TITULKA SE VELKA 10/4/06 10:17 AM Str. 1

V˘roãná správa 2005 Annual Report 2005 V˘roãná správa 2005 / Annual Report 2005 správa 2005 / V˘roãná ENERGIA, KTORÁ ËA SPREVÁDZA

Vydali / Published by: Slovenské elektrárne, a. s., Hraniãná 12, 827 36

www.seas.sk VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 1

V˘roãná správa 2005 Annual Report 2005 VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 2


Poslaním Enelu je byÈ najv˘konnej‰ím v˘robcom a distribútorom elektrickej energie a plynu, zameran˘m na trh a kvalitu sluÏieb, s cieºom vytvoriÈ hodnotu pre akcionárov, uspokojiÈ zákazníkov a náleÏite ohodnotiÈ v‰etk˘ch zamestnancov. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 3


We aim to be the most efficient, market driven, quality focused provider of power and gas creating value for our customers, shareholders and people. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 4

4> 5 Obsah V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005


4 > Obsah

6 > Príhovor predsedu Predstavenstva

8 > Predstavenstvo SE, a. s., v roku 2005

14 > Dozorná rada SE, a. s.

16 > Rok v skratke

20 > Organizaãná ‰truktúra SE, a. s.

22 > Kapitálové úãasti spoloãnosti

26 > Stratégia spoloãnosti

32 > V˘roba elektriny a tepla

42 > Obchod s elektrinou, podporn˘mi sluÏbami a teplom

54 > Investície

72 > Medzinárodná spolupráca

74 > Jadrová bezpeãnosÈ

84 > BezpeãnosÈ a ochrana zdravia pri práci a ochrana pred poÏiarmi

90 > Îivotné prostredie

100 > ªudské zdroje

112 > Správa o podnikateºskej ãinnosti spoloãnosti a stave majetku

150 > Správa audítora

156 > Skratky VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 5

Contens ANNUAL REPORT 2005


5 > Contens

7 > Speech of Chairman of the Board of Directors

9 > Board of Directors of SE, a. s., in 2005

15 > Supervisory Board of SE, a. s.

17 > Year in Brief

21 > Organisation Structure of SE, a. s.

23 > Equity Holdings of the Company

27 > Company strategy

33 > Electricity and Heat Generation

43 > Sales of Electricity, Support Services and Heat

55 > Investments

73 > International Cooperation

75 > Nuclear Safety

85 > Safety and Health Protection at Work and Protection from Fire

91 > Environment

101 > Human Resources

113 > Report on the Financial Statements of the Company

151 > Auditor’s Report

157 > Abbreviations VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 6

6> 7 Príhovor predsedu Predstavenstva V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

Príhovor predsedu Predstavenstva

VáÏené dámy a páni,

uplynul˘ rok 2005 bol pre na‰u akciovú spoloãnosÈ opäÈ úspe‰n˘. Podarilo sa nám splniÈ hlavné úlohy v oblasti v˘roby a predaja elektriny itepla a spoloãnosÈ dosiahla kladn˘ hospodársky v˘sledok. Úspe‰ne sme zav⁄‰ili program re‰trukturalizácie, ktor˘ sme si vyt˘ãili v roku 2003. Tento program priniesol zníÏenie zadæÏenosti spoloãnosti o 20 mld. korún aúsporu pracovn˘ch miest o 20 %.

Slovenské elektrárne, a. s., vyrobili za rok 2005 celkovo 26 470,9 GWh elektrickej energie. Plán v˘roby elektriny bol splnen˘ na 114,99 %, priãom v˘roba je zrovnateºná s rokom 2004, keì medziroãn˘ index dosiahol 1,035. Jadrové bloky boli prioritne nasadzované, aby sa maximálne vyuÏila ich disponibilita, priãom vyrobili spolu 17 726,5 GWh s indexom 1,041. Tepelné bloky boli nasadzované v súlade s rozhodnutiami MH SR a ÚRSO o vynútenej v˘robe z dôvodu udrÏania stability sústavy vo v˘chodoslovenskom regióne, resp. podpory v˘roby elektriny z domáceho uhlia a vyrobili 4 260,7 GWh s indexom 0,925. Vodné elektrárne vyprodu- kovali 4 483,6 GWh s indexom 1,137.

Vinvestiãnej oblasti sme sa zamerali hlavne na pokraãovanie modernizácie jadrov˘ch blokov V2, ktorá prinesie zv˘‰enie jadrovej bezpeãnosti, seizmickej odolnosti a zv˘‰enie v˘konu tohto zdroja. V Mochovciach sme úspe‰ne certifikovali oba bloky na poskytovanie podporn˘ch sluÏieb v oblasti sekundárnej regulácie a pokraãovali vo v˘stavbe investiãného celku na spracovanie kvapaln˘ch rádioaktívnych odpadov. Veºmi dobre pokraãovali práce aj na príprave projektu vyraìovania V1 z prevádzky.

Azda najväã‰iu pozornosÈ sme venovali príprave spoloãnosti na vstup strategického investora. DÀa 17. februára boli podpísané transakãné dokumenty, ktoré urãovali podmienky celého predaja 66 % akcií. Proces bol naplánovan˘ tak, aby sme transakciu ukonãili do konca roku 2005. Identifikovali sme majetok, ktor˘ nebol predmetom predaja, zaloÏili sme spoloãnosÈ GovCo, a. s., ktorá je pokraãovateºom závodov VYZ a V1 a pracovali na prípravách kontraktov a zmluvn˘ch vzÈahov medzi na‰ou spoloãnosÈou a nástupníckymi organizáciami. Îiaº, nie v‰etky úlohy sa nám podarilo splniÈ v stanovenom ãase. Aj keì sme v poslednom ‰tvrÈroku akcelerovali na‰u snahu, musel byÈ finálny closing posunut˘ na koniec apríla roku 2006.

Paolo Ruzzini predseda Predstavenstva SE, a. s. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 7

Speech of Chairman of the Board of Directors ANNUAL REPORT 2005

Speech of Chairman of the Board of Directors

Dear ladies and gentlemen,

The year 2005 had again been very successful for our joint-stock company. We managed to fulfil major tasks in the field of power and heat generation and sale and our company reached a positive trading income. We successfully finished the restructuring programme established in 2003. This programme has cut the company indebtedness by 20 milliard crowns and evoked workplace saving by 20 %.

In 2005 Slovenské elektrárne, a. s. produced 26,470.9 GWh in the grand total. The plan for power generation was fulfilled at 114.99%. The production is comparable to the year 2004, when the interim index reached 1.035. Nuclear units had been used in preference in order to take maximum advantage of their instantaneous availability and their production reached 17,726.5 GWh in the aggregate with the index of 1.041. Thermal power units had been used in accordance with decisions of Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic and ÚRSO (Office for the Regulation of Network Industries) on forced production on the ground of maintenance of system stability in eastern part of and power generation with the use of domestic coal and their production reached 4,260.7 GWh with the index of 0.925. The production of hydraulic power plants reached 4,483.6 GWh with the index of 1.137.

In the investment field we aimed especially at further modernization of nuclear units of V2, which will bring around increase of nuclear safety, seismic stability and increase of performance of this source. In Mochovce we had successfully certified both units for support services provision in the field of secondary regulation and continued the construction of investment area for liquid radioactive waste procession. The works on preparation of the project for V1 shutdown had proceeded very well.

Probably the most attention had been paid to the preparation of the company for entry of a strategic investor. Transaction documents were signed on February 17. These documents determined the conditions for the whole sale of 66 % of shares. The whole process had been planned in a manner that enabled to finish the transaction by the end of the year 2005. We had identified the property which was not subject to sale; set up a company called GovCo, a. s., which is a continuator of VYZ and V1 works and prepared contracts and contractual relations between our company and succession organizations. Unfortunately, it was not possible to fulfil all the tasks in a given period. Although our endeavour accelerated in the last quarter, final closing had to be postponed to the end of April 2006.

Paolo Ruzzini Chairman of the Board of Directors of SE, a. s. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 8

8> 9 Predstavenstvo SE, a. s., v roku 2005 V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

Predstavenstvo SE, a. s., v roku 2005

h. doc. Ing. Miroslav Rap‰ík, CSc.

predseda Predstavenstva SE, a. s., a generálny riaditeº SE, a. s.

Narodil sa v roku 1952 v Îiline. V roku 1977 absolvoval ‰túdium na Vysokej ‰kole dopravy a spojov, fakulte SET v Îiline. Po absolvovaní vedeckej a‰pirantúry mu bol udelen˘ titul h. doc. V rokoch 1977 aÏ 1999 pracoval v SSE, ‰. p., Îilina, kde pre‰iel viacer˘mi pozíciami – od inÏiniera prenosovej sústavy, samostatného v˘skumno-v˘vojového pracovníka, námestníka riaditeºa pre riadiacu techniku, riaditeºa závodu sluÏieb, riaditeºa sekcie informatiky, vrchného riaditeºa úseku informatiky aÏ po ‰pecialistu úseku informatiky. V rokoch 1999 – 2000 pôsobil ako projektov˘ manaÏér v spoloãnosti DELTA electronic servis, Bratislava. Generálnym riaditeºom a predsedom Predstavenstva SSE, ‰. p., Îilina ostal aj po transformácii podniku. Po vstupe strategického partnera do spoloãnosti zastával funkciu generálneho riaditeºa a ãlena Predstavenstva za EdF. Predsedom Predstavenstva a generálnym riaditeºom SE, a. s., je od 15. mája 2003.

Ing. Ladislav Szemet

podpredseda Predstavenstva SE, a. s., a vrchn˘ riaditeº úseku rozvoja, techniky a investícií SE, a. s., do 16. januára 2005

Narodil sa v roku 1955 v ·ali. V roku 1981 ukonãil ‰túdium v Bratislave na Slovenskej vysokej ‰kole technickej Fakultu elektrotechniky, smer silnoprúd, ‰pecializácia stroje a prístroje. Je drÏiteºom osvedãení o odbornej spôsobilosti vo viacer˘ch oblastiach, absolvoval kurz pre vrcholov˘ manaÏment. Od roku 1981 do roku 1998 pracoval v Západoslovensk˘ch energetick˘ch závodoch, ‰. p., Bratislava, kde zaãal ako stavebn˘ technik, postupne sa prepracoval na pozície vedúceho montáÏneho strediska, vedúceho oddelenia investiãnej v˘stavby, vedúceho odboru investiãnej v˘stavby elektrizaãnej a distribuãnej sústavy. V roku 1998 ako vedúci útvaru koordinácie stavieb elektrickej energie v ZSE, ‰. p., nastúpil do Slovensk˘ch elektrární, a. s., Bratislava, kde sa stal 14. decembra 1998 ãlenom Predstavenstva a vrchn˘m riaditeºom úseku rozvoja, techniky a investícií. Od 30. 6. 2003 bol podpredsedom Predstavenstva SE, a. s. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 9

Board of Directors of SE, a. s., in 2005 ANNUAL REPORT 2005

Board of Directors of SE, a. s., in 2005

h. doc. Ing. Miroslav Rap‰ík, CSc.

Chairman of the Board of Directors of SE, a. s., and General Director of SE, a. s.

He was born in Îilina in 1952. In 1977 he graduated from the University of Transport and Communications, Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering. After completion of a scientific post-graduate thesis, he was awarded the title h. doc. From 1977 to 1999 he worked at SSE, ‰. p. Îilina, where he experienced in a number of positions – transmission system engineer, independent research and development worker, Deputy Director for Control Technology, Service Unit Director, IT Director, IT Executive Director, and IT specialist. From 1999 to 2000 he worked as a project manager at DELTA Electronic Services, Bratislava. As the General Director and Chairman of the Board of Directors of SSE, ‰. p., Îilina he remained in this position after the transformation of the company, too. After the sale of a stake in the company to a strategic partner, he held the post of the General Director and a member of the Board of Directors for EdF. He has been the Chairman of the Board of Directors and General Director of SE, a. s., since 15 May 2003.

Ing. Ladislav Szemet

Vice-chairman of the Board of Directors and Managing Director of the Development, Technology, and Investments of SE, a. s., by 16 January 2005

He was born in ·aºa in 1955. In 1981 he graduated from the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, department of heavy current, specialising in machines and instruments. He is the holder of professional certificates in a number of areas, successfully completed a top management course. From 1981 to 1998 he worked at Západoslovenské energetické závody, ‰. p., Bratislava, where he had began as a civil engineer, then he succeeded to the post of head of the installation centre, head of the capital construction department, head of the division of capital construction of the electric power and distribution system. In 1998 he acceded from the position of head of of electric power construction co-ordination department at ZSE to Slovenské elektrárne, a. s., Bratislava, where he became a member of the Board of Directors and Managing Director of Development, Technology, and Investments on 14 December 1998. He had been Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of SE, a. s., since 30 June 2003. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 10

10 > 11 Predstavenstvo SE, a. s., v roku 2005 V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

Ing. Miroslav Wöllner

podpredseda Predstavenstva SE, a. s., a vrchn˘ riaditeº úseku rozvoja, techniky a investícií SE, a. s.

Narodil sa v roku 1954 v Bratislave. V roku 1978 ukonãil ‰túdium na Slovenskej vysokej ‰kole technickej v Bratislave, Fakulta elektrotechniky, smer technická kybernetika, ‰pecializácia automatizaãná a regulaãná technika. Od roku 1978 do roku 1991 pôsobil v podniku Duslo ·aºa, naposledy ako vedúci údrÏby, závodu merania a regulácie. Od roku 1991 pôsobil v súkromnej sfére, naposledy ako generálny riaditeº firmy MENERT. Pracoval v oblasti inÏinieringu a servisu v oblasti chémie energetiky a teplárenstva. Podpredsedom Predstavenstva a vrchn˘m riaditeºom úseku riadenia investícií SE, a. s., je od 17. januára 2005.

Ing. Ignác PÀaãek

ãlen Predstavenstva SE, a. s., a vrchn˘ riaditeº úseku prevádzky a údrÏby SE, a. s.

Narodil sa v roku 1952 v Oravskom Veselom. V roku 1975 ukonãil ‰túdium na Elektrotechnickej fakulte SV·T v Bratislave a zaãal sa pripravovaÈ na funkciu operátora jadrového reaktora. V rámci prípravy absolvoval stáÏ v JE NovovoroneÏ v Rusku. V roku 1991 bol na ‰tudijnom pobyte vArgonne v USA, neskôr v Madride v ·panielsku – oba pobyty sa zameriavali na bezpeãnosÈ jadrov˘ch elektrární. Od ukonãenia ‰túdia aÏ do mája 2003 pracoval v Atómov˘ch elektrárÀach Bohunice – najskôr ako vedúci reaktorového bloku, neskôr ako zmenov˘ inÏinier, vedúci v˘roby, projektov˘ manaÏér a vedúci oddelenia jadrovej bezpeãnosti. V máji 2003 odi‰iel z funkcie námestníka riaditeºa pre prevádzku na riaditeºstvo Slovensk˘ch elektrární, a. s. âlenom Predstavenstva a vrchn˘m riaditeºom úseku prevádzky a údrÏby SE, a. s., je od 15. mája 2003. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 11

Board of Directors of SE, a. s., in 2005 ANNUAL REPORT 2005

Ing. Miroslav Wöllner

Vice-chairman of the Board of Directors and Managing Director of the Development, Technology, and Investments of SE, a. s.

He was born in Bratislava in 1954. In 1978 he graduated from the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, department of Technical Cybernetics specialising in Automation and control technology. From 1978 to 1991 he worked in Duslo ·aºa Company, last time as the head of maintenance of I&C plant. From 1991 he worked in the private sector, the last time as the General Director of MENERT Company. He worked in the area of engineering and service in the chemical, power and heating industry. He has been the Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors and Managing Director of the Investments of SE, a. s., since 17 January 2005.

Ing. Ignác PÀaãek

Member of the Board of Directors of SE, a. s., and Managing Director of Operations and Maintenance of SE, a. s.

He was born in Oravské Veselé in 1952. In 1975 he graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava and enrolled training for nuclear reactor operator. As a part of the training, he passed a stage at Novovoronezh NPP in Russia. In 1991 he was at a study placement at Argonne, U.S.A., and later in Madrid, Spain – both placements were focused on nuclear power plant safety. From his graduation until May 2003 he worked at Bohunice Nuclear Power Plant - first as the reactor unit supervisor, then as the Operations manager, project manager and head of the nuclear safety department. In May 2003 he left the position of the Deputy Director of Operations for SE, a. s., Headquarters. He has been a member of the Board of Directors of SE, a. s., and Managing Director of Operations and Maintenance since 15 May 2003. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 12

12 > 13 Predstavenstvo SE, a. s., v roku 2005 V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

Ing. Milo‰ ·ujansk˘, M. B. A.

ãlen Predstavenstva SE, a. s., a vrchn˘ riaditeº úseku ekonomiky SE, a. s.

Narodil sa v roku 1963 v Îiline. V roku 1986 absolvoval Národohospodársku fakultu Vysokej ‰koly ekonomickej v Bratislave. Neskôr vy‰tudoval postgraduálne anglick˘ jazyk na Univerzite Komenského v Bratislave. V roku 1992 získal na Rochester Institute of Technology, U. S. Business School titul M. B. A. Absolvoval stáÏ v Bank of England v Anglicku a v Greenib b. v. v Holandsku. Pracoval v PovaÏsk˘ch strojárÀach, a. s., ako riaditeº exportu a neskôr zastával funkciu manaÏéra projektov finanãnej a organizaãnej re‰trukturalizácie podnikov vo firme Ernst Young. V rokoch 1996 – 2000 pôsobil ako v˘konn˘ riaditeº v bratislavskej poboãke spoloãnosti Framlington/ CET Investment Managers L. t. d. Pred nástupom do SE, a. s., bol konateºom spoloãnosti FINCORP, s. r. o. âlenom Predstavenstva a vrchn˘m riaditeºom úseku ekonomiky SE, a. s., je od 15. mája 2003.

Ing. Pavol Ponca

ãlen Predstavenstva SE, a. s., a vrchn˘ riaditeº úseku obchodu SE, a. s.

Narodil sa v roku 1952 v Îiari nad Hronom. Je absolventom Elektrotechnickej fakulty SV·T v Bratislave, odbor jadrová energetika. Po skonãení vysokej ‰koly nastúpil v roku 1975 do Elektrovodu Bratislava ako samostatn˘ v˘skumn˘ a v˘vojov˘ pracovník, kde od roku 1980 pracoval v útvare v˘stavby vedení vysokého napätia. V roku 1986 bol vymenovan˘ do funkcie vedúceho útvaru realizácie stavieb vysokého napätia. V roku 1998 pracoval v akciovej spoloãnosti ELCON-PM, Bratislava ako vedúci úseku elektromontáÏí. âlenom Predstavenstva a vrchn˘m riaditeºom úseku obchodu SE, a. s., je od 14. decembra 1998. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 13

Board of Directors of SE, a. s., in 2005 ANNUAL REPORT 2005

Ing. Milo‰ ·ujansk˘, M. B. A.

Member of the Board of Directors of SE, a. s., and Managing Director of Economics of SE, a. s.

He was born in Îilina in 1963. In 1986 he graduated from the Faculty of National Economy at the University of Economics in Bratislava. Later he studied English at post-graduate level at the in Bratislava. In 1992 he completed M.B.A. at the Rochester Institute of Technology - U.S. Business School. He passed a stage at the Bank of England and Greenib b. v., Netherlands. He worked at PovaÏské strojárne, a. s., as the Director of Exports and later took the post of project manager of company financial and organisational restructuring at Ernst & Young. From 1996 to 2000 he held the position of the Executive Director at the Bratislava branch of Framlington/ CET Investment Managers Ltd. Prior to his enrolment to SE, a. s., he was a statutory representative of FINCORP, s. r. o. He had been a member of the Board of Directors of SE, a. s., and Managing Director of Economics of SE, a. s. since 15 May 2003.

Ing. Pavol Ponca

Member of the Board of Directors of SE, a. s., and Managing Director of Sales of SE, a. s.

He was born in Îiar nad Hronom in 1952. He is a graduate of the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, department of nuclear power engineering. After graduation in 1975 he joined Elektrovod Bratislava as an independent research and development worker, where he worked at the extra high voltage line construction department from 1980. In 1986 he was appointed the head of the extra high voltage line construction department. In 1998 he worked at ELCON-PM, a. s., Bratislava as the section head of electric installation. He has been a member of the Board of Directors of SE, a. s., and the Managing Director of Sales at SE, a. s., since 14 December 1998. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 14

14 > 15 Dozorná rada SE, a. s. V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

Dozorná rada SE, a. s.

h. doc. Ing. Gabriel Fischer, PhD.

predseda Dozornej rady SE, a. s., od 23. 10. 2003

Absolvent Vysokej ‰koly ekonomickej v Bratislave, Fakulta ekonomiky ariadenia v˘robn˘ch odvetví, odbor ekonomika priemyslu. V súãasnosti pôsobí ako kvestor na Technickej univerzite v Ko‰iciach.

Ing. Daniel Végh – I. podpredseda Gejza Séle‰ – II. podpredseda Ing. Igor Gro‰aft – ãlen Mgr. Jozef Ivan – ãlen Ing. Ján Ka‰pri‰in – ãlen Anton Pavloviã – ãlen Ing. Ladislav Sellyei – ãlen Ing. Ján Smolen – ãlen Ing. Ján ·vancar – ãlen Juraj Truchlík – ãlen JUDr. Ernest Valko, PhD. – ãlen

Na základe Rozhodnutia jediného akcionára boli z Dozornej rady SE, a. s., dÀa 29. 11. 2005 odvolaní:

Ing. Gabriel Fischer, PhD. – predseda Ing. Ján Ka‰pri‰in – ãlen Ing. Ján Smolen – ãlen Ing. Ján ·vancar – ãlen

a zároveÀ zvolení:

Mgr. Ing. ªubo‰ ·evãík – predseda Ing. Anna Bubeníková – ãlen Ing. Jozef Jurica – ãlen Doc. Ing. Pavol Kon‰tiak, CSc. – ãlen VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 15

Supervisory Board of SE, a. s. ANNUAL REPORT 2005

Supervisory Board of SE, a. s.

h.doc. Ing. Gabriel Fischer, PhD.

Chairman of the Supervisory Board of SE, a. s., from 23 October 2003.

He is a graduate of the Economic University in Bratislava, Faculty of Economics and Management of Production Industries, specialisation in industrial economics. Currently he is the quaestor at Ko‰ice Technical University.

Ing. Daniel Végh – 1st Vice-chairman Gejza Séle‰ – 2nd Vice-chairman Ing. Igor Gro‰aft – Member Mgr. Jozef Ivan – Member Ing. Ján Ka‰pri‰in – Member Anton Pavloviã – Member Ing. Ladislav Sellyei – Member Ing. Ján Smolen – Member Ing. Ján ·vancar – Member Juraj Truchlík – Member JUDr. Ernest Valko, PhD. – Member

Based on the single shareholder’s decision, the following members were disengaged from the Supervisory Board of SE, a. s. on 29 November 2005:

Ing. Gabriel Fischer, PhD. – Chairman Ing. Ján Ka‰pri‰in – Member Ing. Ján Smolen – Member Ing. Ján ·vancar – Member

and the following ones were elected:

Mgr. Ing. ªubo‰ ·evãík – Chairman Ing. Anna Bubeníková – Member Ing. Jozef Jurica – Member Doc. Ing. Pavol Kon‰tiak, CSc. – Member VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 16

16 > 17 Rok v skratke V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

Rok v skratke

Zmluva o predaji Slovensk˘ch elektrární, a. s. Minister hospodárstva Pavol Rusko a generálny riaditeº Enel S.p.A. Paolo Scaroni podpísali 17. februára 2005 zmluvu o akvizícii 66 % Slovensk˘ch elektrární s talianskym Enelom za sumu 840 miliónov eur (32 mld. Sk). Na slávnostnom akte boli za spoluúãasti slovensk˘ch predstaviteºov prítomní: taliansky ministersk˘ podpredseda a minister zahraniãia Gianfranco Fini a predseda predstavenstva Enel S.p.A. Piero Gnudi. Podpísaním zmluvy zloÏila spoloãnosÈ Enel na viazan˘ úãet 20 % z celkovej sumy.

Priaznivé hodnotenie Podºa hodnotenia Svetovej organizácie prevádzkovateºov jadrov˘ch elektrární WANO sa spomedzi 370 jadrov˘ch blokov umiestnil bohunick˘ 1. blok na 27. mieste a predbehol tak vlani najlep‰í 4. blok. Bloky 3, 4 si udrÏiavajú ‰tandardne vysokú úroveÀ a patria medzi 50 najlep‰ích vo svete. Bloky 1 a 2 ich po veºkej rekon‰trukcii úspe‰ne dobiehajú. Blok 1 sa posledné tri roky stále zlep‰uje, hlavne v pohotovosti bloku a v pohotovosti vysokotlakov˘ch havarijn˘ch doplÀovacích ãerpadiel. Menej „úspe‰n˘“ bol 2. blok na 129. mieste. Lep‰ie ako bohunické sú v‰etky 4 bloky JE Dukovany, mochovské bloky skonãili tesne za 2. blokom V1. Hodnotenie vyuÏívajú prevádzkovatelia na sledovanie dlhoroãn˘ch trendov ukazovateºov elektrárne.

Vzniklo GovCo, a. s. V zmysle dohodnut˘ch tzv. „odkladacích podmienok“ predaja 66 % akcií SE, a. s., spoloãnosti Enel S.p.A. bola, na základe Rozhodnutia jediného akcionára SE, a. s., zo dÀa 14. júna 2005, zaloÏená dÀa 6. júla 2005 obchodná spoloãnosÈ GovCo, a. s., a dÀa 15. júla 2005 bola zapísaná do Obchodného registra SR. V zmysle predmetného Rozhodnutia boli akcie spoloãnosti GovCo, a. s., (v lehote do 30 dní od zápisu zaknihovan˘ch cenn˘ch papierov emitovan˘ch spoloãnosÈou GovCo, a. s., na úãet majiteºa cenn˘ch papierov – SE, a. s.) prevedené zmluvou o kúpe akcií z vlastníctva SE, a. s., (ako predávajúceho) do vlastníctva Ministerstva hospodárstva SR (ako kupujúceho). Nová spoloãnosÈ sídli na Konventnej ulici ã. 9, v priestoroch Konzultaãného informaãného centra energetiky (KICE) v Bratislave.

Slovenské elektrárne získali prestíÏne ocenenie

Slovenské elektrárne, a. s., získali od britského finanãného ãasopisu Euromoney ocenenie „Award for Excellence for The Best Company in Corporate Governance“, t. j. ocenenie za vynikajúcu kvalitu od Euromoney za najlep‰iu spoloãnosÈ v oblasti riadenia spoloãnosti. Toto prestíÏne ocenenie prevzal 8. decembra 2005 v Bratislave Miroslav Rap‰ík, predseda Predstavenstva a generálny riaditeº SE, a. s., od Padraica Fallona, ‰éfredaktora ãasopisu Euromoney a Martina Borna, riaditeºa pre Strednú a V˘chodnú Európu. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 17

Year in Brief ANNUAL REPORT 2005

Year in Brief

Contract on the sale of Slovenské elektrárne, a. s. On 17 February 2005, The Minister of Economy Pavol Rusko and General Director of Enel S.p.A Paolo Scaroni signed a contract on acquisition of 66 % stake of Slovenské elektrárne with the Italian Enel for EUR 840 million (SKK 32 billion). In addition to the Slovak representatives, the ceremony participation included: the Italian Vice-Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Gianfranco Fini and the Chairman of ENEL S.p.A.’s Board of Directors Piero Gnudi. Enel Company deposited 20 % of the total amount on a bound account upon the contract signing.

Favourable evaluation Based on the assessment of the World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO), Bohunice NPP Unit 1 placed 27th out of 370 nuclear units and surpassed the last year’s best Unit 4. The Units 3 and 4 keep the high level as a standard and rank among 50 best units in the world. Units 1 and 2 succeed in catching them up quickly after the large reconstruction. The Unit 1 improves continuously in the past three years, especially in the unit availability and availability of high-pressure emergency feedwater pumps. Less “successful” was the Unit 2 at the 129th place. All four Dukovany NPP units are better than the Bohunice ones, Mochovce units ended tightly after the V1 Unit 2. The evaluation is used by operators to monitor long-term trends of power plant indicators.

GovCo established As per the agreed „deferral conditions“ of the SE’s 66 % stake sale Enel S.p.A. Company, based on the SE’s single shareholder’s decision of 14 June 2005, the GovCo, a. s. business company was established on 6 July 2005, and registered in the Business Register of the SR on 15 July 2005. In accordance with the above Decision, shares of the GovCo, a. s. company (within 30 days from the date of entry of registered commercial instruments emitted by the GovCo, a. s. company to the account of the commercial instrument owner – SE, a. s.) shall be transferred by the agreement on the stake purchase from the ownership of SE, a. s., (as the Seller) to the ownership of the Ministry of Economy of the SR (as the Buyer). The new company has its residence at 9, Konventná street, at the premises of the Consulting information centre of power industry (KICE) in Bratislava.

Slovenské elektrárne got prestigious award The U.K.’s financial magazine Euromoney awarded Slovenské elektrárne, a. s., (SE) with the „Award for Excellence for The Best Company in Corporate Governance“, i.e. award for excellent quality. The prestigious award was taken over by Miroslav Rap‰ík, the Chairman of the Board of Directors and General Director of SE, from Padraic Fallon, the Chief Editor of Euromoney magazine, and Martin Born, Director for Central and Eastern Europe in Bratislava on 8 December 2005. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 18

18 > 19 Rok v skratke V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

Základné údaje

Parameter Jednotka 2005

In‰talovan˘ v˘kon SR MW 8 257 In‰talovan˘ v˘kon SE, a. s. MW 6 877,24 V˘roba elektriny GWh 26 471 V˘roba tepla GJ 4 261 016 Poãet zamestnancov 8 186 Zisk Tis. Sk 1 699 600

·truktúra spoloãnosti

Orgány spoloãnosti

Valné zhromaÏdenie V súlade so Stanovami SE, a. s., je najvy‰‰ím orgánom spoloãnosti Valné zhromaÏdenie. Do jeho pôsobnosti patrí najmä zmena stanov, rozhodnutie o zv˘‰ení a zníÏení základného imania, rozhodnutie o zlúãení alebo rozdelení spoloãnosti, voºba a odvolanie ãlenov Predstavenstva SE, a. s., predsedu a podpredsedu Predstavenstva SE, a. s., ako aj voºba a odvolanie predsedu a ãlenov Dozornej rady SE, a. s., s v˘nimkou ãlenov volen˘ch zamestnancami, schválenie roãnej úãtovnej závierky a pod.

Predstavenstvo Predstavenstvo je ‰tatutárnym orgánom spoloãnosti. Je oprávnené konaÈ v mene spoloãnosti vo v‰etk˘ch veciach a zastupuje spoloãnosÈ voãi tretím osobám. Predstavenstvo riadi ãinnosÈ spoloãnosti a rozhoduje o v‰etk˘ch záleÏitostiach spoloãnosti. PôsobnosÈ Predstavenstva je podrobne urãená v ·tatúte Predstavenstva SE, a. s. Predstavenstvo spoloãnosti SE, a. s., má najviac 7 ãlenov. Predstavenstvo deleguje právomoci súvisiace s v˘konom riadenia spoloãnosti, v súlade s poÏiadavkami právneho poriadku SR a orgánov ‰tátneho dozoru na generálneho riaditeºa. Zodpovednosti a právomoci medzi Predstavenstvom a generálnym riaditeºom sú stanovené v ·tatúte Predstavenstva.

Dozorná rada Dozorná rada je najvy‰‰ím kontroln˘m orgánom spoloãnosti. Dohliada na v˘kon pôsobnosti Predstavenstva a uskutoãÀovanie podnikateºskej ãinnosti spoloãnosti. âlen Dozornej rady nesmie byÈ zároveÀ ãlenom Predstavenstva. Dozorná rada overuje postupy vo veciach spoloãnosti a je oprávnená kedykoºvek nahliadnuÈ do úãtovn˘ch dokladov, t˘kajúcich sa ãinnosti spoloãnosti. Dozorná rada má 12 ãlenov. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 19

Year in Brief ANNUAL REPORT 2005

Basic Data

Parameter Unit 2005

Installed capacity SR MW 8,257 Installed capacity SE, a. s. MW 6,877.24 Electricity generation GWh 26,471 Heat generation GJ 4,261,016 Staff number 8,186 Profit SKK Thous. 1,699,600

Company structure

Bodies of the Company

General Assembly In accordance with the Articles of Association of SE, a. s., the General Meeting is the supreme body of the company. Its competencies include particularly: amending the Articles of Association; decision on increasing and decreasing of the share capital; decisions on merger or split-up of the company; election and disengagement of members of the Board of Directors of SE, a. s., Chairman and Vice-Chairmen of the Board of Directors of SE, a. s., as well as election and disengagement of the Chairman and members of the Supervisory Board of the SE, a. s., except for members elected by employees; approval of the annual financial statements, etc.

Board of Directors The Board of Directors is the statutory body of the company. It is authorised to act on behalf of the company in all affairs, and represents the company towards third parties. The Board of Directors manages the Company’s activities and makes decisions on all company’s affairs. Competencies of the Board of Directors are stipulated in detail in the Statute of the Board of Directors of the SE, a. s., The Board of Directors of SE, a. s., consists of 7 members as the maximum. The Board of Directors delegates powers related to the Company’s management in accordance with requirements of the law of the SR and national regulatory bodies to the General Director. Division of responsibilities and powers between the Board of Directors and the General Director are stipulated in the Statute of the Board of Directors.

Supervisory Board The Supervisory Board is the supreme supervisory body of the Company, and supervises the performance of competencies of the Board of Directors as well as business activities of the Company. Supervisory Board members may not serve as members of the Board of Directors at the same time. The Supervisory Board reviews corporate affair procedures and is authorised to inspect accounting documents at any time. The Supervisory Board has 12 members. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 20

20 > 21 Organizaãná ‰truktúra SE, a. s. V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

Organizaãná ‰truktúra SE, a. s.

Orgány SE, a. s.

Valné zhromaÏdenie Dozorná rada


Generálny riaditeº

Riaditeºstvo SE, a. s. Závody SE, a. s.

SE, a. s., závod Úsek generálneho SE, a. s., závod SE, a. s., závod Atómové elektrárne riaditeºa Elektrárne Nováky Vodné elektrárne Bohunice

Úsek prevádzky, správy SE, a. s., závod Prevádzkarne SE, a. s. SE, a. s., závod majetku, technickej Atómové elektrárne Orava Elektrárne Vojany podpory a údrÏby Mochovce âierny Váh Liptovská Mara Suãany PovaÏská Bystrica SE, a. s., závod Úsek Dubnica N/Váhom 3. a 4. blok elektrárne ekonomiky N. Mesto N/Váhom Mochovce Madunice Gabãíkovo SE, a. s., závod Dob‰iná Úsek riadenia Vyraìovanie JEZ investícií a zaobchádzanie s RAO a vyhoren˘m palivom

Úsek ºudsk˘ch * SE, a. s., závod zdrojov a kapitálov˘ch Atómové elektrárne úãastí Bohunice V1

Úsek obchodu

* zriaden˘ k 1. 11. 2005 VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 21

Organisation Structure of SE, a. s. ANNUAL REPORT 2005

Organisation Structure of SE, a. s.

Bodies of SE, a. s.

General Assembly Supervisory Board

Board of Directors

General Director

SE Headquarters SE Branches

Division of General SE, a. s., Bohunice SE, a. s., Nováky SE, a. s., Hydro Director Nuclear Power Plant Power Plant Power Plants

Division of Operations, Plants Assets Management, SE, a. s., Mochovce SE, a. s., Vojany Orava Technical Support and Nuclear Power Plant Power Plant âierny Váh Maintenance Liptovská Mara Suãany SE, a. s., PovaÏská Bystrica Division Mochovce Power Dubnica N/Váhom of Economics N. Mesto N/Váhom Plant Units 3 & 4 Madunice Gabãíkovo SE, a. s., Dob‰iná Division of Investment Decommissioning of nuclear facilities and Management radioactive waste and spent fuel management

Division of Human * SE, a. s., Resources Bohunice V1 and Equity Holdings Nuclear Power Plant

Division of Sales

* established on November 1, 2005 VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 22

22 > 23 Kapitálové úãasti spoloãnosti V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

Kapitálové úãasti spoloãnosti

SpoloãnosÈ Slovenské elektrárne, a. s., mala k 31. 12. 2005 kapitálovú úãasÈ v 14 obchodn˘ch spoloãnostiach v ãlenení: 11 obchodn˘ch spoloãností so sídlom v Slovenskej republike a 3 obchodné spoloãnosti v zahraniãí, z toho 8 v právnej forme – akciová spoloãnosÈ, 6 v právnej forme – spoloãnosÈ s ruãením obmedzen˘m. Zo zahraniãn˘ch obchodn˘ch spoloãností dve majú sídlo v âeskej republike a jedna v Holandsku.

Spoloãnosti s kapitálovou úãasÈou SE, a. s., pôsobia v t˘chto oblastiach: > vy‰‰ie vyuÏitie technologick˘ch zariadení patriacich SE, a. s., > vyraìovanie jadrov˘ch elektrární z prevádzky a likvidácia jadrového odpadu, > kontrola materiálov tlakov˘ch nádob reaktorov a ìal‰ích komponentov primárneho okruhu JE, > ochrana objektov a majetku SE, a. s., > opravárenské, montáÏne ãinnosti a kontrola kvality, > projektová, vedecko-technická a poradenská ãinnosÈ, > informatika, > ubytovacie a stravovacie sluÏby, > finanãn˘ trh, > v˘roba a predaj tovaru.

Prehºad spoloãností s kapitálovou úãasÈou SE, a. s.

Rok Základné Podiel Podiel V˘sledok SpoloãnosÈ zaloÏenia imanie SE, a. s., SE, a. s. hospodárenia (vstupu) (ZI) na ZI r. 2005 (tis. Sk) (tis. Sk) (%) po zdanení

AITEN, a. s., Trnava 1997 6 000 3 960 66 7 920 DECOM Slovakia, spol. s r.o., Trnava 1993 5 200 3 500 67,3 708 DMD holding, a. s. „v likvidácii“, Trenãín 1997 6 011 441 176 900 2,94 -8 738 EnergosluÏby, a. s., Trnava 2002 261 000 261 000 100 504 Energotel, a. s., Bratislava 2001 66 000 11 000 16,66 7 389 Chladiace veÏe Bohunice, spol. s r.o., J. Bohunice 1994 500 175 35 3 209 Ochrana a bezpeãnosÈ SE, a. s., Mochovce 2004 1 000 1 000 100 -10 986 Paroplynov˘ cyklus, a. s. Bratislava 1996 600 000 60 000 10 1 278 131 REAKTORTEST, s.r.o., Trnava 1991 2 000 980 49 2 006 Slovenské elektrárne âR, s.r.o., Brno 1998 *200 *200 100 *-231 Slovenske Elektrarne Finance B.V., Holandsko 1997 **2 018 **2 018 100 **40 ÚJV ¤eÏ, a. s., âR 1998 *524 139 *145 576 27,8 *32 894 Vodné dielo Îilina, a. s. „v likvidácii“, Trenãín 1993 5 000 2 000 40 -27 VYZKONT, spol. s r.o., Trnava 1996 200 102 51 1 068

* v tis. CZK, ** v tis. EUR VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 23

Equity Holdings of the Company ANNUAL REPORT 2005

Equity Holdings of the Company

As of 31 December 2005, SE, a. s., had holdings in 14 business companies, including: 11 business companies having their registered office in the Slovak Republic, and 3 business companies abroad; out of that 8 joint stock companies and 6 limited companies. Out of the foreign business companies two have their registered office in the Czech Republic and one in Netherlands.

