Competitors List

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Competitors List Competitors list AUSTRIA Bib Name Women 1 Ana LEHACI 1990 2 Viktoria SCHWARZ 1985 3 Yvonne SCHURING 1978 Men 4 Mario SIEGL 1991 501 Markus SWOBODA 1990 Paracanoe AZERBAIJAN Bib Name Men 5 Ievgen KARABUTA 1992 6 Mirnazim JAVADOV 1992 BELARUS Bib Name Women 7 Aleksandra GRISHINA 1993 8 Alena NAZDROVA 1998 9 Darya BAICHEUSKAYA 1993 10 Kamila BOBR 1997 11 Nadzeya LIAPESHKA 1989 12 Sofiya YURCHANKA 1989 13 Volha KHUDZENKA 1992 © powered by MemoSoft Page 1 of 27 Competitors list BELARUS Bib Name Men 14 Aleh YURENIA 1990 15 Aliaksei MAKHNIST 1994 16 Aliaksei MISIUCHENKA 1996 17 Andrei BAHDANOVICH 1987 502 Andrei TKACHUK 1988 Paracanoe 18 Dzianis MAKHLAI 1990 19 Dzmitry NATYNCHYK 1993 20 Dzmitry RABCHANKA 1985 21 Dzmitry TRATSIAKOU 1993 503 Henadzi KUZURA 1983 Paracanoe 22 Ihar BAICHEUSKI 1993 23 Ilya FEDARENKA 1998 24 Ivan PATAPENKA 1997 25 Kiril NIKITSIN 1997 26 Maksim PIATROU 1992 27 Mikita BORYKAU 1992 28 Pavel MIADZVEDZEU 1991 29 Raman PIATRUSHENKA 1980 30 Ryhor MAISIUK 1999 31 Vadzim MAKHNEU 1979 32 Vitaliy BIALKO 1989 504 Yury SAMANENKA 1992 Paracanoe 33 Yury TKACHOU 1997 © powered by MemoSoft Page 2 of 27 Competitors list BELGIUM Bib Name Women 34 Hermien PETERS 1994 35 Lize BROEKX 1992 Men 36 Artuur PETERS 1996 37 Jonathan DELOMBAERDE 1994 BULGARIA Bib Name Women 38 Anastasia LAVRENOVA 1998 39 Daniela NEDEVA 1985 40 Olimpiya DUSHEVA 1996 41 Plamena SAYKOVA 1998 42 Staniliya STAMENOVA 1988 Men 43 Angel KODINOV 1997 44 Daniel KARAKOLEV 1996 45 Hristo REKOV 1996 46 Kristian DUSHEV 1992 47 Miroslav KIRCHEV 1990 48 Stanislav DIMITROV 1994 49 Todor KOLEVSKI 1998 50 Veliyan BUCHVAROV 1994 © powered by MemoSoft Page 3 of 27 Competitors list CROATIA Bib Name Men 51 Antun NOVAKOVIC 1997 52 Emanuel HORVATICEK 1979 53 Marko JELKIC 1988 54 Stefo LUTZ 1989 CYPRUS Bib Name Men 505 Andreas POTAMITIS 1964 Paracanoe CZECH REPUBLIC Bib Name Women 55 Anna KOZISKOVA 1986 56 Eliska BETLACHOVA 1998 57 Jana JEZOVA 1991 58 Jana KRPATOVA 1997 59 Katerina SLIVANSKA 1996 60 Lenka SOUCKOVA 1990 61 Lucie KRPATOVA 1992 62 Michaela FASNEROVA 1992 Men 63 Daniel HAVEL 1991 © powered by MemoSoft Page 4 of 27 Competitors list CZECH REPUBLIC Bib Name Men 64 Filip DVORAK 1988 65 Filip SVAB 1983 66 Jakub BREZINA 1993 67 Jakub SPICAR 1993 68 Jakub ZAVREL 1996 69 Jan STERBA 1981 70 Krystof HAJEK 1997 71 Lukas KUSOVSKY 1991 72 Lukas NEPRAS 1993 73 