- castle, Train Control Sunderland, Electric Control Wallsend and Gosforth Car Sheds. (n) When the sparking, fire or accident, is due to or causes any defect or disturbance of the track or third rail and associated apparatus, the Perma- nent Way Inspector and Electric Control, Wallsend, must be immediately notified. The latter will advise either, the third rail electricians or the cable electricians, or both, depending upon the apparatus involved. (c) When the accident affects or relates to the coaches or equipment, or in case of interruption of current, the Car Shed, South Gosforth must be advised by telephone at once. (D) The signalman in charge of the section must report to the Electric Control, Wallsend, full particulars of sparking, fire, or accident ; and the Electric Control wifi issue such instructions as may be necessary and such instructions must be recorded for future reference. TO SIGNALMEN 45 54—Continued, (E) Should any signalman have reason to believe that there is an interruption of electrical energy, he must at once report the fact to the Signalman in charge of the third rail section, who in turn will report to the Electric Control, Wallsend.

55.—Whenever snow or ice is likely to accumu_ Snow or ice. late on the third rail during the period the Perma- nent Way staff are not on duty, arrangements must be made to clear the third rail in accordance with the local instructions issued from time to time. (See also Instructions 39 and 81).

56.—When a telephone message is sent relating ItZgegV to the restoring or interrupting of the current, it mes mustP be repeated by the person receiving it to indicatesa that it is correctly understood. g 57.—Defects in telephones must be reported Defects and ates once. Inattention to calls must also be reported itn,attention to the District Superintendent, as it is important telephones. that information be transmitted quickly and measures taken promptly. 46


Operation 58.—The Station Staff will act for the Signalman of switch pillars. in the operation of the switch pillars and chambers, when necessary. (See also Instruction 44).

Non-conductive material to be 59.—A pair of rubber gloves and two bags of dry available. sand must be kept in each signal box and at each station. Station Masters will be held responsible for seeing that these are always on hand.

Protection 60.—Before proceeding to work underneath the of men working coaches the instructions in the Appendix to the under coaches. Working Time Table for the protection of Carriage Cleaners and others, when working on Coaching Stock must be observed.

Instructions 61.—(A) The electric stock is fitted with a non- Cowheadfor working automatic centre coupling of the " Cowhead " couplings,Rules rz and 145 type. The coupling heads act both as a coupling and a buffer—there being no side buffers on the vehicles other than the Electric Parcels Vans and Luggage Motor Driving Thirds. (n) In coupling, the Shunter, or man engaged in the work, must not under any circumstances stand between the coaches. INSTRUCTIONS TO 47 STATIONS MASTERS, GUARDS, SHUNTERS, ETC.

61 (B)—Continued. In coupling Electric Parcels Vans or Luggage Motor Driving Thirds to ordinary vehicles the Shunter must not under any circumstances stand between the vehicles nor couple them together until they come to rest.

(c) To COUPLE—A screw coupling must be in one only of the two heads about to be joined together, and the pin must be out of the other head. The Shunter, taking up a position in the gangway of a carriage, must hold up the end of the screw coupling until the vehicles are pushed together, the end must then be dropped and the remaining pin pushed through the head and the link, care being taken to see that both pins are far enough through to ensure that the drop-end falls down to prevent the pin from working out.

The coupling must then be screwed up tightly, by means of the bar provided for that purpose, and when tight, the screw must be in such a position that the bar drops down through a hole in the centre of the plain portion of the screw and through a hole in the coupling head, thus preventing the coupling from becoming slack.

The brake pipes may then be connected in the usual way, and the electrical connections as provided for in Instruction 62. 48 INSTRUCTIONS TO

61—Continued. (D) To UNCOUPLE—Disconnect brake pipes and electrical connections and slacken the screw sufficiently to withdraw one pin. After taking out one pin the coaches may be drawn apart.

(E) Spare screw couplings must be placed on the hooks provided in the driving compartment and must not be left lying on the floor.

(E) Care must be exercised in shunting vehicles fitted with " Cowhead " couplings. They must not be shunted against ordinary vehicles or against buffer stops if the latter are not provided with a centre buffing block.

(G) TO COUPLE Electric Parcels Vans or Luggage Motor Driving Thirds to ordinary vehicles, a special screw coupling is provided which is secured to the cowhead coupler by a pin, which must be pushed through the head and link far enough to ensure that the drop end falls down to prevent the pin from working out. The side buffers on these vehicles must be placed in the " Long "position. The screw coupling link must be placed on the hook of the ordinary vehicle and the coupling screwed up tightly. The brake pipes may then be connected in the usual way. STATION MASTERS, GUARDS, SHUNTERS, ETC. 49 61—Continued. (n) TO UNCOUPLE Electric Parcels Vans or Luggage Motor Driving Thirds from ordinary vehicles. Disconnect brake pipes, slacken the screw coupling and lift the coupling link over the hook of the ordinary vehicle.

