Government Gazette OF THE STATE OF NEW SOUTH WALES Number 119 Friday, 19 July 2002 Published under authority by the Government Printing Service


Assents to Acts


Legislative Assembly Office, Sydney, 10 July 2002

IT is hereby notified, for general information, that Her Excellency the Governor has, in the name and on behalf of Her Majesty, this day assented to the undermentioned Act passed by the Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council of New South Wales in Parliament assembled, viz.:

Act No. 57 2002 - An Act to appropriate out of the Consolidated Fund sums for the recurrent services and capital works and services of the Government for the year 2002–03. [Appropriation Bill]

Act No. 58 2002 - An Act to appropriate out of the Consolidated Fund sums for the recurrent services and capital works and services of the Legislature for the year 2002–03. [Appropriation (Parliament) Bill]

Act No. 59 2002 – An Act to appropriate out of the Consolidated Fund sums for the recurrent services and capital works and services of certain offices for the year 2002–03. [Appropriation (Special Offices) Bill]

Act No. 60 2002 – An Act to establish the General Government Liability Management Fund and provide for its management; to amend the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983 and the Public Authorities (Financial Arrangements) Regulation 2000;and for other purposes. [General Government Liability Management Fund Bill]

Act No. 61 2002 – An Act to amend the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 with respect to payments into and out of the Tradeable Emission Schemes Fund. [Protection of the Environment Operations Amendment (Tradeable Emission Schemes Fund) Bill] 5428 LEGISLATION 19 July 2002

Act No. 62 2002 – An Act to amend the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983 with respect to the presentation of the budget and financial reporting; to amend the General Government Debt Elimination Act 1995; and for other purposes. [Public Finance and Audit Amendment (Budgeting and Financial Reporting) Bill]

Act No. 63 2002 – An Act to make miscellaneous amendments to certain State revenue legislation; and for other purposes. [State Revenue Legislation Amendment (Budget) Bill]

Act No. 64 2002 – An Act to manage and regulate the hunting of game; to establish a Game Council; and for other purposes. [Game and Feral Animal Control Bill]

Act No. 65 2002 – An Act to amend the Poultry Meat Industry Act 1986 with respect to the price to be paid to growers for certain kinds of poultry, authorising certain things for the purposes of the Trade Practices Act 1974 of the Commonwealth and the Competition Code of New South Wales, and for other purposes. [Poultry Meat Industry Amendment (Price Determination) Bill]

Act No. 66 2002 – An Act to provide for the regulation of property, stock and business agents; to repeal the Property, Stock and Business Agents Act 1941; and for other purposes. [Property, Stock and Business Agents Bill]

Act No. 67 2002 – An Act to amend the Rural Fires Act 1997 and the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 with respect to bush fire prone lands, bush fire hazards and bush fire emergencies; and for other purposes. [Rural Fires and Environmental Assessment Legislation Amendment Bill]

Act No. 68 2002 – An Act to amend the Western Lands Act 1901 with respect to the recognition of public and other roads, the assessment of annual rents and the constitution and functions of a Western Lands Advisory Council; and for other purposes. [Western Lands Amendment Bill]

Russell D. Grove PSM Clerk of the Legislative Assembly



Crimes Amendment (Bushfires) Act 2002 No 24—Proclamation JAMES JACOB SPIGELMAN JAMES JACOB SPIGELMAN, by Deputation from Her Excellency the Governor , Governor I, Professor Marie Bashir AC, Governor of the State of New South Wales, with the advice of the Executive Council, and in pursuance of section 2 of the Crimes Amendment (Bushfires) Act 2002, do, by this my Proclamation, appoint 19 July 2002 as the day on which that Act commences.

Signed andand sealed sealed at at Sydney, Sydney, this this 17th day day of of July July 2002. 2002.

By Her Excellency’s Command,

L.S. BOB DEBUS, M.P., AttorneyAttorney-General General




New South Wales


under the Criminal Procedure Amendment (Sexual Assault Communications Privilege) Act 2002 No 13

JAMES JACOB SPIGELMAN, by Deputation from Her Excellency the, Governor Governor I, Professor Marie Bashir AC, Governor of the State of New South Wales, with the advice of the Executive Council, and in pursuance of section 2 of the Criminal Procedure Amendment (Sexual Assault Communications Privilege) Act 2002, do, by this my Proclamation, appoint 22 July 2002 as the day on which that Act commences. Signed and sealedsealed atat Sydney,Sydney, thisthis 17th day of dayJuly of 2002. July 2002.

By Her Excellency’s Command,

BOB DEBUS, M.P., L.S. AttorneyAttorney GeneralGeneral GOD SAVE THE QUEEN!

p02-124-p01.11 Page 1


Justice Legislation Amendment (Non- association and Place Restriction) Act 2001 No 100—Proclamation

JAMES JACOB SPIGELMAN, by Deputation from Her Excellency the, Governor Governor I, Professor Marie Bashir AC, Governor of the State of New South Wales, with the advice of the Executive Council, and in pursuance of section 2 of the Justice Legislation Amendment (Non-association and Place Restriction) Act 2001, do, by this my Proclamation, appoint 22 July 2002 as the day on which the uncommenced provisions of that Act commence.

SignedSigned and sealedsealed at at Sydney, Sydney, this this 17th day day of of July July 2002. 2002.

By Her Excellency’s Command,

L.S. BOB DEBUS, M.P., AttorneyAttorney General


Explanatory note The object of this proclamation is to commence the remaining provisions of, and the remaining Schedule to, the Justice Legislation Amendment (Non-association and Place Restriction) Act 2001. Schedule 1 to the Act, which is given effect to by section 3 of the Act, makes amendments to various Acts in relation to sentencing procedure (specifically, in relation to non-association and place restriction orders and conditions of parole as to non-association and place restriction). Section 5 requires the Ombudsman to keep under scrutiny, and to report to the Government on, the amendments made by the Act. This proclamation is made under section 2 of the Act.

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New South Wales


under the Local Government Amendment (Graffiti) Act 2002 No 20

JAMES JACOB SPIGELMAN, by Deputation from Her Excellency the, Governor I, Professor Marie Bashir AC, Governor of the State of New South Wales, with the advice of the Executive Council, and in pursuance of section 2 of the Local Government Amendment (Graffiti) Act 2002, do, by this my Proclamation, appoint 19 July 2002 as the day on which that Act commences. Signed and sealedsealed atat Sydney,Sydney, thisthis 17th day of dayJuly of 2002. July 2002.

By Her Excellency's Command,

HARRY WOODS, M.P., L.S. MinisterMinister for for Local Local Government Government GOD SAVE THE QUEEN!

p02-138-p01.06 Page 1


Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No 2) 2001 No 112—Proclamation

JAMES JACOB SPIGELMAN, by Deputation from Her Excellency the, Governor I, Professor Marie Bashir AC, Governor of the State of New South Wales, with the advice of the Executive Council, and in pursuance of section 2 (2) of the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No 2) 2001, do, by this my Proclamation, appoint 19 July 2002 as the day on which Schedule 1.17 to that Act commences.

Signed andand sealedsealed at at Sydney, Sydney, this this 17th day day of of July July 2002. 2002.

By Her Excellency’s Command,

L.S. BOB DEBUS, M.P., AttorneyAttorney General General


Explanatory note The object of this proclamation is to commence the amendments to the Law and Justice Foundation Act 2000 made by Schedule 1.17 to the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No 2) 2001. The amendments provide for the appointment of an indigenous person to the Board of the Law and Justice Foundation and make consequential amendments. This proclamation is made under section 2 (2) of the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No 2) 2001.




Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Conversion of Fire Alarm Monitoring) Regulation 2002

under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979

Her Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, has made the following Regulation under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

ANDREW REFSHAUGE, M.P., Minister forfor Planning Planning

Explanatory note The object of this Regulation is to simplify the procedures for the issuance of complying development certificates, construction certificates and occupation certificates that relate only to the conversion of fire alarm systems from monitoring by the New South Wales Fire Brigades to monitoring by private entities. At present, all complying development certificates, construction certificates and occupation certificates for the conversion of fire alarm systems must be accompanied by a fire safety schedule which, in turn, requires the inclusion of all present and proposed fire safety measures in the building. This Regulation is made under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, including sections 84A (3), 109Q and 157 (the general regulation-making power).

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Clause 1 Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Conversion of Fire Alarm Monitoring) Regulation 2002

Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Conversion of Fire Alarm Monitoring) Regulation 2002

1 Name of Regulation This Regulation is the Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Conversion of Fire Alarm Monitoring) Regulation 2002.

2 Amendment of Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 The Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 is amended as set out in Schedule 1.

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Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Conversion of Fire Alarm Monitoring) Regulation 2002

Amendments Schedule 1

Schedule 1 Amendments

(Clause 2)

[1] Clause 3 Definitions Insert in alphabetical order: fire alarm communication link means that part of a fire alarm system which relays a fire alarm signal from the system to an alarm monitoring network. fire link conversion means the conversion of a fire alarm communication link from connection with the fire alarm monitoring network operated by the New South Wales Fire Brigades to connection with an alarm monitoring network operated by a private service provider. fire link conversion schedule means a conversion schedule referred to in clause 168A (2) (a). private service provider means a person or body that has entered into an agreement with the New South Wales Fire Brigades to monitor fire alarm systems.

[2] Clause 3, definition of “fire safety schedule” Omit the definition. Insert instead: fire safety schedule means a schedule referred to in clause 168 (1), 168A (2) (b) or 182 (2).

[3] Clause 130 Procedure for determining application for complying development certificate Insert “, together with any associated fire safety schedule or fire link conversion schedule” after “determination” in clause 130 (4) (c).

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Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Conversion of Fire Alarm Monitoring) Regulation 2002

Schedule 1 Amendments

[4] Clause 134 Form of complying development certificate Insert after clause 134 (2): (3) Subclause (2) does not apply to: (a) a class 1a or class 10 building within the meaning of clause 167, or (b) a complying development certificate that relates only to fire link conversion. Note. The documents that must be issued with and accompany a complying development certificate that relates only to fire link conversion are set out in clause 168A. [5] Clause 142 Procedure for determining application for construction certificate Insert “or fire link conversion schedule” after “schedule” in clause 142 (2) (d).

[6] Clause 147 Form of construction certificate Omit clause 147 (3). Insert instead: (3) Subclause (2) does not apply to: (a) a class 1a or class 10 building within the meaning of clause 167, or (b) a construction certificate that relates only to fire link conversion. Note. The documents that must be issued with and accompany a construction certificate that relates only to fire link conversion are set out in clause 168A. [7] Clause 153 Fire safety certificates: section 109H Insert after clause 153 (1): (1A) If the need for the final occupation certificate arises solely from fire link conversion, the final fire safety certificate referred to in subclause (1) need only deal with the new fire alarm communication link.

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Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Conversion of Fire Alarm Monitoring) Regulation 2002

Amendments Schedule 1

[8] Clause 155 Form of occupation certificate Omit “The certificate” in clause 155 (2). Insert instead “Except as provided by subclause (3), the certificate”.

