POEMMA’s target of opportunity sensitivity to cosmic transient sources

Tonia M. Venters

Astrophysics Science Division, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA

Mary Hall Reno

Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242, USA

John F. Krizmanic

CRESST/NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD 21250, USA

Luis A. Anchordoqui

Department of Physics, Graduate Center, City University of New York (CUNY), NY 10016, USA Department of Physics and Astronomy, Lehman College (CUNY), NY 10468, USA Department of Astrophysics, American Museum of Natural History, NY 10024, USA

Claire Gu´epin

Joint Space-Science Institute, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA

Angela V. Olinto

Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, KICP, EFI, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637, USA

(Dated: October 6, 2020) We investigate the capability of the Probe Of Extreme Multi-Messenger Astrophysics (POEMMA) in performing Target-of-Opportunity (ToO) neutrino observations. POEMMA is a proposed space- based probe-class mission for ultrahigh-energy cosmic ray and very-high-energy neutrino detec- tion using two spacecraft, each equipped with a large Schmidt telescope to detect optical and near-ultraviolet signals generated by extensive air showers (EASs). POEMMA will be sensitive to from upward-moving EASs initiated by tau interacting in the Earth. POEMMA will be able to quickly re-point (90◦ in 500 s) each of the two spacecraft to the direction of an astrophysical source, which in combination with its orbital speed will provide it with unparalleled capability to follow up transient alerts. We calculate POEMMA’s transient sensitivity for two ob- servational configurations for the satellites (ToO-stereo and ToO-dual for smaller and larger satellite separations, respectively) and investigate the impact of variations arising due to POEMMA’s orbital characteristics on its sensitivity to tau neutrinos in various regions of the sky. We explore separate scenarios for long (∼ 105−6 s) and short (∼ 103 s) duration events, accounting for intrusion from

arXiv:1906.07209v3 [astro-ph.HE] 3 Oct 2020 the Sun and the Moon in the long-duration scenario. We compare the sensitivity and sky coverage of POEMMA for ToO observations with those for existing experiments (e.g., IceCube, ANTARES, and the Pierre Auger Observatory) and other proposed future experiments (e.g., GRAND200k). For long bursts, we find that POEMMA will provide a factor of & 7 improvement in average neu- trino sensitivity above 300 PeV with respect to existing experiments, reaching the level of model predictions for neutrino fluences at these energies and above from several types of long-duration astrophysical transients (e.g., binary neutron star mergers and tidal disruption events). For short bursts, POEMMA will improve the sensitivity over existing experiments by at least an order of > magnitude for Eν ∼ 100 PeV in the “best-case” scenario. POEMMA’s orbital characteristics and rapid re-pointing capability will provide it access to the full celestial sky, including regions that will not be accessible to ground-based neutrino experiments. Finally, we discuss the prospects for POEMMA to detect neutrinos from candidate astrophysical neutrino sources in the nearby uni- verse. Our results demonstrate that with its improved neutrino sensitivity at ultra-high energies and unique full-sky coverage, POEMMA will be an essential, complementary component in a rapidly 2

expanding multi-messenger network.

I. INTRODUCTION newly-born pulsars ultimately produces cosmic rays that may interact with the hadronic environment to produce neutrinos [24]. Astrophysical transients are now a staple of multi- Neutrino and antineutrino production in these wavelength observations of electromagnetic signals transient astrophysical sources is dominated by pion by ground-based and space-based telescopes. In the production for a large range of energies. For E > last few years, multi-messenger astronomy has blos- ν 106 GeV, the neutrino- and antineutrino-nucleon∼ somed with coincident observations of photons and cross sections are effectively equal [25], so we do not gravitational waves or high-energy neutrinos. In distinguish between neutrinos and antineutrinos. To 2017, LIGO reported the groundbreaking observa- a first approximation, charged pion decay gives two tion of gravitational waves from a binary neutron muon neutrinos for each electron neutrino [26]. The star (BNS) merger [1] coincident with a number nearly maximal mixing of muon neutrinos and tau of electromagnetic signals [2]. In 2018, the corre- neutrinos in the Pontecorvo-Maki-Nakagawa-Sakata lation of a neutrino event in IceCube with multi- matrix of neutrino flavor mixing [27] results in ap- wavelength observations of a flaring blazar [3] her- proximately equal electron neutrino, muon neutrino, alded the beginning of multi-messenger programs us- and tau neutrino fluxes at the Earth [28]. Tau neu- ing high-energy neutrinos. The next decade could trinos that interact in the Earth produce τ-leptons pave the way for simultaneous observations of three that can decay in the atmosphere producing upward- astronomical messengers — photons, neutrinos, and moving extensive air showers (EASs). They provide gravitational waves — from the same astrophysical a unique signal for satellite-based or balloon-borne transients. instruments [29–39], and Earth-based instruments Here we derive the unique contributions to the like the Pierre Auger Observatory [40–44] or other multi-messenger studies of transient phenomena of surface arrays [45–49]. a space-based mission designed to observe neutrinos At high elevation angles, the large path lengths above 10 PeV. Below PeV energies, ground-based through the Earth result in significant attenua- neutrino detectors [4–11] have the benefit of nearly tion in the neutrino flux at high energies; however, full-sky coverage, but above such a critical energy, Earth-skimming neutrinos that emerge with rela- large areas of the sky become inaccessible to a given tively small elevation angles can produce EAS sig- ground-based observatory because the Earth attenu- nals. Tau neutrinos have the added feature that ates higher-energy neutrinos. Space-based neutrino their attenuation through the Earth can be some- detectors, while typically restricted in field-of-view what mitigated by regeneration, since the secondary (FoV), can be re-pointed to respond to astrophysi- τ-lepton could decay and produce a third-generation cal source alerts throughout the entire sky. For long tau neutrino, albeit at a lower energy [50–54]. transients, space-based instruments have the advan- The Probe Of Extreme Multi-Messenger Astro- tage of full-sky coverage, given the orbital motion physics (POEMMA) [35] is a space-based mission and the precession of the orbit. For shorter tran- described in the NASA Astrophysics Probe study sients, the capability to quickly reorient the instru- report [55]. POEMMA is optimized for measure- ments provides access to all sources that produce ments of EASs both from ultra-high–energy cos- signals in the dark sky. mic rays (UHECRs) using the stereo air fluorescence Astrophysical neutrino transient sources come technique with the satellites in a quasi-nadir view- from a wide range of phenomena [12–14]. Gamma- ing configuration (POEMMA-stereo mode) and from ray burst (GRB) emission is a textbook example [15– upward-going tau neutrinos via Cherenkov signals in 17]. In tidal disruption events (TDEs), supermas- the optical band (300 900 nm) with the satellites sive black holes (SMBHs) pull in stellar material pointed closer to the− Earth limb (POEMMA-limb that interacts with thermal and non-thermal pho- mode). The POEMMA instruments can quickly re- tons to produce neutrinos [18, 19]. Blazar flares, point towards the direction of a transient source dominant sources of extragalactic gamma rays, may and track it through the neutrino detection region, be important neutrino sources [3, 20]. Neutrino flu- enabling follow-up of Target-of-Opportunity (ToO) ence predictions from binary black hole (BBH) [21] alerts in neutrinos and/or other astrophysical mes- and BNS [22] mergers may tie sources of gravita- sengers. POEMMA operates during astronomical tional waves and electromagnetic signals to neutrino night in order to measure the near-ultraviolet air signals. Neutrinos, not gamma rays, may be the fluorescence and optical Cherenkov EAS signals. primary signal of cosmic-ray acceleration in binary The POEMMA satellite-based instruments are white dwarf (BWD) mergers [23]. The spin-down of planned to orbit in tandem with a separation of the 3

order of 300 km at an altitude of h = 525 km, and ditional details for the effective area evaluation are with an orbital period of Ts = 95 min. The or- included in AppendixA, and a discussion of consid- ◦ bital plane is oriented at an angle of ξi = 28.5 rel- erations in setting the photo-electron (PE) threshold ative to the Earth’s polar axis, and the precession in the ToO-stereo and ToO-dual cases appears in Ap- period is Tp = 54.3 days. The spacecraft avion- pendixB. AppendixC provides detailed discussions ics will allow POEMMA to quickly slew its point- of POEMMA’s angular resolution and backgrounds ing by as much as 90◦ in 500 s. With these de- for ToO observations. AppendixD discusses the re- sign features, POEMMA will have access to the en- lationship between isotropic equivalent source char- tire dark sky within the timescale of one orbit. In acteristics and the fluence observed at a source lumi- the case of transients lasting longer than a day, the nosity distance. AppendixE provides descriptions spacecraft propulsion systems will allow for adjust- of additional proposed astrophysical neutrino source ing the separation between the two satellites to bring classes. a source within overlapping instrument light pools, lowering the energy threshold for detecting neutri- nos. As such, POEMMA ToO observations will be II. POEMMA’S EFFECTIVE AREA, conducted in one of two satellite configurations, de- EXPOSURE, AND SENSITIVITY pending on the duration of the transient event: the ToO-dual configuration with large satellite separa- The effective area evaluation begins with the ge- tion for short-duration events, and the ToO-stereo ometrical configuration of an instrument at h = configuration with small satellite separation for long- 525 km above the Earth. For measurements of duration events. the diffuse flux, more than 300 km2 sr of geometric The focal plane of each POEMMA telescope con- aperture is accessible to POEMMA [57]. For point tains an edge sector that is optimized for optical sources, the evaluation of the effective area depends Cherenkov detection, with an FoV of 30◦ 9◦ on the elevation angle βtr (with respect to the sur- for neutrino observations. In POEMMA-limb∼ mode,× face of the Earth) of the τ-lepton trajectory and the the POEMMA instruments will be tilted to cover elevation angle of the line of sight to the detectors a viewing area extending from 7◦ below the hori- from the point on the Earth at which the τ-lepton zon to 2◦ above it, equivalent to covering τ-lepton emerges (the length of the line of sight is given by trajectories emerging from the Earth with elevation v and makes an elevation angle βv with the spot on ◦ the ground). The decay length of the τ-lepton along angles βtr < 20 [56, 57] while measuring the back- ground Cherenkov∼ signal from potential above-the- the line of sight is s. Details of the geometry are limb UHECRs. To follow a ToO flaring neutrino given in Ref. [57] and described here in AppendixA. source, the POEMMA telescopes can quickly slew to The ToO sensitivity at a given time depends larger angles below the horizon, keeping the source on the area ACh subtended on the ground by the within the 30◦ 9◦ neutrino FoV, even after ac- Cherenkov cone. For an EAS produced along the counting for∼ the× few degree smearing due to the τ-lepton trajectory emerging at angle βtr and initi- Cherenkov emission angle. ated by the τ-lepton decay at altitude a, with a path length before decay s(βtr, a), we approximate In this paper, we calculate the neutrino sensitiv- 2 eff 2 ity of POEMMA for both long and short transient ACh(s) π(v s) θ , (1) ' − × Ch events, and evaluate the prospects for detecting neu- eff where we take βv(t) βtr(t) and θ is the effective trinos from several candidate transient astrophysical ' Ch source classes. SectionII presents the calculation of Cherenkov angle that takes into account the altitude POEMMA’s effective area, exposure and sensitivity dependence and a broadening due to an increase in to neutrino fluences. In Sec.III, we describe our instrument acceptance for more intense Cherenkov signals from high-energy EASs (see AppendixA). calculation of the expected numbers of events from eff flaring neutrino sources and discuss POEMMA’s sky For the purposes of calculating θCh, we take the EAS energy, Eshr 0.5Eτ , which provides a good coverage in terms of detecting neutrinos according to ' two astrophysical models for two distinct ToO sce- estimate for the τ-lepton decay channels [57]. The narios of multi-messenger follow-up observations and effective area for ντ detection is neutrino-only observations. SectionIII also provides Z A(βtr(t),Eν ) dPobs(Eν , βtr, s)ACh(s) , (2) the maximum luminosity distances for detecting a ' single neutrino event for several astrophysical neu- where the differential probability to observe the τ- trino models and descriptions of the most promising lepton EAS is source classes for ToO observations with POEMMA based on the occurrence of transient events, modeled dPobs(Eν , βtr, s) = ds Pexit(Eν , βtr) pdec(s) as a Poisson process. We conclude in Sec.IV. Ad- Pdet(Eν , βtr, s) , (3) × 4

1.0 where Pexit is the exit probability, pdec is the decay distribution, and Pdet is the detection probability. 2.72e-01 The exit probability Pexit(Eν , βtr) depends on the tau neutrino cross section in Earth, the τ-lepton 0.5 2.26e-01 energy distribution from the interaction, and τ- lepton energy loss and decay as it transits through 1.81e-01 0.0 the Earth. Throughout this paper we evaluate the 1.36e-01 neutrino-nucleon cross section using the nCTEQ15 sin(Dec) parton distribution functions [58] and adopt the 9.05e-02 Fractional exposure 0.5 Abramowicz-Levin-Levy-Maor (ALLM) parameter- − ization of the proton structure function [59, 60] for 4.53e-02 photonuclear energy loss, as discussed in more de- 1.0 0.00e+00 tail in Ref. [57]. The τ-lepton exit probabilities are − 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 shown in Fig. 11 of AppendixA. For nadir angles RA (rad) down to 18◦ below the horizon as viewed from 1.00 ∼ POEMMA’s altitude (h = 525 km), the emergent 0.75 4.20e-01 ◦ τ-lepton trajectory elevation angles are βtr 35 . ◦ ≤ 0.50 3.75e-01 For βtr = 35 , neutrino attenuation in the Earth gives the probability for a tau neutrino to produce 0.25 3.30e-01 −5 an exiting τ-lepton to be less than 10 for the en- 0.00 ergies of interest. Thus, our evaluation of Eq. (2) for 2.85e-01 ◦ sin(Dec) 0.25 βtr 35 is a good approximation to the full angular − ≤ 2.40e-01 range due to the minuscule τ-lepton exit probability 0.50 − for larger angles. Fractional exposure Total 0.75 1.95e-01 The differential decay distribution is − 1.00 1.50e-01 ds − 0 2 4 6 pdec(s) ds = Bshr exp( s/γcτ τ ) , (4) RA (rad) − γcτ τ −15 FIG. 1. Upper: Fractional exposure over one period for a where τ τ = (290.3 0.5) 10 s is the mean life- time of the τ-lepton± and the× τ-lepton branching frac- given sky location at a particular time of the year plotted tion to showers is B = 0.826 (defined by excluding as a function of right ascension and sine of the declina- shr tion. Viewing angles extend to 18.3◦ below the Earth the muon channel with branching fraction 17.4%, limb [56], and the effects of the Sun and the Moon have based on the conservative assumption that∼ muonic been neglected. Lower: Range in values for ft, the multi- EASs yield Cherenkov signals below POEMMA’s de- plicative factor that accounts for intrusion from the Sun tection threshold; c.f., 61). and the Moon in Eq.7. Here ft is plotted as the ratio Finally, the detection probability is approximated of the fractional exposure accounting for Sun and Moon by effects divided by the fractional exposure excluding Sun and Moon effects. Fractional exposures are calculated as  min Pdet H NPE NPE , (5) averages over 7 precession periods of POEMMA’s orbital ' − plane (7 × 54.3 days ' 380 days). in terms of the Heaviside function, H(x):