Lukas TREFIL 1988 74 Martin FUKSA 1993 75 Martin SEIDL 1994 76 Ondrej BISICKY 1997 77 Patrik KUCERA 1993 78 Radek SLOUF 1994 79 Tomas VESELY 1996 DENMARK Bib Name Women ØRGENSEN 80 Emma J 1996 81 Ida WILLUMSEN 1994 82 Julie FUNCH 1997 83 Mette GRAVESEN 1998 84 Pernille KNUDSEN 1997 © powered by MemoSoft Page 5 of 27 Competitors list DENMARK Bib Name Men 85 Casper PRETZMANN 1995 86 Emil NIELSEN 1990 87 Mads PETERSEN 1996 88 Morten GRAVERSEN 1996 89 Nils BOE 1989 90 Orion PILO 1992 91 Rene POULSEN 1988 92 Troels LUND 1994 ESTONIA Bib Name Women 93 Nina RIOSA 1990 Men 94 Joosep KARLSON 1995 95 Kaarel ALUPERE 1993 96 Kaspar SULA 1990 FINLAND Bib Name Women 97 Pauliina POLET 1992 © powered by MemoSoft Page 6 of 27 Competitors list FINLAND Bib Name Men 98 Jeremy HAKALA 1995 ÄNTYNEN 99 Joona M 1994 ÄNEN 100 Miika NYK 1992 101 Niklas VETTANEN 1993 FRANCE Bib Name Women ès LACHEUX Paracanoe 506 Agn 1974 102 Anais CATTELET 1993 507 Cindy MOREAU 1983 Paracanoe énie DORANGE 103 Eug 1998 104 Julie CAILLERETZ 1996 105 Lea JAMELOT 1992 106 Manon HOSTENS 1994 107 Sarah GUYOT 1991 108 Sarah TROEL 1986 Men 109 Adrien BART 1991 élien LE GALL 110 Aur 1993 111 Cyrille CARRE 1984 112 Etienne HUBERT 1988 113 Franck LE MOEL 1991 114 Guillaume BURGER 1989 115 Guillaume DECORCHEMONT 1995 ïc LEONARD 116 Lo 1996 © powered by MemoSoft Page 7 of 27 Competitors list FRANCE Bib Name Men 508 Martin FARINEAUX 1981 Paracanoe 117 Mathieu GOUBEL 1980 118 Maxime BEAUMONT 1982 119 Pierrick BAYLE 1993 émi CLIN 120 R 1992 509 Remy BOULLE 1988 Paracanoe 121 Romain BEUGNET 1991 510 Ronan BERNARD 1981 Paracanoe 122 Sebastien JOUVE 1982 GEORGIA Bib Name Men 123 Zaza NADIRADZE 1993 GERMANY Bib Name Women 511 Anja ADLER 1989 Paracanoe 512 Anke MOLKENTHIN 1962 Paracanoe 124 Annika LOSKE 1998 125 Caroline ARFT 1996 ÜLLER Paracanoe 513 Edina M 1983 126 Franziska WEBER 1989 © powered by MemoSoft Page 8 of 27 Competitors list GERMANY Bib Name Women 127 Jasmine FRITZ 1996 ÖTHER 128 Katharina K 1996 129 Melanie GEBHARDT 1994 130 Ophelia PRELLER 1998 131 Sabrina HERING 1992 132 Steffi KRIEGERSTEIN 1992 133 Tabea MEDERT 1994 134 Tina DIETZE 1988 Men 135 Conrad SCHEIBNER 1996 514 Ivo KILIAN 1977 Paracanoe 136 Jan VANDREY 1991 137 Kai SPENNER 1990 138 Kostja STROINSKI 1991 139 Lukas REUSCHENBACH 1994 515 Maik POLTE 1975 Paracanoe 140 Marcus GROSS 1989 141 Max HOFF 1982 142 Max LEMKE 1996 143 Max RENDSCHMIDT 1993 144 Max ZAREMBA 1991 145 Peter KRETSCHMER 