
Cast Your Opinion Cast Your Opinion In Tech Poll In Tech Poll Next Monday Next Monday

Volume LVI. No. 48 CAMBRIDGE, MASS., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1936 Price Three Cents

Medical Posters Ready Now Tech Show Query For Fraternity Distribution Chess Club Meets Frof rganizationr; Voo0oo Loses Face In The Tech Poll "Every fraternity should have For Next Monkday a medical department poster be- Forty Men Attend side its telephone at all times." As Fake The Tect This was the opinion given by Poll Consists Of Questioning; Doctor George W. Morse, medical Professor Franklin Describes So No Ballots Or Booths director at Technology, as frater- Former Chess Club And To Be Used niti~es started to respond to the I ~~Its Decline Result I On ia1scoD notices sent them early this week by the Department Open House Question In Poll; of Hygiene Faculty Represented At Meeting requesting that they send repre- T. C. A. Charters Airplanes To Ask If Students Desire It Peters alnd Stein Quit sentatives to call for these pos- For Technology Vacationers ters. Opening the organization drive for As ~t,aff Refuses The Tech Newsroom Available These placards are of the same a new chess club, a group of forty A 21 passenger Douglas Flag- To Write For Students To Vote type found on the Institute bulle- students and several faculty members tin boards. They contain tele- met yesterday evening to hear the ship of the American Airlines, Next Monday phone numbers of staff physicians story of the old chess club and plans piloted by a Technology man and Hoax Scheduled For Today to be used in emergencies and a for the new one. featuring "the most attractive Results In A Total Lolss "Do you want a Tech Show this schedule of the hours when the Professor Philip Franklin of the stewardess of the line" has been year?" has been the query added to clinic is available. Mathematics department told about chartered by the T. C. A. to fly Technology students to New York Issue Paralleled in 1935 Stunt; The Tech questionnaire for next Monl- the old club, which faded from the Institute scene four years ago. on the afternoon of December 22. Lack Of Enthusiasm day when representatives from the Boeing Announces Around 1925 this club had some fifty After circling the Institute, the Kills Effort staff will poll the student body to de- members, said Professor Franklin, plane will head directly to New York, making Newark Airport in termine whether there. is support for Air Scholarships but an over-ambitious program de- Attempts by Voo Doo to publish a mainded too much time from its mem- less than an hour and a 'half, Open House and Tech Show. hoax issue ofe The Tech failed to ma- bers, and playing regularly against There will also be a Stinson "If the school wants the show this Thesis Contest To Pick Winners the strong chess clubs of Greater Bos- Trimotor plate flying to Hartford terialize last night, for lack of copy, year," declared Robert J. Moffett, '37, Of Aviation Awards; tOnl discouraged them, so that the and N~ew Haven. This, too, will according to evidence discovered early "it will be held". In answer to his Four Prizes membership declined until there were first circle the Institute. Those this morning. statement The Tech will poll the In- not enough left to carry on. interested in making reservations may secure information in the The stunt started, but lack of a staff stitute on November 30. Commuters form Nucleus killed the efforts. Philip Of special interest to those who in- T. C. A. office between 12:40 and H. Peters, Herbert Jaffe, '39, who presided at '37, general manager of Voo I Instead of ballots and a booth in tend to take up aviation as a career 1:00 P. M. and between 4:00 and Doo, the meeting, said that there already w hen asked if he had anything to the lobby, the questionnaire will be is the announcement that the W. E. 5:00 P. .M. was a nucleus for the club in the say, exclaimed, "Why of course not". carried to students by The Tech staff. Boeing Scholarships, sponsored by W. E. Boeing for the past seven years, group of commuters who are regu- Peters was at home while Francis S. Anyone not contacted during the day will be offered again during the school larly playing in the 5:15 Room. Or- Stein, '38, editor, made a futile at- may have his opinion registered by year 1936-1937. ganization of a club, he said, would Live Ducks Prize tempt to write the issue. stopping at the news room after Four awards, in the form of flying, obviate declining such invitations as Shortly after midnight, a Tech Re- school next Monday. technical, and semi-technical courses the one received last year from Car- For Harvest Hop porter saw the fake at thse job printer, negie Tech, for a chess match by ra- Other questions will be: "Are you with a tuition of $11,000, will be pre- dated November 24. The featured dio. Pointing out that the amount of Or chestra Will Conduct A Poll in favor of Open House ?, If Open sented to the wideners, who must be story was "Poster Hoax Bared"y, an time the glame demands is entirely House is held this year, are you will- undergraduate students in a Univer- To Determine The Most imaginary revelation of some illegal dependent upon how much time the posters. ing to work for two hours sity, College, or Junior College in the Popular Song on Open individual wants to spend on it, Jaffe House day? " United States or Canada. Makeup sheets indicated that the is- -Thesis Competition is Basis of Award said that chess could become one of Ghosts of Joe Penner will haunt the (Continued on Page 2) the