Companies with SE’s equity holding operate in the following areas: > advanced utilisation of technological facilities owned by SE, a. s. > decommissioning of nuclear power plants and disposal of nuclear waste > inspection of the materials of reactor pressure vessels and other components of NPP primary circuit > protection of the buildings and property of SE, a. s. > maintenance and assembling activities, and quality control > designing, research & development, and consultancy activities > IT > accommodation and board services > financial market > manufacture and sales of goods

Overview of companies with SE’s equity holding

Year Registered Share Share Net profit/loss Company established capital of SE, a. s. of 2005 after (purchase (RC) in RC SE, a. s. taxation of holding) (SKK thous.) (SKK thous.) (%) (SKK thous.)

AITEN, a. s., Trnava 1997 6,000 3,960 66 7,920 DECOM Slovakia, spol. s r.o., Trnava 1993 5,200 3,500 67.3 708 DMD holding, a. s. „v likvidácii“, Trenãín 1997 6,011,441 176,900 2.94 -8,738 EnergosluÏby, a. s., Trnava 2002 261,000 261,000 100 504 Energotel, a. s., Bratislava 2001 66,000 11,000 16.66 7,389 Chladiace veÏe Bohunice, spol. s r.o., J.Bohunice 1994 500 175 35 3,209 Ochrana a bezpeãnosÈ SE, a. s., Mochovce 2004 1,000 1,000 100 -10,986 Paroplynov˘ cyklus, a. s. Bratislava 1996 600,000 60,000 10 1,278,131 REAKTORTEST, s.r.o., Trnava 1991 2,000 980 49 2,006 Slovenské elektrárne âR, s.r.o., Brno 1998 *200 *200 100 *-231 Slovenske Elektrarne Finance B.V., Holandsko 1997 **2,018 **2,018 100 **40 ÚJV ¤eÏ a. s., âR 1998 *524,139 *145,576 27.8 *32,894 Vodné dielo Îilina, a. s. „v likvidácii“ Trenãín 1993 5,000 2,000 40 -27 VYZKONT, spol. s r.o., Trnava 1996 200 102 51 1,068

* thousand CZK, ** thousand EUR VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 24

24 > 25 Kapitálové úãasti spoloãnosti V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

SpoloãnosÈ SE, a. s., vlastnila 66 % akcií v spoloãnosti Eltrans, a. s. Vzhºadom na to, Ïe od roku 1999 nevyvíjala spoloãnosÈ Eltrans, a. s., Ïiadnu podnikateºskú ãinnosÈ, bol podan˘ v roku 2003 návrh na zru‰enie spoloãnosti Eltrans, a. s. DÀom 11. 11. 2005 Krajsk˘ súd Bratislava 1 vykonal v˘maz spoloãnosti Eltrans, a. s., z Obchodného registra.

Rozhodnutím jediného akcionára spoloãnosti SE, a. s., zo dÀa 14. 6. 2005 sa udelil súhlas na zaloÏenie 100-percentnej dcérskej spoloãnosti GovCo, a. s., a jej následn˘ prevod na Ministerstvo hospodárstva SR. Tento proces prebiehal v zmysle plnenia tzv. odkladacích podmienok v zmysle Zmluvy o kúpe akcií, t˘kajúcej sa predaja a kúpy 66-percentného podielu na základnom imaní spoloãnosti Slovenské elektrárne, a. s., uzavretej medzi Fondom národného majetku SR, Ministerstvom hospodárstva SR a kupujúcim Enel S.p.A. Prevod akcií z úãtu spoloãnosti SE, a. s., na úãet MH SR bol zrealizovan˘ dÀa 16. 12. 2005.

Mimoriadne valné zhromaÏdenie spoloãnosti DMD holding, a. s., konané dÀa 12. 12. 2005 odsúhlasilo z dôvodu dosiahnut˘ch strát z minul˘ch období a nevybilancovanosti obchodno-finanãného plánu zru‰enie spoloãnosti likvidáciou, jej vstup do likvidácie 1. 1. 2006 a pouÏívanie obchodného mena DMD holding, a. s. „v likvidácii“. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 25

Equity Holdings of the Company ANNUAL REPORT 2005

SE, a. s. owned 66 % stake in Eltrans, a. s. company. As the company had pursued no business activities since 1999, a request for Eltrans, a. s. company cancellation was made in 2003. On 11 November 2005, Bratislava 1 County Court cleared the Eltrans, a. s. company from the Trade Register.

By a decision of the single SE’s shareholder of 14 June 2005, a consent was given to establish the 100 % daughter company GovCo, a. s., a its subsequent transfer to the Ministry of Economy of the SR. This process was performed in accordance with fulfilment of “deferral conditions” as per the Agreement on purchase of shares related to the sales and purchase of 66 % stake of the registered capital of Slovenské elektrárne, a. s., concluded between the National Property Fund of the SR, Ministry of Economy of the SR and the Buyer Enel S.p.A. The shares were transferred from the account of SE, a. s. to the account of the Ministry of Economy SR on 16 December 2006.

Extraordinary general assembly of the DMD holding, a. s. held on 12 December 2005, to endorsed cancellation of the company by dissolution due to attained losses from previous years and unbalance in business financial plan, starting as of 1 January 2006 and the use of the business name DMD holding, a. s. „in dissolution“. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 26

26 > 27 Stratégia spoloãnosti V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

Stratégia spoloãnosti

Projekt re‰trukturalizácia

Projekt Re‰trukturalizácia SE, a. s., realizovan˘ od novembra 2003 do decembra 2005, bol jedn˘m z hlavn˘ch nástrojov na podporu splnenia hlavn˘ch zámerov Strategického plánu na obdobie od 1. 7. 2003 do 31. 12. 2005, ktor˘mi pre uvedené obdobie boli: > zníÏenie celkov˘ch nákladov spoloãnosti, > zníÏenie poãtu zamestnancov SE, a. s., o 20 %.

Cieºom zmien, majúcich zásadn˘ dopad na organizaãnú ‰truktúru a riadenie spoloãnosti pri prechode od funkãne riadenej na procesne riadenú spoloãnosÈ, bolo zabezpeãenie transparentnosti hodnotov˘ch tokov, zv˘‰enie efektívnosti vykonávania ãinností a vyuÏitia ºudského potenciálu. Oãakávan˘m „sprievodn˘m“ prínosom projektu bolo dosiahnutie vy‰‰ej trhovej hodnoty spoloãnosti pred predajom jej akcií strategickému investorovi.

Re‰trukturalizácii bolo podroben˘ch 13 procesn˘ch oblastí, zastre‰ujúcich kompletn˘ súbor ãinností, vykonávan˘ch v SE, a. s., neskôr definovan˘ch ako vrcholové procesy SE, a. s.

Projekt bol realizovan˘ v troch etapách. Hlavn˘m v˘stupom 1. a 2. etapy projektu Re‰trukturalizácia SE, a. s., ktor˘ch realizácia prebiehala v roku 2004, bolo zavedenie novej procesne orientovanej organizaãnej ‰truktúry od 1. 1. 2005. Na úsekoch riaditeºstva SE, a. s., boli vytvorené sekcie, reprezentujúce jednotlivé procesné oblasti (zastre‰ujúce v‰etky dovtedy centralizované ãinnosti), na ãele s v˘konn˘mi riaditeºmi, zodpovedn˘mi za dan˘ proces (tzv. vlastníkmi procesov), ako aj implementáciu budúcich zmien do priebehu procesov, vypl˘vajúcich z vypracovan˘ch projektov.

V˘znamn˘m krokom z hºadiska projektového riadenia bolo zriadenie a ãinnosÈ tzv. Projektovej kancelárie (zatiaº realizovaná dodávateºsky). Jej hlavné poslanie je príprava a koordinácia projektov realizovan˘ch v SE, a. s., s cieºom synchronizácie, resp. odstránenia duplicitne a neefektívne vykonávan˘ch ãinností v rámci realizovan˘ch neinvestiãn˘ch projektov.

V priebehu 1. ‰tvrÈroka 2005 sa na jednotliv˘ch úsekoch riaditeºstva SE, a. s., za úãasti líniov˘ch manaÏérov, vlastníkov procesov a ãlenov tímu ReinÏinieringu, uskutoãnili pracovné stretnutia, zámerom ktor˘ch bola spätná väzba zavádzania procesn˘ch zmien, identifikácia slab˘ch miest a definovanie námetov na zlep‰enie procesov, resp. zvy‰ovanie ich v˘konnosti.

Na základe poÏiadavky spoloãnosti ENEL S.p.A. boli jej zástupcom v apríli 2005 ãlenmi tímu ReinÏinieringu prezentované v˘stupy, metodika a priebeh prác na projekte, ako aj kompletná projektová dokumentácia súvisiaca s projektom Re‰trukturalizácia. Zástupcovia spoloãnosti ENEL S.p.A. vyjadrili súhlas so spôsobom realizácie projektu a ponúkli spoluprácu pre ìal‰ie obdobie prác. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 27

Company strategy ANNUAL REPORT 2005

Company strategy

Restructuring Project

The SE, a. s. Restructuring Project implemented from November 2003 till December 2005 was one of the main tools to support fulfilment of the major intent of the Strategic Plan for the period of 1 July 2003 through 31 December 2005, including: > Reduction of the overall Company costs, > Reduction of the SE, a. s. staff by 20 %.

The goal of the changes having an essential impact on the organisation structure and company management, by transferring from the functional-managed to process- managed company, was to ensure transparency of value flows, increase effectiveness of performance and use of the human potential. The expected “concomitant” benefit of the project included achievement of the higher market value of the Company prior to the sale of shares to a strategic investor.

The restructuring included 13 process areas comprising a complete set of activities performed by SE, a. s., later defined as ultimate processes of SE, a. s.

The Project was implemented in three stages. The main output of the stage 1 and 2 of the SE, a. s. Restructuring Project implemented in 2004, was the introduction of the new process-oriented organisation structure 1.1.2005. Sections representing single process areas (covering all up-to-date centralised activities) were established at SE, a. s. Headquarters divisions), headed by executive directors responsible for the given process (“process owners”), as well as for implementation of future changes to the process course resulting from projects developed.

Establishment and activities of the Project Office (on a contractual basis so far) was an important step in the view of project management. The Project Office mission is to prepare and co-ordinate projects implemented at SE, a. s. with the aim of synchronisation, or elimination of doubled and ineffectively performed activities within the implemented non-investment projects.

During the first quarter of 2005 work meetings were held at single division of the SE, a. s. Headquarters with participation of line managers, process owners and Re- engineering team members, which were intended to the feedback of process change introduction, identification of weaknesses and definition of process improvement proposals, or enhancement of their performance respectively.

Based on an ENEL S.p.A. requirement, the Re-engineering team members presented outputs, methodology, and project work progress, as well as complete project documentation related to the Restructuring project to ENEL representatives in April 2005. ENEL S.p.A. representatives expressed agreement with the way of the project implementation and offered co-operation for upcoming period of works. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 28

28 > 29 Stratégia spoloãnosti V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

Cieºom 3. etapy projektu Re‰trukturalizácia SE, a. s., realizovanej v priebehu roku 2005, bolo dopracovanie implementaãn˘ch projektov z roku 2004 a projektov navrhnut˘ch na základe identifikovan˘ch námetov z pracovn˘ch stretnutí. ËaÏiskom 3. etapy boli projekty t˘kajúce sa centralizácie procesov Prevádzky a Správy majetku, prípravy centralizácie ÚdrÏby jadrov˘ch elektrární a projekty v oblasti Technickej podpory.

Na zasadnutí Riadiaceho v˘boru projektu, ktoré sa konalo dÀa 20. decembra 2005, boli prezentované Závereãné správy projektov 3. etapy za jednotlivé procesné oblasti. Riadiaci v˘bor predloÏené v˘stupy schválil, ãím bol cel˘ projekt Re‰trukturalizácia SE, a. s., oficiálne ukonãen˘. Proces Re‰trukturalizácie SE, a. s., v‰ak nekonãí, bude pokraãovaÈ ìal‰ími projektmi s cieºom trvale zvy‰ovaÈ konkurencieschopnosÈ spoloãnosti SE, a. s.

Stratégia spoloãnosti

Akciová spoloãnosÈ Slovenské elektrárne je obchodno-v˘robná spoloãnosÈ s dominantn˘m postavením na elektroenergetickom trhu v SR, zabezpeãujúca v˘robu, dodávku a obchod s elektrinou a teplom, vrátane poskytovania podporn˘ch sluÏieb pre elektrizaãnú sústavu SR, nakladanie s vyhoret˘m jadrov˘m palivom arádioaktívnymi odpadmi.

Poslaním spoloãnosti je bezpeãne, spoºahlivo, efektívne a konkurencieschopne vyrábaÈ a obchodovaÈ s elektrinou a teplom, bezpeãne zaobchádzaÈ s rádioaktívnymi odpadmi a vyhoret˘m jadrov˘m palivom, pri trvalom zniÏovaní negatívnych vplyvov v˘robného procesu na Ïivotné prostredie.

Víziou spoloãnosti SE, a. s., je prechod na zákaznícky orientovanú, procesne riadenú obchodno-v˘robnú spoloãnosÈ, udrÏujúcu si priazniv˘ v˘voj trhovej hodnoty majetku asmerujúcu k úrovni popredn˘ch firiem na trhu s elektrinou v EÚ.

V roku 2005 boli aktualizované a orgánmi spoloãnosti schválené Programy rozvoja v˘robno-technickej základne SE, a. s., v ktor˘ch sú rozpracované scenáre a hlavné zámery rozvoja v˘robn˘ch zdrojov SE, a. s., v dlhodobom horizonte. Dlhodobé strategické priority rozvoja spoloãnosti ako v˘stup z Programov rozvoja, tvorili základné podklady pre Stratégiu SE, a. s., ktorá bola spracovaná projektovou formou (v rámci 3. etapy projektu Re‰trukturalizácia) a koncom roka 2005 predloÏená a schválená v orgánoch spoloãnosti na obdobie nasledujúcich piatich rokov (2006-2010).

Úlohou stratégie SE, a. s., je vytvoriÈ rámec podnikateºsk˘ch aktivít na nasledujúce obdobie, vymedzujúc poslanie spoloãnosti, víziu, základné smery, ciele a perspektívy jednotliv˘ch vybran˘ch procesov. Stratégia spoloãnosti SE, a. s., vychádza z Energetickej politiky SR, rozhodnutí Vlády SR, dozorn˘ch orgánov spoloãnosti ako aj medzinárodn˘ch zmlúv a záväzkov. Stratégia bola zosúladená s predloÏen˘m návrhom Strategického investiãného plánu, vypracovaného spoloãnosÈou Enel S.p.A. aschváleného Fondom národného majetku SR dÀa 14. 10. 2005. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 29

Company strategy ANNUAL REPORT 2005

The aim of the 3rd stage of the SE, a. s. Restructuring project implemented in 2005 was to complete implementation projects from 2004 and projects suggested based on proposals identified at work meetings. The 3rd stage was focused on projects related to centralisation of the Operations and Assets management processes, preparation of Nuclear power plant maintenance centralisation and projects related to the Technical support.

Final reports of the 3rd stage projects for single process areas were presented at the meeting of the Project Steering Committee held on 20 December 2005. The Steering Committee approved the outputs submitted, thereby officially completing the SE, a. s. Restructuring project defined in 2003. The SE, a. s. Restructuring process, however, is not finished, and it will continue by new projects with the aim of continuous improvement of SE, a. s. competitiveness.

Company Strategy

Slovenské elektrárne, joint-stock company, is a business production company with dominant position on the electricity market in the SR, providing generation, supplies and sales of electricity and heat, including provision of support services for the power system of the SR, management of the spent nuclear fuel and radioactive wastes.

The Company’s mission is to trade and generate electricity and heat in a safe, reliable, effective and competitive way, to handle radioactive wastes and spent nuclear fuel in asafe way, while continuously reducing adverse environmental impacts of the generation process.

The vision of SE, a. s. is to transfer to a customer-oriented, process-managed company, which keeps favourable development of the assets market value and heading to the level of leading companies on the EU electricity market.

In 2005, long-term programmes of the generation technical base of SE, a. s., which specify scenarios and intents of the SE, a. s. generation sources development, were updated and approved by the Company’s bodies. Outputs from the programmes were used as the basis for the Strategy of SE, a. s., which was developed in a project form (within the 3rd stage of the Restructuring project) and in the end of 2005 submitted and approved by the Company’s bodies for the period of the next five years (2006-2010).

The goal of the Strategy of SE, a. s., is to establish framework business activities for the upcoming period, defining the Company’s mission, vision, basic directions, goals and prospects of single selected processes. Strategy of SE, a. s. follows the Power policy of the SR, decisions of the Government of the SR, the Company’s supervisory bodies, as well as international treaties and liabilities. The Strategy was harmonised with submitted proposal of the Strategic investment plan developed by Enel S.p.A. and endorsed by the National Property Fund of the SR on 14 October 2005. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 30

30 > 31 Stratégia spoloãnosti V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

Základné smery stratégie spoloãnosti v strednodobom horizonte sú: > zabezpeãenie trvalého rastu trhovej hodnoty spoloãnosti, > udrÏanie si rozhodujúceho postavenia na domácom trhu vo v˘robe a obchode so silovou elektrinou a podporn˘mi sluÏbami, > dlhodobé zaistenie konkurencieschopnosti spoloãnosti v regióne CENTREL postupn˘m rastom rentability, > udrÏovanie a rozvoj dobr˘ch a efektívnych zmluvn˘ch vzÈahov so v‰etk˘mi úãastníkmi trhu s elektrinou a s ostatn˘mi partnermi, > aktívnou obchodnou politikou stabilizovaÈ a upevniÈ pozíciu SE, a. s., na trhu selektrinou, > zabezpeãovanie a udrÏiavanie vysokej kvality a spoºahlivosti dodávok elektriny a poskytovan˘ch sluÏieb za primeranú cenu, > vytváranie pozitívneho obrazu SE, a. s., vo vzÈahu k verejnosti, > udrÏanie a zvy‰ovanie bezpeãnosti a spoºahlivosti prevádzky v˘robn˘ch zariadení sminimalizáciou dopadov na Ïivotné prostredie.

Príprava privatizácie (príprava vyãlenenia vybran˘ch jadrov˘ch aktív a aktív VE Gabãíkovo)

V roku 2005 sa intenzívne zabezpeãovali práce na príprave vyãlenenia vybran˘ch jadrov˘ch aktív (JE V1, JE A1 a VYZ), (ìalej len VJA) a aktív VE Gabãíkovo, (ìalej len VEG) v súvislosti s plnením odkladacích podmienok transakãn˘ch dokumentov o predaji 66-percentného podielu na základnom imaní SE, a. s., zahraniãnému investorovi. Pre úspe‰né zvládnutie procesu vyãlenenia VJA do spoloãnosti GovCo, a. s., a aktív VEG do Vodohospodárskej v˘stavby, ‰. p., (ìalej len VV ‰. p.) bola Predstavenstvom SE, a. s., vymenovaná Koordinaãná skupina pre vyãlenenie V1, VYZ a VEG a tri pracovné skupiny (skupina pre vyãlenenie VYZ, skupina pre vyãlenenie V-1, skupina pre rozdelenie závodu EBO na V-1 a V-2). âlenovia t˘chto skupín úzko spolupracovali s privatizaãn˘m poradcom PwC, spoloãnosÈou GovCo, a. s., a VV ‰. p., pri tvorbe základn˘ch zmlúv (v poãte 7) t˘kajúcich sa vyãlenenia VJA a VEG. V spolupráci so spoloãnosÈou GovCo, a. s., bol vypracovan˘ návrh Rámcovej zmluvy o podmienkach zmlúv o poskytovaní ãinností a sluÏieb medzi SE, a. s., a GovCo, a. s., a pripravené návrhy jednotliv˘ch servisn˘ch zmlúv (v poãte 55) na zabezpeãenie ãinností a sluÏieb medzi SE, a. s., a GovCo, a. s. ëalej bol vypracovan˘ návrh rozdelenia majetku VJA, súpis vyãleÀovaného majetku VEG, rozdelenie uzavret˘ch zmlúv na zmluvy, zamestnancov, zásob, súdnych sporov, záväzkov a pohºadávok viaÏucich sa k JE V2 a viaÏucich sa k vyãleÀovan˘m VJA, oddelenie úãtovníctva V-1, VYZ a VEG, príprava otváracích súvah k 1. 1. 2006 vrátane rezerv na vyraìovanie, pre potreby vypracovania finanãného modelu dopadu transferu aktív na SE, a. s., a zabezpeãenie podkladov na vyhotovenie znaleck˘ch posudkov VJA a VEG k 31. 12. 2005. V zmysle úverov˘ch podmienok bolo poÏiadané o súhlas veriteºov s transferom vybran˘ch jadrov˘ch aktív a aktív VEG a získan˘ súhlas veriteºov s predajom akcií SE, a. s., spoloãnosti Enel, S.p.A. V súvislosti s vyãlenením VJA do spoloãnosti GovCo, a. s., bol pripraven˘ návrh rozdelenia Informatiky atelekomunikácií (IaT) a návrh dobudovania IaT spoloãnosti GovCo, a. s. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 31

Company strategy ANNUAL REPORT 2005

The basic directions of the Company’s Strategy in the intermediate horizon are the following: > Ensuring the continuous increase of the Company’s market value, > Maintaining the crucial position on the domestic market in generation and trading the power electricity and support services, > Ensuring the Company’s competitiveness in the CENTREL region by a step-by-step increase of cost-effectiveness, > Maintaining and development of good and effective contractual relations with all electricity market participants and other partners, > Stabilise and strengthen the position of SE, a. s. through an active business policy, > Ensuring and maintaining the high quality and reliability of electricity supplies and provided services for adequate price, > Formation of a positive image of SE, a. s. in relation to the public, > Maintaining and increasing the operational safety of facilities with minimised environmental impacts.

Preparation of Privatisation (Preparation for Separation of Selected Nuclear Assets and Gabãíkovo HPP Assets)

In 2005 works were intensively performed to prepare for separation of selected nuclear assets (V1 NPP, A1 NPP and VYZ) (hereafter as VJA) and assets of Gabãíkovo HPP, (hereafter as VEG) in relation to fulfilment of the deferral conditions of transaction documents about the sale of 66 % stake of the registered capital of SE, a. s. to the foreign investor. In order to successfully manage the VJA separation process to GovCo, a. s. company, and VEG assets to Vodohospodárska v˘stavba, ‰.p., (hereafter as VV ‰.p.), the Board of Directors of SE, a. s. appointed the Co-ordination group for separation of V1, VYZ and VEG, and three working groups (a group for separation of VYZ, group for separation of V-1, group for division of EBO plant to V-1 and V-2). Members of the groups closely co-operated with the privatisation consultant PwC, GovCo, a. s., and VV ‰.p. to create the basic agreements (7) related to separation of VJA and VEG. In co-operation with GovCo, a. s., a draft Frame agreement on terms of contracts on providing activities and services between SE, a. s., and GovCo, a. s. was developed, and proposals of single service contracts were prepared (55) to ensure activities and services between SE, a. s., and GovCo, a. s. Moreover, the following was developed: a proposal of VJA assets division, a list of separated assets of VEG, division of concluded contracts, personnel, stock, lawsuits, liabilities and claims related to V2 NPP and VJA to be separated, division of accountancy of V-1, VYZ and VEG, preparation of opening financial statements as of 1 January 2006, including reserves for decommissioning, for the needs of development of a financial model of asset transfer impact on SE, a. s., and provision of documents for drawing up of VJA and VEG expert appraisals as of 31 December 2005. According to loan terms, creditors were asked to endorse the transfer of selected nuclear and VEG assets, and creditors’ approval with the sale of SE, a. s. shares to Enel, S.p.A. was obtained. A proposal of dividing the Information technologies and telecommunications (IaT) and proposal of completing IaT of the GovCo, a. s. company was prepared in relation to VJA separation to GovCo, a. s. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 32

32 > 33 V˘roba elektriny a tepla V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

V˘roba elektriny a tepla

Parameter Jednotka 2004 2005

In‰talovan˘ v˘kon MW 6 877,24 6 877,24 V˘roba elektriny GWh 25 575 26 471

V˘robná základÀa

V˘robná základÀa SE, a. s., pozostáva z jadrov˘ch, tepeln˘ch a vodn˘ch elektrární.

Jadrové elektrárne (JE)

ElektráreÀ In‰talovan˘ v˘kon Rok uvedenia do prevádzky

Elektrárne Bohunice 4 x 440,00 MW 1978, 1980, 1984, 1985 Elektrárne Mochovce 2 x 440,00 MW 1998, 2000 Spolu 2 640,00 MW

Tepelné elektrárne (TE)

ElektráreÀ Typ paliva In‰talovan˘ Rok uvedenia v˘kon do prevádzky

ElektráreÀ Vojany 1 ãierne uhlie 660,00 MW 1965 – 1967 ElektráreÀ Vojany 2 zemn˘ plyn, mazut 660,00 MW 1973 – 1974 ElektráreÀ Nováky A hnedé uhlie 78,00 MW 1954 – 1955, 1996, 2004 ElektráreÀ Nováky B hnedé uhlie 440,00 MW 1964 a 1976 Spolu 1 838,00 MW VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 33

Electricity and Heat Generation ANNUAL REPORT 2005

Electricity and Heat Generation

Parameter Unit 2004 2005

Installed capacity MW 6,877.24 6,877.24 Electricity generation GWh 25,575 26,471

Generation Base

The SE’s generation base consists of nuclear, thermal, and hydro power plants.

Nuclear Power Plants (NPP)

Power Plant Installed capacity Year commissioned

Bohunice Nuclear Power Plants 4 x 440.00 MW 1978, 1980, 1984, 1985 Mochovce Nuclear Power Plants 2 x 440.00 MW 1998, 2000 Total 2,640.00 MW

Thermal Power Plants (TPP)

Power Plant Fuel type Installed capacity Year commissioned

Vojany 1 Power Plant charcoal 660.00 MW 1965 – 1967 Vojany 2 Power Plant natural gas, mazout 660.00 MW 1973 – 1974 Nováky A Power Plant lignite 78.00 MW 1954 – 1955, 1996, 2004 Nováky B Power Plant lignite 440.00 MW 1964 and 1976 Total 1,838.00 MW VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 34

34 > 35 V˘roba elektriny a tepla V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

Vodné elektrárne (VE)

ElektráreÀ In‰talovan˘ v˘kon Rok uvedenia do prevádzky

Gabãíkovo 8 x 90,00 1992 – 1995 Malé Gabãíkovo 2 x 0,52 1994 Mo‰oÀ 2 x 0,61 1994 âuÀovo 4 x 6,07 1997 âierny Váh 6 x 122,40 + 1 x 0,76 1982 Liptovská Mara 2 x 50,00 + 2 x 49,00 1975 Be‰eÀová 2 x 2,32 1976 Orava 2 x 10,87 1953 Tvrdo‰ín 2 x 2,80 + 1 x 0,50 1979 Krpeºany 3 x 8,25 1957 Suãany 3 x 12,80 1958 Lipovec 3 x 12,80 1961 Hriãov 3 x 10,50 1962 Mik‰ová 1 3 x 31,20 1963 PovaÏská Bystrica 3 x 18,40 1963 Nosice 3 x 22,50 1957 Ladce 2 x 9,45 1936 Ilava 2 x 7,50 1946 Dubnica 2 x 8,25 1949 Trenãín 2 x 8,05 1956 Kostolná 2 x 12,75 1952 Nové Mesto n/V 2 x 12,75 1953 Horná Streda 2 x 12,75 1954 Madunice 3 x 14,40 1956 Kráºová 2 x 22,53 1985 RuÏín 2 x 30,00 1972 Dob‰iná 2 x 12,00 1953 Doma‰a 2 x 6,20 1966 malé VE VED 4,72 V. Kozmálovce 2 x 2,40 + 1 x 0,52 1988 Spolu 2 399,24

Trend in‰talovaného v˘konu (MW)

2003 2004 2005

Jadrové elektrárne 2 640,00 2 640,00 2 640,00 Tepelné elektrárne 1 842,40 1 838,00 1 838,00 Vodné elektrárne 2 399,24 2 399,24 2 399,24 Spolu 6 881,64 6 877,24 6 877,24 VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 35

Electricity and Heat Generation ANNUAL REPORT 2005

Hydro power plants (HPP)

Power Plant Installed capacity (MW) Year commissioned

Gabãíkovo 8 x 90.00 1992 – 1995 Malé Gabãíkovo 2 x 0.52 1994 Mo‰oÀ 2 x 0.61 1994 âuÀovo 4 x 6.07 1997 âierny Váh 6 x 122.40 + 1 x 0.76 1982 Liptovská Mara 2 x 50.00 + 2 x 49.00 1975 Be‰eÀová 2 x 2.32 1976 Orava 2 x 10.87 1953 Tvrdo‰ín 2 x 2.80 + 1 x 0.50 1979 Krpeºany 3 x 8.25 1957 Suãany 3 x 12.80 1958 Lipovec 3 x 12.80 1961 Hriãov 3 x 10.50 1962 Mik‰ová 1 3 x 31.20 1963 PovaÏská Bystrica 3 x 18.40 1963 Nosice 3 x 22.50 1957 Ladce 2 x 9.45 1936 Ilava 2 x 7.50 1946 Dubnica 2 x 8.25 1949 Trenãín 2 x 8.05 1956 Kostolná 2 x 12.75 1952 Nové Mesto n/V 2 x 12.75 1953 Horná Streda 2 x 12.75 1954 Madunice 3 x 14.40 1956 Kráºová 2 x 22.53 1985 RuÏín 2 x 30.00 1972 Dob‰iná 2 x 12.00 1953 Doma‰a 2 x 6.20 1966 malé VE VED 4.72 V. Kozmálovce 2 x 2.40 + 1 x 0.52 1988 Total 2,399.24

Trend of installed capacity (MW)

2003 2004 2005

Nuclear Power Plants 2,640.00 2,640.00 2,640.00 Thermal Power Plants 1,842.40 1,838.00 1,838.00 Hydro Power Plants 2,399.24 2,399.24 2,399.24 Total 6,881.64 6,877.24 6,877.24 VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 36

36 > 37 V˘roba elektriny a tepla V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

V˘voj in‰talovaného v˘konu (MW)

2 640,00 1 842,40 2 399,24 2003

2 640,00 1 838,00 2 399,24 Jadrové elektrárne 2004

Tepelné elektrárne 2 640,00 1 838,00 2 399,24 Vodné elektrárne 2005

0 2 000 4 000 6 000 8 000

Vroku 2004 bol v ElektrárÀach Nováky A odstaven˘ turbogenerátor TG2 sin‰talovan˘m v˘konom 22,40 MW a do prevádzky bol uveden˘ turbogenerátor TG12 sin‰talovan˘m v˘konom 18,00 MW. Pokles in‰talovaného v˘konu SE, a. s., v roku 2004 predstavoval 4,40 MW. V roku 2005 nenastala zmena v in‰talovanom v˘kone SE, a. s.

Podiel zdrojov na in‰talovanom v˘kone

Jadrové elektrárne 38,4 %

Tepelné elektrárne 26,7 %

Vodné elektrárne 34,9 %

V˘roba elektriny

Slovenské elektrárne, a. s., vyrobili za rok 2005 celkovo 26 470,9 GWh. Plán v˘roby elektriny bol splnen˘ na 114,99 %, priãom v˘roba je zrovnateºná s rokom 2004, keì medziroãn˘ index dosiahol 1,035. Jadrové elektrárne vyrobili spolu 17 726,5 GWh sindexom 1,041, tepelné elektrárne 4 260,7 GWh s indexom 0,925 a vodné elektrárne 4 483,6 GWh s indexom 1,137. Maximum v˘roby zdrojov SE, a. s., bolo dosiahnuté 5. 2. 2005 o 18.20 SEâ pri v˘kone 3 713,9 MW. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 37

Electricity and Heat Generation ANNUAL REPORT 2005

Development of installed capacity (MW)

2,640.00 1,842.40 2,399.24 2003

2,640.00 1,838.00 2,399.24 Nuclear Power Plants 2004

Thermal Power Plants 2,640.00 1,838.00 2,399.24 Hydro Power Plants 2005

0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000

In 2004, the TG2 turbine generator with the installed capacity of 22.40 MW was shut down at Nováky A Power Plant and the TG12 turbine generator was commissioned with the installed capacity of 18.00 MW. The SE‘s installed capacity dropped in 2004 by 4.40 MW. No change in the SE’s installed capacity occurred in 2005.

Share of generating assets on total installed capacity

Nuclear Power Plants 38,4 %

Thermal Power Plants 26,7 %

Hydro Power Plants 34,9 %

Electricity Generation

Slovenské elektrárne, a. s., generated the total of 26,470.9 GWh in 2005. The generation plan was met by 114.99 %, while the generation is comparable with 2004, when the year-to-year index achieved 1.035. Nuclear power plants generated he total of 17,726.5 GWh with the index of 1.041, thermal power plants 4,260.7 GWh with the index of 0.925 and hydro power plants 4,483.6 GWh with the index of 1.137. The peak generation of SE sources was recorded on 5 February 2005 at 6.20 pm CET at the power of 3,713.9 MW. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 38

38 > 39 V˘roba elektriny a tepla V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

V˘voj v˘roby elektriny (GWh)

26 048 5 099 2003

25 575 4 968 2004

SE, a. s. 26 471 4 823 Ostatní 2005

0 10 000 20 000 30 000

Bloky jadrov˘ch elektrární boli nasadzované prioritne, aby sa maximálne vyuÏila ich disponibilita. SE-EBO vyrobili 11 486,6 GWh a SE-EMO 6 239,9 GWh elektriny, ãím dosiahol ich podiel na v˘robe SE, a. s. 67 %. V marci a máji bol vynútene zniÏovan˘ v˘kon blokov JE z dôvodu veºk˘ch vôd, keì bol prebytok v˘konu na VE. Poãas roka boli vykonané plánované generálne opravy v‰etk˘ch blokov JE s v˘menou paliva a modernizáciou EBO V-2. Jadrové bloky boli poãas celého roku efektívne vyuÏívané na poskytovanie zápornej terciárnej regulácie v˘konu (TRV30MIN-) a doplnkovo aj na sekundárnu (SRV) a primárnu (PRV) reguláciu v˘konu a frekvencie.

Tepelné bloky boli nasadzované v súlade s rozhodnutiami MH SR a ÚRSO o vynútenej v˘robe elektriny z dôvodu udrÏania stability sústavy na v˘chodnom Slovensku a podpory spotreby domáceho energetického uhlia. Na EVO1 sa trvalo prevádzkovali 3 bloky pre zabezpeãenie kritéria n-1, z ãoho vypl˘vala v˘roba 2 533,4 GWh elektriny. Bloky EVO2 boli nasadené iba z dôvodu temperovania poãas zimného obdobia a v závere roka pri aktivácii dispeãerskej zálohy (TRVHOD), ako dôsledok v˘padkov v˘roby na SE-EBO a SE-EMO. TepláreÀ ENOA vyrobila 236,8 GWh a elektráreÀ ENOB 1 446,5 GWh elektriny, ãím tieÏ prispeli k náhrade odpadnutej v˘roby pri v˘padkoch JE. V prevádzke tepeln˘ch blokov sa vyskytli poruchy, z ktor˘ch najãastej‰ie boli netesnosti tlakov˘ch celkov a zatavovanie v˘tokov˘ch otvorov v˘tavn˘ch kotlov. Bloky EVO a ENO boli v roku 2005 najväã‰ími poskytovateºmi podporn˘ch sluÏieb PRV, SRV, TRV30MIN+ a TRVHOD.

V˘roba vodn˘ch elektrární bola závislá od hydrologick˘ch pomerov na vodn˘ch tokoch. VD Gabãíkovo vyrobilo 2 252,0 GWh, VáÏska kaskáda 2 129,4 GWh a z preãerpania sa vyrobilo 102,2 GWh elektriny. Vy‰‰ie prietoky v letnom období boli efektívne vyuÏité na elimináciu predæÏenej GO na EBO V-1. Ukonãen˘ bol nároãn˘ niekoºkoroãn˘ program generálnych opráv TG PVE âierny Váh. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 39

Electricity and Heat Generation ANNUAL REPORT 2005

Development of electricity generation (GWh)

26,048 5,099 2003

25,575 4,968 2004

SE, a. s. 26,471 4,823 Others 2005

0 10,000 20,000 30,000

Units of Nuclear Power Plants had loading priority in order to make maximum use of their availability. SE-EBO plant generated 11,486.6 GWH and SE-EMO plant generated 6,239.9 GWH, which represents 67% share on SE, a.s. generation. In March and May forced power drops occurred due to high water, when the capacity of Hydro Power Plants was excessive. During the year planned general overhauls of all units of Nuclear Power Plants were performed including refueling and modernization of in the EBO V-2. Nuclear units were used all year round effectively producing negative tertiary regulation (TRV30MIN-) and as an addition also the secondary (SRV) and primary (PRV) regulation of the power and frequency.

Thermal units were loaded in compliance with decisions of the MH SR and URSO on forced production in order to keep system stableness in Eastern Slovakia and support of electricity generation from domestic coal. In EVO 1 three units were permanently operated to ensure the n-1 criterion that resulted into generation of 2,533.4 GWH of electric energy. Units EVO 2 were employed only for heating during winter and at the end of the year during activation of TRVHOD, as a consequence of outage of SE-EMO and SE-EBO plants.

Heat plant ENOA generated 236.8 GWH and ENOB generated 1,446.5 GWH – they contributed to substitution of the dropped generation during drop-outs of the Nuclear Power Plant. During the operation of the thermal plants some failures occurred, the most frequent were leakages of pressure units and sealing of discharged orifices of melting boilers. During 2005 units EVO and ENO were the biggest providers of support services PRV, SRV, TRV30MIN and TRVHOD.

Generation of the Hydro Power Plants depended on hydrological circumstances of the water-course. Gabãíkovo Hydro-facility generated 2,252,0 GWH, Váh river cascade generated 2,129.4 GWH and pumped storage plants produced 102.2 GWH. Higher flows were effectively used to eliminate the prolonged general overhaul at V-1. Several years running programme of general overhauls of TG PVE âierny Váh River was finished. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 40

40 > 41 V˘roba elektriny a tepla V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

Podiel zdrojov na v˘robe elektriny

68,6 % 18,2 % 13,3 % 2003

66,6 % 18,0 % 15,4 % Jadrové elektrárne 2004

Tepelné elektrárne 67,0 % 16,1 % 16,9 % Vodné elektrárne 2005

0% 20 % 40 % 60 % 80 % 100 %

16,1 % Jadrové elektrárne 17 726 GWh

Tepelné elektrárne 4 261 GWh 67 % 16,9 % Vodné elektrárne 4 484 GWh

V˘roba dodávkového tepla

Slovenské elektrárne, a. s., v roku 2005 vyrobili 4 261 016 GJ tepla. V˘roba tepla je zaloÏená prevaÏne na kombinovanej v˘robe elektriny a tepla.

