Letters in Applied Microbiology ISSN 0266-8254

ORIGINAL ARTICLE 3-Methylindole production is regulated in scatologenes ATCC 25775 K.C. Doerner1, K.L. Cook2 and B.P. Mason1

1 Department of Biology, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY, USA 2 USDA-ARS, AWMRU, Bowling Green, KY, USA

Keywords Abstract animal waste, emissions, malodour, skatole, tryptophan. Aims: 3-Methylindole (3-MI) is a degradation product of l-tryptophan and is both an animal waste malodorant and threat to ruminant health. Culture con- Correspondence ditions influencing 3-MI production in Clostridium scatologenes ATCC 25775 Kinchel C. Doerner, Department of Biology, were investigated. Western Kentucky University, 1906 College Methods and Results: Extracellular 3-MI levels in cells cultured in brain heart Heights Blvd.-11080, Bowling Green, KY infusion (BHI) medium (pH 7Æ0) at 33C and 37C for 72 h were 907 ± 38 42101-1080, USA. ) and 834 ± 121 lmol l 1, respectively. Cells cultured in tryptone-yeast (TY) E-mail: [email protected] ) extract medium at 37C for 48 h produced 104 ± 86 lmol l 1 3-MI; however, )1 2008 ⁄ 0871: received 21 May 2008, revised addition of 1 mmol l l-tryptophan failed to increase extracellular levels ) 3 October 2008 and accepted 4 October (113 ± 50 lmol l 1 3-MI). Specific activity of indole acetic acid decarboxylase ) 2008 measured in BHI, TY and TY plus 1 mmol l 1 tryptophan-grown cells dis- played 35-, 33- and 76-fold higher levels than in semi-defined medium-grown doi:10.1111/j.1472-765X.2008.02502.x cells. Conclusions: When cultured in rich medium, at 33Cor37C and pH 7Æ0, Cl. scatologenes ATCC 25775 optimally produced 3-MI. Addition of l-trypto- phan to medium did not lead to significant increases in extracellular 3-MI levels. Whole cell assays indicate growth in rich medium significantly up-regu- lated 3-MI production. Significance and Impact of the Study: Information presented here may prove useful in understanding what factors influence 3-MI production in malodorous animal wastes.

from swine facilities (Wright et al. 2005) and has Introduction a low detection threshold value (Schiffman et al. 2001; 3-Methylindole (3-MI, skatole) is an endproduct of Greenman et al. 2004). anaerobic bacterial l-tryptophan catabolism and a prob- While much work identifies 3-MI as an important fac- lematic component in the food animal industries. 3-MI tor in animal production, limited progress has been causes acute pulmonary oedema and emphysema in rumi- achieved in understanding 3-MI biosynthesis. This is lar- nants, such as cattle and goats (Carlson et al. 1972; gely because of lack of bacterial strains which produce Yokoyama et al. 1975) and contributes to the offensive 3-MI. Rosenberger (1959) isolated five clostridial strains odours of boar taint that are generated when pork from which produce 3-MI and Spray (1948) reported that intact male swine is cooked. 3-MI is one of many com- Cl. naseum produces 3-MI when grown in rich medium, pounds responsible for malodours associated with food however, these strains are not readily available. Yokoyama animal production and waste (Mackie et al. 1998). 3-MI et al. (1977) isolated Lactobacillus spp. and Attwood et al. is present in the rumen headspace (Cai et al. 2006), swine (2006) isolated four strains from other bacterial species lagoons (Loughrin et al. 2006), swine and human faeces from the bovine rumen which produced 3-MI from (Moore et al. 1987; Hawe et al. 1993) and exhaust air indole acetic acid (IAA), the penultimate compound in

ª 2008 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2008 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Letters in Applied Microbiology 48 (2009) 125–132 125 3-MI is regulated in Cl. scatologenes K.C. Doerner et al.