62--(A) Except at Car Sheds, the station staff ju1 must, do any attaching and detaching of coaches s and3 be responsible for all connections being m properly made. In assembling trains or coupling e two trains together, after the screw couplings have p been placed in position, a set of jumper cables ° must be inserted in their respective sockets. t e (n) Care must be taken not to touch the r terminals of the jumpers, or let them come in C contact with the rails, ballast, or the metal work a of the coach. b (c) If a coach fitted with collector gear is being l coupled or uncoupled, or two trains each contain- e ing one or more coaches fitted with collector gear . are being coupled or uncoupled, the jumpers must not be inserted or pulled out unless one or more of the shoes on each portion are making contact with the third rail. If neither of the shoes on one portion is making contact, all the main switches on that portion must be placed in the " off" position before coupling or uncoupling. In all cases when disconnecting motor coaches, the pump switches on them must be opened before the jumper cables are withdrawn. 50 INSTRUCTIONS TO STATION MASTERS, GUARDS, SHUNTERS, ETC. crossingsBarrow 63.—Luggage, etc., must only be conveyed across Luggage,to be used for the line at stations via the barrow crossings.

Wagon doors to be 64.—When shunting in sidings and yards on the secured. electrified lines, care must be taken to see that the doors of all wagons are pinned up or shut, so that nothing can come in contact with the third rail and nothing can fall out of the wagons on to the rail.

Erakepin chains. 65.—Brake pin chains must be fastened up in a secure manner to prevent them coming in contact with the third rail. In all cases of brake pins or other metallic substances coming in contact with the third rail or its connection, the Guard, Shunter or other person concerned must arrange for the pins to be immediately fastened up or the metallic substance removed, even if this necessitates the stopping of the train. The Guard, Shunter, or other person concerned must report such occurrences.

Shunting 66.—When pinning or unpinning brakes, coupling operations. or uncoupling wagons, Guard, Shunters and others concerned, must, as far as practicable, work on the side of the wagons at which there is no third rail. 51


67.--(A) The 1937 stock comprises 64 Articulated E7fri Twin-Coach Units, each unit being made up of two sto -coaches carried on three bogies one of which is a elmotor bogie. The units are coupled together by means of centre cowhead couplers and short s Prow l couplings. Buffers are not provided. The coaches are. fitted with the Westinghouse Electro 6Pneumatic Brake. (B) There are also two Luggage Motor Driving Third Passenger Coaches (non-articulated). Each coach is carried on two motor bogies. These coaches have side buffers as well as the centre cowhead coupler and can be attached to other 1937 electric stock or to non-electric stock. These two coaches are chiefly run with the six trailer coaches to form the Control Set. The coaches are fitted with the Westinghouse E.P. Brake only. (c) In addition, there are two Motor Driving Parcels Vans for the conveyance of luggage, etc. Each van is carried on two motor bogies and is provided with buffers as well as the centre cowhead coupler. The vans can be attached to other 1937 electric stock or to non-electric stock. The vans are fitted with the Westinghouse E.P. Brake and with the Vacuum Brake. (D) The 1920 converted stock comprises 18 single driving Motor Coaches each with one motor bogie and 18 single driving Trailer Coaches. These 52 INSTRUCTIONS

67 ( D)- Continued. coaches are fitted with centre cowhead couplers but no buffers. The coaches are fitted with the Westinghouse E.P. Brake. (E) In addition there is a Parcels Van which is fitted with centre cowhead coupler and side buffers. The van is fitted with Westinghouse E.P. and Vacuum Brakes. The van can be attached to other 1920 electric stock or to non-electric stock. (E) The 1914 Stock comprises 8 Motor Coaches, each fitted with one motor bogie and 7 Trailer Coaches. These coaches are fitted with centre cowhead couplers and standard pneumatic brake only, but side buffers are not provided. (G) Trains can be made up of two, four, six or eight coaches. All motor coaches and certain of the trailer coaches are fitted with apparatus by means of which the motors on one or more of the motor coaches can be operated together from any one Motormans Compartment whether at the front, rear, or middle of the train. (H) Coaches of various building dates (1914, 1920, 1937) must not be coupled together, except in case of emergency, and then only the cowhead screw coupler must be used. On no account must an attempt be made to couple the electrical or brake connection. (K) The maximum load to be hauled behind a Parcels Van must not exceed 100 tons. A parcels 53 ELECTRIC TRAINMEN

67 (K)—Continued. van which is running •light or hauling vehicles the weight of which does not exceed 30 tons must have the motor at the trailing end cut out.