Najväã‰í podiel na vyrobenom teple mali nasledovné závody:

SE-EBO – Elektrárne Bohunice 2 071 160 GJ SE-ENO – Elektrárne Nováky 1 817 937 GJ SE-EMO – Elektrárne Mochovce 266 684 GJ SE-EVO – Elektrárne Vojany 84 797 GJ SE-MO 34 – 3. a 4. blok elektrárne Mochovce 20 438 GJ Spolu 4 261 016 GJ

Podiel jednotliv˘ch závodov na vyrobenom teple

SE-EBO 49 %

SE-ENO 43 %


SE-EVO 1,5 %

SE-MO 34 0,5 % VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 41

Electricity and Heat Generation ANNUAL REPORT 2005

Electricity generation by type of plants

68.6 % 18.2 % 13.3 % 2003

66.6 % 18.0 % 15.4 % Nuclear Power Plants 2004

Thermal Power Plants 67.0 % 16.1 % 16.9 % Hydro Power Plants 2005

0% 20 % 40 % 60 % 80 % 100 %

16.1 % Nuclear Power Plants 17,726 GWh

Thermal Power Plants 4,261 GWh 67 % 16.9 % Hydro Power Plants 4,484 GWh

Generation of Heat

Slovenské elektrárne, a. s., generated the total of 4,261,016 GJ of heat in 2005. Heat production is based prevailingly on the combined electricity and heat generation.

The following plants had the largest share of the heat generated:

SE-EBO – Bohunice Nuclear Power Plant 2,071,160 GJ SE-ENO – Nováky Power Plant 1,817,937 GJ SE-EMO – Mochovce Nuclear Power Plant 266,684 GJ SE-EVO – Vojany Power Plant 84,797 GJ SE-MO 34 – Mochovce Power Plant Units 3 & 4 20,438 GJ Total 4,261,016 GJ

Share of single plants at the heat generation

SE-EBO 49 %

SE-ENO 43 %


SE-EVO 1.5 %

SE-MO 34 0,5 % VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 42

42 > 43 Obchod s elektrinou, podporn˘mi sluÏbami a teplom V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

Obchod s elektrinou, podporn˘mi sluÏbami a teplom

Hlavn˘mi obchodn˘mi aktivitami SE, a. s., sú obchod s elektrinou, podporn˘mi sluÏbami a teplom. Obchodné zámery spoloãnosti sa v roku 2005 realizovali v podmienkach upraven˘ch legislatívou EÚ pre oblasÈ energetiky. Cieºom spoloãnosti v danom období bolo udrÏanie a stabilizácia pozície SE, a. s., na postupne sa liberalizujúcom trhu na vymedzenom území Slovenskej republiky so súãasn˘m posilnením pozície proexportne orientovanej spoloãnosti.

·truktúra trÏieb z hlavn˘ch odvodov˘ch ãinností (mil. Sk)

32 436 mil. Sk TrÏby za elektrinu (zníÏené o poplatky súvisiace s dodávkou elektriny) 74,67 %

6 219 mil. Sk TrÏby za podporné sluÏby 14,32 %

3 724 mil. Sk TrÏby za náklady systému (vrátane v˘nosov NS za OFZ) 8,57 %

577 mil. Sk TrÏby za teplo 1,33 %

481 mil. Sk TrÏby za regulaãnú elektrinu a odch˘lku 1,11 %

Podmienky na trhu s elektrinou

Pozícia SE, a. s., na vymedzenom území Slovenskej republiky je v˘razne modifikovaná implementáciou liberalizaãného procesu, a to najmä pre oblasÈ predaja elektriny. Existujúca primárna legislatíva je kompatibilná so smernicou EÚ ã. 2003/54/EC o vnútornom trhu s elektrinou, ktorá otvára vnútorn˘ trh s elektrinou ãlensk˘ch ‰tátov vtermíne od 1. 7. 2004 pre v‰etk˘ch odberateºov s v˘nimkou domácností, ktoré sa stávajú oprávnen˘mi odberateºmi s moÏnosÈou voºby dodávateºa v termíne od 1. 7. 2007.

Základn˘m legislatívnym rámcom pre podnikanie v elektroenergetike na území Slovenskej republiky je s úãinnosÈou od 1. januára 2005 nov˘ zákon o energetike ã. 656/2004 Z. z. z 11. decembra 2004. Pravidlá pre fungovanie trhu s elektrinou bliωie upravuje Nariadenie vlády SR ã. 124/2005 z 30. 3. 2005. Súãasne je zákonom ã. 658/2004 Z. z. novelizovan˘ zákon ã. 276/2001 Z. z. o regulácii vsieÈov˘ch odvetviach. Regulaãn˘ rámec je nastaven˘ V˘nosom Úradu pre reguláciu sieÈov˘ch odvetví ã. 2/2004 z 31. augusta 2004, ktor˘m sa ustanovujú podrobnosti o postupe pri regulácii cien za v˘robu, prenos, distribúciu a dodávku elektriny a pri urãovaní rozsahu ekonomicky oprávnen˘ch nákladov a primeraného zisku a V˘nosom ã. 2/2005 z 30. júna 2005, ktor˘m sa ustanovuje rozsah cenovej regulácie velektroenergetike a spôsob jej vykonania, rozsah a ‰truktúra oprávnen˘ch nákladov, spôsob urãenia v˘‰ky primeraného zisku a podklady na návrh ceny. Úãastníkmi trhu s elektrinou sú v˘robcovia elektriny, prevádzkovateº prenosovej sústavy, prevádzkovatelia distribuãn˘ch sústav, dodávateº elektriny, odberateº elektriny a obchodník s elektrinou. Je uplatÀovan˘ princíp regulovaného prístupu tretích strán kprenosov˘m a distribuãn˘m sieÈam. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 43

Sales of Electricity, Ancillary Services and Heat ANNUAL REPORT 2005

Sales of Electricity, Ancillary Services and Heat

The main business activities of SE, a. s., include trading in electricity, ancillary services and heat. The Company’s business plans in 2005 were implemented in the conditions governed by the EU legislation for the power generation industry. The Company’s goal in the given period was to keep and stabilise the position of SE, a. s., on the gradually liberalising market on the delimited territory of the Slovak Republic, and the strengthening of its position as a pro-export-oriented company.

Structure of revenues from the main business activities (SKK mil.)

SKK 32,436 mil. Electricity revenues (less electricity supplies related fees) 74.67 %

SKK 6,219 mil. Ancillary services revenues 14.32 %

SKK 3,724 mil. System cost revenues (incl. NS yields for OFZ) 8.57 %

SKK 577 mil. Heat revenues 1.33 %

SKK 481 mil. Regulation electricity and deviation revenues 1.11 %

Electricity Market Conditions

The position of SE, a. s., on the delimited territory of the Slovak Republic is significantly modified by implementation of the liberalisation process, particularly in the area of electricity sales. Existing primary legislation is compatible with the EU Guideline No. 2003/54/EC on Internal electricity market, which opens the internal electricity market of the member states from 1 July 2004 for all customers except for households, which shall become authorised customers with the supplier selection option from 1 July 2007.

The basic legislative frame for electric power business on the territory of the Slovak Republic – the new Act on Power Industry No. 656/2004 Coll. has been in force since 11 December 2004. Electricity market rules are specified in detail by the Decree of the Government of the Slovak Republic No. 124/2005 of 30 March 2005. In parallel, the Act No. 658/2004 Coll. amends the Act No. 276/2001 Coll. on Regulation of network industries. The regulatory frame has been set up by the Decree of the Office for Regulation of Network Industries No. 2/2004 of 31 August 2004, which enacts details on the procedure for regulation of prices for electricity generation, transmission, distribution, and supplies and for setting the scope of economic justified costs and adequate profit, and the Decree No. 2/2005 of 30 June 2005, which enacts the scope of price regulation in the power industry as well as its scope of its performance, scope and structure of justified costs, manner of setting the amount of adequate profit and basic documents for price proposal. Electricity market participants include electricity generators, transmission system operator, distribution system operators, electricity supplier, electricity customer and electricity trader. The principle of regulated access of third parties to the transmission and distribution networks is applied. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 44

44 > 45 Obchod s elektrinou, podporn˘mi sluÏbami a teplom V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

Obchod s elektrinou sa uskutoãÀuje na základe bilaterálnych zmlúv. Obchod je realizovan˘ u odberateºov s vlastnou zodpovednosÈou za odch˘lku definovan˘m diagramom podºa princípu Take or pay, u odberateºov s prenesenou zodpovednosÈou za odch˘lku na merané hodnoty. Vyhodnocovaním odch˘lok jednotliv˘ch subjektov zúãtovania je poveren˘ prevádzkovateº prenosovej sústavy SEPS, a. s. SE, a. s., ako aj ostatní v˘robcovia elektriny na vymedzenom území, sú vystavení konkurenãnému prostrediu vrátane otvorenia trhu pre dodávky elektriny zo zahraniãia. Preto je aj cenová úroveÀ elektriny ovplyvÀovaná v˘vojom cien okolit˘ch trhov, najmä likvidného nemeckého trhu.

Ceny elektriny SE, a. s., sú kreované na základe dohody zmluvn˘ch strán a nepodliehajú regulácii. Od roku 2004 SE, a. s., nie sú priamo regulované ani pre oblasÈ podporn˘ch sluÏieb, ale ich v˘nosy za podporné sluÏby sú sekundárne ovplyvÀované reguláciou nákladov SEPS, a. s., na obstaranie podporn˘ch sluÏieb ako aj stanovením maximálnych cien za disponibilitu jednotliv˘ch podporn˘ch sluÏieb. V roku 2005 sú SE, a. s., regulované pre oblasÈ nákladov systému, ktoré súvisia s vynútenou v˘robou elektriny vo v‰eobecnom hospodárskom záujme, zabezpeãením spoºahlivosti dodávky elektriny na vymedzenom území a ãiastoãne odvodov do ·FLJZ.

Bilancia obstaranej a dodanej elektriny (MWh) Obstarané 1. 1. – 31. 12. 2005

V˘roba v elektrárÀach SE, a. s. 26 470 901 Nákup na vymedzenom území 1 019 962 Nákup odch˘lky na vymedzenom území 64 573 Nákup v zahraniãí * 3 593 917 Spolu 31 149 353


Realizácia na vymedzenom území (tuzemsko) 19 628 036 Predaj v zahraniãí * 9 220 069 Vlastná spotreba SE, a. s. ** 2 301 248 Spolu 31 149 353

* zmluvné hodnoty + trading (vrátane bilanãnej oblasti SEPS) ** vlastná spotreba elektriny + spotreba na preãerpanie vo vodn˘ch elektrárÀach + korekcia na vyrovnanú bilanciu

·truktúra predaja elektriny

19 628 GWh Tuzemsk˘ predaj 68,04 %

9 220 GWh Predaj v zahraniãí (vrátane predaja v bilanãnej oblasti SEPS) 31,96 % VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 45

Sales of Electricity, Ancillary Services and Heat ANNUAL REPORT 2005

Electricity is traded on the bilateral contractual basis. The trade is implemented with customers who have got their own responsibility for deviation from a defined diagram based on the “take or pay” principle, with customers with transferred responsibility for deviation to measured values. The transmission system operator SEPS, a. s., is in charge of evaluating the deviation of single accounting subjects. SE, a. s., as well as other electricity generators on the delimited territory are exposed to the competitive environment including market opening for electricity supplies from abroad. Therefore the electricity price level is influenced by development of prices on neighbouring markets, especially the liquid German market..

SE, a. s., electricity rates are created based on agreement of contractual parties and are not subjected to regulation. Since 2004 SE, a. s., has not been directly regulated in the area of ancillary services, too, but the revenues for ancillary services are secondarily influenced by the regulation of SEPS costs for procurement of ancillary services as well as specification of maximum prices for availability of single ancillary services. In 2005 SE, a. s., were regulated in the area of the system costs, which are related to ancillary electricity generation in the general economic interest, ensuring electricity supplies reliability on the delimited territory, and partially the levy to the ·FLJZ.

Balance of electricity procured and supplied (MWh) Procured 1. 1. – 31. 12. 2005

Generation in SE power plants 26,470,901 Purchase on the delimited territory 1,019,962 Purchase of deviation on the delimited territory 64,573 Purchase from abroad * 3,593,917 Total 31,149,353


Sales on the delimited territory (Slovakia) 19,628,036 Sales abroad * 9,220,069 own consumption of SE, a. s. ** 2,301,248 Total 31,149,353

* contractual values + trading (incl. SEPS balance area) ** own consumption + consumption for storage pumping at hydro power plants + balancing correction

Electricity sales structure

19,628 GWh Domestic electricity sales 68.04 %

9,220 GWh Foreign electricity sales (including sales in “balance group” of SEPS) 31.96 % VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 46

46 > 47 Obchod s elektrinou, podporn˘mi sluÏbami a teplom V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

Tuzemsk˘ obchod s elektrinou

SE, a. s., na vymedzenom území ponúkali a predávali elektrinu v podobe pásmov˘ch produktov, tzn. dodávok s kon‰tantnou hodnotou hodinového v˘konu a dobou dodávky v tak˘ch variantoch, aby z nich mohol odberateº vhodnou kombináciou pokryÈ svoj predpokladan˘ odberov˘ diagram. V rámci krátkodob˘ch obchodov SE, a. s., vyuÏívali svoje voºné v˘robné kapacity a ostatné obchodné moÏnosti na optimalizovanie svojich obchodov.

Z celkového predaja elektriny na vymedzenom území SE, a. s., predalo rozvodn˘m energetick˘m spoloãnostiam, ktoré sú najväã‰ími odberateºmi elektriny 79,78 %. Okrem rozvodn˘ch energetick˘ch spoloãností SE, a. s., dodávali elektrinu aj ìal‰ím v˘znamn˘m oprávnen˘m odberateºom, ktor˘ch podiel na celkovom predaji SE, a. s., predstavoval 20,22 %.

Zahraniãn˘ obchod s elektrinou

UpevÀovanie obchodn˘ch pozícií na tretích trhoch, optimalizácia v˘robno-obchodného portfólia, zabezpeãovanie dodávok elektriny na dlhodobej báze ako aj operatívny predaj na spotovom trhu, charakterizovali pôsobenie Slovensk˘ch elektrární, a. s., v oblasti zahraniãného obchodu s elektrinou. Slovenské elektrárne, a. s., zobchodovali v zahraniãí elektrinu v objeme 9,2 TWh, z toho ãist˘ export zo zdrojov predstavoval 5,6 TWh, ão predstavuje 61 % z celkového predaja elektriny v zahraniãí. Podiel zahraniãného obchodu na celkovom predaji elektriny SE, a. s., je na úrovni 31,96 %. Tak ako v predchádzajúcom období, popri predaji elektriny z vlastn˘ch zdrojov, spoloãnosÈ realizovala svoje obchodné záujmy aj prostredníctvom tradingu.

Obchody boli zabezpeãované na báze bilaterálnych transakcií s protistranami, cez obchodné portály a burzy. V roku 2005 nastala zmena v systéme nahlasovania harmonogramov v sieÈach SEPS, a. s., a z tohto dôvodu bol vytvoren˘ systém tzv. „bilanãn˘ch skupín“. Tradiãné miesta odovzdania elektriny na hranici sa vo viacer˘ch prípadoch „presunuli“ do t˘chto „bilanãn˘ch skupín“, vytváran˘ch národn˘mi prevádzkovateºmi sietí. Viaceré legislatívne zmeny vyvolané vstupom SR do EÚ vpredchádzajúcom roku ako aj postupnou liberalizáciou trhu s elektrinou sa implementovali do colnej politiky, ãím do‰lo k zjednodu‰eniu postupov pri obchodovaní s elektrinou na medzinárodnom trhu, zmeny nastali aj v oblasti daní alicencií. V˘znamn˘mi teritóriami, kde SE, a. s., uskutoãÀovali svoje obchodné aktivity boli predov‰etk˘m okolité krajiny hlavne Maìarsko, âeská republika, Poºsko, vzhºadom na priame prepojenie energetick˘ch sústav, ìalej Nemecko, charakterizované vysokou likviditou trhu s elektrinou, Rakúsko a iné. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 47

Sales of Electricity, Ancillary Services and Heat ANNUAL REPORT 2005

Domestic Electricity Sales

SE, a. s., offered and sold electricity on the delimited territory in the form of band- products, i.e. supplies with a constant value of hourly capacity and supply period in such variants, which enabled customers to cover their assumed consumption diagram by a suitable combination. As for spot sales, SE, a. s., used its free production capacities and other business opportunities to optimise its sales.

Out of the total electricity sales on the delimited territory SE, a. s. sold 79.78 % of its production to power distribution companies, which are the major customers. In addition to the power distribution companies SE, a. s. supplied electricity to another important authorised customers. Their share on the total sales of SE, a. s. amounted to 20.22 %.

Foreign Electricity Sales

Activities of Slovenské elektrárne, a. s. in the area of foreign electricity sales were characterised by strengthening the business positions on the third markets, optimisation of production and business portfolio, providing electricity supplies on the long-term basis, as well as operative sales on the spot market. Slovenské elektrárne, a. s. sold electricity to abroad amounting to 9.2 TWh, out of that net export from own sources represented 5.6 TWh, that is 61 % of the total foreign electricity sales. The foreign sales share in the total SE’s electricity sales makes 31.96 %. Like in the previous year, in addition to the sales of electricity from own resources, the Company implemented its business interests through trading as well.

Trades were ensured based on bilateral transactions with counterparts, through business portals and stock-exchanges. In 2005 a change in the system of announcing SEPS network schedules occurred, and that’s why the system of „balance groups“ was established. Traditional places of electricity hand-over at the border-line “moved” in a number of cases to the „balance groups“, established by national network operators. A few legislation changes caused by entrance of the SR to the EU in the previous year, as well as gradual electricity market liberalisation were implemented to the customs policy, hence facilitating procedures for electricity trading on the international market; changed occurred also in the area of taxes and licences. The important territories, where SE, a. s. made its business activities included particularly the neighbouring countries – Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland – due to the direct interconnection of the power systems, then Germany, characterised with high electricity market liquidity, Austria, and others. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 48

48 > 49 Obchod s elektrinou, podporn˘mi sluÏbami a teplom V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

Obchod s podporn˘mi sluÏbami

Pre zaistenie systémov˘ch sluÏieb nakupoval prevádzkovateº prenosovej sústavy SEPS, a. s., v roku 2005 podporné sluÏby v intenciách prevádzkového poriadku SEPS, a. s., od poskytovateºov, ktorí spæÀajú technické podmienky stanovené vTechnick˘ch podmienkach pre pripojenie, prístup a prevádzkovanie prenosovej sústavy na poskytovanie podporn˘ch sluÏieb. Rok 2005 bol principiálne podobn˘ roku 2004. Vzhºadom na postupujúcu liberalizáciu trhu s elektrinou, a z toho vypl˘vajúce otváranie trhu aj s podporn˘mi sluÏbami a hlavne v zmysle Rozhodnutí Úradu pre reguláciu sieÈov˘ch odvetví ãíslo 0001/2004/05/E zo dÀa 12. 10. 2004 a ãíslo 0156/2005/E zo dÀa 29. 4. 2005, sa podporné sluÏby rozdelili na jednotlivé druhy, ktoré boli regulované priamo stanovenou maximálnou cenou za poskytnutie jednotliv˘ch druhov podporn˘ch sluÏieb a jednotlivé podporné sluÏby, ktoré neboli regulované priamo. V roku 2005 sa vyhodnocovali poskytnuté podporné sluÏby na základe obchodno- technického hodnotenia, ão sa odzrkadlilo vo v˘nosoch, ktoré v reáli zodpovedali poskytnut˘m podporn˘m sluÏbám. Podporné sluÏby boli zabezpeãované v rozsahu poÏiadaviek prevádzkovateºa prenosovej sústavy SEPS, a. s., so ‰pecifikáciou na jednotlivé mesiace roka. Podporné sluÏby boli poskytované na zdrojoch SE, a. s., ktoré podliehali priamemu riadeniu Slovensk˘m energetick˘m dispeãingom, pri zohºadnení dispozícií predkladan˘ch SE, a. s. Neoddeliteºnou súãasÈou aktivácie podporn˘ch sluÏieb v roku 2005 bola dodávka regulaãnej elektriny a jej finanãné vysporiadanie.

Obchod s teplom

Predaj tepla bol zabezpeãovan˘ plynule, podºa potrieb a v rozsahu poÏiadaviek odberateºov. Závody dodávajú teplo odberateºom prevaÏne v horúcej vode, okrem závodu SE-ENO, ktor˘ 53 % dodávky tepla dodáva odberateºom v horúcej vode a 47 % dodávok zabezpeãuje v pare.

Napriek zniÏovaniu odberov jednotliv˘mi odberateºmi, ktoré sú spôsobené ekonomick˘mi opatreniami ako zatepºovaním objektov, zniÏovaním celkovej energetickej nároãnosti resp. vplyvom poveternostn˘ch podmienok v hlavn˘ch vykurovacích obdobiach, spoloãnosÈ Slovenské elektrárne, a. s., zaznamenala nárast predaja tepla oproti roku 2004 o 5,2 %, ktor˘ bol spôsoben˘ pripájaním sa nov˘ch odberateºov.

Rok Predaj tepla (GJ)

2004 3 071 000 2005 3 231 689 Nárast v % 5,2 VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 49

Sales of Electricity, Ancillary Services and Heat ANNUAL REPORT 2005

Sales of Ancillary Services

In 2005, in order to ensure system services, the transmission system operator, SEPS, a. s., purchased ancillary services as per SEPS Operation Rules from providers who fulfilled technical conditions stipulated in the Technical conditions for connection, access, and operation of the transmission system for providing the ancillary services. The year of 2005 was similar to the previous one in principle. With regard to the progressing electricity market liberalisation, and resulting market opening, and primarily as per the Decisions of the Office for Regulation of Network Industries No. 0001/2004/05/E of 12 October 2004 and No. 0156/2005/E of 29 April 2005, ancillary services were split into individual types, which were regulated by directly set maximum price for providing individual types of ancillary services, and ancillary services, which were not regulated directly. In 2005, the support services provided were assessed based on a commercial technical assessment, which was reflected in revenues that corresponded to the ancillary services provided. Ancillary services were provided in the scope of the requirements of the transmission system operator, SEPS, a. s., with specifications for individual months of the year and were provided by the power plants of SE, a. s., which were subject to a direct management by Slovak Load Dispatching Centre (SED), taking into consideration available capacities provided by SE, a. s. An integral part of the ancillary services activation in 2005 was the supply of regulating electricity and its financial settlement.

Heat Sales

Heat sales were ensured continuously according to the demand and in the scope of customers’ requirements. Plants supply heat to customers prevailingly in the hot water, except for SE-ENO, which provides customers with 53 % of the heat supply in the hot water and 47 % in steam.

In spite of decreased customers’ demands, which are caused by economic measures, such as building insulation, decreasing the overall energy demand, or impact of weather conditions in the main heating seasons respectively, Slovenské elektrárne, a. s., noted increased heat sales as compared to 2004 by 5.2 %, which was caused by connection of new customers.

Year Heat sales (GJ)

2004 3,071,000 2005 3,231,689 Increase in % 5.2 VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 50

50 > 51 Obchod s elektrinou, podporn˘mi sluÏbami a teplom V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

Podiel jednotliv˘ch závodov na celkov˘ch trÏbách z predaja tepla

SE-ENO 73,0 %

SE-EBO 26,0 %

SE-EVO 0,4 %

SE-MO 34 0,6 %


UÏitoãná dodávka tepla

UÏitoãná dodávka tepla predstavuje predané teplo cudzím odberateºom a spotrebované teplo v tepeln˘ch sieÈach vlastného podniku bez strát.

Podiel jednotliv˘ch závodov na uÏitoãnej dodávke tepla

Predaj tepla cudzím Tepelné siete (organizácie + obyvateºstvo) vl. podniku

V˘roba UÏitoãná Predaj % predaja Vlastná % spotreby Straty Závod a nákup dodávka tepla z v˘roby spotreba tepla tepeln˘ch tepla celkom (GJ) a nákupu (GJ) vo vl. sietí (GJ) (GJ) (GJ) tepla podniku

SE-EBO 2 071 160 1 988 291 1 663 959 80,3 324 332 16,3 82 869 SE-ENO 1 817 937 1 724 587 1 547 383 85,1 177 204 10,3 93 350 SE-EMO 272 060 272 060 0 0,0 272 060 100,0 0 SE-EVO 116 877 116 877 11 725 10,0 105 152 90,0 0 SE-MO 34 30 372 30 372 8 622 28,4 21 749 71,6 0 Spolu 4 308 406 4 132 187 3 231 689 75,0 900 497 21,8 176 219

Predaj tepla 75 %

Vlastná spotreba 21 %

Straty 4 % VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 51

Sales of Electricity, Ancillary Services and Heat ANNUAL REPORT 2005

Share of individual plants in total heat sale revenues

SE-ENO 73.0 %

SE-EBO 26.0 %

SE-EVO 0.4 %

SE-MO 34 0.6 %


Useful Heat Supply

The useful heat supply represents heat sold to customers and heat used in heat mains of the Company without losses.

Share of individual plants in heat supplies

Heat sales Company’s (organisations+citizens) own heat mains

Heat Useful Heat % of sales Own % of Heat Plant generation supplies sales from heat consum- Company’s mains and sales total (GJ) generation ption own consum- losses (GJ) (GJ) & purchase (GJ) ption in (GJ)

SE-EBO 2,071,160 1,988,291 1,663,959 80.3 324,332 16.3 82,869 SE-ENO 1,817,937 1,724,587 1,547,383 85.1 177,204 10.3 93,350 SE-EMO 272,060 272,060 0 0.0 272,060 100.0 0 SE-EVO 116,877 116,877 11,725 10.0 105,152 90.0 0 SE-MO 34 30,372 30,372 8,622 28.4 21,749 71.6 0 Total 4,308,406 4,132,187 3,231,689 75.0 900,497 21.8 176,219

Heat sales 75 %

Own consumption 21 %

Losses 4 % VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 52

52 > 53 Obchod s elektrinou, podporn˘mi sluÏbami a teplom V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

Bilancia v˘roby, nákupu, dodávky a predaja tepla

Ukazovateº M. j. 01-12/2005 Plán SkutoãnosÈ %

Teplo vyrobené z vlastn˘ch v˘robní GJ 4 332 453 4 261 016 98,4 Teplo nakúpené z in˘ch lokalít GJ 18 590 47 390 254,9 Celkové teplo vyrobené a nakúpené pre TU GJ 4 351 043 4 308 406 99,0 Dodané > dodávka cudzím odberateºom GJ 3 393 580 3 407 908 100,4 > dodávka do tepel. sietí vl. podniku GJ 957 463 900 497 94,1 Straty v tepeln˘ch sieÈach GJ 221 011 176 219 79,7 UÏitoãná dodávka – celkom GJ 4 130 032 4 132 186 100,1 ztoho > organizácie GJ 3 141 487 3 204 357 102,0 > obyvateºstvo GJ 31 082 27 332 87,9 > do tepel. sietí vl. podniku GJ 957 463 900 497 94,1 DoplÀovanie systému obehovou vodou t 79 500 63 571 80,0 Nevráten˘ kondenzát t 77 250 75 282 97,5

Hlavn˘ zisk z in˘ch zdrojov

SE-EVO 32 080 GJ SE-MO 34 9 934 GJ SE-EMO 5 376 GJ VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 53

Sales of Electricity, Ancillary Services and Heat ANNUAL REPORT 2005

Balance of heat generation, purchase, supplies, and sales

Indicator Unit 01-12/2005 Plan Reality %

Heat generated in own plants GJ 4,332,453 4,261,016 98.4 Heat purchased from other sites GJ 18,590 47,390 254.9 Total heat generated and purchased for TU GJ 4,351,043 4,308,406 99.0 Supplied > supplies to customers GJ 3,393,580 3,407,908 100.4 > supplies to the Company’s own networks GJ 957,463 900,497 94.1 Losses in heat networks GJ 221,011 176,219 79.7 Usefule supply – total GJ 4,130,032 4,132,186 100.1 out of that > organisations GJ 3,141,487 3,204,357 102.0 > citizens GJ 31,082 27,332 87.9 > Company’s own heat networks GJ 957,463 900,497 94.1 Water feeding of the system t 79,500 63,571 80.0 Unreturned condensate t 77,250 75,282 97.5

Heat purchased from other sites

SE-EVO 32,080 GJ SE-MO 34 9,934 GJ SE-EMO 5,376 GJ VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 54

54 > 55 Investície V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005


Investiãná v˘stavba v roku 2005 bola realizovaná podºa schváleného Roãného investiãného plánu SE, a. s., na rok 2005, ktor˘ vychádzal zo Strednodobého investiãného plánu SE, a. s., na roky 2005 – 2008. V roku 2005 bolo realizovan˘ch, resp. zaãínan˘ch a pripravovan˘ch takmer 170 investiãn˘ch projektov.

PribliÏne 72 % z celkového objemu finanãn˘ch prostriedkov smerovalo do projektov prevádzky a vyraìovania jadrovoenergetick˘ch zariadení (JEZ). Projekty vyraìovania JEZ boli okrem finanãn˘ch prostriedkov z vlastn˘ch zdrojov SE, a. s., financované aj z prostriedkov ·tátneho fondu na likvidáciu jadrovoenergetick˘ch zariadení, resp. zBIDSF (Bohunice International Decommissioning Support Fund). Najväã‰ia ãasÈ, aÏ 38 % z finanãn˘ch prostriedkov, plánovan˘ch na investiãnú v˘stavbu v roku 2005, bola urãená na realizáciu jedného z prioritn˘ch investiãn˘ch projektov: Zvy‰ovanie jadrovej bezpeãnosti a seizmickej odolnosti jadrovej elektrárne V2 v Atómov˘ch elektrárÀach Jaslovské Bohunice. DôleÏit˘m projektom v rámci jadrov˘ch elektrární bol aj projekt: Finálne spracovanie kvapaln˘ch rádioaktívnych odpadov v Mochovciach, ktorého predmetom bolo vybudovanie technológie na úpravu kvapaln˘ch RAO z prevádzky 1. a 2. bloku SE-EMO. Na rozostavanom 3. a 4. bloku elektrárne v Mochovciach naìalej prebiehali konzervaãné a ochranné práce tak, aby boli vytvorené podmienky na dostavbu t˘chto blokov. ëal‰ími v˘znamn˘mi projektmi boli: Vyraìovanie JE A1 a Príprava odstavenia JE V1.

V oblasti „klasick˘ch“ elektrární boli realizované projekty zamerané na obnovu technologick˘ch zariadení – Obnova ENO A, zniÏovanie produkcie odpadov, resp. modernizácie systémov riadenia prevádzky. Medzi dôleÏité projekty patrí: Preãerpávacia vodná elektráreÀ (PVE) Ipeº, ktor˘ svojimi parametrami patrí medzi najv˘znamnej‰ie hydroenergetické projekty v rámci stredoeurópskeho regiónu. Okrem projektov v jednotliv˘ch závodoch prebiehala v roku 2005 aj realizácia projektov: Riadenie obchodu a v˘roby elektriny a Projekty Informatika.

V˘znamné investiãné projekty

Projekt zvy‰ovania jadrovej bezpeãnosti a seizmickej odolnosti jadrovej elektrárne V2 vAtómov˘ch elektrárÀach Bohunice

Realizácia tohto projektu vyplynula z odporúãaní MAAE pre JE s reaktormi VVER 440 typ V213 a Rozhodnutia ÚJD SR ã. 4/1996 a následn˘ch Rozhodnutí ã. 214/2000 a 250/2001. Jeho cieºom je zabezpeãenie vy‰‰ej úrovne jadrovej bezpeãnosti a spoºahlivosti prevádzky ako aj dosiahnutie medzinárodne akceptovan˘ch ‰tandardov pre JE typu VVER 440/213. Predmetom projektu je modernizácia a seizmické zodolnenie zariadení, systémov a objektov na základe vypracovaného dokumentu „Bezpeãnostn˘ koncept pre modernizáciu a zvy‰ovanie jadrovej bezpeãnosti JE V2“ vsúlade s Rozhodnutím ÚJD SR ã. 214/2000. Práce boli vykonávané podºa schváleného harmonogramu prípravy a realizácie projektu pre rok 2005 v súlade s rozhodnutím ÚJD SR ako aj poÏiadaviek a skúseností prevádzkovateºa. Projekt, ako záväzn˘ dokument pre prípravu a realizáciu investiãného VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 55

Investments ANNUAL REPORT 2005


Capital construction in the year 2005 was implemented according to the approved Annual investment plan of SE, a. s. for 2005, which came out of the Medium-term investment plan of SE, a. s. for the years 2005 – 2008. Almost 170 investment projects were implemented, initiated or prepared in 2005.

Approximately 72 % of the total volume of financing was directed to projects of operation and decommissioning of nuclear power facilities (JEZ). Except for funding from own sources of SE, a. s., projects of JEZ rejection were also funded from the Nuclear Power Facilities Decommissioning State Fund (·tátneho fondu na likvidáciu jadrovoenergetick˘ch zariadení), or from BIDSF (Bohunice International Decommissioning Support Fund). The largest part, almost 38 % of funding planned for capital construction in 2005, was intended for the implementation of one of the preferred investment projects: Increasing of nuclear safety and seismic resistibility of the Nuclear Power Plant V2 in Jaslovské Bohunice. An important design within nuclear power plants was also the project: Final processing of liquid radioactive waste in Mochovce, the subject of which was construction of technology for liquid RAW treatment from the operation of SE-EMO Units 1 and 2. Preserving and protecting works were under way on the started Units 3 and 4 of the Power Plant in Mochovce so that conditions for the finishing of these units were created. Other important projects included: Rejection of A1 NPP and Preparation of JE V1 decommissioning.

In the sphere of „classical“ power plants projects focused on technological equipment renewal – Renewal of ENO A, waste production decreasing, and modernization of operation management systems were implemented. Among important projects belong: Pumped storage hydro power plant (PVE) Ipeº, which by its parameters belongs among most important hydropower engineering projects within the Central European region. Except for projects in individual plants, also implementation of the following projects was in progress in 2005: Electricity production and trade management and Informatics Projects.

Remarkable Capital Projects

Increasing nuclear safety and seismic resistance of the Nuclear Power Plant V2 in Nuclear Power Plant Jaslovské Bohunice

Implementation of this project resulted from recommendations of IAEA for nuclear power plants of the type VVER 440/V213 and Resolutions of the Nuclear Inspection Bureau (ÚJD SR) No. 214/2000 and 250/2001. Its aim is provision of the highest level of nuclear safety and reliability of operation, as well as reaching of internationally accepted standards for nuclear power plants of the type VVER 440/213. Subject of this project is modernization and increasing of seismic resistibility of facilities, systems and buildings based on the elaborated document „Safety concept for modernization and increasing of nuclear safety of JE V2“ in compliance with the Resolution of ÚJD SR No. 214/2000. Works were caried out according to the approved schedule of preparation and implementation of the project for the year 2005 in accord with the Resolution of ÚJD VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 56

56 > 57 Investície V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

projektu je zloÏen˘ zo 152 úloh modernizácie (ÚM). V roku 2005 bolo v súlade s harmonogramom poãas generálnej opravy 3. bloku V2 EBO zrealizovan˘ch 50 ÚM a poãas generálnej opravy 4. bloku zrealizovan˘ch 40 ÚM. Mimo generálnych opráv blokov bolo zrealizovan˘ch 16 ÚM. V súlade so schválen˘m harmonogramom budú práce na tomto projekte pokraãovaÈ aj v nasledujúcich rokoch. Jeho ukonãenie je naplánované v roku 2008, ãím budú súãasne vytvorené podmienky pre predæÏenie projektovej Ïivotnosti JE minimálne na 40 rokov a pre zv˘‰enie v˘konu t˘chto blokov.

Finálne spracovanie kvapaln˘ch rádioaktívnych odpadov v Mochovciach (FS KRAO)

Kvapalné rádioaktívne odpady (KRAO), ktoré vznikajú poãas prevádzky SE-EMO, sú skladované v nádrÏiach na skladovanie koncentrátov. PretoÏe kapacita t˘chto nádrÏí je obmedzená, je v súlade s platnou legislatívou potrebné zabezpeãiÈ ich spracovanie a úpravu do formy, vhodnej na ich prepravu a ukladanie. Stavebné práce boli zaãaté v máji 2004 a do konca roku 2004 boli zrealizované stavebné kon‰trukcie objektu FS KRAO do +/- 0,00 m a boli osadené technologické zariadenia v jeho suteréne. Stavebné práce v priebehu roku 2005 pokraãovali v súlade s harmonogramom v˘stavby. SúbeÏne s pokraãovaním stavebnej ãasti boli priebeÏne zabudovávané aj dodávky technologick˘ch zariadení väã‰ieho rozsahu. SúbeÏne s prácou na hlavnom objekte pokraãovali stavebné práce aj na ìal‰ích súvisiacich inÏinierskych objektoch. Práce budú pokraãovaÈ aj v roku 2006, kedy sa predpokladá ich ukonãenie, vrátane zaãiatku skú‰obnej prevádzky. Upravené RAO budú ukladané v Republikovom úloÏisku rádioaktívnych odpadov vMochovciach.

Sekundárna regulácia TG pre 1. blok a 2. blok EMO

Úãelom systému sekundárnej regulácie v˘konu (SRV) blokov je diaºková regulácia ãinného v˘konu blokov z centrálneho regulátora siete na SED (Slovensk˘ energetick˘ dispeãing) Îilina.

Práce boli vykonané v dvoch etapách: 1. blok – práce boli zrealizované poãas odstávky 1. bloku. Ukonãené a prevzaté boli dÀa 15. 12. 2005. Blok spæÀa podmienky pre poskytovanie podporn˘ch sluÏieb SRV ako celok ako aj po turbogenerátoroch. Certifikácia pre 1. blok bola uskutoãnená v dÀoch 3. aÏ 4. augusta 2005. 2. blok – práce boli zrealizované poãas odstávky 2. bloku. Ukonãené a prevzaté boli dÀa 15. 12. 2005. Blok spæÀa podmienky pre poskytovanie podporn˘ch sluÏieb SRV ako celok ako aj po turbogenerátoroch. Certifikácia pre 2. blok bola uskutoãnená v dÀoch 2. aÏ 3. decembra 2005. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 57

Investments ANNUAL REPORT 2005

SR, as well as requirements and experience of the operator. The Project, as a binding document for the preparation and implementation of the investment project, consists of 152 tasks of modernization (ÚM). In 2005, in compliance with the schedule during the overhaul of Unit 3 of V2 EBO 50 ÚM were implemented and during the general repair of Unit 4 – 40 ÚM were executed. Outside the general overhauls of units, 16 ÚM were implemented. In compliance with the approved schedule, works on this project will continue also in the following years. Its termination has been planned for 2008, where durability of the project is 40 years at minimum in order to increase performance of these units.

