Educating giobaHy competent individuals to lead and inspire 一 人々の尊厳と世界の平和をリードし T 触発する国際教養人を育てます

藤 1llll


三聟 お 11‐ ン 七 ■二』口 'Ffギ lデ 書PII類達書 %il嶽、|=■1罵理響1‐ ll… =、 「 'Fl)認 OKINAWA IN丁 ∈RNA丁 10NAL 5⊂ H00L [Secondary Schoo‖ 沖縄国際学院高等専修学校

lnternational Baccalaureate international Liberal Diploma Programme⊂ ourse Arts⊂ ourse IBDPコ ース ILAコ ース 国際バカロレアディプロマプログラム 国際リベラルアーツ

Opening ofschooI in Apri1 2020

2020年 4月 新開校

PStt ACADEMY Preparatory Office 一般社団法人PS丁 アカデミー準備室 Developing true inquirers 「真理の探究者」を創造します

ヽ 【Philosophy】 4つ の教育軸 ヽ

The essence oflearning lles ln inqul「 y and seeklng t「 uth Meaningful inquiry At PSTA,ou「 students are at the center of the ideal 学びの「その奥」の探究 educatlonal envl「onment where they can empowe「 themselves with ourinqulry and truth d「 iven cur「 iculum

Education should not be measured by tests and grades Balance of knowledge alone tthe「 ea「e also specia‖ zed abiities and sk‖ ls that and practice must be maste「 ed th「 oughout‖ fe PSTA int‖ nsically 知識と実践の調和 empollvers students with the ab‖ ity to combine sk‖ ls and become a successful member of the global community

Exceptional bilingual ln o「der to enable clea「 communication whie「 espectlng others,we inst「uct students in the fou「 core English sklls ls conlrTlunication sk‖ We also support the logical o「 ganization of essay,「 esea「 ch, 高度なバイリンガル能力 and dissertations to increase second language initiatives

An impOrtant part oflea「 ning is the change of becoming the Developing globa‖ y “person l want to be" educated people We academica‖ y prepare students to become global minded citlzens by glving them access to knowledge so の 国際的な教養人育成 they can bravely walk the path of self― rea ization

G reeting

AIl people have the nghttO live,oyfully and wth dignty regardless of where or when oneis born By acknowledging this right′ we a‖ airn to work on making a peaceful world.ltis both a mission and vision in education and human society. Education′ as an agent ofsocial change′ starts from nurturing and harnessing the naturaltalents and

ab‖ ities ofthe learners. ltis a lifelong commitment ofliberation and change. VVe are estab‖ shing PST Academy Educational Foundation″ Okinawa lnternational School

D rector/Principal (SeniOr Diploma)″ a globallearning community centered on advancing students holistica‖ y through Masato Chinen investigative and co‖ aborative approach Process and products are both essential Studentslearn 理事長/校長 together′ inspired and fac‖ itated by teachers who have expertise in various nelds ofdiscip‖ ne 知念正人 VVe nurture students to become their bests′ cha‖ enging their possibilities to reach a bright future.

人は誰もが、生まれた場所や時間などに関係なく、誇り高く幸せに生活する権利を持っています。 この権利を認め合うことで、私たちは、平和な世界のなかに暮らしを営んでいけると信じています。 そしてそのためには、社会を力づよく牽引し、触発し続けていける「人材」が必要不可欠です。 ここ沖縄から世界へ、平和や人権、幸福を「意義と責任を持って触発していく人材育成Jの ために、 私たちは、学校法人PSTア カデミー「沖縄国際学院高等専修学校Jを 設立します。 この学校には、これまでのような教師や教科書中心、知識や成績優先の教育はありません。 物事や社会の真理を探るために必要な教養と、高度な探究力。これが生徒に要求される学校です。 母国や故郷に誇りを持ち、未来に可能性を拓く「国際的教養人」を育てます。 丁wo courses for educating ヽ global learners 彪 国際社会で活躍できる教養人を育てる2つのコース

international Baccalaureate lnternational Diploma Programme Course Liberal Arts Course IBDPコ ース ILAコ ース 国際バカロレアディプロマプログラムコース 国際リベラルアーツコース