1992 146 Ronald RAUHE 1981 147 Sebastian BRENDEL 1988 148 Stefan KIRAJ 1989 Ö 149 Tamas GECS 1997 150 Timo HASELEU 1994 151 Tobias SCHULZ 1988 © powered by MemoSoft Page 9 of 27 Competitors list GERMANY Bib Name Men 516 Tom KIEREY 1994 Paracanoe 152 Tom LIEBSCHER 1993 153 Yul OELTZE 1993 GREAT BRITAIN Bib Name Women 154 Angela HANNAH 1986 517 Charlotte HENSHAW 1987 Paracanoe 155 Chloe BRACEWELL 1991 156 Emily LEWIS 1993 518 Emma WIGGS 1980 Paracanoe 157 Hannah BROWN 1990 519 Jeanette CHIPPINGTON 1970 Paracanoe 158 Jess WALKER 1990 159 Nia TOMOS 1989 160 Rachel CAWTHORN 1988 Men 520 David PHILLIPSON 1989 Paracanoe 161 Iain WEIR 1992 521 Ian MARSDEN 1972 Paracanoe 162 Jonathan BOYTON 1988 163 Jonathan JONES 1996 578 Jonathan YOUNG 1984 Paracanoe 164 Liam HEATH 1984 522 Nicholas BEIGHTON 1981 Paracanoe © powered by MemoSoft Page 10 of 27 Competitors list GREAT BRITAIN Bib Name Men 523 Robert OLIVER 1988 Paracanoe GREECE Bib Name Men 524 Eteoklis PAVLOU 1990 Paracanoe 165 Stefanos DIMOPOULOS 1998 HUNGARY Bib Name Women Ágnes SZABÓ 166 1995 ária FEHÉR Paracanoe 525 Annam 1976 167 Dora BODONYI 1993 óra LUCZ 168 D 1994 169 Erika MEDVECZKY 1988 ÓTH Paracanoe 526 Julianna T 1963 527 Katalin VARGA 1986 Paracanoe ö TAKÁCS 170 Kincs 1993 171 Ninetta VAD 1989 óna FARKASDI 172 Ram 1993 éka HAGYMÁSI 173 R 1993 ÁCS 174 Tamara TAK 1996 ág BALLA 175 Vir 1994 © powered by MemoSoft Page 11 of 27 Competitors list HUNGARY Bib Name Men Ádám FEKETE 176 1994 ás ROZBORA Paracanoe 528 Andr 1978 177 Balazs BIRKAS 1996 178 Balint KOPASZ 1997 álint NOÉ 179 B 1993 180 Bence HORVATH 1992 ÁDAS 181 Bence N 1996 182 Benjamin CEINER 1992 ániel PAUMAN 183 D 1986 ávid KORISÁNSZKY 184 D 1993 ávid TÓTH 185 D 1985 186 David VARGA 1988 529 Erik KISS 2001 Paracanoe ábor BOGÁR 187 G 1994 188 Henrik VASBANYAI 1991 án FÁBIÁN Paracanoe 530 Istv 1955 189 Jonatan HAJDU 1996 190 Laszlo SOLTI 1993 191 Mark BALASKA 1996 árk BÁRDFALVI 192 M 1993 ós SUHA Paracanoe 531 Mikl 1977 án MOZGI 193 Mil 1998 194 Pal SARUDI 1983 éter MOLNÁR 195 P 1986 196 Robert ILYES 1993 197 Robert MIKE 1985 óbert SUBA Paracanoe 532 R 1980 ándor TÓTKA 198 S 1994 ás JUHÁSZ Paracanoe 533 Tam 1976 © powered by MemoSoft Page 12 of 27 Competitors list HUNGARY Bib Name Men 199 Tibor HUFNAGEL 1991 án KAMMERER 200 Zolt 1978 É 201 Zsombor NO 1995 IRELAND Bib Name Women 202 Jenny EGAN 1987 Men 203 Barry WATKINS 1989 534 Patrick O'LEARY 1972 Paracanoe 204 Tom BRENNAN 1992 ISRAEL