I| E65 VOL. 4 TANZANIA ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY LIMITED Public Disclosure Authorized I REINFORCEMENT AND UPGRADE OF DAR ES SALAAM, KILIMANJARO AND ARUSHA rRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM PROJECT I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Public Disclosure Authorized 4~~~~~~A .I ENVIRONMENTAL AUDIT OF 18 SUBSTATIC NS Public Disclosure Authorized FINAL REPORT * NOVEMBER 2005 I . SUBMITTED TO: National Environment Management Council World Bank P.0. Box 63154 1818 HStreet, NW I Dar es Salaam Washinaton DC 204 33 USA Tel.: 255-22-2127817 Tel: 202-477-6391 Fax: 255-22- 2134603 Fax: 202477-1234 E-mail:
[email protected] Website: http://w rw.worldbank.org Prepared by: SCANNE- Tanzania Electric Suppl) Company Limited *_AC_ - Directorate of Corporate Plani ing and Research Public Disclosure Authorized Accissioi No. _ I ox No. Environment Unit CabinetlDrawer/Folder/Subfolder P. 0. Box 90 4, Dar es Salaam I 2 0 cDTh1 Tel: + 55 022 2451130/39 Contact: krabd
[email protected] Website: wN. tanescotz.com II - _______________ I+ Reinforcement and Upgrade of Dar es Salaam, Kilimanjaro and Aruha Transmission and Distribution System EXECUTIVE SUMMARY * 1.0 Background The demand for electric power in Tanzania has been on increase due to the g owing economic and social situation in the country. Good govemance, good policies, investor ' confidence and economic recovery programmes have stimulated the economic growth and sc cial activities. In 1986, Tanzania introduced and embarked on Economic Recovery Programme (ERP) backed by a I series of IMF inspired structural adjustment programmes. ERP concentrat d on reforming agriculture, opening up the private sectors, deregulating food marketing, libe ralized trade and lifting foreign exchange controls.