Students who alrn to become globa卜 minded, ヽИodern society is seeking highly sk‖ led,

lead,and inspire come together at PSTA globa‖ y― minded individuals Ⅵ′ith outstanding Here they apply the high level of know edge and inquiry and problem solving skills education f「om ourvvorld standard program and participate in loglca‖ y organized classes that ln」 apan,language classes,mathematics, empollver them to embark on a 10urney of science,humanities,and English are ca‖ ed inquisitive learning using their biingual skills ‖beral arts PSTA's lLA course defines‖ beral arts as the basic education that every human To obtain lB diploma,students must take the being should have lBDP Examination(IBDP Completion Recognition Examination)by November 1 2th during year 3 of ln the lLA course,students learn literature, high school The examinee must obtain a score of philosophy,culture,ICT,communication,and 24 out of 45 the arts As their education progresses,they

vvi‖ learn to apply critical thinking and technical Except for Language A specific classes(、 ´′hiCh expertise By utilizing their acquired knollvledge wi‖ be offered in」 apanese),a‖ Other classes are and sk‖ ls gained in lLA,they strengthen their conducted in English,therefore,a high― evel of Eng ish proficiency ls required at the time of connection to society by understanding admission Rather than test― centered lessons difFerent cu tures,improving interpersonal skils, that measure the amount of knovvledge, and actively participating in the community ourfocus is on a ph‖ osophicallesson style that gets the students and teachers to explore theory The sublectS Offered in our three year program and truth rather than ove卜 reliance on textbooks, meet the number of credits required for deviation values,and entrance exams university entrance exanη ination,so it is Through this type oflearning,students are able possible to take admission to universities both to successfu‖ y continue their educational career ln」 apan and overseas

Special Message

Okinawa lnternational School(○ IS)aims tO develop the great potential of every student l have been educating students at universities and peop!e at private companies fOrrnore than 40 years′ with a fOcus on practical Engnsh language skills that are usefulin business and technical communication.

ln todayζ globalsociety win― Ⅵ′in relationships are estab‖ shed when each party respectsthe otherand both can lo9ica‖ y presenttheir own ideas.Often」 apanese speakerslack the fundamentallanguage

sk‖ ls to logica‖ y compose sentences and expressthem.This results in poor ne9otiation and Professor Emeritus at communication sk‖ ls beyond their ability in Eng‖ sh ()iS has seen the need to develop these sk‖ ls and Dr Yoshiaki Shinoda educate theirstudents to become a driving fbrce in building a brightfuture. 早稲田大学名誉教授 教育学博士 OISは 、生徒一人ひとりに大きな将来性を期待しています。なぜなら,ま 私はこれまで実用英語という視点から大学、企業で 篠田義明 人材育成に取り組んできましたが、英語力以上に強く懸念されるのが、日本人の交渉力、コミュニケーションカの弱さです。 伝達力が身に付いていないので現原因は社会で必須の論理的に文章を構成し、表現のスキルを育てる基礎教育の欠如だと 推測します。グローバル社会は、言語の違いを超え、相手を尊重しつつ、自分の考えを論理的に伝えられれば、その先にWin Whの 関係が生まれまt OISで は、このような視点を配慮して、生徒に明るい未来を構築する原動力となる教育をします。 Global standard educational program that promotes peace and happiness while developing knowledge,creativity and global rnindedness

What is lnternational Baccalaureate? 国際バカロレア(IB)と は? IBO(nternational Baccalaureate Organization),knOWn as lB is a non‐ p「 ofit organization launched in Ceneva, Switze‖ and in 1 968 1t alms to contnbute tO building a better,more peaceful society through the understanding and respect of dive「 se cultures,to nurture young people ヽ´υho have an inqu ring mind,and to enrlch kno、 ´υledge and consideration for others We offer 4 interconnected programs beginning from 3 years old up to 1 9 years old ln addlt on,、 ″e offerinternat onal education that extends and heightens individual qua ities on a global scale