68.—The electric stock is fitted with Passenger P Communicationc assen Apparatus and the Regulations for ca LCommunicationti between Passenger, Guard and joDriverg by means of the Automatic Brake apply as shown in the Appendix to the Working Time Table. m :i n.r - 69.—When running between Newcastle and Running. Manors and between Newcastle and Gateshead in either direction, Motormen must not move the Controller beyond the series position.

70.—The power must be switched off as soon as Coasting possible after attaining full speed, and as long an interval allowed before applying the brakes, as is consistent with smooth stopping and the keeping of proper time during each run ; or, in other words, Motormen must endeavour to "coast" their trains as much as possible. For their guidance diamond shaped boards have been placed by the side of the track marking the point at which the power should be switched off. 54 INSTRUCTIONS

Equip= lit in motor 71.--(A) The following stores will be carried in coaches. the Motormans Compartment of each motor coach : 1 Screw coupling (Cowhead type). 1 Ice-scraper handle. 1 Shoe-lifting stick. 3 enclosed fuses of each type. 3 Motor fuses. 3 Shoe fuses. 1 Bag of sand. 1 Rubber mat. 1 Fire extinguisher (marked with yellow band). In addition :— 1 30-ft. Train line coupler in each double-ended motor coach (Instruction 74). 1 Fire extinguisher in every luggage com- partment for use according to Instruc- tion 12. Wiring diagram. (B) Each Motorman is supplied with a wiring diagram with which he should make himself acquainted.

Train signals 72.—(A) Head and route signals must be carried by each train in accordance with instruction 13. The Motorman will be responsible for the correct setting of the destination indicator and the marker lights at the leading end. The Guard is responsible for the correct setting of the destination indicator at the rear end and the tail light. TO ELECTRIC TRAINMEN 55 72—Continued. (B) When trains pass through Tynemouth Tunnel the destination indicators must always be lighted up as a warning to any person who may be working in the tunnel. 73.—(A) Guards must regulate the Lighting andal-nigahting Ventilation of the coaches, and must also regulate heating. the heating of coaches in accordance with the de- tailed instructions exhibited in the Car Sheds and at the Terminal Stations, and immediately inform the Motorman of any defect in the lighting or heating. The roof lamps must be extinguished when trains are resting. (B) In the case of 1937 Stock, the main Heating and Lighting Switch and Fuse is mounted on a panel which is enclosed and suspended from the under frame. The lighting of the entire train can be con- trolled by trip and set switches which are mounted in each driving compartment. Circuit switches to control the lighting of each coach are mounted in the gangway. Two heating switches (main and half heat) are mounted in the gangway of each coach. Full heat is obtained by turning to the ON position both switches. Half heat is obtained by turning to the ON position the main switch only. A Thermostat which is fixed on a partition towards the centre of each coach will then control the heating. Until the heat of the coach reaches the predetermined temperature, a small lamp fixed in the switch box will be illuminated. 56 INSTRUCTIONS 73 (n)- Continued. In the case of the 1914 and 1920 Stock the main lighting switch, and in the winter the main heating switch, on each coach, must be put to the ON position by the Motorman at the beginning of the day's working. All regulating of lights and heaters must be done by means of the small lighting and two-way heating switches on the gangways and vans.

Trains stopping 74.—(A) Where gaps occur in the third rail out of Motormen must exercise great care so as to avoid contact with third stopping in such a position that the shoes of the rail. train are not in contact with the third rail, especially when working a single coach or a train with only the shoes on one coach in use. (B) A single motor coach must carry the loose train line coupler 30 feet in length, fitted with slipper attachment. (c) If a train or coach should stop over a gap, so that no shoe is in contact with the third rail, the Guard must take the loose train line coupler, if it is available, and insert the plug in the train line socket, and then hold the slipper down on the third rail at the nearest point to the train or coach. By this means the Motorman will be able to move the train until the shoes are again in con- tact with the third rail. The Motorman will be responsible for seeing that the temporary connec- tion is properly made in the train line socket. TO ELECTRIC TRAINMEN 57 74—Continued. (n) On no account must the ends of the loose coupler be allowed to come in contact with the track, ballast, or any metal work.