 0 if x < 0 H (x) = . 1 if x 0 ciency of 0.2. Figures 12 and 13 in AppendixA show > the effective Cherenkov angle and photon density as

The number of PEs, NPE, is determined from a a function of elevation angle and altitude of τ-lepton ◦ model of the photon density from the τ-lepton in- decay for βtr 40 . ≤ min duced air showers as a function of shower energy The PE threshold, NPE , depends on the observ- (where Eshr = 0.5Eτ ), decay altitude, and βtr, mul- ing mode for the POEMMA satellites. It is set by re- tiplied by the collecting area of each detector and quiring the false positive rate from the average night- the quantum efficiency for photo-detection. The sky air glow background (based on Refs. [62, 63]) to NPE calculation depends on the Cherenkov signal be a fraction of an event per year (. 0.03 events per intensity delivered to the POEMMA instruments, year for the entire POEMMA Cherenkov Camera or accounting for the effects of atmospheric attenua- . 0.0002 events per year within a circle of radius tion. In this study, we use the same model for the the effective Cherenkov angle), based on the charac-∼ atmospheric attenuation as in Ref. [57]. We use an teristics of Cherenkov signals and POEMMA’s re- optical collection area of 2.5 m2 and a quantum effi- sponse to these signals. For long bursts, we as- 5 sume the satellites are in the ToO-stereo configu- have provided geometrical constraints for their visi- ration (within 25 km of each other and viewing bility by POEMMA that could lead to constraints ∼ min the same light pool) with NPE = 10 threshold for on the ToO detection region. Future measure- the calculations. For the short bursts, we assume ments by balloon-borne Cherenkov detectors such the satellites are in the ToO-dual configuration (as- as EUSO-SPB2 will also help determine this back- sumed to be separated by 300 km and not viewing ground. More detailed discussions of potential back- the same light pool) with a higher PE threshold of grounds for POEMMA during ToO observations are min NPE = 20 in each detector. However, the effec- provided in AppendixC. tive area in this mode is double the effective area in In calculating the detection probability, a more de- min ToO-stereo mode for a fixed value of NPE . A more tailed Monte Carlo simulation was used in Ref. [57] detailed discussion of the ToO-dual and ToO-stereo to account for βv = βtr and to impose the require- configurations and their corresponding PE thresh- ment that τ-lepton6 decay within an observation win- olds can be found in AppendixB. A discussion of dow that depends on the emergence angle and al- the PE threshold in POEMMA-limb mode can also titude of decay in order to produce detectable air be found in Ref. [57]. showers. The simplification in Eq. (5) is a very good In addition to the night-sky air glow, potential approximation to the more detailed evaluation of the sources of background for POEMMA during ToO detection probability for the diffuse flux [57], so we observations include the diffuse cosmic neutrino flux use it here for the ToO sensitivity. and reflected Cherenkov signals from UHECR show- To determine the sensitivity for a burst, we calcu- ers when viewing away from the Earth’s limb.1 In late the time averaged effective area: the case of the diffuse cosmic neutrino flux, we ex- −4 pect contamination to be minuscule ( 2.0 10 Z t0+T0 . × 1 events per long ToO observation) due to the level A(Eν , θ, φ) T0 = dtA(βtr(t),Eν , θ, φ) , h i T of the diffuse flux as compared with POEMMA’s 0 t0 (6) diffuse sensitivity [57] and the small solid angle de- where θ and φ are the co-latitude and longitude of fined by POEMMA’s angular resolution and the the source celestial position (i.e., φ is the right as- Cherenkov angle. For reflected Cherenkov signals cension in the equatorial celestial coordinate system from UHECR EASs, we expect the time spreads and θ = π/2 δ, where δ is the declination). For for these signals to be much longer than expected long-duration− events during which the source emits for upward-going EASs from tau-neutrinos, making neutrinos for a much longer time than the orbital pe- the background UHECR events easily distinguish- riod of POEMMA (T = 95 min = 5.7 103 s), we able from the signal tau-neutrino events. Based on s use the orbit-averaged value, so t = 0 and× T = T . these considerations, we expect the background rate 0 0 s For short bursts, we find the average effective area for POEMMA during ToO observations to be mi- for T = T . We use T = 103 s as a represen- nuscule (combined total from air glow and diffuse 0 burst burst −4 tative short burst time in the results shown below. comsic neutrinos . 2.1 10 events per long ToO observation), even allowing× for a trials factor of 100 For sources that dip just below the horizon as the POEMMA satellites orbit, the effective area is op- observations (corresponding to . 0.02 events dur- ing long ToO observations over the course of the timal. Some sources, for a specific satellite orbit at mission). For these reasons, we do not account for a given instant of the orbital precession period, are backgrounds in our calculations. not observable. The upper panel of Fig.1 shows the fractional exposure integrated over one orbit as Direct Cherenkov signals from nearly horizontal a function of position in the sky in equatorial coor- UHECR EASs when POEMMA is viewing near the dinates at a given instant of the orbital precession Earth’s limb (above-the-limb UHECRs) are another period, where the impacts of the Sun and the Moon potential source of background during ToO observa- on the observation time have been neglected. tions. However, we exclude these events from our estimates of the background rate as such estimates In calculating the sensitivity, we account for the require a detailed study deserving of an indepen- reduction in exposure due to intrusion by the Sun dent publication. Preliminary studies of such events and/or the Moon by multiplying the time-averaged effective area A by a factor, ft. To a first approx- imation, overh longi periods, the Sun eliminates half of the observing time. The bright Moon further re- duces the observing time, again dependent on source 1 In the PeV energy range, the atmospheric neutrino spec- −γ location by a factor of 0.63 0.87. The lower panel of trum falls as E with γ ∼ 3. At 1 PeV, the atmospheric − muon neutrino flux is more than an order of magnitude Fig.1 demonstrates the combined effects of the Sun below the diffuse neutrino flux, and the atmospheric tau and the Moon in reducing the exposure for various neutrino flux is lower by an additional factor of ∼ 10 [64]. points in the sky by plotting ft as the ratio of the 6

103 103 TABLE I. Minimum and maximum all-flavor sensitivities 2 Auger in units of [GeV/cm ] for long bursts, taking the 90% ]

2 2 2

10 10 −

] unified confidence level and location-dependent ft from 2 m −

c 380-day averages from Fig.1 and assuming the ToO-

m min POEMMA V c ANTARES stereo configuration (N = 10) for POEMMA. 1 ) 1 e PE 10 5◦ 10 V

4 G [ e IceCube 0 − = y

G GRAND200K (δ [ t i ν v

0 0 i Eν [GeV] min max φ

10 10 t 2 i ν 7 3 s 10 34.9 3.49 × 10 E

Fang-Metzger n

e 8 5 Mpc 10 2.04 9.52 All-flavor S -1 5.5 6.5 -1 10 N > 10 10 10 s 10 9 PE 104.5 − 105.5 s 10 1.99 11.7 stereo − 1010 8.85 47.0 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 log10 Eν/[GeV]

FIG. 2. The POEMMA all-flavor 90% unified confi- orbital precession period, over one orbit, the loca- dence level sensitivity per decade in energy for long-burst tions where this range in sensitivity applies is the observations in ToO-stereo mode (NPE > 10) (pur- ple bands), compared with sensitivities to GW170817 region between the dashed curves in upper panel of from IceCube, Auger and ANTARES (scaled to three Fig.1. The extended lighter purple band shows the flavors) for 14 days after its trigger time (solid black full range of the time-averaged sensitivity as a func- histograms) [65]. The projected declination-averaged tion of the tau neutrino energy. (0◦ − 45◦) sensitivity for GRAND200k is denoted by the For comparison, we include in Fig.2 upper limits red dashed lines [48]. The blue shaded region shows the from IceCube, Auger and ANTARES (solid black range of sensitivities based on IceCube’s effective area histograms) scaled by a factor of three for the all- as a function of energy and zenith angle. Bounds set flavor comparison. These limits are based on a 14- over an e-fold energy interval [66] are a factor of 2.3 less day window following the trigger on GW170817 [65]. restrictive. For comparison, the modeled all-flavor flu- The blue shaded region shows the range of IceCube’s ence from a BNS merger to a millisecond magnetar from Ref. [22] is also plotted, assuming a source distance of all-flavor sensitivity to bursts, based on their all- D = 5 Mpc. The effects of the Sun and Moon in reduc- sky point-source effective area values tabulated as ing the effective area are incorporated using a factor of a function of energy and zenith angle for 2012 with 2 ft = 0.3. 86 strings . A background of zero events is as- sumed for IceCube, reasonable to within 20% even for long bursts [75]. For the purposes of rounding out fractional exposure accounting for the Sun and the the sample of experiments capable of detecting cos- Moon divided by the fractional exposure neglecting mic neutrinos through the widely discussed neutrino the Sun and Moon. The range of values is between detection techniques, we also include a projected 0.2 . ft . 0.4. declination-averaged (0◦ < δ < 45◦) sensitivity For the neutrino sensitivity for long-duration band for GRAND200k, denoted| | by the red dashed events, we assume POEMMA is in the ToO-stereo curves [48]. A follow-on experiment to ANTARES min configuration (NPE = 10), and we use the approxi- that is currently being deployed in the Mediter- mate relation ranean Sea is KM3NeT [76]. Based on the projected

2.44 Nν Eν effective area for its ARCA site, we expect similar Sensitivity = , (7) sensitivities for KM3NeT as with IceCube, neglect- ln(10) × ft A(Eν ) T h i 0 ing background; however, improvements in the an- where T0 = Ts, the factor Nν = 3 converts the tau- gular resolution of KM3NeT compared to IceCube neutrino sensitivity to the all-flavor sensitivity, we (0.2◦ versus 1◦ for track-like events; [76]) will allow have included the factor of ft that depends on sky for improvements in the backgrounds at energies be- location as discussed above, and we have taken the low 100 TeV, particularly for observations lasting 90% unified confidence level [67] over a decade of en- 10∼6 s or longer. ergy (2.44/ ln(10)). In Fig.2, we plot POEMMA’s ∼ We also include in Fig.2 an example of a mod- sensitivity to long bursts (purple shaded bands). For eled all-flavor fluence from a long-duration transient simplicity, we neglect the dependence on sky loca- event, the BNS merger model of Fang and Met- tion for ft in calculating the sensitivity band plotted in Fig.2 and take ft = 0.3 instead. The dark pur- ple band in Fig.2 shows the range in POEMMA’s sensitivity for most locations in the sky during a 2 Available at https://icecube.wisc.edu/science/data/PS- given orbit. For example, for a given instant of the 3years [see also, 74]. 7

Sensitivity [GeV/cm2], E = 108 GeV 2 8 Sensitivity [GeV/cm ], E = 10 GeV 100 101 60 60

30 30

150 90 30 330 270 210 150 90 30 330 270 210 0 0

-30 -30 10 1

-60 -60

TA hot spot NGC 253 M83 TA hot spot NGC 253 M83 TXS0506+056 IC 342 M82 TXS0506+056 IC 342 M82 Circinus Cen A LMC 100 Circinus Cen A LMC NGC 4945 NGC 4945

Sensitivity [GeV/cm2], E = 109 GeV 2 9 Sensitivity [GeV/cm ], E = 10 GeV 100 101 60 60

30 30

150 90 30 330 270 210 150 90 30 330 270 210 0 0

-30 -30 10 1

-60 -60

TA hot spot NGC 253 M83 TA hot spot NGC 253 M83 TXS0506+056 IC 342 M82 TXS0506+056 IC 342 M82 Circinus Cen A LMC 100 Circinus Cen A LMC NGC 4945 NGC 4945

8 FIG. 3. Left column: Sky plots of the all-flavor 90% unified confidence level sensitivity, for Eν = 10 GeV (top) 9 and 10 GeV (bottom), for long bursts with a factor of ft that depends on sky location as plotted in Fig.1 for the time-averaged effective area, in galactic coordinates in a Hammer projection. Right column: Sky plots of the all-flavor 90% unified confidence level maximum sensitivity over a single POEMMA orbit during a 380-day period for short 3 8 9 (10 s) bursts, assuming optimal viewing conditions for the burst, for Eν = 10 GeV (top) and 10 GeV (bottom). Figures show the Hammer projection in galactic coordinates, with the sensitivity in units GeV/cm2. Selected sources are shown, including: (i) the Telescope Array’s “hot spot” with a spherical cap of radius 28.43◦ [68, 69], (ii) nearby starburst galaxies featuring a possible correlation with UHECRs [70–72], (iii) the closest radiogalaxy Centaurus A (Cen A), (iv) TXS 0506+056, the blazar observed by IceCube [3, 73], and (v) the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). zger [22] scaled to a source distance of 5 Mpc. While 108 GeV and 109 GeV. For reference, we include sev- IceCube’s best sensitivity in Fig.2 dips below the eral selected nearby sources and/or relevant sky re- level of POEMMA’s best sensitivity for energies be- gions (i.e., the Telescope Array “hot spot” [68, 69]) low 108 GeV, sensitivity depends on location in in the sky plots of Fig.3. In TableI, we list the the sky∼ as well as energy. Even considering optimal minimum and maximum all-flavor sensitivities, as- source locations, depending on the neutrino spec- suming equal fluxes for the three neutrino flavors, 7 8 9 10 trum of the source, POEMMA may be able to detect for Eν = 10 , 10 , 10 , and 10 GeV. bursts that IceCube will not. For the neutrino sensitivity for short bursts, sev- In the left column of Fig.3, we provide sky plots eral aspects of the calculations differ from those for of the all-flavor sensitivity for long bursts, including the long bursts. The timing and location of the burst the location-dependent factor ft plotted in Fig.1, as determines the extent to which POEMMA will be a function of sky position in galactic celestial coor- able to make observations. As such, we limit our dinates for two fixed incident tau neutrino energies, considerations for short bursts to a “best-case” sce- 8

102 102 TABLE II. Minimum and maximum “best-case” all- 2

] flavor sensitivities in units of [GeV/cm ] for bursts of

2 3

1 1 − ] 10 10 10 s, taking the 90% unified confidence level and assum- 2 Auger m

− ANTARES c ing observations during astronomical night (ft = 1) and

m min V

c the ToO-dual configuration (N = 20) for POEMMA.