Dip10ma programme features lBDP(ディプロマプログラム)の特色 The final stage of the lB program,corresponding to the high school curriculum is・ BDP(Dip10ma Program)' 卜Иost subleCtS ln lBDP are conducted in Engish and are highly student― centered ln lBDP learning,analytical and critlcal thinking sk ls are constantly honed Students take a set cu「「iculum for t、 ハ′o years,and upon passing the final examinations are given internationa‖ y Exce‖ ent conlmunication recognized university entrance qua fications(lB dip10ma) with small classes which greatly、 ハ′idens the choice of career path17vays to universities both in」 apan and abroacl 少人数クラスが生み出す 最適なコミュニケーション lBDP at Okinawa lnternational School SrnaH class slze and organizatlon are 沖縄国際学院でのIBDP paramount forinqulry based learnlng, The lB Dip10ma Program is a unique and challenging helping develop mutual respect,and p「 ogrann that places emphasis on individual student growth increase student efforts llvhich ln the first year of high school,students take subiectS ln leads to higher achievements ine、″ith」 apanese educatlonal guide ines Fronn the second Ourlearning environment optinη izes yea「 of high schoolthey become immersed in the lBDP this process by increasing curr culum where they are required to analyze information, communica■ on among synthesize with it their current know edge.and apply the r learned skils toward the acquisltion of truth The abiity to 壷濡たま}lバ ink lnte‖ ectual curiosity and to logica‖ y organlze thoughts are integral parts of an lBDP education

PSTA's integrated educationallB program 山 Advantages forlBDP Students The lB diploma is accepted for entrance lBDP履 修生のアドバンテージ examinations at rnost universities 田 in」 apan and overseas IBDP students demonstrate high academic abiity. sociabiity,sensitivity,and attain g00d grades IB common examination(3rd year of high school) throughout hlgh school and university >lntenslve support system alming to obtaln 貪 a passlng score ヽИany of the students receive admlsslon to top unlverslties in」 apan and overseas lBDP[Diploma Program] IBDP graduates are high y (2nd and 3rd year of high school) >IBDP at PSTA valued fo「 thei「 stronger 貪 research ablities and Preparation for studying DP(lst year of high schooD language proficlency >[MYP― DP]integrated educat on in collaboration w th Okinawa lnternational School(Middle Schooo 平和と幸福を築くために必要な矢口識・創造力・ 国際的視野を育む世界基準の教育プログラム

IBDP 6 Groups lBDP6つ のグループ The DP curriculum consists of the fo‖ owing six groups(subiectS)and three compulsory core requirements



Students select subjects from the six groups and study them overtwo years Also,in o「 der to obtain the specialized know edge and skils required at the unive「 sity and subsequent occupations,students learn three to four of the six subjects at a higherleve(HL/240 hours each)and the others subiectS at a standard level(SL/150 hours each)

※Fo「 deta‖ s please refer to the lBDP subleCtS Offe「 ed on the ne× t page

The lBDP Core lBDPコ ア要件 ln o「der to obtain a diploma,in addition to rneeting the assessment requirements of the 6 subiects,students 口IB Ⅵb‖d School[世 界の認定校数 ] must also take the fo‖ ovving three compulsory oore sublects

TOK:Theorv of Knowledce 知の理論 At least 1 00 hours oflearning is required to faciitate a high level of critical thinking skills Students wi‖ explore 1989 Year 1999 Year 201 0 Year 2016 Year 2019 Year the essence of knowledge Students are encouraged to develop theirinte‖ ect to perceive things in thei「 own ll『 way and be aware of cultural sensitivities l::増 l譜;][:奮:峯足私λ彊親 ∴ les EE:Extended Essa 課題論文 」apan 38,71 lndia 125レ 162 To nurture a high level of research and llvriting sklls, ∪SA 1748レ 1831 Malaysia 25,36 inte‖ ectual discovery,and creativity,students choose Austra a 164レ 190 S ngapore 31● 34 a topic from their studies and complete an in― depth China 101● 152 Korea 12レ 13 individual research prolect They then summarize their There is a remarkable increase ln the number oflB results in an extended essay of 4.000 11vords in English accred ted schools in the United States,Austra la, and China This data shovvs a shift from the traditional (」 apanese requires 8,000 characters) model to inquiry― based education ls happening CASiCrealvlv/tへ clon/Serv ce 倉」造性 活動 奉仕 Through involvement with people,students engage in 口IBin 2019[日 本のlB認 定校の展望] experientlallearning and cultlvate a range of perspectives ln 2015,卜 ИEXT changed their course They are now promot ng more lB global education across」 apan including awareness of the human mind and spirit, humanitarian issues,desire for discovery,autonomy, independence,creative artistic and proactive exhange activities

