Soft Multifunctional Composites and Emulsions with Liquid Metals
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PROGRESS REPORT Soft Materials Soft Multifunctional Composites and Emulsions with Liquid Metals Navid Kazem, Tess Hellebrekers, and Carmel Majidi* of liquid metal (LM) and low-melting- Binary mixtures of liquid metal (LM) or low-melting-point alloy (LMPA) in point alloys (LMPAs). Referring to an elastomeric or fluidic carrier medium can exhibit unique combinations of Figure 1, LM systems span a wide range electrical, thermal, and mechanical properties. This emerging class of soft of length scales and architectures: mm- [8,9] multifunctional composites have potential applications in wearable com- scale channels embedded in elastomer (Figure 1A,B), traces deposited on a puting, bio-inspired robotics, and shape-programmable architectures. The substrate with a pressurized syringe[10] dispersion phase can range from dilute droplets to connected networks that (Figure 1C), microscale traces printed support electrical conductivity. In contrast to deterministically patterned with soft lithography[11] (Figure 1D), LM LM microfluidics, LMPA- and LM-embedded elastomer (LMEE) composites droplets[12,13] (Figure 1E,F), microscale are statistically homogenous and exhibit effective bulk properties. Eutectic droplets embedded in a polysiloxane[14] Ga-In (EGaIn) and Ga-In-Sn (Galinstan) alloys are typically used due to their (Figure 1G), and LM nanospheres synthe- sized with ultrasonication (Figure 1H).[15] high conductivity, low viscosity, negligible nontoxicity, and ability to wet to Composites composed of droplets sus- nonmetallic materials. Because they are liquid-phase, these alloys can alter pended in a continuous elastic phase the electrical and thermal properties of the composite while preserving the can be tailored to exhibit a unique and mechanics of the surrounding medium. For composites with LMPA inclu- extraordinary combination of mechan- sions (e.g., Field’s metal, Pb-based solder), mechanical rigidity can be actively ical, electrical, and thermal properties. Although still in its nascent stages, these tuned with external heating or electrical activation. This progress report, LMPA- and LM-embedded elastomer reviews recent experimental and theoretical studies of this emerging class (LMEE) composites have the potential of soft material architectures and identifies current technical challenges and for transformative impact in applica- opportunities for further advancement. tion domains that require multifunc- tional materials that are soft and highly deformable. 1. Introduction Here we present an overview of recent studies on binary mix- tures of an LM or LMPA dispersion phase in an elastomeric or Progress in emerging domains like wearable computing, soft fluidic carrier medium. This includes special focus on LMEEs robotics, and biohybrid engineering depends on new classes of and the interplay of composition, microstructure, deformation, soft multifunctional materials that match the mechanical prop- and mesoscale material properties for this emerging materials erties of natural biological tissue. Efforts to combine thermal class. Following a brief background (Section 1.1) and materials and electrical functionality with mechanical compliance and overview (Section 1.2), we report on progress in the following elasticity have largely focused on elastomer composites,[1,2] graft subdomains: copolymers,[3] and a variety of deterministic architectures.[4,5] The latter includes soft microfluidic[6,7] and microsolidic[8] sys- • Ga-based LM dispersions: mechanical, dielectric, and ther- tems in which an elastomer is embedded with microchannels mal properties (Section 2); of a fluid or low-melting-point material. • Connected LM networks: electrical conductivity and electro- In recent years, there have been attempts to merge these mechanical coupling (Section 3); various approaches to create hybrid material architectures • Connected LMPA networks: rigidity tuning and shape chang- that exhibit novel combinations of mechanical, thermal, and ing (Section 4). electrical properties. Of particular interest has been the use Such work relates to a rich body of research on the synthesis, N. Kazem, T. Hellebrekers, Prof. C. Majidi characterization, and theory of statistically uniform dispersions Integrated Soft Materials Lab in a continuous phase.[16–19] It also builds on efforts from the Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh last decade to combine LM or LMPAs with soft microfluidics Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA [8,20] E-mail: [email protected] to create mechanically robust electronics and elastomers capable of changing mechanical rigidity.[21] Whenever relevant, DOI: 10.1002/adma.201605985 we will highlight the connection between recent advancements Adv. Mater. 