Black & White Unite to Fight Racism

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Black & White Unite to Fight Racism JUNE 8TH—21ST VOL:2 NUMBER 152 inside Corrupt Bin Tax Socialist kicks in — ‘Fat Cats’ Campaign kicks back cash in on — PAGE 10 Worker privatisation — PAGES 6&7 For a Workers’ Republic and International Socialism 50p Solidarity price £1 STOP THE DEPORTATIONS NOW! REFUGEES ARE WELCOME Protest Saturday 16th June HERE! Assemble 2pm Dept. of Justice St.Stephen's Green Dublin 2 Speakers: BLACK Suresh Grover (Stephen Lawrence Campaign), Jack O'Connor (SIPTU), Michael D.Higgins (Labour), Global Music, Gabriel Okenla (Pan African Org.), Nigerian Support Group, Comhlamh, Seamus Dooley (NUJ), Pat Guerin (ARC), & WHITE Kieran Allen (SWP), Congo Solidarity Group, Anton McCabe (Meath Trades Council & Socialist Party), Sinn Fein, Amnesty, Arasi, Community of Romanians in UNITE Ireland, Cllr. Finian McGrath (Ind.), Anti-Nazi League Organised by TO FIGHT STOP DEPORTATIONS CAMPAIGN Tel: 087 9889244 Email: [email protected] RACISM AMNESTY FOR ALL SOCIALIST WORKER PAGE 2 WISHFUL Health crisis deepens Barbaric treatment Kelly, a senior official in The crisis has devel- WAITING LISTS A SEVERELY mentally Ill man Reform Trust published a report, THINKING are growing and the Department of oped because Irish Health. health care spending is was locked up in a padded cell Out of Mind Out of Sight, on solitary CHARLES the life expectan- HAUGHEY has But the government is way below the level of in Mountjoy for two weeks confinement in jails. cy of Irish people ignoring the warning. other EU countries. spent the last six because there were no beds is falling below The result is that Irish Revealed weeks on board a people now have shorter available in the Central Mental the European Waiting friend's yacht off life spans than their Hospital. average. European counterparts. It revealed that prisoners who the French coast The man who is in his 20s, has a need psychiatric treatment are recuperating from These are the terri- Some 43 percent of Irish women are now ble results of under- adults on the waiting lists dying two years earlier long history of mental illness and being dumped in padded cells his hard life. are still in the queue than the EU life average treatment in the Dundrum hospital. because there is no treatment avail- He believes that giv- funding of the health after more than twelve while men die a year ear- service, which began The man was kept naked and able. ing further testimony to months while 74 percent lier. The report surveyed Mountjoy, with Haughey's gov- of children have still not Low taxes on profit after two days in the cell, he became the tribunals will kill him so agitated that he was eating his Limerick and Cork prisons between before the end of the ernment in 1987. been seen after more mean a poor health ser- The Irish health ser- than six months. vice. The lower life own faeces. February 20 and March 20 and year. vice now needs an extra Meanwhile a An extra 9,500 hospi- expectancy is part of the Yet he was detained in these con- revealed that 224 prisoners had annual investment of £2 tal beds are needed over price we pay for subsidis- ditions for another 12 days until a been placed in solitary confinement. Sunday Independent billion. So says Michael the next ten years. ing the rich. poll found 87 percent of bed was found in Dundrum. In 78 percent of the cases, it was people said they did Last month, the Irish Prison for mental illnesses. not believe Haughey's evidence to the tri- bunals. But who are the Sudan other 13 percent? Give the Indo a scoop Oil companies The Cayman Islands courts ruled last month that they wouldn't release the names of the Ansbacher sponsor murder account holders. However, in the evi- THE SUDANESE actions such as these in to start. This involved about this carnage for the dence 30 new account Government is Sudan where blood is dropping more than 850 sake of profit. holders were revealed. shed so that they can col- bombs on hospitals, Trócaire in Ireland Mary Harney has murdering its lect oil. schools, churches, mar- also urged the Irish gov- the names but refuses to own people. These companies kets and relief centres ernment to lobby the UN release them. It has sent forces to include the Canadian between July and and EU to stop all west- Interestingly the bomb and burn villages Independent group Talisman Energy Inc, December. ern investments in these claims to have them too. in the Upper Nile region whose main operations oilfields. The fact that Tony of Southern Sudan, are in Canada, the North Figures David, is a war O'Reilly used the killing, maiming and