Final processing of liquid radioactive waste in Mochovce (FS KRAO)

Liquid radioactive waste (KRAO), which originate during the operation of SE-EMO, is kept on stock in tanks for storing concentrates. Since the capacity of these tanks is limited, in compliance with the legislation in force it is necessary to ensure their processing and treatment into the form suitable for their transport and deposition. Construction works started in May 2004 and till the end of 2004 building structures of the construction FS KRAO up to +/- 0,00 m were implemented and technological facilities were embeded in its basement. Construction works in the course of 2005 were in progress in compliance with the schedule of construction. Parallely with the continuation of the construction part also technological equipment deliveries of alarger extent were continuously built in. Along with the work on the main building, construction works continued also on other contiguous engineering buildings. Works will be in progress also in 2006, when their termination is expected, including initiation of the test operation. Treated RAW will be deposited in the National RAW Disposal in Mochovce.

Secondary regulation of TG for Units 1 and 2 of EMO

Purpose of the secondary output regulation system (SRV) of units is a remote regulation of the effective output of units from the central network controller at the Slovak Power Engineering Dispatching SED (Slovensk˘ energetick˘ dispeãing) Îilina.

Works were executed in two stages: Unit 1 – works were implemented during the layoff of Unit 1. They were completed and taken over on December 15, 2005. The Unit meets the conditions for provision of support services for SRV as a whole and also by turbogenerators. Certification for Unit 1 was implemented on August 3 and 4, 2005. Unit 2 – works were executed during the layoff of Unit 2. Completed and taken over were on December 15, 2005. The Unit meets the requirements for the provision of support services for SRV as a whole and also by turbogenerator. Certification for Unit 2 was implemented on December 2 and 3, 2005. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 58

58 > 59 Investície V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

JE Mochovce 3. a 4. blok – konzervaãné a ochranné práce

Medzi prioritné projekty 3. a 4. bloku JE Mochovce v roku 2005 bol zaraden˘ investiãn˘ projekt Konzervaãné a ochranné práce. Tento projekt bol realizovan˘ v zmysle revízie ã. 2 Strategického plánu konzervaãn˘ch a ochrann˘ch prác 3. stavby JE Mochovce, ktor˘ bol v orgánoch spoloãnosti schválen˘ na roky 2005-2007. Strategick˘ plán, ako aj jeho revízia ã. 2, bol spracovan˘ v súlade s odporúãaniami MAAE obsiahnut˘mi v dokumente TECDOC – 1110 „ManaÏment oneskoren˘ch investiãn˘ch projektov jadrov˘ch elektrární“ a v súlade s poÏiadavkami dozorn˘ch orgánov SR a legislatívou SR. Hlavn˘m cieºom Strategického plánu je udrÏaÈ stavebné objekty a technologické zariadenia v takom technickom stave a kvalite, aby v prípade kladného rozhodnutia o dostavbe, bolo moÏné plynule pokraãovaÈ vo v˘stavbe 3. a 4. bloku JE Mochovce. Realizácia konzervaãn˘ch a ochrann˘ch prác bola systematicky rie‰ená od roku 1996. Práce boli realizované podºa programov konzervácií a technologick˘ch postupov spracovan˘ch pre jednotlivé stavebné objekty a technologické zariadenia, ktoré boli schválené ÚJD SR. V priebehu realizácie konzervaãn˘ch a ochrann˘ch prác sa kládol dôraz hlavne na rozhodujúce dodávky 3. a 4. bloku, priãom priorita v stavebnej ãasti pre rok 2005 bola zameraná na realizáciu konzervaãn˘ch a ochrann˘ch prác v priestoroch hermetickej zóny s moÏnosÈou vytvorenia podmienok ãistej montáÏe pre technologickú ãasÈ. V technologickej ãasti bola priorita kladená na primárny okruh, priãom sa realizoval aj nevyhnutn˘ rozsah konzervaãn˘ch a ochrann˘ch prác na sekundárnom okruhu v súlade so schválen˘mi programami konzervaãn˘ch aochrann˘ch prác. Realizáciou konzervaãn˘ch a ochrann˘ch prác sa dosiahla poÏadovaná kvalita rozhodujúcich dodávok a zariadení, a t˘m sa vytvorili podmienky pre moÏnosÈ dostavby 3. a 4. bloku JE Mochovce.

Vyraìovanie jadrovej elektrárne A-1 – I. etapa

Vyraìovanie JE A-1 je uskutoãÀované na základe uznesenia vlády SR ã. 266/93, podºa projektu schváleného v roku 1995. Po posúdení vplyvu projektu na Ïivotné prostredie, zaãala sa vo februári roku 1999 jeho realizácia.

Projekt bol rozdelen˘ na ‰tyri skupiny úloh, charakteristick˘ch podºa svojho zamerania: 1) Ïivotné prostredie, kde sa rie‰ili a realizovali práce na vonkaj‰ích objektoch JE A-1 aãinnosti priamo súvisiace s vplyvom na Ïivotné prostredie; 2) hlavn˘ v˘robn˘ blok, kde sa rie‰ili úlohy súvisiace s dekontamináciou a vyraìovaním komponentov hlavného v˘robného bloku (puzdrá dlhodobého skladu, horúca komora); 3) spracovanie a úprava rádioaktívnych odpadov (RAO), kde boli ãinnosti zamerané na rie‰enie systému nakladania s RAO aÏ po ich ukladanie, 4) technická podpora vyraìovania, v rámci ktorej boli rie‰ené metodické, v˘vojové a technické aspekty vyraìovania JE A-1. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 59

Investments ANNUAL REPORT 2005

Mochovce NPP – Units 3 and 4 – conservating and protecting works

Among preferred projects of Units 3 and 4 of Mochovce NPP in 2005 belonged the capital project Conservating and protecting works. This project was implemented subject to the inspection No. 2 of the Strategic plan of conservating and protecting works of 3rd building of Mochovce NPP, which was approved for the years 2005-2007 in the bodies of the company. Strategic plan, as well as its inspection No. 2, was elaborated in compliance with the recommendations of IAEA contained in the document TECDOC – 1110 „Management of delayed investment projects of nuclear power plants“. The main objective of the Strategic plan is to keep the building constructions and technologic facilities in the quality, which is required by the legislation of the SR, Inspection Bodies of the SR, and which meets the recommendations of IAEA. Implementation of conservation and protection works has been systematically solved since 1996. Works were implemented according to the programmes of conservations and technologic procedures elaborated for individual building constructions and technological facilities, which were approved by ÚJD SR. In the course of implementation of conservation and protection works operative supplies of Units 3 and 4 were mainly accentuated, while priority in the construction part for the year 2005 was focused on implementation of conservation and protection works in the areas of the hermetic zone, with the possibility to create conditions for a clean assembly for the technological part. In the technological part priority was laid on primary circle, while also inevitable range of conservating and protecting works on secondary circuit was implemented in line with the approved programmes of conservating and protecting works. Through the implementation of conservating and protecting works the required quality of operative supplies and equipment was reached, thus forming conditions for the potential finishing of the construction of Units 3 and 4 of Mochovce NPP.

Decommissioning of the A-1 Nuclear Power Plant – Stage I

Decommissioning of A-1 NPP has been implemented based on the Decree of the Slovak government No. 266/93, according to the project approved in 1995. After assessing the influence of the project on the environment, its implementation began in February 1999.

The Project was divided into four groups of tasks characteristic according to their focus: 1) the environment, where works on outer buildings of A-1 NPP were solved and implemented as well as activities related directly to the impact on the environment; 2) the reactor building, where tasks connected with decontamination and rejection of components of the reaktor building (long-term depot casings, hot chamber) were solved; 3) processing and treatment of radioactive waste (RAW), where activities were focused on the solution of the system of RAW treatment up to their disposition, 4) technical support of rejection, within the framework of which methodology, development and technical aspects of rejection of A-1 NPP were solved. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 60

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V roku 2005 prebiehali práce vo v‰etk˘ch skupinách úloh, priãom z pohºadu dosiahnutia cieºov projektu, medzi najdôleÏitej‰ie patrili: 1. skupina úloh: realizácia celoroãnej prevádzky vyberania RA kalov z nádrÏí obj. 41, vyberanie a spracovanie resp. preskladnenie RAO z nádrÏí objektu 44/10 a 44/20; 2. skupina úloh: vyberanie a bezpeãné preskladnenie kalov z monÏíka horúcej komory (HK), príprava zariadenia HK pre aktívnu skú‰obnú prevádzku; 3. skupina úloh: fixácia RA kalov na zariadení pre fixáciu kalov (ZFK), montáÏ stáãacieho zariadenia pre ZFK, spracovanie vys˘ten˘ch ionexov na diskontinuálnej bitúmenaãnej linke, vitrifikácia chrompiku II. a III na linke VICHR, realizácia linky na spracovanie VZT filtrov, fixácia RA kalov z dna bazénu dlhodobého skladu; 4. skupina úloh: prehodnotenie a inovácia predprevádzkovej bezpeãnostnej správy (PpBS) pre RÚ RAO Mochovce, ukladanie nov˘ch balen˘ch foriem RAO na RÚ RAO Mochovce. Realizácia IPR bola v roku 2005 podºa ZoD ukonãená. Tento projekt bol financovan˘ z prostriedkov ·FL JEZ.

Seizmické zodolnenie a roz‰írenie skladovacej kapacity medziskladu vyhoreného paliva (MSVP) SE-VYZ Jaslovské Bohunice

VSlovenskej republike je v súãasnosti, tak ako vo väã‰ine ‰tátov, prevádzkujúcich jadrové elektrárne, aplikovaná koncepcia tzv. otvoreného palivového cyklu, ktorého podstatou je dlhodobé (40-50 rokov) skladovanie vyhoreného jadrového paliva v medziskladoch, s jeho následn˘m uloÏením do hlbinného úloÏiska. KeìÏe pôvodn˘ MSVP mokrého typu v Jaslovsk˘ch Bohuniciach, uveden˘ do prevádzky v roku 1987, nespæÀal niektoré poÏiadavky na dlhodobé skladovanie vyhoretého jadrového paliva (VJP), bolo nutné pristúpiÈ k jeho rekon‰trukcii.

Cieºom projektu rekon‰trukcie, ktorého príprava zaãala v roku 1996, bolo: > zv˘‰enie seizmickej odolnosti budovy MSVP na úroveÀ, stanovenú pre lokalitu Jaslovské Bohunice (8° MSK 64); > roz‰írenie skladovacej kapacity MSVP z 5 040 na 14 112 kaziet VJP v˘menou zásobníkov T-12 za KZ-48 a zmenou organizácie ukladania zásobníkov v bazénoch skladovania; > zv˘‰enie Ïivotnosti MSVP na 50 rokov.

Zv˘‰enie seizmickej odolnosti stavebného objektu MSVP bolo dosiahnuté ukotvením stæpov a niektor˘ch ãastí nosnej kon‰trukcie. Îelezobetónové kon‰trukcie a nenosné murované kon‰trukcie boli zodolnené oceºov˘mi stæpikmi a ukotvené do stropnej kon‰trukcie. V strojnej ãasti sa zodolnenie t˘kalo ukotvenia technologického zariadenia, kon‰trukcie vlastn˘ch technologick˘ch aparátov a potrubn˘ch trás, vrátane ich ukotvenia k stavebn˘m kon‰trukciám. Seizmické zodolnenie bolo ukonãené v roku 2000, priãom celá realizácia bola uskutoãnená bez preru‰enia prevádzky medziskladu pri dodrÏiavaní limitov a podmienok. V rámci zvy‰ovania skladovacej kapacity boli do konca roku 2000 zrealizované nevyhnutné úpravy dotknut˘ch technologick˘ch celkov: prepravn˘ch a skladovacích zariadení, chemicko-technologick˘ch systémov, vzduchotechniky, SKR, elektro a systému radiaãnej kontroly. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 61

Investments ANNUAL REPORT 2005

In 2005, works in all groups of tasks were in progress, while from the point of view of reaching the objectives of the project, among the most important were: 1st group of tasks: implementation of the year-round operation of RA sediment extraction from tanks – building 41, extraction and processing, or displacement of RAW from the tanks of buildings 44/10 and 44/20; 2nd group of tasks: extraction and safe displacement of sediments from acid egg of the hot cell (HK), preparation of HK for active test operation; 3rd group of tasks: fixation of RA sediments in the facility for fixation of sediments (ZFK), assembly of tapping facility for ZFK, processing of saturated ionex on adiscontinual bitumen line, vitrification of chrompicks II and III on the line VICHR, implementation of the line for processing VZT filters, fixation of RA sediments from the bottom of the long-term depot basin; 4th group of tasks: re-evaluation and innovation of pre-operational safety report (PpBS) for RÚ RAO Mochovce, deposition of new packed forms of RAW on RÚ RAO Mochovce. Implementation of IPR was terminated in 2005 according to ZoD. This project was financed from the State Decommissioning Fund (·FL) JEZ.

Increasing seismic resistance and enlargement of storing capacity of the in-process store of spent nuclear fuel (MSVP) of SE-VYZ Jaslovské Bohunice

Today, in the Slovak Republic, as in the majority of states operating nuclear power plants, is applied the concept of the so-called open fuel cycle, the nature of which is long-term (40-50 years) storing of spent nuclear fuel in in-process stores, with its consecutive disposition into an underground disposal site. Since the original MSVP of wet type in Jaslovské Bohunice, put in operation in 1987, did not meet several requirements for long-term storing of spent nuclear fuel (VJP), it was inevitable to come to its reconstruction.

The aim of the reconstruction project, the preparation of which started already in 1996, was: > increase in seismic resistibility of the building of MSVP to the level, determined for the locality of Jaslovské Bohunice (8° MSK 64); > widening of storing capacity of MSVP from 5,040 to 14,112 cartridges of VJP through a replacement of containers T-12 for KZ-48 and change of organization of deposition of containers in storing basins; > increase in the period of service of MSVP to 50 years.

Increase in seismic resistibility of the building of MSVP was reached through anchoring of posts and several parts of the load-bearing structure. Reinforced-concrete structures and non-bearing brick structures were made more resistible by means of steel pillarets and anchored into the roof structure. In the machine part anchoring technological equipment, structure of proper technologic apparatuses and tubula routes, including their anchoring to the building constructions were made more resistible. Increasing seismic resistibility was finished in 2000, while the whole implementation was carried out without interrupting the operation of the in-process store upon observing the limits and terms. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 62

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Táto ãasÈ projektu spoloãne so seizmicky zodolnen˘m objektom, bola v roku 2001 úspe‰ne skolaudovaná a uvedená do trvalej bezpeãnej prevádzky. SúãasÈou zvy‰ovania skladovacej kapacity MSVP je aj v˘roba a dodávka nov˘ch kompaktn˘ch skladovacích zásobníkov typu KZ 48, ktor˘ch bolo do konca roku 2005 vyroben˘ch a dodan˘ch 161 ks. Súãasne bolo zlikvidovan˘ch 50 pôvodn˘ch skladovacích zásobníkov T-12. V oblasti zvy‰ovania Ïivotnosti MSVP je realizovan˘ program monitorovania stavebn˘ch kon‰trukcií a vybran˘ch technologick˘ch celkov. Do konca roku 2005 boli zrealizované ãasti: monitorovanie metódou nede‰truktívnych skú‰ok, monitorovanie stavebn˘ch kon‰trukcií, monitorovanie toãiv˘ch strojov, monitorovanie elektrotechnick˘ch zariadení a monitorovanie korózneho po‰kodenia strojnej technológie a stavebn˘ch kon‰trukcií. Pred ukonãením je realizácia in‰pekãného stendu vyhoreného jadrového paliva. V‰etky ãinnosti v roku 2005, okrem investorskej réÏie, boli financované zo zdrojov ·tátneho fondu likvidácie jadrovo-energetick˘ch zariadení.

Odluãovanie kovov˘ch predmetov z uhlia

Cieºom IPR, realizovanom v ElektrárÀach Vojany, bolo zabezpeãiÈ dokonalé odluãovanie kovov˘ch ãastíc zo surového paliva, ktor˘ch prítomnosÈ spôsobovala v˘padky zauhºovacích liniek na blokoch ã. 5 a 6 s fluidnou technológiou. V˘padok liniek spôsoboval zníÏenie v˘konu blokov a v niektor˘ch prípadoch aj ich v˘padok. Vyskytli sa tieÏ prípady po‰kodenia zariadení (drviãov, podávaãov uhlia). Realizáciou IPR boli tieto problémy odstránené.

Odvodnenie sadrovcovej suspenzie z odsírenia blokov ENO B 1, 2

Úãelom projektu je zv˘‰enie efektívnosti prevádzky odsírovacieho zariadenia v elektrárÀach Nováky a zabezpeãenie plnenia ustanovení zákona o odpadoch 223/2001 Z. z. v znení zákona 571/2005 Z. z. podºa ktor˘ch je v˘robca povinn˘ minimalizovaÈ produkciu odpadov a maximalizovaÈ ich vyuÏitie. Sadrovcová suspenzia je v súãasnosti mie‰aná s ostatn˘mi potrebn˘mi komponentmi v mie‰acom zariadení do stabilizovaného stavu, tzv. stabilizátu. Následne je stabilizát dopraven˘ pásovou dopravou a nákladn˘mi autami na skládku, kde je uloÏen˘ podºa manipulaãného poriadku ako odpad. Nain‰talovaním technológie odvodnenia sadrovcovej suspenzie sa zníÏi spotreba vápenného hydrátu, zníÏia sa náklady na mie‰ania stabilizátu, jeho dopravu a ukladanie a zníÏia sa aj poplatky za uloÏenie odpadu na skládku. VyuÏitím sadrovca v stavebníctve, predov‰etk˘m v cementárÀach ako regulátora tuhnutia cementov moÏno oãakávaÈ ekonomické prínosy, ktoré spolu s úsporou nákladov dávajú projekt do polohy vysoko efektívnej stavby. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 63

Investments ANNUAL REPORT 2005

Inevitable adjustments of the particular technological units were implemented as part of the process of increasing of the storing capacity till the end of 2000. These included: transporting and storing facilities, chemical and technological systems, air-conditioning, I&C, electrical system as well as radiation inspection system. This part of the project, along with the building, which was turned more rersistible, were successfully finally approved in 2001 and put into a permanent safe operation. Production and supply of new compact storing containers of the type KZ 48, the production and supply of which reached 161 pieces at the end of 2005, were a part of increase in the storing capacty of MSVP. At the same time 50 original storing containers T-12 were rejected. In the sphere of increasing the period of service of MSVP the programme of monitoring of buidling structures and selected technological units is implemented. By the end of 2005, the following parts were implemented: monitoring using the method of non-destructive tests, monitoring of building structures, monitoring of torque machines, monitoring of electrotechnical facilities and monitoring of corrosive damage of machine technology and building structures. Prior to the termination, implementation of the inspection stand of spent nuclear fuel was held. All activities in 2005, except for investment overheads, were financed from the sources of the State Nuclear Power Engineering Facilities Decommissioning Fund.

Separation of metal objects from coal

The aim of IPR, implemented in Elektrárne Vojany, was to ensure perfect separation of certain parts from raw fuel, the presence of which caused outages of coaling lines on units No. 5 and 6., with a fluid technology. Line outages caused lowering of the unit output and in some cases even their outage. There occured also cases of damaging the facilities such as crushers, carbon feeds). These problems were removed by means of the implementation of IPR.

Gyps suspension dewatering from desulphurization of Units 1 and 2 of ENO

Purpose of this project is increasing the effectiveness of operation of the desulphurization facility in power plants Nováky and provision of observation of provisions of the Act of Wastes 223/2001 Coll. as amended by the Act 571/2005 Coll. subject to which producer is obliged to minimize production of wastes and maximize thier utilization. Gyps suspension is currently mixed with other necessary components in a mixing facility into a stabilized state, the so-called stabilizate. Followingly, the stabilizate is transported by belt conveying and lorries to the dunking site, where it is deposited according to the manipulation order as waste. Through an installation of technology of gyps suspension dewatering, the consumption of calcic hydrate will decrease, as well as costs for mixing of stabilizate, its transport and depositing, and also fees for waste deposition to the dumping place will also be lowered. By means of utilization of gyps in building industry, first of all in cement works, as a regulator of cement setting we can expect economic merits, which, along with the saving of costs, will make the construction within the project highly effective. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 64

64 > 65 Investície V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

Obnova ENO A – 2. etapa

Realizácia tohto projektu je vyvolaná najmä fyzick˘m a morálnym doÏitím jestvujúcich granulaãn˘ch kotlov a turbíny ENO A, ktoré boli vybudované pred päÈdesiatimi rokmi. Hlavn˘m cieºom projektu je náhrada uveden˘ch kotlov ENO A nov˘m fluidn˘m kotlom spæÀajúcim poÏiadavky ochrany ovzdu‰ia pred zneãisÈujúcimi látkami, podºa zákona ã. 571/2005 Z. z. Nov˘ fluidn˘ kotol, o v˘kone 125 t/h, spolu s existujúcim fluidn˘m kotlom o rovnakom v˘kone, uveden˘m do prevádzky v roku 1996 zabezpeãí zdroj tepla pre nové turbogenerátory. T˘m bude prevádzka ENO A schopná zabezpeãovaÈ poÏiadavky na krytie tepla pre priemysel aj vlastnú spotrebu a vytvorí rezervu v prípade plánovan˘ch spoloãn˘ch odstávok blokov ã. 1 a 2, alebo ich poruchov˘ch v˘padkov. Súhrnnou ‰túdiou bol v roku 2003 odporuãen˘ fluidn˘ variant, a zároveÀ bola preukázaná jeho ekonomická efektívnosÈ. Ministerstvo Ïivotného prostredia vydalo v máji 2003 rozhodnutie, Ïe navrhovaná ãinnosÈ nebude posudzovaná podºa zákona o posudzovaní vplyvov na Ïivotné prostredie. V decembri 2004 bol zabezpeãen˘ projekt pre stavebné povolenie, ktoré bolo právoplatne vydané v marci 2005.

Autonómny systém varovania a vyrozumenia PVE âierny Váh

Autonómny systém zabezpeãuje varovanie a vyrozumenie civilného obyvateºstva o nebezpeãenstve vzniku prielomovej vlny z hornej a dolnej nádrÏe diela PVE âierny Váh. Budovanie tohto systému na prevádzkovanom vodohospodárskom diele prikazuje zákon NR SR ã. 42/1994 Z. z. v znení jeho zmien a doplnení. V priebehu roku 2005 boli realizované stavebné i technologické práce na investiãnom projekte v rozsahu schválenej projektovej dokumentácie. Projekt bol dÀa 29. 5. 2005 prevzat˘ a následne bola zaãatá 6-mesaãná skú‰obná prevádzka. DÀa 1. 12. 2005 bola skú‰obná prevádzka vyhodnotená, úspe‰ne ukonãená a Krajsk˘m úradom Ïivotného prostredia Îilina bolo vydané rozhodnutie o uÏívaní projektu.

Zmena autonómneho systému dispeãerského riadenia (ASDR) SE-VE

Cieºom projektu je kompletná rekon‰trukcia a modernizácia dispeãingu SE-VE Trenãín, prostredníctvom ktorého je zabezpeãované riadenie vodn˘ch elektrární ako jedného ekvivalentného zdroja. Úlohou nového dispeãingu je i monitorovanie stavu elektrární, plnenie poÏiadaviek podporn˘ch sluÏieb, príprava prevádzky, anal˘zy a vyhodnotenie plnenia dan˘ch úloh, vrátane väzieb na správu a údrÏbu zariadení. V stanoven˘ch míºnikoch bol zabezpeãen˘ zhotoviteº realizaãného projektu a prác na technologickej ãasti, spracovan˘ realizaãn˘ projekt stavebn˘ch úprav a zabezpeãen˘ zhotoviteº stavebn˘ch úprav. V decembri 2005 boli zaãaté stavebné úpravy priestorov stávajúceho dispeãingu pre podmienky prevádzky nového Dispeãingu ASDR SE-VE. Dodávky technologickej ãasti (HW) boli dodané v novembri 2005. Realizácia projektu bude pokraãovaÈ v roku 2006. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 65

Investments ANNUAL REPORT 2005

Renewal of ENO A – Stage 2

Implementation of this projest has been evoked mostly by physical deteriorization and obsolescence of the existing dry bottom boilers and turbine of ENO A, which were built 50 years ago. The main objective of the project is replacement of the above mentioned boilers ENO A by a new fluid bioler meeting the requirements for air protection from pollutants, subject to Act No. 571/2005 Coll. A new fluid boiler with the output of 125 t/h, along with the existing fluid boiler with an identical output, put to operation in 1996, will provide thermal source for new turbogenerators. The ENO A operation will thus be able to ensure requirements for heat coverage for industry as well as own consumption, and will create a reserve in case of planned common lay-offs of Units 1 and 2, or their fault drop-outs. Afluid variant was recommended by a summary study in 2003 and at the same time its economic effectiveness was evidenced. The Ministry of the environment took in May 2003 a decision that the proposed activity will not be assessed as to the Act on assessment of impacts on the environment. In December 2004 a project for the building permit was provided and it was lawfully issued in March 2005.

Autonomous system of warning and notification of PVE âierny Váh

Autonomous system provides warning and notification of civilian population of danger of occurence of failure wave from upper and lower tank of PVE âierny Váh. Building of this system on the operated water resource work is obliged by the Enactment of the Slovak National Council No. 42/1994 Coll. as amended. In the course of 2005, construction and technologic works on the capital project in the extent of the approved project documentation were implemented. The Project was taken over on May 29, 2005 and followingly 6-month-long test operation was started.The test operation was evaluated and successfully terminated on December 1, 2005. The Regional Bureau of the Environment in Îilina took the decision on enjoyment of the project.

Change of the autonomous system of dispatcher management (ASDR) SE-VE

The aim of the Project is the complete reconstruction and modernization of dispatching of SE-VE Trenãín, by means of which management of hydro power plants as one equivalent source is ensured. The task of the new dispatching is also monitoring of the state of power plants, meeting the requirements of support services, preparation of operation, analyses and evaluation of fulfilment of the given tasks, including links to administration and facilities maintenance. Within the stipulated landmarks constructor of the implementation project and works on technological part was ensured, implementation project of construction works was elaborated and the constructor of construction works was provided. In December 2005 construction works on prospective dispatching premises for the conditions of the new Dispatching of ASDR SE-VE began. Technologic part supplies (HW) were delivered in November 2005. Implementation of the project will be continued in the year 2006. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 66

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PVE Ipeº

Preãerpávacia vodná elektráreÀ Ipeº je projekt, ktor˘ svojimi ‰piãkov˘mi parametrami patrí medzi najv˘znamnej‰ie hydroenergetické projekty v rámci stredoeurópskeho regiónu. Ide o akumulaãn˘ zdroj s in‰talovan˘m v˘konom 600 MW, moÏnosÈou akumulácie 13,2 GWh energie v hornej nádrÏi a s moÏnosÈou t˘Ïdenného preãerpávacieho cyklu. Tento projekt má v‰etky predpoklady staÈ sa v˘znamn˘m hráãom na európskom energetickom trhu, najmä z titulu svojej ‰irokej ponuky poskytovan˘ch podporn˘ch sluÏieb. V roku 2005 pokraãovali na lokalite prieskumno-‰túdijné práce orientované hlavne na monitorovanie hydrogeologického prostredia, Ïivotného prostredia a prácu s dotknutou verejnosÈou. V˘sledky ‰túdií a prieskumn˘ch prác prispeli k ìal‰iemu spresneniu technickej koncepcie, a t˘m k zníÏeniu neistôt a rizík v technickom rie‰ení resp. nákladov stavby.

Príprava odstavenia JE V1

Projekt prípravy odstavenia JE V1 v roku 2005 pokraãoval v súlade s harmonogramom prác, vypracovanom v nadväznosti na rozhodnutie vlády SR, ktorá sa uznesením ã. 801/99 zaviazala k odstaveniu I. a II. bloku JE V1 v termínoch 31. 12. 2006 a 31. 12. 2008. Slovenské elektrárne, a. s., v spolupráci so zahraniãn˘m Konzultantom pripravili v priebehu roku ìal‰ie tri grantové dohody s EBOR, ktoré umoÏnia financovaÈ, resp. spolufinancovaÈ z prostriedkov BIDSF nasledujúce projekty: > Rekon‰trukcia ochrany areálu AKOBOJE > Nakladanie s vyhoret˘m jadrov˘m palivom > Systém riadenia dokumentácie > Databáza vyraìovania > Spracovanie a úprava odpadov z JE > Roz‰írenie RÚ RAO Mochovce

Projekty, ktor˘ch financovanie z fondu BIDSF bolo schválené Grantov˘mi dohodami v roku 2004, sú v rôznom ‰tádiu realizácie. Ide o nasledujúce projekty:

> SluÏby konzultanta > Rekon‰trukcia pomocnej kotolne > Koncepãn˘ plán vyraìovania z prevádzky a hodnotenie vplyvu na Ïivotné prostredie > Transportné prostriedky na kvapalné RAO > Vypracovanie prevádzkovej dokumentácie pre jednotlivé fázy ukonãovania prevádzky JE V1 > Zmena systému dodávky tepla a pary VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 67

Investments ANNUAL REPORT 2005

PVE Ipeº

Pumped-storage hydro power plant Ipeº is the project, which through its top parameters belongs among the most important hydro power engineering projects within the Central European region. It is an accumulation source with an installed output of 600 MW, possible acumulation of 13.2 GWh of power in the upper reservoir and with the possibility of a wekkly repumping cycle. This project has all the prerequisites for becoming a remarkable player on the European power market, mostly thanks to its wide offer of provided support services. In 2005 in the locality continued exploring and surveying works focused mainly on monitoring of hydrogeological environment, living environment and work with the involved public. Results of the studies and exploring works contributed to further improvement of technical concept, thus decreasing dubiousness and risks in the technical solution or construction costs.

Preparation of V1 NPP shutdown

The Project of preparation of V1 NPP shutdown in 2005 continued in compliance with the schedule of works elaborated in connection with the decision of the Slovak government, which through its Decree No. 801/99 bound to the shutdown of Units 1 and 2 of V1 NPP within the terms of December 31, 2006 and December 31, 2008. Slovenské elektrárne, a. s., in cooperation with foreign Consultant prepared during the year other three grant agreements with EBOR, which will allow funding, or co-funding from the BIDSF the following projects: > Reconstruction of protection of AKOBOJE premises > Spent nuclear fuel management > Documentation management system > Rejection databasis > Processing and treatment of waste from NPPs > Enlargement of RÚ RAO Mochovce

Projects, the financing of which from the BIDSF fund was approved by Grant agreements in 2004, are in various stages of implementation. These incude:

> Consultant services > Reconstruction of an auxiliary boiler > Concept plan of decommissioning and evaluation of the impact on the environment > Transport means for liquid RAW > Elaboration of operating documentation for individual phases of termination of the operation of V1 NPP > Change of the system of heat and steam delivery VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 68

68 > 69 Investície V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

Na konci roku 2005 bol do zhromaÏdenia prispievateºov do fondu BIDSF predloÏen˘ návrh Grantovej dohody pre projekty:

> Spracovanie kovov˘ch odpadov a zabezpeãenie vhodn˘ch dekontaminaãn˘ch zariadení > Integrálny sklad RAO v lokalite Bohunice > UvoºÀovanie materiálov z vyraìovania

Vecn˘ obsah tejto grantovej dohody bol zhromaÏdením prispievateºov schválen˘ a po vyrie‰ení detailov bude táto grantová dohoda predloÏená na podpis EBOR a SE, a. s.

Riadenie obchodu a v˘roby elektriny (ROVE)

Predmetom projektu je realizácia komplexného riadiaceho a informaãného systému pre riadenie obchodu a v˘roby elektriny v SE, a. s. V marci 2005 boli úspe‰ne odskú‰ané funkcie riadenia v˘robn˘ch blokov SE, a. s., na základe ekonomick˘ch kritérií (AGC/ED). V apríli 2005 bol uveden˘ do prevádzky v˘robn˘ a obchodn˘ dispeãing v novovytvoren˘ch priestoroch v nadstavbe sociálnej budovy R-SE. V mesiacoch apríl aÏ august boli ukonãené a prevzaté nasledujúce ãiastkové projekty: > Príprava pre otvorenie trhu s podporn˘mi sluÏbami > Príprava prevádzky v˘robní SE, a. s. > Prevzatie zodpovednosti za odch˘lku a riadenie odch˘lky SE, a. s.

Do rie‰ení v˘robného a obchodného dispeãingu ROVE-SE boli zahrnuté poÏiadavky vypl˘vajúce z rokovaní s Enel S.p.A. ZároveÀ prebiehali práce na realizácii systémov MES (systémy v˘robn˘ch informácií) pre SE-ENO, SE-EVO, SE-VE, SE-EMO a príprava realizaãnej dokumentácie pre MES systémy R-SE a SE-EBO. V priebehu roku 2005 boli uvedené do skú‰obnej prevádzky MES systémy pre SE-ENO, SE-EVO, SE-VE.


V roku 2005 boli potreby informatiky zabezpeãované v rámci desiatich investiãn˘ch projektov, z ktor˘ch osem bolo v ‰tádiu realizácie a dva v ‰tádiu prípravy.

Predmetom t˘chto projektov bol najmä: > nákup novej v˘poãtovej techniky a jednoduchá reprodukcia amortizovanej v˘poãtovej techniky na technológii INTEL, > vybudovanie jednotného identifikaãného a prístupového systému do ìal‰ích objektov SE, a. s. > obnova infra‰truktúry informaãného systému na technológiách RISC a diskov˘ch polí, > obnova a roz‰írenie sieÈovej infra‰truktúry informaãného systému na technológiách CISCO, VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 69

Investments ANNUAL REPORT 2005

At the end of 2005 the proposal of the Grant agreement was submitted into the meeting of contributors into the fund of BIDSF for the following projects:

> Processing of metal waste and provision of suitable decontaminating facilities > Integral depot of RAW in the locality of Bohunice > Releasing materials from decommissioning

Factual contents of this grant agreement was approved by the meeting of contributors and after solving details this grant agreement will be submitted for signing to EBRD a SE, a. s.

Electricity production and trade management (ROVE)

The subject of the project is implementation of a complex management and information system for the management of trade and production of electricity in SE, a. s. In March 2005 were successfully tested functions of management of production units of SE, a. s. based on economic criteria (AGC/ED). In April 2005, production and trade dispatching was put into operation in the newly created premises in the superstructure of the social building of R-SE. In the months of April through August, the following partial projects were finished and taken over: > Preparation for the opening of market with support services > Preparation of operation of the workshops of SE,a. s. > Take-over of responsibility for the deviation and management of the deviation of SE, a. s.

Requirements ensuing from negotiations with Enel S.p.A. were incorporated in the solutions of the production and trade dispatching of ROVE-SE. Parallely, works on the implementation of systems of MES (production information systems) for SE-ENO, SE- EVO, SE-VE, SE-EMO and preparation of the implementation documentation for MES systems of R-SE and SE-EBO were in progress. In the course of 2005 systems for SE-ENO, SE-EVO, SE-VE were put to test operation of MES.


In 2005, the needs of informatics were provided within ten capital projects, of which eight were in the stage of implementation and two in the stage of preparation.

The subject of these projects was mostly: > purchase of a new computer technology and simple reproduction of amortized computer technology on the technology of INTEL, > building of a unified identification and access system into other objects of SE, a. s. > renewal of infrastructure of information system on technologies of RISC and disk arrays, VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 70

70 > 71 Investície V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

> dodávky a obnova systémovej infra‰truktúry informaãného systému nevyhnutného pre dohºad a manaÏovanie informaãného systému, > dodávky a obnova systémov pre ochranu informaãného systému nevyhnutného pre ochranu údajov, > realizácia bezpeãného pripojenia systému ROVE na informaãn˘ systém SE, a. s., > centralizácia spracovania MTZ, > roz‰irovanie funkcionalít jednotliv˘ch modulov súãasného informaãného systému SE, a. s., podºa poÏiadaviek majiteºov procesov.

Zjednotliv˘ch investiãn˘ch projektov je vhodné spomenúÈ: Prístupov˘ (identifikaãn˘) systém, ktorého cieºom je dosiahnutie stavu, aby jedna identifikaãná karta umoÏnila kaÏdému oprávnenému pracovníkovi vstup do jednotliv˘ch objektov SE, a. s., nakoºko súãasn˘ systém pouÏíva pre kaÏdú lokalitu (elektráreÀ) rozdielne identifikaãné karty.

V rámci IPR Siete LAN – obnova a roz‰irovanie sieÈovej infra‰truktúry informaãného systému boli realizované projekty: Obnova LAN SE-EVO, prepojenie LAN SE-EMO – ATOM, Nadstavba sociálnej budovy R-SE, Modernizácia siete LAN R-SE a Infra‰truktúra prepojenia serverov pre projekt CSU (centrálne spracovania údajov). Dominantn˘m projektom konsolidácie informaãného systému bola centralizácia kancelárskeho informaãného systému. Zaãala sa realizácia projektu Centralizácia databáz spracovania MTZ, ktorého cieºom je vybudovanie jednotnej a centrálnej evidencie skladov˘ch materiálov.

Podiel investícií jednotliv˘ch závodov na celkov˘ch investíciách

SE-EBO 41 %

R-SE 20 %

SE-VYZ 14 %

SE-EMO 13 %

SE-VE 4 %

SE-ENO 4 %

SE-MO 34 3 %

SE-EVO 1 % VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 71

Investments ANNUAL REPORT 2005

> renewal and enlargement of network infrastructure of information systm on technologies of CISCO, > supplies and renewal of system infrastructure of information system inevitable for inspection and management of information system, > supplies and renewal of systems for protection of information system inevitable for the protection of data, > implementation of safe connection of the ROVE system to the information system of SE, a. s., > centralization of material and technology provision, > widening of functionalities of individual modules of the current information system of SE, a. s. subject to the requirements of the owners of processes.

Among the capital projects it is worth mentioning: Access (identification) system, the aim of which is reaching the state, so that one identification card allowed every eligible employee to enter individual objects of SE, a. s., since the current system uses different identification cards for each locality (power plant).

Within IPR Network LAN – renewal and enlargement of network infrastructure of the information system – the following projects were implemented: Renewal of LAN SE-EVO, interconnection of LAN SE-EMO – ATOM, Superstructure of the social building of R-SE, Modernization of LAN R-SE network and Infrastructure of interconnection of servers for the project CSU (central data processing). Dominant project of consolidation of the information system was centralization of the office information system. Implementation of the project Centralization of databases of material and technology processing, the aim of which is building of a unified and central evidence of stock materials, has started.