75.—Should the power leave the third rail the Lc' Motormane must, if he is applying power, move his controller handle to the " off" position, then see 've"ff that the lighting switches are turned on, and wait till the lights indicate that the power has come on again ; after the lamps have become fully lit up, he must, if on the up line, wait half a minute, and on the down line, one minute before starting the train, so that all trains will not commence to use current at the same time. Should the power be off the line more than three minutes, the Motorman must send the Guard to the nearest signal box to give information. All cases of power off must be reported by the Motorman before signing off duty.

76.---Motormen must not allow any unauthorised Unauth persono in the Motorman's Compartment or to handle wrs otoanyrised of the apparatus in or about the trains, and Compartment onsmust 'enter the names of any persons travelling in the Motorman's Compartment on their daily voucher givings the Motorman's Compartment Pass number. u Only two persons including the Motorman are rf s permitted to ride in the Motorman's Compartment. 58 INSTRUCTIONS

Motorman leaving 77.---The Motorman must always remain in the leading Motorman's leading Motorman's Compartment when the train Compartment is in motion, except as provided for in Instruction 78. If it is necessary for the Motorman to leave the leading Motorman's Compartment he must always take the controller reversing handle with him

Driving train from 78.--(A) In the event of any apparatus proving any other than leading defective in the leading Motorman's Compartment, Motorman's the train should be driven from the Motorman's Compartment Compartment nearest to the leading end of the train. A Guard or other person who knows the road must be stationed in the leading Motorman's Compartment to pass the necessary hand signals to the Motorman. After the passengers have alighted the train should then proceed at caution to the nearest point at which the defective vehicle can be uncoupled or the train left. The Motorman must at once send information through the nearest signal box to the Car Sheds if the train or coach has to be left in a siding. (B) When setting back from one line to another or into a siding, the Motorman need not change ends. (c) When a movement is made in the backward direction the Motorman must have his train well under control and the Guard or Shunter must ride in the leading vehicle to keep a sharp lookout and warn anyone on the lines and give the necessary hand signals to the Motorman. TO ELECTRIC TRAINMEN 59

79.—(A) Guards noticing any burning or smell Fonirceoaches. of fire must at once draw the attention of the Motorman to it, assist him in ascertaining the cause, and render any assistance necessary. The Motorman should immediately open all the switches on the coach affected. If this does not remove the trouble, he must proceed to isolate the coach or unit by (i) Taking out the shoe fuses on the defective coach or twin unit. (ii) Withdrawing the train line jumpers on either side of the defective coach or twin unit. (n) If arcing or flame is being maintained as the result of a short circuit and during the time the Motorman is isolating the coach as instructed above, the Guard must endeavour to extinguish it by means of the fire extinguisher marked with a yellow band, or by the use of dry sand. A bag of dry sand is carried under the long seat in the passenger compartment immediately behind the Motorman's Compartment. (c) After making sure that all burning has ceased the train may then proceed to its destination to be dealt with as may be necessary. (n) The responsibility for removing burning matter rests with the Motorman in cases where his train is stopped owing to this cause. Each Motorman is supplied with smoked glasses for this purpose. 60 INSTRUCTIONS

Burning matter ma the track 80.--Motormen observing any burning matter in close proximity to the third rail must stop, and if possible remove same, failing which he must report to the nearest signal box or station. Where a train stops owing to burning matter, and the train comes to rest near a signal box which is open, the Guard should proceed to the box, and arrange with the Signalman for the current to be cut off until the burning matter is removed. After the burning matter has been extinguished the Guard must return to his train, he must then exhibit a green flag by day or a green light by night to the Signalman and when the latter has acknowledged this by also showing a green flag by day or a green light by night, the train may proceed on its journey.

Snow or Ice on 81.---(A) In the case of snow or ice on the third third rails. rail the ice scrapers must be screwed down so as to avoid any delay to traffic, and if necessary assistance must be given at terminal stations to shunt trains in order to deal with the scrapers which are on the platform side of the coaches. (See also Instructions 39 and 55). (B) Ice scraper gauges are kept at Gosforth Car Sheds, Newcastle Central, Manors North and South Shields. (c) In screwing down the Ice Scrapers at other places than at a terminal station where gauges are kept, the scraper is to be screwed down till it TO ELECTRIC TRAINMEN 61