Bib Name Women 205 Rachel BERCOVITCH 1967 Men 206 Halevi RON 1994 © powered by MemoSoft Page 13 of 27 Competitors list ITALY Bib Name Women 207 Cristina PETRACCA 1990 208 Francesca GENZO 1993 535 Juliet KAINE 1983 Paracanoe 209 Sofia CAMPANA 1990 210 Susanna CICALI 1992 Men 211 Alberto RICCHETTI 1985 212 Alessandro GNECCHI 1992 213 Carlo TACCHINI 1995 214 Daniele SANTINI 1992 536 Esteban FARIAS 1984 Paracanoe 537 Federico MANCARELLA 1992 Paracanoe 215 Giulio DRESSINO 1992 538 Giuseppe DI LELIO 1974 Paracanoe 539 Kwadzo KLOKPAH 1989 Paracanoe 216 Luca INCOLLINGO 1987 540 Marius CIUSTEA 1993 Paracanoe 217 Matteo FLORIO 1990 218 Mauro CRENNA 1991 219 Mauro FLORIANI 1986 220 Michele BERTOLINI 1993 221 Nicola RIPAMONTI 1990 222 Nicolae CRACIUN 1994 223 Riccardo SPOTTI 1997 224 Sergiu CRACIUN 1984 541 Simone GIANNINI 1993 Paracanoe © powered by MemoSoft Page 14 of 27 Competitors list LATVIA Bib Name Women 225 Agnija BERZINA 1989 226 Julija GUTOVA 1999 Men 227 Aivis TINTS 1987 228 Dagnis ILJINS 1992 229 Gatis PRANKS 1986 230 Kaspars TIKLENIEKS 1993 231 Roberts AKMENS 1996 232 Stanislavs LESCINSKIS 1993 LITHUANIA Bib Name Men 233 Andrej OLIJNIK 1987 234 Arturas SEJA 1996 235 Aurimas LANKAS 1985 236 Edvinas RAMANAUSKAS 1985 237 Henrikas ZUSTAUTAS 1994 238 Jevgenij KURACIONOK 1994 239 Mindaugas MALDONIS 1991 240 Osvaldas MURZA 1995 241 Ricardas NEKRIOSIUS 1986 242 Simonas MALDONIS 1993 243 Vadim KOROBOV 1997 © powered by MemoSoft Page 15 of 27 Competitors list MOLDOVA Bib Name Women 244 Daniela COCIU 2000 245 Maria OLARASU 2000 Men 246 Ilie SPRINCEAN 1994 247 Oleg NUTA 1997 248 Oleg TARNOVSKYI 1992 NORWAY Bib Name Women 249 Marte SOLHAUG 1995 Men 250 Eivind VOLD 1993 251 Fridtjof FALCH 1989 252 Jo SOLHAUG 1991 253 Jon VOLD 1997 254 Lars HJEMDAL 1992 255 Lars ULLVANG 1994 256 Magnus IVARSEN 1997 257 Per WESSEL 1993 258 Svoren MATHIAS 1999 259 Teland HAKEEM 1998 © powered by MemoSoft Page 16 of 27 Competitors list POLAND Bib Name Women 260 Anna PULAWSKA 1996 261 Beata MIKOLAJCZYK 1985 262 Dominika WLODARCZYK 1995 263 Dorota BOROWSKA 1996 264 Iwona CZARNECKA 1995 265 Julia LIS 1997 542 Kamila KUBAS 1983 Paracanoe 266 Karolina MARKIEWICZ 1993 267 Katarzyna KOLODZIEJCZYK 1998 268 Magda STANNY 1993 269 Marta WALCZYKIEWICZ 1987 Men 543 Arkadiusz GARBACZ 1987 Paracanoe 270 Bartosz STABNO 1991 271 Dawid PUTTO 1991 544 Jakub TOKARZ 1981 Paracanoe 272 Marcin
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