e PE V 0 0 G [ e 10 IceCube 10 y G [ t

POEMMA i ν v

i Eν [GeV] min max φ KMMK t 2 i ν 7 6 -1 40 Mpc, θ = 0 ◦ GRAND200K -1 s 10 20.9 1.59 × 10 E

10 10 n

e 8 −1 −1 All-flavor, 103 s 10 3.20 × 10 9.90 × 10 EE moderate S NPE > 20 9 −2 −1 dual 10 8.15 × 10 7.64 × 10 prompt 10 −1 10-2 10-2 10 1.28 × 10 2.41 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 log10 Eν/[GeV]

FIG. 4. The POEMMA all-flavor 90% unified confidence level sensitivity per decade in energy for short-burst ob- angles θ = 90◦ and 94◦ [48, 77] to indicate the pos- servations in ToO-dual mode (NPE > 20). The pur- sible range in their sensitivity to short bursts. For ple band shows the range of sensitivities accessible to reference, we also plot examples of the modeled all- 3 POEMMA for a 10 s burst in the “best-case” scenario flavor fluence for a short neutrino burst during two (see text). The dark purple band corresponds to source phases (extended and prompt) for a short gamma- locations in a large portion of the sky. The IceCube, ray burst (sGRB), as predicted by KMMK [17] for Auger and ANTARES sensitivities to GW170817, scaled ◦ to three flavors, for ±500 s around the binary neutron on-axis viewing (Θ = 0 ). The modeled fluences in star merger are shown with solid histograms [65]. The Fig.4 are scaled to 40 Mpc. In the right column red dashed curves indicate the projected instantaneous of Fig.3, we provide sky plots of the “best-case” sensitivities of GRAND200k at zenith angles θ = 90◦ and all-flavor sensitivity as a function of sky position in ◦ 8 94 [48, 77]. The blue shaded region shows the range of galactic celestial coordinates for Eν = 10 GeV and sensitivities that depend on location from IceCube’s ef- 109 GeV. In TableII, we list the “best case” mini- fective area. Also plotted are examples of the all-flavor mum and maximum sensitivities based on sky loca- fluence for a short neutrino burst during two phases tion. (extended and prompt) for an sGRB, as predicted by KMMK [17] for on-axis viewing (Θ = 0◦) and scaled to Figs.2 and4 show that the time-averaged sensi- 40 Mpc. tivity for long bursts and the “best-case” sensitiv- ity for short bursts improve upon the Auger limits by more than an order of magnitude for most loca- tions in the sky and by up to two orders of magni- nario in which POEMMA has started observations tude in the most favorable locations. A key feature just as the source moves below the limb of the Earth, of these satellite-based instruments is that they can and the Sun and the Moon do not impede obser- track the source of tau neutrinos for a wider range ◦ vations. In such a scenario, the sensitivity to short of Earth-emergence angles (βtr < 35 ) than capa- bursts, being in the optimal location for a given time, ble with a ground-based observatory, such as Auger, will be better than the sensitivity for long bursts. that mostly detects neutrinos via Earth-skimming ◦ This optimal sensitivity is calculated by finding the events (βtr < 6 )[44]. 3 time averaged effective area, now with T0 = 10 s. Even if POEMMA is not pointing at the burst, 3 For short-burst timescales (Tburst 10 s), we as- ◦ ∼ with an alert, POEMMA can slew 90 in 500 s. For sume that the POEMMA satellites will be in the most locations, a 500 s delay will not change the min ToO-dual configuration (NPE = 20). We vary the sensitivity to 103 s bursts if the source alignment satellite positions relative to sources and the Earth with the Earth is optimal, since the burst dura- over a period of 380 days in order to obtain a range tion is longer than the amount of time the source of optimal POEMMA sensitivities. is visible to POEMMA. This last feature, and the In Fig.4, we plot the range of POEMMA all-flavor result that POEMMA is potentially more sensitive sensitivities in the described “best-case” scenario to well-positioned neutrino sources with short bursts for short bursts. For comparison, we include his- than to long bursts is demonstrated in Fig.5. For tograms for the IceCube, Auger and ANTARES sen- this example, we consider sources with an RA of 0◦ sitivities (scaled to three flavors) based on a 500 s and for which a line from the Earth to the source ± time window around the binary neutron star merger is at an angle of θi relative to POEMMA’s orbital GW170817 [65]. We also include the projected in- plane. All other source locations can be mapped stantaneous sensitivities of GRAND200k for zenith to this configuration if we are free to choose t0 in 9

1.0 band) the sensitivity is the optimal value. This is detection time true for most of the angles θi. The dark pink band burst of 1000 s 0.8 shows a window of 500 s. If the source is optimally 500 s placed, a 500 s delay from slewing the instrument to the position of the source will not change the sensi- 0.6 tivity.


0.0 In this section, we use the time-averaged effective 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 θ area calculated in SectionII to estimate the num- i bers of neutrino events that would be detectable by POEMMA for several models of astrophysical tran- FIG. 5. The green band shows the fraction of the time sients. As the nearby matter distribution is fairly during which the source is observable during astronomi- anisotropic, Sec.IIIA discusses our methodology cal night relative to the orbital period for a given θi (see text). The pink band shows the burst time of 103 s rela- for determining the galaxy-luminosity weighted ef- tive to the orbital period of Ts = 5, 700 s. The red band fective area that we use to calculate the number of shows the relative time of 500 s to Ts. neutrino events expected for a given source model as discussed in Sec.IIIB. In Sec.IIIB, we also de- termine POEMMA’s sky coverage in terms of de- Eq. (6). The green shaded band in Fig.5 shows tecting neutrinos according to the two astrophysical the fraction of an orbit when a source is behind the models pictured in Figs.2 and4 and featuring two Earth with neutrino trajectory elevation angles in scenarios for neutrino ToO observations. To pro- ◦ ◦ vide some context for bench-marking POEMMA’s the range βtr = 1 35 . The source first sets below the horizon, then rises− above the limb of the Earth as capability for ToO observations relative to currently viewed from the POEMMA satellites. Considering operating and other proposed future neutrino ob- the example of a source within POEMMA’s orbital servatories, we perform similar sky coverage calcu- ◦ lations for IceCube and GRAND200k and compare plane (θi = 0 ), the green shaded band indicates two time intervals for which Earth-emerging neutrinos with our findings for POEMMA. In Sec.IIIC, we de- ◦ ◦ fine the neutrino horizon, the maximum distance at will have elevation angles in the range βtr = 1 35 . The region between the green bands represents− the which POEMMA will be able to detect a neutrino time when the neutrino fluence is strongly attenu- for a given source class, used to calculate the cos- ated by the Earth. Before the first green interval mological event rate for determining the occurrence and after the second interval, the source is not be- of transient events, modeled as a Poisson process. ◦ In Sec.IIID, we provide descriptions for the most hind the Earth. For θi 50 , the source dips below '◦ promising modeled source classes as determined by the horizon and βtr 35 for one extended interval. Given the inclination≤ of POEMMA’s orbital plane the Poisson probability of detecting at least one ToO ◦ ◦ during the proposed mission lifetime for POEMMA of 28.5 , when θi > 68.5 , the source is never below the Earth’s horizon for POEMMA. In Figs.2 and of 3–5 years. We discuss additional transient neu- 4, the dashed lines bracket the sensitivities (includ- trino source models in AppendixE. We summarize ing the effect of the Sun and Moon for long bursts) our findings for a selection of models for candidate ◦ astrophysical neutrino sources in Table IV. for θi 50 (the dark purple region), and the dot- ≤ ◦ ◦ ted lines extend to 50 < θi < 68.5 with the light purple region. A. Effective Area Averaged Over the Sky For long bursts, A(Eν ) is determined with Ts, the full range of the yh-axis ini Fig.5. For short bursts, the fraction of the y-axis equivalent to 103 s is shown As evidenced in Fig.3, the effective area of with the pink band. The time average of the effec- POEMMA varies considerably over the sky due to tive area is the probability-weighted green band with the orbital characteristics of the satellites and the normalization of 103 s. If the burst begins at t = 0 influence of the Sun and the Moon (see Sec.II). To ◦ 3 for θi = 0 , a 10 s burst will not be observed at calculate the expected numbers of neutrinos from all. On the other hand, if the burst begins within models of astrophysical neutrino sources, we com- 500 700 s of the viewing window (either green pute the average effective area over the sky as a ∼ − 10

FIG. 6. Left: Sky plot of galaxies in the 2MRS catalog [78] in galactic coordinates. Overdensities seen in the plot are due to nearby clusters of galaxies. For reference, the supergalactic plane is plotted as the red dot-dashed line. 2 Middle: Sky plot of the smoothed 2MRS catalog galaxy luminosity weighted effective area in units of L0·cm for 9 Eντ = 10 GeV for long bursts. Right: As at left for short bursts.

q function of redshift: 0 0 3 0 2 where E (z ) = ΩM (1 + z ) + Ωk (1 + z ) + ΩΛ R with (Ω , Ω , Ω ) being cosmological parameters A (Eν , θ, φ) p (θ, φ, z) dΩ M k Λ (E , z) = h iT0 , (8) related to the matter density of the universe, the ν R p (θ, φ, z) dΩ A curvature of the universe, and the dark energy den- sity, respectively (c.f., Refs. [81–83]).3 For those where p (θ, φ, z) is the weighting function expressing 2MRS galaxies with negative corrected radial veloc- the probability of finding a source at a given redshift, ities (only 25 galaxies out of the full sample), rather z, and sky location, (θ, φ), where θ = π b and φ = l 2 than using redshifts, we instead determine their dis- are expressed in galactic longitude and latitude,− (l, b) tances by following a procedure similar to that dis- and dΩ = sin θ dθ dφ. cussed in Ref. [86]. Most of the 2MRS galaxies have The weighting function is determined by the dis- been associated with known nearby galaxies, and tribution of matter in the universe, which while be- distances are provided in the Extragalactic Distance ing statistically isotropic out to high redshifts, is rel- Database (EDD) [87]. For the four 2MRS galax- atively anisotropic out to the distances within which ies that remain unassociated, we used the distances POEMMA is most likely to detect neutrinos. As of their nearest neighbors from the list of 25 2MRS such, we model the weighting function using the galaxies with negative corrected radial velocities. 2MASS Redshift Survey (2MRS) of galaxies in the With redshifts or distances associated with every nearby universe (see Fig.6)[78]. The 2MRS catalog galaxy in the 2MRS catalog, we construct maps of includes a sample of nearly 45, 000 galaxies selected the weighting function in bins of redshift. In so do- from the original 2 Micron All-Sky Survey (2MASS) ing, we consider two options for assigning weights to [79]. The resulting 2MRS redshift catalog consists of the galaxies in the catalog: (1) assigning the same galaxies with apparent magnitudes K 11.75 mag s weight to every galaxy; (2) weighting each galaxy in the near infrared and galactic latitudes≤ b 5◦ > according to its luminosity. Galaxy luminosities, L, ( b 8◦ near the Galactic bulge). Galaxy redshifts| | > are computed from their absolute magnitudes, M by are| | provided as measured radial velocities in the so- lar system barycenter reference frame. In order to L = 10−0.4M , (11) compute cosmological redshifts for each galaxy, ra- L0 dial velocities are corrected to the cosmic microwave background (CMB) reference frame through where L0 is the zero-point luminosity in the Ks bandpass (taken to be the luminosity of Vega in the Ks band). The absolute magnitude is computed Vcorr = Vuncorr + Vapex sin (b) sin (bapex) from Ks apparent magnitudes using + Vapex cos (b) cos (bapex) cos (l lapex) , (9) − M = m + ∆m AK (l, b) k (z) e (z) DM (z) , ◦ ◦ − − − − where lapex = 264.14 , bapex = +48.26 , and Vapex = (12) 371.0 km s−1, which accounts for the motion of the Galaxy with respect to the CMB [80]. For those 2MRS galaxies with positive corrected radial veloc- 3 For this paper, we take ΩM = 0.3153, ΩΛ = 0.6847, −1 −1 ities, redshifts are then determined using Ωk = 1 − (ΩM + ΩΛ) = 0, and H0 = 67.36 km s Mpc [84]. We have verified that if we adopt the value of H0 Z z dz0 derived from from the maser-cepheid-supernovae distance Vrad = Vcorr = c 0 , (10) ladder [85] our results are not significantly altered. 0 E (z ) 11

where m is the apparent magnitude in the Ks band- B. Expected Numbers of Neutrino Events pass, ∆m = 0.017 is the zero-point offset required to from Modeled Astrophysical Neutrino Fluences calibrate the 2MASS with the standard Vega system [88], AK (l, b) is the correction for extinction due to With the average effective area computed as a dust in the Milky Way (already included in 2MRS function of energy and redshift, the expected num- apparent magnitudes), k (z) is the k-correction due ber of neutrino events from an astrophysical source to cosmological redshifting of the spectrum, e (z) at redshift z is given by corrects for evolution in galaxy spectra arising from stellar populations aging over the redshift distribu- Z N = φ (E ) (E , z) dE , (17) tion of the survey [89], ev ντ ν ν ν ∆Eν A   dL where φ (E ) is the single-flavor (N = 1) neutrino DM (z) = 5 log10 (13) ντ ν ν 10 pc fluence in units of energy per unit area. The ob- is the distance modulus, and served energy-squared scaled tau-neutrino fluence is given by c Z z dz0 dL = (1 + z) 0 (14) H0 0 E (z ) 2 (1 + z) Q 2 Eν φντ (Eν ) = 2 Esrc ∆tsrc , (18) is the luminosity distance. For the k- and evolution- 4πdL 3 corrections, we adopt the values given in Ref. [90]: where Q is the all-flavor neutrino source emission k (z) = 2.1z (15) rate as measured by a fundamental observer at the − e (z) = 0.8z . (16) source redshift in units of neutrinos per energy inter- val per time interval, ∆tsrc is the event duration at Many studies of redshift surveys such as the 2MRS the source redshift, Esrc is the emission energy, and make use of isophotal apparent magnitudes4, which we assume that the relevant quantities for calculat- would require an aperture correction that would con- ing the fluences are isotropic equivalent quantities vert these observed aperture magnitudes to some and that neutrino oscillations will yield equal fla- proper diameter (c.f., Ref. [86]). For our study, vor ratios on Earth (for derivation of Eq. (18), see we use the extrapolated total apparent magnitudes AppendixD). For any astrophysical model that pro- provided in the 2MRS catalog; hence, the aperture vides an observed fluence for a source at a given red- correction is not needed [86, 91]. shift or luminosity distance, the observed fluence can In addition to enabling the calculation of galaxy be computed for any redshift using Eq. (18) by cal- luminosities, the calculated absolute magnitudes culating the intrinsic neutrino source emission rate also enabled the construction of volume-limited sam- and then rescaling to the new redshift. The expected ples in every redshift bin. In each bin, we calculated number of neutrino events predicted by the astro- the limiting absolute magnitude for which a galaxy physical model is then given by Eq. (17). at the highest redshift in the bin would have an ob- Though Eq. (17) is expressed in terms of the av- served apparent magnitude at the survey limit (i.e., erage effective area as a function of energy and red- Ks = 11.75 mag). We then included only those shift, we can also determine the expected number of galaxies with calculated absolute magnitudes that neutrino events as a function of celestial position by were less than the limiting absolute magnitude for replacing (E , z) with A (E , θ, φ) , the time- ν ν T0 that bin. This corrects for the possible bias in favor averaged effectiveA area ash a function ofi celestial po- of fainter galaxies that could only be detected at the sition from Eq. (6). In Figs.7 and8, we plot the lower redshifts in the bin. expected numbers of neutrino events as functions of Finally, the weighting function maps are created galactic coordinates for POEMMA for a long burst by smoothing our constructed 2MRS samples with a scenario (BNS merger according to the Fang & Met- app app ◦ Gaussian with σ = θCh /√2 ln 2, where θCh 1.5 zger model in Ref. [22] and Fig.2; for further de- is an approximation of the effective Cherenkov∼ an- tails on the model see Sec.IIID) and a short burst gle. The effective area averaged over the constructed scenario (sGRB with moderate levels of extended weighting functions is then calculated for each red- emission according to the KMMK model in Ref. [17] shift bin according to Eq. (8). Sample maps for the and Fig.4; for further details on the model see Ap- entire 2MRS catalog are provided in Fig.6. pendixE), respectively. For comparison, we provide analogous sky plots for IceCube and GRAND200k in their respective energy ranges (10 TeV–1 EeV for 8 11 4 I.e., from fluxes integrated within the isophotal radius, the IceCube and 10 –3 10 GeV for GRAND200k) distance from the center along the semi-major axis beyond in Figs.7 and8. As× the location on the sky of a which the surface brightness falls below a given value. given source as viewed by the instrument varies as 12