3-MI production. However, only a few strains have been Genthner et al. 1981). Where indicated, 20 g replaced 2 g reported to produce 3-MI from tryptophan. Recently, two of yeast extract in SD medium. strains of ruminal have been isolated which pro- BHI medium was used for experiments determining duce 3-MI in the absence of IAA (Attwood et al. 2006) in the effects of incubation temperature and pH on growth rich medium, however, Clostridium scatologenes ATCC and 3-MI production. SD medium was also modified by 25775 is the best studied bacterial strain known to be inclusion of 1% peptone (Difco, Detroit, MI, USA) or capable of 3-MI production from tryptophan (Fellers and 1% casamino acids (Difco), each replacing glucose. SD Clough 1925; Elsden et al. 1976; Elsden and Hilton 1978, and the stated modifications of SD medium were used to 1979; Jensen et al. 1995; Kusel et al. 2000; Liou et al. compare growth and 3-MI levels and were conducted at 2005). It is an objective of this laboratory to elucidate pH 7Æ0C and 37C. l-Tryptophan was suspended in regulatory factors which influence 3-MI production in water, filter-sterilized using a 0Æ2-lm pore-size filter axenic bacterial cultures as this information could lead to (Fisher Scientific) and added to medium following auto- a greater understanding of 3-MI production in animal claving. All chemicals were purchased from a commercial wastes. The pathway of tryptophan conversion into 3-MI vendor and were of technical grade or higher. has been elucidated in Cl. scatologenes ATCC 25775 For HPLC determination of 3-MI concentrations, cul- (Whitehead et al. 2008) and it is this strain we have cho- ture samples were subjected to centrifugation (16 000 g; sen to further characterize the effects of temperatures, 10 min; 4C) to pellet cells and the supernatant removed. media pH values and media formulation on 3-MI One volume of acetonitrile was added to the supernatant. production. Culture supernatant and whole cell assay samples were chilled at )20C for 20 min and then centrifuged (16 000 g; 10 min; 4C). The resulting supernatant was Materials and methods filtered through a 0Æ45-lm pore-size membrane (Fisher Clostridium scatologenes ATCC 25775 was obtained from Scientific) and diluted, as appropriate, with acetonitrile to American Type Culture Collection (Manassas, VA, USA). ensure 3-MI levels were within the linear range of detec- All media were prepared and maintained under strict tion. Samples were analysed immediately after processing anaerobic conditions (Holdeman et al. 1977) at pH 7Æ0 or stored at )20C in amber-glass vials (National Scien- and incubated at 37C, unless otherwise noted. To deter- tific Company, Rockwood, TN, USA) until analysed. A mine the effects of temperature, pH and medium constit- Waters Corporation (Milford, MA, USA) HPLC was used uents on cell growth and 3-MI production, cultures were for detection and quantification of 3-MI. The system passed for no fewer than three successive transfers in the included an inline solvent degasser, 1525 gradient pump, test conditions prior to inoculation of experimental cul- 717 plus autosampler and 2475 multi-wavelength fluores- tures. Cell growth was monitored at absorbance at cence detector with data collected and analysed using

660 nm (A660nm) using a Shimadzu UV mini-1240 spec- Empower software (Waters Corp.). A Sunfire C-18 reverse trophotometer (Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan). phase column (4Æ6 · 150 mm; Waters Corp.) was equili- ) To ensure all spectrophotometric data were taken within brated in 0Æ1 mol l 1 ammonium acetate (pH 6Æ0) and at the linear range of the instrument, samples were diluted, 5-min post-injection, a linear gradient to 100% acetoni- when necessary, to yield values between 0Æ05 and 1Æ0 trile was executed over the course of 10 min. Flow rate ) absorbance units. was 1Æ0 ml min 1. Sample injection volume was 0Æ01 ml. Media contained (per litre) 1Æ0 mg resazurin, 2Æ0mg Aqueous solvents were filtered through a 0Æ2-lm pore-size haemin, 40 ml salt solution (Holdeman et al. 1977) and filter. Both aqueous and organic solvents were degassed 1Æ0 g cysteine-HCl. Additional ingredients (per litre) in by vacuum prior to application. Data were collected at brain heart infusion (BHI) were 37 g BHI including glu- the excitation and emission wavelengths of 285 and cose (Bacto Becton Dickinson, Franklin Lakes, NJ, USA), 340 nm, respectively. Identification of analytes was 2 g fructose, 10 g yeast extract (Bacto) and 2Æ69 g sodium achieved by comparing retention times to authentic stan- bicarbonate. Additional ingredients (per litre) in tryp- dards. Analytes were quantified by comparison to a stan- tone-yeast (TY) extract medium (Holdeman et al. 1977) dard curve prepared using authentic standards. The limit were 20 g tryptone (Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, of detection of 3-MI was 0Æ08 pmol with linear regression