most popular sports at Technol- a :15 Club's Harvest Hop that is be- The scholarships will be awarded Voodoo og-. ing held tomorrow night, Tbanksgiv- Wesleyan Debaters on the basis of a thesis competition. ing Eve, in the Main Hall of Walker. The papers, which must be mailed on Future activities of the club would Defeat Technology John M. Gallagher, bead of the dance Boat Club Will Sell or before March 15, 1937, may be on include intercollegiate matches, and committee, announced today that a any aeronautical subject, technical or Jaffe said that the club could engage On Union Question live duck would be given away as a Yac~ht Party Tickets nor-technical, the choice being up to the chess champion of Massachusetts (Continued on Page 4) prize during the dance. In Main Lobby Today Wage Question Will Be Argued tlle student. The papers will be judged by a National Committee of Chess Ken Reeve's Orchestra is to play By Freshmen Tonight Award composed of prominent edu- at the Hop. The orchestra will con- Leon Mayers Furnishes Music, At Meeting cators under the chairmanship of Dr. duct a poll, in conjunction with the New Coach Appointed Lucky Strike Hit Parade, to deter- Nautical Accessories Baldwin M. Woods of the Department As Background After winning its two previous de- of Mechanical Engineering, Univer- F o r Tech Olrchestra mnine the most popular song of the evening. Another feature will be an bates, the Technology debating team sity of California. elimination dance after which the last Tickets for the Annual Yacht Party The selection of the winners will be Several Places Still Vracant; lost" to last Fri- two couples who remain on the floor of the Tech Boat Club, will be on sale determined on the basis of the fol- Practice On Tuesdays day evening, in a contest held in the will perform a specialty dance. in the Main Lobby starting today. The lowing points: the completeness and Eastman Lecture Hall on1 the ques- As announced in previous issues of price is $1.75 per couple. Tickets may soundness of the subject matter, the tion: "Resolved, that this house fa- With the announcement today of its The Tech, attendance at the Hop is also be obtained from members of the success of the candidate in analyzing vors industrial rather than craft un- new coach, Mr. Jacques Hoffman, for- free to 5:15 Club members who bring Club. his subject matter and drawing con- ions in the industries of the United mer conductor of the Lincoln Sym- their membership cards with them. clusions from it, the merit The dance will be held in Walker States". of the pa- phony Orchestra and for many years per as a composition, the originality with the Boston Symphony Orchestra, Memorial on the evening of Decem- Wesleyan, represented by Oliver of the subject matter, and the choice the XI. I. T. student orchestra is of- Wellesley And Tech ber 4, from nine to two. Leon Mayers Stone, '39, and David Tratt, '39, up- of subject. ficially opening its season. Mr. H~off- and his orchestra will provide music. held the affirmative. Howard I. This band has been well received at The three requirements as listed by man is one of the best known violin Hold Annual Concert Schlansker, '38, and Harold Jamnes, Wellesley, Harvard, Dartmouth, and the committee in charge of the schol- teachers in Boston. '38, argued the negative. Professor Tech Glee other New England colleges. arships are as follows: Plans have been made for several Club, Wellesley Choir A. A. Lawrence of Technology served 1. They must be male undergradu- serious programs to be given during Combine For Third Time As has been the custom for the past as chairman. Judges were Rev. Fin- ( Continued on Page 4 ) the year; and a number of concerts few years, the Yacht Party will be a negan, of B. C.; Mr. Priestmal, of the Boeing Scholarships are proposed.. The orchestra is not The third annual joint concert of formal cabaret dance, and table res- Leland Powers School, and Mr. Mu- yet complete, there being vacancies the Wellesley Choir and the M. I. T. ervations should be made as soon as gridge, of the Hood Rubber Co. The mostly in the string section. How- Glee Club will be held Sunday, No- possible. The tables are to be ar- I Institute team had previously won de- D:r. Boos Will Speak ever, as well as space for violin, viola, vember 29, at 3:15 P. M. in the Main ranged along the sides of the hall, bates against B. U. and Mt. Holyoke. At Chemical Meeting cello, and bass viol players, there is Hall of Walker Memorial. There will leaving the center of the floor free for At the regular bimonthly meeting also room for bassoon and oboe play- be no admission charge. The affair dancing. The decorations for the to be held this afternoon, a freshman ers. was so popular the last two times held, dance will promote a nautical atmos- debate will be held on the minimlum Society To B Addressed By that the Musical Clubs have decided phere. For this purpose signal flags, Noted Toxicologist The orchestra rehearses Tuesday wage question. Russell T. Werby, evenings at 7 P. M. in 2-390, the Mu- to make it an annual event. The Wel- oars, an eight oared shell, a single Paul Baral, and Jlack Richards will sical Clubs Room. lesley Choir, composed of about eighty scull, and various pieces of marine speak for the affirmative.. The nega- Dr. William F. Boos, noted toxi- Wellesley girls, is under the direction equipment will be used. tive will be upheld by Robert S. Cle- cologist, chemist, and pathologist, will of Edward B. Green. The M. I. T. Commodore J. Robert Ferguson, '37, menlts, Louis D. Bloom, and