Share of investments of individual plants on overall investments

SE-EBO 41 %

R-SE 20 %

SE-VYZ 14 %

SE-EMO 13 %

SE-VE 4 %

SE-ENO 4 %

SE-MO 34 3 %

SE-EVO 1 % VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 72

72 > 73 Medzinárodná spolupráca V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

Medzinárodná spolupráca

Voktóbri 2005 sa v Budape‰ti konalo valné zhromaÏdenie Svetovej asociácie jadrov˘ch prevádzkovateºov (WANO) – Bienále WANO. Jeho organizáciu zabezpeãovalo Moskovské centrum WANO v spolupráci so svojimi regionálnymi ãlenmi – elektrárensk˘mi spoloãnosÈami a jadrov˘mi elektrárÀami Ruska, âeska, Slovenska, Maìarska, Ukrajiny, Bulharska a Slovinska. SúãasÈou tohto v˘znamného fóra bola aj post-BGM tour, resp. technická náv‰teva úãastníkov zhromaÏdenia na Slovensku. Náv‰teva bola súhrnom odborn˘ch a sociálnych aktivít, v rámci ktor˘ch sa úãastníci stretnutia formou poznávacieho zájazdu oboznámili s technick˘mi aspektmi prevádzky jadrového zariadenia SE-EMO a s kultúrnymi a historick˘mi pamiatkami Slovenskej republiky. Záujem o náv‰tevu Slovenska prejavili topmanaÏéri tak˘ch elektrárensk˘ch spoloãností a jadrov˘ch elektrární ako Nuclear Management Company, Bechtel Power Company, Entergy Nuclear, Tennessee Valley Authority, Constellation Energy Group, Southern California Edison (USA), Shikoku Electric Power Company, Kyushu Electric Power Company (Japonsko), Atomenergoremont, Rosenergoatom, Belojarskaja JE (Rusko) a Taiwan Power Company (Taiwan). Úãastníci Bienále WANO mali 13. októbra 2005 moÏnosÈ nav‰tíviÈ Atómové elektrárne Mochovce. Poãas prehliadky sa zoznámili s históriu v˘stavby 1. a 2. bloku elektrárne, ‰truktúrou v˘roby elektriny na Slovensku aprezreli si priestory rozostavan˘ch blokov SE-MO 34.

V roku 2005 v Slovensk˘ch elektrárÀach, a. s., prebiehala príprava na odbornú previerku, ktorú má v roku 2006 v SE-EMO vykonaÈ Medzinárodná agentúra pre atómovú energiu (MAAE). V rámci tejto prípravy v novembri 2005 vAtómov˘ch elektrárÀach Mochovce pracovala skupina expertov zloÏená zo zástupcov âEZ, SE, a. s., a tieÏ pozorovateºov z talianskej spoloãnosti SOGIN, ktorá hodnotila súlad pouÏívan˘ch pracovn˘ch dokumentov s poÏiadavkami MAAE. V˘sledkom bolo ocenenie siln˘ch stránok a odporúãania k náprave slab˘ch miest, ão prispelo nielen k efektívnej príprave na „ostrú“ previerku, ale aj posilnilo bezpeãnosÈ a spoºahlivosÈ v˘roby elektriny v SE, a. s.

Vroku 2005 pokraãovala aj spolupráca so Svetovou asociáciou jadrov˘ch prevádzkovateºov (WANO). V apríli sa konal medzinárodn˘ seminár „EfektívnosÈ vyuÏitia prevádzkov˘ch skúseností pre zv˘‰enie bezpeãnosti prevádzky jadrov˘ch elektrární“ za úãasti odborníkov z Nemecka, Slovenska, âeska, Ruska, Bulharska, Ukrajiny, Maìarska, Litvy, âíny a Francúzska. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 73

International Cooperation ANNUAL REPORT 2005

International Cooperation

In October 2005 the General Assembly of the World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) was held in Budapest under the name WANO Biennal. Its organization was provided by the Moscow Centre of WANO in cooperation with its regional members – power-plant companies and nuclear power-plants from Russia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Ukraine, Bulgaria and Slovenia. A part of this important forum was also post-BGM tour, or technical visit of participants of the meeting to Slovakia. The visit was a summary of professional and social activities, within which the participants of the meeting in the form of a collective tour became acquainted with technical aspects of operation of nuclear facility of SE-EMO and with cultural and historical monuments of the Slovak Republic. Interest in the visit to Slovakia was shown by top managers of such power-plant companies and nuclear power-plants as Nuclear Management Company, Bechtel Power Company, Entergy Nuclear, Tennessee Valley Authority, Constellation Energy Group, Southern California Edison (USA), Shikoku Electric Power Company, Kyushu Electric Power Company (Japan), Atomenergoremont, Rosenergoatom, Belojarskaya NPP (Russia) and Taiwan Power Company (Taiwan). Participants to WANO Biennal had the opportunity to pay a visit to the Mochovce Nuclear Power Plant on October 13, 2005. During the visitation they got acquainted with the history of construction of the power plant units 1 and 2, structure of electricity production in Slovakia and previewed the premises of the SE-MO 34 units under the process of reconstruction.

In 2005, preparation for professional inspection to be carried out by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Slovenské elektrárne, a. s. in 2006 was carried out. As part of this preparation, a group of experts composed of representatives of âEZ, SE, a.s and observers from the Italian company SOGIN, which evaluated the accord of used working documents with the IAEA requirements, worked in the Mochovce Nuclear Power Plant in November 2005. This visit resulted in appreciation of strong sides and recommendations for rectification of weak points, which contributed not only to the effective preparation for the real check-up but also strengthened safety and reliability of production of electricity in SE, a. s.

In 2005, cooperation with the World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) continued. In April the international seminar „Effectiveness of utilization of operational experience for increasing safety of nuclear power plants operation“ was held under the participation of experts from Germany, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Russia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Hungary, Lithuania, China and France. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 74

74 > 75 Jadrová bezpeãnosÈ V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

Jadrová bezpeãnosÈ

SE, a. s., povaÏujú jadrovú bezpeãnosÈ a radiaãnú ochranu, ako jej neoddeliteºnú súãasÈ, za svoju najvy‰‰iu prioritu. Preto v súlade s poÏiadavkami Bezpeãnostnej politiky schválilo Predstavenstvo SE, a. s., dÀa 7. 6. 2005 novú „Politiku jadrovej bezpeãnosti a radiaãnej ochrany“. V tejto ãiastkovej politike sú stanovené základné ciele, zásady, poÏiadavky a opatrenia v oblasti jadrovej bezpeãnosti a radiaãnej ochrany. UdrÏiavaním a trval˘m zlep‰ovaním stavu technologického zariadenia, dôslednou prípravou a v˘cvikom personálu a zlep‰ovaním organizácie riadenia sa SE, a. s., snaÏia o kontinuálne zvy‰ovanie úrovne jadrovej bezpeãnosti.

V˘roba elektrickej energie z jadrov˘ch elektrární v roku 2005 dosiahla 17 726 510 MWh, ão predstavuje mierny nárast v˘roby oproti predchádzajúcemu roku 17 025 626 MWh. Podiel v˘roby z jadrov˘ch elektrární v rámci SE, a. s., mierne stúpol na 66,96 % oproti roku 2004 (66,57 %). Najv˘znamnej‰ím investiãn˘m projektom v rámci cel˘ch SE, a. s., je „Program modernizácie a zvy‰ovania bezpeãnosti JE V-2“. Projekt je plánované realizovaÈ do roku 2008 v súlade s Rozhodnutím ÚJD SR ã. 214/2000. Realizácia jednotliv˘ch úloh modernizácie je navrhnutá najmä poãas plánovan˘ch roz‰íren˘ch odstávok blokov.

Z pohºadu jadrovej bezpeãnosti a spoºahlivosti prevádzky moÏno medzi najdôleÏitej‰ie zaradiÈ nasledovné akcie, realizované v roku 2005:

> Rekon‰trukcia uzla poistn˘ch ventilov kompenzátora objemu > Postupná in‰talácia nov˘ch systémov ochrany reaktora a systému ESFAS > Postupná úprava viek primárnych kolektorov parogenerátorov > Úprava reléov˘ch automatík primárneho a sekundárneho okruhu > In‰talácia systému pohavarijného monitorovania – 1. etapa > Rekon‰trukcia systému technickej vody > Zv˘‰enie seizmickej odolnosti stavieb a zariadení

V SE, a. s., je v súlade s medzinárodnou praxou a odporúãaniami Medzinárodnej agentúry pre atómovú energiu vybudovan˘ modern˘ jednotn˘ komplexn˘ systém hodnotenia bezpeãnosti prevádzky, ktor˘ prebieha v troch základn˘ch oblastiach – plynulá prevádzka, pozitívny prístup k bezpeãnosti a prevádzka s mal˘m rizikom. V kaÏdej z t˘chto oblastí je hodnotenie vykonávané prostredníctvom konkrétnych ãíseln˘ch prevádzkov˘ch ukazovateºov bezpeãnosti, sledovania trendov a porovnávania v˘sledkov so stanoven˘mi cieºmi. Zber, spracovanie a vyhodnocovanie dát ako i generovanie hodnotiacich správ prebieha v rámci efektívneho aplikaãného programového vybavenia.

Z hºadiska poãtu prevádzkov˘ch udalostí, majúcich vzÈah k bezpeãnosti, je moÏné uplynul˘ rok hodnotiÈ ako priazniv˘. Vyskytla sa len jedna prevádzková udalosÈ hodnotená podºa medzinárodnej stupnice stupÀom INES 1, a to v SE-EMO na 1. a 2. bloku „Prekroãenie parametru podtlaku v miestnosti hlavn˘ch cirkulaãn˘ch ãerpadiel na 1. a 2. bloku SE-EMO (paluba HCâ- A301/1,2)“. Priamou príãinou vzniku tejto udalosti, ktorá pretrvávala prakticky od nábehu 1. bloku a taktieÏ 2. bloku, av‰ak odhalená bola aÏ vo februári minulého roku, bolo nevedomé tlakovanie miestností A 301/1,2 ventilaãn˘m systémom cez nehermetické priechodky.

Na ostatn˘ch blokoch sa prevádzkové udalosti INES=1 poãas roku nevyskytli, a teda v‰etky ostatné udalosti boli klasifikované ako udalosti s mal˘m bezpeãnostn˘m v˘znamom (INES=0, t. j. pod stupnicou), alebo ako udalosti bez bezpeãnostného v˘znamu (mimo stupnice INES). VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 75

Nuclear Safety ANNUAL REPORT 2005

Nuclear Safety

SE, a. s., considers nuclear safety and radiation protection as its inseparable part, for its highest priority. Therefore, in compliance with the requirements of the Safety Policy the Board of Directors of SE, a. s. approved on June 7, 2005 a new „Policy of Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection“. In this partial policy are stipulated basic objectives, principles, requirements and measures in the sphere of nuclear safety and radiation protection. SE, a. s. through maintaining and permanent improvement of the state of technological facility, thorough preparation and training of personnel, and improvement of organization of management of SE, a. s., attempt at continual improvement of the level of nuclear safety.

Production of electricity from nuclear power plants in 2005 reached 17,726,510 MWh, which represents a slight increase in production comparing to the previous year (17 025 626 MWh). The share of production from nuclear power plants within SE, a. s. was slightly raised to 66.96 % when compared with 2004 (66.57 %). The most important capital project within the whole SE, a. s. is the „Programme of modernization and safety of upgrading JE V-2“. The Project is planned to be implemented until 2008 in accord with the Decision of ÚJD SR No. 214/2000. Implementation of individual tasks of modernization is proposed mostly for the planned extended unit overhauls.

From the point of view of nuclear safety and reliability of operation, the following projects can be considered as most important in 2005:

> Reconstruction of the pressurizer safety valve node > Gradual installation of new reactor protection system and ESFAS system > Gradual modification of steam-generator primary collector lids > Modification of relay automatics of the primary and secondary circuit > Installation of the post-emergency monitoring system – stage 1 > Reconstruction of the service water system > Increasing seismic resistance of buildings and facilities.

In SE, a. s. is a modern unified complex system of assessment of operational safety, which is performed in three basic areas – smooth operation, positive attitude to safety and operation with a low risk. This system is in compliance with the international practice and recommendations of the International Atomic Energy Agency. In each of the above mentioned areas the evaluation is carried out by means of specific numeral operational safety indicators of observation of trends and comparison of results with the scheduled objectives. Collection, processing and evaluation of data, as well as generating of review reports is carried out within the effective application software.

From the point of view of operational events having relationship with safety it is possible to evaluate the previous year as favourable. There occured only one operational incident evaluated in compliance with the international scale by the grade INES 1 in SE-EMO on Units 1 and 2 „Overloading of the parameter of underpressure in the main circulating pumps room on Units 1 and 2 of SE-EMO (main circulating pump deck – A301/1,2)“. Adirect cause of occurence of this event, which persisted practically from the commissioning of Unit 1 and also Unit 2, but was revealed only last February, was unaware pressurizing of rooms A 301/1,2 by the ventilation system through non-hermetic bushings. On other units, the operational events INES=1 have not occured during the year and thus all other events were classified as the ones with minor safety importance (INES=0, i.e. under the scale), or as events without safety importance (outside the INES scale). VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 76

76 > 77 Jadrová bezpeãnosÈ V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

Poãet prevádzkov˘ch udalostí INES 1

0 0 0 2 2001

0 0 0 1 2002

0 0 0 1 2003

SE-EBO V-2 1 0 0 1 SE-EBO V-1 2004

SE-VYZ 0 0 0 1

SE-EMO 2005

0 1 23


Vroku 2005 nedo‰lo k automatickému odstaveniu bloku pôsobením AO-1. Priemern˘ poãet dosiahol hodnotu 0 na jeden prevádzkovan˘ blok, ão predstavuje najlep‰í v˘sledok v doteraj‰ej histórii prevádzky jadrov˘ch blokov.

Priemern˘ poãet AO-1 na prevádzkovan˘ blok

0,17 2001

0,17 2002

0,78 2003

0,33 2004

0 2005

0,00 0,10 0,20 0,30 0,40 0,50 0,60 0,70 0,80

priemer VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 77

Nuclear Safety ANNUAL REPORT 2005

Number of Operational Events INES 1

0 0 0 2 2001

0 0 0 1 2002

0 0 0 1 2003

SE-EBO V-2 1 0 0 1 SE-EBO V-1 2004

SE-VYZ 0 0 0 1

SE-EMO 2005

0 1 23


In 2005 there did not come to an automatic reactor scram. Average number reached the value of 0 for one operated unit, which represents the best result in the present history of operation of nuclear units.

Average Number of automatic reactor scrams Per One Operated Unit

0.17 2001

0.17 2002

0.78 2003

0.33 2004

0 2005

0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80

average VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 78

78 > 79 Jadrová bezpeãnosÈ V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

Svetová asociácia jadrov˘ch operátorov (WANO) vyuÏíva na hodnotenie prevádzkovan˘ch blokov vo svete deväÈ ukazovateºov. Jedn˘m z nich je aj koeficient neplánovaného zníÏenia v˘konu (Unplanned Capability Loss Factor – UCLF), ktor˘ je pomerom strednej hodnoty neplánovan˘ch zníÏení v˘konu k referenãnej v˘robe elektrickej energie. ÚroveÀ UCLF na v‰etk˘ch blokoch s v˘nimkou 1. bloku SE-EBO dosiahla vynikajúcu úroveÀ. Bloky SE-EMO a bloky 2 a 4 SE-EBO sa radia do najlep‰ej ‰tvrtiny blokov PWR. Hodnoty dosahované na uveden˘ch blokoch SE-EBO a SE-EMO sú podstatne lep‰ie ako je priemer pre bloky s tlakovodn˘mi reaktormi (PWR) v roku 2004, 3,6 %, ako aj medián – 1,7 %.

Nárast priemernej hodnoty v roku 2005 spôsobilo predæÏenie generálnej opravy na 1. bloku JE V-1 z dôvodu odstraÀovania ionexov z primárneho okruhu, ktoré spôsobilo neplánované predæÏenie odstávky o cca 30 dní. Hodnota ukazovateºa UCLF na tomto bloku bola 9,34 %.

Priemerná hodnota ukazovateºa UCLF na blok

1,75 2001 0,47 2002

1,2 2003

0,97 2004 1,78 2005

0,00 % 0,20 % 0,40 % 0,60 % 0,80 % 1,00 % 1,20 % 1,40 % 1,60 % 1,80 %

Radiaãná ochrana

V oblasti radiaãnej ochrany sú v SE, a. s., dlhodobo dosahované veºmi dobré v˘sledky. Ani na jednom jadrovom zariadení sa nevyskytla v priebehu roku 2005 radiaãná nehoda. Kolektívna efektívna dávka personálu elektrární a dodávateºov v minulom roku na blokoch JE V-1 a JE V-2 v Jaslovsk˘ch Bohuniciach mierne narástla, ão bolo spôsobené vplyvom predæÏenia generálnej opravy na 1. bloku, ktoré bolo zapríãinené prácami potrebn˘mi na odstránenie ionexov zo zariadení primárneho okruhu a na V-2 realizovaním prác na zariadeniach primárneho okruhu v rámci programu modernizácie. Vplyv na mierny nárast priemernej kolektívnej efektívnej dávky na blok SE-EMO mal väã‰í objem prác realizovan˘ch poãas roz‰írenej generálnej opravy. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 79

Nuclear Safety ANNUAL REPORT 2005

World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) uses nine indicators for evaluation of operated units. One of them is also unplanned capability loss factor – UCLF, which is the ratio of the mean value of unplanned capability losses to the reference electricity qeneration. The level of UCLF on all units with the exception of Unit 1 of SE-EBO reached an outstanding level. Units of SE-EMO and Units 2 and 4 of SE-EBO rank among the top quarter of PWR Units. The values reached at the given SE-EBO and SE-EMO Units are substantially better than the average for units with pressurized water reactors (PWR) in 2004, 3.6 %, as well as median – 1.7 %.

Increase in the average value in 2005 was caused by the extension of the overhaul on Unit 1 of V-1 NPP on the score of removal of resins from the primary circuit, which was caused by unplanned extension of the shut-down by approx. 30 days. The value of UCLF indicator on this unit was 9.34 %.

Average Value of UCLF Indicator per Unit

1.75 2001 0.47 2002

1.2 2003

0.97 2004 1.78 2005

0.00 % 0.20 % 0.40 % 0.60 % 0.80 % 1.00 % 1.20 % 1.40 % 1.60 % 1.80 %

Radiation Protection

In the sphere of radiation protection in the long run SE, a. s., reaches very good results. No nuclear facility recorded any radiation accident in the course of the year 2005. Collective effective dose of power plant personnel and suppliers at V-1 and V-2 Units of Jaslovské Bohunice NPP has slightly grown in the last year, which was caused by the influence of extension of the overhaul on Unit 1, which was caused by the works necessary for the removal of resins from the components of the primary circuit and on V-2 through the implementation of works on facilities of the primary circuit within the programme of modernization. Larger volume of works implemented during the extended overhaul had the influence on the slight increase in average collective effective dose per SE-EMO Unit. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 80

80 > 81 Jadrová bezpeãnosÈ V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

Hodnoty dosahované na blokoch SE-EBO a SE-EMO sú veºmi nízke. Bloky JE V-2 a SE- EMO patria podºa údajov WANO v tejto oblasti medzi najlep‰iu ‰tvrtinu blokov stlakovodn˘mi reaktormi (PWR). Hodnota dosiahnutá na JE V-1 je tieÏ na veºmi dobrej úrovni, keìÏe je niωia ako medián WANO pre bloky PWR, ktor˘ bol v roku 2004 608 man mSv. Dosiahnuté v˘sledky svedãia o dôslednom aplikovaní princípu ALARA.

Priemerná Kolektívna efektívna dávka na blok v JE a SE-VYZ

629 120 349 721 2001

485 165 204 791 2002

484 218 218 836 2003

SE-EBO V-1 371 238 225 789 SE-EBO V-2 2004

SE-EMO 532 247 380 626 SE-VYZ 2005

0 500 1 000 1 500 2 000

[man mSv]

Aktivity plynn˘ch a kvapaln˘ch vypustí do Ïivotného prostredia boli taktieÏ nízke, cca na úrovni zlomkov aÏ niekoºk˘ch percent z povolen˘ch limitov. Z hºadiska ochrany obyvateºstva to znamená, Ïe maximálne hodnoty vypoãítan˘ch individuálnych efektívnych dávok dosahujú rádovo desatiny mikrosieverta, ão je zanedbateºné v porovnaní s roãn˘m limitom oÏiarenia pre jednotlivca z radov obyvateºstva, ktor˘ je pre JE stanoven˘ na 250 mikroSv.

Havarijné plánovanie

Vroku 2005 sa v jadrov˘ch zariadeniach SE, a. s., nevyskytli prevádzkové udalosti, ktor˘ch dôsledkom by bola aktivácia organizácie havarijnej odozvy v závodoch a realizácia opatrení podºa havarijného plánu. Havarijná pripravenosÈ vo v‰etk˘ch závodoch bola vroku 2005 zabezpeãovaná priebeÏnou ãinnosÈou v‰etk˘ch odborn˘ch útvarov v závodoch a odboru jadrovej bezpeãnosti a radiaãnej ochrany riaditeºstva SE, a. s. Vpriebehu roku 2005 boli v rámci previerok prostriedkov vyrozumenia a varovania vykonané komplexné skú‰ky t˘chto systémov v okolí oboch JE SE-EBO a SE-EMO podºa harmonogramu schváleného Úradom civilnej obrany MV SR. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 81

Nuclear Safety ANNUAL REPORT 2005

Values obtained on SE-EBO and SE-EMO Units are very low. According to the data by WANO, NPP V-2 and SE-EMO Units belong in this area among the best quarter of units with pressurized water reactors (PWR). The value obtained at NPP V-1 is also on a very good level, since it is lower than median WANO for PWR Units, which was 608 man mSv in 2004. The reached results give evidence of a thorough application of the principle ALARA.

Average collective effective dose per NPP unit and SE-VYZ

629 120 349 721 2001

485 165 204 791 2002

484 218 218 836 2003

SE-EBO V-1 371 238 225 789 SE-EBO V-2 2004

SE-EMO 532 247 380 626 SE-VYZ 2005

0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000

[man mSv]

Activities of gas and liquid releases into the environment were also low, approx. on the level of fragments to several percent of the permitted limits. From the point of view of inhabitants protection this means that maximum values of calculated individual effective doses reach tenths of microsieverts, which is neglectable in comparison with the annual limit of exposure for an individual from among population, which has been set for NPPs to 250 microSv.

Emergency Planning

In 2005 in nuclear power plants of SE, a. s., did not occur any operational events, the consequence of which would have been activation of organization of emergency response in plants and implementation of measures according to the emergency plan. Emergency preparedness in all plants in 2005 was provided by a continuous activity of all professional departments in plants and the Department of Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection of the Headquarters of SE, a. s. In the course of 2005, tests of these systems in the surroundings of both SE-EBO and SE-EMO were executed according to the schedule approved by the Civil Defence office of the Ministry of Interior of the SR, as part of inspection of notification and warning means. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 82

82 > 83 Jadrová bezpeãnosÈ V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

V okolí SE-EBO boli elektrické sirény bez väã‰ích problémov preskú‰avané kaÏd˘ mesiac. Vyskytla sa jedna udalosÈ, ktorá mala dopad na neplánované spustenie systému vyrozumenia orgánov miestnej a ‰tátnej správy a organizácií v okolí JE. Chybou ºudského faktora bol dÀa 1. 12. 2005 zariadením ZUZANA vyslan˘ signál „Núdzov˘ stav Bohunice“ v rámci zmenového havarijného cviãenia JE V-1 v súãinnosti s havarijnou komisiou do celého 30 km ochranného pásma. Boli prijaté nápravné opatrenia technického a organizaãného charakteru na zabránenie vzniku podobnej udalosti v budúcnosti. Elektronické sirény a vyrozumievacie prostriedky v okolí SE-EMO boli vykonané podºa schválen˘ch harmonogramov. Prebehli bez problémov s veºmi malou poruchovosÈou. Táto skutoãnosÈ je dôsledkom zodpovedného prístupu organizácií zabezpeãujúcich údrÏbu a opravy systémov varovania a vyrozumenia v okolí oboch JE. Podºa schválen˘ch harmonogramov pokraãovali ‰kolenia vlastn˘ch zamestnancov a zamestnancov dodávateºsk˘ch organizácií a protihavarijné nácviky odborn˘ch skupín organizácií havarijnej odozvy v kaÏdom závode. Cieºom bolo získaÈ správne návyky pre zvládnutie havarijnej situácie. Táto príprava bola urãená ako pre personál elektrárne, tak aj pre dodávateºov. Získané teoretické znalosti a praktické skúsenosti z nácvikov boli preverované na havarijn˘ch cviãeniach. V roku 2005 sa uskutoãnili na základe dohody medzi âEZ, a. s., a SE, a. s., dva spoloãné semináre pracovníkov oboch prevádzkovateºov v oblasti havarijnej pripravenosti. Tieto semináre zhodnotili vzájomnú spoluprácu v oblasti havarijnej pripravenosti aich vzájomné prepojenie a pôsobenie. Semináre nadväzovali na celoareálové havarijné cviãenia uskutoãnené v JE Dukovany a JE Jaslovské Bohunice. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 83

Nuclear Safety ANNUAL REPORT 2005

Electric sirens in the surrounding of SE-EBO were examined without any problems every month. There occured only one event, which had an impact on unplanned initiation of the system of notification and warning of the bodies of the local and state administration and organizations in the surrounding of NPP. By failure of a human factor, the signal „Emergency state Bohunice“ was sent by the ZUZANA device on December 1, 2005 within the emergency exercise NPP V-1 in cooperation with the emergency commission into the whole 30 km emergency zone. Corrective measures of technical and organizational character were adopted in order to prevent from origination of such event in the future. Electronic sirens and notification tools in the surrounding of SE-EMO were executed according to the approved schedules. They were performed without any problems with a very low failure rate. This fact is a consequence of responsible attitude of organizations ensuring maintenance and repairs of systems of warning and notification in the surrounding of both NPP. According to the approved schedules, trainings of own employees and employees of the supplier organizations, and operational drills of professional groups of organizations of emergency response were held in each plant. The aim was to acquire correct habits for the management of emergency situations. This preparation was specified for both the personnel of the power plant as well as suppliers. Acquired theoretical knowledges and practical experience from drills were inspected during emergency exercises. Based on the agreement between âEZ, a. s. and SE, a. s. in 2005 two common seminars of employees of both operators in the sphere of emergency preparedness were held. These seminars assessed the mutual cooperation in the sphere of emergency preparedness and their mutual interconnection and activity. Seminars followed the site emergency exercises implemented in Dukovany NPP and Jaslovské Bohunice NPP. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 84

84 > 85 BezpeãnosÈ a ochrana zdravia pri práci a ochrana pred poÏiarmi V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

BezpeãnosÈ a ochrana zdravia pri práci a ochrana pred poÏiarmi

BezpeãnosÈ práce

Zo ‰tatistick˘ch údajov pracovnej úrazovosti za rok 2005 v porovnaní s rokom 2004 za celú SE, a. s., je zrejmé, Ïe v oblasti bezpeãnosti práce v SE, a. s., bol poãet pracovn˘ch úrazov niωí a to o jeden registrovan˘ pracovn˘ úraz (rok 2004 – 17 úrazov, rok 2005 – 16 úrazov). Z uveden˘ch 16 pracovn˘ch úrazov nebol ani jeden úraz ÈaÏk˘, hromadn˘ a smrteºn˘. V‰etky úrazy sú zaradené ako ostatné. Aj napriek skutoãnosti, Ïe ukazovateº úrazovosti poklesol, do‰lo k zv˘‰eniu poãtu zame‰kan˘ch kalendárnych dní z dôvodu pracovnej neschopnosti spôsobenej dobou lieãenia t˘chto vzniknut˘ch úrazov a to o 247 dní. Zo v‰etk˘ch prevádzkovan˘ch pracovísk SE, a. s., je v súãasnosti vyhlásen˘ch 44 rizikov˘ch pracovísk s rizikov˘mi faktormi hluk, vibrácie, Ïiarenie, prach a kombinované pracoviská hluk – prach, hluk – vibrácie, prach – arzén, hluk – prach – arzén, pary ortuti – prach. Na t˘chto pracoviskách pracuje celkovo 3 295 zamestnancov, z ãoho je 3 210 muÏov a 85 Ïien. V‰etky rizikové pracoviská sú pod dohºadom orgánov ‰tátneho odborného dozoru a hygieny, priãom sú prevádzkované v súlade s platn˘mi predpismi Slovenskej republiky. V priebehu roka 2005 zaãalo prehodnocovanie jednotliv˘ch rizikov˘ch profesií a ich zatrieìovanie v zmysle nariadenia vlády ã. 511/2004 Z. z. a ich zatriedenie do jednej zo ‰tyroch hodnotiacich tried bolo odsúhlasené jednotliv˘mi regionálnymi úradmi verejného zdravotníctva. Od roku 2001, kedy bolo v SE, a. s., vyhlásen˘ch 47 rizikov˘ch pracovísk je klesajúca tendencia ako vo vyhlasovaní rizikov˘ch pracovísk tak aj v poãte zamestnancov, ktorí na t˘chto pracoviskách pracujú. Ku koncu roku 2005 pracovalo na t˘chto pracoviskách o1 278 zamestnancov menej ako v roku 2001. Zvlá‰tna pozornosÈ bola venovaná pracoviskám s rizikov˘m faktorom azbest. Boli vytipované v‰etky miesta, kde sa azbest nachádza, navrhnuté náhradné rie‰enia a kritické miesta boli sanované.

Ochrana pred poÏiarmi

V roku 2005 vznikli v SE, a. s., 2 poÏiare a to jeden v závode SE-ENO a druh˘ v SE-EVO, pri ktor˘ch celková v˘‰ka ‰kody predstavovala 7 900,- Sk. V porovnaní s rokom 2004 je poãet poÏiarov o jeden niωí a aj v˘‰ka ‰kôd je niωia. V oblasti ochrany pred poÏiarmi napriek 2 poÏiarom v roku 2005, z ktor˘ch kaÏd˘ vznikol z inej príãiny, je pozitívne, Ïe práve preventívne protipoÏiarne prehliadky a pochôdzky prispeli k vãasnému zisteniu vzniku poÏiarov a akcieschopnosÈ závodn˘ch hasiãsk˘ch útvarov k r˘chlej likvidácii poÏiarov.

V roku 2005 bol na atómov˘ch elektrárÀach SE-EBO a SE-EMO vykonan˘ poisÈovací POOL, ktor˘ bol hlavne zameran˘ na: > Program ochrany pred poÏiarmi > Projekt elektrární > Systémy a zariadenia pre ochranu pred poÏiarmi KaÏdá kontrolovaná oblasÈ mala niekoºko podoblastí a podrobne hodnoten˘ch tém. Záverom poisÈovacieho Poolu bolo navrhnutie opatrení a odporúãaní, ktor˘ch plnenie bude podºa stanoveného harmonogramu. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 85

Safety and Health Protection at Work and Protection from Fire ANNUAL REPORT 2005

Safety and Health Protection at Work and Protection from Fire

Safety at Work

It is obvious from the statistic data of industrial accident rate for 2005 in comparison with the year 2004 for the whole SE, a. s. that in the sphere of work safety in SE, a. s. the number of work industrial accidents was lower by one registered industrial accident (year 2004 – 17 accidents, year 2005 – 16 accidents). Of the 16 industrial accidents none was serious, mass or fatal. All accidents are ranked as the others. In spite of the fact that the indicator of accidental rate has dropped, there came to an increase in the number of missed calendar days as a result of incapacity to work (sickness leave) caused by the period of therapy of these accidents by 247 days. Of the total number of operated workplaces of SE, a. s. 44 were proclaimed risky with risky factors such as noise, vibrations, radiation, dust and combined workplaces: noise – dust, noise – vibrations, dust – arsene, noise – dust – arsene, mercury vapour – dust. At these workplaces there work overall 3,295 employees, of which 3,210 are men and 85 women. All risky workplaces are under the supervision of bodies of the state professional inspection and hygiene, while they are operated in compliance with the valid regulations of the Slovak Republic. In the course of 2005 began revaluation of individual risky professions and their classification subject to the governmental Decree No. 511/2004 Coll. Their classification into one of the four evaluation clases was approved by individual regional bureaus of public health. Since 2001, when in SE, a. s. 47 workplaces were proclaimed risky, there is a decreasing tendency, both in proclamation of risky workplaces and the number of employees working at these places. Towards the end of 2005 worked at these workplaces by 1,278 employees less than in 2001. Exceptional attention is paid to workplaces with risky factor asbestos. All places, where asbestos was situated, were estimated, alternate solutions were proposed and critical places were sanitated.

Fire Protection

In 2005 in SE, a. s. originated 2 fires, one in the plant SE-ENO and the other in SE-EVO. The overall damage reached SKK 7,900,-. In comparison with the year 2004 the number of fires is less by one, and also the height of damages is lower. In the sphere of fire protection, in spite of 2 fires in 2005, of which each was caused by adifferent cause, it is positive that just the preventive antifire inspections and patrols contributed to early detection of fires and fighting power of industrial firefighting departments for fast liquidation of fires.

In 2005 an insurance POOL was carried out in nuclear power plants SE-EBO and SE- EMO, which was mainly focused on: > Fire Protection Programme > Project of Power Plants > Systems and facilities for fire protection Each inspected area included several subareas and topics evaluated in details. At the end of the insurance Pool measures were taken and recommendations were given. Fulfilment of these measures and recommendations will be provided according to the fixed schedule. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 86

86 > 87 BezpeãnosÈ a ochrana zdravia pri práci a ochrana pred poÏiarmi V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

Porovnávacia tabuºka úrazovosti za rok 2005 v SE, a. s., a âEZ

·tatistick˘ údaj SE, a. s. âEZ

Priem. poãet zamestnancov nemocensky poisten˘ch 8 837 6 618 Poãet pracovn˘ch úrazov 16 25 Ztoho smrteºn˘ch 0 0 Zame‰kané kalendárne dni 927 2 345 PoãetnosÈ na 100 zamestnancov 0,18 0,37 Priem. % pracovnej neschopnosti 0,03 0,39

·tatistické hodnotenie úrazovosti v jednotliv˘ch závodoch za posledn˘ch 5 rokov

Rok 2001 EBO EMO MO 34 ENO EVO VET TEKO PS VYZ RAS SE, a. s. Priem. poãet prac. nem. poisten˘ch 2 746 2 391 61 1 507 1 584 1 047 675 286 514 414 11 225 Poãet pracovn˘ch úrazov 9 6 0 3 4 2 3 2 1 1 31 Z toho: > smrteºn˘ch 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > ÈaÏk˘ch 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > hromadn˘ch 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Zame‰kané kalendárne dni 459 198 0 39 239 99 89 105 113 9 1 350 PoãetnosÈ na 100 pracovníkov 0,33 0,25 0,00 0,20 0,25 0,19 0,44 0,70 0,19 0,24 0,28 Priem. % pracovnej neschopnosti 0,05 0,02 0,00 0,01 0,04 0,03 0,04 0,10 0,06 0,01 0,03


Priem. poãet nem. poist. zamestnancov 2 677 2 300 68 1 420 1 545 1 031 529 381 9 951 Poãet pracovn˘ch úrazov 8 9 0 2 6 1 0 1 27 Ztoho: > smrteºn˘ch 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > ÈaÏk˘ch 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > hromadn˘ch 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Zame‰kané kalendárne dni z dôvodu PN 397 346 0 22 642 22 0 25 1 454 PoãetnosÈ na 100 zamestnancov 0,30 0,39 0,00 0,14 0,39 0,10 0,00 0,26 0,27 Priemerné % pracovnej neschopnosti 0,04 0,04 0,00 0,00 0,11 0,01 0,00 0,02 0,04 VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 87

Safety and Health Protection at Work and Protection from Fire ANNUAL REPORT 2005

Accident rate correspondence table for 2005 in SE, a. s. and âEZ

Statistic data SE, a. s. âEZ

Average number of employees number of health insured employees 8,837 6,618 Number of industrial accidents 16 25 Of which fatal accidents 0 0 Missed calendar days 927 2,345 Frequency per 100 employees 0.18 0.37 Average % of incapacity to work 0.03 0.39

Statistical evaluation of accident rate in individual plants during the last 5 years


Average number of health insured employees 2,746 2,391 61 1,507 1,584 1,047 675 286 514 414 11,225 Number of industrial accidents 9 6 0 3 4 2 3 2 1 1 31 of which: > fatal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > serious 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > mass 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Missed calendar days on the grounds of inability to work 459 198 039239 99 89 105 113 9 1,350 Frequency per 100 employees 0.33 0.25 0.00 0.20 0.25 0.19 0.44 0.70 0.19 0.24 0.28 Average % of inability to work 0.05 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.04 0.03 0.04 0.10 0.06 0.01 0.03


Average number of health insured employees 2,677 2,300 68 1,420 1,545 1,031 529 381 9,951 Number of industrial accidents 8 9 0 2 6 1 0 1 27 of which: > fatal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > serious 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > mass 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Missed calendar days on the grounds of inability to work 397 346 0 22 642 22 0 25 1,454 Frequency per 100 employees 0.30 0.39 0.00 0.14 0.39 0.10 0.00 0.26 0.27 Average % of inability to work 0.04 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.04 VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 88

88 > 89 BezpeãnosÈ a ochrana zdravia pri práci a ochrana pred poÏiarmi V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005


Priem. poãet nem. poist. zamestnancov 2 545 2 087 152 1 312 1 463 1 000 536 451 9 546 Poãet pracovn˘ch úrazov 3 13 1 2 6 1 0 1 27 Ztoho: > smrteºn˘ch 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > ÈaÏk˘ch 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 > hromadn˘ch 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Zame‰kané kalendárne dni z dôvodu PN 184 549 30 159 322 15 0 9 1 268 PoãetnosÈ na 100 zamestnancov 0,12 0,62 0,66 0,15 0,41 0,10 0,00 0,22 0,28 Priemerné % pracovnej neschopnosti 0,02 0,07 0,05 0,03 0,06 0,00 0,00 0,01 0,04


Priem. poãet nem. pouist. zamestnancov 2 268 1 781 356 1 193 1 386 900 537 487 8 908 Poãet pracovn˘ch úrazov 2 3 3 2 5 1 1 0 17 Ztoho: > smrteºn˘ch 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 > ÈaÏk˘ch 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > hromadn˘ch 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Zame‰kané kalendárne dni z dôvodu PN 174 136 122 92 130 11 15 0 680 PoãetnosÈ na 100 zamestnancov 0,09 0,17 0,84 0,17 0,36 0,11 0,19 0,00 0,19 Priemerné % pracovnej neschopnosti 0,02 0,02 0,09 0,02 0,03 0,00 0,01 0,00 0,02


Priem. poãet nem. poist. zamestnancov 1 832 1 279 57 733 1 280 612 471 2 573 8 837 Poãet pracovn˘ch úrazov 3 2 0 3 0 0 1 7 16 Ztoho: > smrteºn˘ch 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > ÈaÏk˘ch 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > hromadn˘ch 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Zame‰kané kalendárne dni z dôvodu PN 341 123 0 189 0 0 144 130 927 PoãetnosÈ na 100 zamestnancov 0,16 0,16 0,00 0,41 0,00 0,00 0,21 0,27 0,18 Priemerné % pracovnej neschopnosti 0,05 0,03 0,00 0,07 0,00 0,00 0,08 0,01 0,03 VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 89

Safety and Health Protection at Work and Protection from Fire ANNUAL REPORT 2005


Average number of health insured employees 2,545 2,087 152 1,312 1,463 1,000 536 451 9,546 Number of industrial accidents 3 13 1 2 6 1 0 1 27 of which: > fatal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > serious 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 > mass 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Missed calendar days on the grounds of inability to work 184 549 30 159 322 15 0 9 1,268 Frequency per 100 employees 0.12 0.62 0.66 0.15 0.41 0.10 0.00 0.22 0.28 Average % of inability to work 0.02 0.07 0.05 0.03 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.04


Average number of health insured employees 2,268 1,781 356 1,193 1,386 900 537 487 8,908 Number of industrial accidents 2 3 3 2 5 1 1 0 17 of which: > fatal 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 > serious 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > mass 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Missed calendar days on the grounds of inability to work 174 136 122 92 130 11 15 0 680 Frequency per 100 employees 0.09 0.17 0.84 0.17 0.36 0.11 0.19 0.00 0.19 Average % of inability to work 0.02 0.02 0.09 0.02 0.03 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.02


Average number of health insured employees 1,832 1,279 57 733 1,280 612 471 2,573 8,837 Number of industrial accidents 3 2 0 3 0 0 1 7 16 of which: > fatal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > serious 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > mass 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Missed calendar days on the grounds of inability to work 341 123 0 189 0 0 144 130 927 Frequency per 100 employees 0.16 0.16 0.00 0.41 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.27 0.18 Average % of inability to work 0.05 0.03 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.01 0.03 VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 90

90 > 91 Îivotné prostredie V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

Îivotné prostredie

Z pohºadu hodnotenia záÈaÏe Ïivotného prostredia ãinnosÈou spoloãnosti SE, a. s., je moÏné kon‰tatovaÈ, Ïe rok 2005 z hºadiska nasadzovania jednotliv˘ch typov energetick˘ch zdrojov bol rokom, v ktorom pretrvával trend vysokého podielu v˘roby elektrickej energie z jadrov˘ch elektrární. Z celkového objemu 26 470 901 GWh vyrobenej elektrickej energie bolo 17 726 510 GWh (67,0 %) vyroben˘ch v jadrov˘ch elektrárÀach, 4 260 753 GWh (16,1 %) v tepeln˘ch elektrárÀach a 4 483 638 GWh (16,9 %) vo vodn˘ch elektrárÀach. Z hºadiska minimalizácie dopadov na Ïivotné prostredie bolo pozitívne, Ïe aÏ 83,9 % vyrobenej elektrickej energie vyrobili SE, a. s., vin˘ch neÏ tepeln˘ch elektrárÀach.

