The Meal-Break Battle and a Slew of Other Groups Favor of the Senate Commerce Commit- Boosting Federal Fuel Taxes to Raise Tee Is Sen
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December 1, 2014 Midterm election could be positive news for industry; a slowdown in regulations? WASHINGTON — So, what’s enjoyed from 1978 to 1990, seems in store for the motorcoach indus- problematic at a time when de- try when a new and Republican- mands on the federal budget con- dominated Congress is sworn in tinue to be gargantuan. January? No one can answer that ques- The Senate tsunami tion with certainty, of course, but it In any event, when the electoral Lane departure, fire suppression and tire-pressure monitoring systems are standard on the new 45-foot Temsa. does appear the likely direction pendulum swung forcefully in the could be favorable to the industry. direction of the Republicans last No. 1, the adoption of new reg- month, it meant changes for key Temsa adopts big-time ambitions ulations that apply to the industry Congressional committees that im- FARIBAULT, Minn. — After track to deliver as many as 20 and CH Bus could slow. pact the motorcoach industry. building a reputation with its 30- more of the 56-seat coaches be- Sales. A Republican-led Senate could More significant was the emer- and 35-foot buses, Turkish coach fore year’s end. “I think our implement more oversight hear- gence of the first Republican Sen- ings for proposed rules and man- ate majority in eight years. That manufacturer Temsa introduced a Michael Haggerty, owner of competition, dates, as well as ask regulators like means the chairmanships of all 45-foot model to the U.S. market CH Bus Sales, said sales for all they thought we the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Senate committees will switch this year. three models will exceed 200 were a distrac- Administration tougher questions. from Democrats to Republicans. Now, early sales of the TS-45 coaches this year, and the compa- tion when we That would certainly be seen as Two Senate committees are of are helping the bus maker score ny has placed orders for more than brought out the a potential benefit to the industry particular interest to the industry. big in a lackluster market for new 200 buses for next year. first two units,” Michael Haggerty by those who think there has been No. 1 is the Senate Committee coaches, says its distributor. Haggerty, a former bus opera- he said. over-regulation going on. on Commerce, Science and Trans- CH Bus Sales, which is head- tor who founded Ryan’s Express, a “Now, they’re looking over Republicans also are hesitant portation. That’s the committee that quartered here, reports that coach Nevada-based motorcoach com- their shoulders and wondering to raise taxes. has oversight over the FMCSA, the operators have taken delivery of pany that had grown to 180 vehi- how can they compete with us?” One area where that propensity U.S. Department of Transportation, 30 fresh-from-the-factory TS-45 cles when he sold it in 2006, is He estimates that about 1,500 may play out is in trying to come up and the National Highway Traffic coaches, and the company is on bullish about prospects for Temsa CONTINUED ON PAGE 12 c with a long-term solution for financ- Safety Administration, which is ad- ing the nation’s highway system and ministering the new federal seatbelt transportation infrastructure. rule for motorcoaches. While the trucking industry Expected to become chairman The meal-break battle and a slew of other groups favor of the Senate Commerce Commit- boosting federal fuel taxes to raise tee is Sen. John Thune of South If you operate buses in California, don’t ignore the law additional money for highways, Dakota. He will succeed Sen. Jay operator members of the United Rockefeller of West Virginia, who SAN FRANCISCO — For six workers who brought a class- and rest-break laws. Motorcoach Association over- did not seek re-election. years, a leading trucking company action suit against Penske Logis- The Federal Aviation Adminis- whelmingly reject that idea. The other Senate panel that has waged a legal battle over tics in 2008 over the denial of rest tration Authorization Act blocks In UMA surveys, they have fa- could impact the industry is the whether a federal law preempts and meal breaks. states from enacting laws “related vored using general tax revenue to Committee on Energy and Natural California’s meal- and rest-break Drivers and other employees to a price, route or service of any bolster or shore up federal highway Resources, which has oversight laws. claimed Penske had automatically motor carrier…with respect to the spending. That position is distinctly over the U.S. Environmental Pro- Now, the case appears headed deducted 30-minute meal breaks transportation of property.” in the minority among highway tection Agency. to the U.S. Supreme Court follow- for each shift from their paychecks However, a three-judge ninth user groups and road builders, but