DivD I,. speak on "Capital -Cases" at today's Outing Club Teo Hear Glee Club, led by Edward C. Peterson, is chairman of the dance committee. Tonti. meeting of the M. I. T. Chemical so- '37, is coached by William E. Wes- Wayne M. Pierce, Jr., '37, is in charge ciety in the Moore Room in Building UJ. S. Olympic S~kier ton. of the tickets- and publicity, and Nor- Six. Dr. Boos, who has spoken here Arnong the selections sung will be: ,man Birch, '37, is in charge of decor- Mleeting Of A. I. E. E. several times before, is noted for his Alex Bright Will Speak On His M. 1. T. and Wellesley ations. work in chemical research, and in le- Experiences Inl Germany Hallelujah Amen ...... Handel To Be Held Tuesday gal medicine. He has testified as an from the "Messiah" expert in several poison cases and is Alex Bright, a member of the 1936 Upon My Left Myr Sovereign Sits .... Tau Beta Pi To Hear The Student Branch of the A. I. E. particularly remembered as having Olympic Ski Team, will speak at a ...... Peerson...... E., holds its regular monthly meeting played an important part in the Cos- meeting of the M. I. T. Outing Club AFestival Chime ...... Old English Professor Moreland this evening in Room 1-190. Mr. Ar- tello murder case. at 5 o'clock today in room 6-120. He M. I. T. Glee Club thur C. Ruge of the Institute staff is There will be a book raffle at the will give a varied talk on wrinter Songs My Mother Taught Me ...... Tau Beta Pi, honorary engineering to address the members of the club on close of the meeting, open only to sports and on highlights of his exper- ...... Dvorak fraternity, is holding a luncheon meet- "Seismographic Experiments and Ap- those present. iences with the United States Olym- Adoramus Te ...... Palestrina ing in the Silver Room in Walker to- paratus." Mr. R~uge has been engaged pic Team in Germany this year. Fain Would I Change That Note ...... day at noon. As guest speaker, Pro- in research in this field for some time, At its last meeting the Outing Club ...... Williams fessor Edward L. Moreland of the and has developed a type of damper No Tech Friday elected Norman B. Robbins, '37, mnan- Lester M. White, Jr., '38, will ren- Electrical Engineering Departmaent to reduce the susceptibility of wire ager of the ski team. Fifteen men der the following piano solos: will talk on "Personal Experience in brace strucetures to earthquakes. holiday next Thursday, The Tecth with previous experience have already Prelude in E Major ...... the Pield of Public Utilities". Pro- A copy of the current best-seller, will not be issued on Friday, No- come out for the team. All interested ...... ahRcmnnf fessor Moreland is also connected with "An American Doctor's Odyssey" will vember 27. It will be issued as in this sport will have a chance to Profile (Fr. Ch) ...... Godowsky the firm of Morelanld and Jackson, be raffled at the meeting. usual next Tuesday, Dec. 1. sign up after the meeting. Silhouette (Fr. L.) ...... Godowsky Consulting Engineers.

.. I

I Pag'e LVO THE TE.CH .Tuesday, Novem~ber 24,'19936 ing about 6iie- third of the underrates. Certainly this is- no step towards restriction 'of .acquaintanices." Then, too, rushing -season _ ...... ~~ ~ ~~~~~. Vol. LVI NOVEMBER U4/? 1936, Zo. 48:8 il~oes not tend' to"'geerate -good 1661iig_1be- zwtween houses in,-.many cases. MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE--OIF TECHNOLOGY Increased un;~ Y, der'standing'-w- 1fd come from: -broader' ae- Managing B4*'d General Manager ...... Walter T. Blake, '37 qulaintanceship. '' - ->' ~737 0 Editor ...... Arthur M. York, '37~717 Managing Editor ...... Leonard A. Seder, '377 Small Fry Business 'Manager ...... James G. Loder, '37 77 INCOMPLETE Editorial Board The frosh who went to: class in pa- Frederick J. Kolbz, '38 Herbert K. Weiss, '377 NEW POSTER RULES jamas . .. seems he was just too lazy Ralr,EphD. Morrison,;jJr., '3 7 VERY encouraging to all of us should be to get dressed o he put on pants and Associate Boarrd coat over the night-wear and contin- Assistant Editor.rs the realization by the Walker Memorial ued his sleep in class . . . the gymnast Leon L. Baral, '38 Richard G. Vincens, Jr., '38 who sprained his ankle on the parallel Harold Jamies, '38 Ruth G. Rafters '398- Committee that there exists a dilemma in the I Dudlev- A. L~evick, '38 John R. Summerfierd '38 bars two hours before the sophomore 8 present situation of the poster- rules at the I Business Associate.es dance ... getting into condition for BInstitute. They have done well to consider it Douglas G. Esperson. '38 James C. Longwell, '38 a date has Joseph R. Krenn, '38 Allan E. Schorsch, '388 necessary to revise the existing constitution its disadvantages. Maimnagerial Assisttants 9 in this respect. Bigger Fislh Edward P. Bentley, '39 Ida Rovno, '39 Prof. Wiener wearing rubbers Samuel L. Cohen, '39 Irwin Siagalyn, '377 At the last meeting of the Institute Com- Andrew L. Fabens, '39 Edwin K. Smith, 39 with no shoes to class . . . Prof. Page William A. Merritt, 39 Harold H. Strauss, '388 mittee the proposed changes and Maurice A. Meyer, '39 Ralph S. Woolett, '39 revisions saying "An e.m.f. applied through a J. Gerald IAfurphiy, '39s Joseph G. Zeitlin, '399 w ere read. As the Chairman of the Walker low resistance will cause various Staff Assistant~ts things to happen." . . . Prof. Svenson David R. Bartlett, '39 Robert L. Hadley, '32e Memorial Committee explained, the present W~alter N. Brown, Jr., '39 Ralph quotes concerning steam tables "Af- L. Hegner, '399 rules in regard to posters have long since be- ma George Dadakis, '39 George M. Levy, '37 ---*>.