USA), 10 g yeast extract and 1 ll Vitamin K1 (Sigma analysis yielding an r-squared value of 0Æ98. Ratios of 3- Chemical Company, St Louis, MO, USA). Additional MI levels to cell density were calculated by dividing the ) ingredients (per litre) in semi-defined (SD) (Elsden et al.) concentration of 3-MI, expressed in lmol l 1, by the medium were 10 mmol glucose, 2 g yeast extract, 5 g A660nm value. ammonium sulfate, 2Æ69 g sodium bicarbonate and 1 ml Suspensions of Cl. scatologenes ATCC 25775 whole cells modified trace mineral solution (McInerney et al. 1979; were assayed for 3-MI production using a modification of

ª 2008 The Authors 126 Journal compilation ª 2008 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Letters in Applied Microbiology 48 (2009) 125–132 K.C. Doerner et al. 3-MI is regulated in Cl. scatologenes a previously published method (Honeyfield and Carlson The effect of medium pH on growth at 37C and 3-MI 1990). Sample preparation and assays were performed in production was determined in BHI medium (Fig. 2). an anaerobic chamber (Coy Laboratory Products, Grass Initial medium pH values of 6Æ0 and 7Æ0 yielded maxi-

Lake, MI, USA) maintained with a 5% H2 and 95% CO2 mum cell density values of 4Æ4±0Æ12 and 3Æ2±0Æ08, atmosphere. Cultures were grown overnight at 37C, dec- respectively, at 24 h while pH 5Æ0 yielded a maximum anted into sterile screw cap polypropylene tubes, sub- value of 2Æ0±0Æ04 at 72 h (Fig. 2a). Medium adjusted to jected to centrifugation (5500 g; 15 min; 4C) outside the pH 8Æ0 failed to support growth. Maximum 3-MI levels ) chamber and then immediately returned to the chamber. (596 ± 62 lmol l 1) were observed at 48 h in pH 7Æ0 In a similar fashion, the cell pellet was washed three times medium (Fig. 2b). While pH 6Æ0 medium displayed the in chilled 2X Tris-ADS buffer inside the anaerobic cham- greatest cell growth, 3-MI levels remained substantially ber, centrifuged (3000 g; 10 min; 4C) and then returned below the pH 7Æ0 medium at all time points tested. to the chamber. Cells were resuspended to a final concen- Growth of Cl. scatologenes ATCC 25775 in BHI med- tration of 40 A660nm and diluted in the assay mixture to ium for 72 h produced the highest concentration of 3-MI )1 no less than 8 A660nm. Specific activity values were stan- (328Æ86 ± 24Æ14 lmol l ) of all media tested (Table 1). dardized to 1 ml of a cell suspension of 1Æ0 A660nm. TY medium produced substantial amounts of 3-MI ) ) ) Assays were conducted in the presence of 1 mmol l 1 IAA (113Æ48 ± 37Æ19 lmol l 1) and addition of 1 mmol l 1 in 16 mm · 125 mm borosilicate tubes and maintained l-tryptophan failed to significantly increase 3-MI levels. at 37C for 1Æ5–3 h. Reactions were initiated by addition When more austere growth conditions were imposed, of cells and terminated by addition of an equal volume of such as SD, SD + 1% peptone, or SD + 1% casamino chilled acetonitrile and processed for HPLC analysis. Spe- acids, little 3-MI was produced although the cultures cific rates of IAA were corrected for background levels of grew to appreciable densities (Table 1). SD medium alone

3-MI which were determined by addition of acetonitrile supported appreciable growth (0Æ25 A660nm) although only prior to addition of cells. trace amounts of 3-MI were produced. SD medium with For GC ⁄ MS analysis, culture supernatant was prepared 1% casamino acids produced small amounts of 3-MI )1 by pelleting cells by centrifugation (16 000 g; 10 min; (3Æ18 ± 1Æ4 lmol l ) although grew to 0Æ42 A660nm and 4C), placed in screw cap vials (Kimble Glass, Inc) and SD medium with 1% peptone produced )1 frozen at )20C until analysed (Loughrin 2006). Statisti- 9Æ93 ± 3Æ92 lmol l 3-MI and grew to 0Æ39 A660nm. cal analysis was performed using the Microsoft Office However, increasing yeast extract from 0Æ2% to 2Æ0% in Excel 2003 software package. SD medium had substantial effects on cell densities (0Æ25