[9] Clause 155 (3) Insert after clause 155 (2): (3) If the need for the occupation certificate arises solely from fire link conversion, the certificate need only be accompanied by a fire safety certificate of the kind referred to in section 153 (1A) and the relevant fire link conversion schedule or fire safety schedule issued under clause 168A.

[10] Clause 165 Definitions Insert “or fire link conversion schedule” after “schedule” in the definition of critical fire safety measure.

[11] Clause 168 Fire safety schedules Insert “(other than a certificate that relates only to fire link conversion)” after “erection of a building” in clause 168 (1) (b).

[12] Clause 168 (1) (c) Insert “(other than a certificate that relates only to fire link conversion)” after “building work”.

[13] Clause 168A Insert after clause 168:

168A Conversion of fire alarm communication links (1) This clause applies to a complying development certificate or a construction certificate that relates only to fire link conversion.

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Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Conversion of Fire Alarm Monitoring) Regulation 2002

Schedule 1 Amendments

(2) A person issuing such a certificate must also issue: (a) if there is a current fire safety schedule for the building concerned, a schedule (a fire link conversion schedule) for the new fire alarm communication link, or (b) in any other case, a fire safety schedule dealing only with the new fire alarm communication link. (3) A fire link conversion schedule or fire safety schedule issued under this clause: (a) must specify the minimum standard of performance for the new fire alarm communication link, and (b) if the new fire alarm communication link is a critical fire safety measure, must identify the link as such and specify the intervals (being intervals of less than 12 months) at which supplementary fire safety statements must be given to the council. (4) If a fire link conversion schedule is issued, a copy of the schedule must be attached to the current fire safety schedule for the building concerned and the copy is taken, for the purposes of this Regulation, to form part of the fire safety schedule. Note. This means that when the current fire safety schedule is updated, the updated fire safety schedule must incorporate not only the current fire safety schedule but also the fire link conversion schedule. (5) Clause 168 (4) applies to a fire link conversion schedule and a fire safety schedule issued under this clause.

[14] Clause 170 What is a final fire safety certificate? Insert at the end of the note: Under clause 153 (1A), a final fire safety certificate that relates solely to a final occupation certificate for fire link conversion need only deal with the new fire alarm communication link and not with other essential fire safety measures.

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Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Conversion of Fire Alarm Monitoring) Regulation 2002

Amendments Schedule 1

[15] Clause 286 Repeal, savings and transitional Insert after clause 286 (3): (4) Any instrument (including a schedule attached to a building approval or to a fire safety order) in force under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 1994 immediately before its repeal is taken to have been issued under this Regulation, and may be amended or revoked accordingly.

[16] Schedule 1 Forms Insert “or work that relates only to fire link conversion” after “ancillary to a dwelling-house” in clause 4 (1) (e).

[17] Schedule 1, clause 4 (5A) Insert after clause 4 (5): (5A) An application for a complying development certificate that relates only to fire link conversion need only be accompanied by a document that describes the design and construction, and mode of operation, of the new fire alarm communication link.

[18] Schedule 1, clause 6 (1) (b) Insert “or work that relates only to fire link conversion” after “ancillary to a dwelling-house”.

[19] Schedule 1, clause 6 (3A) Insert after clause 6 (3): (3A) An application for a construction certificate that relates only to fire link conversion need only be accompanied by a document that describes the design and construction, and mode of operation, of the new fire alarm communication link.

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Local Government (Caravan Parks, Camping Grounds and Moveable Dwellings) Amendment Regulation 2002

under the Local Government Act 1993

Her Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, has made the following Regulation under the Local Government Act 1993.

HARRY WOODS, M.P., Minister forfor LocalLocal Government Government

Explanatory note The object of this Regulation is to amend the Local Government (Caravan Parks, Camping Grounds and Moveable Dwellings) Regulation 1995 to remove the obligation to pay an annual levy imposed on the operator of a caravan park or camping ground and to remove from approvals to operate a caravan park or camping ground the condition that the levy be paid. This Regulation is made under the Local Government Act 1993, including section 748 (the general regulation-making power) and Schedule 6.

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Clause 1 Local Government (Caravan Parks, Camping Grounds and Moveable Dwellings) Amendment Regulation 2002

Local Government (Caravan Parks, Camping Grounds and Moveable Dwellings) Amendment Regulation 2002

1 Name of Regulation This Regulation is the Local Government (Caravan Parks, Camping Grounds and Moveable Dwellings) Amendment Regulation 2002.

2 Amendment of Local Government (Caravan Parks, Camping Grounds and Moveable Dwellings) Regulation 1995 The Local Government (Caravan Parks, Camping Grounds and Moveable Dwellings) Regulation 1995 is amended as set out in Schedule 1.

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Local Government (Caravan Parks, Camping Grounds and Moveable Dwellings) Amendment Regulation 2002

Amendments Schedule 1

Schedule 1 Amendments

(Clause 2)

[1] Clause 10 Conditions of approval to operate caravan park or camping ground Omit clause 10 (1) (b).

[2] Clause 108 Annual levies Omit the clause.

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Local Government (Manufactured Home Estates and Manufactured Homes) Amendment Regulation 2002

under the Local Government Act 1993

Her Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, has made the following Regulation under the Local Government Act 1993.

HARRY WOODS, M.P., Minister forfor Local Local Government Government

Explanatory note The object of this Regulation is to amend the Local Government (Manufactured Home Estates and Manufactured Homes) Regulation 1995 to remove the obligation to pay an annual levy imposed on the operator of a manufactured home estate and to remove from approvals to operate a manufactured home estate the condition that the levy be paid. This Regulation is made under the Local Government Act 1993, including section 748 (the general regulation-making power) and Schedule 6.

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Clause 1 Local Government (Manufactured Home Estates and Manufactured Homes) Amendment Regulation 2002

Local Government (Manufactured Home Estates and Manufactured Homes) Amendment Regulation 2002

1 Name of Regulation This Regulation is the Local Government (Manufactured Home Estates and Manufactured Homes) Amendment Regulation 2002.

2 Amendment of Local Government (Manufactured Home Estates and Manufactured Homes) Regulation 1995 The Local Government (Manufactured Home Estates and Manufactured Homes) Regulation 1995 is amended as set out in Schedule 1.

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Local Government (Manufactured Home Estates and Manufactured Homes) Amendment Regulation 2002

Amendments Schedule 1

Schedule 1 Amendments

(Clause 2)

[1] Clause 9 Conditions of approval Omit clause 9 (b).

[2] Clause 68 Annual levies Omit the clause.

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Passenger Transport (Bus Services) Amendment (Driver Authority Fees) Regulation 2002

under the Passenger Transport Act 1990

Her Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, has made the following Regulation under the Passenger Transport Act 1990.

CARL SCULLY, M.P., Minister forfor TransportTransport

Explanatory note The object of this Regulation is to amend the Passenger Transport (Bus Services) Regulation 2000: (a) to increase the fee for an application for an authority to drive a bus from $20 to $70, and (b) to increase the fee for the renewal of an authority to drive a bus from $20 to $70 if the authority is subject to renewal on or after 17 August 2002. This Regulation is made under the Passenger Transport Act 1990, including sections 11A (Issue and renewal of authority), 15 (Fees) and 63 (the general regulation-making power).

r02-181-p02.809 Page 1


Clause 1 Passenger Transport (Bus Services) Amendment (Driver Authority Fees) Regulation 2002

Passenger Transport (Bus Services) Amendment (Driver Authority Fees) Regulation 2002

1 Name of Regulation This Regulation is the Passenger Transport (Bus Services) Amendment (Driver Authority Fees) Regulation 2002.

2 Amendment of Passenger Transport (Bus Services) Regulation 2000 The Passenger Transport (Bus Services) Regulation 2000 is amended as set out in Schedule 1.

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Passenger Transport (Bus Services) Amendment (Driver Authority Fees) Regulation 2002

Amendment Schedule 1

Schedule 1 Amendment

(Clause 2)

Clause 57 Omit the clause. Insert instead:

57 Fees (1) For the purposes of section 15 of the Act, the prescribed fee: (a) for an application for accreditation as a bus operator is $100, and (b) for an application for an authority to drive a bus: (i) is $20 if the application is received by the Director-General before 17 August 2002, or (ii) is $70 if the application is received by the Director-General on or after 17 August 2002. (2) For the purposes of section 11A of the Act, the prescribed fee for the renewal of an authority to drive a bus: (a) is $20 if the authority is subject to renewal before 17 August 2002, or (b) is $70 if the authority is subject to renewal on or after 17 August 2002.

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Passenger Transport (General) Amendment (Driver Authority Fees) Regulation 2002

under the Passenger Transport Act 1990

Her Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, has made the following Regulation under the Passenger Transport Act 1990.

CARL SCULLY, M.P., MinisterMinister for TransportTransport

Explanatory note The object of this Regulation is to amend the Passenger Transport (General) Regulation 2000: (a) to increase the fee for an application for an authority as a driver of a tourist service vehicle from $20 to $70, and (b) to increase the fee for the renewal of an authority to drive a tourist service vehicle from $20 to $70 if the authority is subject to renewal on or after 17 August 2002, and (c) to discontinue the distinction between a driver authority to drive a bus providing long-distance and tourist services and a driver authority to drive a bus which does not provide long-distance and tourist services, the two driver authorities being amalgamated. This Regulation is made under the Passenger Transport Act 1990, including sections 11A (Issue and renewal of authority), 15 (Fees) and 63 (the general regulation-making power).

r02-182-p02.809 Page 1


Clause 1 Passenger Transport (General) Amendment (Driver Authority Fees) Regulation 2002

Passenger Transport (General) Amendment (Driver Authority Fees) Regulation 2002

1 Name of Regulation This Regulation is the Passenger Transport (General) Amendment (Driver Authority Fees) Regulation 2002.

2 Amendment of Passenger Transport (General) Regulation 2000 The Passenger Transport (General) Regulation 2000 is amended as set out in Schedule 1.

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Passenger Transport (General) Amendment (Driver Authority Fees) Regulation 2002

Amendments Schedule 1

Schedule 1 Amendments

(Clause 2)

[1] Clause 10 Omit the clause. Insert instead:

10 Fees (1) For the purposes of section 15 of the Act, the prescribed fee for a tourist service provided by a tourist service vehicle is: (a) for an application for accreditation as an operator—$100, and (b) for an application for an authority as a driver: (i) $20 if the application is received by the Director-General before 17 August 2002, or (ii) $70 if the application is received by the Director-General on or after 17 August 2002. (2) For the purposes of section 11A of the Act, the prescribed fee for the renewal of an authority to drive a tourist service vehicle is: (a) $20 if the authority is subject to renewal before 17 August 2002, or (b) $70 if the authority is subject to renewal on or after 17 August 2002.

[2] Clause 13 Categories of driver authorities Omit “, except those providing long-distance or tourist services” from clause 13 (1) (a).

[3] Clause13(1)(b) Omit the paragraph.

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Superannuation Administration (Local Government Superannuation Scheme Transitional Provisions) Amendment (Further Transfer of Employees) Regulation 2002

under the Superannuation Administration Act 1996

Her Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, has made the following Regulation under the Superannuation Administration Act 1996.