Systém environmentálneho manaÏérstva

Systém environmentálneho manaÏérstva (ìalej EMS) SE, a. s., vytvára ‰truktúrovan˘ proces, ktorého funkciou je dosahovanie sústavného zlep‰ovania environmentálneho správania spoloãnosti a zlep‰ovanie EMS závodov a riaditeºstva v tendenciách schválenej Environmentálnej politiky SE, a. s. Pri realizácii EMS v roku 2005 spoloãnosÈ pokraãovala v nastolenom trende tvorby tzv. „Environmentálneho ‰tandardu elektrárenskej spoloãnosti“ s v˘razn˘m dôrazom na jej environmentálne správanie, aby spoloãnosÈ bola akceptovaná v environmentálnej pripravenosti súãasn˘mi, ale aj potenciálnymi zainteresovan˘mi stranami.

Doteraz boli nestranne posúdené v‰etky závody SE, a. s., t.j. v rámci dohºadov˘ch auditov EMS: SE-VE, SE-EVO a SE-VYZ, v rámci recertifikácie EMS: SE-EMO, SE-ENO, SE-EBO a v rámci certifikácie EMS: SE-MO 34. T˘mto spôsobom sme dosiahli skutoãnosÈ, Ïe v‰etky závody spoloãnosti majú realizovan˘, uplatÀovan˘ a certifikovan˘ EMS podºa poÏiadaviek normy ISO 14001:2004. V marci 2006 bude vykonaná akreditovaná certifikácia EMS na riaditeºstve spoloãnosti ako súãasÈ EMS SE, a. s.

Ochrana ovzdu‰ia

Produkciu základn˘ch ‰kodlivín do ovzdu‰ia zo zariadení SE, a. s., spaºujúcich fosílne palivá za posledn˘ch desaÈ rokov prezentuje nasledovná tabuºka s grafom.

Produkcia základn˘ch ‰kodlivín do ovzdu‰ia zo zariadení SE, a. s. (t)

1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

TZL 11 022 11 632 11 260 10 013 8 529 7 959 6 680 6 802 6 636 11 107

SO2 74 503 69 118 68 197 67 930 40 069 52 702 41 285 46 039 45 886 44 905

NOX 24 606 23 428 24 351 23 086 21 361 18 687 12 283 11 636 10 025 9 816 CO 1 629 1 566 1 597 1 503 1 278 1 870 2 298 1 236 1 128 1 108 VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 91

Environment ANNUAL REPORT 2005


From the point of view of evaluation of loading of the environment by the activity of the company SE, a. s. it is possible to state that the year 2005 in terms of setting-up of individual types of power sources was the year, in which persisted the trend of a high share of electricity from nuclear power plants. Of the total volume 26,470,901 GWh of produced electricity – 17,726,510 GWh (67.0 %) was produced in nuclear power plants, 4,260,753 GWh (16.1 %) in thermal power plants and 4,483,638 GWh (16.9 %) in hydro power plants. In terms of minimizing the impacts on the environment it was positive that 83.9 % of produced electricity was produced in SE, a. s., in other that thermal power plants.

Environmental Management System

The system of environmental management (hereinafter referred to as EMS) SE, a. s. creates a structured process, the function of which is reaching of permanent improvement of environmental behaviour of the company and improvement of EMS of plants and headquarters in compliance with the approved Environmental policy of SE, a. s. Upon implementation of EMS in 2005 the company continued in the established trend of creation of the so-called „Environmental standard of power plant company“ with a marked impact on its environmental behaviour, so that the company was accepted in the environmental readiness by current but also potential involved parties.

All SE, a. s. plants have been impartially evaluated so far, i.e. within supervisory audits of EMS: SE-VE, SE-EVO and SE-VYZ, within recertification of EMS: SE-EMO, SE-ENO, SE-EBO and within certification of EMS: SE-MO 34. This way we reached the fact that all plants of the company implemented and apply the certified EMS subject to the requirements of the standard ISO 14001:2004. In March 2006 accredited certification of EMS will be executed at the headquarters of the company as part of the EMS of SE, a. s.

Air Protecton

Production of elementary harmful pollutants into the air from facilities of SE, a. s. burning fossil fuels during the last 10 years is presented in the following table and graph.

Production of elementary harmful pollutants into the air from the SE, a. s. facilities (t)

1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

SP 11,022 11,632 11,260 10,013 8,529 7,959 6,680 6,802 6,636 11,107

SO2 74,503 69,118 68,197 67,930 40,069 52,702 41,285 46,039 45,886 44,905

NOX 24,606 23,428 24,351 23,086 21,361 18,687 12,283 11,636 10,025 9,816 CO 1,629 1,566 1,597 1,503 1,278 1,870 2,298 1,236 1,128 1,108 VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 92

92 > 93 Îivotné prostredie V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

Produkcia základn˘ch ‰kodliv˘n zo zdrojov SE, a. s.

74 503 24 606 11 022 1 629 1996

69 118 23 428 11 632 1 566 1997

68 197 24 351 11260 1 597 1998

67 930 23 086 10 013 1 503 1999

40 069 21 361 8 529 1 278 2000

52 702 18 687 7 959 1 870 2001

41 285 12 283 6 680 2 298 2002

46 039 11 636 6 802 1 236 2003

SO2 45 886 10 024 6 636 1 126 2004 NOX

TZL 44 905 9 816 11 107 1 108

CO 2005

0 20 000 40 000 60 000 80 000 100 000 120 000


Z uvedeného je zrejmé, Ïe pozitívny trend postupného zniÏovania základn˘ch ‰kodlivín vypú‰Èan˘ch do ovzdu‰ia, ktor˘ bol v˘sledkom zv˘‰eného vyuÏívania rekon‰truovan˘ch kotlov na fluidné spaºovanie a spoºahlivej prevádzky technológií ãistenia spalín, sa v roku 2005 zastavil. V poslednom období prevládla v SE, a. s., snaha o vyuÏitie zbytkovej Ïivotnosti zariadení, ktoré v súlade s legislatívou ochrany ovzdu‰ia SR môÏu e‰te prevádzkovaÈ v reÏime prekraãovania stanoven˘ch emisn˘ch limitov. Zv˘‰ené nasadzovanie blokov 3 a 4 v Elektrárni Vojany sa v roku 2005 prejavilo nárastom absolútnych vypú‰Èan˘ch mnoÏstiev TZL do ovzdu‰ia. Rovnako vyuÏívanie blokov 3 a 4 v Elektrárni Nováky, ktoré

spaºujú nekvalitné domáce uhlie bez odsírenia spalín, prispieva k tomu, Ïe emisie SO2 majú v posledn˘ch rokoch vzrastajúci trend. Zmiernenie t˘chto negatívnych javov v podmienkach SE, a. s., je moÏné oãakávaÈ aÏ po roku 2006 a následne po roku 2010, odkedy uÏ slovenská legislatíva ochrany ovzdu‰ia nepovoºuje prevádzku spomenut˘ch zariadení z dôvodu neplnenia predpísan˘ch emisn˘ch limitov pre vypú‰Èanie ‰kodlivín do ovzdu‰ia. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 93

Environment ANNUAL REPORT 2005

Production of Elmentary Harmful Pollutants from SE, a. s.

74,503 24,606 11,022 1,629 1996

69,118 23,428 11,632 1,566 1997

68,197 24,351 11,260 1,597 1998

67,930 23,086 10,013 1,503 1999

40,069 21,361 8,529 1,278 2000

52,702 18,687 7,959 1,870 2001

41,285 12,283 6,680 2,298 2002

46,039 11,636 6,802 1,236 2003

SO2 45,886 10,024 6,636 1,126 2004 NOX

SP 44,905 9,816 11,107 1,108

CO 2005

0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000


For the facts given above it is clear that the positive trend of gradual decreasing of elementary harmful pollutants released into the air, which resulted based on the increased utilization of reconstructed boilers to fluid burning and reliable operation of technologies of cleaning of burned gases, was stopped in 2005. Over the last years in SE, a.s prevails an effort to utilize the overall lifetime of facilities, which in compliance with the legislation of air protection of the SR can still operate in the regime of continuation of the stipulated emission standards. Increased setting-up of Units 3 and 4 in the Power Plant Vojany brought in 2005 the growth in absolute released amounts of SP into the air. Similarly the utilization of Units 3 and 4 in the Power Plant Nováky, which burn domestic coal of lesser quality without

desulphurization of burnt gases contributes to the fact that SO2 emissions recorded an increased trend over the last several years. Moderation of these negative phenomena in conditions of SE, a. s. can be expected only after the year 2006 and followingly, after the year 2010, since when the Slovak legislation of air protection does not allow operation of the mentioned facilities on the grounds of failure of fulfilment of the prescribed emission standards for releasing of harmful pollutants into the air. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 94

94 > 95 Îivotné prostredie V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

V októbri 2005 bol spusten˘ projekt kontinuálneho monitorovania kvality ovzdu‰ia v okolí Elektrární Nováky a Elektrární Vojany. Stanice v Oslanoch (región Nováky) avLelesi (región Vojany) trvalo monitorujú kvalitu okolitého ovzdu‰ia za úãelom

stanovenia podielu vplyvu elektrární na Ïivotné prostredie. Údaje o hodnotách PM10 (prachové ãastice), SO2 aNOx sú nepretrÏite poskytované príslu‰n˘m obvodn˘m úradom a Slovenskému hydrometeorologickému ústavu. Vsúlade s implementáciou smernice Európskeho parlamentu a Rady, ktorá zaloÏila schému pre obchodovanie s emisn˘mi povoleniami skleníkového plynu v rámci

Spoloãenstva, boli pre SE, a. s., na obdobie 2005-2007 pridelené emisné kvóty CO2 pre Elektrárne v Novákoch a Elektrárne vo Vojanoch. Rok 2005 bol pre SE, a. s., prv˘m

rokom plnenia pridelen˘ch emisn˘ch kvót skleníkového plynu CO2.

Vìaka vysokému podielu v˘roby elektrickej energie v jadrov˘ch a vodn˘ch elektrárÀach boli emisie skleníkového plynu z tepeln˘ch elektrární v roku 2005 o málo niωie ako

pridelené emisné kvóty CO2.

Vodné hospodárstvo

Rok 2005 bol v porovnaní s rokom 2004 charakterizovan˘ priazniv˘mi trendmi jednak v spotrebe pitnej vody, ako aj v odberoch povrchovej vody a v mnoÏstvách vypusten˘ch odpadov˘ch vôd. Uvedené trendy moÏno dokumentovaÈ vyhodnotením a priebehom ukazovateºa mernej spotreby technologickej a chladiacej vody na vyrobenú jednotku elektrickej energie v jednotliv˘ch závodoch SE, a. s.

V˘voj mernej spotreby povrchovej vody na vyrobenú jednotku elektriny (m3/MWh)

Závod 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

SE-EBO 4,03 4,29 3,53 3,72 3,72 3,62 3,64 3,57 3,58 3,51 SE-EMO - - 6,60 3,83 3,22 3,11 3,10 3,09 3,21 3,09 SE-ENO 7,40 7,22 6,52 5,24 4,90 4,83 5,56 4,42 4,33 4,15 SE-EVO 78,24 89,79 78,96 92,99 98,07 97,95 113,14 74,55 107,36 84,09 VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 95

Environment ANNUAL REPORT 2005

In October 2005 the project of continual monitoring of the air quality in the surroundings of the Power Plants Nováky and Vojany was started. Stations in Oslany (region Nováky) and in Leles (region Vojany) permanently monitor quality of the surrounding air in order to define the share of influence of the power plants on the

environment. Data on values of PM10 (dust particles), SO2 and NOx are continuously provided for the particular district administrations and the Slovak Hydro- Meteorological Institute. In accord with the implementation of the directive of the European Parliament and the Council, which established the scheme for trading with emission permits for green-

house gases withint the framework of the Community, emission quotas of CO2 for Power Plants in Nováky and Vojany were alloted to SE, a. s. for the period of years 2005-2007. The year 2005 was for SE, a. s. the first year of fulfilment of alloted

emission quotas of green-house gas CO2.

Thanks to the high share of production of electricity in nuclear and hydro power plants were the emissions of the green-house gas from fossil power plants in 2005 a little

lower than the alloted emission quotas of CO2.

Water Economy

The year 2005 in comparison with 2004 was characterized by favourable trends both in consumption of drinking water and in intake of surface water and also in amounts of outlet waste water. The given trends can be documented by the evaluation and course of the indicator of specific consumption of technological and cooling water per produced unit of electricity in individual plants of SE, a. s.

Development of specific consumption of surface water per produced unit of electricity (m3/MWh)

Plants 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

SE-EBO 4.03 4.29 3.53 3.72 3.72 3.62 3.64 3.57 3.58 3.51 SE-EMO - - 6.60 3.83 3.22 3.11 3.10 3.09 3.21 3.09 SE-ENO 7.40 7.22 6.52 5.24 4.90 4.83 5.56 4.42 4.33 4.15 SE-EVO 78.24 89.79 78.96 92.99 98.07 97.95 113.14 74.55 107.36 84.09 VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 96

96 > 97 Îivotné prostredie V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

Merná spotreba povrchovej vody na jednotku vyrobenej elektrickej energie v m3/MWh v SE-EBO, SE-EMO a SE-ENO






0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Merná spotreba povrchovej vody na jednotku vyrobenej elektrickej energie v m3/MWh v SE-EVO







0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Vyhodnotenie tohto ukazovateºa poukazuje na rádovo vy‰‰iu mernú spotrebu v prípade závodu SE-EVO. V elektrárÀach s cirkulaãn˘m chladením blokov je potreba vody v˘razne niωia ako v elektrárÀach, ktoré vyuÏívajú prietokov˘ spôsob chladenia. Technológiu prietokového chladenia pouÏívajú bloky EVO I, ão má rozhodujúci vplyv na celkovú spotrebu vody nielen v SE-EVO, ale aj celkovú bilanciu SE, a. s. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 97

Environment ANNUAL REPORT 2005

Specific consumption of Surface Water per Unit of Produced Electric Energy in m3/MWh in SE-EBO, SE-EMO and SE-ENO






0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Specific consumption of Surface Water per Unit of Produced Electric Energy in m3/MWh in SE-EVO







0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Evaluation of this indicator points out to the higher specific consumption in case of the plant SE-EVO. In power plants with circulation cooling of units the water demand is markedly lower than in power plants, which utilize the flow method of cooling. Technology of flow cooling is used by the Units of EVO I, which has a decisive effect on the overall consumption of water not only in SE-EVO but also on the overall balance of SE, a. s. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 98

98 > 99 Îivotné prostredie V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

Odpadové hospodárstvo

V oblasti nakladania s odpadmi obdobie rokov 2003 aÏ 2005 je charakterizované miernym poklesom produkcie odpadov kategórie „ostatn˘ch“ a nevyrovnan˘m trendom produkcie odpadov kategórie „nebezpeãn˘ch“. ZároveÀ treba poznamenaÈ, Ïe v podmienkach SE, a. s., predstavuje produkcia „ostatn˘ch“ odpadov aÏ 99,8 % zcelkového objemu a tvorba „nebezpeãn˘ch“ odpadov je len 0,2 %. Z porovnania údajov v rokoch 2004 a 2005 vychádza záver, Ïe mnoÏstvo odpadov má síce mierne klesajúci trend (cca 10 %), ale náklady na ich zne‰kodÀovanie sa medziroãne zvy‰ujú (cca 20 % ). Trend zniÏovania produkcie odpadov v SE, a. s., potvrdzuje aj nasledovná tabuºka.

2004 2005 index Kategória odpadu mnoÏstvo odpadu v SE, a. s. mnoÏstvo odpadu v SE, a. s. 2005/04 t% t%

Ostatn˘ odpad 1 276 046 99,9 1 144 810 99,8 0,90 Nebezpeãn˘ odpad 1 446 0,1 2 396 0,2 1,66 Spolu 1 277 492 100,0 1 147 206 100,0 0,90

Investície do Ïivotného prostredia

Vroku 2005 v SE, a. s., predstavoval celkov˘ objem investiãn˘ch prostriedkov ãiastku 3,507 mld. Sk. Z tohto objemu len 32,5 mil. Sk (ão predstavuje len necelé 1 %), bolo preinvestované do environmentálnych projektov. Tento veºmi nízky objem úzko súvisí s uÏ ukonãen˘mi veºk˘mi investiãn˘mi environmentálnymi projektmi v minul˘ch rokoch. Urãité pribrzdenie investiãn˘ch aktivít súviselo aj s budúcim vstupom nového vlastníka do SE, a. s., a vzájomného odsúhlasenia si Strategického investiãného plánu Enel, S.p.A. s Programami rozvoja v˘robno-technickej základne SE, a. s. Napriek tomuto veºmi nízkemu objemu bolo v SE, a. s., realizovan˘ch celkovo 24 environmentálnych projektov v celkovom objeme 32,5 mil. Sk. Po rokoch, kedy prioritou bola ochrana ovzdu‰ia, sa novou prioritou stáva ochrana vôd, do ktorej sme investovali v roku 2005 18,7 mil. Sk (57,6 %). Do oblasti nakladania s odpadmi sme preinvestovali 11,9 mil. Sk (36,7 %) a do oblasti ochrany ovzdu‰ia len 1,8 mil. Sk (5,6 %). VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 99

Environment ANNUAL REPORT 2005

Waste Economy

In the sphere of waste management, the period of years 2003 through 2005 is characterized by a slight decrease in the production of waste of the category „others“ and uneven trend of production of waste of the category „dangerous“. At the same time it is necessary to remark that in conditions of SE, a. s., production of „other“ waste represents 99.8 % of the total volume and creation of „dangerous“ waste is olny 0.2 %. Of the comparison of data in the period of 2004 and 2005 we can see that the amount of waste recorded a slightly decreasing trend (approx. 10 %), however, costs for their disposal have been annually increasing (approx. 20 %). The trend of reduction of waste production within SE, a. s., is evidenced also by the following table.

2004 2005 index Waste category amount of waste in SE, a. s. amount of waste in SE, a. s. 2005/04 t% t%

Other waste 1,276,046 99.9 1,144,810 99.8 0.90 Dangerous waste 1,446 0.1 2,396 0.2 1.66 Total 1,277,492 100.0 1,147,206 100.0 0.90

Investments into the Environment

In 2005 SE, a. s. the total volume of investment funding amounted to SKK 3.507 bil. Of this volume only SKK 32.5 mil. (which represents only less than 1 %) were invested into environmental projects. This very low volume is closely related to the already finished major investment environmental projects over the last years. A certain slow-down of capital activities was connected also with the future entry of the new owner into SE, a. s. and the mutual approval of the Strategic Investment Plan of Enel, S.p.A. with the Programmes of development of production and technical fundaments of SE, a. s. In spite of this very low volume, 24 environmental projects in the total volume of SKK 32.5 mil. were implemented in SE, a. s. After years, when air protection was the preference, water protection has become the new priority, in which we invested SKK 18.7 mil. (57.6 %) in 2005. We invested SKK 11.9 mil. (36.7 %) in the sphere of waste management and only SKK 1.8 mil. (5.6 %) in the sphere of air protection. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 100

100 > 101 ªudské zdroje V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

ªudské zdroje

Vroku 2005 boli v Slovensk˘ch elektrárÀach, a. s., realizované organizaãné zmeny najmä k 1.1.2005, kedy bola na základe schválen˘ch návrhov tímu ReinÏinieringu zásadne zmenená organizaãná ‰truktúra SE, a. s. Do‰lo k centralizácii nasledovn˘ch ãinností: > jadrová bezpeãnosÈ a radiaãná ochrana BTS, OPP, FO > údrÏba zariadení klasick˘ch elektrární > ãasÈ technickej podpory > zásobovanie a skladovanie > investície > sluÏby a doprava.

ëal‰ou v˘znamnou organizaãnou zmenou v roku 2005 bolo rozdelenie závodu SE-EBO k 1.11.2005 na dva samostatné závody SE-EBO a SE-EBO V1. Dôvodom bolo predpokladané vyãlenenie SE-EBO V1 do spoloãnosti GovCo, a. s.

Poãet zamestnancov v jednotliv˘ch úsekoch a závodoch

10 000 369

20 000 1 083

40 000 418

50 000 202

60 000 436

80 000 59

SE-EBO 1 387

SE-EBO V1 431

SE-EMO 1 256

SE-MO 34 52

SE-ENO 725

SE-EVO 698

SE-VE 598

SE-VYZ 472

0 200 400 600 800 1 000 1 200 1 400 1 600

Stav zamestnancov akciovej spoloãnosti Slovenské elektrárne k 31. 12. 2005 predstavoval 8 186 zamestnancov. Z celkového poãtu zamestnancov bolo 3 956 robotníkov (48,3 % ) a 4 230 technicko-správnych zamestnancov (51,7 %). Uveden˘ stav zamestnancov zohºadÀuje aj 513 zamestnancov, s ktor˘mi bol skonãen˘ pracovn˘ pomer k 31.12. 2005 z dôvodov organizaãn˘ch zmien. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 101

Human Resources ANNUAL REPORT 2005

Human Resources

In 2005 organization changes were implemented in Slovenské elektrárne, a. s., mostly as of January 1, 2005, when the organization structure of SE, a. s. was principally changed based on the approved proposals of the Reingeneering team. There came to the centralization of the following operations: > nuclear safety and radiation protection – BTS, OPP, FO > maintenance of equipment of classical power plants > part of technical support > catering industry and storing > investments > services and transport.

Another important organization change in 2005 was division of the plant SE-EBO as of November 1, 2005 into two independent plants SE-EBO and SE-EBO V1. The reason rested in the expected relocation of SE-EBO V1 into the company GovCo, a. s.

Number of employees in individual sections and plants

10,000 369

20,000 1 083

40,000 418

50,000 202

60,000 436

80,000 59

SE-EBO 1,387

SE-EBO V1 431

SE-EMO 1,256

SE-MO 34 52

SE-ENO 725

SE-EVO 698

SE-VE 598

SE-VYZ 472

0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600

Employment status of the stock company Slovenské elektrárne represented 8,186 employees as of December 31, 2005. Of the total number of employees, 3,956 were workers (48.3 %) and 4,230 were technical and administration employees (51.7 %). The given status makes provision also for 513 employees, who were released as of December 31, 2005 on the grounds of organization changes. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 102

102 > 103 ªudské zdroje V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

V˘voj stavu zamestnancov

9 693 2002

9 504 2003

8 787 2004

8 186 2005

02 000 4 000 6 000 8 000 10 000

Z8 186 zamestnancov malo 91 zamestnancov základné vzdelanie, t. j. 1,1 %, 6 271 zamestnancov stredo‰kolské vzdelanie, t. j. 76,6 % a 1 824 zamestnancov malo vysoko‰kolské vzdelanie vrátane bakalárskeho vzdelania, t. j. 22,3 %.

Vzdelanostná ‰truktúra zamestnancov

Stredo‰kolské 76,6 %

Vysoko‰kolské 22,3 %

Základné 1,1%

Z poãtu 8 186 zamestnancov malo 658 zamestnancov vek do 30 rokov, t. j. 8 %, 2 403 zamestnancov bolo vo veku od 31 – 40 rokov, t. j. 29,4 %, 3 058 zamestnancov bolo vo veku od 41 – 50 rokov, t. j. 37,4 %, 2 047 zamestnancov bolo vo veku od 51 – 60 rokov, t. j. 25 % a 20 zamestnancov bolo vo veku nad 60 rokov, ão predstavuje 0,2 %. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 103

Human Resources ANNUAL REPORT 2005

Development of the number of employees

9,693 2002

9,504 2003

8,787 2004

8,186 2005

0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000

Of 8,186 employees, 91 had elementary education, i.e. 1.1 %, 6,271 employees had secondary education, i.e. 76.6 % and 1,824 employees had college education including bachelor’s education, i.e. 22.3 %.

Educational structure of employees

Secondary 76.6 %

College 22.3 %

Elementary 1.1%

Of the number of 8,186 employees, 658 were less than 30 years old, i.e. 8 %, 2,403 employees were aged 31 – 40 years, i.e. 29.4 %, 3,058 employees between 41 – 50 years, i.e. 37.4 %, 2,047 employees were between 51 – 60 years, i.e. 25 % and 20 employees were over 60 years of age, which represents 0.2 %. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 104

104 > 105 ªudské zdroje V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

Veková ‰truktúra zamestnancov

658 do 30 rokov 2 403 od 31 do 40 rokov 3 058 od 41 do 50 rokov 2 047 od 51 do 60 rokov 20 nad 60 rokov

0 500 1 000 1 500 2 000 2 500 3 000

Vzdelávanie a príprava zamestnancov

Vzdelávaniu a príprave zamestnancov sa v SE, a. s., venovala mimoriadna pozornosÈ aj v roku 2005 s hlavn˘m cieºom pripraviÈ a udrÏiavaÈ kompetentn˘ personál pre zabezpeãenie bezpeãnej, spoºahlivej, ekologickej a ekonomickej prevádzky v˘robn˘ch zariadení spoloãnosti v duchu zásad princípov kultúry bezpeãnosti a princípov ALARA, s minimálnym vplyvom ºudského faktora na vznik prevádzkov˘ch udalostí. Tento cieº bol úspe‰ne naplnen˘, ãoho dôkazom bola skutoãnosÈ, Ïe v˘robné zariadenia spoloãnosti boli prevádzkované kompetentn˘m personálom, ktor˘ zabezpeãoval bezpeãnú, spoºahlivú, ekologickú a ekonomickú prevádzku bez v˘raznej‰ieho negatívneho vplyvu na klasickú, radiaãnú, ãi jadrovú bezpeãnosÈ. Z titulu nenapæÀania poÏiadaviek orgánov ‰tátneho odborného dozoru a kontroly v oblasti vzdelávania a prípravy zamestnancov a ich kompetentnosti, neboli voãi organizácii v roku 2005 uplatÀované Ïiadne sankcie.

V roku 2005 pokraãovali aktivity v zavádzaní jednotného systému prípravy zamestnancov v celej spoloãnosti. Bola vypracovaná v˘konná dokumentácia, ktorá unifikuje a zjednocuje prístupy k príprave zamestnancov v celej spoloãnosti, ale ão je dôleÏité, aj zamestnancov dodávateºskej sféry.

V oblasti procesu realizácie vzdelávania a prípravy zamestnancov sa jeho organizovanie v roku 2005 vykonávalo na základe plánov prípravy zamestnancov. Okrem vzdelávacích aktivít poÏadovan˘ch legislatívou orgánov ‰tátneho odborného dozoru sa v roku 2005 venovala zv˘‰ená pozornosÈ implementovaniu my‰lienok a zásad zdravej kultúry bezpeãnosti v spoloãnosti, ãi uÏ z titulu zachovania vysokej úrovne jadrovej bezpeãnosti v súvislosti s pripravovan˘m odstavovaním JE V-1, ale aj z dôvodu uplatnenia a roz‰írenia poÏiadaviek kultúry bezpeãnosti aj na klasick˘ch prevádzkach i v riadiacom centre spoloãnosti. Vzhºadom na pripravovanú privatizáciu SE, a. s., zahraniãn˘m investorom sa v roku 2005 rozbehla v ‰irokom rozsahu jazyková príprava. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 105

Human Resources ANNUAL REPORT 2005

Age structure of employees

658 up to 30 years 2,403 from 31 to 40 years 3,058 from 41 to 50 years 2,047 from 51 to 60 years 20 over 60 years

0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000

Education and Preparation of Employees

SE, a. s. has paid serious attention to education and preparatioon of employees also over the last months with the main aim to prepare and stabilize the competent personnel for the provision of safe, reliable, ecological and economical operation of production facilities of the company in the spirit of cultural safety principles and ALARA principles, with a minimum influence of human factor on the occurence of operational events. This aim was successfully fulfilled, which can be evidenced by the fact that production facilities of the company were operated by a competent personnel, which provided safe, reliable, ecological and economical operation without any marked negative influence on classic, radiation or nuclear safety. By virtue of failure of fulfilment of requirements of the bodies of state professional inspection and check-up in the sphere of education and preparation of employees and their competency, no sanctions were imposed on the organization in 2005.

In 2005 activities in implementing unified system of preparation of employees were in progress in the whole company. Operating documentation was elaborated. It unifies and consolidates attitudes to the preparation of employees in the whole company but also employees in the supplier’s sphere.

In the sphere of implementation process of education and preparation, its organization was carried out in 2005 based on the plans of preparation of employees. Except for educational activities required by the legislation of the bodies of state professional inspection an increased attention was paid in 2005 to the implementation of ideas and principles of health culture of safety in the company, either by virtue of preserving the high level of nuclear safety in connection with the prepared shut-down of V-1 NPP, or on the grounds of application and enlargement of requirements of culture of safety also on classical operation and in the management centre of the company as well. Regarding the prepared privatization of SE, a. s. by a foreign investor, language preparation has been in progress in a wide scope in 2005. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 106

106 > 107 ªudské zdroje V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

V˘znamná a ‰peciálna pozornosÈ sa venovala v roku 2005 príprave personálu na lokalite JE Mochovce, kde sa plánuje v roku 2006 vykonaÈ previerka prevádzkovej bezpeãnosti prostredníctvom tímu preverovateºov vybraného a zostaveného Medzinárodnou komisiou pre atómovú energiu (MAAE) vo Viedni, tzv. misia OSART (Operational safety assessment review team – Preverovací tím na hodnotenie prevádzkovej bezpeãnosti). Aktivity naplánované na rok 2006 majú zabezpeãiÈ, Ïe v˘sledky misie potvrdia vysokú kvalitu v príprave personálu, odbornú spôsobilosÈ a kompetentnosÈ zamestnancov v tejto jadrovej elektrárni a zdokumentujú naplnenie v‰etk˘ch poÏiadaviek vyÏadovan˘ch MAAE v oblasti v˘cviku a kvalifikácie. Finanãné prostriedky plánované na vzdelávanie v roku 2005 boli pre zabezpeãenie poÏadovan˘ch vzdelávacích aktivít, ãi uÏ plánovan˘ch, ale aj neplánovan˘ch, dostatoãné.

Prehºad skutoãného ãerpania finanãn˘ch prostriedkov na vzdelávanie

Závod Roãn˘ plánSkutoãnosÈ %

SE-EBO 56 009 46 170 82 SE-EMO 14 822 10 159 69 SE-MO 34 2 000 703 35 SE-EVO 1 808 1 024 57 SE-ENO 2 698 1 543 57 SE-VE 686 956 139 SE-VYZ 5 235 5 507 105 R-SE 48 907 52 292 107 Spolu SE, a. s. 132 165 118 354 90 VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 107

Human Resources ANNUAL REPORT 2005

Important and special attention in 2005 was paid to the preparation of personnel on the locality of Mochovce NPP, where there are the plans to carry out the check-up of operational safety by means of the team of inspectors, selected and appointed by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna, the so-called OSART mission (Operational safety assessment review team) in 2006. Activities planned for 2006 have to assure that results of the mission will prove the high quality in the preparation of employees, professional capability and competentnce of employees at this nuclear power plant and document fulfilment of all requirements by IAEA in the sphere of training and qualification. Finances planned for education in 2005 for the provision of required educational activities, either planned or unplanned, were satisfactory.

An outline of really used funds for education

Plant Annual plan Funds used %

SE-EBO 56,009 46,170 82 SE-EMO 14,822 10,159 69 SE-MO 34 2,000 703 35 SE-EVO 1,808 1,024 57 SE-ENO 2,698 1,543 57 SE-VE 686 956 139 SE-VYZ 5,235 5,507 105 R-SE 48,907 52,292 107 Total SE, a. s. 132,165 118,354 90 VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 108

108 > 109 ªudské zdroje V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

âerpanie prevádzkov˘ch prostriedkov na prípravu zamestnancov voãi plánu

82 % SE-EBO 69 % SE-EMO

35 % SE-MO34 57 % SE-EVO 57 % SE-ENO 139 % SE-VE

105 % SE-VYZ

107 % R-SE 90 % SE, a. s.

0306090120 150

Sociálna politika

Sociálna politika SE, a. s., je realizovaná prostredníctvom Sociálneho programu SE, a. s. V rámci realizácie sociálnej politiky boli zabezpeãované ãinnosti, ktoré sú hradené zrozpoãtu sociálneho fondu a ostatné ãinnosti, ktoré sú hradené z nákladov spoloãnosti a z pouÏiteºného zisku.

Zo sociálneho fondu, ktor˘ bol vytvoren˘ zo zostatku z predchádzajúceho roka, z povinného prídelu z nákladov na rok 2005 a z prídelu zo zisku za predchádzajúci rok, boli hradené: príspevky na závodné stravovanie, na ambulantnú a kúpeºnú lieãbu, na telov˘chovu a ‰port, náklady na rekreáciu, zdravotné pomôcky, na nenávratnú sociálnu v˘pomoc, náklady na dopravu do zamestnania, ìalej náklady na kultúru, zájazdy, detskú rekreáciu a náklady na peÀaÏné a nepeÀaÏné dary. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 109

Human Resources ANNUAL REPORT 2005

Drawings from operating finances for preparation of employees in comparison with the plan

82 % SE-EBO 69 % SE-EMO

35 % SE-MO34 57 % SE-EVO 57 % SE-ENO 139 % SE-VE

105 % SE-VYZ

107 % R-SE 90 % SE, a. s.

0306090120 150

Social Policy

Social policy of SE, a. s. is implemented by means of the Social Programme of SE, a. s. Within the implementation of social policy were ensured activities, which have been settled from the budget of the social fund, and other activities, which have been settled from the costs of the comapny and from the utilizable profit.

From the social fund, which was created from the remainder of the previous year, from compulsory costs appropriation for 2005 and from the profit appropriation for the previous year, the following items were provided: company catering allowances, contributions to ambulance and spa treatment, to physical education and sport, costs to recreation, medical aids, to non-repayable social assistance, costs to transport to work, costs to culture, excursions, children’s recreation and costs to monetary and non- monetary donations. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 110

110 > 111 ªudské zdroje V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

âerpanie sociálneho fondu podºa jednotliv˘ch poloÏiek

Náklady na dopravu 33 %

Príspevok na závodné stravovanie 22 %

Náklady na rekreácie, zájazdy, detské rekreácie 21 %

Náklady na peÀaÏné a nepeÀaÏné dary 10 %

Náklady na kultúru 6 %

Príspevok na telov˘chovu a‰port 6 %

Náklady na zdravotnú pomoc, lieãebné kúpele, sociálna v˘pomoc 2 %

ëal‰ími ãinnosÈami, zabezpeãovan˘mi pri realizácii sociálnej politiky a hraden˘mi z nákladov spoloãnosti a z pouÏiteºného zisku, sú doplnkové dôchodkové poistenie, stravovanie zamestnancov, rekondiãné pobyty, závodná zdravotná preventívna starostlivosÈ a príspevky na odber elektrickej energie.

Vybrané realizované poloÏky sociálnej politiky

DDP 38 %

Príspevok na elektrinu 30 %

Stravovanie 30 %

Rekondiãné pobyty 1 %

Lekárske prehliadky 1 % VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 111

Human Resources ANNUAL REPORT 2005

Drawings from social fund according to individual items

Transport Cost 33 %

Company Meals Allowance 22 %

Cost to Recreation 21 %

Monetary and Non-monetary Donations 10 %

Cost to Culture 6 %

Physical Education and Sport Allowance 6 %

Cost to Basic Medical aids spa Treatment and Social 2 %

Other activities, ensured upon implementing social policy and covered by the costs of the company and the utilizable profit, are as follows: retirement supplementary insurance (RSI), employees catering, reconditioning stays, plant medical preventive care and allowances for electricity consumption.

Selected implemented items of social polic

Supplementary Retirement Insurance 38 %

Electricity bill reimbursement 30 %

Meals 30 %

Medical leaves 1 %

Medical check-ups 1 % VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 112

112 > 113 Správa o podnikateºskej ãinnosti spoloãnosti a stave majetku V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

Správa o podnikateºskej ãinnosti spoloãnosti a stave majetku

Komentár k v˘sledkom hospodárenia

SpoloãnosÈ v roku 2005 hospodárila na úrovni predchádzajúceho obdobia. Dosiahla zisk v hodnote 1 699 600 tis. Sk, ão je iba o 47 841 tis. Sk viac ako za rovnaké obdobie vminulom roku. Hospodárenie spoloãnosti v roku 2005 poznamenala predov‰etk˘m príprava na realizáciu predaja ãasti podniku, pokraãujúci proces predaja v˘znamného podielu vlastníkom spoloãnosti. V‰etky tieto skutoãnosti vyústili v roku 2005 do tlaku zniÏovaÈ náklady spoloãnosti. Aj napriek optickému zv˘‰eniu nákladov a trÏieb v roku 2005 boli zrealizované v˘znamné úspory v nakupovan˘ch nákladoch, a to predov‰etk˘m vo v˘robnej spotrebe, ktorú spoloãnosÈ zníÏila takmer na úroveÀ roku 2003. V porovnaní s rokom 2004 je táto spotreba niωia o 2 701 389 tis. Sk s indexom 2004/2005 v hodnote 0,90.