2017, 29, 1605985 1605985 (1 of 14) © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim in LM-based compositions and these more established domains. Navid Kazem received his B.S. degree in civil engi- neering from the Sharif 1.1. Background University of Technology (Iran) in 2012. He got his Since the early 2000s, there has been remarkable progress in M.S. degree in civil and envi- new classes of soft and stretchable electronics that are mechani- ronmental engineering from cally robust and compatible with human tissue.[5] Many of these Carnegie Mellon University technologies incorporate metalized textiles,[22] conductive con- in 2013 and is currently a jugated polymers,[23–29] and rubbery nanocomposites composed PhD student working with of a percolating network of metal nanoparticles or carbon allo- the Integrated Soft Materials tropes embedded in an elastomer.[17,30] There has also been rap- Laboratory under the supervi- idly growing interest in the use of 1D and 2D nanomaterials for sion of Professor Carmel Majidi. His research focus is on flexible and stretchable electronics.[31–35] This includes 3D aero- multifunctional soft materials with liquid metals embedded gels with carbon nanotubes[36] and Ag nanowires[37] (Figure 2A) in elastomers, for applications in wearable computing, and related efforts to perform Brownian dynamic simulations stretchable electronics, and biomedical devices. on generalized “patchy rods” networks (Figure 2B).[38] Other approaches to stretchable functionality are based on patterning Tess Hellebrekers received thin metal films into wavy or serpentine shapes that can stretch her B.S. degree in biomed- through elastic bending or torsion.[4] A key advantage of this ical engineering from the approach is that it can be extended to thin semiconductor films University of Texas at Austin for stretchable np junctions and logic arrays.[39] Using novel in 2016. She is currently a lithography techniques, such materials can be integrated with PhD student at Carnegie conventional microelectronics for creating fully functional cir- Mellon University working cuits on a stretchable carrier medium.[40–49] with the Integrated Soft In the last decade, there has also been extraordinary progress Materials Laboratory under in the emerging field of soft-matter electronics with Ga-based the supervision of Professor LM alloys such as eutectic gallium-indium (EGaIn, Figure 2C) Carmel Majidi. Her research and gallium-indium-tin (Galinstan).[54–65] These alloys form a focus is on a broad range of surface oxide that enables droplet “moldability”[50] (Figure 2D), soft sensing for integration with underwater robotics. electrochemical manipulation,[12] elastomer wetting for fluidic injection[20,51] (Figure 2E), and the synthesis of nanoscale drop- Carmel Majidi is an associate lets (Figure 2F).[52] In addition to LM, soft-matter electronics professor of mechanical have been successfully demonstrated using ionic microflu- engineering at Carnegie idics[66–70] and hydrogels.[71–73] More generally, soft-matter Mellon University. He leads electronics represent the class of electronic materials and cir- the Integrated Soft Materials cuits that are composed entirely of soft condensed matter, i.e., Laboratory, which develops materials that deform under light mechanical loading. These novel materials architectures, heterogeneous systems typically use soft elastomer[74] as the theoretical models, and continuous phase and exhibit bulk mechanical properties sim- fabrication methods for soft ilar to that of soft biological tissue. multifunctional composites There have been several review articles that extensively cover and microfluidics. Professor the emerging field of Ga-based LM microfluidic electronics. Majidi’s researches con- The focus of these articles range from circuit and sensing tribute to the fields of soft bioinspired robotics, wearable applications[58,75,76] to emerging fabrication methods based on computing, and mechanics of soft matter. Prior to joining lithographic, additive, subtractive, and injection-based tech- Carnegie Mellon University, he had postdoctoral fellow- niques.[60,64,77] More recent developments in LM microfluidics ships at Princeton and Harvard. He received his B.S. have been directed towards 3D printing of microfluidic chan- degree from Cornell University and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees nels[78,79] and applications of LM in antennas and resona- from UC Berkeley. tors,[59,62,65,80–88] electrodes[89–91] and metamaterials.[92–94] In addition, there has been an increased focus on exploring dif- ferent phenomena like electro-chemistry,[12,62,95–110] wettability, and interfaces[111–114] of LMs. Recent developments in stretch- 1.2. Materials Overview able electronics with LM is the focus of a companion report[115] and will not be