MICHAEL EGAN, M.L.C., TreasurerTreasurer

Explanatory note The object of this Regulation is to provide for the transfer of certain employees who are currently members of the State Superannuation Scheme, the State Authorities Superannuation Scheme, the State Authorities Non-contributory Superannuation Scheme and the First State Superannuation Scheme to the Local Government Superannuation Scheme. The employees are to be transferred into Divisions of the Local Government Superannuation Scheme having equivalent benefits and rights to the schemes from which they are transferred. This results from: (a) parking patrol officers being transferred from the direction and control of the Commissioner of Police to the City of Sydney Council, and (b) the transfer of certain employees of Murrumbidgee Irrigation Limited to a non-government body.

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Superannuation Administration (Local Government Superannuation Scheme Transitional Provisions) Amendment (Further Transfer of Employees) Regulation 2002

Explanatory note

This Regulation also provides for the payment of pensions from the Local Government Superannuation Scheme to certain ex-employees of Murrumbidgee Irrigation Limited and the spouses or children of such persons. This Regulation is made under the Superannuation Administration Act 1996, including sections 128A, 128B and 129 (the general regulation-making power).

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Superannuation Administration (Local Government Superannuation Clause 1 Scheme Transitional Provisions) Amendment (Further Transfer of Employees) Regulation 2002

Superannuation Administration (Local Government Superannuation Scheme Transitional Provisions) Amendment (Further Transfer of Employees) Regulation 2002

1 Name of Regulation This Regulation is the Superannuation Administration (Local Government Superannuation Scheme Transitional Provisions) Amendment (Further Transfer of Employees) Regulation 2002.

2 Amendment of Superannuation Administration (Local Government Superannuation Scheme Transitional Provisions) Regulation 1997 The Superannuation Administration (Local Government Superannuation Scheme Transitional Provisions) Regulation 1997 is amended as set out in Schedule 1.

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Superannuation Administration (Local Government Superannuation Scheme Transitional Provisions) Amendment (Further Transfer of Employees) Regulation 2002

Schedule 1 Amendments

Schedule 1 Amendments

(Clause 2)

[1] Clause 3 Definitions Insert in alphabetical order: parking patrol officer means a person: (a) who commenced employment as a parking patrol officer with the City of Sydney Council on 17 September 2001, and (b) who immediately before that day was employed by the Crown as a parking patrol officer (however described) and who, in the course of that employment, was subject to the direction and control of the Commissioner of Police.

[2] Clause 3 definition of “transfer day” Omit the definition. Insert instead: transfer day means: (a) except as provided by the following paragraphs, 1 July 1997, or (b) inrelationtoanemployeereferredtoinclause11(1), the day the employee transfers to the county council referredtoinclause11(2),or (c) in relation to an employee transferred under Division 2 of Part 2: (i) 28 July 2000 for an employee of Job Support Inc., or (ii) 22 July 2002 for an employee who is a parking patrol officer, or (iii) 1 September 2002 for an employee of Murrumbidgee Irrigation Limited.

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Superannuation Administration (Local Government Superannuation Scheme Transitional Provisions) Amendment (Further Transfer of Employees) Regulation 2002

Amendments Schedule 1

[3] Clause 3 definition of “transferred member” Insert “or 12C” after “(b) or (c)”.

[4] Clause 4A Insert before clause 5:

4A Application of Division This Division does not apply to an employee transferred under Division 2.

[5] Clause 12 Transfer of payment of certain pensions Omit “transfer day” wherever occurring. Insert instead “1 July 1997”.

[6] Clause 12A Definition Omit the definition of employee. Insert instead: employee means any of the following: (a) a person who was an employee of Jobsupport Inc. (ARBN 054 350 793) immediately before 28 July 2000, (b) a person who was an employee of Murrumbidgee Irrigation Limited immediately before 1 September 2002, (c) a person who is a parking patrol officer.

[7] Clause 12B Transfer of employees Insert “one” after “in more than” in clause 12B (2).

[8] Clause 12B (5) Omit “officer”. Insert instead “employee”.

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Superannuation Administration (Local Government Superannuation Scheme Transitional Provisions) Amendment (Further Transfer of Employees) Regulation 2002

Schedule 1 Amendments

[9] Clause 12C Insert after clause 12B:

12C Transfer of payment of pensions (1) On and from 1 September 2002, the pensions described in subclause (2) are payable under the local government superannuation scheme. (2) A pension payable to a person who, immediately before 1 September 2002, received a pension under any of the following Acts or regulations: (a) Superannuation Act 1916, (b) State Authorities Superannuation Act 1987, (c) any of the Acts or regulations listed in clause 12 (1) (a) or (c), and who was employed by Murrumbidgee Irrigation Limited immediately before becoming entitled to the pension, or a pension payable (before or after 1 September 2002) to the spouse or child of any such person. (3) A reference to Murrumbidgee Irrigation Limited in this clause does not include a reference to a predecessor of Murrumbidgee Irrigation Limited. (4) For the purposes of the local government superannuation scheme, the person to whom a pension is payable, or to whose spouse or child a pension is payable, under the scheme because of this clause is taken to be a member of the following Division of the local government superannuation scheme: (a) if the person received a pension under the State Authorities Superannuation Act 1987 or any of the Acts or regulations listed in clause 12 (1) (a) or (c), Division B, (b) if the person received a pension under the Superannuation Act 1916, Division D.

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Superannuation Administration (Local Government Superannuation Scheme Transitional Provisions) Amendment (Further Transfer of Employees) Regulation 2002

Amendments Schedule 1

[10] Schedule 1 Transferred employers Insert at the end of the Schedule: Murrumbidgee Irrigation Limited

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New South Wales

District Court Amendment (Children and Young Persons) Rule 2002

under the District Court Act 1973

The District Court Rule Committee made the following rule of court under the District Court Act 1973 on 27 June 2002.

ARGrew Acting Secretary of the Rule Committee Explanatory note The object of this Rule is to amend Division 5 of Part 6 of the District Court Rules 1973 to update references to the Children (Care and Protection) Act 1987 with references to the Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998.

r02-134-p01.94 Page 1


Clause 1 District Court Amendment (Children and Young Persons) Rule 2002

District Court Amendment (Children and Young Persons) Rule 2002 under the District Court Act 1973

1NameofRule This Rule is District Court Amendment (Children and Young Persons) Rule 2002.

2 AmendmentofDistrictCourtRules1973 The District Court Rules 1973 are amended as set out in Schedule 1.

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District Court Amendment (Children and Young Persons) Rule 2002

Amendments Schedule 1

Schedule 1 Amendments (Clause 2) [1] Part 6, Division 5, heading Omit the heading. Insert instead:

Division 5 Appeals under the Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998 [2] Part 6, rule 35 Omit “section 81” from rule 35 (1). Insert instead “section 91”. [3] Part 6, rule 35 (2), definition of “appeal” Omit “section 81” from the definition. Insert instead “section 91”. [4] Part 6, rule 35 (2), definition of “Care Act” Omit “Children (Care and Protection) Act 1987”. Insert instead “Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998”. [5] Part 6, rule 37 Omit “section 65 (2)” from rule 37 (d). Insert instead “section 98 (3)”.

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New South Wales

District Court Amendment (Exhibits in Criminal Trials) Rule 2002

under the District Court Act 1973

The District Court Rule Committee made the following rule of court under the District Court Act 1973 on 27 June 2002.

ARGrew Acting Secretary of the Rule Committee Explanatory note The object of this Rule is to amend Part 53 of the District Court Rules 1973: (a) to require a party to criminal proceedings who seeks to tender a bundle of documents at the same time to number each document in the bundle and provide a schedule listing the numbered documents in the bundle, and (b) to ensure that the Court retains exhibits in criminal proceedings for a period of 90 days (instead of the current period of 60 days) after sentence is passed or deferred or a final order is made.

r02-190-p01.94 Page 1


Clause 1 District Court Amendment (Exhibits in Criminal Trials) Rule 2002

District Court Amendment (Exhibits in Criminal Trials) Rule 2002 under the District Court Act 1973

1NameofRule This is the District Court Amendment (Exhibits in Criminal Trials) Rule 2002.

2 AmendmentofDistrictCourtRules1973 The District Court Rules 1973 are amended as set out in Schedule 1.

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District Court Amendment (Exhibits in Criminal Trials) Rule 2002

Amendments Schedule 1

Schedule 1 Amendments (Clause 2) [1] Part 53, rule 8A Insert after rule 8:

8A Tendering bundles of documents If a party to proceedings seeks to tender more than one document to the Court at the same time (a bundle of documents), the party must: (a) number each document in the bundle of documents with a consecutive whole number commencing with “1”, and (b) prepare a schedule for the bundle of documents that provides a brief description of each document in the bundle next to the number for the document allocated as provided by paragraph (a), and (c) provide a copy of the schedule and the bundle of documents both to the Court and to each other party to the proceedings. [2] Part 53, rule 9 Omit “60 days” from rule 9 (1) (b). Insert instead “90 days”.

Page 3


New South Wales

District Court Amendment (Australian Business Numbers) Rule 2002

under the District Court Act 1973

The District Court Rule Committee made the following rule of court under the District Court Act 1973 on 27 June 2002.

ARGrew Acting Secretary of the Rule Committee Explanatory note The object of this Rule is to amend the District Court Rules 1973 to require an ABN (Australian Business Number) to be included in certain documents provided to the Court.

r02-191-p01.94 Page 1


Clause 1 District Court Amendment (Australian Business Numbers) Rule 2002

District Court Amendment (Australian Business Numbers) Rule 2002 under the District Court Act 1973

1NameofRule This is the District Court Amendment (Australian Business Numbers) Rule 2002.

2 AmendmentofDistrictCourtRules1973 The District Court Rules 1973 are amended as set out in Schedule 1.

Page 2


District Court Amendment (Australian Business Numbers) Rule 2002

Amendments Schedule 1

Schedule 1 Amendments (Clause 2) [1] Part 1, rule 4 Insert before the definition claim for relief in rule 4 (1): ABN (Australian Business Number) has the meaning given by section41oftheA New Tax System (Australian Business Number) Act 1999 of the Commonwealth. [2] Part 5, rule 2 Omit “address” wherever occurring from rule 2 (2) (a) and (b). Insert instead “address, ABN (if any)”. [3] Part 47, rule 1 Omit “address” wherever occurring from rule 1 (6) (a) and (b). Insert instead “address, ABN (if any)”.

Page 3


New South Wales

Supreme Court Rules (Amendment No 361) 2002

under the Supreme Court 1970

The Supreme Court Rule Committee made the following rules of court under the Supreme Court Act 1970 on 17 June 2002.

Steven Jupp Secretary of the Rule Committee Explanatory note The object of these rules is to amend the Supreme Court Rules 1970 to make it clear that the power of the Court to make an order for costs in the exercise of its supervisory jurisdiction over its officers extends to an order for costs against solicitors, barristers and court appointed liquidators.

r02-220-p02.46 Page 1


Rule 1 Supreme Court Rules (Amendment No 361) 2002

Supreme Court Rules (Amendment No 361) 2002 under the Supreme Court 1970

1 Name of rules These rules are the Supreme Court Rules (Amendment No 361) 2002.

2 Amendment of Supreme Court Rules 1970 The Supreme Court Rules 1970 are amended as set out in Schedule 1.

Page 2


Supreme Court Rules (Amendment No 361) 2002

Amendments Schedule 1

Schedule 1 Amendments (Rule 2) [1] Part 52, rule 4 Insert “, including solicitors, barristers and court appointed liquidators” after “its own officers” in rule 4 (5) (e). [2] Part 52A, rule 4 Insert “, including solicitors, barristers and court appointed liquidators” after “its own officers” in rule 4 (5) (e).