vs 1Æ1 A660nm) as well as increasing levels of 3-MI from ) trace amounts to 63Æ71 ± 21Æ72 lmol l 1 (P =0Æ002). Results Ratios of 3-MI levels to cell density varied from 237Æ7 for ) GC ⁄ MS analysis was initially used to determine extracel- TY with 1 mmol l 1 l-tryptophan to 0Æ6 for SD medium lular malodorants produced by Cl. scatologenes ATCC (Table 1), representing a 396-fold difference. 25775 grown overnight at 37C, pH 7Æ0, in BHI. Data 3-MI production rates were determined in anaerobic ) ) indicate 276 ± 9Æ9 and 22Æ3±6Æ0 lmol l 1 of 3-MI and whole cell assays, using 1 mmol l 1 IAA as the substrate. 4-methylphenol, respectively, were present and phenol, IAA decarboxylase, the final step in 3-MI synthesis, is 4-ethylphenol and indole were absent. Similar estimations similar to 4-hydroxyphenylacetate decarboxylase, the final of 3-MI concentrations were achieved using HPLC step in 4-methyl phenol (p-cresol) synthesis, which is an (Table 1), therefore HPLC was used for routine 3-MI oxygen-sensitive, glycyl radical enzyme (Selmer and analysis. Andrei 2001; Yu et al. 2006). Hence, we maintained strict Clostridium scatologenes ATCC 25775 was cultured at anaerobic conditions by conducting the assay in an anaer- various temperatures in BHI (pH 7Æ0) medium while obic chamber. Rates of endogenous 3-MI production, as monitoring cell density and 3-MI levels (Fig. 1). Consis- determined by omission of IAA from the reaction mix- ) tent with previous reports (Liou et al. 2005), robust ture, were similar for BHI, TY and TY + 1 mmol l 1 growth was observed at temperatures of 33C, 37C and tryptophan. Values ranged from 0Æ007 to 0Æ011 nmol ) ) 40C with growth peaking at 24 h of incubation while 3-MI h 1 ml of culture at 1Æ0 A660 nm 1. Endogenous growth at 24C peaked at 48 h (Fig. 1a). 3-MI production 3-MI production in SD-grown cells was low, as levels was observed at all temperatures supporting growth were below the linear range for quantification but were with the highest levels at 907 ± 38 and 834 ± often detectable (Table 2). Specific rates of 3-MI produc- ) ) 121 lmol l 1 at 33C and 37C, respectively, after 72 h tion were determined by inclusion of 1 mmol l 1 IAA in (Fig. 1b). Production of 3-MI was greatly diminished by the reaction mixtures. Cells cultured in TY or TY with ) culturing at 24C. 1 mmol l 1 l-tryptophan displayed rates of 0Æ033 ± 0Æ012

ª 2008 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2008 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Letters in Applied Microbiology 48 (2009) 125–132 127 128 in regulated is 3-MI l scatologenes Cl.

Table 1 Levels of 3-methylindole in culture supernatant of Clostridium scatologenes ATCC 25775 grown using various media at 37C, pH 7Æ0

0 h 24 h 48 h 72 h

)1 )1 )1 )1 Medium (n) 3MI (lmol l ) A660nm 3MI (lmol l ) A660nm 3MI (lmol l ) A660nm 3MI (lmol l ) A660nm

