071-921 5990 Ames Consortium Buys Beck 4-Play Aring the Receivership

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071-921 5990 Ames Consortium Buys Beck 4-Play Aring the Receivership NCWSDESK:NEWS DESK: 071-921 5990 WEWSFILENEWSFILE London finally acquires Factory name MancheslerLondonManchester Records labellabel has Factory. compleledcompieted Following negotialionsnegoliations Iwotwoyears yoars to revivereviveof talks.talks, Ames consortium receiverLondonrecelver acquired Léonard theCimlsCurtis Factory & Partners. name lasllast As expecled expectedFriday fromfrom A&RASB ,opérations will be headed for Ihethe by label,label, former expecledexpected Factory toCommunicationsta be called FacloryFactory 2 Binning,headBinning. Tony London Wilson, managing assisledassisted director byby InIn The Colin City's Bell Bindi stressed buys backbeck 4-Play that Ihethe deal does not includeinclude thethe Factory catalogue, newwhichnewViniReilly ViniReilly isis slillstill for album. sale. FacloryFactory 2'sT'a firslfirst release will be a boughtTroubled oui rctailcrof rcccivership 4-Play by bas a consor- been tionahiparelail chain with will major bo to suppliera,improvo ita which rcla- consideropportimiliesduringaring thcthe rcccivership.receivership. foroporatingcon- "We will also tium headcd by ils founder Phil Ames were threatoned when 4-Play first hit cessions, bccause they suit our trading Thorn EMI EMI: disappointed no music those demergeryetdemerger who were expecting yet itit to directorand former Keith EMI Staton. Records group sales repayproblems £l,9ra a ycar in debts ago andat a ratewas offorced 25p into format."Soon after he adds. 4-Play went intn r»ceiver. announce a demerger of its music and reniairental ReCCRccciver Léonard Curtiss & Partners thethe ppound.olmd was rem0ivedd from ilslts 12 Colincompanies SoulhgateSouthgate at its would agm in say londonLondon only, on 'Our"Our Friday. management Chairman of Sir Ltd.bas■ asold joint" the" venture company owned to by RocksteadyS. Ames Partners and majorAmong. labels, -^ils largestlargestleading credilors budget operatoi were^ th^ CurtisDebenhams is currently concessions ™considering and Léonard légal thethe business will not be driven byby spéculation.'spéculation." Staton4-Plny directorand Janicc MargaretWhitham Biddle, who are withalso TBDPickwick and That'sand Tring, Entertainment, and distribuloi mentaction sto: for damagesgroup. Other against rationalisation the depart- JapaneseSoulhgateSouthgate Toshiba did announce Corporation however for aEMI deal toto whhwithup itsits thethe stakestake inin Products.partners in overstocks company LT top-selling"Wc have catalogue acccss to chartwhich matcrial should andre- 38stripped stores its 50/50 music jointjoint venture Toshiba-EMI KK toto 55%.55%. JohnThe Gray, third who partner becoœes in LT chnirraan Products ofisis willcnergise conccntrate 4-Play's sales,"on sales says while Staton, A 17,000sqRocksteady II distribution has also acquired centre. 4-Play'sOpencd I Worldwide,Rocksteady. wasLT, launched which intrades November as handlesAmes marketing.says the new company aim in 1992, the cost of operating the ware- r wheniton Staton says lefl the EMI firsl after« ■19fortl years. open fou " o which were shut year'sncar- Tour manager takes ITC coordinatorrolecoordinator rôle appointedErasure tour as the manager new conférence Andrew coordinatorMansi has forbeen In FANNY HILL.rr The City, which takes place in Manchester from HarveyGoldsmith Goldsmith's stays company quiet Allied on Wembley Entertainment bid and SeptemberMansi will 17-21. handle the day to-day organisation of WembleyHarvey Goldsmith's SladiumStadium have Company both refusedAllied Entertainment toto comment on and mcrlythe event, handled taking byover the many event's of the responsibilitiesco-founder Yvette for- Ihereportsthe venue. thatthat Wembley the promoterpromater Stadium isis mounting has debts a bid of more toto taketake thanthan over Livesey,Mansi who startcd remains last onweek board as asthe executive event released director. its £152m andand it confirmed lastlast week itit was considering a first officiai CD. The eight-track limited issue was sent envisagenumber of an restrucluringrestructuring injectioninjection of proposaisnew equity".equity". which A syndicale itit says "ail of 22 4,500 UK kagerausic giving executives co and 7,000Lails. Worldwide as 0 banks will scrutinise threethree proposais which are ■e CDCD - pipressed id byît Disctronics, year's event which within pro- 18 investmentunderstood groupto have Apollo corne Advisers fromfrom Goldsmith, and twotwo US City Seven,heurs - Thefeatures Brotherhood. a track each Sugar by S'M*A*S"H, Merchants Shedand spokeswomanentrepreneurs. forGoldsmith Allied Entertainment was abroad lastlast says week he isis but a appearingDrugstore, onail lastof whom September's secured Inrecord The dealsCit/s