Today's LGBT Household
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Today’s LGBT Household: Modern Family meets the New Normal Two Mommies, PFLAG Parents and... Fido Makes a Family Thomas Roth & David Paisley Community Markeng & Insights About us: • San Francisco-based global company, LGBT Owned/Operated, founded in 1992, serves clients throughout the USA, Canada, Europe, Asia and Australia. • 20+ years of consumer research, strategic consulng, markeng planning, communicaons, and training services • Conducted the research and provided strategic consulng for leading brands, including MetLife, Wells Fargo Bank, Prudenal Financial, ABSOLUT Vodka, MillerCoors Brewing Co., Gallo Wineries, Hya Hotels, Starwood Hotels, Canadian Tourism Commission, Japanese Naonal Tourism Organizaon, Stockholm Tourist Board, Travelocity , Target Brands, American Cancer Society, the U.S. Government (Census Bureau and HUD) and many more… Research, development, communicaons and markeng strategies. Proudly serving industry leaders since 1992 Some of CMI’s LGBT Tourism Research, Educaon & Markeng Clients Research, development, communicaons and markeng strategies. Proudly serving industry leaders since 1992 Beyond Tourism: LGBT Research & Consulng for... CMI’s 6th Annual LGBT Community Survey® is one of the most comprehensive studies available focusing on LGBT consumers. Who Did We Talk To? How Did We Talk To Them? • 15 minute online survey conducted in • Over 45,000 total respondents represenng May -June 2012 LGBTs in 148 countries • Our survey was made available through an • This report focuses on U.S. data for more email invitaon to survey panelists, as well than 10,000 self-idenfied gay men and as on the websites, email lists and social 2,000 lesbian women media of our 200+ partners • Respondents were recruited from CMI’s • Importantly, our sample reflects the proprietary research panel and 150 LGBT readership/membership of this broad range media outlets and partner organizaons of LGBT focused media outlets , organizaons and events. This means that • Survey results on non-U.S. data and for the results summarized here are highly bisexual and transgender respondents are representave of consumers who are available upon request interacng with the LGBT community. What constitutes an LGBT Household? LGBT Households: Composion (courtesy of Prudenal Financial) How many children do you have under age 18 for whom you a financially responsible? LGBTs 15% Lesbians 23% Gay Men 7% And 60% of Gen Y study parcipants are parents or plan to have children Complete study can be found at Other CMI research finds approximately 20% of lesbians and 5% of gay men have children under 18 living in the home Base: n=1,401 total sample “Family” is more than just children: Only 22% live alone LGBT Family Life includes children, pets, parents and roommates. Only 22% live alone. LGBT Households: Composion (courtesy of Prudenal Financial) Base: n=1,401 total sample LGBT Family v.1 Kids in the Home As consumer product purchasers, LGBT parents tend to be between age 35-55 Gay and Lesbian Parents (with Children under 18) Gay Male Parents Lesbian Parents 35% Age 35-44 42% 71% Age 35-55 71% Base: 2012 Gay Men n=252; Lesbians n=335 Results from 6th Annual LGBT Community Survey Lesbian and gay men with children purchase more consumer products than those without children including at least one major vacaon of 5 nights or more. Top Purchases, Past Year Lesbians with kids Lesbians without kids Gay men with kids Gay men without kids + 13 50% + 5 41% + 5 + 6 36% 37% 36% 36% + 6 + 10 31% 30% 28% 28% + 7 25% 22% 20% 19% 18% 18% Laptop computer Tablet computer (iPad, etc.) "Smart" phone (iPhone, Android, Major vacaon of 5 nights or more etc.) *CMI defines kids as children under 18 living at home. Bases: Gay Men with Kids n=252; Gay Men w/o Kids=14,226; Lesbians with Kids n=335; Lesbians w/o Kids n=2,639 Results from CMI’s 6th Annual USA LGBT Community Survey, now available for download. Technology Ownership • LGBTs are known early adopters of technology; but LGBT parents are even more so. Which of the following do you own? All LGBTs LGBT Parents (without children) Digital camera 84% 75% Android smartphone 41% 36% iPhone 36% 38% Digital camcorder (Flip, HD, etc.) 33% 16% E-reader (Nook, Kindle, Sony, etc.) 31% 20% iPad 27% 22% iPod Touch 20% 15% Android tablet 9% 6% Other WiFi / HotSpot enabled device 9% 6% Blackberry smartphone 7% 7% Windows smartphone 2% 2% Base: LGBT Parents n=730; All LGBTs Without Children n=18,375 Results from CMI’s 6th Annual USA LGBT Community Survey, now available for download. Technology Ownership • LGBTs are known early adopters of technology; but LGBT parents are even more so. Which of the following do you