IBDP Evaluation lBDPの評価 OMinistry of Educat on Cu ture Sports Science and Technology HP http:〃 www mext gOip/a_menu/kokusai/ib/ Students must complete a‖ of the DP curricula,undergo ●nternat onal Baccalaureate Organ zat on HP external!B assessments,internal assessments,and httpsプ/www ibo org achieve a total score of 24 pOints orrnore out of the maximum 45 pOints

Okinawa lnternational Schoolis a candidate schoolforthe Diploma Programme This schoolis pursulng authorization as an IB World School lB VVorld Schools share a common ph‖ osophy‐ a commitmentto high‐ qua‖ ty,cha‖ enging,international education‐ that Okinawa lnternational School be‖ eves ls importantfor our students Developing true bilingualism to help students navigate the llvorld 世界へ飛躍できる「本物のパイリンガル」を育てます ヽ At PSTA,Eng‖ sh is the standard language of instruction ln our three year progranl ヽ vve assist students in becoming cOmpetent in both」 apanese and English,forging the path to true bilingualism By empo匈vering our students vvith bilingual proficiency,vve v′ i‖ extend i/ the stage for our students from university to the international community Experienced and professionalteachers Language support program 経験豊かな専任教師陣が指導します for second language learners ・ Our primary theme is ヽハノor d class education・ 語学力の「個人差」も万全にサポートします Educators、Ⅳlth extensive expe「ience in the lB teaching methods, PSTA requires a ievel of English language ph osophy,and mind― set develop and teach the curriculum proficiency from the time of en「 oHment, This is done in co‖ aboration、 ″ith highly qua fied」 apanese but、Ⅳe provlde st「 ong suppo「 t prog「 ams for teachers to suppo「 t the biingualism indlviduals wlth dlfferent language sk‖ |levels

Grade ll Course Offerings 高校2年 生クラス コース概要(予 定)

■IBDP Course Offettngs(Excerpt) IBDPコ ース(抜 粋) ■ ILA Course OfFenngs(Excerpt) LAコ ース(抜粋)

履修選択可能な科 目 単位数 使用言語 履修選択可能な科 目 単位数 使用言語 科目名 単位数 科目名 単位数 E n i S h English A: Histow SL4 」apanese Language Ⅱ Art E n i s h 英 調 2 歴史 HL6 山 (Ryukyu Pottery Dance etc) 2 Language& SL4 英 日本語表現Ⅱ 語 S 」 4 E n i S h 芸 屋 Literature HL6 ChemistⅣ 術(壺 焼琉舞等) H 」 6 英 謳 」apanese L terature Ⅱ 英語A:言 語と文学 化学 m 2 Sports and Karate ] 2 E n i s h 日本文学 スポーツ空手 ヽИathemat cs SL4 英 語 」apanese AI Engl sh SL4 」apanese 数学 HL6 Design by lcT in English Literature V I s u A E n i S h (Logical composition) 4 2 日本語 SL4 デザイン(CT活 用) HL6 美 術 英 藪 英 法 造 日本語A文 学 HL6 山 語(文 構 ) exlELTS TOEFL 2 E n i s h English Communicat on 英語検定 English B TOK:Theory of E n 面 4 SL4 英 語 英語コミュニケーション HL6 knovv edge 2 英 ¨諏 P「 esentat on 英語B and Debate skils 2 知の理論 App‖ ed Math 2 英語プレゼンディベート技術論 」apanese B Japarlese 数学応用 SL4 EEI Theory of Knowledge HL6 日本語 Extended Essay Eng‖ sh 日本語B ] lndlvldual and Society Ⅱ (ntrOduction) 2 英 語 2 課題論文 と 会Ⅱ 「知の理論」入門 」apanese ab 個人 社 in tio E 由 German,Korean,French SL4 」apanese CASiCreat v ty/ n Sclence Chinese 日本語 Act on/SeⅣ ice ] 英 語 2 日本語ab in仕 10 (Env「 onmental study) 2 ドイツ語韓国語フランス語 創造性活動奉仕 サイエンス 初級言語 (環 境学) 中国語