ora compilation Journal BHI (3) 0Æ06 ± 0Æ00*[0Æ33] 0Æ18 ± 0Æ00 207Æ6±5Æ68[67Æ0] 3Æ10 ± 0Æ10 307Æ6±4Æ46[130Æ0] 2Æ36 ± 0Æ14 328Æ86 ± 24Æ14[199Æ5] 1Æ65 ± 0Æ10 TY (4) 2Æ75 ± 1Æ45[23Æ6] 0Æ12 ± 0Æ04 15Æ41 ± 5Æ95[23Æ76] 0Æ65 ± 0Æ07 104Æ86 ± 55Æ57[135Æ5] 0Æ77 ± 0Æ09 113Æ48 ± 37Æ19[147Æ6] 0Æ77 ± 0Æ04 TY + 1 mM Trp (4) 5Æ62 ± 2Æ77[47Æ1] 0Æ12 ± 0Æ05 42Æ57 ± 23Æ26[54Æ1] 0Æ79 ± 0Æ09 113Æ14 ± 49Æ75[133Æ2] 0Æ85 ± 0Æ06 186Æ57 ± 42Æ63[237Æ7] 0Æ78 ± 0Æ04 SD (6) N.D.§ 0Æ05 ± 0Æ00 0Æ06 ± 0Æ00[0Æ1] 0Æ56 ± 0Æ04 0Æ08 ± 0Æ01[0Æ27] 0Æ31 ± 0Æ04 0Æ14 ± 0Æ00[0Æ6] 0Æ25 ± 0Æ01 SD + 2Æ0% YE– (3) 0Æ57 ± .37[4Æ1] 0Æ14 ± 0Æ00 20Æ35 ± 4Æ13[13Æ6] 1Æ50 ± 0Æ04 81Æ57 ± 30Æ37[67Æ9] 1Æ20 ± 0Æ06 63Æ71 ± 21Æ72[57Æ9] 1Æ10 ± 0Æ04 SD + 1% 0Æ58 ± 0Æ32[21Æ0] 0Æ03 ± 0Æ01 4Æ20 ± 1Æ22[10Æ5] 0Æ40 ± 0Æ02 9Æ53 ± 3Æ98[25Æ6] 0Æ37 ± 0Æ04 9Æ93 ± 3Æ92[28Æ2] 0Æ35 ± 0Æ03 ª

08TeSceyfrApidMcoilg,Ltesi ple Microbiology Applied in Letters Microbiology, Applied for Society The 2008 Peptone** (4) SD + 1% Peptone** 0Æ56 ± 0Æ29[15Æ9] 0Æ04 ± 0Æ02 4Æ94 ± 0Æ83[12Æ3] 0Æ40 ± 0Æ02 11Æ64 ± 1Æ41[28Æ1] 0Æ41 ± 0Æ03 13Æ7±1Æ42[35Æ1] 0Æ39 ± 0Æ02 + 1 mM Trp (4) SD + 1% CAA (4) 0Æ46 ± 0Æ19[10Æ2] 0Æ05 ± 0Æ00 0Æ49 ± 0Æ21[1Æ0] 0Æ50 ± 0Æ03 0Æ66 ± 0Æ24[1Æ4] 0Æ48 ± 0Æ01 3Æ18 ± 1Æ4[7Æ7] 0Æ42 ± 0Æ02

*Mean ± SE: brackets [] indicate mean 3-MI values divided by A660nm values. A filter-sterilized tryptophan solution was added to the cooled medium following autoclaving. SD medium (pH 7Æ0) (per litre): 10 mmol glucose, 2 g yeast extract, 5 g ammonium sulfate and 2Æ69 g sodium bicarbonate, 1 ml trace mineral solution, 1Æ0 mg resazurin, 2Æ0 mg hemin, 40 ml salt solution and 1Æ0 g cysteine-HCl. §Not detected. ) ) –SD medium prepared with 20 g l 1 yeast extract replacing 2 g l 1 yeast extract. ) **SD medium prepared with 10 g l 1 peptone replacing glucose; tryptophan added where indicated. ) SD medium prepared with 10 g l 1 casamino acids replacing glucose. ..Doerner K.C. ª 48 08TeAuthors The 2008 20)125–132 (2009) tal. et K.C. Doerner et al. 3-MI is regulated in Cl. scatologenes

(a) 5 (b) 1200

4 1000

) 800 3 –1 mol l 660 nm 600 µ A 2

3-MI ( 400 1 200

0 0 0 24 48 72 0 24 48 72 Hours Hours

Figure 1 Absorbance at 660 nm (a) and 3-methylindole levels (b) of Cl. scatologenes ATCC 25775 cultured in brain-heart infusion medium, pH 7.0, at various temperatures; 4C, solid bars; 24C, open bars; 33C, angled-hatched bars; 37C, cross-hatched bars, 40C; horizontal-hatched bars. Data are mean ± standard error of three replicates..

(a) 5 (b) 700

4 600

500 )

3 –1 400 mol l 660 nm µ A 2 300

3-MI ( 200 1 100

0 0 0 24 48 72 0 24 48 72 Hours Hours

Figure 2 Absorbance at 660 nm (a) and 3-methylindole levels (b) of Cl. scatologenes ATCC 25775 cultured at 37C in brain heart infusion med- ium with varying initial pH levels; pH 5.0, solid bars; pH 6.0, open bars; pH 7.0, hatched bars. Data are mean ± standard error of three replicates.