Si (0)-- Continued. touches the third rail and then two full turns given to the screw. Rubber gloves must be worn when doing this. 82.—(A) Guards are responsible for the opening Atottention and closing of inter-communication doors as luggage necessary. compartment. (B) In cases where there is more than one luggage compartment on a train the Guard must ride in the one nearest the rear of the train. 83.—The Guard must do all in his power to assist Guards to the Motorman in cases of difficulty (consistent with assist Motorman the first duty of caring for the safety of the passengers) particularly as required in Instructions 78 and 79. f Protec accompanied by only one Guard, cause an obstruc- accidentt 8 ion tion of any line or lines used by trains running in of the4 opposite direction, the Motorman must immediately. go forward on foot and protect the opposite— line or lines in accordance with Rule 180 (a). (Under these circumstances when a Guard is not available for protection, the Motorman must act A in accordance with Rule 180 (c). )(B) If an accident results in a fire breaking out andSh there is also an obstruction of any line or lines usedoul by trains running in the opposite direction, thed Motorman must take the necessary action to extinguisha the flames and the Guard must act in accordance with Rule 180 (d). n ac ci de nt t o a n e l e c t r i c t r a i n t r a i n n e a s e o 62 INSTRUCTIONS

Passengers 85.—In case of accident, passengers should not leaving train in be allowed to leave the coaches except at stations case of accident. so long as the current is on the third rail. If it should become necessary to call upon the passen- gers to alight otherwise than at a station, care must be taken that they alight at the side which is clear of the third rail, and from the doors of coaches remote from collector shoe gear. The pas- sengers must walk in the four foot way and must leave the railway at the nearest available place. The Guard must accompany the passengers, and be responsible for their safe guidance.

Complaints with regard 86.—Should any complaint be made by the to running. Motorman with regard to the running of any of the coaches, or should the Guard notice anything amiss with the train, the Station Master at the next station at which the train stops must be advised to wire the terminal station to have a spare set ready to put into traffic to take the place of the set of which complaint is made. Guards to assist 87.—Guards must assist the station staff in Station staff. coupling and uncoupling vehicles which it may be necessary to attach or detach.

Spare Oil Lamps. 88.—A spare oil tail lamp must be carried and lighted in case of failure of the electric light.

Westinghouse Brake 89.—The Regulations for working the Westing- Regulations. house Brake on steam trains must be observed so far as they are applicable. TO ELECTRIC TRAINMEN 63


Emergency rigid couplings (see General note D (1) below) to enable electric sets—loaded or empty—to be hauled or propelled in an emergency by a steam locomotive, are available at all Stations in the electrified area and at the following Signal Boxes :— South Tyneside Park Lane St. Bedes Pontop St. James Bridge Hilda Garden Lane

Hauling or propelling of electric sets by the emergency coupling should only be carried out on the authority of the District Control, a Station Master or other responsible official, who must see that all necessary precautions are taken, that all concerned are duly notified and the following instructions carefully observed

A. Control of Train. (1) The Motorman must be in the leading Motorman's Compartment and the Guard in the rear Motorman's Compartment and they must apply the handbrakes on falling gradients and when the train is approaching a station at which the train is required to stop. 64 INSTRUCTIONS A— Continued

(2) The Driver of the engine used to haul or propel the set must proceed with caution and must not make a sudden stop except in case of emergency. The Motorman must be prepared for any signal from the Driver indicating that the latter is about to stop.

(3) The set should not be hauled or propelled further than is absolutely necessary to clear the line and meet traffic requirements.

B. If the Set is Defective.

The set should be hauled or propelled to the nearest available siding and the passengers detrained at the most suitable station short of that siding. Sidings without third rail shoe approach should be avoided whenever possible.

C. If there is a defect of the Third Rail. (1) Great care must be exercised to see that all sections over which it is necessary for a set to be hauled or propelled are made dead while the set is being hauled or propelled. (2) To reduce as much as possible the distance over which the sets have to be hauled or propelled, third rail cables should be disconnected by a TO ELECTRIC TRAINMEN 65 C—Continued qualified person at the nearest point on either side of the defect, where an engine can be attached or detached and the electric set run to or from the point of disconnection under its own power. Gaps so created at either end of the defective portion of the third rail must not be bridged until the third rail is " dead " on both sides of the gap.

(3) Arrangements should be made as quickly as possible for a steam service to be substituted for the electric, unless there are good reasons to believe the defect will be rectified before this can be done.

D. General Note. (1) The rigid coupling can be used only if the engine is fitted with the standard drawhook incorporating the Gedge slot. If the engine is not so fitted the emergency hook for loose coupling, which is available also at the places named above, should be used and the following additional instructions observed (a) Under no circumstances must the vehicles be propelled. (b) It is essential to keep the coupling tight at all times and the handbrake in the Motorman's and Guard's Compartments must be used as necessary. 66 INSTRUCTIONS TO ELECTRIC TRAINMEN

D— Continued

(c) A speed of not more than 10 m.p.h. must be observed and the Motormen must be prepared for any signals from the Driver indicating that he is about to stop.