Page 3


Other Legislation

Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 No 101

Notice of Final Determination and Amendment of Schedule 2 to Act

The Scientific Committee established under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 has, in pursuance of Division 3 of Part 2 of that Act, made a final determination to insert the following species of fungi in Schedule 2 to that Act (Vulnerable species) and, accordingly, that Schedule is amended as set out in Annexure “A” to this Notice:

Fungi Basidiomycota Hygrophoraceae Hygrocybe aurantipes A.M. Young Hygrocybe reesiae A.M. Young

The final determination to insert these species in Schedule 2 has been made because the Scientific Committee is of the opinion that the species are likely to become endangered unless the circumstances and factors threatening their survival or evolutionary development cease to operate.

Copies of the final determination may be inspected during business hours at: The National Parks Centre 102 George St The Rocks Sydney and at Area Offices or Visitor Centres of the National Parks and Wildlife Service.

Signed atat Sydney,Sydney, this this 19th day day of of June 2002. 2002.

p02-082-p01.843 Page 1


Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 No 101—Final Determination

Dr Chris Dickman

Chairperson Scientific Committee

Annexure “A” Schedule 2 to the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 is amended by inserting immediately before the heading “Plants” the matter:

Fungi Basidiomycota Hygrophoraceae Hygrocybe aurantipes A.M. Young Hygrocybe reesiae A.M. Young

Page 2


ALBURY-WODONGA DEVELOPMENT ACT 1974 GALLIGAN to act in the position of Director General, Department of Mineral Resources, from Monday 22 July Appointment 2002 to Tuesday 6 August 2002. I, PROFESSOR MARIE BASHIR, AC, Governor of the State of New South Wales, with the advice of the Executive The Hon EDWARD OBEID, M.L.C., Council and pursuant to the Albury-Wodonga Development Minister for Mineral Resources Act 1974, hereby appoint Allan Fifield, AM as Chairman of and Minister for Fisheries the Albury-Wodonga (New South Wales) Corporation, for the period 1 July 2002 to 31 December 2002. UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES ACT 1989 Dated at Sydney, this 26th day of June 2002. Notification of Appointment to the Council MARIE BASHIR, I, JOHN ARTHUR WATKINS, Minister for Education and Governor Training, in pursuance of section 9 (4) and Schedule 1 of By Her Excellency’s Command the University of New South Wales Act 1989, re-appoint HARRY WOODS, M.P., the following persons: Minister for Regional Development Ms Catherine Mary Rossi Harris, PSM Mr Peter Edward Mason, AM Mr John Henry Pascoe, AO CRIMES (ADMINISTRATION OF SENTENCES) The Hon Susan Maree Ryan, AO ACT 1999 Appointment of Member as members of the Council of the University of New South Wales for a term of office from 1 July 2002 expiring on 30 PURSUANT to section 183 (2) (c) of the Crimes June 2006. (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999, Her Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, approve JOHN WATKINS M.P., the appointment of Rodney Graham HARVEY, APM, as a Minister for Education and Training community member of the Parole Board for a period of three years that commences on 1 August 2002 and expires on 31 July 2005.

RICHARD AMERY, M.P., Minister for Corrective Services and Minister for Agriculture


Department of Mineral Resources Appointment

HER Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, pursuant to section 10B of the Public Sector Management Act 1988, appoint Carol M. BLOCH to act in the position of Director General, Department of Mineral Resources, from the date of the Governor’s approval to Sunday, 21 July 2002.

The Hon EDWARD OBEID, M.L.C., Minister for Mineral Resources and Minister for Fisheries


Department of Mineral Resources Appointment

HER Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, pursuant to section 10B of the Public Sector Management Act 1988, appoint Anthony G. NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 119 19 July 2002 OFFICIAL NOTICES 5475 NSW Agriculture

APIARIES ACT 1985 Dwarf honeybee (Apis florea) East Coast fever (theileriosis) ORDER Encephalitides (tick borne) Amendment of Schedules to the Apiaries Act 1985 which Enterovirus encephalomyelitis (porcine specify notifiable and prescribed diseases polioencephalomyelitis, Teschen) Epizootic lymphangitis HER EXCELLENCY PROFESSOR MARIE BASHIR AC, Equine babesiosis (piroplasmosis) Governor Equine encephalomyelitis (Eastern, Western and Venezuelan I, Professor MARIE BASHIR AC, Governor of the State of equine encephalomyelitis) New South Wales, with the advice of the Executive Council, Equine encephalosis and pursuant to section 51(1) of the Apiaries Act 1985: Equine influenza (a) revoke all previous orders made amending Fowl typhoid (Salmonella gallinarum) Schedules 1 and 2 to the Apiaries Act 1985; Getah virus (b) omit from Schedules 1 and 2 all items in those Giant honeybee (Apis dorsata) Schedules other than the disease American Glanders foulbrood (Bacillus larvae). Goat pox Haemorrhagic septicaemia Signed and sealed at Sydney this 10th day of July 2002. Heartwater By Her Excellency’s Command, Hendra virus Infectious bursal disease (hypervirulent form) RICHARD AMERY, M.P., Japanese encephalitis Minister for Agriculture Jembrana disease GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! Lumpy skin disease Maedi-visna Menangle virus EXOTIC DISEASES OF ANIMALS ACT 1991 Nairobi sheep disease ORDER Newcastle disease Nipah virus Declaration of exotic diseases for the purposes of the Peste des petits ruminants Exotic Diseases of Animals Act 1991 Porcine epidemic diarrhoea I, RICHARD AMERY MP, Minister for Agriculture, pursuant Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome to section 3 of the Exotic Diseases of Animals Act 1991: Potomac fever Pulmonary adenomatosis (a) revoke the Order entitled “Declaration of exotic Rift Valley fever diseases for the purposes of the Exotic Diseases Rinderpest of Animals Act 1991” published in the Government Salmonella abortus ovis infection in sheep Gazette No. 80 of 16 July 1993, and any Order Salmonella abortus equi infection in horses revived as a result of that revocation; and Scrapie (b) declare any animal disease mentioned in the Screw worm fly Schedule to be an exotic disease for the purposes Sheep pox of the Act. Sheep scab Small hive beetle (Aethina tumida) Trypanosoma evansi SCHEDULE Surra ( ) Swine influenza African horse sickness Swine vesicular disease Africanised honeybees Tracheal mite (Acarine, Acariasis, Acarapis woodi) African swine fever Transmissible gastroenteritis Asian honeybee (Apis cerana) Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies Aujeszky’s disease Trichinellosis Australian bat lyssavirus Tropilaelaps mite (Asian mite, Tropilaelaps clareae) Avian influenza Varroa mite (Varroa species) Bluetongue Vesicular exanthema Borna Vesicular stomatitis Bovine brucellosis (Brucella abortus) Warble fly Bovine spong iform encephalopathy Wesselsbron disease Braula fly (Bee louse, Braula coeca) Note: Section 3 of the Act provides that “Foot and mouth Caprine and ovine brucellosis (Brucella melitensis) disease” and “Rabies” are diseases for the purposes Chagas disease of the Act. Classical swine fever Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia Dated this 3rd day of July2002. Contagious caprine pleuropneumonia Contagious equine metritis RICHARD AMERY M.P., Dourine Minister for Agriculture


EXOTIC DISEASES OF ANIMALS ACT 1991 • any bird or any egg of a bird, and ORDER — Section 54 • any bee. Declaration of exotic diseases to be a disease to which Signed and sealed at Sydney this 10 th day of July 2002. Part 7 of the Act (Compensation) applies By Her Excellency’s command, I, RICHARD AMERY MP, Minister for Agriculture, pursuant RICHARD AMERY M.P., to section 54 of the Exotic Diseases of Animals Act 1991: Minister for Agriculture (a) rescind all previous Orders declaring any exotic GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! disease to be a disease to which this Part 7 of the Act applies; and (b) declare by this Order the exotic diseases declared to STOCK DISEASES ACT 1923 be diseases for the purposes of this Act, and specified in the Schedule, to be disease to which PROCLAMATION 541 Part 7 of the Act applies. Declaration of diseases for the purposes of the Stock Diseases Act 1923 SCHEDULE HER EXCELLENCY PROFESSOR MARIE BASHIR AC, Australian bat lyssavirus Governor Bovine brucellosis (Brucella abortus) I, Professor MARIE BASHIR AC, Governor of the State of Bovine spongiform encephalopathy New South Wales with the advice of the Executive Council Caprine and ovine brucellosis (Brucella melitensis) and: Equine encephalomyelitis (Eastern, Western and Venezuelan i. pursuant to sections 3(2)(a) of the Stock Diseases equine encephalomyelitis) Act 1923, revoke Proclamation No. 533 published in Foot-and-mouth disease the Government Gazette No 4 of 8 January 1999, Glanders Proclamation No. 536 published in the Government Hendra virus Gazette No. 11 of 28 January 2000, and the Japanese encephalitis Proclamation published in the New South Wales Nipah virus Government Gazette No. 150 of 5 October 2001 at page Peste des petits ruminants 8418, and any Proclamation revived as a result of those Rabies revocations; and Rift Valley fever ii. pursuant to section 4(1) of Act, declare that any Rinderpest disease mentioned in Column 1 of the Schedule, being Screw worm fly a disease in stock, shall be a disease in respect of Sheep pox which the provisions of the Act or such of them as Acarapis woodi Tracheal mite (Acarine, Acariasis, ) may be specified in Column 2 of the Schedule shall Tropilaelaps mite (Asian mite, Tropilaelaps clareae) apply. Varroa mite (Varroa destructor) Vesicular stomatitis Dated this 3rd day of July 2002. SCHEDULE RICHARD AMERY, M.P., Diseases in stock recognised as endemic or sporadic Minister for Agriculture Column 1 Column 2 Anaplasmosis STOCK DISEASES ACT 1923 Anthrax Babesiosis (bovine) PROCLAMATION 541A Cattle tick (Boophilus microplus) Application of the provisions of the Stock Diseases Act Chalk brood (Ascophaera apis) in 1923 to certain animals, birds, eggs and bees. honeybees Only section 9 Chlamydiosis in birds other than poultry Only section 9 HER EXCELLENCY PROFESSOR MARIE BASHIR AC, Chlamydiosis in poultry Governor Egg drop syndrome (EDS 76) Only section 9 I, Professor MARIE BASHIR AC, Governor of the State of Enzootic abortion of ewes Only section 9 New South Wales with the advice of the Executive Council Enzootic bovine leucosis and: Equine herpesvirus abortion Only section 9 i. pursuant to sections 3(2)(a) of the Stock Diseases Equine infectious anaemia Only section 9 Act 1923, revoke Proclamation No. 534 published in Equine viral arteritis Only section 9 the Government Gazette No 4 of 8 January 1999, and European foulbrood (Melissococcus any Proclamation revived as a result of that pluton) in honeybees Only section 9 revocation; and Footrot in sheep and goats ii. pursuant to section 3(1) of Act, apply the provisions Infectious laryngotracheitis Only section 9 Johne’s disease of the Act to: Ovine brucellosis (Brucella ovis) All provisions • any animal that is a mammal other than a human or other than marine mammal, and section 9


Porcine brucellosis (Brucella suis) Pullorum disease (Salmonella pullorum) Salmonella enteritidis infection in poultry Sheep ked Sheep lice All provision other than sections 9 and 20B Strangles Only section 9 Trichomoniasis Tuberculosis Tularaemia Only section 9

Diseases in stock recognised as exotic Column 1 Column 2 Bovine brucellosis (Brucella abortus) Contagious agalactia Only section 9 Duck virus enteritis (duck plague) Only section 9 Duck virus hepatitis Only section 9 Foot and mouth disease Louping ill Only section 9 Malignant catarrhal fever Only section 9 Porcine cysticercosis Only section 9 Rabies Only section 23 Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (including bovine spongiform encephalopathy and scrapie) Only sections 20FB, 20J and 23 Trypanosomiasis Only section 9 Signed and sealed at Sydney this 10th day of July 2002. By Her Excellency’s command, RICHARD AMERY, M.P., Minister for Agriculture GOD SAVE THE QUEEN!