it The EPA and the National ing a recent win by company driv- whether they took the breaks or circuit panel in July held that the sorta puts the industry on the same Highway Traffic Safety Adminis- ers and other employees. not, and created an environment federal law does not take prece- page as those many Republican tration are busy developing tough The case, which is being close- that discouraged them from taking dence because the state regula- members of Congress who don’t new fuel economy and emissions ly watched by many motorcoach 10-minute rest breaks. tions do not have a significant im- want to raise taxes — any taxes. standards for the trucking and bus operators, has been before the Attorneys for Penske had ar- pact on the company’s rates, routes Whether the industry can win industries. The rules are slated for Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Ap- gued that the Federal Aviation Ad- or services. Congressional backing for one of 2017. peals, which in its latest decision ministration Authorization Act of In September, the full court its top legislative priorities, restor- Whether Republicans on the kept intact an earlier ruling, by a 1994, the statue that covers the kept intact the panel’s ruling, and ing the industry’s full exemption committee will seek to slow the CONTINUED ON PAGE 14 three-judge panel, supporting the issue, preempts the state meal- c from federal fuel taxes, which it CONTINUED ON PAGE 14 c Custom-tailored luxury. Best in Class Precision German engineering. Now with parts and service by MCI. PERMIT NO 1424 NO PERMIT PHOENIX AZ PHOENIX Motor Coach Industries: Distributor of EvoBus US POSTAGE PAID POSTAGE US GmbH for Setra Buses and Setra Parts in the United States and Canada. 866 624 2622 PRESORT STD PRESORT 1 Dec. on or before deliver Please Postmaster: BMN Banner ad 1a.indd 1 5/13/13 12:26 PM Van Hool TD925 Van Hool CX Van Hool TX Van Hool Line-up Style & Intelligence are Van Hool coaches are engineered to help owner/operators intelligently compete at their highest level. Our line-up provides built into every Van Hool high quality, reliable and durable coaches built to optimize motorcoach. operating and ownership costs while transporting passengers in rst-class style and comfort. STYLE +intelligence © 2014 ABC Companies. All rights reserved. For more information or to add Van Hool to your eet, contact ABC Companies at: 877.427.7278 option 1, or visit Bus & Motorcoach News INDUSTRY NEWS December 1, 2014 3 Association for drivers begins recruiting members PEWAUKEE, Wis. — Four “Until today professional mo- public and industry awareness of tion plans to: program to promote motorcoach part-time drivers with diverse pro- torcoach drivers have had limited safety issues, and to enrich the pub- • Offer members group dis- travel fessional backgrounds have representation…,” association lic image of professional motor- ability and life insurance “We have a lot of ideas,” said launched a national association for Founder and President Randy coach drivers and the motorcoach • Develop a national list of lo- the association vice president of in- motorcoach drivers. Howell said in a news release an- industry as a whole.” cations that provide complimenta- formation technology, Frank Krup- The Professional Motorcoach nouncing the group. A top priority for the organiza- ry driver meals kowski. “It just takes time and Drivers Association of North Aside from a few union locals tion will be to communicate di- • Work in partnership with money” to develop them, he added. America has a new website and is representing drivers in rather iso- rectly with the public, tour compa- government agencies for develop- The overarching goal, Krup- accepting members. lated groups, motorcoach drivers nies and schools regarding driver ment of safety training standards kowski, is to develop tools for The one-year fee for “founding have had “little public or profes- safety, recognition and gratuities. • Provide mapping assistance drivers. For example, one tool/idea member status” (meaning the first sional recognition,” Howell adds. “One of the goals of this cam- • Publish a directory of on- is a forum for drivers to share in- 1,000 who sign up) is $36. The mission of the Professional paign is to change how the public demand motorcoach parking sites formation about destinations. Initially, membership is being Motorcoach Drivers Association, views driver gratuities and be • Develop a mobile applica- The Professional Motorcoach limited to residents of the U.S., but the group states, “is to support and more in line with other industries,” tion for real-time safety alerts Drivers Association of North Amer- the founders expect to expand promote motorcoach driver safety says the association. • Produce a quarterly maga- ica has been set up as a nonprofit membership throughout North through education, research and in- Down the road, the Profession- zine (Pro Motorcoach Driver) corporation, say the founders, America.