(2) Certain electric stock is provided with side buffers in addition to the centre Cowhead coupler. If one of these vehicles is available it should be placed between the engine and the electric set in order to avoid the use of either the rigid coupling or the emergency hook for loose coupling.

(3) These instructions modify Instruction 48 herein 67 Copyright.


Death only Apparent. Is many cases where persons receive electric shocks, death is only apparent and animation may be restored if efforts at resuscitation are not too long delayed. Method of Resuscitation. The method of resuscitation resorted to should be that known as artificial respiration. The Necessity of Steady Persistent Effort. Steady persistent effort is one of the essential conditions of successful attempts to restore animation. Disappointing though the results may be it is better to prolong the operation rather than discontinue it at too early a stage, unless a medical man pronounces life to be extinct. In cases of severe shock, respiration is seldom established under one hour, while three hours may be necessary to restore normal breathing. Break Circuit. Break the electric circuit at once if there be an interrupter close at hand ; if not, lose no time, but proceed to remove the body from contact with the live conductor. Danger of Touching the Body of the injured Person. Do not touch the man's body with bare hands, but if india-rubber gloves are not at hand pull him off the live conductor by his coat tail, if his clothes are not wet ; or fold your coat, or some dry articles, such as a newspaper, into two or three thicknesses, and using this as a pad, take hold of the body and pull it away from the circuit : or a broom handle may be used to raise the body or to detach the wires from it. A good plan is to stand on a dry board, or on a thick newspaper or bundle of sacking, or charge the body with the shoulder. Send for a Medical Man at Once. No time should be lost in sending for a qualified medical man, but in the meantime the following efforts should be made to restore animation :,-- F 6S 69 70 How to Place the Body. Having pulled the body away from the live conductor, free the neck from clothing, and treat the case as one of drowning, as follows :—The body should be placed face downwards, preferably on a dry mattress, on a dry floor, or on dry straw.

Means of Resuscitation. Then promote artificial breathing by leaning forward over the patient, and, without violence, produce a firm, steady, downward pressure (see Figure I). Next release all pressure by swinging your body backwards without lifting your hands from the patient (see Figure H). Repeat this pressure and relaxation of pressure as directed, without any marked pause between the movements, about fifteen times a minute, until natural breathing is established. The efforts to restore breathing must be carried out with perseverance, as in some cases it has been restored after a long period of apparent death. Circulation may be aided by rubbing the body, or striking it with a wet towel. The Use of Oxygen. Where it is possible to procure a cylinder of oxygen, inhalation may be attempted ; but this should be done only under medical advice. Under no circumstances whatever should the gas be taken directly from the cylinder to the patient ; the safest plan is to allow it to bubble through water, to enable its rate of flow to be observed. Efforts at artificial respir- ation should be kept up while the gas is being administered, in order to aid its entrance into the lungs. Stimulants to be Avoided. medicalStimulants man. should not be administered, unless recommended by a The Necessity of Deliberation. It should be borne in mind that to be successful the foregoing operations should be carried out deliberately and methodically. There should be no haste, but the operations should be executed vigorously. Instructing the Staff. The only way of carrying out these suggestions is to know them thoroughly. Members of the electrical staff should carefully instruct themselves beforehand, and much good might result if they occasionally practised the methods here prescribed. Addresses and Telephone Numbers of Nearest Medical Men and Hospitals. (r0 BE FILLED IN AT TOE WORKS.) ( By permission of the Proprietors of the " Electrical Review," London.) 71



IN STR U C TION Accidents, protection of train • • • . 84 Accidents or obstruction _ — .. • . 38, 84 Accident, passengers leaving train in case of • . 85 Accidents, fire, sparking • • — — 53 „ reporting of, 86c. • . • • 10,- • 38, 54 Alterations to Permanent Way, re-bonding.. _ 35 Apparatus, defective ...... • . • . 78 Articles, non-conducting, to be used .. _ 11, 59 Attention to luggage compartment .. — • • 82 Automatic switch gear and circuit breakers — 52

Ballast, tipping of — — 20 Ballasting Permanent Way — 32 Boards, indicator . • 72 Bonds, fixing • . . • 36 Bonding .. .. — — 16 Brake, Westinghouse, Regulations .. 89 Brake pin. chains .. — .. 65 Break in continuity of third rail • • 3 Bridging Section gaps — — .. 4 Broken rails — — 34 Broken insulators _ _ 37 Burning matter on the track • . 80 72