---;---..-. ;;; .i.. I ter a while you'll@U: be doing these prob- ...... i::::: Leonard M\autnler, '39 7come obsolete. The brevity ofe the revised r Special Photographer, Lawrence R. Steinhardt, '37 Tamara Toumanova whio appears lems in your sleep . .. back seat com- edition of that Offices of The Tech section is intended to add clar- this week with the Ballet Russe at ment, "that's what we're doing now." New~s and Editorial-Room 3, Walker Memorial, Cambridge, Mass. ity to the whole and make explicit the exact the O)pera House. Professor Sloan claims Tech mnen Telephone KIRklarnd 1882 intent of thle rules and powers of their en- read nothing but text books and Es- BusinessRoom 301, Walker I Telephone KI~kland 1881 forcement. OPERA HOUSE: -Col. W. de Ba- quire . . . our Sophomore substitute SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 Per Year sil's Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo op- protests that he also reads Minsky's Published every. Tuesday and Friday during College year. It is very desirable that brevity be realized, except during College vacation. ens tonight for a five day engage- posters . . . quote from Herald Court Entered as Second Class Matter at the Boston Post Office at least as long as completeness and thorough - ment at the Opera House to present Record "United States v. One 1834 Member Eastern Intercollegiate Newspaper Association ness be maintained at the same time. How- during its stay, fifteen productions Chevrolet Coach et al." . . . The Chev- REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING DY and five ballets which will include "L'- vie was up for distributing National ever, it seems that in this case brevity has the peace, Advertising Service, Inc. Apres Midi d'un Faune". David Li- no doubt . . . back talk. College Publishers Beptr-sentativae been carried a little bit too far. The new edi- 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK., N. . chine is the Faun whose first appear- Voo Doo sends us the following w C!SiC'C O - BOSTON . SAN FRANCISCO I tion of the poster rules, will undoubtedly P LOS ANGELES - PORTLAND - SEATTLE ance in New York twenty years ago "We're wondering if the co-ed who Im come up for approval at the next meeting of resulted in an impromptu Apres Midi said VooDoo men weren't so funny m Night Editor Mauriice A. Meyer, '39 i the Institute Committee, -omit several items d'u-n Faune Dans un Court de Police. was the same fair damsel who built However, the Liberty of the Art has the fire in The Tech office because The -I .which seem necessary for the more effective I, m since been appreciated and the Faun TechI men weren't so hot." Now now execution of orderlin respect to bulletin NOT DEAD boards capers free of Convention and Cons- Phos, didn't you ever hear of fighting ir in the future. For instance the part of the TECHI SHOW cience. fire wvith fire? m constitution Among the dancers this year are . m 'COR an organization supposedly dead and which provided for the enforce- F A enlt- o-f th11-e poster rules by the Walker Me- ILeonide.Massine, David Lichine, Yu- phoning for help in writing, gavei up I' carefully buried, Tech Show has been sur- it morial Committee, has been struck out and no rek' Shabelevsk~y, Tamara Touman- the issue as a bad job poorly trie prisingly active recently. So active, in fact, ova, Lubov Rostove, Lubov Tcherni- An estimate of the type set indicat( other revised ted that it definitely appears that last year's In- ruling has been suggested to cheva, and Alexandra D~anilova. Mas- that at least $100 had been w,&asted. take its place. Again, although it may be im- sine's "Symphoxiie Fantastique" will stitute Committee's action in attempting to I FSE end an old tradition pli-ed in the rloue about "recognized groups", be among the new works presented. Undergrad Notice was more than a little ,The Americanl Student Union premature. there is no specific mention of the prohibition SHtUBERT: - Featuring Frances of the use of the bulletin boards lay outside Williams of Life Begins at 8:40 famne, holding a meeting Tuesday afternoocon, f at 5 p.m., in the East Lounge of f The Show has an active membership nuc- commercial organizations. the Duncan Sisters in their first full leus, it has at least two scripts well on the way length parts since Topsy and Eva. and Walker. The to completion, it has a long and famous tradi- basic idea underlying the suggested re- Imogene Coca and Charles Kemper as visions tion, and best of all, it has a successful year is sound. If a few additions could be fhe comedians as well as the latest ad- made dition to the cast, Eddie Carr of behind it after several -years of financial if to these revisions, the whole could be- come much more unified and complete as a re- Thumbs UJp and Strike Me Pink, New g aQ ~Up and Coming not artistic failure. Faces opens at the Shubert after a sult. 4 ~~Young Men and Student support for the activity is not lack- seven-month ru~n at the Vanderbilt pa d * Young Women Theatre in New York. Advances G _X . 