



Mulatu Lemma, Jonathan Lambright and Brittany Epps Savannah State University Savannah, GA 31404 USA Hawaii University International Conference Abstract: The triangular numbers are formed by partial sum of the 1+2+3+4+5+6+7….+n [2]. In other words, triangular numbers are those counting numbers that can be written as Tn = 1+2+3+…+ n. So,

T1= 1 T2= 1+2=3 T3= 1+2+3=6 T4= 1+2+3+4=10 T5= 1+2+3+4+5=15 T6= 1+2+3+4+5+6= 21 T7= 1+2+3+4+5+6+7= 28 T8= 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8= 36 T9=1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9=45 T10 =1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10=55 In this paper we investigate some important properties of triangular numbers. Some important results dealing with the mathematical concept of triangular numbers will be proved. We try our best to give short and readable proofs. Most of the results are supplemented with examples. Key Words: Triangular numbers , Perfect , Pascal , and perfect numbers. 1. Introduction : The 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, …, n(n + 1)/2, … shows up in many places of mathematics[1] . The Greek called them triangular numbers [1]. The is a that can be represented in the form of a triangular grid of points where the first row contains a single element and each subsequent row contains one more element than the previous one as shown below [2]. *

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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The Fascinating Mathematical Beauty Of Triangular Numbers

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1 3 6 10 15 21

Mathematicians have been fascinated for many years by the properties and patterns of triangular numbers [2]. We can easily hunt for triangular numbers using the formula:

nn( 1) Tnn , 0. 2

T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12 T13 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20

1 3 6 10 15 21 28 36 45 55 66 78 91 105 120 136 153 171 190 210

The first 20 triangular numbers are as follows.

2. The Main Results: Theorem 1 : Every triangular number is a .

Thoerem2. Every T triangular number is an progression. Thoerem 3. Theorem 4 Theorem 5. Every is a triangular number.

Proof without words Refer to the following Pascal’s [2] and see the red colored numbers.

1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 4 6 4 1 1 5 10 10 5 1 1 6 15 20 15 6 1 1 7 21 35 35 21 7 1 1 8 28 56 70 56 28 8 1 1 9 36 84 126 126 84 36 9 1

2 Lemma , Lambright and Epps

nn( 1) n+1 Remark1: Also note that T  which is a binomial coefficient for each n 2  2  n 1.

Theorem 1: T is a triangular number  8T+1 is a perfect square.

Proof: (i) () Assume T is a triangular number.

n(n 1) Let T= , n a positive . 2

n(n 1)  8T  8 2

n(n 1)  8T 1  8 +1 2

n(n 1) 2  8T 1  8 + 2 2

8nn2  8 2 81T   2

(4n2  4n 1)  8T 1  2 2

= (2n+1)(2n+1)

= (2n+1) 2

Hence, 8T+1 is a perfect square.

(ii) ( ) Assume 8T+1 is a perfect square. Then 8T+1 is odd  for some positive integer n, we have 8T+1= (2n+1) = 4nn2  4 1  T== . Hence, T is a triangular number.

By (i) and (ii) the theorem is proved.

3 The Fascinating Mathematical Beauty Of Triangular Numbers

Example 1. 6 is a triangular number  8(6)+1 =49 is a perfect square

Example 2. 8(15)+1= 121, a perfect square 15 is a triangular number.

8T 1 1 Corollary 1. T is a triangular number  n = is an integer. 2 Proof: The corollary easily follows by Theorem 1.

Theorem 2: If Tm and Tn are triangular numbers, then

Tm n T m  T n  mn for m and n positive . Proof: m(m 1) nn( 1) Note: Tm  & Tn  . Then 2 2

m( m 1) n ( n 1) T  T  mn +mn m n 22 m2  m  n2  n =  mn 2 2 2 2 2 = m  m  n  n  2mn = m  2mn n  m  n 2 2 (m  n)(m  n)  (m  n) (m  n)m  n 1 = = = T 2 2 mn

Example 3. Consider T34 and T . Note that T34= 6 and T 10 . Observe that T34  T7 =28 and T34 + T 3(4)  6  10  12  28 .

