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EAGLESVALE SENIOR SCHOOL 3RD TERM 2017 12 September EAGLESVALE SENIOR SCHOOL CALENDAR 3RD TERM 2017 12 September - 7 December AUGUST WEEK 3 STARTS ON DAY 4 Sat 7 Boys Basketball St Johns U15 Tournament Fri 27 Day 2 Line-up in Daisyfield Square Thu 31 - 1 Sep PE U/16 Cricket Festival 0900 at PE Mon 25 Day 4 0400/01;9704/01 begins 0800 Bus at 0630 Fri 27 -Sat 28 Boys Basketball St Georges U16 SEPTEMBER Management Meeting 0845 Girls Tennis: Vale vs Chisipite B 0800 Tournament 1400 Bus at 1230 Mon 4 Art Camp: Departure Executive Meeting 1100 at Vale 16,1st, Sat 28 Girls Tennis:Vale vs Gway U16 (Vale) 0800 Tue 5- Thu 7 Cricket Festival at Eaglesvale Golf: Vale vs PHB(Marondera) 1400 Girls Tennis: Vale vs Chisipite B 0800 Girls Tennis;Vale vs Gway U14,15 Thu 7 Art Camp: Arrival 1800 Bus at 1200 at Chisipite Bus at 7am (Gateway) Bus at 0700 WEEK 1 Term STARTS ON DAY 1 Tue 26 Day 5 0400/01;9704/01 in progress Boys Cricket: Vale vs Watershed all teams Boys Cricket U16 CBC T20 Tournament Mon 11 H.O.D Meeting: 7.30am (Room 1) Harare Heads Meeting at 0900 Bus at 0500 27 October 2017 Staff Meeting: 8.00am (BHP) Wed 27 Day 6 0400/01;9704/01 in progress WEEK 5 STARTS ON DAY 2 Sun 29 St Georges Junior Quiz 1500 Bus at 1330 Boarders arrive at 15:30 PM Staff Briefing 1010 Mon 9 Day 2 Assembly in Beit Hall 0735 WEEK 8 STARTS ON DAY 3 Tue 12 Day 1 Registration Check Access Cards. Finance Meeting 1100 Management Meeting 0845 Mon 30 Day 3 Line-up in Daisyfield Square 0735 Lessons start P4 Prefects Selection meeting(Pavilion) Executive Meeting 1100 Management Meeting 0845 ALL SPORTS AND CLUBS BEGIN TODAY Harvard & MIT Varsity Reps in Zimbabwe Deadline for payment of Courier & Executive Meeting 1100 Wed 13 Day 2 Combined Service(Beit Hall) 0735 Interhouse Cricket:GvsP(Jnrs & Snrs)1330 Practical Fees Golf: vs SGC 1400 at Royal Bus at 1245 Thu 14 Day 3 Assembly in Beit Hall 0955 Squash: Vale A vs Mabelreign (Vale) 1500 Golf: vs Hellenic Academy at Chapman 1330 Tue 31 Day 4 Internally Assessed Marks for 0400/04; Varsity reps.from Colombia, Cornell Current Affairs: Competition Tynwald. Bus at 1245 0445/05;6130/03;9395/02;9704/02/03; Princetown. Lehigh(into Finaid) Bus at 1330 Wed 11 Day 4 Form Period 0950 9705/02/04;9716/01 at CIE Headmaster - Hostel briefing(BH) Thu 28 Day 1 9704/01 in progress Staff briefing 1010 Div Meetings: Form 1-DH; Form 2,3-SM Fri 15 Day 4 Assembly in Beit Hall 0955 Sep Assemblies Boys:DH, Girls BH 0955 Finance Meeting 1100 Form 4,5,SW; L6,U6 Head A' Level candidates briefing with Deputy Routine hostels meeting with Head 1330 Current Affairs: Vale vs Various 6th Form NOVEMBER Head(BH)1010 0400/01 ends at 1400 (Convent) Wed 1 Day 5 Form Period 0950 Boys Basketball: Vale vs Lomagundi. ATS Jnr Public Speaking St Gges Bus at Thur 12 Day 5 House assemblies:G-Pool P-DH; W-BH Staff briefing 