1 ! Who aspire to leadership i, ing, as far as it is possible to determine. A 11 9; ~~the various fields of cemmerce promise that the revue will retain the -h _~~ ~ . a~ndindustry make it a polin recent "The Tech Inquires" column indicated MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY to join the company Of successful leaders whod aill same sharp-edged satire which caused Meet and Eat at that the student body wants the Show again; DORMITORY PARKING SPACE Mayor Wilson of Philadelphia to pub- THSOMPSON'S SPA next Monday's poll should decide that point. licly find fault with the humor. Where Bostonl Business Goes "Home" la LUnd, DRILVERS of automobiles will welcome the Blossom Time with the harmonies But unless the poll runs counter to all indica- Dextension which is being made to the tions, it will show that the school favors Tech and songs of Franz Schubert will op- InB dormitory parking area. Those of us who en at the Shubert on Monday Dec. ItB Show. have begun to collect Cambridge and M.D.C. 7, with costuming, cast, and atmos- . e Jt is hard to justify the Institute Commit- parking violation tags will feel relieved if this phere authentic and gracious. tee'action of last year.' The show was finally is a case of locking the door after the horse OPERA HO)USE: -Beginning Nov. on the up-grade, after several years of decline. has been stolen. 30, Walter Huston in Robert Edward It was playing in a regular theater again, in- Jones' production of Othlello by Wil- As it was, it was next to impossible to move liam Shakespeare will supplant the stead of in a makeshift "Walker theater." It a car during the day if it had previously Ballet Russe. More about this later. even revived the road trips of its hey-day, and parked during the morning. As soon as the CENTRAL SQUARE THEATRE: this year there was reason to expect even bet- lines of cars up the center of space was formed, -Ram ona and The Big Game share ter results. the cars at right an~gles to the curb could not the bill at the Scollay. Of special in- I Instead? the show has to lab~or u-nd-e the possibly be moved. terest to Tech men is the information NY E MA Y H EW handicap of non-recognition- in this case 'that the usual Kiddie Show will be It would be well for everyone to heed the presented at the Saturday matinee and AM D HIS OR CH E ST RA amounting to disapproval. It is a credit to Nowonder. The band is something notice issued by the Dormitory Committee in many novelties will be given array to to write home about. The spot is the management that it continues in the' face the younger patrons of the theatre. one of Boston's favorites. And the regard to parking at a 45 degree an-le to the food is nothing short of perfect. of difficulties. If next week's vote shows r'eas- Songs curb in order that three rows of cars may bie I- by lovely Evelyn Oaks. onabl]e support for Tech Show, the Institute comfortably accommodated in the new ex- Voodoo Committee should r ecognize the activity B I N NE R DA N C I N6 tended space. Unless everyone co-operates in (Continued from Pagye 1) eenrey night except Sunday again. And every student who wants to see- this, the situation will be little improved over Techl Show again this year should come out SUP PER A NGCI N the past and it will be necessary to Dark on the sule wvas to be the sanle size as lThe Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays aitd vote Mfonday. corner of the athletic -field, along the drive Tech. It was patterned after the fake of two years ago perpetrated by John MAIN DINZING RO'OM g E next to the dormitories, and on odd corners of Duff, III, '35, former general man- EXCHANGE DINNERS thle lawn and sidewalk. On the other hand, ifC ager of Voo Doo. However, it lacked I. F. C. S r"ARTS INNOVATION an effort is' made to park so as to realize the much of the originality of that stunt. HO T STRE maximum efficiency of the space provided, IStein and Peters, after much tele-I 0\ACHINEIZY has been set in motion lay there will be room enough for all and the ne- 1)1the Interfr aternity Conference I,. ., . .,.I I. to facil- cessary7 leeway to allow the removal of any itate exchan-e I,I dinners between the various car at an'y tirne. frater nities --on the campus. Briefly, each I Harvar i rdSq. BIE Stort *e I house would, on, some appointed date, send t their fl eshmnan class to another fr aternity i and receive as guests, in turn, that fratern- It Has Beena Said i S I I V as Fmi) u 4 If ity's Sopliomores. The following week -this I would be reversed. On future occasions ex- Government i NOW OPEN I chlanges would bie made with other fratern- The essence of a free government consists in an i ities. effectual control of rivalries.-John Adamns Ii I Thle advantag-es of such a move alre many. i !I: Waxing 50c . SIot Steel Edges All too often we hear as a criticism of the Obedience is -what makes government, anal not the 11I By Heat SUPECIAL Poles Repaired ijames- by which it is called.-Edmu-nd Burke I fraternity 'System that it restricts one who |Boots Oiled Skis Mlister Woaxed Skates i joins a fraternity to a small group of acquain- IRepairing Sharpened Realms -are, households which 'the great-must-guide., By Heat tances. After this plan has functioned for -Dryden- .Boots Oiled a few years each fraternity man would have I *- 0 ....' . Bindings Adjusted been given an opportunity- to meet'rather in-. Ii The whole of goVetiinezit 'consistentin trie art of be-- I I ."- I-... I I timately the enitire fra-ternfty-_groiup, -numbver- ing honest.'-Thomacs JWLerson '' iI I Ii1 - ,

I niescdAy,,No em~pr22,!1936 J , I., X ' Page Three

-S S El ifle Team O)pens I | | .- Varsity Booters I ~~T. C. A. Drive SPORTS COM.MENT TFhe T. C. A. Drive returns are now Season 1' Victory Defeated By Army only $37 short of the budget require- ments. With r eturns still being 're- The rifle team looked impressive in its win last Friday. With all the letter- ptain Whitaker tHigh Scorer men back it looks like one great season for the shooters- The match sched- Gillis Scores Only Tech Goal; ceived through the mail, $3317 has In Match With Y. D.;- uled for this Friday with the Arlington Rifle Club has been postponed until Squad Plays Yale, Sat. nows been contributed. Score 9061-872 the week of Nov. 30. In Final Game