) and 0Æ076 ± 0Æ031 nmol 3-MI h 1 ml of culture at 1Æ0 Table 2 Specific activity of 3-methylindole production by resting cells )1 of Clostridium scatologenes ATCC 25775* A660 nm , respectively. Similar to TY-grown cells, BHI-grown cells displayed a rate of 0Æ035 ± 0Æ007 nmol Nanomoles 3-MI h)1 OD A )1 )1 )1 600nm 3-MI h ml of culture at 1Æ0 A660nm . SD-grown cells Growth medium +IAA )IAA displayed a much lower rate of 0Æ001 ± 0Æ001 nmol 3-MI )1 )1 h ml of culture at 1Æ0 A660nm (Table 2). BHI 0Æ035 ± 0Æ007,§ 0Æ007 ± 0Æ002 TY 0Æ033 ± 0Æ012,** 0Æ008 ± 0Æ004 TY + 1 mM Trp 0Æ076 ± 0Æ031** 0Æ011 ± 0Æ005 Discussion SD 0Æ001 ± 0Æ001§ Tr.– Clostridium scatologenes ATCC 25775 was first recognized *Cells were cultured in the growth medium for 24 h, washed three in 1925 for producing 3-MI and exhibiting a faecal odour times and whole cells assayed at 37C in the presence or absence of (Fellers and Clough 1925) and recently has been shown )1 ) 1 mmol l indole acetic acid, +IAA and IAA, respectively. to be a metabolically versatile organism. This strain grows ,**Nanomoles of 3-MI produced per hour per 1 ml of cells at 1Æ0 using ethanol, formate, vanillate and produces hydrogen A660nm. Pairwise t-test not significant (P ‡ 0Æ05). gas and is also an acetogen capable of reducing carbon §Pairwise t-test significant (P<0Æ05). dioxide to acetate (Kusel et al. 2000). Recent studies indi- –Trace amounts detected. cate Cl. scatologenes ATCC 25775, Cl. drakei SL1 and

ª 2008 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2008 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Letters in Applied Microbiology 48 (2009) 125–132 129 3-MI is regulated in Cl. scatologenes K.C. Doerner et al.