1010 All teams Vale 1330 1630. Snr Public Speaking Nat Finals in Fri 13 Day 6 Grade 7 Zimsec exams end Finance Meeting 1100 Boys Tennis: Vale vs Peterhouse U16,1st Gweru Bus at 0600 Assembly in Beit Hall 0955 Thur 2 Day 6 Sep Assemblies Boys-DH; Girls BH 1330 Vale 1330 Interhouse Cricket:PvsW(Jnrs & Snrs)1330 Deadline for submitting question papers Routine hostels meeting with Head 1330 Boys Tennis: Vale vs Peterhouse U14,U15 Fri 29 Day 2 IGCSE & AS level candidates briefing with for typing Fri 3 Day 1 Line-up in Daisyfield Square 0955 Bus at 1100 Deputy Head (BH) 1010 Boys Tennis: Vale vs Lomagundi 14,15 All sports and club reports completed. Sat 16 G Tennis: Vale vs Arundel U16,1st(Away) Harvard and MIT Varsity reps in Zimbabwe at Vale 16,1st, 1330 Fri 3 - Sat 4 Boys Basketball CBC U14 Invitationa Bus at 0700 Boys Basketball:Vale vs PE. All teams Sat 14 Girls Tennis: Vale vs Hillcrest U16,1st Bus departs at 1000 Vale vs Arundel (Vale )U14,U15 0800 Vale 1400 0800 Bus at 4am Girls Tennis: Vale vs Lomagundi U16 Boys Cricket: Vale vs Petra Boys Bball: Vale Vs St Jns High Vale TBA Girls Tennis: Vale vs Hillcrest U14,1st at Gundi Bus departs at 0600 All teams 0900 Cricket Wshed T20 : (SJC) 1500 at Vale 0800 Girls Tennis: Vale vs Lomagundi U14,15 WEEK 2 Mon 18 DAYSTARTS 5 ON DAY 5 Bus at 1330 Boys Cricket: Vale vs Kwekwe High at Vale at 0800. Mon 18 Day 5 Assembly in Beit Hall 0735 Boys Tennis: Vale vs Wshed U16,1st at All teams at Vale 0900 WEEK 9 STARTS ON DAY 2 Prefects Meeting with Exec(BHP)1010 Vale 1330. Boys Tennis: Vale vs Wshed Sun 15 Girls Tennis: Melbury Cup Finals 1st 0800 Mon 6 Day 2 Line-up in Daisyfield Square 0735 Management Meeting 0845 U14,U15. Bus at 1100 at Chisipite Bus at 0700 Internal Examination briefing 1010 Executive Meeting 1100 Sat 30 Cricket Wshed T20: 1400 Bus at 1300 Fri WEEK 6 No assemblies in Beit Hall until 13 Nov Management Meeting 0845 Digital Magazine Shoots and Interviews Chess: Co-ED Schools Snr Boys,venue Mon 16 Day 1 CIE move to Beit Hall Executive Meeting 1100 All 1st teams/Clubs(unbeaten tms) by pgrm TBA. Bus at 0700 Line-up in Daisyfield Square 0735 Tue 7 Day 3 Prefects Meeting with Executive(R8)1010 All Staff CIE Invigilation training BHP 1330 Sun 1 Golf:vs Various schools 0730 Borrowdale Management Meeting 0845 Wed 8 Day 4 Form Period 0950 Tue 19 Day 6 Digital Magazine Shoots and Intv contd Bus at 0700 Executive Meeting 1100 Staff briefing 1010 Boys Basketball Interhouse:U14,U15,U16 WEEK 4 STARTS ON DAY 3 Long Distance races - Swimming Finance Meeting 1100 1sts. 1330 OCTOBER CIE begin; School Library Month Tue 17 Day 2 9716/01(Speaking) in GHP Thu 9 Day 5 Line-up in Daisyfield Square 0955 Prefects Meeting with Executive(BHP)1010 Mon 2 Day 3 Grade 7 Zimsec begin in GHP ICT Practical Test B 0800 HODS to submit all internal exam papers Wed 20 Day 1 Art Exhibition Starts Beit Hall 0900 Management