Celkové náklady v roku 2005 boli vo v˘‰ke 56 091 928 tis. Sk, ão je v porovnaní s rokom 2004 o 2 606 885 tis. Sk viac.

Celkové trÏby a v˘nosy spoloãnosti sú vo v˘‰ke 57 791 528 tis. Sk, spoloãnosÈ tak dosiahla za porovnateºné obdobie trÏby a v˘nosy vy‰‰ie o 2 654 726 tis. Sk. V˘razne ich v‰ak ovplyvnilo zúãtovanie nefinanãn˘ch operácií.

Zisk spoloãnosti ovplyvnilo viacero faktorov, predov‰etk˘m je to pokles trÏieb z predaja vlastn˘ch v˘robkov a sluÏieb, tieto sú celkovo o 1 933 350 tis. Sk niωie ako v roku 2004. Vnútorná skladba trÏieb z v˘roby je nasledovná: spoloãnosÈ dosiahla v oblasti predaja elektrickej energie mierny nárast z 34 310 787 tis. Sk na 34 660 759 tis. Sk. Nárast trÏieb dosiahol index 1,01. V˘znamne sa v‰ak zníÏili trÏby za predaj systémov˘ch sluÏieb. TrÏby za predaj systémov˘ch sluÏieb sú vo v˘‰ke 9 843 058 tis. Sk, ão predstavuje zníÏenie aÏ o 2 252 270 tis. Sk a index je 0,81. V˘znamn˘ podiel na tejto situácii má predov‰etk˘m organizácia trhu selektrinou v SR. Tieto trÏby závisia vo v˘znamnej miere od rozhodnutí regulaãného úradu a plnenia zmlúv uzatvoren˘ch pred vznikom nov˘ch pravidiel trhu.

TrÏby za predaj tepla sú v porovnaní s minul˘m obdobím vy‰‰ie o 28 404 tis. Sk. V˘voj trÏieb v roku 2005 v˘razne zasiahol do spotreby materiálu a energie, ako aj nákupu sluÏieb v priebehu roku 2005. Spotreba materiálu, energie a ostatn˘ch neskladovateºn˘ch dodávok je v porovnaní s rokom 2004 niωia o 1 655 191 tis. Sk, a to aj napriek zavedeniu poplatkov za vyuÏívanie hydroenergetického potenciálu vodn˘ch tokov. Tieto spoloãnosÈ uhradila vo v˘‰ke 731 137 tis. Sk. Efektívnym vyuÏívaním zdrojov bola dosiahnutá aj niωia spotreba palív o 385 125 tis. Sk. Spotreba materiálu bola niωia o 179 926 tis. Sk. K zníÏeniu do‰lo aj v aktivitách súvisiacich s obchodovaním na in˘ch trhoch. V porovnaní s rokom 2004 spoloãnosÈ na takéto obchodovanie nakúpila v˘kony niωie v korunovom vyjadrení 1 726 951 tis. Sk. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 113

Report on the Financial Statements of the Company ANNUAL REPORT 2005

Report on the Financial Statements of the Company

Comment on Economic Results

In 2005 the company operated on the same level as in the previous period. Its profit reached 1,699,600 thousand crowns, which is only by SKK 47,841 thousand more than during the same period last year. In 2005 company’s economy was marked especially by preparation for selling of its part, ongoing process of sale of a substantial share to the company’s owners. All of these facts led to pressure on cost reduction in 2005. In spite of optical cost and earnings increase in 2005, major savings in bought costs occurred, especially in production expenditure, which was decreased almost to the level of the year 2003. Compared with the year 2004 this expenditure is lower by SKK 2,701,389 thousand with the 2004/2005 index amounting to 0.90.

Total costs in 2005 reached SKK 56,091,928 thousand, which is by SKK 2,606,885 thousand more in comparison with the year 2004.

Total earnings and returns of the company amount to SKK 57,791,528 thousand; the company thus reached during comparable period earnings and returns higher by 2,654,726. However, they had been strongly affected by accounting of non-financial operations.

Company’s profit had been affected by many factors, especially decline in sales of own products and services, which had been totally by SKK 1,933,350 thousand lower than in 2004. Internal structure of production earnings is as follows: In the field of electric energy sales of the company gained a slight increase from SKK 34,310,787 thousand to SKK 34,660,759 thousand. Increases in earnings reached the index of 1.01. However, earnings for system services sale had decreased significantly. Earnings for system services sale amount to SKK 9,843,058 thousand, which constitutes a significant reduction by SKK 2,252,270 thousand with the index of 0.81. This situation is strongly influenced by the organization of the electricity market in Slovak Republic. These earnings depend greatly on the decisions of a regulatory body as well as on the execution of contracts concluded prior to the establishment of new market rules.

Earnings for sale of heat are in comparison with the past period higher by SKK 28,404 thousand. Development of earnings in 2005 significantly affected material and energy consumption as well as purchase of services in the course of the year 2005. Consumption of materials, energy and other unstorable deliveries in comparison with the year 2004 is lower by SKK 1,655,191 thousand in spite of establishment of charges for exploitation of hydro-energetic potential of water flows. The amount paid for these charges reached SKK 731,137 thousand. By means of effective exploitation of sources the fuel consumption decreased by SKK 385,125 thousand. Material consumption decreased by SKK 179,926 thousand. Decrease occurred also in activities connected with trading in other markets. In comparison with the year 2004 the output bought by the company for this type of trading decreased in terms of money by SKK 1,726,951 thousand. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 114

114 > 115 Správa o podnikateºskej ãinnosti spoloãnosti a stave majetku V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

Svojim úsporn˘m programom spoloãnosÈ zníÏila ãerpanie v oblasti sluÏieb aÏ o1 046 198 tis. Sk, ão je iba 84 % minulého obdobia.

Ostatné poloÏky v prevádzkovej oblasti, ktoré sa v porovnaní s minul˘m rokom v˘znamne zmenili, sú predov‰etk˘m nefinanãné operácie, súvisiace so zaúãtovaním rezerv, ako aj úãtovaním pridelen˘ch emisn˘ch kót CO2. Príprava predaja ãasti podniku (závody SE-EBO V1 a SE-VYZ) a predaja majetku, ktor˘ nebude predmetom predaja majoritného vlastníckeho podielu, bola k 31. 12. 2005 vysporiadaná aj ãasÈ dlhodobej pohºadávky v súvislosti so ZdruÏením Dunaj. Preto bola aj opravná poloÏka v hodnote 2,4 mld. Sk z celkovej pohºadávky vo v˘‰ke 5,5 mld. Sk zúãtovaná do v˘nosov, vzhºadom na zúãtovanie aj nákladovej poloÏky táto operácia neovplyvnila hospodárenie spoloãnosti.

Finanãnú oblasÈ hospodárenia spoloãnosti vo v˘znamnej miere ovplyvnil hlavne efekt finanãnej re‰trukturalizácie. Finanãná re‰trukturalizácia sa podieºa na zníÏení nákladov˘ch úrokov o 1 323 952 tis. Sk v porovnaní s minul˘m obdobím. Nákladové úroky v porovnaní s rokom 2004 sú na úrovni 63 %.

Celkovo tak spoloãnosÈ dosiahla zníÏenie straty z finanãn˘ch operácií o 947 383 tis. Sk. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 115

Report on the Financial Statements of the Company ANNUAL REPORT 2005

By means of its saving programme the company reduced drawings in the field of services by SKK 1,046,198 thousand, which is only 84% in comparison with the previous period.

Other items in operating field that have changed significantly when compared with the previous year are especially non-financial operations connected with reserves booking as well as accounting of assigned emission rates of CO2. Preparation of sale of a part of the company (V1 and VYZ works) and sale of assets which are not to be a subject of majority proportionate ownership sale was settled as per December 31, 2005 as well as a part of a long-term claim in concerning with Dunaj association. That is why the adjusting entry in the amount of SKK 2.4 milliard in the total claim of SKK 5.5 milliard was accounted in returns. With respect to simultaneous accounting of the cost item this operation did not affect the economy of the company.

Financial part of company’s management had been strongly influenced by the effect of financial restructuring. Financial restructuring takes its share in the decrease of expense interests by SKK 1,323,952 thousand in comparison with the previous period. Compared with the year 2004 the expense interests are at the level of 63%.

In general the company realized decrease of deficit from financial operations by SKK 947,383 thousand. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 116

116 > 117 Správa o podnikateºskej ãinnosti spoloãnosti a stave majetku V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

Porovnanie so skutoãnosÈou minulého roku (tis. Sk)

Ozna- âíslo SkutoãnosÈ ãenie Text riadku 2005 2004 2003

I. TrÏby z predaja tovaru (604) 01 6 298 9 143 17 689

A. Náklady vynaloÏené na obstaranie predaného tovaru ( 504) 02 1 545 5 492 11 478

+Obchodná marÏa r. 01- r. 02 03 4 753 3 651 6 211

II. V˘roba r. 05 + r. 06 + r. 07 04 45 581 341 47 639 230 47 713 961

II.1. TrÏby z predaja vlastn˘ch v˘robkov a sluÏieb (601, 602) 05 45 291 109 47 224 459 47 341 278

2. Zmeny stavu vnútroorganizaãn˘ch zásob ( +/- úãtová skupina 61) 06 -197 -14 680

3. Aktivácia (úãtová skupina 62) 07 290 429 414 785 372 003

B. V˘robná spotreba r. 09 + r. 10 08 24 894 162 27 595 551 24 673 422

B. 1. Spotreba materiálu, energie aostatn˘ch neskladovateºn˘ch dodávok (501, 502, 503) 09 19 378 026 21 033 217 18 181 601

2. SluÏby (úãtová skupina 51) 10 5 516 136 6 562 334 6 491 821

+Pridaná hodnota r. 03 + r. 04 – r. 08 11 20 691 932 20 047 330 23 046 750

C. Osobné náklady súãet (r. 13 aÏ 16) 12 5 412 563 5 358 091 4 662 354

C.1. Mzdové náklady (521, 522) 13 3 546 323 3 497 924 3 120 185

2. Odmeny ãlenom orgánov spoloãnosti a druÏstva (523) 14 11 304 11 258 8 860

3. Náklady na sociálne zabezpeãenie (524, 525, 526) 15 1 195 123 1 185 485 1 114 148

4. Sociálne náklady (527, 528) 16 659 813 663 424 419 161

D. Dane a poplatky (úãtová skupina 53) 17 625 395 158 512 149 605

E. Odpisy dlhodobého nehmotného majetku adlhodobého hmotného majetku (551) 18 6 007 818 6 313 520 8 229 297

III. TrÏby z predaja dlhodobého majetku amateriálu (641, 642) 19 465 002 266 206 767 287 VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 117

Report on the Financial Statements of the Company ANNUAL REPORT 2005

Comparison with the previous year (SKK thous.)

Line Text Row Reality (r.) No. 2005 2004 2003

I. Revenues from sale of goods (604) 01 6,298 9,143 17,689

A. Procurement costs of sold goods (504) 02 1,545 5,492 11,478

+ Business margin r. 01- r. 02 03 4,753 3,651 6,211

II. Production r. 05 + r. 06 + r. 07 04 45,581,341 47,639,230 47,713,961

II.1. Revenues from sale of own products and services (601, 602) 05 45,291,109 47,224,459 47,341,278

2. Changes in internal organization stock (+/- accounting group 61) 06 -197 -14 680

3. Activation (accounting group 62) 07 290,429 414,785 372,003

B. Production consumption r. 09 + r. 10 08 24,894,162 27,595,551 24,673,422

B. 1. Consumption of material, power and other non-storable deliveries (501, 502, 503) 09 19,378,026 21,033,217 18,181,601

2. Services (accounting group 51) 10 5,516,136 6,562,334 6,491,821

+ Added value r. 03 + r. 04 – r. 08 11 20,691,932 20,047,330 23,046,750

C. Personal costs total (r. 13 through 16) 12 5,412,563 5,358,091 4 662 354

C.1. Staff costs (521, 522) 13 3,546,323 3,497,924 3,120,185

2. Commission of members of company’s bodies and association (523) 14 11,304 11,258 8,860

3. Social insurance costs (524, 525, 526) 15 1,195,123 1,185,485 1,114,148

4. Social costs (527, 528) 16 659,813 663,424 419 161

D. Taxes and levies (accounting group 53) 17 625,395 158,512 149,605

E. Depreciation of long-term intangible and long-term tangible assets (551) 18 6,007,818 6,313,520 8,229,297

III. Revenues from sale of long-term assets and material (641, 642) 19 465,002 266,206 767,287 VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 118

118 > 119 Správa o podnikateºskej ãinnosti spoloãnosti a stave majetku V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

Ozna- âíslo SkutoãnosÈ ãenie Text riadku 2005 2004 2003

F. Zostatková cena predaného dlhodobého majetku apredaného materialu (541, 542) 20 477 624 251 662 752 779

IV. PouÏitie a zru‰enie rezerv do v˘nosov z hospodárskej ãinnosti a úãtovanie vzniku komplexn˘ch nákladov budúcich období (652, 654, 655) 21 507 410 2 883 309 6 447

G. Tvorba rezerv na hospodársku ãinnosÈ azúãtovanie komplexn˘ch nákladov budúcich období (552, 554, 555) 22 1 955 748 3 886 030 3 315 016

V. Zúãtovanie a zru‰enie opravn˘ch poloÏiek do v˘nosov z hospodárskej ãinnosti (657, 658, 659) 23 4 697 428 692 050 309 855

H. Tvorba opravn˘ch poloÏiek do nákladov na hospodársku ãinnosÈ (557,558,559) 24 2 268 141 941 864 735 140

VI. Ostatné v˘nosy z hospodárskej ãinnosti (644, 645, 646, 648) 25 2 965 478 572 447 639 994

I. Ostatné náklady na hospodársku ãinnosÈ (543 aÏ 546, 548, 549) 26 9 194 932 3 345 104 3 494 358

VII. Prevod v˘nosov z hospodárskej ãinnosti (-) (697) 27 0 0 0

J. Prevod nákladov na hospodársku ãinnosÈ (-) (597) 28 0 0 0

*V˘sledok hospodárenia z hospodárskej ãinnosti r. 11 – r. 12 – r. 17 – r. 18 + r. 19 – r. 20 + r. 21 – r. 22 + r. 23 – r. 24 + r. 25 – r. 26 + (-r. 27) – (-r. 28) 29 3 385 029 4 206 559 3 431 784

VIII. TrÏby z predaja cenn˘ch papierov a podielov (661) 30 6 632 53 550 10 480

K. Predané cenné papiere a podiely (561) 31 6 600 300 150 10 480

IX. V˘nosy z dlhodobého finanãného majetku r. 33 + r. 34 + r. 35 32 101 968 4 762 35 106 VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 119

Report on the Financial Statements of the Company ANNUAL REPORT 2005

Line Text Row Reality (r.) No. 2005 2004 2003

F. Depreciated price of sold long-term assets and sold material (541, 542) 20 477,624 251,662 752,779

IV. Utilization and cancellation of provisions in revenues from economic activities and settlement of occurred complex prepayments (652, 654, 655) 21 507,410 2,883,309 6,447

G. Set-up of provisions for economic activity and settlement of complex prepayments (552, 554, 555) 22 1,955,748 3,886,030 3,315,016

V. Settlement and cancellation of valuation allowances into revenues from economic activities (657, 658, 659) 23 4,697,428 692,050 309,855

H. Set-up of valuation allowances into costs of economic activities (557,558,559) 24 2,268,141 941,864 735,140

VI. Other revenues from economic activities (644, 645, 646, 648) 25 2,965,478 572,447 639,994

I. Other costs of economic activities (543 through 546, 548, 549) 26 9,194,932 3,345,104 3,494,358

VII. Transfer of revenues from economic activities (-) (697) 27 0 0 0

J. Transfer of costs of economic activities (-) (597) 28 0 0 0

*Income from economic operations r. 11 – r. 12 – r. 17 – r. 18 + r. 19 – r. 20 + r. 21 – r. 22 + r. 23 – r. 24 + r. 25 – r. 26 + (-r. 27) – (-r. 28) 29 3,385,029 4,206,559 3,431,784

VIII. Revenues from sale of securities and shares (661) 30 6,632 53,550 10,480

K. Sold securities and shares (561) 31 6,600 300,150 10,480

IX. Revenues from long-term financial assets r. 33 + r. 34 + r. 35 32 101,963 4,762 35,106 VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 120

120 > 121 Správa o podnikateºskej ãinnosti spoloãnosti a stave majetku V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

Ozna- âíslo SkutoãnosÈ ãenie Text riadku 2005 2004 2003

IX.1. V˘nosy z cenn˘ch papierov a podielov v ovládanej osobe avspoloãnosti s podstatn˘m vplyvom (665A) 33 0 4 762 26 919

2. V˘nosy z ostatn˘ch dlhodob˘ch cenn˘ch papierov a podielov (665A) 34 1 248 0 7 482

3. V˘nosy z ostatného dlhodobého finanãného majetku (665A) 35 100 720 0 705

X. V˘nosy z krátkodobého finanãného majetku (666) 36 0 0 0

L. Náklady na krátkodob˘ finanãn˘ majetok (566 ) 37 0 0 0

XI. V˘nosy z precenenia cenn˘ch papierov a v˘nosy zderivatov˘ch operácií (664, 667) 38 1 796 608 0 0

M. Náklady na precenenie cenn˘ch papierov a náklady na derivatové operácie (564, 567) 39 168 337 0 161 400

XII. V˘nosové úroky (662) 40 80 437 206 113 288 520

N. Nákladové úroky (562) 41 2 274 833 3 598 785 4 408 010

XIII. Kurzové zisky (663) 42 1 566 781 2 481 302 3 111 110

O. Kurzové straty (563) 43 1 661 337 782 795 1 583 462

XIV. Ostatné v˘nosy z finanãnej ãinnosti (668) 44 4 804 1 213 475

P. Ostatné náklady na finanãnú ãinnosÈ (568, 569) 45 641 824 504 888 1 985 631

XV. PouÏitie a zru‰enie rezerv do v˘nosov z finanãnej ãinnosti (674) 46 0 63 056 1 473 569

Q. Tvorba rezerv na finanãnú ãinnosÈ (574) 47 0 0 63 056

XVI. Zúãtovanie a zru‰enie opravn˘ch poloÏiek do v˘nosov z finanãnej ãinnosti (679) 48 15 985 247 132 0

R. Tvorba opravn˘ch poloÏiek do nákladov na finanãnú ãinnosÈ (579) 49 0 2 000 24 050

XVII. Prevod finanãn˘ch v˘nosov (-) (698) 50 0 0 0 VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 121

Report on the Financial Statements of the Company ANNUAL REPORT 2005

Line Text Row Reality (r.) No. 2005 2004 2003

IX.1. Revenues from securities and shares in controlled subjects and companies with substantial influence (665A) 33 0 4,762 26,919

2. Revenues from other long-term securities and shares (665A) 34 1,248 0 7,482

3. Revenues from other long-term financial assets (665A) 35 100,720 0 705

X. Revenues from short-term financial assets (666) 36 0 0 0

L. Costs of short-term financial assets (566) 37 0 0 0

XI. Revenues from revaluation of securities and revenues from derivate operations (664, 667) 38 1,796,608 0 0

M. Costs of revaluation of securities and costs of derivate operations (564, 567) 39 168,337 0 161,400

XII. Interest on revenues (662) 40 80,437 206,113 288,520

N. Interest on costs (562) 41 2,274,833 3,598,785 4,408,010

XIII. Exchange rate profits (663) 42 1,566,781 2,481,302 3,111,110

O. Exchange rate losses (563) 43 1,661,337 782,795 1,583,462

XIV. Other revenues from financial activities (668) 44 4 804 1,213,475

P. Other costs of financial activities (568, 569) 45 641,824 504,888 1,985,631

XV. Utilization and cancellation of reserves into revenues from financial activities (674) 46 0 63,056 1,473,569

Q. Set-up of provision for financial activities (574) 47 0 63,056 0

XVI. Settlement and cancellation of valuation allowances into revenues from financial activities (679) 48 15,985 247,132 0

R. Set-up of valuation allowances into costs of financial activities (579) 49 0 2,000 24,050

XVII. Transfer of financial revenues (-) (698) 50 0 0 0 VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 122

122 > 123 Správa o podnikateºskej ãinnosti spoloãnosti a stave majetku V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

Ozna- âíslo SkutoãnosÈ ãenie Text riadku 2005 2004 2003

S. Prevod finanãn˘ch nákladov (-) (598) 51 0 0 0

*V˘sledok hospodárenia z finanãnej ãinnosti r. 30 – r. 31 + r. 32 + r. 36 -r. 37 + r. 38 – r. 39 + r. 40 – r. 41 + r. 42 – r. 43 + r. 44 – r. 45 + r. 46 – r. 47 + r. 48 – r. 49 + (-r. 50) – (- r. 51) 52 -1 184 516 -2 131 899 -2 103 829

T. DaÀ z príjmov z beÏnej ãinnosti r. 54+ r. 55 53 497 478 435 690 175 961

T.1. - splatná (591,595) 54 652 672 79 276 27 102

2. - odloÏená (+/-592) 55 -155 194 356 414 148 859

** V˘sledok hospodárenia z beÏnej ãinnosti r. 29 + r. 52 – r. 53 56 1 703 035 1 638 970 1 151 994

XVIII. Mimoriadne v˘nosy (úãtová skupina 68) 57 156 17 698 -152

U. Mimoriadne náklady (úãtová skupina 58) 58 3 591 4 909 -158 283

V. DaÀ z príjmov z mimoriadnej ãinnosti r. 60 + r. 61 59 0 0 0

V.1. - splatná (593) 60 0 0 0

2. - odloÏená (+/- 594) 61 0 0 0

*V˘sledok hospodárenia zmimoriadnej ãinnosti r. 57 – r. 58 – r. 59 62 - 3 435 12 789 158 131

Z. Prevod podielov na v˘sledku hospodárenia spoloãníkom (+/-596) 63 0 0 0

*** V˘sledok hospodárenia za úãtovné obdobie (+/-) r. 56 + r. 62 – r. 63 64 1 699 600 1 651 759 1 310 125

Kontrolné ãíslo súãet (r. 01 aÏ 64) 99 216 667 366 214 126 527 192 244 333 VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 123

Report on the Financial Statements of the Company ANNUAL REPORT 2005

Line Text Row Reality (r.) No. 2005 2004 2003

S. Transfer of financial costs (-) (598) 51 0 0 0

*Income from financial operations r. 30 – r. 31 + r. 32 + r. 36 -r. 37 + r. 38 – r. 39 + r. 40 – r. 41 + r. 42 – r. 43 + r. 44 – r. 45 + r. 46 – r. 47 + r. 48 – r. 49 + (-r. 50) – (- r. 51) 52 -1,184,516 -2,131,899 -2,103,829

T. Income tax on ordinary activities r. 54+ r. 55 53 497,478 435,690 175,961

T.1. - due (591,595) 54 652,672 79,276 27,102

2. - deferred (+/-592) 55 -155,194 356,414 148,859

** Income from ordinary activities r. 29 + r. 52 – r. 53 56 1,703,035 1,638,970 1,151,994

XVIII. Extraordinary income (accounting group 68) 57 156 17,698 -152

U. Extraordinary expenses (accounting group 58) 58 3,591 4,909 -158,283

V. Income tax from extraordinary activities r. 60 + r. 61 59 0 0 0

V.1. - due (593) 60 0 0 0

2. - deferred (+/-594) 61 0 0 0

*Income from extraordinary activities r. 57 – r. 58 – r. 59 62 - 3,435 12,789 158,131

Z. Transfer of shares on income from operations to partners (+/-596) 63 0 0 0

*** Income from operations for the period (+/-) r. 56 + r. 62 – r. 63 64 1,699,600 1,651,759 1,310,125

Control number total (r. 01 through 64) 99 216,667,366 214,126,527 192,244,333 VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 124

124 > 125 Správa o podnikateºskej ãinnosti spoloãnosti a stave majetku V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

V˘voj nákladov SE, a. s., 2002 – 2005 (tis. Sk)

10 175 345 10 101 264 Spotreba 9 719 344 8 972 792

9 202 681 Nákup elektriny 10 929 632 a súvisiace náklady 8 462 257 6 349 605

1 271 651 1 590 969 Opravy a udrÏiavanie 1 868 828 2 205 717

6 007 818 6 313 520 Odpisy DNM a DHM 8 229 297 7 395 260

1 724 912 Náhrady za uÏívanie 1 925 450 vodn˘ch diel 1 877 751 2 909 121

2 416 909 2 598 673 Príspevok do ·FLJEZ 2 656 229 2 351 960

5 412 563 5 358 091 Osobné náklady 4 662 354 4 288 629

14 626 049 9 038 227 Ostatné prevádzkové náklady 9 052 183 11 820 498

2 274 833 3 598 785 Nákladové úroky 4 408 010 4 313 175

1 661 337 782 795 Kurzové straty 1 583 462 1 800 334

816 761 807 038 Ostatné finanãné náklady 2 181 561 3 934 287

3 591 Mimoriadne náklady 4 909 -158 283 -4 560 179 2005 497 478 2004 435 690 DaÀ z príjmov 2003 175 961 787 918 2002

03 000 000 6 000 000 9 000 000 12 000 000 15 000 000 VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 125

Report on the Financial Statements of the Company ANNUAL REPORT 2005

Cost Development of SE, a. s., 2002 – 2005 (SKK thous.)

10,175,345 10,101,264 Consumption 9,719,344 8,972,792

9,202,681 Power purchase and 10,929,632 related costs 8,462,257 6,349,605

1,271,651 1,590,969 Repairs and maintenance 1,868,828 2,205,717

6,007,818 6,313,520 LTIA and LTTA depreciation 8,229,297 7,395,260

1,724,912 Reimbursement for utilization 1,925,450 of water works 1,877,751 2,909,121

2,416,909 2,598,673 Contribution to SFL JEZ 2,656,229 2,351,960

5,412,563 5,358,091 Personal Costs 4,662,354 4,288,629

14,626,049 9,038,227 Other operational costs 9,052,183 11,820,498

2,274,833 3,598,785 Costs interest 4,408,010 4,313,175

1,661,337 782,795 Exchange rate loss 1,583,462 1,800,334

816,761 807,038 Other financial costs 2,181,561 3,934,287

3,591 Extraordinary costs 4,909 -158,283 -4,560,179 2005 497,478 2004 435,690 Income tax 2003 175,961 787,918 2002

03,000,000 6,000,000 9,000,000 12,000,000 15,000,000 VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 126

126 > 127 Správa o podnikateºskej ãinnosti spoloãnosti a stave majetku V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005


SpoloãnosÈ v roku 2005 dodrÏala v‰etky stanovené finanãné ukazovatele, stanovené v niektor˘ch úverov˘ch zmluvách a nepredpokladá ich poru‰enie aj v súvislosti s ukonãením transakcií súvisiacich s predajom ãasti podniku (závody SE-EBO V1 a SE-VYZ) a predajom majetku vodnej elektrárne Gabãíkovo ako aj predaj 66%-ného vlastníckeho podielu vlastníkom spoloãnosti.

Majetok (aktíva)

Majetok (aktíva) je zloÏen˘ z 77,92 % neobeÏného majetku, 19,82 % obeÏného majetku a 2,26 % ãasového rozlí‰enia. Stav neobeÏného majetku bol v porovnaní so stavom k 31. 12. 2004 vplyvom odpisov zníÏen˘ celkom o 2 429 514 tis. Sk.

Stav obeÏného majetku spoloãnosÈ zv˘‰ila predov‰etk˘m zv˘‰ením stavu dlhodob˘ch a krátkodob˘ch pohºadávok, ktoré spolu tvoria 65,67 % obeÏného majetku. V porovnaní so stavom k 31.12.2004 sa zníÏil stav zásob o 132 420 tis. Sk. Stav dlhodob˘ch pohºadávok vzrástol v porovnaní so stavom k 31. 12. 2004 z5 452 485 tis. Sk na 8 507 868 tis. Sk, t.j. o 3 055 383 tis. Sk. Najväã‰iu ãasÈ tvorí odloÏená daÀová pohºadávka za rok 2005.

Stav krátkodob˘ch pohºadávok vzrástol z 3 345 063 tis. Sk na 7 169 740 tis. Sk ku koncu roku 2005, t.j. o 3 824 677 tis. Sk. Najväã‰iu ãasÈ tvoria pohºadávky voãi SEPS, a. s., ktorá neuhrádza faktúry.

V porovnaní so stavom k 31. 12. 2004 sa zníÏili náklady budúcich období z3 289 088 tis. Sk na 2 458 404 tis. Sk, t.j. o 830 684 tis. Sk. Najviac sa na uvedenej ãiastke podieºa postupné rozpú‰Èanie nákladov na leasing v˘poãtovej techniky a kotlov 5 a 6 v EVO. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 127

Report on the Financial Statements of the Company ANNUAL REPORT 2005

Balance Sheet

In 2005 the company observed all established financial indicators set in some credit contracts and it is not assumed that they should be violated also in connection with termination of transactions relating to sale of a part of the company (V1 and VYZ works), sale of the property of hydraulic power plant Gabãíkovo as well as sale of 66% of proportionate ownership to the owners of the company.

Property (Assets)

Property (assets) consists of 77.92% of non-circular assets, 19.82% of circular assets and 2.26% of accruing. The volume of non-circular assets had in comparison with the condition as per December 31, 2004 decreased totally by SKK 2,429,514 thousand due to the depreciation.

The volume of circular assets has increased especially due to the increase of the volume of long and short-term claims, which together comprise 65.67% of circular assets. In comparison with the situation as per December 31, 2004 the stock level decreased by SKK 132,420 thousand. The volume of long-term claims increased in comparison with the situation as per December 31, 2004 from SKK 5,452,485 thousand to SKK 8,507,868 thousand, i.e. by SKK 3,055, 383 thousand. The largest part is formed by a deferred tax claim for the year 2005.

The volume of short-term claims increased from SKK 3,345,063 thousand to SKK 7,169,740 thousand by the end of the year 2005, i.e. by SKK 3, 824,677 thousand. The largest part is formed by claims against SEPS, a. s., which does not settle the invoices.

In comparison with the situation as per December 31, 2004 the prepaid expenses decreased from SKK 3,289,088 thousand to SKK 2,458,404 thousand, i.e. by SKK 830,684 thousand. The largest part of the sum is due to the progressive dissolution of costs for leasing of computer equipment and boilers 5 and 6 in EVO. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 128

128 > 129 Správa o podnikateºskej ãinnosti spoloãnosti a stave majetku V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

Vlastné imanie a záväzky (pasíva)

Napriek tomu, Ïe celkov˘ pohyb na strane pasív nie je veºk˘, spoloãnosÈ v jednotliv˘ch poloÏkách vykazuje v˘znamné zmeny, 61,56 % pasív tvoria záväzky, 35,41 % vlastné imanie a 3,03 % ãasové rozlí‰enie.

Vlastné imanie spoloãnosti je v porovnaní so stavom k 31. 12. 2004 niωie o 12 046 528 tis. Sk vplyvom zaúãtovania rezervy na vyraìovanie jadrovo-energetick˘ch zariadení cez v˘sledok hospodárenia minul˘ch rokov, podºa novo spracovanej ‰túdie spoloãnosti DECOM k 31. 12. 2005. Vzhºadom k tomu, Ïe ide o chybu v odhade, bola spoloãnosÈ povinná zaúãtovaÈ ãiastku 15 405 000 tis. Sk ako zníÏenie v˘sledkov hospodárenia minul˘ch období priamo vo vlastnom imaní.

Od skonãenia predchádzajúceho úãtovného obdobia do 31. 12. 2005 sa celkovo zv˘‰ili záväzky spoloãnosti o 12 662 059 tis. Sk, na ãom sa podieºa:

> zv˘‰enie rezerv o 17 448 715 tis. Sk. V˘znamn˘mi poloÏkami sú: rezerva na vyraìovanie jadrovo-energetick˘ch zariadení, rezerva na aktivity súvisiace s odstránením star˘ch environmentálnych záÈaÏí a rezerva na likvidáciu jadrov˘ch elektrární,

> zníÏenie dlhodob˘ch záväzkov z 15 223 474 tis. Sk na 12 619 728 tis. Sk ku koncu roka 2005, t.j. o 2 603 746 tis. Sk,

zníÏenie bankov˘ch úverov o 3 464 548 tis. Sk, vychádza z re‰trukturalizácie úverov spoloãnosti a platobnej disciplíny pri ich splácaní. V˘razn˘ posun v tejto ãasti súvahy nastal len v preúãtovaní úverov z dlhodob˘ch na krátkodobé, ão vyplynulo zo Zákona o úãtovníctve. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 129

Report on the Financial Statements of the Company ANNUAL REPORT 2005

Own Assets and Accounts Payable (Liabilities)

Even though the total movement on the liabilities side is not substantial, the company shows major changes in individual items, 61.56% of liabilities are formed by accounts payable, 35.41% by own assets and 3.03% by accruing.

Own assets of the company are in comparison with the situation as per December 31, 2004 lower by SKK 12,046,528 thousand due to the booking of reserve for retirement of nuclear-energetic equipment via trading income in previous years according to the newly adapted study by DECOM company as per December 31, 2005. Regarding the fact that it was an assessment error, the company was obligated to book SKK 15,405,000 thousand as a decrease of trading income in previous periods directly in its own assets.

Following the end of the previous accounting period up to December 31, 2005 company’s accounts payable increased by SKK 12,662,059 thousand because of:

> Increase of reserves by SKK 17,448,715 thousand. Among major items count reserve for retirement of nuclear-energetic equipment, reserve for activities connected with removal of old environmental burdens and reserve for liquidation of nuclear power plants.

> Decrease of long-term accounts payable from SKK 15,223,474 thousand to SKK 12,619 728 thousand by the end of the year 2005, i.e. by SKK 2,603,746 thousand,

reduction of bank loans by SKK 3,464,548 thousand, stemming from restructuring of company’s loans and payment discipline during their repayment. A significant shift in this part of the balance sheet occurred only in abandonment of the loans from long to short-term, which ensued from the Accountancy Act. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 130

130 > 131 Správa o podnikateºskej ãinnosti spoloãnosti a stave majetku V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

tis. Sk

Ozna- Strana aktív âíslo ãenie riadku 2005 2004 2003

Spolu majetok r. 002 + r. 003 + r. 032 + r. 062 1 120 436 229 118 734 790 126 316 756

A. Pohºadávky za upísané vlastné imanie (353) 2 0 0 0

B. NeobeÏn˘ majetok r. 004 + r. 013 + r. 023 3 93 848 463 96 277 977 99 362 890

B.I. Dlhodob˘ nehmotn˘ majetok súãet 005 aÏ 012 4 664 603 544 724 495 684

B.I. 1. Zriaìovacie náklady (011) – /071, 091A/ 5 0 0 0

2. Aktivované náklady na v˘voj (012) – /072, 091A/ 6 1 670 0 12 017

3. Softvér (013) – /073, 091A/ 7 296 158 268 527 209 964

4. Oceniteºné práva (014) – /074, 091A/ 8 0 -2 597 8 004

5. Goodwill (015) – /075, 091A/ 9 0 0 0

6. Ostatn˘ dlhodob˘ nehmotn˘ majetok 10 0 88 263

7. Obstarávan˘ dlhodob˘ nehmotn˘ majetok 11 366 775 278 706 265 436

8. Poskytnuté preddavky na dlhodob˘ nehmotn˘ majetok (051) – 095A 12 0 0 0

B.II. Dlhodob˘ hmotn˘ majetok súãet (r. 014 aÏ 022) 13 92 338 401 95 137 984 98 296 534

B.II.1. Pozemky (031) – 092A 14 303 164 300 620 290 433

2. Stavby (021) – /081, 092A/ 15 22 464 570 22 634 885 23 308 089

3. Samostatné hnuteºné veci asúbory hnuteºn˘ch vecí 16 41 072 719 44 903 117 48 668 138

4. Pestovateºské celky trval˘ch porastov 17 0 0 0

5. Základné stádo a ÈaÏné zvieratá 18 0 0 0

6. Ostatn˘ dlhodob˘ hmotn˘ majetok 19 1 053 803 1 196 852 1 224 133

7. Obstarávan˘ dlhodob˘ hmotn˘ majetok 20 27 410 820 25 971 733 24 583 842

8. Poskytnuté preddavky na dlhodob˘ hmotn˘ majetok 21 33 325 130 777 221 899

9. Opravná poloÏka knadobudnutému majetku 22 0 0 0

B.III. Dlhodob˘ finanãn˘ majetok súãet (r. 024 aÏ 031) 23 845 459 595 269 570 672 VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 131

Report on the Financial Statements of the Company ANNUAL REPORT 2005

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Line Assets Row (r.) No. 2005 2004 2003

Total assets r. 002 + r. 003 + r. 032 + r. 062 1 120,436,229 118,734,790 126,316,756

A. Receivables from subscribed equity (353) 2 0 0 0

B. Non-circulating assets r. 004 + r. 013 + r. 023 3 93,848,463 96,277,977 99,362,890

B.I. Long-term intangible assets total 005 through 012 4 664,603 544,724 495,684

B.I. 1. First costs (011) – /071, 091A/ 5 0 0 0

2. Activated development costs (012) – /072, 091A/ 6 1,670 0 12,017

3. Software (013) – /073, 091A/ 7 296,158 268,527 209,964

4. Valuable rights (014) – /074, 091A/ 8 0 -2,597 8,004

5. Goodwill (015) – /075, 091A/ 9 0 0 0

6. Other long-term intangible assets 10 0 88 263

7. Procured long-term intangible assets 11 366,775 278,706 265,436

8. Granted advance for long-term intangible assets (051) – 095A 12 0 0 0

B.II. Long-term tangible assets total (r. 014 through 022) 13 92,338,401 95,137,984 98,296,534

B.II.1. Land (031) – 092A 14 303,164 300,620 290,433

2. Buildings (021) – /081, 092A/ 15 22,464,570 22,634,885 23,308,089

3. Individual movable assets and sets of movable assets 16 41,072,719 44,903,117 48,668,138

4. Silvicultural units of permanent overgrows 17 0 0 0

5. Basic stock and draft animals 18 0 0 0

6. Other long-term tangible assets 19 1,053,803 1,196,852 1,224,133

7. Procured long-term tangible assets 20 27,410,820 25,971,733 24,583,842

8. Granted advent for long-term tangible assets 21 33,325 130,777 221,899

9. Valuation allowance to procured assets 22 0 0 0

B.III. Long-term financial assets total (r. 024 through 031) 23 845,459 595,269 570,672 VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 132

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B.III. 1. Podielové cenné papiere a podiely v ovládanej osobe 24 384 259 364 319 284 920

2. Podielové cenné papiere a podiely v spoloãnosti s podstatn˘m vplyvom (062) – 096A 25 322 284 159 750 161 002

3. Ostatné dlhodobé cenné papiere a podiely 26 138 916 71 200 124 550

4. PôÏiãky úãtovnej jednotke v konsolidovanom celku (066A) – 096A 27 0 0 0

5. Ostatn˘ dlhodob˘ finanãn˘ majetok (067A, 069, 06XA) – 096A 28 0 0 200

6. PôÏiãky s dobou splatnosti najviac jeden rok (066A,067A,06XA)-096A 29 0 0 0

7. Obstarávan˘ dlhodob˘ finanãn˘ majetok 30 0 0 0

8. Poskytnuté preddavky na dlhodob˘ finanãn˘ majetok 31 0 0 0

C. ObeÏn˘ majetok r. 033 + r. 041 + r. 048 + r. 056 32 23 873 215 19 167 666 22 398 521

C.I. Zásoby súãet (r. 034 aÏ 040) 33 7 240 130 7 372 550 7 355 402

C.I. 1. Materiál (112, 119, 11X) – /191, 19X/ 34 7 238 870 7 365 084 7 295 507

2. Nedokonãená v˘roba a polotovary 35 0 0 688 (121, 122, 12X) – /192, 193, 19X/

3. Zákazková v˘roba spredpokladanou dobou ukonãenia dlh‰ou ako jeden rok 12X-192A 36 0 0 0

4. V˘robky (123) – 194 37 0 0 0

5. Zvieratá (124) – 195 38 197 133

6. Tovar (132, 13X, 139) – /196, 19X/ 39 528 412 570

7. Poskytnuté preddavky na zásoby (314A) – 391A 40 732 6 857 58 504

C.II. Dlhodobé pohºadávky súãet (r. 042 aÏ 047) 41 8 507 868 5 452 485 6 964 825

C.II.1. Pohºadávky z obchodného styku (311A, 312A, 313A, 314A, 315A, 31XA) – 391A 42 3 191 14 096 27 237 VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 133

Report on the Financial Statements of the Company ANNUAL REPORT 2005

SKK thous.