In their first shoulder to shoulder It;'s like old times to see Joe Levis working out with the fencing Definitely outplayed by the unde- atch of the season held last Friday AUSTINS ! andEnglish American team. We have heard reports that Captain Dantona, has taken Joe feated Army booters, the Varsity soc- tthe Institute's rifle range, the Tech- over in three of their practice sessions recently. We hope that it is , c per mile olgy rifle team easily defeated the true because anybody than can take Joe over, even in practice ses- cer squad lost its last home game of /4Gas, Oil and Tires arp-shooters of the Yankee Division the season, 4-1, Saturday. J~ames Gil- Some Excellent '%alues in sions, has to be good. Rebuilt American Austins the American Legion by a score of lis, '38, made Tech's only point. Roadsters and Coupes I to 872. Signs in the 5:15 Club announce the Club's bowling tournament. We hope Army took the first offensive when, Also Good Values in Conventional This victory was not surprising for that this goes over better than their part in the touch football tournament. after several minutes of even play, Types of Uased Cars actically all of the same men who That touch football tournament was quite a brawl by the way. The only Fred Clough of the West Pointer s Small Dowvn Pavnilents Easy Termns efated the Y. D. last year fired in thing that any two teams could agree on was that the officiating was 'not so broke through the Beaver defense emeet Friday. Those who are con- good. twice in rapid succession to score two IH ICIKS CO. eted with the team are confident Ex goals. In the second quarter, Clough 780 Commonwealth Avenue atwith almost all of last year's Oscar Hedlund reports that the Combined Musical Clllbs are mis- scored again, with M. I. T. pointless Bea 3377 Opecn Elveninlgs amback this season the squad wvill sing a good bet in the six men that he took to the I. C. 4A meet in and mainly on the defensive. aea good season. New York. Oscar says that they amazed him by their talent on In the third period Tech took the ffigh scorer for the Engineer sharp- the piano. Offensive, but all attacks were broken ooters was Captain David S. VWhit- up short of the goal, and the quarter Bos4ton Opera House toer, '37, who fired a -total of 183. Oscar is starting a Red Hand society here. It seems that cold weather passed with neither side scoring. In One Week Only ter rifle men on the Technology the final period, Major made the Ar- BEG. NOV. 30-Mail Orders NOW! forced the tracksters out to the board track yesterday and to keep his charges Max Gordon Presents ad who placed in the meet are hands from freezing, Oscar doled out red gloves left over from Field Day. my's fourth goal, and Gillis scored Wces T. Clough, '38, manager; When the runners finally stomped indoors they pulled off their gloves and Tech's only point on a penalty kick. Walter 111uston The team is expecting a fast and (In Person) Cron L. Foote, '38; Charles Maak, the color of their hands seemed to be identical with those of the original In Robert Edmond Jones' Production 3;and John L. Ohlson, '39! All of American. close game this Saturday, when they of OTHELLO ese men have already earned their go to New Havren to meet Yale. Al- By William Shakespeare one game EVES.-Orch., $2.75; Orch. Cir., $2.- ter on the rifle team. Our thought for the week: This is an appeal to the soccer team.- though Tech has only -won 20;, 1st Bal. $1.65, $1.10- Sec. Bal., with Yale in the past ten years, Coach S5c, 5_5c. Wed. and Sat. Mats.-Orch. We saw that soccer gamne with the cadets last Saturday anld our $2.20, Orch. Cir., $1.65; 1st Bal. $1.65, Goldie hopes to break- the steady $1.10; Sec. Bal., 85c, .55c, tax incld. impression was that the Beavers lacked teamwork. Wondering why Please seld self-addcressed stamped en- fiuch Football Final streak of bad luck that has been fol- * elope with mail orders-750 GOOD this should be so we inquired of Coach Goldie. He told us that SEATS EVERY PERFORMANCE - Won By Delta lowing his team this season and score 55c to $1.10 (ilncludillg tax). the soccer team had not practiced together for the entire week pre- L ceding that particular game. We just want to remind you fellows one victory over Eli in this decade. ------ I iv r ke Graduates After Beating that the athletic reputation of the Institute rests with you. It is up to you that the schools earn, if not a great reputation, then at least not a derogatory one. How about getting out and practicing to- Beating Delta Kappa Epsilon and gether for the rest of the week; then go down to New Haven and en defeating the team from the twist the Bulldog's tail. rduate Dorms in quick succession I uday morning, the Phi Mu Delta Sports Notices eternity won the M. I. T. touch foot- 937 Aned '40J Victors I tournamentl which has been -o- Eugene S. West, '40, was elected g on for the past few weeks. In Annual Dual Meet captain of the freshman soccer team, In the last game of the quarter- the M. I. T. A. A. announced yester- The freshman class was victorious day. West played on his high school al round which was played off Sat- again Saturday in another annual day afternoon, Delta Kappa Epsi- team for two years and also man- dual meet. This time, though, it was nwon from by the aged it for that time. He is now out aided by