19 annual report for the year ended 30 June A Overview of FirstRand Bank and analysis of financial about results (normalised) this report B The annual report covers the following: Summary risk and capital A overview of FirstRand Bank; management report A a detailed analysis of the bank’s normalised financial results, as the bank believes this most accurately reflects its economic performance (normalised results have been derived from the audited financial results); A a summary risk and capital management report; contents the audited annual financial statements; and C A A supplementary information. Annual financial statements A detailed description on the differences between normalised and IFRS results and a detailed reconciliation between normalised and IFRS results is provided on page A116 and pages A118 and A119. Jaco van Wyk, CA(SA), supervised the preparation of the annual financial statements. D Supplementary information 1929/001225/06 Certain entities within the FirstRand group are Authorised Financial Services and Credit Providers. This analysis is available on the group’s website: www.firstrand.co.za Email questions to
[email protected] FIRSTRAND BANK LIMITED :: 01 :: A FirstRand Bank (FRB or the bank) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of FirstRand Limited (FirstRand or the group), which is listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) and the Namibian Stock Exchange (NSX). The bank provides a comprehensive range of retail, commercial, corporate and investment banking services in South Africa and offers niche products in certain international markets. The bank has three major divisions, which are separately branded: First National Bank (FNB), Rand Merchant Bank (RMB) and WesBank.