afterlivelive refusing to commentcomment onanyplanshemayon any plans he may have for fringe. eries: erotic released aovel Fanny by Castla Hill isCommunications among the firsl 10on tilles Augusl in an22. adPr Wembley,eventsWembley. this which summer. failed to attract any largelarge music fromIt alsp last includesyêar's seminars three dance and awardstracks featuring show. Mansi samples says s Audio Books, the sériés features Ihe voices of aclots and actresse! "We'vethe CD always has been wanted compiled to make to itreflect dear thethat event In The itself, City > fan McShane and Cherie Lunghi. Préludé was set up earlier this ye TakeoverCastloastleàkeovertalk Communications' talk sees stock Castle value roseshares lastlast week soar has both a serious side and a fun side," he says. Ila Leander,and Gary who Glitter. wrole Poinling and ptoduced eut lhal 24% hits ol for ail acls tapes such now as soldMarianne are amidmid reports thatthat itit isis negotialingnegotiating with a possible buyer for• Nick the event. Neads Along has been with appointedMansi. he can as salesbc contacted executive at i wotd, he says. "The audio book business is al least 25 years oui ol i forr Ihethe company. Castle's board confirmed thatthat itit isis inin the new In The City office on 061839 3930. ouldlikelobringiti made",talksade",Iks "which sending may shareshare or may prices not leadleadup 58p tato lotoan 335p.335p. offer They being finally Blurshadeaheadin Junesettledunertlled 1993 at 326p 326p Castle. by Ihefloatedthefioated endend on of thethe week.Stock MarkctMarketInIn the year in 1987,1987, tato Channel FourpledgesFour pSedges Mercury PrizePrizeodds odds reportediported sales of £33.4m and pre-tax profits of £1.5m.{1.5m. Blur'shot favouritc ParklifcParklife for is this emerging< year's Mercury as the CSCSC delays further formatformat cuts more musicmsusic coverage MusicA Music Prize. Week straw poil this week whichA décisionhich qualify on forplansfor thethe to singles reduce chart thethe numbernumber has been of formatsformatsdelayed by Channel Four is upping its commitm 25th Glastonbury Festival, si shows thc Food Records album to bc a postponement of a Chart Supervisory Committee to music after the overwhelming f te for this year's coverage forthe industry's most popular choice meetingeeting unliluntil July 29.29. The CSC.CSC, which was due to meetmeel cess of last raonth's Glastonb peaked a round 1.5m at 1.30am. says ïs* Paul W Uer album WildWood. dealers'lastTuesday,îalers'stTuesday, body has BardtoBard delayed to considertheconsider itsits meeting the proposais, tato allowallow which recordrecord The channel has given the green li Januszczak. Othertitles by fnvoured Therapy?, albums Underworld, include M wereere put lorwardforward by a group of senior record company newtoto a fullrun sériés of Theof TheS Word, Whitemîtf a Room, ^0^repeat a repackagedi^h^raC• The BBC Oldis planning Grey Whistle totobro^cast broadeast Test aller thethe People and Pulp. figuresjures last month. The Bard council meelsmeets on July 21 toto Glastonbury package and is discussing it premières on MTVs new UK music TV finalisedThc officiai on July shortlist25, thc day will before be discussiscuss thethe proposais, which also include a suggestion plansCd's for commissioning a black music programme.editor for arts currentlychannel VH-1 in thisproduction autumn. The at sériés BBC is nlcd at The Roof Gardons in forir a "bullels""hullets" System modelled on the US charts.charts. and music Waldemar Januszczak says. Enterprises and is due to form the ccn- The Eddieddie Gordon setsetto to join Phonogram "C4long owesas you its do audience not frighten more people music. offby As launchestrepiece of on VH-l's September programming 30. Producer when it Independentdépendent plugger Eddie GardonGordon is understood loto be st they ca David Jeffcott says, "Talks are well week.jainingeek.ining GordonGardon Phonogram has been inin aa seniorseniorhandling dance some A81RA&R olof MCA's rôle this club Initial TVs The While Room will begin •idéal'advanced Whistle for us Tests to provide compiled a fromsériés the of promotionsomotions through hisbis company Song & Dance.Dance, MCA.MCA, in thc New Year. Seventies programmes. Aller they have broadeastwith the BBC the overevent o live.possible d whichhich has announced a number of A&R and club Januszczak says that a budget has sometimeinappenred on 1995." VH-1, we will show them • The industry's top tips, p7. promotionémotion shake-ups,shake-ups. had previously approached also been agreed departmentGordonrpartmentordon loto take which on a will position now beinin itsheaded club promotionspromotionsby Matt ^k ^ ^k ^k ^k ^k BBCBBCTO T0 STAGE £1M LIVE MUSIC FESTIVAL --p4 p4 ► ► ► ► ► ►t> Walerhouse,laterhouse, who leavesleaves XL Recordings. MUSIC WEEK 23 JULYJULY 19941994 .
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