SSS10Proceedings of the 10th International Space Syntax Symposium Brasília: Fragmented metropolis Frederico de Holanda Universidade de Brasilia, Brazil
[email protected] Valério Medeiros Universidade de Brasilia, Brazil
[email protected] Rômulo Ribeiro Universidade de Brasilia, Brazil
[email protected] Andréa Moura Universidade de Brasilia, Brazil
[email protected] Abstract This paper deals with morphological and land use patterns in Brasília Metropolitan Area (BMA). Previous studies concentrated on the morphological attributes of the municipality of Brasília. Now we extend the scale to the metropolitan level. Special softwaresare used (Depthmap© and ArcGis©), which allow us to reveal important attributes of the phenomenon: the fragmented and dispersed urban structure; low densities; the eccentricity of the metropolitan centre; severe problems of accessibility among places of residence, work and services etc. The results obtained and the comparison with other Brazilian metropolitan regions allow a critical analysis of the governmental proposals contained in the Master Plan for the Territorial Organization of the Federal District and the Plan for the Preservation of Brasília as a World Cultural Heritage Site. Current trends point to the aggravation of problems, due to the priority granted to urban development in areas far away from the metropolitan core, thus ignoring possibilities for creating new boroughs within the perimeter of the classified area and its immediate surroundings. Keywords Brasília, metropolis, urban configuration, urban sprawl, urban mobility. F de Holanda, V Medeiros, R Ribeiro & A Moura 51:1 Brasília: Fragmented metropolis SSS10Proceedings of the 10th International Space Syntax Symposium 1. Introduction We explore relations among constituent parts of the metropolitan urban system that has the municipality of Brasília as its core, that is, the Brasília Metropolitan Area (BMA).