Nixon Plans to Shift Job Training to States
V ■ 'v A PAGE T.WENTY-TWO MONDAY, AUGUST 11, I960 \ . HanrbfHtpr Etipning firrali) Bloodmobile Visits St. James’ School Tomorrow, 1:45 to 6:30 p.m. About Towp Men of all ages who like to Hein-]arvis sing four-part harmony are in tv r o n g t Daily Net Press Run vited to jodn th e Mjanchester Miss Judith Mary Jarvis of Her The Week Ikided Chapter SPEBSQSA, which Manchester and Carl Ewald June *8, Ug» - ^ ^ | ^ The Weiithfir m e^ every Monday at 8 p.m. \oays Hein J r. of Rocky HUl were at the Army-Navy Club, 1090, I G R A N O j Clear, cool tonight with Main at. united in marriage Saturday patchy ground fog In early morning at Center Congrega 15,459 morning. Tonight’s low 56 to 60. The North Manchester Al- tional Church. MancheMter— 4 City of ViUatre Charm Tomorrow sunny, pleasant. Anon family group will meet The bride is the daughter of High 80 to 85. Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the VOL. LXXXVm, NO. 266 (TWENTY PAGES) Mrs. E lvira S. Jarv is of 30 Ard MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1969 Parish^ House of the Second more Rd. and Bervel G. Jarvis (Cloaalfled Advertising on Page 16) PRICE TEN CENTS Congregational Church. The of Seui Angelo, Tex. The bride Thursday group wUl meet at 8 groom is the son of Carl E. Hein p.m. in the Pathfinders Club of Clearwater, Fla. and the late at 102 Norman St. Both groups M rs. Hein. Blacks Stage meet weekly and are open to The Kev.
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