C IN STR U C TIOlt Cab, driving from other than leading 78 „ Motorman leaving front • • 77 „ unauthorised persons riding in 75 Cables, Main — — 17 , protection of — • • 26 Calks—Third Rail andNegative return 18 Carriages, types of _ .. . • 67 Carrying luggage across the line 63 of lamps .. _ 13, 88 of special tools — • • — 30, 71 Caution against electric shock — • • 7 Cessation of traffic, switching prior to and after 47 Chambers, operation of switches .. 44 Chains, brake pin to be secure 65 Circuit, short on coaches . • • • 79 Clearances for collector shoes 25 Clearing third rail of snow or ice 3 55, 81 • . 60 Coaches, Men working under • . . Equipment in . • 71 short circuit on 9 79 „ type of .. . 67 Coasting . • — — 70 Collector shoes, clearance for _ • . , 25 Compartment, attention to luggage .. 82 Communication, Passenger • • 68 Conductor, overhead • • .. 5 Complaints with regard to running .. 86 Connections, diagram of switch 43 ,, third rail and • • 3 Contact, Trains stopping out of . • 74 Continuity of third rail, breaking • • 3 Cross-over roads, lifting • . . • 33 Coupling, method of • • • • 61 Current, path of • • — • • 6, 53 restoring _ • • . • 45 „ disturbance of supply • • 9 73

IN STR U C TION Description of Third Rail 15 Dead Section, protection of • • • 47 Dead, making third rail • • • • 40,47 Defective apparatus 78 section, limiting fault on • • • • 49 Defects, and inattention to telephones 57 Defective fencing • 29 Destination Indicators 72 to ba lighted through Tynemouth Tunnel 72 Diagram of switch connections 43 wiring • • • • 71 Disturbance to current supply 9 Doors, wagon, to be secured 64 Drains • • • 24 Driving train from any other than leading Motorman's Compartment 78

Electrical energy. supply of 2 Electric Rolling Stock 67 Electric shock, caution against 7 Emergency, operation of switches • • 51 Ensuring safety • • • 11 Electric Track Equipment, general description of track • 15 Motormen's list of tools and • 71 71 •1 in Motor coaches Examining lengths 30 Extinguishing Fire 10 Extinguishing Fire 1'2 74


rNSTRUCTION Fault on defective section 49 Fencing, defective • • 29 Fire extinguishing • • 12 , sand for putting out 28 „ sparking, or accident 53 Fixing bonds — — 36 „ signal wires • • 23

Gaps, section .. • • — — 4 General description, track equipment 15 Guards to assist Motorman • • .. 83 Station Staff • • 87 Gloves, rubber 59

Handling of switch gear 51 Heating and lighting • • • 73 Heaters and roof lamps • • • • • • 73 Hauling or propelling of Electric trans • • 63, 66

Ice, clearing third rail of snow or _ • • 39, 55, 81 Inattention and defects on telephone _ 57 Indicators, destination lighting through Tynemouth Tunnel.. 72 Insulators broken • • • • • • 37 Instructions for working Cowhead, etc., Couplings.. 61 75

IN STR U C TION Lamps, to be carried .. 88 Leaving front cab, Motorman 77 Leakage, line, tests .. .. . 14 Leaving train in case of accident, passengers 85 Lengths, examining of 30 Lifting., cross-over and ballastim roads . 33 ,Lightingb and heating .. .73 „ Indicators through Tynemouth Tunnel.... unnel. 72 Limitingpermanent defective section . .. 49 wayLine, leakage. tests ...... 14 3Line, portions, equipped for electric trains 1 „ power off ...... 75 List2 of tools and equipment, Motormen's .. 71 Loads of Parcels vans.. .. Luggage compartment, attention to 82 „ not to be carried across lines 63

M Main cables .. 17 Material, scrap .. 21 „ unloading .. 20 Matter, burning .. .. 80 Means of ensuring safety . _ 11 Men, observances for safety of 19 Men working under coaches .. 60 Messages, repeating telephone 56 Method of coupling ...... 62 Motor Coaches, equipment in .. 71 Motorman, assistance from Guard .. 83 , leaving front cab ...... 77 Motormen's list of tools and equipment .. 71 Motorman's compartment, unauthorised persons 77 Making the Third Rail dead for repair purposes .. 110 Motorman leaving leading Motorman's Compartment 77 76

INSTRUCTION Non-conducting material to be used 59 Non-conducting articles to be used 11 Normal path of current 6 PP position of switches 43