Sea, Indonesia as well as traumatized child. dodgy bank wouldn't forcing hundreds of thou- Sudan and Sweden's be the reason they Over a period of four He was unfortu- sands to leave their Lundin Oil AB which months this year, more haven't printed them, operates in Europe, North nate enough to of course. homes. than 75,000 people have Why? The areas con- and East Africa, the fled their homes. These have been born in cerned are oilfields and Middle East and South figures are from the New a village located international oil compa- East Asia. Sudan Council of above oil. His vil- Foul nies wish to start drilling OMV as well as oper- Churches. lage was wiped there. ating in its home base in At the end of May a out in the The government has Austria also has concerns group of 44 European in the UK, Libya, "scorched earth" been fighting rebels in organisations under the attempts to free trade Southern Sudan for forty Bulgaria, Tunisia, umbrella of ECOS years and needs the funds Pakistan, Russia and (European Coalition on up all non-govern- AN IRISH company provided by these com- Vietnam and France's Oil in Sudan) organised a ment claims to the is involved in the panies to continue its TotalFinaElf, which day of action to protest oil rich land. sale and produc- onslaught. boasts operations in more tion of dangerous- The oil companies than 100 countries. apparently have no scru- Last year the ly toxic mercury ples and continue to Sudanese government soap despite a make huge profits from cleared the area for work Women on waves Europe-wide ban. The soap is supposed A "WOMEN on woman who is suicidal. physician on Rainbow out surgical operations to lighten the colour of Expensive B&B Waves" ship is But the Dail has put no Warrior, the Greenpeace but it will issue advice black people's skin,. legislation in place to ship which was blown up and support to women Skin products containing FARMLEIGH, the Documents released to due to sail into give effect to this verdict. by the French intelli- who want an abortion. To mercury can cause foetal former Guinness Socialist Worker under the Dublin in June to Women on Waves was gence service after it contact Women on damage, kidney failure, Freedom of Information Act family home, is show that spiraling con- highlight the fact founded by a Dutch doc- protested about nuclear Waves: Phone 087- nervous disorders and almost ready for its struction costs began almost that Irish women tor, Rebecca Gomperts. tests. 9220902 or e mail: lead to a number of can- immediately after Rohcon Dr Gomperts was a The ship will not carry cers. first guests. do not have the At £37 million, it will Ltd were awarded the con- tract. right to abortion. Illegal be the most expensive Each year 6,200 B&B in the country, and THE De- women give an Irish taxpayers will be picking fence address when they get an Mercury soap is openly # No Logos in our schools up the tab for it. Forces did- abortion in Britain. Many available for sale in shops schools, is it going to be names. around Ireland even though However it's not your n't wait for the Nice more give a false British AN Irish advertis- the first time a child has it is illegal and is produced av]erage five-star lodg- referendum result. address. ing company Last year Michael at a factory in Arklow, Co. ing. plans to sell bill- ever seen that logo? What Woods, the minister for They are to receive 80 Hypocrisy harm can it do." Wicklow, for export to armoured vehicles at a board space in all education asked education Africa. En-suite cost of £80 million. secondary boards to consider the Killarney Enterprises The abortion rate in Purchasing make the deadly "soap" The Initially their order Ireland is no different to schools to com- implication of "allowing product, described by the The bomb-proof, securi- was for forty vehicles but mercial compa- situations to develop many other countries but School-based advertis- World Health Organisation ty ring-fenced en-suite- the Army need at least women are forced to pay nies. which would result in as a "serious health hazard", mini-mansion is strictly 67 to fulfill Ireland's com- More than 10percent of ing falls into a category is used to bleach dark hair reserved for visiting digni- huge expenses for travel known as ambient adver- undue pressure to purchase mitment to the Rapid just to suit the hypocrisy schools already display and skin to obtain a lighter taries, heads of state and the Reaction Force. So they advertisements in school tising, which is designed particular commercial complexion. odd cabinet minister. of politicians who will to have a high short-term products".
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