FIG. 7. Left: Sky plot of the expected number of neutrino events as a function of galactic coordinates for POEMMA in the long-burst scenario of BNS merger, as in the Fang & Metzger model [22], and placing the source at 5 Mpc. Point sources are galaxies from the 2MRS catalog [78]. Middle: Same as at left for IceCube for muon neutrinos. Right: Same as at left for GRAND200k. Areas with grey point sources are regions for which the experiment is expected to detect less than one neutrino.

FIG. 8. Left: Sky plot of the expected number of neutrino events as a function of galactic coordinates for POEMMA in the “best-case” short-burst scenario of an sGRB with moderate EE, as in the KMMK model [17], and placing the source at 40 Mpc. Point sources are galaxies from the 2MRS catalog [78]. Middle: Same as at left for IceCube for muon neutrinos. Right: Same as at left for GRAND200k. Areas with grey point sources are regions for which the experiment is expected to detect less than one neutrino. a function of time, we compute time-averaged effec- & Cousins; [67]) exceeds the expected number of tive areas as a function of galactic coordinates for background events for POEMMA (see AppendixC), IceCube and GRAND200k5 in Figs.7 and8. thereby ruling out a background-only model. As For all three experiments, we calculate the per- the expected number of background events increases centage of the sky in which the expected num- with the length of the observation, we base these ber of neutrinos meets or exceeds the thresholds calculations on observations of long-duration events corresponding to two scenarios for neutrino ToO and include a trials factor of 100 observations. observations: (i) multi-messenger follow-up obser- Based on these considerations,∼ we set the threshold vations in which the experiment detects one neu- in the second scenario to six events. We note that trino coincident both spatially and in time with an separate event thresholds should be set for IceCube electromagnetic transient event (e.g., as with IC- and GRAND200k; however, as we are not as familiar 170922A coincident with blazar TXS0506+056 [3]; with the backgrounds for these experiments, we take IC-191001A coincident with tidal disruption event their backgrounds to be zero and assume the same AT2019dsg [92]) and/or a gravitational wave event, threshold of six events. TableIII provides the cal- and (ii) neutrino-only observations in which the ex- culated sky percentages for the three experiments. periment detects a significant number of neutrino For long bursts, we averaged the effective area over events in the absence of coincident multi-messenger the operation lifetime for IceCube6 and over a 24- observations via electromagnetic or gravitational hour period for GRAND200k; as such, the holes in messengers. In the second scenario, we set the the IceCube and GRAND200k skyplots (areas with threshold to be the number of events for which the grey point sources) are regions for which the exper- lower limit of the 5σ unified confidence interval (cal- iment has limited or no effective area and/or expo- culated using the methodology provided by Feldman sure for the range of energies in which it can detect

5 The GRAND200k effective area as a function of elevation angle was provided through private communication with 6 For years beyond 2012, we assumed that the effective area Olivier Martineau-Huynh. was the same as that provided for 2012. 13

TABLE III. Percentage of the sky for which various neutrino experiments will be able to detect 1.0 or 6.0 neutrinos for one long ToO scenario (BNS merger) and one “best-case” short burst scenario (sGRB with moderate EE emission). POEMMA IceCube* GRAND200k* Model 1.0 ντ 6.0 ντ 1.0 νµ 6.0 νµ 1.0 ντ 6.0 ντ Fang & Metzger [22] BNS merger at 5 Mpc 100% 100% 70% 18% 82% 81% KMMK [17] sGRB Mod. EE at 40 Mpc 100% 49% 50% 0% 81% 2% (*) Sky coverage for short bursts is not reflective of instantaneous FoV (see text).

neutrinos from the source model. For instance, the ordinates is at a maximum. We then average the hole in the northern celestial hemisphere for IceCube effective area over the assumed timescale for short arises due to a suppression in the effective area at bursts ( 103 s). In this manner, we compare these high zenith angles due to attenuation by the Earth “best-case”∼ scenarios for IceCube and GRAND200k for events above 10 PeV. GRAND200k will be sen- to our best-case scenario for POEMMA for short sitive to tau neutrinos∼ with zenith angles between bursts. However, both IceCube and GRAND200k 85◦ and 95◦ (360◦ in azimuth); hence, the holes will be limited in their capability to follow up short in the GRAND200k skyplot in Fig.7 are those re- bursts due to their inability to slew. This is less of gions of the sky which never enter its FoV, while a disadvantage for IceCube than for GRAND200k the slices with enhanced numbers of neutrino events since IceCube is sensitive to muon neutrinos in a are those regions of the sky which spend the most greater range of zenith angles than GRAND200k is time in the FoV, and this is where GRAND200k sensitive to tau neutrinos. The band of zenith angles can expect to see the most neutrinos. For the sce- for GRAND200k results in an instantaneous FoV of nario of a BNS merger at 5 Mpc, Fig.7 shows that 4.4% of the sky, so the probability of this “best- POEMMA will be sensitive to neutrinos from all case”∼ scenario occurring is relatively low. On the over the sky, while IceCube and GRAND200k will other hand, while POEMMA’s instantaneous FoV be sensitive to 70% and 82% of the sky, re- ( 30◦ 9◦) is smaller than that of GRAND200k spectively. For∼ the higher threshold∼ of 6 neu- (∼ 360◦× 10◦), POEMMA’s orbital speed (one or- trinos, POEMMA will be able to achieve∼ this level bit∼ in 95× min.) and quick re-pointing capability in 100% of the sky, giving it a distinct advan- ( 90◦ in 500 s) will allow it to access regions of tage∼ over IceCube ( 18%) and slightly better sky the∼ sky outside of its instantaneous FoV faster than coverage than even GRAND200k∼ ( 81%). On the GRAND200k, which is restricted to the rotation other hand, while POEMMA will∼ see more neu- speed of the Earth. With this combination of ca- trinos than IceCube for most regions of the sky, pabilities, POEMMA will be able access to 21% the regions in which IceCube and GRAND200k will of the sky in 500 s ( 37% in 103 s) [56], a key∼ ad- detect the most neutrinos (roughly 10% for both vantage over GRAND200k∼ in terms of sky coverage IceCube and GRAND200k) are larger than that for on such short timescales. POEMMA (. 1%), and GRAND200k can expect to As in Fig.7, holes in the IceCube and see more neutrinos in their best region ( 60 events GRAND200k sky plots in Fig.8 appear where the ∼ for GRAND200k compared with 36 for POEMMA experiment has limited or no effective area and/or ∼ and 14 for IceCube). However, we note that exposure for the range of energies in which it can ∼ while the POEMMA plot accounts for the decrease detect neutrinos from the source model. In this in observing time due to the Sun and the Moon, scenario, a hole in the southern celestial sphere for no background was assumed for either IceCube or IceCube appears because the range of energies in GRAND200k; as such, the estimates for IceCube which it can detect neutrinos for the KMMK model and GRAND200k are somewhat optimistic, partic- is smaller than that for the Fang & Metzger model at ularly in comparison with POEMMA. the distances considered (c.f., Figs.2 and4). Even For short bursts, given that neither IceCube nor considering the “best-case” scenarios for IceCube GRAND200k will be able to slew to a given target as and GRAND200k, POEMMA has a distinct advan- POEMMA will, the observational scenario for these tage in detecting these types of short burst events. experiments is not completely analogous to that con- Not only will POEMMA be sensitive to neutrinos sidered in this paper for POEMMA. For the pur- from the entire sky (compared with 50% for poses of comparison, we constructed their sky plots IceCube and 81% for GRAND200k),∼ POEMMA in Fig.8 by assuming that the burst starts at a time can expect to∼ see more neutrinos (maximum number for which the effective area at a given set of sky co- of 10 events versus 5 for IceCube and 6 for ∼ ∼ ∼ 14

GRAND200k). For the higher threshold of 6 neu- 1.0 trinos, POEMMA will be able to achieve this∼ level in 49% of the sky, compared with 0% for IceCube and∼ 2% for GRAND200k. ∼ 0.8 ∼

BBH - High Lum.

TDE - Lumi Sgr A* C. Probability of ToOs for Modeled 0.6 BNS Astrophysical Neutrino Sources

In order to determine the modeled source classes 0.4 that are most likely to result in ToOs for POEMMA, Prob. (>= 1 ToO) BBH - Low Lum. we model the occurrence of transient events as a Poisson process. The probability of POEMMA ob- 0.2 serving at least one ToO for a given source model as TDE Baseline a function of time, t, is then given by: sGRB (EE)

−rt 0.0 P (> 1 ToO) = 1 P (0) = 1 e , (19) 0 5 10 15 − − Mission Time [yrs] where r is the expected rate of ToOs for the source model as determined from the cosmological vol- FIG. 9. The Poisson probability of POEMMA observ- ing at least one ToO versus observation time for sev- ume in which neutrinos would be detectable by eral modeled source classes. Featured source models POEMMA and from cosmological event rates for are TDEs from Lunardini and Winter [19], BNS merg- the source class taken from the literature (see model ers from Fang and Metzger [22], BBH mergers from descriptions provided in Sec.IIID). The cosmologi- Kotera and Silk [21], and sGRBs with moderate EE from cal volume is determined from the neutrino horizon, KMMK [17]. zhor, which we calculate from Eq. (17) by determin- ing the redshift at which Nev is set equal 1.0. In Fig.9, we plot the probability that POEMMA will if located reasonably close by, but would likely re- observe at least one ToO versus observation time for quire mission lifetimes of 10 years (source classes in several of the source models considered in this paper. italics) or more for a reasonable chance of detect- In TableIV, we provide the calculated number ing one ToO. Based on the results from this study of neutrino events for several models of astrophysi- and studies of ToOs with other neutrino observato- cal transient source classes assuming a source at the ries provided in the literature, we expect these latter Galactic Center (GC) and at 3 Mpc (roughly the dis- sources to be challenging to observe by any currently tance to the nearest starburst galaxy, NGC253). To operating or planned neutrino observatory. provide a sense of the maximum distance at which a given source class is detectable by POEMMA, we in- clude its neutrino horizon expressed as a luminosity D. Most Promising Candidate Neutrino distance as determined from a model taken from the Source Classes for POEMMA literature. The results for long bursts include the av- erage impacts of the Sun and the Moon and hence, In the remainder of this section, we provide brief provide a reasonable estimate of POEMMA’s capa- discussions of the most promising astrophysical can- bility in detecting such sources. For short bursts, didate neutrino source classes in terms of their ex- we do not account for the Sun and Moon due to pected ToO rates for POEMMA (boldface and itali- strong variations in their effects over the course of cized models in TableIV; for a discussion of the ad- POEMMA’s orbital period. Furthermore, for these ditional source classes, see AppendixE). We should scenarios, the source was placed at the optimal sky note that our list of sources and corresponding mod- position for POEMMA observations. As such, the els is not intended to be an exhaustive list or present results for short bursts should be regarded as re- a complete characterization of the sources in ques- flecting the best possible scenarios for POEMMA tion. Several of the source classes have been pro- observations. The models in boldface type are those posed as possible neutrino emitters going back sev- for which POEMMA has at least a 10% chance of eral decades. Furthermore, the relevant parameter seeing a ToO within the proposed mission lifetime spaces for the characteristics of these sources can be of 3 – 5 years and hence, are the most promising quite large and uncertain, particularly in the pre- source classes for POEMMA. Other source classes sumed regime of neutrino production. Rather, our listed in TableIV would be detectable by POEMMA intent with this list is to provide a rough idea of 15

7 TABLE IV. Average expected numbers of neutrino events above Eν > 10 GeV detectable by POEMMA for several models of transient source classes assuming source locations at the Galactic Center (GC) and at 3 Mpc. The horizon distance for detecting 1.0 neutrino per ToO event is also provided. Source classes with observed durations > 103 s are 3 classified as long bursts. Those with observed durations . 10 s are classified as short bursts. Models in boldface type are those models for which POEMMA has & 10% chance of observing a ToO during the proposed mission lifetime of 3 – 5 years. Models in italics are the same but for a mission lifetime of 10 years. Long Bursts No. of ν’s at No. of ν’s at Largest Distance for Source Class GC 3 Mpc 1.0 ν per event Model Reference TDEs 1.4 × 105 0.9 3 Mpc Dai and Fang [18] average TDEs 6.8 × 105 4.7 7 Mpc Dai and Fang [18] bright Lunardini and Winter [19] 6 MSMBH = 5 × 10 M TDEs 2.7 × 108 1.7 × 103 128 Mpc Lumi Scaling Model Lunardini and Winter [19] TDEs 7 .7 × 10 7 489 69 Mpc Base Scenario RFGBW [20] – FSRQ proton-dominated advective escape Blazar Flares NA* NA* 47 Mpc model lGRB Reverse Shock (ISM) 1.2 × 105 0.8 3 Mpc Murase [16] lGRB Reverse Shock (wind) 2.5 × 107 174 41 Mpc Murase [16] Kotera and Silk [21] (rescaled) BBH merger 2.8 × 107 195 43 Mpc Low Fluence Kotera and Silk [21] (rescaled) BBH merger 2.9 × 108 2.0 × 103 137 Mpc High Fluence BNS merger 4.3 × 106 30 16 Mpc Fang and Metzger [22] BWD merger 25 0 38 kpc XMMD [23] Newly-born Crab-like pulsars (p) 190 0 109 kpc Fang [24] Newly-born magnetars (p) 2.5 × 104 0.2 1 Mpc Fang [24] Newly-born magnetars (Fe) 5.0 × 104 0.3 2 Mpc Fang [24] Short Bursts No. of ν’s at No. of ν’s at Largest Distance for Source Class GC 3 Mpc 1.0 ν per event Model Reference sGRB Extended Emission (moderate) 1.1 × 108 800 90 Mpc KMMK [17] (*) Not applicable due to a lack of known blazars within 100 Mpc. 16