Line Assets Row (r.) No. 2005 2004 2003

B.III. 1. Securities and shares in controlled subject 24 384,259 364,319 284,920

2. Securities and shares in companies with substantial influence (062) – 096A 25 322,284 159,750 161,002

3. Other long-term securities and shares 26 138,916 71,200 124,550

4. Loans to accounting unit in consolidated unit (066A) – 096A 27 0 0 0

5. Other long-term financial assets (067A, 069, 06XA) – 096A 28 0 0 200

6. Loans with payable period not longer than one year (066A,067A,06XA)-096A 29 0 0 0

7. Procured long-term financial assets 30 0 0 0

8. Granted advance for long-term financial assets 31 0 0 0

C. Circulating assets r. 033 + r. 041 + r. 048 + r. 056 32 23,873,215 19,167,666 22,398,521

C.I. Reserves total (r. 034 through 040) 33 7,240,130 7,372,550 7,355,402

C.I. 1. Material (112, 119, 11X) – /191, 19X/ 34 7,238,870 7,365,084 7,295,507

2. Unfinished production and semi-finished products 35 0 0 688 (121, 122, 12X) – /192, 193, 19X/

3. Order production with assumed termination period exceeding one year 12X-192A 36 0 0 0

4. Products (123) – 194 37 0 0 0

5. Animals (124) – 195 38 197 133

6. Goods (132, 13X, 139) – /196, 19X/ 39 528 412 570

7. Granted advance for reserves (314A) – 391A 40 732 6,857 58,504

C.II. Long-term receivables total (r. 042 through 047) 41 8,507,868 5,452,485 6,964,825

C.II.1. Receivables from business relations (311A, 312A, 313A, 314A, 315A, 31XA) – 391A 42 3,191 14,096 27,237 VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 134

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2. Pohºadávky voãi ovládanej osobe a ovládajúcej osobe (351A) – 391A 43 0 0 0

3. Ostatné pohºadávky v rámci konsolidovaného celku 44 0 0 0

4. Pohºadávky voãi spoloãníkom, ãlenom a zdruÏeniu (354A, 355A, 358A, 35XA) – 391A 45 3 429 909 3 430 441 3 430 441

5. Iné pohºadávky (335A, 33XA, 371A, 373A, 374A, 375A, 376A, 378A) – 391A 46 14 925 15 707 1 723 527

6. OdloÏená daÀová pohºadávka (481 A) 47 5 059 843 1 992 241 1 783 620

C.III. Krátkodobé pohºadávky súãet (r. 049 aÏ 055) 48 7 169 740 3 345 063 3 849 873

C.III.1. Pohºadávky z obchodného styku (311A, 312A, 313A, 314A 315A, 31XA) – 391A 49 6 678 226 3 287 718 3 077 981

2. Pohºadávky voãi ovládanej osobe aovládajúcej osobe (351A) – 391A 50 0 0 0

3. Ostatné pohºadávky v rámci konsolidovaného celku 51 834 1 880 14 910

4. Pohºadávky voãi spoloãníkom, ãlenom a zdruÏeniu 52 0 0 0

5. Sociálne zabezpeãenie (336) – 391A 53 0 0 0

6. DaÀové pohºadávky (341, 342, 343, 345) – 391A 54 458 666 0 223 903

7. Iné pohºadávky 55 32 014 55 465 533 079

C.IV. Finanãné úãty súãet (r. 057 aÏ r. 061) 56 955 477 2 997 568 4 228 421

C.IV.1. Peniaze (211, 213, 21X) 57 16 781 9 898 6 734

2. Úãty v bankách (221A, 22X +/-261) 58 319 828 2 956 564 4 199 246

3. Úãty v bankách s dobou viazanosti dlh‰ou ako jeden rok 22XA 59 0 15 606 6 941

4. Krátkodob˘ finanãn˘ majetok 60 618 868 15 500 15 500

5. Obstarávan˘ krátkodob˘ finanãn˘ majetok 61 0 0 0

D. âasové rozlí‰enie r. 063 a r. 064 62 2 714 551 3 289 147 4 555 345 VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 135

Report on the Financial Statements of the Company ANNUAL REPORT 2005

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Line Assets Row (r.) No. 2005 2004 2003

2. Receivables from controlled subject and controlling subject (351A) – 391A 43 0 0 0

3. Other receivables within consolidated unit 44 0 0 0

4. Receivables from partners, members and association (354A, 355A, 358A, 35XA) – 391A 45 3,429,909 3,430,441 3,430,441

5. Other receivables (335A, 33XA, 371A, 373A, 374A, 375A, 376A, 378A) – 391A 46 14 925 15 707 1,723,527

6. Deferred tax receivable (481 A) 47 5,059,843 1,992,241 1,783,620

C.III. Short-term receivables total (r. 049 through 055) 48 7,169,740 3,345,063 3,849,873

C.III.1. Receivables from business relations (311A, 312A, 313A, 314A 315A, 31XA) – 391A 49 6,678,226 3,287,718 3,077,981

2. Receivables from controlled subject and controlling subject (351A) – 391A 50 0 0 0

3. Other receivables within consolidated unit 51 834 1,880 14,910

4. Receivables from partners, members and association 52 0 0 0

5. Social security (336) – 391A 53 0 0 0

6. Tax receivables (341, 342, 343, 345) – 391A 54 458,666 0 223,903

7. Other receivables 55 32,014 55,465 533,079

C.IV. Financial accounts total (r. 057 through r. 061) 56 955,477 2,997,568 4,228,421

C.IV.1. Money (211, 213, 21X) 57 16,781 9,898 6,734

2. Accounts in banks (221A, 22X +/-261) 58 319,828 2,956,564 4,199,246

3. Accounts in banks with liability period exceeding one year 22XA 59 0 15,606 6,941

4. Short-term financial assets 60 618,868 15,500 15,500

5. Procured short-term financial assets 61 0 0 0

D. Accruals and deferrals r. 063 and r. 064 62 2,714,551 3,289,147 4,555,345 VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 136

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D. 1. Náklady budúcich období (381, 382) 63 2 458 404 3 289 088 4 536 946

2. Príjmy budúcich období (385) 64 256 147 59 18 399

Kontrolné ãíslo súãet (r. 001 aÏ r. 064) 888 479 030 365 471 650 013 500 711 679

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Ozna- Strana pasív âíslo ãenie riadku 2005 2004 2003

Spolu vlastné imanie a záväzky r. 066 + r. 086 + r. 116 65 120 436 229 118 734 790 126 316 756

A. Vlastné imanie r. 067 + r. 071 + r. 078 + r. 082 + r. 085 66 42 648 247 54 694 775 53 759 822

A.I. Základné imanie súãet (r. 068 aÏ 070) 67 38 238 803 38 238 803 38 238 803

A.I.1. Základné imanie (411alebo +/- 491) 68 38 238 803 38 238 803 38 238 803

2. Vlastné akcie a vlastné obchodné podiely (/-/252) 69 0 0 0

3. Zmena základného imania +/- 419 70 0 0 0

A.II. Kapitálové fondy súãet (r. 072 aÏ 077) 71 12 597 518 12 359 725 11 135 955

A.II.1. Emisné áÏio (412) 72 0 0 0

2. Ostatné kapitálové fondy (413) 73 8 535 641 8 535 641 8 535 600

3. Zákonn˘ rezervn˘ fond (Nedeliteºn˘ fond) z kapitálov˘ch vkladov (417, 418) 74 3 823 880 3 823 880 2 600 151

4. OceÀovacie rozdiely zprecenenia majetku a záväzkov 75 237 789 0 0

5. OceÀovacie rozdiely z kapitálov˘ch úãastín (+/- 415) 76 208 204 204

6. OceÀovacie rozdiely zprecenenia pri splynutí arozdelení (+/- 416) 77 0 0 0

A.III. Fondy zo zisku súãet (r. 079 aÏ r. 081) 78 956 887 791 711 1 359 976

A.III.1. Zákonn˘ rezervn˘ fond (421) 79 432 436 267 260 1 359 976

2. Nedeliteºn˘ fond (422) 80 0 0 0

3. ·tatutárne fondy a ostatné fondy (423, 427, 42X) 81 0 524 451 524 451 VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 137

Report on the Financial Statements of the Company ANNUAL REPORT 2005

SKK thous.

Line Assets Row (r.) No. 2005 2004 2003

D. 1. Prepayments (381, 382) 63 2,458 404 3,289,088 4,536,946

2. Accruals (385) 64 256,147 59 18,399

Control number total (r. 001 through r. 064) 888 479,030,365 471,650,013 500,711,679

SKK thous.

Line Liabilities Row (r.) No. 2005 2004 2003

Total equity plus liabilities r. 066 + r. 086 + r. 116 65 120,436,229 118,734,790 126,316,756

A. Equity r. 067 + r. 071 + r. 078 + r. 082 + r. 085 66 42,648,247 54,694,775 53,759,822

A.I. Fixed assets total (r. 068 through 070) 67 38,238,803 38,238,803 38,238,803

A.I.1. Fixed assets (411 or +/- 491) 68 38,238,803 38,238,803 38,238,803

2. Own shares and own business shares (/-/252) 69 0 0 0

3. Fixed assets change +/- 419 70 0 0 0

A.II. Capital funds total (r. 072 through 077) 71 12,597,518 12,359,725 11,135,955

A.II.1. Capital surplus (412) 72 0 0 0

2. Other capital funds (413) 73 8,535,641 8,535,641 8,535,600

3. Legal reserve fund (indivisible) from contributions of capital (417, 418) 74 3,823,880 3,823,880 2,600,151

4. Differences in valuation from revaluation of assets and liabilities 75 237,789 0 0

5. Differences in valuation from capital shares (+/- 415) 76 208 204 204

6. Differences in valuation from revaluation at fusion and division (+/- 416) 77 0 0 0

A.III. Fund from profit total (r. 079 through r. 081) 78 956,887 791,711 1,359,976

A.III.1. Legal reserve fund (421) 79 432,436 267,260 1,359,976

2. Indivisible fund (422) 80 0 0 0

3. Statutory funds and other funds (423, 427, 42X) 81 0 524,451 524,451 VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 138

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A.IV. V˘sledok hospodárenia minul˘ch rokov r. 083 a r. 084 82 -10 844 561 1 652 777 1 714 963

A.IV.1. Nerozdelen˘ zisk minul˘ch rokov (428) 83 4 602 393 1 694 731 1 714 963

2. Neuhradená strata minul˘ch rokov (/-/429) 84 -15 446 954 -41 954 0

A.V. V˘sledok hospodárenia za úãtovné obdobie /+-/ r. 001 – (r. 067 + r. 071 + r. 078 + r. 082 + r. 086 + r. 116 85 1 699 600 1 651 759 1 310 125

B. Záväzky z r. 87 + r. 91 + r. 102 + r. 112 86 74 139 502 61 477 443 70 567 164

B.I. Rezervy súãet (r. 088 aÏ r. 090) 87 23 505 083 6 056 368 5 069 377

B.I.1. Rezervy zákonné (451A) 88 63 889 47 458 27 853

2. Ostatné dlhodobé rezervy (459 A, 45XA) 89 22 127 121 5 647 117 4 275 463

3. Krátkodobé rezervy (323, 32X, 451A, 459A, 45XA) 90 1 314 073 361 793 766 061

B.II. Dlhodobé záväzky súãet (r. 092 aÏ r. 101) 91 12 619 728 15 223 474 9 948 713

B.II.1. Dlhodobé záväzky z obchodného styku (479A) 92 0 0 0

2. Dlhodobé nevyfakturované dodávky (476A) 93 0 0 0

3. Dlhodobé záväzky voãi ovládanej osobe a ovládajúcej osobe (471A) 94 7 391 596 7 770 717 0

4. Ostatné dlhodobé záväzky vrámci konsolidovaného celku (471A) 95 0 0 0

5. Dlhodobé prijaté preddavky (475A) 96 0 672 909 1 427 859

6. Dlhodobé zmenky na úhradu (478A) 97 1 510 997 2 276 446 3 702 759

7. Vydané dlhopisy (473A/-/255A) 98 0 0 0

8. Záväzky zo sociálneho fondu (472) 99 42 129 35 646 45 235

9. Ostatné dlhodobé záväzky (474A, 479A, 47XA, 372A, 373A, 377A) 100 377 175 1 155 383 2 025 522

10. OdloÏen˘ daÀov˘ záväzok (481A) 101 3 297 831 3 312 373 2 747 338 VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 139

Report on the Financial Statements of the Company ANNUAL REPORT 2005

SKK thous.

Line Liabilities Row (r.) No. 2005 2004 2003

A.IV. Income from operations from previous years r. 083 and r. 084 82 -10,844,561 1,652,777 1,714,963

A.IV.1. Undivided profit from previous years (428) 83 4,602,393 1,694,731 1,714,963

2. Loss carried forward (/-/429) 84 -15,446,954 -41,954 0

A.V. Income from operation for the period /+/-/ r. 001 – (r. 067 + r. 071 + r. 078 + r. 082 + r. 086 + r. 116 85 1,699,600 1,651,759 1,310,125

B. Liabilities from r. 87 + r. 91 + r. 102 + r. 112 86 74,139,502 61,477,443 70,567,164

B.I. Reserves total (r. 088 through r. 090) 87 23,505,083 6,056,368 5,069,377

B.I.1. Legal reserves (451A) 88 63,889 47,458 27,853

2. Other long-term reserves (459 A, 45XA) 89 22,127,121 5,647,117 4,275,463

3. Short-term reserves (323, 32X, 451A, 459A, 45XA) 90 1,314,073 361,793 766,061

B.II. Long-term liabilities total (r. 092 through r. 101) 91 12,619,728 15,223,474 9,948,713

B.II.1. Long-term liabilities from business relations (479A) 92 0 0 0

2. Long-term unbilled deliveries (476A) 93 0 0 0

3. Long-term liabilities to controlled subject and controlling subject (471A) 94 7,391,596 7,770,717 0

4. Other long-term liabilities within consolidated unit (471A) 95 0 0 0

5. Long-term received advances (475A) 96 0 672,909 1,427,859

6. Long-term drafts for payment (478A) 97 1,510,997 2,276,446 3,702,759

7. Issued bonds (473A/-/255A) 98 0 0 0

8. Liabilities from social fund (472) 99 42,129 35,646 45,235

9. Other long-term liabilities (474A, 479A, 47XA, 372A, 373A, 377A) 100 377,175 1,155,383 2,025,522

10. Deferred tax liability (481A) 101 3,297,831 3,312,373 2,747,338 VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 140

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B.III. Krátkodobé záväzky súãet (r. 103 aÏ r. 111) 102 9 219 141 7 937 503 9 532 712

B.III.1. Záväzky z obchodného styku (321, 322, 324, 325, 32X, 475A, 478A, 479A, 47XA) 103 4 275 204 7 026 508 8 790 559

2. Nevyfakturované dodávky (326, 476A) 104 3 536 092 32 729 164 680

3. Záväzky voãi ovládanej osobe aovládajúcej osobe (361A, 471A) 105 0 0 0

4. Ostatné záväzky v rámci konsolidovaného celku 106 45 488 59 323 38 377

5. Záväzky voãi spoloãníkom a zdruÏeniu (364, 365, 366, 367, 368, 398A, 478A, 479A) 107 415 908 0 0

6. Záväzky voãi zamestnancom (331,333,33X,479A) 108 481 116 252 860 120 809

7. Záväzky zo sociálneho zabezpeãenia (336, 479A) 109 134 712 133 028 130 000

8. DaÀové záväzky a dotácie (341, 342, 343, 345, 346, 347, 34X) 110 295 458 267 624 109 325

9. Ostatné záväzky (372A, 373A, 377A, 379A, 474A, 479A, 47X) 111 35 163 165 431 178 962

B.IV. Bankové úvery a v˘pomoci súãet (r. 113 aÏ r. 115) 112 28 795 550 32 260 098 46 016 362

B.IV.1. Bankové úvery dlhodobé (461A, 46XA) 113 24 564 493 22 834 078 39 526 942

2. BeÏné bankové úvery (221A, 231, 232, 23X, 461A, 46XA) 114 4 231 057 9 426 020 6 489 420

3. Krátkodobé finanãné v˘pomoci (241, 249, 24X, 473A,/-/255A) 115 0 0 0

C. âasové rozlí‰enie súãet (r. 117 a r. 118) 116 3 648 480 2 562 572 1 989 770

C. 1. V˘davky budúcich období (383) 117 7 364 1 610 39 133

2. V˘nosy budúcich období (384) 118 3 641 116 2 560 962 1 950 637

Kontrolné ãíslo súãet (r. 065 aÏ r. 118) 999 476 396 836 470 724 829 501 967 129 VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 141

Report on the Financial Statements of the Company ANNUAL REPORT 2005

SKK thous.

Line Liabilities Row (r.) No. 2005 2004 2003

B.III. Short-term liabilities total (r. 103 through r. 111) 102 9,219,141 7,937,503 9,532,712

B.III.1. Liabilities from business relations (321, 322, 324, 325, 32X, 475A, 478A, 479A, 47XA) 103 4,275,204 7,026,508 8,790,559

2. Unbilled deliveries (326, 476A) 104 3,536,092 32,729 164,680

3. Liabilities to controlled subject and controlling subject (361A, 471A) 105 0 0 0

4. Other liabilities within consolidated unit 106 45,488 59,323 38,377

5. Liabilities to partners and association (364, 365, 366, 367, 368, 398A, 478A, 479A) 107 415,908 0 0

6. Liabilities to employees (331,333,33X,479A) 108 481,116 252,860 120,809

7. Liabilities from social security (336, 479A) 109 134,712 133,028 130,000

8. Tax liabilities and subsidies (341, 342, 343, 345, 346, 347, 34X) 110 295,458 267,624 109,325

9. Other liabilities (372A, 373A, 377A, 379A, 474A, 479A, 47X) 111 35,163 165,431 178,962

B.IV. Bank credits and subsidies total (r. 113 through r. 115) 112 28,795,550 32,260,098 46,016,362

B.IV.1. Long-term bank credits (461A, 46XA) 113 24,564,493 22,834,078 39,526,942

2. Current bank credits (221A, 231, 232, 23X, 461A, 46XA) 114 4,231,057 9,426,020 6,489,420

3. Short-term financial subsidies (241, 249, 24X, 473A,/-/255A) 115 0 0 0

C. Accruals and deferrals total (r. 117 and r. 118) 116 3,648,480 2,562,572 1,989,770

C. 1. Prepayments (383) 117 7,364 1,610 39,133

2. Accruals (384) 118 3,641,116 2,560,962 1,950,637

Control number total (r. 065 through r. 118) 999 476,396,836 470,724,829 501,967,129 VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 142

142 > 143 Správa o podnikateºskej ãinnosti spoloãnosti a stave majetku V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

K1.1.2006 spoloãnosÈ bude vykazovaÈ svoje úãtovné v˘sledky v súlade s IFRS. Táto zmena bude v poloÏkách súvahy najv˘znamnej‰ia predov‰etk˘m z pohºadu úãtovania rezerv na vyraìovanie jadrovoenergetick˘ch zariadení. Vplyvom prechodu na úãtovanie budú v˘razne ovplyvnené predov‰etk˘m nasledujúce poloÏky súvahy:

> zníÏenie stálych aktív na hodnotu 74 347 mil. Sk > zníÏenie vlastného imania na oãakávanú hodnotu 16 740 mil. Sk > zaúãtovanie dlhodobej ãasti rezervy na likvidáciu jadrovoenergetick˘ch zariadení na 26 716 mil. Sk > vykázanie majetku urãeného na predaj (SE-EBO V1, SE-VYZ a VEG) vrátane odloÏenej dane v aktívach v hodnote 14 228 mil. Sk > vykázanie záväzkov súvisiacich s predávan˘m majetkom vo v˘‰ke 30 934 mil. Sk

V tejto súvislosti budú v˘znamne zmenené aj úãtovné v˘kazy.

Cash Flow

SpoloãnosÈ v priebehu úãtovného obdobia nemala problém s financovaním svojej ãinnosti. Svoje potreby pokr˘vala ako vlastn˘mi tak aj cudzími zdrojmi. Negatívny vplyv na finanãné hospodárenie malo v minulom období predov‰etk˘m vyberanie pohºadávok za podporné sluÏby, kde do‰lo k v˘raznej‰iemu nárastu pohºadávok. SpoloãnosÈ v‰ak podnikla kroky a tento stav bol iba krátkodob˘. V nasledujúcom období neoãakávame problémy v tejto oblasti. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 143

Report on the Financial Statements of the Company ANNUAL REPORT 2005

As per January 1, 2006 the company shall declare its accounting results in compliance with IFRS. This will be the most significant change in the balance sheet items especially in the light of booking of reserves for nuclear-energetic equipment decommissioning. Due to the impact of transition to accounting the following balance sheet items will be particularly affected:

> Decrease of fixed assets to the value of SKK 74,347 million > Decrease of own assets to the expected value of SKK 16,740 million > Booking of long-term part of the reserve for liquidation of nuclear-energetic equipment to SKK 26,716 million > Declaration of property designed for sale (V1, VYZ and VEG) including deferred tax in assets in the value of SKK 14,228 million > Declaration of accounts payable connected with sold property in the amount of SKK 30,934 million

In connection with this the accounting statements shall be also subject to major changes.

Cash Flow

In the course of the accounting period the company did not have any problems with funding of its activities. Requirements had been covered by own as well as foreign means. In the previous period especially collecting of claims for support services, where the claims increased considerably, had negatively influenced the financial management. However, the company took necessary steps and it had been only a short-time condition. In the next period no problems are expected in this field. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 144

144 > 145 Správa o podnikateºskej ãinnosti spoloãnosti a stave majetku V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

tis. Sk

PeÀaÏné toky zo základn˘ch podnikateºsk˘ch ãinností 2005 2004 2003

VH z beÏnej ãinnosti pred zdanením (DzP + OdloÏená daÀ) (r.56+53+59) -726 436 2 074 660 -391 711

Úpravy o: Odpisy 6 007 818 6 313 520 8 229 297 Náklady na finanãn˘/operatívny lízing 625 158 974 502 1 200 321 Úroky nákladové 2 274 833 3 598 786 4 408 010 V˘nosy z dlhodobého finanãného majetku (úroky + dividendy) -184 115 201 351 -318 930 Strata/(Zisk) z predaja dlhodobého majetku -23 295 354 217 -2 280 Opravné poloÏky -2 445 221 3 179 -378 864 Bezodplatné dary 17 448 715 1 1 Pohyby v rezervách 17 448 715 986 991 1 055 078 Rozpustenie nákladov BO (mimo lízingu) 1 215 475 2 290 323 2 284 722 Náklady súvisiace s tvorbou v˘davkov BO 7 252 -32 287 -29 144 Rozpustenie v˘nosov BO -2 172 977 -90 605 -133 842 V˘nosy súvisiace s tvorbou príjmov BO -767456 -10 -18 387 Ostatné nepeÀaÏné operácie -94 556 1 698 507 1 527 648 Prevádzkov˘ zisk pred zmenami vpracovnom kapitáli 21 165 195 18 373 135 17 431 919 Pohºadávky -14 837 377 2 072 809 1 951 830 Zásoby -142 020 147 595 1 482 459 Úãty ãasového rozlí‰enia 2 881 048 -1 945 735 -5 375 323 Krátkodobé záväzky 2 027 009 -2 052 282 -303 811 Krátkodobé finanãné investície -603 368 171 880 PeÀaÏn˘ tok vyprodukovan˘ v prevádzke 10 490 487 16 595 522 15 358 954 Platen˘ úrok -2 386 979 -3 430 373 -1 103 783 Platená daÀ z príjmov -125 127 -29 788 203 141 PeÀaÏn˘ tok pred mimoriadnymi poloÏkami 7 978 381 13 135 361 14 458 312 Mim. náklady peÀaÏné nesúvisiace s majetkom 1 591 Mim. v˘nosy peÀaÏné 626

A. PeÀaÏn˘ tok zo základn˘ch podnikateºsk˘ch ãinností 7 978 381 13 135 361 14 460 529

Nákup dlhodobého NM a HM -3 408 218 -3 664 406 -3 484 369 Platen˘ investiãn˘ úrok Strata/(Zisk) z predaja (nákupu) finanãn˘ch investícií -197 775 -133 481 -66 255 Prijat˘ úrok 80 437 206 100 216 624 Prijaté dividendy 83 678 9 032 25 065 VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 145

Report on the Financial Statements of the Company ANNUAL REPORT 2005

SKK thous.

Cash flow from principal business activities 2005 2004 2003

Income from ordinary activities before transfer of tax (income tax + deferred tax)(r.56+53+59) -726,436 2,074,660 -391,711

Adjustments: Depreciations 6,007,818 6,313,520 8,229,297 Costs of financial / operative leasing 625,158 974,502 1,200,321 Interest on costs 2,274,833 3,598,786 4,408,010 Revenues from long-term financial assets (interest + dividends) -184,115 201,351 -318,930 Loss /(Profit) from sale of long-term assets -23,295 354,217 -2,280 Valuation allowances -2,445,221 3,179 -378,864 Non-repayable donations 17,448,715 1 1 Reserve movements 17,448,715 986,991 1,055,078 Costs dissolution in ordinary activities (OA) (except for leasing) 1,215,475 2,290,323 2,284,722 Costs relating to set-up of OA expenses 7,252 -32,287 -29,144 Dissolution of revenues on OA -2,172,977 -90,605 -133,842 Revenues relating to set-up of OA income -767,456 -10 -18,387 Other non-financial operations -94,556 1,698,507 1,527,648 Operational profit before changes in operational capital 21,165,195 18,373,135 17,431,919 Receivables -14,837,377 2,072,809 1,951,830 Stock -142,020 147,595 1,482,459 Accrual and deferral accounts 2,881,048 -1,945,735 -5,375,323 Short-term liabilities 2,027,009 -2,052,282 -303,811 Short-term financial investments -603,368 171,880 Cash flow produced in operation 10,490,487 16,595,522 15,358,954 Paid interest -2,386,979 -3,430,373 -1,103,783 Paid income tax -125,127 -29,788 203 141 Cash flow before extraordinary items 7,978,381 13,135,361 14,458,312 Extraordinary monetary expenses not relating to assets 1,591 Extraordinary monetary revenues 626

A. Cash flow from principal business activities 7,978,381 13,135,361 14,460,529

Purchase of long-term intangible assets and tangible assets -3,408,218 -3,664,406 -3,484,369 Paid investment interest Loss /(Profit) from sale (purchase) of financial investments -197,775 -133,481 -66,255 Received interest 80,437 206,100 216,624 Received dividends 83,678 9,032 25,065 VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 146

146 > 147 Správa o podnikateºskej ãinnosti spoloãnosti a stave majetku V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

tis. Sk

PeÀaÏné toky zo základn˘ch podnikateºsk˘ch ãinností 2005 2004 2003

B. PeÀaÏn˘ tok z investiãn˘ch ãinností -3 441 878 -3 582 755 -3 308 935

Splátky a ãerpania úverov – netto -3 464 547 -13 756 264 -7 373 830 Dlhodobé záväzky -1 765 586 6 251 361 2 427 312 Platby súvisiace s finanãn˘m lízingom -854 010 -976 600 -1 887 994 Platené dividendy -1 430 168 -603 490 -70 473 Kapitálové fondy (uveìte dôvod, napr.: prijaté dotácie) 237 793 41 2 569

D. PeÀaÏn˘ tok z finanãn˘ch ãinností -7 276 518 -9 084 952 -6 902 416

Kurzové straty (563) 1 661 337 782 795 1 583 462 Kurzové zisky (-663) -1 566 781 -2 481 302 -3 110 810

E. V˘sledkové kurzové rozdiely 94 556 -1 698 507 -1 527 648

âist˘ nárast/(pokles) peÀaÏn˘ch prostriedkov apeÀaÏn˘ch ekvivalentov -2 645 459 -1 230 853 2 721 530 PeÀaÏné prostriedky a peÀaÏné ekvivalenty na zaãiatku obdobia 2 982 068 4 212 921 1 491 391 PeÀaÏné prostriedky a peÀaÏné ekvivalenty na konci obdobia 336 609 2 982 068 4 212 921 VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 147

Report on the Financial Statements of the Company ANNUAL REPORT 2005

SKK thous.

Cash flow from principal business activities 2005 2004 2003

B. Cash flow from investment activities -3,441,878 -3,582,755 -3,308,935

Instalments and drawing of credits – net -3,464,547 -13,756,264 -7,373,830 Long-term liabilities -1,765,586 6,251,361 2,427,312 Payments relating to financial leasing -854,010 -976,600 -1,887,994 Paid dividends -1,430,168 -603,490 -70,473 Capital funds (state reason, e.g.: received grants) 237,793 41 2,569

D. Cash flow from financial activities -7,276,518 -9,084,952 -6,902,416

Exchange rate loss (563) 1,661,337 782,795 1,583,462 Exchange rate profit (-663) -1,566,781 -2,481,302 -3,110,810

E. Resulting exchange rate differences 94,556 -1,698,507 -1,527,648

Net growth / (decrease) of financial means and monetary equivalents -2,645,459 -1,230,853 2,721,530

Finances and monetary equivalents at the beginning of the period 2,982,068 4,212,921 1,491,391

Finances and monetary equivalents at the end of the period 336,609 2,982,068 4,212,921 VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 148

148 > 149 Správa o podnikateºskej ãinnosti spoloãnosti a stave majetku V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

V˘voj CF v rokoch 2003 – 2005

7 978 381

13 135 361 CF základn˘ch podnikateºsk˘ch ãinností 14 460 529

-3 441 878

-3 582 755 CF z investiãn˘ch ãinností -3 308 935

-7 276 518

-9 084 952 CF z finanãn˘ch ãinností -6 902 416

2 982 068

PeÀaÏné prostriedky a peÀ. 4 212 921 ekvivalenty na zaãiatku odbobia 1 491 391

336 609

2 982 068 PeÀaÏné prostriedky a peÀ. ekvivalenty na konci odbobia 2005 4 212 921 2004


0 5 000 000 10 000 000 15 000 000 VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 149

Report on the Financial Statements of the Company ANNUAL REPORT 2005

CF development in 2003 – 2005


13,135,361 CF from principal business activities 14,460,529


-3,582,755 CF from investment activities -3,308,935


-9,084,952 CF from financial activities -6,902,416


Finances and monetary 4,212,921 equivalents at the beginning of the period 1,491,391


2,982,068 Finances and monetary equivalents at the end 2005 of the period 4,212,921 2004


0 5,000,000 10,000,000 15,000,000 VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 150

150 > 151 Správa audítora V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

Správa audítora VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 151

Auditor’s Report ANNUAL REPORT 2005

Auditor’s Report VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 152

152 > 153 Správa audítora V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005 VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 153

Auditor’s Report ANNUAL REPORT 2005 VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 154

154 > 155 Správa audítora V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005 VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 155

Auditor’s Report ANNUAL REPORT 2005 VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 156

156 > 157 Skratky V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005


AO Automatická ochrana ASDR Autonómny systém dispeãerského riadenia AZD Automatick˘ zber dát BIDSF Bohunice International Decommissioning Support Fund BTS Bezpeãnostno-technická sluÏba CSU Centrálne spracovanie údajov DDP Doplnkové dôchodkové poistenie EÚ Európska únia FO Fyzická ochrana jadrov˘ch zariadení a jadrov˘ch materiálov GO Generálna oprava HK Horúca komora HW Hardver IaT Informatika a telekomunikácia IMNIP Investiãn˘ majetok nezahrnut˘ do investiãn˘ch prostriedkov INES International Nuclear Event Scale – Medzinárodná stupnica na hodnotenie udalostí na jadrov˘ch zariadeniach IFRS Medzinárodné ‰tandardy pre finanãné vykazovanie IPR Investiãn˘ projekt JE Jadrová elektráreÀ JEZ Jadrovoenergetické zariadenia KRAO Kvapalné rádioaktívne odpady MAAE Medzinárodná agentúra pre atómovú energiu MES Systémy v˘robn˘ch informácií MH SR Ministerstvo hospodárstva SR MSVP Medzisklad vyhoreného jadrového paliva MTZ Materiálno technické zabezpeãenie MV SR Ministerstvo vnútra Slovenskej republiky MVE Malá vodná elektráreÀ OPP Ochrana pred poÏiarmi PG Parogenerátor PRV Primárna regulácia v˘konu PVE Preãerpávacia vodná elektráreÀ RA Rádioaktívny RAO Rádioaktívne odpady ROVE Riadenie obchodu a v˘roby elektriny R-SE Riaditeºstvo SE, a. s. RÚ RAO Republikové úloÏisko rádioaktívnych odpadov SE, a. s. Slovenské elektrárne, a. s. SED Slovensk˘ energetick˘ dispeãing SE-EBO Slovenské elektrárne, a. s., závod Atómové elektrárne Bohunice SE-EMO Slovenské elektrárne, a. s., závod Atómové elektrárne Mochovce SE-ENO Slovenské elektrárne, a. s., závod Elektrárne Nováky SE-EVO Slovenské elektrárne, a. s., závod Elektrárne Vojany VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 157

Abbreviations ANNUAL REPORT 2005


AO Reactor protection system ASDR Autonomous system of dispatching control AZD Automatic data collection BIDSF Bohunice International Decommissioning Support Fund BTS Safety and technical service CSU Central data processing DDP Supplementary annuity assurance EÚ European Union FO Physical protection of nuclear installations and nuclear materials GO General overhaul HK Hot cell HW Hardware IaT Informatics and telecommunication IMNIP Investment property that was not included into investment means INES International Nuclear Event Scale IPR Investment project JE Nuclear power plant JEZ Nuclear power facilities KRAO Liquide radioactive wastes IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency MES Manufacturing information system MH SR Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic MSVP Intermediate spent nuclear fuel storage facility MTZ Material and technical supply MV SR Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic MVE Small hydro-power plant OPP Fire protection PG Steam generator PRV Primary power control PVE Pumped storage power plant RA Radioactive RAO Radioactive wastes ROVE Electricity trade and generation management R-SE SE, a. s. headquarters RÚ RAO National radioactive waste respository SE, a. s. Slovenské elektrárne, a. s. SED Slovak Power Dispatching SE-EBO Bohunice Nuclear Power Plant SE-EMO Mochovce Nuclear Power Plant SE-ENO Nováky Power Plant SE-EVO Vojany Power Plant SE-MO 34 Mochovce Nuclear Power Plant, Units 3&4 SEPS, a. s. Slovak Electricity Transmission System, plc. VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 158

158 > 159 Skratky V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005

SE-MO 34 Slovenské elektrárne, a. s., závod 3. a 4. blok elektrárne Mochovce SEPS, a. s. Slovenská elektrizaãná prenosová sústava, a. s. SE-VE Slovenské elektrárne, a. s., závod Vodné elektrárne SE-VYZ Slovenské elektrárne, a. s., závod Vyraìovanie jadrovoenergetick˘ch zariadení a zaobchádzanie s rádioaktívnymi odpadmi a vyhoren˘m palivom SRV Sekundárna regulácia v˘konu ·FLJZ ·tátny fond likvidácie jadrovo-energetick˘ch zariadení TE Tepelná elektráreÀ TG Turbogenerátor TRV Terciálna regulácia v˘konu TZL Tuhé zneãisÈujúce látky UCLF Unplanned Capability Loss Factor UCTE ZdruÏenie pre koordináciu prenosu elektriny ÚJD SR Úrad jadrového dozoru Slovenskej republiky ÚM Úlohy modernizácie ÚRSO Úrad pre reguláciu sieÈov˘ch odvetví VE Vodná elektráreÀ VEG Vodná elektráreÀ Gabãíkovo VJA Vybrané jadrové aktíva VO Veºkoodberatelia VV Vodohospodárska v˘stavba WANO Svetová asociácia prevádzkovateºov jadrov˘ch elektrární WONUC Odborárska únia pracovníkov jadrovej energetiky ZFK Zariadenie pre fixáciu kalov ZI Základné imanie ZoD Zmluva o dielo ZZES ZdruÏenie zamestnávateºov energetiky Slovenska VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 159

Abbreviations ANNUAL REPORT 2005

SE-VE Hydro-power plants of Slovenské elektrárne, a. s. SE-VYZ Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities and Handling with Radioactive Wastes and Spent Nuclear Fuel – plant of Slovenské elektrárne, a. s. SRV Secondary output regulation system ·FLJZ Nuclear Power Facilities Decommissioning State Fund TE Thermal power plant TG Turbine generator TRV Tertiary output regulation system TZL Solid pollutants UCLF Unplanned Capability Loss Factor UCTE Union for the Co-ordination of Transmission of Electricity ÚJD SR Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic ÚM Tasks of modernization ÚRSO Office for regulation of network industries VE Hydro-power plant VEG Gabãíkovo hydro-power plant VJA Selected nuclear assets VO Wholesale customers VV Water management construction WANO World Association of Nuclear Operators WONUC World Council of Nuclear Workers ZFK Sludge fixation facility ZI Registered capital ZoD Contract ZZES Association of Employers in Power Industry of Slovakia VS ENEL SE 10/3/06 4:24 PM Str. 160

160 V¯ROâNÁ SPRÁVA 2005