the Se~nior class. They rolled for the boxing team. re of 13 to 0. The semi-final game up a total score of 39 points to the ;ween Phi Mu Delta and Delta Kap- the combined It was also announced that the men a hard, close game, 33 points amassed by thtEpsilon wa's Sophomore and Junior classes. who won first places in the annual in- tteams being evenly matched, and Nestor Sabi-, '37, was the individ- terclass meet, held Saturday, Nov. 14, was not until the final period that would be awarded the A. T. A. A iMu Delia scored the only touch- ual point winner with 17 points, gained by two firsts, two seconds, and complete list of these winners was |of the game to win 6 to 0. printed in a past issue of The Tech. The Graduate Dorm team reached- one third. The summary: e final round by means of a default 120 ward hurdles:-w on by Sab~i, '37, sec- ithe Commuters- team. At the time ond Klitgord, '39; third, Speller, '39. I ,_I I v dr Time: 1 Sm 4s. heduled for the game only four 10 Oyard dash:-Won by K~litgord. '39: sec- New England's headquarters for tmmuters were present so the game ond, Sabi, '37; third, Oetinger, '39. Time.- as forfeited to the Graduates. Three-quarter mile run:-Won by WNirth, '40; Sheet Music second, Eddy, '38- third, 'Gunaris. '40. The final game was played immedi- Time: 3m 29s. 600 y ard run:-W on by Guerk~e, '37; sec- Music Books - Records ey after Phi Mu Delta's victory ond, Gunaris, '40; third. WVirtli, '40' er Delta Kappa Epsilon and again Broad 'ump)-o by Kites, '38: second, e Phi Mu Deltas showed good HJ lei '38; third; Sabi, '37. Distance. Visit Our Self-Recording Studio Javelin:--Won by Kites, '38; ,second, Sabi, rngth and spirit coming from be- '37; third, Richard.'40. -Distance: 132 ft. nd, after the Graduate team had Sho pt:-W on by Ferreara, 29Q, second, Boston Music Co. ord early in the game, to 'win 13 to "ites, '38; third, Hadley, '38'. Distance: High jumip:-WVon by *Sabi, '37, secolldl Had- 116 Boylston Street, Boston lZ, '38; third, B3reve-F, '38.' Hei'ght: ;ft. 7 1-2 in hs. a HANcock 1561 evis Aids Foilsmenl Swinmm~g Meet Date 'ssaas-PA I--- ·r -----sl II In Practice Session Anndunced As Dec. 4 Iddlamb., ! With the coaching ability of John _l~~l oth to prepare them, the varsity Announc,~ment was made last night byr J. JairoHi, swimming coach, of an ncers, under the leadership of Cap- _ el in Leo Dantona, are looking for- M. L. T. Intramural swimming meet rd to their most successful season. to be -he' d on Thursday, Dec. 3 at *4tO1 though weakened by the loss of two 5 P.- M. Z1;.All Technology students are Iftheir best men by graduation, and eligible For this contest, whikch nvill in- the failure of several squad men to clude 50, 100, and 220 yard free style port regularly, the team hopes to races, :h 100 yard backstroke and a Adih, ?ace wsell up among the leading teams 100 yaved breaststroke swim and div- lqow lw ithe Intercollegiate matches. ing eveints. There will be also, a 200 Joe Levis, '27, captain of the 1936 yard relay race, each of the four man sited States Olympic fencing team teamn wimming 50 yards. as pr omised' to appear at practice Tri'Ils will be held on the day before lf aid Coach Rothl in the instruction the nsjeet. Those interested in enter- 'the foils tearn. With the aid of in MXi meet should communicate ch capable coaching, the team is ,with {either Coach Jarosh or the swim.- ,nficent of a great percentage of v ie- min manalager before Monday, Nov. rieS~ during the forthcomin- season. 30. learns on the schedule include Col- bia n C. 'C. N. Y., two of the ¢tnetcollegiate teams in all l e x aons,but most of the v-ar- COUSAGES§ tomnfel optimistic in the face For the Harvest Hop isuch a. stiff schedule. RtOSES - GARDENIAS ORCHIDS Sports~ Notice $1Si..5 - $2.00 - $2.;50 Hours for freshman rifle practice Free Delivery ,ve been announced as follow s: M~on- Y from 9-12, Wed. from 1-3S, Fri. AAlert Co leman lIn 9-10, and Thurs. from 1-5. Ser- FLO)WERS ant Fitzgerald will be at the range 87 Mass. Avenue, Boston ringl these hours to coach begrin- Phone Kenmore 4260

I_- I _1

- PAPARONE I ANCE STUDIO Mlemlber oi the Danlcing Master., of Amlerica Eat. I( 1 LATEST BALLROO' {i DANCES SPECIALIZED Tap and Stage D ancing Also Taught Prlivate lessons 10 a~m.-10 p.m. ('!;t es e erv 'lue,,dav ai TlilTursday 8 :30-11, 7 5c Your Dancing Ana yzed Without Charge 1088 B.,)Vlton St.-at Masts Ave. Tel. Comn. 8071 . .. , . . A _ " _ _ _~- is . . Page Four THE TECEXCH Tuesd~ay, Nov~embeir 24, l936 _ __ I Hexathon Next Saturday; Dramashlop Play A 'oted Chemist Speaks CALE N DA R Is Financial Sucncess ;Before Faculty Club Contestants Enter Six Eves A he~xathon will take place Sat. Myron A, Canltor, '39, treasurer of Tuesday, November 24, 1936 .Prof Bartow Tells Of Marvels urday, Nov. 28,- on Tech F~ield> the Ghost Train production, stated 12:00Tau Beta Pi Luncheon, Silver Room, Walker. .Of Modem Chemistry Coac3 Oscar Hed-lund announcedI that although the ticket returns have 5:00-uting Club Meeting, Room 6-120. today. There w~ill be no etac not yet been completed, Dramashop's 5:00Debating Club Meeting, West Lounge, Walker. Professor Edward Bartow, presi- requirements. presentation of Arnold Ridley's 6:15Propellor Club Dinner, Grill Room, Walker. dent" of the American Chemical So- The hexathon, which is an ab.