Department of Land and Water Conservation Land Conservation FAR WEST REGIONAL OFFICE Department of Land and Water Conservation 45 Wingewarra Street (PO Box 1840), Dubbo, NSW 2830 Phone: (02) 6883 3000 Fax: (02) 6883 3099

ALTERATION OF PURPOSE OF A WESTERN extent that any such claims and demands arise LANDS LEASE wholly from any negligence or wilful act or omission on the part of the Lessor. IT is hereby notied that in pursuance of the provisions of Section 18J Western Lands Act 1901, the purpose and (c) The indemnity contained in this clause applies conditions of the undermentioned Western Lands Lease notwithstanding that this Lease authorised or have been altered as shown. required the lessee to undertake or perform the activity giving rise to any claim for injury loss JOHN AQUILINA, M.P., or damage. Minister for Land and Water Conservation (d) The lessee expressly agrees that the obligations Administrative District and Shire — Bourke; of the Holder under this clause shall continue after Parish — PERA; the expiration or sooner determination of this Lease County — Gunderbooka in respect of any act deed matter or thing occurring before such expiration or determination. The purpose of Western Lands Lease 14360 being the land contained within folio identifier 71/1040450 has (4) The rent of the lease shall be as determined by the been altered from Grazing and Cultivation to Residential local land board for each period of 5 years of the term Subdivision effective from 16 July 2002. of the lease, except where a rent is bid at auction or tendered under Section 19C(5) of the Western Lands As a consequence of the alteration of purpose annual Act 1901. rental has been determined at $1,140.00 for the next ve (5) year period of the term of the lease and the Conditions (5) The rent shall be due and payable annually in advance previously annexed to Western Lands Lease 14360 have on 22 July in each year. been revoked and the following conditions have been (6) (a) “GST” means any tax on goods and/or services, annexed thereto. including any value-added tax, broad-based CONDITIONS AND RESERVATIONS ATTACHED TO consumption tax or other similar tax introduced WESTERN LANDS LEASE 14360 in Australia. (1) In the conditions annexed to the lease, the expression “GST law” includes any Act, order, ruling or “the Minister” means the Minister administering the regulation, which imposes or otherwise deals Western Lands Act 1901, and any power, authority, duty with the administration or imposition of a GST or function conferred or imposed upon the Minister in Australia. by or under those conditions may be exercised or (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of this performed either by the Minister or by such ofcers of Agreement: the Department of Land and Water Conservation as the (i) If a GST applies to any supply made by either Minister may from time to time approve. party under or in connection with this (2) In these conditions and reservations the expression “the Agreement, the consideration provided or to Commissioner” means the Commissioner charged with be provided for that supply will be increased the administration of the Western Lands Act 1901 (“the by an amount equal to the GST liability Act”) in accordance with section 4(2) of the Act. properly incurred by the party making the supply. (3) (a) For the purposes of this clause the term Lessor shall include Her Majesty the Queen Her Heirs (ii) If the imposition of a GST or any subsequent and Successors the Minister and the agents servants change in the GST law is accompanied by or employees and contractors of the Lessor Her undertaken in connection with the abolition Majesty Her Majesty’s Heirs and Successors and of or reduction in any existing taxes, duties the Minister. or statutory charges (in this clause “taxes”), the consideration payable by the recipient of (b) The lessee covenants with the Lessor to indemnify the supply made under this Agreement will and keep indemnied the Lessor from and against be reduced by the actual costs of the party all claims for injury loss or damage suffered by any making the supply that are reduced directly person or body using or being in or upon the or indirectly as a consequence of the abolition Premises or any adjoining land or premises of the of or reduction in taxes. Lessor arising out of the Holder’s use of the Premises and against all liabilities for costs charges (7) The lessee shall pay all rates and taxes assessed on and expenses incurred by the Lessor in respect of or in respect of the land leased during the currency the claim of any such person or body except to the of the lease. NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 119 19 July 2002 OFFICIAL NOTICES 5479

(8) The lessee shall hold and use the land leased bona (16) The lessee shall ensure that the land leased is kept ide for the lessee’s own exclusive benet and shall in a neat and tidy condition to the satisfaction of the not transfer, convey, assign or sublet the land or Commissioner and not permit refuse to accumulate any portion thereof without having rst obtained the on the land. written consent of the Minister. (17) Upon termination or forfeiture of the lease the (9) The land leased shall be used only for the purpose of Commissioner may direct that the former lessee shall “Residential Subdivision”. remove any structure or material from the land at his (10) The lessee shall maintain and keep in reasonable own cost and without compensation. Where such repair all improvements on the land leased during the a direction has been given the former lessee shall currency of the lease and shall permit the Minister leave the land in a clean and tidy condition free from or the Commissioner or any person authorised by rubbish and debris. the Minister or the Commissioner at all times to enter upon and examine the whole or any part of the (18) The lessee shall, within 1 year from the date of land leased and the buildings or other improvements commencement of the lease or such further period thereon. as the Commissioner may allow, enclose the land leased, either separately or conjointly with other (11) All minerals within the meaning of the Mining Act 1992, and all other metals, gemstones and lands held in the same interest, with a suitable fence semiprecious stones, which may be in, under or upon to the satisfaction of the Commissioner. the land leased are reserved to the Crown and the (19) The lessee shall not obstruct or interfere with any lessee shall permit any person duly authorised in reserves, roads or tracks on the land leased, or the that behalf to enter upon the land leased and search, lawful use thereof by any person. work, win and remove all or any minerals, metals, gemstones and semiprecious stones in, under or upon (20) The lessee shall erect gates on roads within the land the land leased. leased when and where directed by the Commissioner (12) Mining operations may be carried on, upon and in for public use and shall maintain those gates the lands below the land leased and upon and in the together with approaches thereto in good order to the lands adjoining the land leased and the lands below satisfaction of the Commissioner. those lands and metals and minerals may be removed (21) The right is reserved to the public of free access therefrom and the Crown and any lessee or lessees to, and passage along, the bank of any watercourse under any Mining Act or Acts shall not be subject to adjoining the land leased and the lessee shall not any proceedings by way of injunction or otherwise obstruct access or passage by any member of the in respect of or be liable for any damage occasioned public to or along the bank. by the letting down, subsidence or lateral movement of the land leased or any part thereof or otherwise by (22) Any part of a reserve for travelling stock, camping reason of the following acts and matters, that is to or water supply within the land leased shall, during say, by reason of the Crown or any person on behalf the whole currency of the lease, be open to the use of the Crown or any lessee or lessees, having worked of bona de travellers, travelling stock, teamsters now or hereafter working any mines or having carried and carriers without interference or annoyance by on or now or hereafter carrying on mining operations the lessee and the lessee shall post in a conspicuous or having searched for, worked, won or removed or place on the reserve a notice board indicating for now or hereafter searching for, working, winning or public information the purpose of such reserve and, removing any metals or minerals under, in or from in fencing the land leased, the lessee shall provide the lands lying beneath the land leased or any part gates and other facilities for the entrance and exit of thereof, or on, in, under or from any other lands travelling stock, teamsters and others. The notice situated laterally to the land leased or any part thereof board, gates and facilities shall be erected and or the lands lying beneath those lands, and whether maintained to the satisfaction of the Commissioner. on or below the surface of those other lands and by reason of those acts and matters or in the course The lessee shall not overstock, wholly or in part, the thereof the Crown reserves the liberty and authority areas leased within the reserve, the decision as to for the Crown, any person on behalf of the Crown and overstocking resting with the Commissioner. any lessee or lessees from time to time to let down (23) The Crown shall not be responsible to the lessee or without payment of any compensation any part of the the lessee’s successors in title for provision of access land leased or of the surface thereof. to the land leased. (13) The lessee shall comply with the provisions of the (24) The lessee shall comply with requirements of section Local Government Act 1993, and of the ordinances 18DB of the Western Lands Act 1901 which provides made thereunder. that, except in the circumstances referred to in (14) The lessee shall, within 12 months from the date of subsection (4) of that section, any native vegetation commencement of the lease or such further period as on the land the subject of the lease, and any part of the Minister may allow, erect a dwelling on the land the land that is protected land, must not be cleared in accordance with plans and specications approved except in accordance with the Native Vegetation by the Council of the local government area. Conservation Act 1997. (15) The lessee shall not erect or permit any person to (25) The lessee shall comply with requirements of section erect any buildings or extend any existing buildings 18DA of the Western Lands Act 1901 which provides on the land leased except in accordance with plans that except in circumstances referred to in subsection and specications approved by the Council of the (3) of that section, cultivation of the land leased or local Government area. occupied may not be carried out unless the written NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 119 5480 OFFICIAL NOTICES 19 July 2002