Meeting 0845 Final Hymn Practice - The whole school to the Examination Officer Form Period: 0950 Executive Meeting 1100 (All teachers in the hall) 0950 Fri 10 Day 6 Line-up in Daisyfield Square 0955 Staff Briefing 1010 0400/02 begins 1330 Prefects meeting with Executive (BHP)1010 Internal examinations begin 1330 Finance Meeting 1100 Tue 3 Day 4 0400/02;9704/01 in progress Wed 18 Day 3 Swimming Gala 0800 Fri 10-Sat 11 Boys Cricket U14 Westridge T20 U14 Squash: Vale vs PE B and C 1415 Hymn practice - the whole school 0950 Staff Meeting 1330 0900 at Westridge Bus departs at 8000 Debate : Vale vs Westridge All teams 1400 (All teachers in the hall) Thu 19 Day 4 Boys Tennis: Lomagundi 16,1st WEEK 10 STARTS ON DAY 1 Boys Basketball: Vale vs SGC all teams Divisional Meetings: F1-DH; F2,3-SM at Lomagundi 1330 Bus at 1100 Mon 13 Day 1 CIE move to BHP and GHP 1400 at Vale F4-5B - SW; L6,U6 - Head 1010 Line-up at BH lawn (Area B)1220 Internal Examinations in progress 0730 Official opening of Art Exhibition 1645 Boys Cricket: Interhouse G vs W at Vale Speech Night in Daisyfield Square 1800 Management Meeting 0845 Thu 21 Line-up in Daisyfield Square Juniors & Seniors at 1330 SWOT Leave Commences Executive Meeting 1100 Fri 22 Day 3 Art Exhibition Ends 1500 Wed 4 Day 5 0400/02;9704/01 in progress Fri 20 HALF TERM Golf: Vs SJC at Chapman 1400 Bus at 1245 Boys Basketball: Vale vs Wshed Form Period 0950 CIE in progress Tue 14 Day 2 CIE IGCSE ends at Wshed Bus departs at 1200. Staff briefing 1010 AM 9701/42;9716/32 Internal Examinations in progress 0730 Boys Tennis: Vale vs Churchill at Vale Finance Meeting 1111 PM 0680/41 Vale Domestic Cricket 1330 U14,U15 at 1330. Boys Tennis: Vale vs Quiz Vale vs Various at PE at 1500 Sun 15 Girls Tennis: Melbury Cup Finals 1st 0800 Wed 15 Day 3 Internal Examinations in progress 0730 Churchill U16,1sts (away) Bus at 1200. Juniors & Seniors Bus 13.30 at Chisipite Bus at 0700 Finance Meeting 1100 Junior Public Speaking in BHP at 1030 9704/01 ends 1630 WEEK 7 STARTS ON DAY 5 Thu 16 Day 4 CIE 2017 Session End 1630 Sat 23 Chess League:At Goldridge Thu 5 Day 6 ICT Practical Test A 0800 Mon 23 HALF TERM Line-up in Daisyfield Square 0720 Junior and Senior Girls 9am Bus at 0600 0400/02 ends Tue 24 Day 5 Prefects Meeting with Executive BHP 1010 Internal Examinations in progress 0730 First Aid Competition: Venue to be Fri 6 Day 1 Assembly in Beit Hall All CIE internally assessed marks Forecast Routine hostels meeting with Head 1330 advised 0700. Hostel Dinner (TBA) Grades to DH 1600 Fri 17 Day 5 Line-up in Daisyfield Square 0720 Girls Tennis:Vale vs Heritage U16,1st Boys Basketball: Vale vs Gateway Wed 25 Day 6 Form Period 0950 Internal Examinations End 1630 away bus at 0700. Girls Tennis:Vale vs All teams (Venue TBA) Staff Briefing 1010 English Evening 1800 Heritage U14,15.
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