Hence, T34 = T34 + T +3(4)

Theorem 3: If Tm and Tn are triangular numbers, then

TTTTTmn m n m11 n

m(m 1) n(n 1) Proof: Note: T  and T  . Then m 2 n 2

4 Lemma , Lambright and Epps

m(m 1) n(n 1) (m 1)m (n 1)n T T  T T =  m n m1 n1 2 2 2 2

 m 2  m  n 2  n   m 2  m  n 2  n  =         2  2   2  2 

m 2 n 2  mn 2  nm2  mn  m 2 n 2  mn 2  nm2  mn  =   +    4   4 

2 2 = 2m n  2mn = 2mn (mn 1) = mn (mn 1) 4 4 2

=T mn

Example 4. Let m =6 and n =7. Then T6721 and T 28.

nn( 1) 42(43) By using Tn , we get T(6)(7) =T 42   903 22

We also have TTTTT5 615(21)  315 and T 6 7  5 6  588+315=903.

Hence,T(6)(7) = TTTTT42 6 7  5  6

Lemma 1. The sum of two consecutive triangular numbers is a perfect square

Proof: Let T n1 and Tn be any two consecutive triangular numbers, such that

(n 1)(n) n(n 1) Tn1 = and Tn = 2 2 Then, (n 1)n n(n 1) TT =  nn1 2 2

5 The Fascinating Mathematical Beauty Of Triangular Numbers

n2  n  n2  n 2n 2 = = = n2 2 2 which is a perfect square.

Example 5. Let T6 and T 7 be any consecutive triangular numbers. Then

TT67 +  21+28= 49, which is a perfect square.

k( k 1)(2 k 1) Lemma 2. 12 2 2  3 2  4 2  ... k 2  6

Proof. We can easily prove the lemma using induction.

Example 6. Let k = 5 . Then 12 2 2  3 3  4 2  5 2  149162555      .

5(6)(11) 5(6)(11) Also, we have  55 and hence 12 2 2  3 3  4 2  5 2  . 6 6

Theorem 4. If Tk be triangular numbers fork k  0 , then we have

n n( n 1)( n 2) Tk  k1 6

Proof: To prove the theorem, we apply divide and conquer method by considering two cases: (1) If n is even, say n =2k, then

TTTTTTTTT ...   (  )  (  )  ...  (  ) 1 2n 1 2 3 4 2 k 1 2 k

= 22 4 2  ...  (2k ) 2 ( by Lemma 1)

= 4(12 2 2  ...  k 2 )

4k (2 k 1)( k 1) = (by Lemma 2). 6 n( n 1)( n 2) = as n = 2k 6

6 Lemma , Lambright and Epps

(2) If n is odd, say n= 2k+1, then

TTTTTTTTTT... ( ) ( ) ... (  )  12n 1234 21221 k k k (2kk 1)(2 2) = 22 4 2  ...  (2k ) 2 + ( by Lemma 1 and definition of T ) 2 k

(2kk 1)(2 2) = 4(12 2 2  ...  k 2 )+ 2

= 4k (2 k 1)( k 1) + 3(2kk 1)(2 2) ( by Lemma 2.) 6 6

= 2k (2 k 1)(2 k 2) + 6

= (2k 1)(2 k  2)(2 k  3) 6

= n( n 1)( n 2) as n = 2k+1 6

By (1) and (2) the Theorem is proved.

5 Example 7. Let n = 5. Then TTTTTTk 1  2  3  4  5 = 1+3+6+10+15= 35. We also have, k1 5(6)(7) 5 5(6)(7)  35 and hence Tk  . 6 k1 6

Theorem 5 For any n, the number

1 + 9 + 92 + 93 + ... + 9n is a triangular number.

2 3 n 91n1  Proof: Let T =1 + 9 + 9 + 9 + ... + 9 . Then T= . 8 By Theorem 1, it is suffice to prove that 8T+1 is a perfect square. We will apply the divide and conquer method as in Theorem 4.

(1) If n is even, say n =2k, then

7 The Fascinating Mathematical Beauty Of Triangular Numbers

n1 2 91 n1 21k 2kk 2 1 8T+1 = 8 ( )1 = 9 =9 = 9 9   3  , which a perfect square. 8

(2) If n is odd, say n= 2k+1, then

2 8T+1 = 8 ( = = 922k = 9k 1  , which a perfect square.

By (1)and (2), the theorem is proved.