0 Obstruction or accidents ...... 38, 84 Observances for safety of employees ...... 19 Operation of Siding switch pillars and chambers .. 44, 58 switches ...... 43, 44, 51 PP PP /, in cases of emergency .. 46 Operations, shunting ...... 65 Overhead Conductor 5 Oil tail lamps, spare 88 P Parcels vans, loads of .. 67 Passenger communication ...... 68 Passengers leaving train, in case of accident .. 85 Path of current ...... 6 Permanent way, re-bonding ...... 35 ,, •P lifting and ballasting .. .. 32 Persons, unauthorised in Motorman's compartment 76 Pillars, operation of switch ...... 44, 58 Platelayers' tools ...... 30 Portions of line equipped for electric traction .. 1 Position of switches, normal .. .. 43 Power off line ...... 75 Propelling of Electric trains .. .. 63, 65 Protection of cables .. •. .. 26 „ „ dead section .. .. 48 Putting out fire, sand for ...... , 28 Pulling out switches in cases of emergency.. 46 Protection of men working under coaches .. 60 Protection of trains in case of accident .. 84 77

INSTRUCTION 3 Rail, third, break in continuity of 3 tt 77 and connections • • — • • 40 making dead • • • • • • 15 tt „ and track equipment, description . • 41 Pt 93 sectioning of • • — 81 tt „ clearing of snow or ice 39, 55, tt tt disconnected and dead . • . • 43 Rails, broken .. — — • • . • 34 Re-bonding permanent way .. • . .. 35 .. 89 Regulations, Westinghouse Brake • • — 40. 47 Repairs, making third rail dead • . • . 56 Repeating telephone messages • • Reporting accidents and acting promptly 10, 38, 54 Restoring current • • • . .. . • — 45 Reporting traffic clear of third rail section — .. 45 Responsibility for third rail sections . • 42 Roads, lifting Crossover — . • 33 Running .. 69

S Safeguarding Workmen during track repairs.. 47 Safety, means of ensuring • . • 11 ', of men, observances for • . 19 Sand for putting out fire . • 28, 59 Scrap material .. • . .. 21 Section defective, limiting fault 49 „ protection of dead • . 48 trains bridging 4 Sectioning of third rail • • 41 Shock, electric, caution againSt 7 Shoes, contact, clearances for 25 Short circuit on coaches . • 79 79 Shunting of trains .. 66 Shunting operations .. 41 Siding switches .. _ 78 IN STR U C TION Signal wires, fixing • • 23 Signals, train — — — 13, 72 Single Line working .. • . 50 Snow or ice .. . • — 55, 81 Spare, Oil tail lamp • . .. .. 88 Sparking, accident, fire — — — • • 53 Station Staff, assistance by Guard • . .. 87 Stopping, trains out of contact with third rail — 74 Stores and Tools _ .. — 27, 31 Supply of electrical supply • • .. 2 „ disturbance of current — — .. 9 Switch pillars and chambers, operation of _ .. 44, 58 „ diagram of connections . - .. 43 Switches, normal position of • • — — 36, 43 „ operation of • . — — — 43, 44. 51 „ operation of in cases of emergency .. 46 „ siding _ .. — _ — 41 Switch gear, handling of ...... 51 Switching prior to and after cessation of Electric traffic .. 45 Special tools — — .. — .. — 31 Steam Hauling of Electric trains — _ — 63, 65 T

Tail lamp, spare, oil _ • • • • 88 Telephone defects and inattention .. 57 19 messages repeating • • 56 Tests, line leakage • • • • .. 14 Third rail and connections .. — 3 „ break in continuity of .. 3 and negative return cables 18 , for repairs .. • • — 46 „ obstructed by snow or ice 3 .„ sectioning of.. — • •41 „9, general 55, description • • • • 15 „81 sections and responsibility for • • 42 “ Reporting traffic clear • • 54 79 IN STR U C TION Tipping ballast ...... • • 20 Tools and equipment, list of Motormen's .. 71 „ „ stores .. . • .. .. 27 „ to be carried by Platelayers' .. 30 Track equipment, general description of .. 15 Train driving from other than leading cab .. 78 „ passengers leaving in case of accident .. 85 13, 72 Train signals .. .. . - .. 4 Trains, bridging section gaps .. .. Trains shunting of ...... 78 , stopping out of contact with third rail 74 Trespassing • • • 8 Tynemouth Tunnel, indicators to be lighted 72 Types of electric coaching stock .. 67 Trolleys .. .. . 22

Unauthorised persons in Motorman's Compartments 76 Unloading material 20 Urgent repair purposes, making third rail dead 40, 47

V Vans, Parcels, loads of 73

W 64 Wagon doors to be secured .. 89 Westinghouse Brake Regulations 23 Wires, signal—fixing .. 71 Wiring diagram .. 50 Working single line .. . • „ under coaches, men • . 60 Printed in Gieat Britain at the L•1\1•E•R Company's Printing Works Stratford Market

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