Jen (Jae Eun) Choi PhD Candidate in Accounting
[email protected] EDUCATION Emory University, Atlanta, GA 2022 (Expected) Ph.D. in Accounting Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea 2017 Master of Science in Accounting Korea University, Seoul, Korea 2015 Bachelor of Business Administration and Financial Engineering, Summa Cum Laude ESADE, Barcelona, Spain 2013 Korea University exchange student program PROFESSIONAL INTERESTS Research: Management Control Systems, Executive Compensation, and Supply Chain Relationships Teaching: Managerial/Financial Accounting, Data Analytics RESEARCH (*: Presenter, c: Coauthor presentation) [1] Choi, J. (2021) Sales-based CEO Incentive and Its Effect across the Supply Chain (Dissertation) ▪ Committee: Karen Sedatole, Mary Ellen Carter, Ilia Dichev, Kristy Towry, and Gonzalo Maturana ▪ Presented at Emory University* [2] Carter, M., Choi, J., Sedatole, K. (2021) The Effect of Supplier Industry Competition on Pay-for- Performance Incentive Intensity. Status: Published at Journal of Accounting and Economics, 71(2-3), 101389 ▪ Presented at Clemson Universityc, 2020 FARS Research Roundtables*, George Mason Universityc, 2019 GMARS* (Michigan State University), 2019 GRACE* (Emory University), INSEADc, 2018 Notre Dame Accounting Research Conferencec, 2019 MAS Meeting*, Monash Universityc, Temple Universityc, and University of Washingtonc [3] Carter, M., Choi, J., Sedatole, K. (2021) Customer RPE: Using Customer Performance to Filter Noise Out of CEO Incentive Contracts ▪ Developed from second-year summer paper at Emory University ▪ Received funding from the IMA Doctoral Scholars Program ▪ Presented at 2020 AAA Annual Meeting*, Arizona State Universityc, 2021 CAAA Annual Meeting*, Executive Compensation Corporate Governance Brownbag Seriesc, 2021 FARS Meeting*, Harvard Business Schoolc, KAIST Business School*, 2021 MAS Meeting*, University of Nebraska-Lincolnc, and 2021 EIASM* [4] Choi, J., Forker, E., Grabner, I., Sedatole, K.