Theorem 6. If Tn be triangular numbers for n 1, then we have

  1 = 2 n1 Tn


 2   n1 nn( 1)  11 2 n1 nn1 = 2(1) =2

Proposition 2. The difference of the of two consecutive triangular numbers is a .

(n 1)n (n 1)n Proof: Consider Tn1 = and Tn = 2 2 22 22n( n 1   ( n 1) n  Then, ()()TTnn 1 =     22   

4 2 2 4 3 2 3 = n  2n  n - n  2n  n = 4n = n3 4 4 4

Example 8. Let T67 and T be any two consecutive triangular numbers. Then

8 Lemma , Lambright and Epps

2222 3 ()()TT76 = 28 21 =(28+-21)(28-21)=(49)(7) = 7 , which is a perfect cube.

Proposition 3: T is a triangular is number  9T+1 is a triangular number .

Proof: Assume T is a triangular number. n(n 1) Let T = 2 9n(n 1)  9T  2 9n(n 1)  9T 1  1 2 9n(n 1) 2 =  2 2 = 9n(n 1)  2 2 2 = 9n  9n  2 2 = (3n  2)(3n 1) 2 m(m 1) = , where m = 3n+1. 2 Hence, 9T+1 is a triangular number.

Example 9. Let T8 be the triangular number. Then 9 T8 +1= 45, which is a triangular number.

k1 k k1 2k2 Proposition 4: n = 2  2  2 ... 2 is a triangular number.

Proof: Note that n = 2k1  2k  ..... 22k 2  2k1 (1 2  22  ..... 2k1 )

= 2k1 (2k 1)

= 2k (2k 1) 2

9 The Fascinating Mathematical Beauty Of Triangular Numbers

mm( 1)  , where m = 21k  . 2 Hence, n is a triangular number

3 1 3 4 Example 10. Let k =3. Then n = 2 2 2 = 28, which is a triangular number.

Proposition 5. n = 1+2+3+4+…+( 21k  ) is a triangular number.

kk Proof : Note that n = 2 (2 1) 2 mm( 1) = , where m = 21k  . 2 Hence, n is a triangular number

Example 11. Let k = 3. Then 1+2+3+4+5+6+7=28, which is a triangular numbers.

Proposition 6. Every Perfect number [3] is a triangular number.

Proof: Let n be a perfect number. Then n= 2kk1 (2 1) where 21k  is prime [3]. Note 2kk (2 1)mm ( 1) that n = 2kk1 (2 1) =  , where m = 21k  . Hence n is a triangular 22 number.

Proposition 7. Let Tn be a triangular number. Then:

2 (1) Tn = Tn + Tn-1 * Tn+1

2 (2) Tn -1 = 2*Tn * Tn-1


n( n 1) ( n  1) n ( n  1)( n  2) (1) We have Tn + Tn-1 * Tn+1 =  * 2 2 2

n( n 1) n4  2 n 3  n 2  2 n 2n2 2 n  n 4  2 n 3  n 2  2 n =  24 4

4 3 2 = n2 n n 4

10 Lemma , Lambright and Epps

2 nn( 1) =  2

2 = Tn

(nn22 1)( ) (2) Note that T 2  n 1 2

((n 1) n )( n ( n 1)) = 2

2((n 1) n )( n ( n 1)) = 4

(n 1) n n ( n 1) = 2* * 22

= 2*TTnn1 *

Conclusion: We discussed a good number of interesting results on triangular numbers. We strongly believe that this study will be a good encouragement for more deeper investigation into triangular numbers. Triangular numbers are very interesting numbers that are everywhere. These numbers will be the hottest area of concentration in the future for both undergraduate and graduate mathematical research. Both algebraic and figurate aspects of triangular numbers are attractive center of research for mathematicians.

Open Questions: The following are lists of open questions that we found.

1. Other than 120 is there an other triangular number which can be expressed as the product of five consecutive numbers ?

Note: 120= 1*2*3*4*5

2. Other 9 (refer to Theorem 5) is there any other positive integer n such that

1+n+n 2 + n3 +…+ nk is a triangular number?

3. Other than 6 is there any other positive integer N such that N, 11N, 111N are all triangular numbers? Note that 6, 66, 666 are triangular numbers.

11 The Fascinating Mathematical Beauty Of Triangular Numbers


12 Lemma , Lambright and Epps


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