POEMMA’s capability in detecting neutrinos from neutrino horizon for POEMMA is 130 Mpc with commonly-invoked source candidates and identify a corresponding Poisson probability∼ of detecting at the most promising source classes for POEMMA. least one such event of & 21 – 33% over the proposed For each of the most promising source candidates, mission lifetime of 3 – 5 years or up to 55% for an we discuss their contributions to the diffuse astro- extended mission lifetime of 10 years.∼ For the Base physical neutrino flux in light of IceCube measure- model, the neutrino horizon is closer ( 70 Mpc), re- ments below 5 PeV [93] and constraints at higher sulting in a Poisson detection probability∼ of 10% energies [8]. over the course of an extended mission lifetime∼ of 10 — Jetted Tidal Disruption Events — During a years. tidal disruption event (TDE), a massive black hole — Binary Neutron Star Mergers — Strong rips apart an orbiting star, accreting its material magnetic fields and rapid rotation in pulsars com- and producing a flare of radiation that can last for bine to induce electric fields that naturally accelerate months or even years [94, 95; for detailed reviews, see particles [see e.g., 111–115], with ultra-high energies e.g., 96, 97]. As demonstrated by Swift J1644+57, possibly being achievable in newly-born magnetars 14 some TDEs result in powerful, relativistic jets [98– (pulsars with magnetic field strengths & 10 G; 100]. With the abundance of baryons from the dis- for detailed review, see [116]) with spin periods rupted stellar material, jetted TDEs are natural can- milliseconds [see e.g., 22, 113–115]. Accelerated∼ didates for proton and nuclei accelerators, possibly UHECRs produce neutrinos through interactions capable of reaching ultra-high energies [101–104] and with the surrounding ambient medium and radia- producing very-high and ultra-high energy neutri- tion fields. In Ref. [22], Fang and Metzger modeled nos [18, 19, 104–106]. In order to evaluate the ca- the time-dependent neutrino production in the mag- pability of POEMMA for detecting neutrinos from netosphere of a rapidly spinning magnetar result- jetted TDEs, we use models from Lunardini and ing from a BNS merger. Their model predicts that Winter in Ref. [19], which explored the relationship PeV–EeV neutrinos could be detectable for days and between key jet characteristics and the mass of the even months following the merger. Alternatively, the SMBH. Alternative models of TDE neutrino produc- BNS merger could result in a spinning black hole tion are available in the literature [c.f., 104–108] can which could accrete marginally bound merger de- exhibit differences related to modeling parameters bris, resulting in unbound winds or wide-angle jets such as the jet luminosity, the baryon loading, and that accelerate particles to ultra-high energies [117]. the comoving event rate. In this paper, we only explore the scenario in which For the purposes of this study, we consider two the BNS merger remnant is a rapidly spinning mag- models from Ref. [19]: the Base Case model in which netar. no dependence on SMBH mass is included, and a Following the announcement of the observation of Lumi Scaling model in which the jet bulk Lorentz a BNS merger [1, 118] by Advanced LIGO [119] and factor, variability timescale, and X-ray luminosity Advanced Virgo [120], the ANTARES, IceCube, and scale with SMBH mass. We note that neither model Pierre Auger Observatories conducted a search for violates IceCube measurements of the diffuse astro- high-energy neutrinos positionally coincident with physical flux [109] and if correct, both models would the merger arriving within 500 s of the merger time predict significant contributions to the astrophysi- and within a 14-day period± following the merger [65]. cal flux from jetted TDEs, particularly at energies No neutrinos were found, though at a distance of 6 & 10 GeV [19]. For the Lumi Scaling model, we 40 Mpc, the neutrino fluences predicted by Fang 6 ∼ took MSMBH = 5 10 M , as motivated by es- and Metzger would have been undetectable with timates of the mass× of Sgr A* [see e.g., 110], and these neutrino experiments. As shown in Fig.2, the neutrino fluence was determined by interpolat- POEMMA will have an advantage in searching for 6 7 ing between the 10 M and the 10 M models. For neutrinos from BNS merger events due to its capa- a TDE at the galactic center, these models predict bility to rapidly re-point for follow-up and to revisit that POEMMA will detect 8 107 and 3 108 a source location every orbit and also due to the neutrinos for the Base and∼ Lumi× Scaling∼ Scenar-× fact that POEMMA is most sensitive at the ener- ios, respectively. In addition to the neutrino flu- gies at which the neutrino fluences are expected to ence, Lunardini and Winter [19] also modeled the peak ( hundreds PeV). Using the Fang and Met- cosmological rate of TDEs, finding the local rate of zger model,∼ we predict that POEMMA will be able jetted TDEs to be 0.35–10 Gpc−3 yr−1 depend- to detect tens of neutrinos up to distances few ing on assumptionsR' for the minimum SMBH mass. Mpc, with∼ a neutrino horizon of 16 Mpc.∼ Tak- For both models, these rates imply diffuse neutrino ing the upper limit of the LIGO-Virgo∼ event rate for fluxes that are consistent with current IceCube mea- BNS mergers ( 110–3840 Gpc−3 yr−1;[121]), surements [93]. For the Lumi Scaling model, the the Poisson probabilityR ∼ of POEMMA detecting at 17 least one such event is & 20 – 30% over the pro- tromagnetic counterparts to BBH mergers have been posed mission lifetime of 3 – 5 years or up to 50% reported to date [139]. As such, we acknowledge that for an extended mission lifetime of 10 years. ∼ the models that predict neutrino emission from BBH We note that the BNS merger rates reported by mergers are highly speculative. LIGO-Virgo are higher than that used in the Fang For the purposes of predicting the capability of and Metzger analysis and the combined neutrino flu- POEMMA for detecting neutrinos from BBH merg- ence from the cosmological population of BNS merg- ers, we use the neutrino flux suggested by Kotera ers may overproduce the IceCube upper limit on the and Silk [21]. In deriving the neutrino flux, they es- diffuse neutrino flux above 5 PeV [8] depending on timated the Poynting flux that can be generated by source evolution and maximum redshift. As the cal- stellar BHs and, in calculating the maximum neu- culated neutrino horizon for BNS mergers is very trino flux, they assumed the Poynting flux can be local, the use of the local BNS rate as measured by entirely tapped into UHECRs. The Kotera and Silk LIGO-Virgo is appropriate, but it is worth noting neutrino flux includes a parameter, fν , for the op- that with only two confirmed detections, the BNS tical depth to neutrino production. For our calcu- merger rate is unconstrained, particularly beyond lations, we set fν equal to 1/3 in order to not vi- the LIGO-Virgo BNS horizon ( 130 Mpc).7 Al- olate IceCube upper limits on the diffuse neutrino ternatively, it is also worth considering∼ the possibil- flux above 5 PeV [8]. The Kotera and Silk model ity that a large fraction of BNS mergers may not requires that each individual source supply a fixed result in a long-lived or stable magnetar that would amount of energy in the form of CRs in order to produce neutrinos. Such a scenario would reduce the reproduce the observed CR flux above 1019 eV, re- diffuse neutrino flux from BNS mergers, but it would sulting in a predicted neutrino fluence for each in- also reduce the predicted ToO rates for POEMMA. dividual source that depends on the BBH merger — Binary Black Hole Mergers — Analogous to rate. For the purposes of our calculations, we con- BNS mergers, binary black hole (BBH) systems are sider two scenarios – a High Fluence scenario based also potential reservoirs of power; for instance, the on the lower limit of the LIGO-Virgo BBH merger rotational energy of a spinning black hole in a mag- rate (9.7 Gpc−3 yr−1;[121]) and a Low Fluence sce- netized disk can be extracted to power jets [122]. nario based on the upper limit of the LIGO-Virgo However, unlike in the case of BNS mergers, black BBH merger rate (101 Gpc−3 yr−1;[121]). For these holes in BBH systems lack a companion that can scenarios, we predict that POEMMA will detect be tidally disrupted and reorganized into an accre- hundreds or thousands of neutrinos for events oc-∼ tion disk [123]. As such, BBH mergers are gener- curring within∼ few Mpc in the Low Fluence and ally expected to release energy solely in the form of High Fluence cases,∼ respectively. For the neutrino gravitational waves. On the other hand, reported horizon, we expect POEMMA to be able to detect candidate electromagnetic counterparts to LIGO- neutrinos out to 40 Mpc in the Low Fluence sce- Virgo BBH events [124, 125] have spurred interest in nario and out to∼ 120 Mpc in the High Fluence BBH merger scenarios that would give rise to multi- scenario. Based on∼ these horizons and on the LIGO- messenger counterparts, including the possibility of Virgo BBH merger rate, the Poisson detection prob- pre-existing material still being present at the time ability for POEMMA detection of such an event is of the merger [see e.g., 125–134] or the possibility of 7 – 20% over the proposed mission lifetime of 3 charged black holes [see e.g., 135–138]. In Ref. [21], –∼ 5 years and 20 – 34% over an extended mission Kotera and Silk take the further step of suggest- lifetime of 10 years.∼ ing that if BBH mergers can form accretion disks and associated jets or magnetohydrodynamic out- flows, they could possibly accelerate CRs to ultra- IV. CONCLUSIONS high energies, which would produce neutrinos via in- teractions with the surrounding environment. While such a scenario would make BBH mergers promising In this paper, we have explored several scenarios candidate sources of neutrinos, it is as yet unclear for neutrino ToO observations with POEMMA, cal- whether enough material is present at the time of culating its sensitivity and evaluating prospects for the BBH merger in order to provide an environment detecting neutrinos from several candidate transient for accelerating particles or even to emit electromag- astrophysical source classes. While at any particu- netic radiation, and no definitive detections of elec- lar time only transient sources below the limb of the Earth as viewed from the satellites are relevant to tau-neutrino induced upward-going air shower sig- nals, POEMMA and other space-based instruments 7 https://emfollow.docs.ligo.org/userguide/ will have full-sky coverage over the orbital period of capabilities.html the satellites and the precession period of the orbital 18 plane. The slewing capability of POEMMA in time other broad requirement for follow-up. frames of on the order of 500 s will permit rapid For the purposes of this study, we have assumed response to short-duration transient events over a that the neutrino burst will be closely coincident in large region of the sky ( 21%). time and space with the event and/or other neu- ∼ As compared with the standard limb-viewing con- tral messengers, such as gamma rays or gravitational figuration for diffuse neutrino flux measurements waves. Murase and Shoemaker [140] recently ex- (POEMMA-limb mode, which is limited to 7◦ be- plored possible time delays and angular signatures in low the horizon; 57), POEMMA’s ToO observation the neutrino signal resulting from beyond SM inter- modes provide access to a broader range in τ-lepton actions between high-energy neutrinos and the cos- elevation angles before neutrino flux attenuation in mic neutrino background and/or dark matter par- the Earth obscures a neutrino source. Our results ticles. In POEMMA’s energy range (beginning at ◦ 10 PeV or 30 PeV in ToO-stereo and ToO-dual here are based on elevation angles βtr 35 , equiv- ∼ ∼ alent to viewing from the satellites to≤ an angle of modes, respectively) and at the neutrino horizon dis- 20◦ below the limb. The capability for tracking tances calculated in this paper, we expect the effects the∼ source means that the best case sensitivities for from these types of interactions to be minuscule; POEMMA are as much as two orders of magnitude however, we note that any time delay in the neu- better than those of Auger as reported in Ref. [65] trino burst would be helpful to POEMMA by pro- with all-sky coverage. Based on the calculations per- viding more time for re-pointing and re-positioning formed here, we predict that POEMMA will have the satellites for the ToO observation. reasonable chance to observe TDEs, BBH mergers, In any ToO scenario, whether neutrino detectors and BNS mergers within a 3 – 5-year observation pe- following up electromagnetic and/or gravitational- riod. Long bursts within luminosity distances spec- wave alerts or vice versa, multi-messenger obser- ified in TableIV will be observable by POEMMA, vations of transient astrophysical phenomena will regardless of location. For short duration bursts, not be possible without a high-quality alert sys- the sensitivity will be better than for long bursts if tem incorporating all three messengers. We note the source is well placed relative to the Earth and that there is already an elaborate multi-messenger POEMMA. However, short bursts may not be ob- network consisting of all-sky/wide-field instruments servable if the source does not dip below the Earth’s sensitive to electromagnetic radiation (e.g., Swift, horizon, or if the burst occurs when the Sun and/or Fermi, INTEGRAL, etc.), neutrinos (i.e., IceCube Moon interfere with observing. and ANTARES), and gravitational waves (i.e., LIGO, Virgo, KAGRA). These instruments pro- For long-duration events, POEMMA will have vide timely notifications of transient astrophysi- the option of maneuvering its satellites closer to- cal events via the Gamma-ray Coordinates Net- gether (ToO-stereo mode) in order to lower its en- work/Transient Astronomy Network (GCN/TAN)8 ergy threshold. In most cases, ToO observations and/or Astronomer’s Telegram (ATel)9 in order to will be multi-messenger follow-up observations with enable such rapid responses. Alerts from LIGO and POEMMA responding to alerts issued by electro- Virgo are also made available via the Gravitational- magnetic or gravitational-wave detectors. In these Wave Candidate Event Database.10 cases, the decision to maneuver the satellites closer In the coming decade and beyond, the contem- together will hinge in large part on the source porary multi-messenger network will only flour- class, the distance, and expectations for the du- ish as maintaining and further developing a well- ration of the event. A BNS merger event such coordinated network is a top priority for the high- as GW170817/GRB170817A occurring within one energy astrophysics community. Several wide-field or two sigma of the predicted horizon distance of electromagnetic missions (e.g., Transient Astro- 16 Mpc would be a good example of a priority target physics Observatory, Transient Astrophysics Probe, that might warrant satellite maneuvers. As slewing All-sky Medium Energy Gamma-ray Observatory, the telescopes without changing their separation re- BurstCube, etc.) and ground-based and space- quires minuscule amounts of propellant, there is no based gravitational-wave detectors (e.g., Einstein limit to the number of ToOs POEMMA can follow Telescope, Cosmic Explorer, Laser Interferometer up in ToO-dual mode. For sky localizations with Space Antenna) have been proposed for operations large error circles (as in gravitational-wave events over a time frame that will overlap with POEMMA. with fewer than three detectors), POEMMA’s large field-of-view ( 30◦ 9◦) will enable relatively effi- cient tiling. However,∼ × tiling very large error circles will reduce the observation time for each individ- 8 https://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/about.html ual tile, so source localizations to within a factor of 9 http://www.astronomerstelegram.org/ a few times POEMMA’s field-of-view would be an- 10 https://gracedb.ligo.org/ 19