own? All LGBTs LGBT Parents (without children) Digital camera 84% 75% Android smartphone 41% 36% iPhone 36% 38% Digital camcorder (Flip, HD, etc.) 33% 16% E-reader (Nook, Kindle, Sony, etc.) 31% 20% iPad 27% 22% iPod Touch 20% 15% Android tablet 9% 6% Other WiFi / HotSpot enabled device 9% 6% Blackberry smartphone 7% 7% Windows smartphone 2% 2% Base: LGBT Parents n=730; All LGBTs Without Children n=18,375 Results from CMI’s 6th Annual USA LGBT Community Survey, now available for download. Technology & Lifestyle • LGBT parents are even more likely to use technology to organize their hecc lives. Atudes About Technology & Lifestyle LGBT Parents All LGBTs Without Children I carry my cell phone or PDA 76% everywhere I go 84% Technology helps make my life 58% more organized 61% It is important to juggle various tasks at the same me 55% 47% I am so busy, oen I can’t finish everything I need to in a day 49% 32% I'm among first of my friends to try new technology products 21% 24% Base: LGBT Parents n=730; All LGBTs Without Children n=18,375 Results from CMI’s 6th Annual USA LGBT Community Survey, now available for download. Technology & Lifestyle • LGBT parents are even more connected to technology than other LGBTs Atudes About Technology & Lifestyle LGBT Parents All LGBTs Without Children I carry my cell phone or PDA 76% everywhere I go 84% Technology helps make my life 58% more organized 61% It is important to juggle various tasks at the same me 55% 47% I am so busy, oen I can’t finish everything I need to in a day 49% 32% I'm among first of my friends to try new technology products 21% 24% Base: LGBT Parents n=730; All LGBTs Without Children n=18,375 Results from CMI’s 6th Annual USA LGBT Community Survey, now available for download. Influence on Purchase Decisions • Sponsorship of LGBT events and organizaons is an important element of any LGBT markeng strategy, and trumps adversing. When a company adverses in LGBT media or sponsors LGBT charies, has it influenced your purchasing decisions? Past 12 Months Strong Influence Some Influence Adverses in LGBT media Sponsors LGBT charies LGBT Parents 38% 46% 47% 40% All LGBTs Without Children 30% 48% 39% 40% Gay Male Parents 36% 48% 42% 44% Lesbian Parents 45% 43% 55% 35% Base: All LGBT Parents n=730; All LGBT Without Children n=18,375 Gay Male Parents n=252; Lesbians Parents n=335 Results from CMI’s 6th Annual USA LGBT Community Survey, now available for download. Travel Habits of Gay and Lesbian Families • Once gay men and lesbians become parents, their travel priories shi. They are less concerned with “LGBT” desnaons and services than “family” –related priories. Gay and Lesbian Parents (with Children under 18) Gay Male Parents Lesbian Parents 67% Are budget travelers because they have children 59% 50% Listed vising family and friends as a top travel movator 65% 8% Have traveled to another city for an LGBT families event 7% (in the past 12 months) Base: 2012 Gay Men n=119; Lesbians n=121 Results from CMI’s 2011 Gay and Lesbian Travel and Tourism Study When LGBT parents are forced to choose between child-friendly or gay friendly… most seek child-friendly desnaons and hotels Gay-friendly Gay-friendly Child-friendly Child-friendly Base: 2012 Gay Men n=119; Lesbians n=121 Results from CMI’s 2011 Gay and Lesbian Travel and Tourism Study The LGBT family in adversing: USBank The LGBT family in adversing: Amtrak The LGBT family in adversing: Amtrak The LGBT family in adversing: Kaiser Permanente The LGBT family in adversing: JCPenney The LGBT family in adversing: JCPenney The LGBT family in adversing: Allstate and Prudenal The LGBT family in adversing: Target Available exclusively on Featuring an exclusive shirt from Target design partner Gwen Stefani 100% of sales donated to the Family Equality Council The LGBT family in adversing: Communicaons LGBT Family v.2 Pets in the home Pets • In CMI’s 2010 LGBT Travel & Tourism study, we asked respondents to elaborate on pet ownership and travel with their furry companions. 56% indicated that they have a pet, and 12% that they travel with their pet(s). Ownership & Travel Gay Men Lesbians 18% 10% 18% travel travel w/pet w/pet 50% 74% Pets Traveled with… 90% Dogs 8% Cats 2% Other Base: US Gay and Lesbian Respondents; n=5,378. Those who travel with pets n=576 Results from CMI’s 2010 Gay and Lesbian Travel and Tourism Study The LGBT family in adversing: VPN The LGBT family in adversing: Toyota The LGBT family in adversing: Kimpton LGBT Family v.3 Caring for Elder Parents Family Responsibilies (courtesy of Prudenal Financial) • 1 in 10 LGBT’s are caring for an elderly family member, with 40% living in the same household. Base: n=1,401 total sample Many LGBT households include caring for elder parents.