FORMED MARCH 29th 1981 South Australia NEW CLUB WEB SITE If you would like your car added to the members page please send a photo to the Webmaster & he will upload this onto the site. Webmaster; David Urry Email;
[email protected] Meetings are held on the 3rd WEDNESDAY of the month at 8pm in the T-Ford Clubrooms Centre Port Road West Hindmarsh Ph. 83408366 Enter opposite Lindon St travelling towards Port Adelaide CLUB FINANCIAL YEAR 1st JULY - 30th JUNE The views and comments expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those held by the club or committee. 2 FORD 8 & 10 SIDEVALVE CLUB INC. COMMITTEE 2015-2016 Incorporation No 8008X PRESIDENT COMMITTEE Jim Puust Phillip Jones Ph.: 8823 4080 Mobile:0408 842 450 Marilyn Cowley Email:
[email protected] Sylvia Duthy Mark Howson VICE PRESIDENT Glenda Lind Jim Giles Blaine Lind Mobile: 0411 510 443 Miranda Westbrook SEC./PUBLIC OFFICER Grace Giles Bev Puust Russell Maxwell P.O. Box 542 Kadina SA 5554 Ph.: 8823 4080 Mobile: 0439 842 450 CLUB REGALIA Email:
[email protected] Barb Bartholomew TREASURER /MEMBERSHIP Ph.: 8186 0821 David Urry FEDERATION REP Ph.: 8322 3802 Mobile: 0400 552 837 Gordon Cowley Email:
[email protected] SPARE PARTS PLEASE PHONE FIRST HISTORIC REGISTRATION Leon Hein OFFICERS Ph.: 0417 817 892 David Urry Email:
[email protected] Ph.: 8322 3802 Mobile: 0400 552 837 Russell Maxwell Ph: 0417882583 EDITOR Jim & Grace Giles Ph: 8346 5144 Mobile: 0411 510 443 Email:
[email protected] LIBRARIAN John Howard Ph.: 8445 2425 Mobile: 0447 768 868 3 A Letter from the President Hi again everyone; Since my last presidents piece our new committee has met and we have arranged what I feel will be a varied and exciting program for the year ahead.