We envision POEMMA playing an essential, com- plementary role, particularly at ultra-high energies, in the next-generation multi-messenger network. The source models described here, with associated numbers of events, follow from standard model (SM) processes. The ANITA Collaboration has reported two unusual events, which qualitatively look like air showers initiated by energetic ( 500 PeV) particles that emerge from the ice along trajectories∼ with large elevation angles [141, 142]. However, at these high energies, neutrinos are expected to interact inside the Earth with a high probability. For the angles inferred from ANITA observations, the ice would be well screened from up-going neutrinos by the un- derlying layers of Earth, challenging SM explana- FIG. 10. The effective area (dashed disk on the figure) tions [143–145]. Several beyond SM physics models for a τ-lepton air shower that begins a path length s from the point of emergence on the Earth. The local zenith have been proposed to explain ANITA events [146– angle of the line of sight, of distance v, is θ . The inset 156], but systematic effects in the data analysis may v shows the emergence angle of the τ-lepton θtr. play a larger role than originally anticipated [157– 159]. POEMMA will have detection capabilities for such events. For example, a 600 PeV EAS will yield 4 2 ◦ ico State University) for performing analytic and a signal of more than 10 photons/m for 35 Earth- GMAT flight dynamics calculations used to quan- emergence angle, implying a PE signal that is a fac- tify the satellite separation maneuvers, Simon Mack- tor of 500 times greater than the 10 PE threshold. ovjak for assistance with the NSB evaluation, and Relative to ANITA, POEMMA will have a factor of Austin Cummings for his simulation work, anal- 10 increase in acceptance solid angle since these ∼ ysis, and discussion regarding the above-the-limb EASs are so bright. POEMMA, in tracking neutrino UHECR background assessment. We would also sources, will also be sensitive to non-standard model like to thank Kenji Shinozaki for discussions of the particles that generate up-going EASs. impact of atmospheric refraction on Cherenkov sig- Our results herein provide a first assessment of the nals above and below the Earth’s limb. We would prospects for detecting neutrinos with POEMMA for also like to thank our colleagues of the Pierre Auger commonly-invoked candidate astrophysical neutrino and POEMMA collaborations for valuable discus- source classes given their current modeled neutrino sions. This work is supported in part by US Depart- fluences. As the multi-messenger network evolves ment of Energy grant DE-SC-0010113, NASA grant and expands with the addition of next-generation 17-APRA17-0066, NASA awards NNX17AJ82G and detectors across the electromagnetic, gravitational- 80NSSC18K0464, and the U.S. National Science wave, and neutrino sectors, we envision that our Foundation (NSF Grant PHY-1620661). CG is sup- methodology will provide a framework for evaluating ported by the Neil Gehrels Prize Postdoctoral Fel- the prospects of future experiments detecting neutri- lowship. nos from candidate transient astrophysical sources, as well as for developing a more detailed survey strategy for space-based neutrino detectors such as POEMMA. ◦ Appendix A: POEMMA detection for βtr < 35 Acknowledgements Many of the details required for the evaluation of We would like to thank Roopesh Ojha and Eliza- the POEMMA effective area follow from the discus- beth Hays for helpful discussions about AGNs and sion of the sensitivity to the diffuse flux in Ref. [57]. ToOs. We would also like to thank Francis Halzen Figure 10 shows the configuration of POEMMA at and Justin Vandenbroucke for helpful discussions of altitude h = 525 km and a τ-lepton emerging at a lo- IceCube’s effective area and sensitivity. We would cal zenith angle θtr. In practice, we consider angles eff ◦ similarly like to thank Olivier Martineau-Huynh for θtr close (< θ 1.5 ) to the local zenith angle Ch ∼ helpful discussions of the GRAND200k’s effective θv of the∼ line of sight as required for detection of area and Foteini Oikonomou for a careful read- the showers. The difference in angles θtr and θv in ing of the manuscript and helpful comments. We Fig. 10 is exaggerated for clarity. would also like to thank Kyle Rankin (New Mex- For τ-lepton air showers, it is common to use the 20

100 107 GeV 1010 GeV 8 11 10-1 10 GeV 10 GeV 109 GeV 10-2 t i

x -3

e 10 P


10-5 Standard Model, ALLM 10-6 100 101 βtr [deg]

FIG. 11. The exit probability for a ντ of a given energy to emerge as a τ-lepton as a function of elevation angle ◦ ◦ βtr = 1 − 35 . FIG. 13. The photon density at POEMMA a function of altitude of the τ-lepton decay and elevation angle βtr for 100 PeV upward-moving EAS.

below the limb, or alternatively, a larger range of ele- vation angles βtr. We show the τ-lepton exit proba- ◦ bility for angles up to βtr = 35 in Fig. 11. Neu- trino attenuation becomes increasingly important for larger βtr and higher neutrino energies. Tau neu- trino regeneration is included here, namely, multiple iterations of ντ τ production for weak scatter- → ing with nucleons, and τ ντ regeneration through decays. → Figures 12 and 13 are EAS parameter inputs to the detection probability calculated by a neu- trino sensitivity Monte Carlo. They are derived from modeling of the upward EAS development, Cherenkov signal generation, and atmospheric at- tenuation of the Cherenkov signal (see Ref. [57]). FIG. 12. The effective Cherenkov angle of the air shower The EAS development is modeled using shower- as a function of altitude of the τ-lepton decay and ele- universality [160, 161] and provides an average EAS vation angle βtr for an upward-moving 100 PeV EAS. profile for a given energy and βtr, with the assump- tion that 50% of the energy of the τ-lepton goes into the EAS. The Cherenkov angle is calculated local elevation angle to describe the trajectory rather from the modeling as a function of altitude and βtr, than the local zenith angle. The elevation angles, which is sampled in the POEMMA neutrino sensi- labeled with β, are defined by angles relative to the tivity Monte Carlo. The Cherenkov angle variations ◦ local tangent plane, e.g., βtr = 90 θtr. shown in Fig. 12 are mainly due to the fact that The τ-lepton decay at a distance− s is viewable the atmosphere density decreases as function of alti- eff for decays within a cone of opening angle θCh. The tude, e.g., the index of refraction of air decreases as effective area for the τ-lepton air shower that begins altitude increases, with an additional effect because s from the point of emergence on the Earth is shown EAS development at larger βtr spans larger ranges by the dashed disk on the figure. The area of the of altitudes. The Cherenkov photon yield, shown in disk is expressed in Eq. (1). Fig. 13 for 100 PeV EASs is more complicated. This For the ToO neutrino sources, the slewing capabil- is best illustrated by examining the variation in pho- ities of POEMMA allow for a larger range of viewing ton yield for EASs starting at sea level as a function 21 of βtr. At the lowest altitudes, the Cherenkov light Once an external transient astrophysical event attenuation is dominated by aerosol scattering due alert is received, the POEMMA satellites are de- to the aerosol distribution having a scale height of signed to quickly slew, 90◦ in 500 s, to re-orient the 1 km. As βtr increases, a larger fraction of the POEMMA telescopes into to view near the limb of ∼EAS development occurs at higher altitudes where the Earth and optimize the orientation for the de- the aerosol contribution becomes smaller, thus lead- tection of tau neutrinos. The nature of the satel- ing to a larger Cherenkov photon density at 525 km. lite orbits and the spacecraft avionics allow slew- This effectively leads to a lower energy threshold for ing maneuvers to occur with a negligible amount of tau-induced EAS detection for larger βtr. Note that propulsion, thus the number of slewing operations the EAS Cherenkov (and fluorescence) light below available over the mission is not limited by consum- 300 nm is effectively eliminated by ozone atten- ables such as propellant. The actual mode, e.g., uation∼ when viewed from space. In regards to the ToO-stereo or ToO-dual, depends on the initial sep- altitude variation, for given E and βtr there is an al- aration of the POEMMA spacecraft. In the case titude where the atmosphere becomes too rarefied that the satellite separation is < 50 km, the slewing to support EAS development. This leads to the will put POEMMA into ToO-stereo∼ mode. In the turn over of the photon densities at higher altitudes case POEMMA is in UHECR-stereo mode, with a shown in Fig. 13. Note that the neutrino sensitiv- satellite separation > 100 km, the slews will put ity Monte Carlo effectively uses the results shown in POEMMA into ToO-dual∼ mode. The POEMMA Figs. 12 and 13 to generate the EAS signals for a spe- spacecraft carry extra propulsion to perform satel- cific τ-lepton decay by interpolating the Cherenkov lite separation maneuvers during the mission. Flight angle and photon density results to obtain those for dynamic studies have quantified the number of these a given τ-lepton EAS geometry, with linearly scaling available for the entire mission as a function of the as a function of shower energy for the photon yield. separation distance and time scale of the maneuver. Assuming a 300 km initial separation moving to a 25 km separation, and then back to the original 300 km studies show that the re-positioning can occur Appendix B: POEMMA in ToO-stereo and ToO-dual modes 40 times for the mission, assuming the time scale is∼ 1 day to perform both separation changes. If the∼ duration for the initial maneuver to reduce satel- The ability to reorient its neutrino detectors in a lite separation is reduced to 7 hours, then 12 relatively short time makes POEMMA effective in its maneuvers can be performed∼ over the mission∼ life- detection of transient neutrino sources. POEMMA’s time, assuming 1 day to bring the satellites back to observing strategy employs a dual detection sys- the 300 km separation after the ToO observation. tem: cosmic-ray detection mode for detecting flu- The altitude variation for the spacecraft performing orescence signals from cosmic ray interactions with the separation change is 500 – 550 km, which has stereo viewing at a satellite separation of 300 km, minimal effect on EAS signal (both Cherenkov and and neutrino detection mode with a 25 km sepa- fluorescence) detection thresholds during the maneu- ration when pointing to the Earth’s limb so that ver. both telescopes view the same Cherenkov light pool. Short neutrino bursts may occur when POEMMA The performance for short- and long-duration is in cosmic-ray mode. In this appendix, we briefly ToO observations is determined in part by the flight describe considerations in changing the satellite sep- dynamics performance. There is a benefit to bring- aration to allow both telescopes to view the same ing the two POEMMA spacecraft to a separation Cherenkov light pool, and considerations in setting of 25 km in order to put both instruments into the PE threshold for short-duration neutrino bursts the∼ Cherenkov light pool. The nearly simultane- when the detectors, 300 km apart, cannot view the ous measurement of the Cherenkov signal with both same light pool. These conditions, which we de- telescopes within a time spread of 20 ns allows note ToO-stereo when the two POEMMA satellites for a lower energy threshold for POEMMA∼ by using observe an event in the same Cherenkov light pool coincidence timing to reduce the effects of the air and ToO-dual when the satellites have a larger sep- glow background in the 300 900 nm Cherenkov sig- aration and measure the Cherenkov signals from a nal band. Calculations using− POEMMA’s response ToO source separately, have different energy thresh- to the Cherenkov signals, assuming 2.5 m2 effective olds because of the effects of the night-sky air glow telescope area, 20% PE conversion efficiency, pixel background in the 300 – 900 nm wavelength band. FoV of 0.084◦, assuming 20-ns timing coincidence, We conclude the appendix with a discussion of ad- and the average night-sky air glow background rate ditional potential backgrounds for POEMMA ToO in the 300 900 nm band have determined that a observations. PE threshold− of 10 PEs yields a false positive rate 22

103 103 To demonstrate the impact of the different PE POEMMA thresholds on POEMMA’s sensitivity, we plot the ]

2 all-flavor neutrino sensitivity at the 90% unified con- − ]

2 2 2 10 10 m fidence level in both the ToO-dual and ToO-stereo − c m V configurations for long and short bursts in Fig. 14. c e V G

[ The purple shaded regions show our default val- e y G [ 1 1 t ues (ToO-stereo mode for long bursts and ToO-dual 10 10 i ν v i φ mode for short bursts), and the blue shaded regions t 2 i ν s E

n show the PE threshold for the alternative configu-

stereo e NPE > 10 S ration. At low energies, the lower PE threshold in 100 dual, NPE > 20 100 All-flavor, 106 sec ToO-stereo mode improves the sensitivity. At higher 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 energies, the higher PE threshold of the ToO-dual log10 Eν/[GeV] configuration is somewhat mitigated by the doubled min 102 102 light-pool area. While we use the NPE = 20 thresh- All-flavor, 103 s old case for our short burst analyses, we note that if POEMMA

] a short burst occurs when the POEMMA satellites 2

1 1 − ] 10 10 are already in the ToO-stereo configuration, the sen- 2 m

− min c sitivity in the case of NPE = 10 would be applicable. m V c e The difference in PE thresholds corresponds to ap- V 0 0 G [ e 10 10 proximately an order of magnitude improvement in y G [ t i sensitivity at 10 PeV. ν v i φ t 2 i ν stereo -1 N > 10 -1 s E PE