丁he world is your stage 「世界中」が私たちの進路になる 「 The number of schools introducing the lB[DP system continues to lncrease year by yea「 yl 檻 if諦 輛 蝦 li翼郁 鞘 聟 肇 :∬ ]輔 彙 聯 輔 離 罰 撫 and critical thinking skils which support their efforts at university and their future occupation

lncrease of universities that accept lB students lBDPの 認定資格を入試に有利に活かせる国内外の大学

National,prefectural and other public universities and co‖ eges 〈schOol of Medicine〉 Domest c Tohoku Unversity∪ n versty of Tsukuba The∪ n versty of Kagoshlma Un versity okayama∪ n vers ty Hokkaldo∪ nivers ty ∪niversities TOkyO Un vers ty of Fore gn Studies Tokyo Un vers ty ofthe Alts Tokyo,И edical and Dental∪ niversity へ 雨VけJty 国内の大学 T:ξ NagOya Un ve「 sity Aichi Medical Un versity 闘『肝器仔」「」Ψ雷晶Ⅷ%離)も綿雪牝〕 ど Hiroshlma Univers ty Ak ta lnternat onal University Yokohama City Unlversity Osaka C ty univers ty H roshima Un versity Nagasaki Un vers ty KagOshima Univers ty The∪ n vers ty of A zu 〈SCh001 0f Dentistry〉 Tokyo Metropo‖ tan Un versty Tsu「 u Univers ty Matsumoto Dental Univers ty Kagoshlma Un ve「 sity okayama Un versity Hokkaldo∪ niverslty

朧暮瀾鱗 11榊灘ま轍珊囃Ⅸ[:鳳 颯猾幕喘田蝠驚1輛 Chukyo Univers ty Alchl Medical Univers ty Kwansel Gakuln Univers ty “ Hiroshima Univers ty Ritsume kan Un ve「 sity Ritsume kan Asla Pac flc Un ve「 sity Klndal Un vers ty 〈School of Veterinary Medicine〉 KyOtO unlversity of Forelgn Studies Toyohashi∪ nivers ty of Technology Kobe Co‖ ege Kagoshima Un versity Hokkaldo Un versity ヽ´eJi Gakuin University Chuo Univers ty Aoyama Gakuin Univers ty Seinan Gakuin∪ niversity Academic and Career Support 一人ひとりの進路を支援します niversty un versty of o× ford∪ niversty of Cambndge Overseas HarVard∪ ヽ´Ve ofFer complete support for entrance ″ exann nations,provldlng pathvvay advlce 柵梢:客 based on the results of the「 studies Ⅷ群3異獣響i蝉鳥翼難ijlよ;嬌『 the quaificat ons acqu red the r sk s etc Progressive education in an environment surrounded by nature 向学心にこたえる先進的で自然豊かな教育環境

Library図 書室

PSTA has abundantlocal and dig talresou「 ces that are useful for the inquiry learning app「 oach oflB Our bu d ng wide w卜 l envronment and media room a‖ ows for d rect access to the internet and other 千 onine resources at any tlme 「重