- "Ghost Train" was definitely a finan- 7:15Glee Club Rehearsal at Wellesley. ciety and head of the Department of breviated form of the decathlon, cial success. About two hundred and 8:00--Chemical Society Meeting, Moore Room. Chemistry and Chemical Engineering consists of six events:-the Iigh-- fifty people saw the production, 8:00A. I. E. E. Meeting, Room 1-190. of the University of Iowa, spoke last jump, the broad jump, 12 lb. shot- around one hundred of those attend- 8:ODIdeal Club Dinner, North Hall, Walker. Friday in North Hall, Walker Memor- put, 60 yard dash, 300, and 600 'ing on Friday evening. ial at the luncheon meeting of the Wednesday, November 25, 1936 yard ran. Each contestant mufit 7 This production was the first of two Faculty -Club. His subject was "Silk 7:00Sponsorship Group Dinner, Fabyan Room, Walker. compete in all six events, and the- public presentations offered by Dra- Purses from Sow's Ears." 9:00-2:00Harvest Dance of 5:15, Main Hall, Walker. person with the highest total rnashop, the Technology undergradu- Professor Bartow has had an un- score will be the winner. Thursday, November 26, 1936 ate dramatic organization, during the usually successful career as teacher 4 :00Graduate House Party, Crafts Hall. school year. and engineer. In addition to being an Friday, November 27, 1936 this connection it was pointed oo I- -1outstanding chemist he is widely from the floor that the atmosphere d- 5:00 Glee Club Rehearsal, Room 2-390. qualify physically. All courses will known in the fields of sanitation and be given at the Boeing School of Aer- the 5 :15 Room was not always Saturday, November 28, 1936 public water supply. conducive to good chess playing, aDs- 2:00Hexathon Track Meet, Tech Field. onautics, Oakland, California, a divi- The Faculty Club was organized in that it might be possible to use Wall; 2:00Soccer Team vs. Yale at New Haven. sion of the United Airline Transport 1919 for the-promotion of good fellow- er's East Lounge. 7:00-Rifle Team vs. Brookline Polytech, Rifle Range. Corporation. ship among its members and for the Formers winners from Institute Sunday, November 29, 1936 consideration of any subject of com- 3:15-Tech, Wellesley Concert, Main Hall, Walker. In former competition students mon interest. The club provides the from the following universities and newspapers and periodicals in the fac- Monday, November 30, 1936 colleges have been awarded scholar- 9:00-5:00Open House, Tech Show Poll, Main Lobby. ulty and alumni room of Walker Me- ships: Antioch College, Bethany Col- morial. lege, California Institute of Technol- port Flying License. This course cov- ogy, Clarkson Memorial College, Mas- Ram Boeing Sc:holarships ers the latest scientific developments sachusetts Institute of Technology, i (Continued from Page1 ) Chess in flying, including blind and instru- Mount , Oregon State (Continued from Page1) ment flying. Also included in the first College, Santa Barbara State Teach- N ate students in good standing and in award is a choice of the Air Trans- er's -College, Stanford University, for a simultaneous match if the finan- ~ ~ _r --- I'Ile regular attendance in some Univer- port Engineering Course, the Practi- of California; University of Maine, cingI of the affair could be arranged. sity, College, or Junior College in the cal Aeronautical Engineering Course, University of Michigan, University of The most serious difficulty facing Ugnited States or Canada, which of- Walton Lunch Co. or any semi-technical course offered Minnesota, University of Nebraskas the1 club, beyond the mechanical de- fers at least two years of work lead- Morning, Noon and Night at the Boeing School. University of Oklahoma, University of tails1 of organizing it, is the finlding ing to a Bachelor's Degree in Arts or You will find All Tech at Washington, University ofe Wisconsin. of1 a suitable room for playing. In Sciences. Winners of the second, third, and A circular giving detailed informa- 78 Massachusetts Avenue 2. They must be of the white race, fourth awards may choose one of a tion on the contest may be obtained CAMBRIDGE between the ages of 18 and 25, of avr- number of technical and semi-techni- ·l#ae--- LIBIC·O I by writing to the Registrar, Boeing erage height and normal weight, have cal courses and will, in addition, re- LIQUO>RS ceive 25 hours of dual and solo flight School of -Aeronautics, Oakland, Cal- normal eyesight, and be free of any P4 QUICK SERVICE instruction. Twro alternate candidates if ornia. 94 physical handicaps. I Choice Wines and Liqueurs APPETIZING FOOD will be chosen for possible awards in 04 3. They must submit a technical or Domestic and Imported POPULAR PRICES Ithe event that winners are unable to I non-technical treatise of not over 3500 Boston's Foremost ]Reliable Dancing School pq Telephone TRObridge 1738 I I Quality FirstAlwnays words on any aeronautical subject of iii 4 r 2t 15 Private Lessons $5 W THAT'S their' own choice. imported upI~town School MDerncn m Central Distributing Winner to Receive Flying Course li330 Mass Ave., at Hunting ton W Company WALTON'S The winner of the first award will Norwegian Skfis1 s Jim ~Personal Direction of {lt X Miss Shirley Hayes N 480 Massachusetts Avenue receive a complete Boeing Airline Pi- 94 Corner Brookline Street MACKENZIE & PKENN 1 HE ~TEL. CIRCLE 9068 1080 Boylston Street lot Flying Course, including 250 hours M. I. T. Dormitories Al41 Newest ball room steps e- rr, Central Square / Msinners guaranteed to I1e ar n Cambridge, Mass. Convenient to Fraternity Men of flight instxuction, far exceeding the Cambridge, Mass. Athere. Hours toA.M. to 12 P.M. requirements necessary for a Trans- Il Class and social dancing with orchestra iij-cai~ ~ err Ra-~rera s -I - m


or i


Ad-Star er E







Copyright 1936, LIcGM e MYEss ToBAcco Co.