10 10 n e dual, NPE > 20 S Appendix C: POEMMA’s angular resolution 10-2 10-2 and additional backgrounds for ToO 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 observations log10 Eν/[GeV] The angular resolution when observing the FIG. 14. The POEMMA all-flavor 90% unified confi- dence level sensitivity per decade in energy with the Cherenkov signal from an EAS is defined by the in- default (purple) and alternate (blue) satellite configu- stantaneous field of view (iFoV), e.g., pixel angu- ration. Upper: Sensitivity in the ToO-dual (blue) and lar span, of the optics of the POEMMA Cherenkov ToO-stereo (purple) configurations for 106 s burst, ac- Camera (PCC). The iFoV of the PCC is 0.084◦, counting for the effects of the Sun and the Moon (ft = which corresponds to a particular area on the ground 0.3; see Sec.II). Lower: Sensitivity in the ToO-dual monitored by the PCC for emergent EASs. When (purple) and ToO-stereo (blue) configurations for 103 s POEMMA is viewing near the Earth limb in ToO burst, assuming observations during astronomical night neutrino observation mode, the distance to the (ft = 1). ground is 2000 km, which yields the linear dis- tance scale∼ of 4 km on the ground that is monitored for a given iFoV. As determined by simulation stud- of a fraction of an event per year [57]. For long ies of the optical Cherenkov signal measurable by bursts,∼ characterized by time scales of 106 s, we POEMMA for upward-moving τ-lepton -generated assume the satellites are in ToO-stereo mode∼ and set EASs [c.f., 57], the viewed size of transverse compo- min NPE = 10. nent of the visible portion of the EAS is < 1 km. For short bursts, characterized by times scales of This implies that the τ-lepton EAS Cherenkov sig- 103 s, a lower PE threshold enabled by coincidence nal will be confined to a single pixel in the PCC, timing∼ may not be achievable if the satellites are even considering the point-spread-function (PSF) of not already in ToO-stereo mode or POEMMA-limb the optics (see Fig. 3 in Ref. [162]). Thus the viewing mode (satellites pointed towards the limb direction to the observed Cherenkov EAS signal is and 2◦ above for diffuse neutrino and UHECR known to iFoV (0.084◦) and with an RMS error of measurements∼ and separated by 25 km). In 0.084◦/p(12) 0.024◦. The error on reconstruct- ToO-dual mode, even with a separation∼ of 300 km, ing the direction≈ of an EAS trajectory also depends POEMMA will still be able to detect neutrino sig- on the maximum viewing angle away from the tra- nals, albeit at a higher PE threshold. We find that jectory, θv in Fig. 10, where the Cherenkov signal for the assumptions listed above, a PE threshold of is measurable. This depends on the EAS develop- min NPE = 20 for POEMMA in ToO-dual mode will ment and the location in the atmosphere the EAS, maintain a similarly low false positive rate. which determines the Cherenkov angle. For upward- 23

energy, resulting in a larger assumed background flux at higher energies. If instead, we extrapolate the IceCube best-fit diffuse astrophysical muon-neutrino spectrum (through-going muon neutrinos from the 9.5-yr Northern-hemisphere data, assuming equal numbers of tau neutrinos; 93), this corresponds to 4.0 10−5 background events per long ToO obser- vation× for the Cherenkov angle of 3.0◦. Second, the assumed Cherenkov angle of 3.0◦ is only valid at the highest energies of the energy range relevant for POEMMA; at lower energies, the Cherenkov angle will be smaller, < 1.5◦. We expect∼ two possible contributions from UHECRs to the background for ToO observations: (i) UHECR Cherenkov signals reflected off of the ground, and (ii) Cherenkov signals generated by above-the-limb UHECRs during ToO observations FIG. 15. The geometry for a space-based detector at alti- close to the Earth’s limb. First we discuss the tude h detecting Cherenkov radiation from a downward- reflected Cherenkov signals from downward-going going UHECR EAS reflected by the ground. The span UHECR EASs. As detailed in the pivotal works of of EAS Cherenkov spot on the ground is ∆, which has Patterson and Hillas [163, 164] the Cherenkov lat- angular extent ∆α = α2 − α1 as viewed from the detec- eral distribution (CLD) generated by a downward- tor. s1 and s2 are the path lengths from the detector to moving UHECR EAS is a filled disk with diameter the near side and far side of the Cherenkov spot, respec- ∆ 250 meters and with power law tails. While tively. β1 and β2 are the elevation angles for s1 and s2, the≈ amount of Cherenkov light collected within the respectively. disk is proportional to the energy of the UHECR, the value of the disk diameter is relatively insensitive to the UHECR energy, nuclear composition, altitude moving τ-lepton-induced EASs, simulations of op- (at least to 5.2 km on Mount Chacaltaya [165], and tical Cherenkov signals measurable by POEMMA rather insensitive∼ to the UHECR incidence angles. have shown that the maximum viewing angle from This finite and nearly constant width of the UHECR the EAS trajectory is determined the highest energy eff ◦ reflected Cherenkov pulse sets a minimum time scale (brightest) events with > 99% satisfying θCh 3.0 . > ≤ of 600 ns for the observation of the signal regard- It should be noted that the maximum angle viewed ∼ ◦ less on the nature of the reflection (see Fig. 16), ei- away from the trajectory of the EAS is 1.2 for ther Lambertian or specular, when the POEMMA < ∼ Eν 300 PeV. Above 1 PeV, the direction of a Earth viewing constraints are considered. ∼ τ-lepton generated in a neutrino interaction is vir- As detailed in Ref. [57] for a space-based neutrino tually colinear to that of the incident neutrino. Thus detector, the angle away from nadir, defined as α, at the error on determining the direction to the cosmic which the detector points corresponds to the specific < ◦ neutrino source is 3.0 . viewing angle on the ground; see Fig. 15)11 at which ∼ Aside from the night-sky air glow background, the the detector will be able to detect Cherenkov signals: other potential sources of background for POEMMA during ToO observations are due to the cosmic dif- RE + h fuse neutrino flux and background signals from the cos β = sin α , (C1) R UHECR flux. For the diffuse neutrino flux, we can E estimate the expected number of background events where h is the altitude of the detector. For re- using the IceCube differential 90% confidence upper flected UHECR Cherenkov signals to be observed limit for energies & 5 PeV [8]. Based on this differ- by POEMMA, the Cherenkov signal will have to hit ential limit, and taking the assumed timescale for a the ground at an angle that is within the range of long observation (106 s) and the effective Cherenkov angle for the highest energy events (< 3.0◦), we ex- pect 2.0 10−4 background events during∼ such a ToO × observation. 11 As in Sec.II, we take β ' βtr, where βtr is the elevation Several factors result in the above background es- eff of the particle or signal trajectory and must be within θCh timates being quite conservative. First, the limita- in order to be detectable. Monte Carlo simulations have tions in IceCube’s sensitivity above 10 PeV result in demonstrated that taking β ' βtr is a good approximation an upper limit that becomes less constraining with to the more detailed evaluation in which β 6= βtr. 24

20 ns spread we expect from upward from τ-lepton ∼EASs. Zenith angle effects will increase the time width by hundreds of ns. Detailed UHECR simula- tions show that this geometric argument is conser- vative and the time span of the reflected UHECR signal is > 1 µsec (see Fig. 1 in Ref. [166].) In gen- eral, cloud∼ height distributions are bi-modal with most probable values around 3 km and 15 km [167]. Thus, the effects from scattering from low clouds are similar to that from the ground based on the measurements on Mount Chacaltaya [165]. Clouds above 10 km altitude will not generate a reflected UHECR∼ signal since the majority of the EAS devel- ops at lower altitudes, due to the exponential na- ture of the atmosphere, with shower maximum 6 km and is well below the most probable value∼ for high clouds. As such, background events arising from UHECR Cherenkov signals reflected off of the ground or low clouds will be easily distinguishable FIG. 16. The width of the pulse from a ground-reflected from neutrino events. UHECR Cherenkov signal over the range of angles (as In the case of reflections off of clouds, POEMMA’s 12 measured from the Earth’s limb, i.e., αH − α, where design includes an atmospheric monitoring system ◦ αH = arcsin(RE / (RE + h)) ' 67.5 is the nadir angle of consisting of two infrared cameras on each satellite the Earth’s limb for a detector at altitude h = 525 km) at that will allow real-time monitoring and analysis of which POEMMA will view ToO astrophysical neutrino cloud coverage. As such, this system will allow for sources. rejection of background reflected signals via selection cuts for events that appear to originate from clouds. viewing angles seen by the instrument. Since the an- This would result in a slight reduction in exposure gles are large (48◦ < α 67.5◦ and bounded by the related to observing conditions, which has not been Earth limb), the duration∼ ≤ of the Cherenkov pulse included in our calculations. is extended in time due to the 250 m diameter of The second UHECR background to consider is the the CLD. Based on this geometry and assuming the direct Cherenkov signals generated from UHECRs CLD is generated instantaneously, the relation for from above the Earth’s limb that are observable dur- the pulse duration is given by: ing POEMMA observations near the Earth’s limb. While the modeling of the signals from these above- s2 s1 the-limb events is beyond the scope of this paper ∆t = − (C2) c (and merits a paper on its own), we make a geo- metrical argument to provide a conservative eval- where uation of the impact to the ToO neutrino sensi- tivity. Initial stimulation studies have shown that s1 = (RE + h) cos α1 RE sin β1 , (C3) − the attenuation of the Cherenkov signal from these events constrains their visibility by POEMMA to a and viewing angle 0.05◦–0.1◦ above the limb. How- q ever, the atmosphere∼ becomes too rarefied to gen- 2 2 s2 = s1 + ∆ + 2s1∆ cos β1 . (C4) erate an EAS around a viewing angle 1◦ above the limb. Thus the acceptance for any∼ observable In Fig. 16, we plot the duration of the ground- above-the-limb UHECRs is constrained a narrow an- reflected UHECR Cherenkov pulse as a function of gular range. However, atmospheric refraction of the POEMMA’s viewing angle away from the limb of Cherenkov light will lead to the condition that the the Earth. The figure shows that at the viewing above-the-limb UHECR signal will appear as a below- angles relevant for observations of transient astro- the-limb signal mimicking that from a tau neutrino physical neutrino sources (for elevation angles up to event. A Cherenkov signal even for the highest en- β = 35◦, corresponding to viewing angles of up to ◦ ◦ 18 away from the limb at αHor = 67.51 as viewed by∼ POEMMA at an altitude of 525 km), the pulse widths for ground-reflected UHECR Cherenkov sig- 12 For more information on the design of POEMMA, see the nals are > 600 ns, which are much longer than the NASA Astrophysics Probe study report [55] ∼ 25

1.0 which the neutrino spectrum falls off above 109 GeV, the reduction amounts to . few percent. To illus- trate the impact on the prospects of POEMMA de- 0.8 tecting a ToO, Fig. 17 plots the Poisson probability accounting for the decline in ToO sensitivity. The plot shows that POEMMA still has a & 10% chance 0.6 TDE - Lumi Sgr A* of detecting a ToO during its 3–5 year mission life- time for all of the source classes previously identified BBH - High Lum. as the most promising in SectionIIIC. We note that BNS the upcoming flight of the Cherenkov telescope in 0.4 the EUSO-SPB2 experiment [169] will provide key Prob. (>= 1 ToO) measurements of this and other backgrounds.

BBH - Low Lum. 0.2 TDE Baseline Appendix D: Cosmological Fluences sGRB (EE) 0.0 0 5 10 15 For Ωk = 0, the comoving transverse distance dM Mission Time [yrs] is equivalent to the line-of-sight comoving distance

FIG. 17. The Poisson probability of POEMMA observ- c Z z dz0 d = , (D1) ing at least one ToO versus observation time for the C 0 H0 0 E(z ) source classes featured in Fig.9 but assuming a cutoff in the modeled neutrino spectra at 109 GeV. i.e., dC = dM [82]. The luminosity distance dL is defined by the relationship between bolometric (i.e., integrated over all frequencies) energy-flux S and ergy (> 1 EeV) UHECRs is limited by atmospheric bolometric luminosity L: ∼ ◦ ◦ attenuation to begin to appear 0.05 0.1 above the r Earth’s limb. This range of angles− above the limb L d = . (D2) is refracted by an amount 1◦ 0.75◦, respectively L 4πS − ◦ [168], such that they appear to originate . 1 be- low the limb. We can take a conservative approach From Eq. 14, dL is related to dM by and calculate the ToO neutrino sensitivities with the constraint that we only perform observations using dL = (1 + z)dM . (D3) ◦ an observed viewing angle > 1 (not taking into ac- count atmospheric refraction) below the Earth-limb, While sources often do not emit isotropically, we ◦ consider fluences based on isotropic equivalent quan- or an Earth-emergence angle βtr > 7 . Atmospheric refraction has a similar impact on∼ Cherenkov signals tities. With this in mind, the total neutrino fluence from τ-lepton generated EASs, causing signals from at a line-of-sight distance dM can be written as ◦ EASs emerging . 1 from the limb to appear to 2 d Nν originate from few tenths of a degree farther away φν (Eν ) = , (D4) from the limb.∼ For these signals, the actual Earth- dEν dAsph emergence angle for the τ-lepton is < 7◦, reinforcing where A is the spherical area of radius d . The the conservative nature of this approach. sph M number of neutrinos crossing the area Asph is then In constraining the viewing angle during ToO given by observations as described above, we find that 2 POEMMA’s ToO sensitivities diminish to some ex- Nν = 4πd φν (Eν ) ∆Eν . (D5) 9 M tent for energies & 10 GeV, while being preserved for energies below this scale. The resulting impact On the other hand, the number of emitted neutrinos on POEMMA’s capability to detect neutrinos de- in a time interval ∆tsrc is found to be pends on the predicted neutrino fluence for a given model; however, even for those models considered Nsrc = Q(Esrc) ∆tsrc ∆Esrc , (D6) here that predict substantial amounts of neutrinos 9 above 10 GeV (e.g., BNS and BBH merger scenar- where Q(Esrc) is the (all-flavor) neutrino source ios), the constraint on the viewing angle amounts to emission rate and Esrc indicates the emission energy. a modest reduction ( 25%) in the number of neu- Setting the number of neutrinos distributed over the ∼ trinos POEMMA would detect. For those models in sphere of area Asph equal to the number of emitted 26

FIG. 18. Left: Sky plot of the neutrino horizon for the NS-NS merger model of Ref. [22]. Right: Same as at left for the sGRB EE neutrino model of Ref. [17].