Exercise Facilities運 動施設 Chemistry Lab.化 学室

PSTA p「 ovldes a safe and engaglng environment for the study of the

natural sciences、″ith equioment ノ

and machine「 y that conforms to , ― ・ the international safety standards ´ 颯ゞ

Fu‖ y furnlshed exercise Annual sports events fac‖ lties for health and at the athletics stadium Art&Design Room 美術室 physlcal educatlon classes surrounded by nature Students learn deslgn,‖ lustration. Accommodation and Okina、´υats unique traditional crafts ln ou「 specia‖ y deslgned lA/e vvarmly、 Ⅳelcome students from overseas and other studio prefectures to a comfortable accommodation in a safe envi「 onment (Homestay〉 School Busス クールバス ∧fte「 school,students lrv‖ l stay and live lA71th ca「 efu‖ y Fo「 the students conη ng selected host fami es in Nanlo City from sur「 oundlng neighborhoods, 〈Boarding(ln Preparation)〉 there a「e school bus services At the OIS boarding house,students、 ″il also be (Addit onal charge) provldedヽⅣith acadennic suppo「 t Whi e living togethe「 ●Okinavva City,Middle Area Route with people f「 om dlffe「 ent countries,ou「 students could ●Ginowa,∪ rasoe Route enhance the「 soclal and communication skils,promote ●North of Naha City,Shuri Route respect and courtesy,and develop a strong sense of ●South of Naha City,Oroku Route se f― relance and independence ●Tomigusuku,ltoman Route

Q&A~ よくあるこ質問。疑間~ Canl get a」 apanese high school diploma? Okinawa lnternational School(SecOndary School)ls What is the significance approved by the卜 ИEXT The credit units that are acquired of learning at PSttA? at the time of graduation are accepted as the requirements of adnη ission(subject to ent「 IBDP inte「 national education focuses on ance exam nation)to lndlvldua zed and student‐ centered learning unlverslties ln」 apan and overseas ln secondary educatlon,the students learn based on the necessary units to be completed What is the requirement to acquire for g「 aduat on ln additlon to these「 equi「 ements, lBDP diplomat? lA/e custom ze our curriculum to be talored to the future pathways and study plans for each student To obtain lB diploma,students obtain a score of 24 out of 45 in lBDP Examination(IBDP Completion Recognition Examination)HotA/eVer,The adnη ission requ red score to How many universities in」 apan each universities in」 apan and overseas is varied acceptlBDP graduates? 卜ИEXT has been actively tA7orking on spreading What extent of English language proficiency lBDP in」 apan slnce 201 5 Japanese universities is required for admission? are also accelerating globalization and the numbe「 of unive「 sities aHowing adnη isslon of An Engish language prof ciency equalto EIKEN Leve1 2 is lBDP are increaslng every year required forlBDP and 2 5 forlLA admission 丁he new campus onthe beautiful h‖ lin ttamagusuku


OKINAWA lN丁 ∈RNA丁 10NAL 5⊂ H00L [Secondary SchooI]沖 縄国際学院高等専修学校

Schoolinforrnation Sessions and individua:Session 学校説明会・個別相談会開催中

〈CONTAC丁 〉 ▲ 那 覇 ラウロ函 NAHA― City 県道77号 OKINAWA W R77 Tamagusuku IN丁 ∈RNA丁 10NAL 県 Elem and 道 1/1iddle School Naniyo Tamagusuku S⊂H00L 05 城 Ath etic F e d ■玉城総合体育館 143 Fusato′ Tama9usuku′ Nanlo― City 901-0611」 APAN 7 県 号 ■南城市陸上競技場 道 R玉 t重 E]‖ .co m 1 7 ■ 号 郵便局 Post Ofice 098(948)7740

く糸満 にoman 国道331号 R331 Chinen知 念> くお問しヽ合わせは〉 沖縄国際学院高等専修学校 [Address] 〒9010611沖 縄県南城市玉城富里143番地 143 Fusato,Tamagusuku,Nanlo― Cty 901-0695」 APAN 回pSta OkinaAA/a@gmailcom [学 校所在地] 〒901‐ 0695沖 縄県南城市玉城字富里143番 地 098(948)7740 Nevv Campus opensin Summer2019 昴 2019年夏新キャンパス開校 ヽハノebsite