Cl. carboxidivorans P7 form a unique, acetogenic clade els of 3-MI produced by the cells vary among media and within the (Liou et al. 2005). The 3-MI pathway is most pronounced when 3-MI is produced at high levels is present in both Cl. scatologenes ATCC 25775 and but is also coincident with higher cell densities. Cl. drakei SL1 (Whitehead et al. 2008) in which trypto- When 3-MI concentrations are standardized against cell phan is deaminated to indole-3-pyruvic acid, which is de- densities (Table 1), cells cultured in rich medium produce carboxylated to IAA and then decarboxylated to 3-MI more 3-MI per cell. For example, cells cultured for 72 h (Whitehead et al. 2008). Clostridium carboxidivorans does in BHI exhibited 3-MI : cell density ratios 332-fold higher not produce 3-MI (unpublished data). However, 3-MI is than cells grown using SD medium (199Æ5 vs 0Æ6). This only partially responsible for the faecal odour of Cl. sca- effect could be due to the presence of more tryptophan tologenes ATCC 25775 as 4-methylphenol, which imparts available in rich medium as opposed to austere medium a ‘barnyard’ odour (Mackie et al. 1998; Wright et al. or the enzymes responsible for 3-MI production are 2005), propionic acid, butyric acid, isobutyric acid, valeric expressed to a greater extent in BHI-grown cells than SD- acid, isovaleric acid and caproic acid (Holdeman et al. grown cells. However, measurements taken from 48 h of 1977) are also produced. growth indicate that 3-MI : cell density ratios of TY and ) Similar to earlier studies, Cl. scatologenes ATCC 25775 TY + 1 mmol l 1 tryptophan were similar (133.2 vs was cultured in rich or undefined medium. We have rou- 135.5), suggesting the presence of exogenous tryptophan tinely observed 3-MI production and robust cell growth did not influence 3-MI production. Thus, it is difficult to in BHI; thus, this medium was chosen for the experi- draw a conclusion based on these data. ments that varied pH and incubation temperatures. Data To address this problem, whole cell assays measuring indicate Cl. scatologenes ATCC 25775 grows well at initial specific activity of IAA decarboxylase were performed medium pH values of 5–7, consistent with previous (Table 2) and the results support the notion that enzymes reports. (Liou et al. 2005); however, we did not observe responsible for 3-MI production were up-regulated in growth at an initial medium pH value of 8Æ0. Clostridium rich medium. Rates of 3-MI production in BHI-, TY- and ) scatologenes ATCC 25775 produced 3-MI at all media pH TY + 1 mmol l 1 tryptophan-grown cells were 35-, 33- values and temperatures that supported growth. A med- and 76-fold higher than in SD-grown cells, indicating ium pH value of 7Æ0 proved optimal for 3-MI production IAA decarboxylase is up-regulated in rich medium. These while temperatures of 33Cor37C yielded optimal and data also show that the role of tryptophan in the up-reg- similar levels of 3-MI. In BHI medium, final 3-MI con- ulation is unclear. Specific activity values in TY plus ) centrations varied considerably among experiments. For 1 mmol l 1 tryptophan were 2Æ3-fold higher in TY-grown example, Fig. 1b shows when this strain is cultured for cells, but this increase was not statistically significant. ) 48 h at 37CatpH7Æ0, 3-MI is 698 lmol l 1, whereas in Furthermore, these data suggest the variation of maxi- ) Table 1, those conditions yield levels of 307 lmol l 1 mum 3-MI levels observed in Fig. 1 and Table 1 was 3-MI. For comparative purposes and to attempt to reduce likely due to differing degrees of expression of the 3-MI the intra-experimental variation of 3-MI production, we production pathway as well as varying levels of available cultured Cl. scatologenes ATCC 25775 in TY medium. In tryptophan. this medium, maximum 3-MI levels decreased when com- To assist in resolving the role of tryptophan in 3-MI pared with BHI but still displayed substantial variation. expression, the laboratory is currently developing a For example in Table 1, culturing in TY medium pro- defined medium for Cl. scatologenes ATCC 25775 in ) duced 104Æ86 lmol l 1 3-MI but with the large SE of which the concentration and presence of nutrients can be 55Æ57. One complicating factor when using rich medium, controlled. In addition, these data suggest 3-MI produc- such as BHI or TY, is the amount of tryptophan available tion can be more precisely controlled in an applied set- to the cells is unknown. BHI and TY measure 294 ± 12 ting, such as a hog waste lagoon. 3-MI production is ) and 340 ± 10 lmol l 1 free tryptophan, respectively, how- inhibited by acidic conditions, is not a required metabolic ever, this measurement does not consider the tryptophan function and can be down-regulated. For example, if available from peptides. The tryptophan available in pep- those metabolic factors which down-regulate 3-MI pro- tides is difficult to control and could contribute to the duction are elucidated, feed or lagoon additives may observed variation. Alternatively, the variation observed be developed which ‘turn-off’ this pathway thereby in rich medium could be indicative of true metabolic var- diminishing 3-MI levels and emissions. iability because the reproducibility of 3-MI measurements improved when more austere media were used and maxi- Acknowledgements mum 3-MI levels decreased. For example, SD medium ) produced 0Æ08 lmol l 1 3-MI at 48 h but displayed a SE The authors would like to thank John Loughrin’s Lab of only 0Æ01 (Table 1). These data suggest maximum lev- USDA-AWMRU for GC ⁄ MS analysis, Ralph Tanner for

ª 2008 The Authors 130 Journal compilation ª 2008 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Letters in Applied Microbiology 48 (2009) 125–132 K.C. Doerner et al. 3-MI is regulated in Cl. scatologenes the Cl. carboxidivorans samples and Donna Kridelbaugh a ruminal Lactobacillus species. Appl Environ Microbiol 56, for critical reading of the manuscript. They also acknowl- 724–729. edge USDA-ARS, Mid-South Region SCA 58-6406-1-017 Jensen, M.T., Cox, R.P. and Jensen, B.B. (1995) 3-Methylin- and the KBRIN-NIH Grant Number 2 P20 RR-16481. dole (skatole) and indole production by mixed populations They would also like to extend their thanks to Western of pig fecal bacteria. Appl Environ Microbiol 61, 3180– Kentucky University, College of Science and Engineering, 3184. Biology Department, Graduate Studies, WKU-ARTP and Kusel, K., Dorsch, T., Acker, G., Stackebrandt, E. and Drake, the WKU Biotechnology Center. H.L. 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