neutrinos and re-arranging to isolate the fluence at long been proposed as candidate sources of the high- the observation distance dM , we obtain est energy cosmic rays [172, 173] with discussions of neutrino production having as long a history [see  1  ∆E φ = Q(E ) ∆t src . (D7) e.g., 20, 174–195]. The recent IceCube detection of ν 4πd2 src src ∆E M ν a high-energy neutrino (E & 300 TeV) temporally Accounting for the redshift z, the energy scales as and spatially coincident with a gamma-ray flare from blazar TXS 0506+056 [3] and the identification of a Esrc = (1 + z) Eν , and therefore the energy-squared scaled fluence at the observation point is prior neutrino flare from the same source [73] pro- vided the strongest evidence to date that AGNs pro- 2 (1 + z) 2 duce neutrinos, as well as providing the first clues Eν φν = 2 Esrc Q(Esrc) ∆tsrc . (D8) 4πdL into the origins of the astrophysical neutrino flux and hints into the acceleration of hadrons to very- Finally, dividing Eq. (D8) by 3 to account for the high energies and possibly beyond. fact that only 1/3 of the emitted neutrinos are of tau flavor we obtain the desired result displayed in For the purposes of this study, we consider a Eq. (18). As such, for any model that provides an pure proton CR injection model with advective es- observed fluence and a source redshift or luminosity cape from Rodrigues, Fedynitch, Gao, Boncioli and 2 Winter (RFGBW) [20] for high-luminosity FSRQs. distance, one can determine Esrc Q(Esrc) ∆tsrc. We use Eq. (18) to calculate the observed single-flavor Based on the methodology presented in Sec.III, neutrino fluence at any redshift z. The maximum we find that POEMMA’s neutrino horizon for this model is 43 Mpc. It is worth noting that the clos- redshift at which we can see the event, zhor, is the est FSRQ∼ in the Third Catalog of Hard Fermi-LAT redshift at which Nev in Eq. (17) is equal to 1.0. To provide a sense of how the variation in POEMMA’s Sources (3FHL; 196) with a measured redshift is at a distance of 450 Mpc. Expanding the search to sensitivity with celestial position impacts the neu- ∼ trino horizon, Fig. 18 provides skyplots of the neu- include “misaligned” FSRQs (i.e., considering the trino horizons for one long-duration model and one whole parent population of Fanaroff-Riley Class II short-duration model. radio galaxies), the closest source in the First Cat- alog of FR II radio galaxies (FRIICAT; 197) is at a distance of 200 Mpc, though the sample size of ∼ Appendix E: Other Detectable Transient Source the entire catalog is small (122 sources). As such, Classes according to the RFGBW model and our analysis, we do not expect POEMMA to be able to detect — Blazar Flares — Active galactic nuclei (AGNs) neutrinos from FSRQ flares. are the most luminous persistent sources in the uni- It is worth mentioning that we focus on FS- verse, powered by accretion of highly magnetized RQs in this analysis because, as found by RFGBW, plasma onto SMBHs that can launch powerful rel- their photon field densities are high enough to re- ativistic jets. As they possess the characteristics sult in efficient neutrino production, whereas less necessary to accelerate particles to ultra-high ener- luminous blazars, such as BL Lacs, with lower pho- gies (i.e., magnetic field strengths and spatial scales ton field densities are typically not expected to effi- required to confine particles until they reach ener- ciently produce neutrinos [see also, 198]. However, 18 gies & 10 eV; see e.g.,[170, 171]), AGN jets have the first claimed astrophysical neutrino source, TXS 27

0506+056, has been classified as a BL Lac [199], as modeled by Xiao et al. (XMMD) in Ref. [23]. We leading some members of the high-energy commu- adopt the XMMD model to determine the sensitiv- nity to revisit previously held assumptions regard- ity of POEMMA to neutrinos from BWD mergers. ing neutrino production in BL Lacs [c.f., 200]. On The modeled neutrino fluences are very low – for an the other hand, the classification of TXS 0506+056 event that occurs at the GC, we expect POEMMA as a BL Lac rather than an FSRQ has been called to detect on the order of 20 neutrinos, which is a into question due to its multiwavelength properties substantially lower number than predicted by any of and inferences about its Eddington ratio [201]. Re- the other models. In fact, in order for POEMMA to gardless, the closest BL Lac with measured red- detect neutrinos from these events, the source would shift in the 3FHL catalog is at a distance of have to be within the Galaxy. Based on an event rate 130 Mpc, though expanding the search to “mis-∼ provided in Ref. [23] (see also Ref. [206]), which is aligned” sources provides a handful of sources within comparable to the Type Ia supernova rate, we ex- 100 Mpc, including well-known nearby radio pect a ToO rate that would require POEMMA to galaxies∼ such as Centaurus A ( 4 Mpc) and M87 operate for longer than a typical mission lifetime in ( 20 Mpc). If we assume lower∼ neutrino fluences order to detect one such event. from∼ BL Lacs, consistent with expectations prior — Non-jetted Tidal Disruption Events — In to the TXS 0506+056 event, POEMMA’s neutrino addition to launching relativistic jets, accretion pro- horizon for these sources should be quite a bit less cesses in TDEs can also give rise to AGN-like winds than for FSRQs. Allowing for relativistic beaming in [207–209] and/or colliding tidal streams [210, 211] the case of “misaligned” sources would make detect- that could provide the conditions for accelerating ing neutrino flares from even Centaurus A or M87 protons and nuclei [18, 212] that would produce neu- challenging. trinos. In these scenarios, neutrinos from non-jetted As a final consideration, it is worth pointing and/or misaligned jetted TDEs could be detectable out that regardless of the classification for TXS [18]. As such, we include estimates for the numbers 0506+056, its measured redshift is z = 0.34 corre- of neutrino events and neutrino horizons for these sponding to a luminosity distance of nearly 2 Gpc. scenarios in TableIV. Based on the RFGBW FSRQ model and our anal- In Ref. [18], Dai and Fang modeled TDE neu- ysis, we would expect IceCube’s neutrino horizon trino fluences using parameters motivated by obser- to be 25 Mpc; hence, IceCube’s detection of a vations of nearby bright TDEs and allowing for the neutrino∼ event associated with TXS 0506+056 is in possibility of neutrino production outside of a rel- tension with expectations of neutrino fluences for ativistic jet. In modeling the neutrino fluence, Dai even FSRQs in this model. As such, if any kind and Fang determined the total energy injected into of blazar produces neutrinos, the questions of the cosmic rays over the duration of the TDE ( CR). E physics of neutrino production and which types of To that end, they adopted two approaches: one in 51 blazars produce them are very much open in light which CR 10 ergs and is presumed the same E ∼ of the TXS 0506+056 event. Thus, in our view, the for every TDE, and one in which CR is taken to E current landscape is far too uncertain to allow even be ten times the energy emitted in photons as de- a rough assessment of the prospects for POEMMA termined from the observed X-ray or optical lumi- detecting neutrinos from a flaring blazar. nosity of nearby TDEs and a blackbody spectrum. It is worth noting that the value of 1051 ergs for — Binary White Dwarf Mergers Mergers — the first approach is specifically the value required In addition to BNS merger events and core-collapse to produce the astrophysical neutrino flux measured supernovae, rapidly spinning magnetars can be by IceCube [109] assuming a cosmological rate of produced by BWD mergers, making such merg- 10−7 Mpc−3 yr−1,13 whereas values adopted ers promising events for UHECR production [202]. Rin the ∼ second approach were calculated from obser- Small amounts of surrounding material ( 0.1M ) vations and assuming a pion production efficiency allows UHECRs to escape the system more∼ easily of fπ 0.1. For our calculations, we adopt the than in magnetars formed in core-collapse super- ∼ 51 value of CR 10 ergs for the first model (la- novae [202]; on the other hand, the limited amount of belled “average”E ∼ in TableIV. In the second model surrounding material leads to lower neutrino fluxes (labelled “bright” in TableIV), we adopt a similar [202]. Alternatively, the magnetorotational instabil- approach to the second scenario presented by Dai ity that can develop in the debris disk surround- obs 50 and Fang, taking CR 10 E = 5 10 ergs ing the magnetar can lead to the formation of a E ∼ × rad × hot, magnetized corona and high-velocity outflows [23, 203–205]. Magnetic reconnection can accelerate cosmic rays that would interact with outflow mate- 13 This rate was calculated in Ref. [18] assuming an observed −5 rial and radiation to produce high-energy neutrinos TDE rate of Robs ∼ 10 per galaxy per year [213]. 28

obs (where the value for Erad was adopted from values ANTARES, IceCube, and Pierre Auger Collabora- provided by Dai and Fang for nearby bright TDEs) tions compared their sensitivities to KMMK mod- but we take fπ 1 since fπ in non-jetted scenar- eled fluences rescaled to a luminosity distance of 40 ios could be substantially∼ different from 0.1 [18]. Mpc. For sGRBs that are viewed on-axis, IceCube As such, our calculations for the second model are can constrain scenarios with more optimistic neutri- somewhat more optimistic than for the first model. nos fluences as long as the source is within 40 Mpc. ∼ Our calculated neutrino horizons (zhor 2.6 and At the higher energies where Auger has sensitiv- 5.9 Mpc, respectively, for the “average” and∼ “bright” ity, the predicted neutrino fluences are substantially scenarios) indicate that these events would have to lower and would be undetectable for a source at be fairly nearby in order for POEMMA to detect 40 Mpc in the case of neutrino emission from the neutrinos. Assuming the Dai and Fang cosmological extended emission phase. rate of 10−7 Mpc−3 yr−1, the resulting ToO R ∼ For our calculations for POEMMA, we consider rate is rather low, requiring POEMMA to operate the moderate extended emission model of KMMK. for longer than a typical mission lifetime in order For sources located on the order of a few Mpc, we to detect one such event. Higher rates suggested by expect POEMMA to detect on the order of hun- some references in the literature [see e.g., 214] or by dreds to thousands of neutrinos from the extended the upper limit of the Lunardini and Winter [19] rate emission phase. For the neutrino horizon, we expect (after correcting for the jet solid angle) would imply POEMMA to be able to detect neutrinos out to on higher ToO rates, but still at the level of requiring a the order of 120 Mpc. Taking the local sGRB rate of mission lifetimes that would be longer than typical. 4 – 10 Gpc−3 yr−1 [233] and multiplying by a factor — Gamma-ray Bursts — GRBs are associated of 0.25 for the extended emission model (as only 25% with the deaths of massive stars and/or the birth of sGRBs have extended emission), we find that the of stellar-mass compact objects. The population of resulting ToO rate would require a longer than typ- GRBs can be divided into two categories: long du- ical mission lifetime in order for POEMMA detect ration GRBs (lGRBs) with gamma-ray light curves one such event. lasting more than 2 seconds, and short duration We also consider the possibility of detecting neu- GRBs (sGRBs) with gamma-ray light curves that trinos from lGRBs. As in the case of sGRBs, neu- are shorter than 2 seconds. lGRBs have been linked trino production has been studied in all of the var- with core-collapse supernovae of massive stars (& ious phases of lGRBs. IceCube searches for neu- 25M , whereas sGRBs are thought to arise from the trinos coincident with GRBs have lead to stringent merger of two neutron stars or the merger of a neu- constraints on their contribution to the diffuse as- tron star with a black hole. In either scenario, the trophysical neutrino flux and on the parameter space phenomenology of GRBs can be described through for GRB neutrino and UHECR production in single- the framework of the fireball model [215–218]. In zone fireball models [234]; on the other hand, such this model, the creation of a compact object releases searches are restricted to the prompt phase of the a large quantity of gravitational energy in the form GRB, and hence, do not meaningfully address neu- of an optically thick fireball of high-energy radiation trino production in the GRB afterglow phase [234]. and particles funneled into a relativistic jet. Sim- As such, in determining the prospects of detecting ilar to the source classes that have already been neutrinos from lGRBs, we consider two models from discussed in this paper, GRB jets could accelerate Ref. [16] of neutrino production in the lGRB early af- UHECRs and produce high-energy neutrinos. The terglow: one in which the circumburst environment pioneering works of Waxman in Ref. [219] and Wax- is taken to be similar to the interstellar medium man and Bahcall in Ref. [15] set the stage for exten- (ISM), and one in which the circumburst environ- sive work in the literature on the topic of UHECR ment follows parameterized model in order to simu- and neutrinos from GRBs [see e.g., 16, 17, 194, 220– late an environment that would have included ma- 230; for detailed review and more complete reference terial that had been blown off of the massive pro- list see 231]. genitor star over the course of its lifetime (wind). In contrast to the process discussed earlier for pro- Both models under consideration include target pho- ducing neutrinos via BNS mergers, we now explore tons from the early afterglow and the overlapping neutrino production in the sGRB that would occur prompt emission. The late prompt neutrino models during or immediately following the BNS merger. In that were also studied by Murase [16] yield results Ref. [17], KMMK modeled neutrino fluences from that are similar to those for the wind model provided various phases of sGRBs, including the prompt in TableIV. As the wind model predicts higher neu- phase and the extended emission phase accompa- trino fluences than the ISM model by roughly two or- nying 25% of sGRBs [232], for various assump- ders of magnitudes, the results in the wind scenario tions for∼ key GRB jet parameters. In Ref. [65], the are quite a bit more optimistic. An lGRB resem- 29 bling the ISM model would have to be within 3 Mpc models from Ref. [24]: a Crab-like pulsar model with in order to be detectable by POEMMA. On the other pure proton composition, a magnetar model with hand, for an lGRB resembling the wind model, we pure proton composition, and a magnetar model expect that POEMMA will be able to detect tens with pure iron composition. In the Crab-like model, to hundreds of neutrinos for sources at distances on the lower magnetic fields and longer spin period lim- the order of a few Mpc. In this model, POEMMA its the energy of the accelerated CRs, and very few of will be able to detect neutrinos out to a distance of them are accelerated to ultra-high energies. As such, on the order of 40 Mpc. Based on the local lGRB the neutrino fluence arising from Crab-like pulsars is rate of 0.42 Gpc−3 yr−1 [235], we expect a longer expected to be very low; in fact, we find that such a than typical mission lifetime in order for POEMMA source would have to be inside or very close to the to detect one such event in either scenario. Galaxy in order to be detectable by POEMMA. In — Newly-born Pulsars and Magnetars from contrast, the magnetar models result in higher neu- Core-Collapse Supernovae — As noted earlier, trino fluences as more CRs are accelerated to ultra- newly born, rapidly spinning magnetars are promis- high energies in these models. Our results for these ing candidate sources of UHECRs and neutrinos de- two models are roughly similar, though the pure iron pending on the nature of the environment of the model results in slightly more neutrino events since magnetar. The surrounding medium of a pulsar and the maximum energy for iron is 26 times that of a magnetar formed in a core-collapse supernova is protons. For these models, we expect POEMMA to likely to be distinct from that resulting from a BNS detect tens of thousands of neutrinos from a newly- merger as the environment in the former is char- born magnetar at the GC. The horizons for these acteristic of stellar material from the exploding star models are on the order of 1 – 2 Mpc, indicating whereas the environment of the latter would be char- that the magnetar would have to be fairly close to acteristic of tidal debris from the merging neutron be detectable by POEMMA. In order to estimate the stars and the associated radiation [236]. In fact, CRs expected ToO rate, we use the local rate of superlu- accelerated by core-collapse pulsars and magnetars minous supernovae expected to produce magnetars will readily interact in the surrounding medium, pre- provided by Refs. [239, 240], 21 Gpc−3 yr−1. venting their escape as UHECRs; on the other hand, Based on this rate, we expect aR ToO ∼ rate of << 1 per these interactions will produce high-energy neutri- 25-year observation time with POEMMA. The rate nos [24, 237, 238]. In Ref. [24], Fang modeled neu- for less luminous supernovae is many orders of mag- trino production by newly-born core-collapse pulsars nitude higher: (1.06 0.19) 10−4 Mpc−3 yr−1 and magnetars under various assumptions for the [241]; however,R' the much± smaller× horizon for Crab- magnetic field strength, spin period, and CR compo- like pulsars implies a ToO rate that is comparable sition. In evaluating the sensitivity of POEMMA to to those of the magnetar models considered here. detect neutrinos from these sources, we adopt three

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