consent of the Department has rst been obtained and (31) The lessee shall not grant any grazing rights over the any condition to which the consent is subject under land leased or any part thereof, or agist stock on the sub section (6) is complied with. land leased or any part thereof, or enter into a share farming agreement in respect of the land leased or (26) Notwithstanding any other condition annexed to the any part thereof, without having rst obtained the lease, the lessee shall, in removing timber for the written consent of the Minister and, if any stock not purpose of building, fencing or rewood, carefully owned by the lessee are found depasturing on the preserve all timber, scrub, vegetative cover and any land leased without consent, it shall be prima facie regeneration thereof (except noxious plants and those evidence of a breach of this condition. “woody weeds” specied in Clause 28(1) and parts 9 and 13 in Schedule 4 of the Regulations) on the (32) The lessee shall not overstock, or permit or allow to following parts of the land leased: be overstocked, the land leased and the decision of (a) between the banks of, and within strips at least the Commissioner as to what constitutes overstocking 20 metres wide along each bank of, any creek shall be final and the lessee shall comply with or dened watercourse; any directions of the Commissioner to prevent or discontinue overstocking. (b) within strips at least 30 metres wide on each side of the centre line of any depression, the sides (33) The lessee shall, if the Commissioner so directs, of which have slopes in excess of 1 (vertically) prevent the use by stock of any part of the land leased in 4 (horizontally), that is, approximately 14 for such periods as the Commissioner considers degrees; necessary to permit of the natural reseeding and (c) where the slopes are steeper than 1 (vertically) regeneration of vegetation and, for that purpose, the in 3 (horizontally), that is, approximately 18 lessee shall erect within the time appointed by the degrees; Commissioner such fencing as the Commissioner may consider necessary. (d) within strips not less than 60 metres wide along the tops of any ranges and main ridges; (34) The lessee shall furnish such returns and statements (e) not in contravention of section 21CA of the Soil as the Commissioner may from time to time require Conservation Act 1938. on any matter connected with the land leased or any other land (whether within or outside the Western In addition to the foregoing requirements of this Division) in which the lessee has an interest. condition, the lessee shall preserve on so much of the (35) The lessee shall, within such time as may be specied land leased as is not the subject of a clearing licence by the Commissioner take such steps and measures as (where possible, in well distributed clumps or strips) the Commissioner shall direct to destroy vermin and not less than an average of 30 established trees per such animals and weeds as may, under any Act, from hectare, together with any other timber, vegetative time to time be declared (by declaration covering the cover or any regeneration thereof which may, from land leased) noxious in the Gazette and shall keep time to time, be determined by the Commissioner to the land free of such vermin and noxious animals be useful or necessary for soil conservation or erosion and weeds during the currency of the lease to the mitigation purposes or for shade and shelter. satisfaction of the Commissioner. (27) The lessee shall not interfere with the timber on any (36) The lessee shall not remove or permit any person to of the land leased which is within a State forest, remove gravel, stone, clay, shells or other material for timber reserve or ora reserve unless authorisation the purpose of sale from the land leased unless the has been obtained under the provisions of the Forestry lessee or the person is the holder of a quarry license Act 1916 and shall not prevent any person or persons under regulations made under the Crown Lands Act duly authorised in that behalf from taking timber 1989 or, in respect of land in a State forest, unless the on the land leased. The lessee shall not have any lessee or the person is the holder of a forest materials property right in the timber on the land leased and licence under the Forestry Act 1916, and has obtained shall not ringbark, kill, destroy or permit the killing the special authority of the Minister to operate on or destruction of any timber unless authorised under the land, but the lessee may, with the approval of the Forestry Act 1916 or unless a clearing licence has the Commissioner, take from the land such gravel, been issued pursuant to section 18DB of the Western stone, clay, shells or other material for building and Lands Act 1901, but the lessee may take such timber other purposes upon the land as may be required as the lessee may reasonably require for use on the by the lessee. land leased, or on any contiguous land held in the same interest, for building, fencing or rewood. (37) The lessee shall comply with the provisions of the Clean Waters Act 1970 particularly in relation (28) The lessee shall take all necessary steps to protect the to disposal of tailwaters or waters, which may be land leased from bush re. contaminated with fertiliser, herbicide or pesticide (29) The lessee shall, as the Commissioner may from time or similar chemicals. to time direct, foster and cultivate on the land leased such edible shrubs and plants as the Commissioner ALTERATION OF PURPOSE OF A WESTERN may consider can be advantageously and successfully LANDS LEASE cultivated. IT is hereby notied that in pursuance of the provisions (30) Whenever so directed by the Commissioner, the lessee of Section 18J Western Lands Act 1901, the purpose and shall, on such part or parts of the land leased as shall conditions of the undermentioned Western Lands Lease be specied in the direction, carry out agricultural have been altered as shown. practices, or refrain from agricultural practices, of such types and for such periods as the Commissioner JOHN AQUILINA, M.P., may in the direction specify. Minister for Land and Water Conservation NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 119 19 July 2002 OFFICIAL NOTICES 5481

Administrative District and Shire — Bourke; (b) The lessee agrees to occupy use and keep the Parish — Pera; Premises at the risk of the lessee and hereby releases County — Gunderbooka to the full extent permitted by law the Lessor from all claims and demands of every kind resulting from The purpose of Western Lands Lease 14359 being the any accident damage or injury occurring therein land contained within folio identifier 70/1040450 has and the lessee EXPRESSLY AGREES that the been altered from Grazing and Cultivation to Erection of Lessor shall have no responsibility or liability for Buildings (School) effective from 16 July 2002. any loss of or damage to xtures and/or the personal As a consequence of the alteration of purpose annual property of the lessee. rental has been determined at $450.00 for the next ve (5) (c) The lessee expressly agrees that the obligations year period of the term of the lease and the Conditions of the lessee under this clause shall continue after previously annexed to Western Lands Lease 14359 have the expiration or other determination of this Lease been revoked and the following conditions have been in respect of any act deed matter or thing occurring annexed thereto. before such expiration or determination. CONDITIONS AND RESERVATIONS ATTACHED TO 5. The lessee will (without in any way limiting the liability WESTERN LANDS LEASE 14359 of the lessee under any other provision of this lease) forthwith take out and thereafter during the Term keep 1. In the conditions annexed to the lease, the expression current a public risk insurance policy for $10,000,000 “the Minister” means the Minister administering the for any one claim (or such other reasonable amount as Western Lands Act 1901, and any power, authority, duty the Minister may from time to time specify in writing or function conferred or imposed upon the Minister to the lessee) whereby the Minister shall during the by or under those conditions may be exercised or continuance of this lease be indemnified against all performed either by the Minister or by such ofcers of actions suits claims demands proceedings losses damages the Department of Land and Water Conservation as the compensations costs charges and expenses mentioned Minister may from time to time approve. or referred to in this lease to which the Minister shall 2. In these conditions and reservations the expression “the or may be liable. Commissioner” means the Commissioner charged with 6. The rent of the lease shall be as determined by the the administration of the Western Lands Act 1901 (“the local land board for each period of 5 years of the term Act”) in accordance with section 4(2) of the Act. of the lease, except where a rent is bid at auction or 3. (a) For the purposes of this clause the term Lessor shall tendered under Section 19C(5) of the Western Lands include Her Majesty the Queen Her Heirs and Act 1901. Successors the Minister and the agents servants 7. The rent shall be due and payable annually in advance employees and contractors of the Lessor Her Majesty on 22 July in each year. Her Majesty’s Heirs and Successors and the Minister. 8. (a) “GST” means any tax on goods and/or services, including any value-added tax, broad-based (b) The lessee covenants with the Lessor to indemnify consumption tax or other similar tax introduced and keep indemnied the Lessor from and against in Australia. all claims for injury loss or damage suffered by any person or body using or being in or upon the “GST law” includes any Act, order, ruling or regulation, Premises or any adjoining land or premises of the which imposes or otherwise deals with the administration Lessor arising out of the Holder’s use of the Premises or imposition of a GST in Australia. and against all liabilities for costs charges and (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of this expenses incurred by the Lessor in respect of the Agreement: claim of any such person or body except to the extent that any such claims and demands arise (i) If a GST applies to any supply made by wholly from any negligence or wilful act or omission either party under or in connection with this on the part of the Lessor. Agreement, the consideration provided or to be provided for that supply will be increased by (c) The indemnity contained in this clause applies an amount equal to the GST liability properly notwithstanding that this Lease authorised or incurred by the party making the supply. required the lessee to undertake or perform the activity giving rise to any claim for injury loss or (ii) If the imposition of a GST or any subsequent damage. change in the GST law is accompanied by or undertaken in connection with the abolition of (d) The lessee expressly agrees that the obligations of or reduction in any existing taxes, duties or the Holder under this clause shall continue after statutory charges (in this clause “taxes”), the the expiration or sooner determination of this Lease consideration payable by the recipient of the in respect of any act deed matter or thing occurring supply made under this Agreement will be before such expiration or determination. reduced by the actual costs of the party making 4. (a) For the purposes of this clause the term Lessor shall the supply that are reduced directly or indirectly include Her Majesty the Queen Her Heirs and as a consequence of the abolition of or reduction Successors the Minister and the agents servants in taxes. employees and contractors of the Lessor Her 9. The lessee shall pay all rates and taxes assessed on or Majesty Her Majesty’s Heirs and Successors and in respect of the land leased during the currency of the Minister. the lease. NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 119 5482 OFFICIAL NOTICES 19 July 2002

10. The lessee shall hold and use the land leased bona 18. Upon termination or forfeiture of the lease the de for the lessee’s own exclusive benet and shall Commissioner may direct that the former lessee shall not transfer, convey, assign or sublet the land or any remove any structure or material from the land at his portion thereof without having rst obtained the written own cost and without compensation. Where such a consent of the Minister. direction has been given the former lessee shall leave 11. The land leased shall be used only for the purpose of the land in a clean and tidy condition free from rubbish “Erection of Buildings (School)”. and debris. 12. The lessee shall maintain and keep in reasonable 19. The lessee shall, within 1 year from the date of repair all improvements on the land leased during the commencement of the lease or such further period currency of the lease and shall permit the Minister as the Commissioner may allow, enclose the land or the Commissioner or any person authorised by the leased, either separately or conjointly with other lands Minister or the Commissioner at all times to enter upon held in the same interest, with a suitable fence to the and examine the whole or any part of the land leased satisfaction of the Commissioner. and the buildings or other improvements thereon. 20. The lessee shall not obstruct or interfere with any 13. All minerals within the meaning of the Mining Act reserves, roads or tracks on the land leased, or the 1992, and all other metals, gemstones and semiprecious lawful use thereof by any person. stones, which may be in, under or upon the land leased are reserved to the Crown and the lessee shall permit 21. The lessee shall erect gates on roads within the land any person duly authorised in that behalf to enter upon leased when and where directed by the Commissioner the land leased and search, work, win and remove all for public use and shall maintain those gates together or any minerals, metals, gemstones and semiprecious with approaches thereto in good order to the satisfaction stones in, under or upon the land leased. of the Commissioner. 14. Mining operations may be carried on, upon and in 22. The Crown shall not be responsible to the lessee or the lands below the land leased and upon and in the the lessee’s successors in title for provision of access lands adjoining the land leased and the lands below those lands and metals and minerals may be removed to the land leased. therefrom and the Crown and any lessee or lessees 23. The lessee shall comply with requirements of section under any Mining Act or Acts shall not be subject to 18DB of the Western Lands Act 1901 which provides any proceedings by way of injunction or otherwise that, except in the circumstances referred to in in respect of or be liable for any damage occasioned by the letting down, subsidence or lateral movement subsection (4) of that section, any native vegetation on of the land leased or any part thereof or otherwise by the land the subject of the lease, and any part of the reason of the following acts and matters, that is to say, land that is protected land, must not be cleared except by reason of the Crown or any person on behalf of the in accordance with the Native Vegetation Conservation Crown or any lessee or lessees, having worked now Act 1997. or hereafter working any mines or having carried on or now or hereafter carrying on mining operations 24. The lessee shall comply with requirements of section or having searched for, worked, won or removed or 18DA of the Western Lands Act 1901 which provides now or hereafter searching for, working, winning or that except in circumstances referred to in subsection removing any metals or minerals under, in or from (3) of that section, cultivation of the land leased or the lands lying beneath the land leased or any part occupied may not be carried out unless the written thereof, or on, in, under or from any other lands situated consent of the Department has rst been obtained and laterally to the land leased or any part thereof or the any condition to which the consent is subject under lands lying beneath those lands, and whether on or sub section (6) is complied with. below the surface of those other lands and by reason of those acts and matters or in the course thereof the 25. The lessee shall take all necessary steps to protect the Crown reserves the liberty and authority for the Crown, land leased from bush re. any person on behalf of the Crown and any lessee or lessees from time to time to let down without payment 26. The lessee shall not remove or permit any person to of any compensation any part of the land leased or of remove gravel, stone, clay, shells or other material for the surface thereof. the purpose of sale from the land leased unless the lessee or the person is the holder of a quarry license 15. The lessee shall, within 12 months from the date of under regulations made under the Crown Lands Act commencement of the lease or such further period as 1989 or, in respect of land in a State forest, unless the the Minister may allow, erect a building on the land in lessee or the person is the holder of a forest materials accordance with plans and specications approved by licence under the Forestry Act 1916, and has obtained the Council of the local government area. the special authority of the Minister to operate on 16. The lessee shall not erect or permit any person to erect the land, but the lessee may, with the approval of any buildings or extend any existing buildings on the Commissioner, take from the land such gravel, the land leased except in accordance with plans and stone, clay, shells or other material for building and specications approved by the Council of the local other purposes upon the land as may be required by Government area. the lessee. 17. The lessee shall ensure that the land leased is kept 27. The lessee shall comply with the provisions of the Clean in a neat and tidy condition to the satisfaction of the Waters Act 1970 particularly in relation to disposal of Commissioner and not permit refuse to accumulate tailwaters or waters, which may be contaminated with on the land. fertiliser, herbicide or pesticide or similar chemicals. NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 119 19 July 2002 OFFICIAL NOTICES 5483

APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR TO APPOINTMENT OF CORPORATION TO MANAGE MANAGE A RESERVE TRUST RESERVE TRUST PURSUANT to Section 117, Crown Lands Act, 1989, the PURSUANT to section 95 of the Crown Lands Act 1989, person specied in Column 1 of the Schedule hereunder the corporation specified in Column 1 of the Schedule is appointed as administrator for the term also specied in hereunder is appointed to manage the affairs of the reserve Column 1, of the reserve trust specied opposite thereto trust specied opposite thereto in Column 2, which is trustee in Column 2, which is trustee of the reserve referred to in of the reserve referred to in Column 3 of the Schedule. Column 3 of the Schedule. JOHN AQUILINA, M.P., JOHN AQUILINA, M.P., Minister for Land and Water Conservation Minister for Land and Water Conservation

SCHEDULE COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 SCHEDULE Cheryl Ann Krutli Broken Hill Dedication No. 630055 Racecourse Public Purpose: COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Board of Trustees Racecourse Broken Hill City Gladstone Park Dedication No. 1003428 Notied: 15 July 1949 Council Reserve Trust Public Purpose: Public File Reference: WL90R53 Recreation For a term commencing this day. Notied: 8 October 1898 File Reference: WL01R16 For a term commencing the date of this notice.

DISSOLUTION OF RESERVE TRUST PURSUANT to section 92(3) of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the reserve trust specied in Column 1 of the Schedule SCHEDULE hereunder, which was established in respect of the reserve COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 specied opposite thereto in Column 2 of the Schedule, Cobar Shire Euabalong Reserve No. 1003628 is dissolved. Council Recreation Public Purpose: Public JOHN AQUILINA, M.P., Reserve Trust Recreation Minister for Land and Water Conservation Notified:21June 2002 FileReference: WL02R19 For a term commencing this day. SCHEDULE COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 Broken Hill Arid Zone Reserve No. 230092 Study Area Reserve Trust Public Purpose: Environmental SCHEDULE Protection COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Heritage Purposes Broken Hill City Living Desert Reserve No. 230092 Public Recreation Council Reservc Trust Public Purpose: Notied: 7 October 1994 EnvironmentalProtection File Reference: WL94R8 HeritagePurposes PublicRecreation Notified:October7 1994 File Reference: WL94R8 ESTABLISHMENT OF RESERVE TRUST For a term commencing this day. PURSUANT to section 92(1) of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the reserve trust specied in Column 1 of the Schedule hereunder is established under the name stated in that Column and is appointed as trustee of the reserve specied opposite thereto in Column 2 of the Schedule. ERRATUM JOHN AQUILINA, M.P., Administration District — Walgett North Minister for Land and Water Conservation IN the notication appearing in the Government Gazette of 12 July 2002, Folio 5263 the reference to the alteration of purpose of Western Lands Leases to include Military SCHEDULE Exercise (Exercise Lightning Charge 02, 6 to 16 July 2002) COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 should be headed - “Alteration of Purpose Of A Western Living Desert Reserve Trust Reserve No. 230092 Lands Lease” and the first paragraph should read - “It Public Purpose: Environmental is hereby notied that in pursuance of the provisions of Protection section 18J Western Lands Act 1901, the purpose of the Heritage Purposes undermentioned Western Lands Leases have been altered Public Recreation as shown.” Notied: 7 October 1994 File Reference: WL94R8 File No. WL86A7. NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 119 5484 OFFICIAL NOTICES 19 July 2002

APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS OF LOCAL LAND BOARD IN pursuance of the provisions of the Western Lands Act 1901, the undermentioned persons have been appointed as members of the Local Land Board for the Administrative District particularised hereunder for terms commencing 1 January 2002 and expiring 31 December 2003. JOHN AQUILINA, MP, Minister for Land and Water Conservation

SCHEDULE Local Land Board Members Administrative District: Balranald Member Appointed: Lance Edward HOWLEY Administrative District: Bourke Member Appointed: Richard John OLDFIELD Administrative District: Brewarrina Member Appointed: Maurice Francis HAGERTY Administrative District: Broken Hill Members Appointed: Keith William ALLISON John GALL Administrative District: Cobar Members Appointed: Thomas James RUSSELL Peter Whineld BRADLEY Administrative District: Coomealla and Curlwaa Members Appointed: Howard Cyril Leonard JONES Ronald James KUHN Administrative District: Hillston Member Appointed: James McLaurin GRAHAM Administrative District: Milparinka Members Appointed: Richard Melville Kingsley CONNERS Frank Arthur NICHOLLS Administrative District: Walgett North Members Appointed: Peter WATERFORD Adrian NEWTON Administrative District: Wanaaring Member Appointed: Tom TAYLOR Administrative District: Wentworth Members Appointed: Alan John WHYTE William Geoffrey RODDA Administrative District: Wilcannia Member Appointed: Grayham Robert LECKIE Edward William DAVIES


GOULBURN OFFICE Department of Land and Water Conservation 159 Auburn Street (PO Box 748), Goulburn, NSW 2580 Phone: (02) 4828 6725 Fax: (02) 4828 6730

NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD ALTERATION OF CORPORATE NAME OF IN pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act, 1993, the RESERVE TRUST road hereunder described is closed and the land comprised PURSUANT to section 92(3) of the Crown Lands Act 1989, therein ceases to be public road and the rights of passage the corporate name of the reserve trust specied in Schedule and access that previously existed in relation to the road 1 hereunder, which is trustee of the reserve referred to are extinguished. in Schedule 2, is altered to the corporate name specied in Schedule 3. JOHN AQUILINA, M.P., JOHN AQUILINA, M.P., Minister for Land and Water Conservation Minister for Land and Water Conservation

Description SCHEDULE 1 SCHEDULE 1 THE Towrang Community Reserve Trust. Parish: Urialla County: Murray Land District: Queanbeyan SCHEDULE 2 LGA: Yarrowlumla Shire Council Reserve No. 130073 Lot: 1 DP: 1036479 (being land in CT Vol 13298 Fol 109) File Reference: GB 00 H 350.TC Public Purpose: Community Purposes Notied: 16 February 1996 Note: On closing, the title for the land in Lot 1 remains File Reference: GB93R50. vested in Yarrowlumla Shire Council as operational land. SCHEDULE 3 ESTABLISHMENT OF RESERVE TRUST Towrang Community Hall Reserve Trust. PURSUANT to section 92(1) of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the reserve trust specied in Column 1 of the Schedule NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD hereunder is established under the name stated in that IN pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act, 1993, the Column and is appointed as trustee of the reserve specied road hereunder described is closed and the land comprised opposite thereto in Column 2 of the Schedule. therein ceases to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation to the road JOHN AQUILINA, M.P., are extinguished. Minister for Land and Water Conservation John Aquilina, M.P., Minister for Land and Water Conservation SCHEDULE COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 Description Council Reserve No. 25016 SCHEDULE 1 Reserve Trust (R25016) Public Purpose: Pound Notied: 31 October 1896 Parish: Merigan File Reference: GB02R25 County: Murray land District: Braidwood LGA: Council APPOINTMENT OF CORPORATION TO MANAGE Lot: 3 DP: 1036527 (not being land under the Real RESERVE TRUST Property Act) PURSUANT to section 95 of the Crown Lands Act 1989, File Reference: GB 02 H 71.TC the corporation specified in Column 1 of the Schedule Note: On closing, the title for the land in Lot 3 remains hereunder is appointed to manage the affairs of the reserve vested in Tallaganda Shire Council as operational trust specied opposite thereto in Column 2, which is trustee land. of the reserve referred to in Column 3 of the Schedule. JOHN AQUILINA, M.P., SCHEDULE 2 Minister for Land and Water Conservation Parish: Mundoonen County: King Land District: Gunning SCHEDULE LGA: Council COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Lot: 106 DP: 870488 (being land in CT Vol 14127 Fol 230 Boorowa Council Boorowa Shire Reserve No. 25016 and Vol 7960 Fol 186) Council Reserve Public Purpose: Pound File Reference: GB 02 H 72.TC Trust (R25016) Notied: 31 October 1896 Note: On closing, the title for the land in Lot 106 remains FileReference: GB02R25 vested in Gunning Shire Council as operational For a term commencing the date of this notice. land. NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 119 5486 OFFICIAL NOTICES 19 July 2002

GRAFTON OFFICE Department of Land and Water Conservation 76 Victoria Street (Locked Bag 10), Grafton, NSW 2460 Phone: (02) 6640 2000 Fax: (02) 6640 2035

APPOINTMENT OF CORPORATION TO MANAGE APPOINTMENT OF TRUST BOARD MEMBERS RESERVE TRUST PURSUANT to section 93 of the Crown Lands Act 1989, PURSUANT to section 95 of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the persons whose names are specied in Column 1 of the the corporation specified in Column 1 of the Schedule Schedule hereunder are appointed, for the terms of ofce hereunder is appointed to manage the affairs of the reserve specied in that Column, as members of the trust board trust specied opposite thereto in Column 2, which is trustee for the reserve trust specied opposite thereto in Column of the reserves referred to in Column 3 of the Schedule. 2, which has been established and appointed as trustee of the reserve referred to opposite thereto in Column 3 JOHN AQUILINA, M.P., of the Schedule. Minister for Land and Water Conservation JOHN AQUILINA, M.P., Minister for Land and Water Conservation SCHEDULE 1 COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Coffs Harbour Woolgoolga Beach Reserve No. 63076 for the SCHEDULE City Council Reserve Trust public purpose of Public COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Recreation and Resting Lyn Lacey Red Rock Public Reserve No. 64746 Place notied in the (re-appointment) Recreation Public Purpose: Gazettes of 27 November Allan Murray Reserve Trust Resting Place 1931 and 23 October 1998; Wood Public Recreation and Reserve No. 72664 for (re-appointment) Notied: 14 September 1934 the public purpose of Gwyneth Austen File Reference: GF81R98. Public Recreation notied (re-appointment) in the Gazette of 2 April Dennis Burke 1948. (re-appointment) Torrens title identier: Greville John 276/726462, 277/726463, Bifn 236/752853, 7024/752853, (new member) 7025/752853, 7027/ Robyn Eleanor 752853, 7028/752853, Searle 7029/752853, 7031/ (new member) 752853, 7032/752853, Brian Dennis 7033/752853, 7034/ Taylor 752853, 7040/752853, (new member) 7041/752853, 15/3/59113 & 7021/752853 For a term commencing this day and expiring 18 July File No.: GF81R320 2007.

APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR TO MANAGE A RESERVE TRUST PURSUANT to Section 117, Crown Lands Act, 1989, the person specied in Column 1 of the Schedule hereunder is appointed as administrator for the term also specied in Column 1, of the reserve trust specied opposite thereto in Column 2, which is trustee of the reserve referred to in Column 3 of the Schedule. JOHN AQUILINA, M.P., Minister for Land and Water Conservation

SCHEDULE COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 John Adams Alumy Creek Reserve No. 140020 Reserve Trust Public Purpose: Public Recreation Museum Notied: 26 June 1987 File Reference: GF87R13 For a term commencing this day and expiring 17 January 2003.


MAITLAND OFFICE Department of Land and Water Conservation Newcastle Road (PO Box 6), East Maitland, NSW 2323 Phone: (02) 4934 2280 Fax: (02) 4934 2252

ASSESSMENT OF CROWN LAND UNDER PART 3 OF Description THE CROWN LANDS ACT 1989 AND CROWN Draft assessment of Crown land below the mean high LANDS REGULATION 2000 water mark of Tilligerry Creek, about 227 square metres, A draft assessment has been prepared for Crown land fronting Lot 7036 DP 92748, being Reserve 91595 for situated as described hereunder. Public Recreation, adjoining Island Caravan Village at Fenninghams Island. A licence application for waterfront Inspection of this draft assessment during normal business structures is being considered. hours may be made at the following listed Land Assessment Number 541. locations. File Number MD 02 H 63. Department of Land and Water Conservation (Maitland), Cnr Banks & Newcastle Road, East Maitland Port Stephens Council Pacic Highway Raymond Terrace Submissions in writing will be accepted by the Manager Resource Knowledge of the Newcastle Regional Ofce, 464 King Street, Newcastle until 4 p.m. on 16 August 2002. JOHN AQUILINA, M.P., Minister for Fair Trading, and Minister for Land and Water Conservation

MOREE OFFICE Department of Land and Water Conservation Frome Street (PO Box 388), Moree, NSW 2400 Phone: (02) 6752 5055 Fax: (02) 6752 1707

NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD IN pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the roads hereunder described are closed and the land comprised therein ceases to be public roads and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation to these roads are extinguished. JOHN AQUILINA, M.P., Minister for Land and Water Conservation

Description Land District — Narrabri; Council — Narrabri Lot 1 in D.P. 1039899, Parish Drildool, County Jamison (not being land under the Real Property Act). File Reference: ME00H262. Note: Upon closure, the land vests in the Crown as Crown land.


NOWRA OFFICE Department of Land and Water Conservation 64 North Street (PO Box 309), Nowra, NSW 2541 Phone: (02) 4423 0122 Fax: (02) 4423 3011

PLAN OF MANAGEMENT FOR CROWN RESERVES UNDER DIVISION 6 OF PART 5 OF THE CROWN LANDS ACT 1989 AND CROWN LANDS REGULATIONS 1995 A Draft Plan of Management has been prepared for the Crown Reserves described hereunder. The Draft Plan will be available for inspection during normal business hours until 16th August 2002 at the Nowra Office of the Department of Land And Water Conservation (64 North Street, Nowra); Eurobodalla Council Administration Ofce, Moruya; on Eurobodalla Council’s website at www.esc.nsw.gov.au; Eurobodalla Council Depots at Batemans Bay and Narooma; Visitor Information Centres at Batemans Bay and Narooma; Eurobodalla Council Libraries Batemans Bay, Moruya and Narooma; Batemans Bay Community Centre and Moruya Community Centre. Written submissions are invited from the public on the Draft Plan and should be sent to the Plans of Management Ofcer, Eurobodalla Shire Council, PO Box 99, MORUYA 2537 (Ref:95.9434) by 30th August 2002. JOHN AQUILINA, M.P., Minister for Land and Water Conservation

Description of Reserves Land District — Moruya; Shire — Eurobodalla; Parish — Moruya; County — Dampier Dedication D580020 dedicated for Public Recreation (Moruya Showground and part Moruya Golf Course). Reserve 96313 reserved for Public Recreation (part Moruya Golf Course). File No: NA80 R 146.


ORANGE OFFICE Department of Land and Water Conservation 92 Kite Street (PO Box 2146), Orange, NSW 2800 Phone: (02) 6393 4300 Fax: (02) 6362 3896

DISSOLUTION OF A RESERVE TRUST, SCHEDULE 2 ESTABLISHMENT OF A RESERVE TRUST AND COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 APPOINTMENT OF TRUST MANAGER Reserve 90724 Reserve 31946 Orange Civic Orange City Public Purpose: Public Purpose: Square Reserve Council PURSUANT to section 92(3) of the Crown Lands Act Site for Public Public Recreation Trust. 1989, the reserve trust, which is trustee of the reserves Buildings Notied: specied in Column 1 of the Schedule at the date hereof, Notied: 30 January 1901 is dissolved. 4 March 1977 Pursuant to section 92 (1) of the Crown Lands Act 1989, Reserve: 91403 the reserve trust specied in Column 3 of the schedule Public Purpose: hereunder is established under the name stated in that Tourist Information Centre Column and is appointed trustee of the reserves specied Notied: 30 March 1979 thereto in Column 1 and Column 2 of the Schedule. File Reference OE96A8/1. Pursuant to section 95(1) the Crown Lands Act 1989, the corporation specified in Column 4 of the Schedule ESTABLISHMENT OF A RESERVE TRUST AND hereunder is appointed to manage the affairs of the reserve APPOINTMENT OF TRUST MANAGER trust specied thereto in Column 3 which is trustee of the reserves referred to in Column 1 and 2. PURSUANT to section 92 (1) of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the reserve trust specied in Column 2 of the schedule hereunder is established under the name stated in that JOHN AQUILINA, M.P., Column and is appointed trustee of the reserves specied Minister for Land and Water Conservation thereto in Column 1 of the Schedule. Pursuant to section 95(1) of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the corporation specified in Column 3 of the Schedule hereunder is appointed to manage the affairs of the reserve trust specied thereto in Column 2 which is trustee of the SCHEDULE 1 reserves referred to in Column 1. COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 JOHN AQUILINA, M.P., Reserve 590059 Reserve 60570 Orange City Orange City Minister for Land and Water Conservation Public Purpose: Public Purpose: Parklands Council Public Recreation Public Recreation Reserve Trust. Notied: Notied: SCHEDULE 1 6 September 1899 6 July 1928 COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Reserve 73593 Reserve 190026 Public Purpose: Public Purpose: Reserve 590051 Cook Park Orange City Council Public Recreation Public Recreation Public Purpose: Reserve Trust. Notied: Notied: Public Recreation 7 July 1950. 30 January 1987 Notied: 17 June 1873 Reserve 89756 Reserve 590062 Public Purpose: Public Purpose: File Reference OE96A8/1. Public Recreation Public Recreation Notied: Notied: SCHEDULE 2 19 March 1976. 1 November 1929 Reserve 1002927 Reserve 1000495 COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Public Purpose: Public Purpose: Reserve 590052 Robertson Park Orange City Council Public Recreation Public Recreation Public Purpose: Reserve Trust. Notied: Notied: Public Recreation 14 April 2000 1 November 1940 Notied: 13 May 1887 Reserve 590056 Reserve 190035 Public Purpose: Public Purpose: File Reference OE96A8/1. Public Recreation Public Recreation Notied: Notied: 4 July 1896 3 July 1987 SCHEDULE 3 Reserve 190052 COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Public Purpose: Reserve 92631 Rie Range Orange City Council Public Recreation Public Purpose: Reserve Trust. Notied: Public Recreation 31 March 1988 Notied: 6 June 1980 File Reference OE96A8/1. File Reference OE96A8/1. NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 119 5490 OFFICIAL NOTICES 19 July 2002

DISSOLUTION OF A RESERVE TRUST, SCHEDULE 5 ESTABLISHMENT OF A RESERVE TRUST AND COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 APPOINTMENT OF TRUST MANAGER Reserve 97698 Orange Botanic Orange City Council PURSUANT to section 92(3) of the Crown Lands Act Public Purpose: Reserve Trust 1989, the reserve trust, which is trustee of the reserves Public Recreation specied in Column 1 of the Schedule at the date hereof, Notied: 22 February 1985 is dissolved. Pursuant to section 92 (1) of the Crown Lands Act 1989, File Reference OE96A8/1. the reserve trust specied in Column 2 of the schedule hereunder is established under the name stated in that Column and is appointed trustee of the reserves specied SCHEDULE 6 thereto in Column 1 of the Schedule. COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Pursuant to section 95(1) the Crown Lands Act 1989, Reserve 590060 Matthews Park Orange City Council the corporation specified in Column 3 of the Schedule Public Purpose: Reserve Trust hereunder is appointed to manage the affairs of the reserve Public Recreation trust specied thereto in Column 2 which is trustee of the Notied: reserves referred to in Column 1. 30 January 1901 File Reference OE96A8/1. JOHN AQUILINA, M.P., Minister for Land and Water Conservation SCHEDULE 7 COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 SCHEDULE 1 Reserve 86539 Sir Jack Brabham Orange City Council COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Public Purpose: Park Reserve Trust Reserve 590054 Wentworth Park Orange City Council Public Recreation Public Purpose: Reserve Trust Notied: Public Recreation 17 November 1967 Notied: 16 August 1890 File Reference OE96A8/1. File Reference OE96A8/1.

SCHEDULE 2 COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Reserve 590063 Health Clinic Orange City Council Public Purpose: Reserve Trust Baby Clinic Notied: 4 November 1938 File Reference OE96A8/1.

SCHEDULE 3 COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Reserve 60513 Moulder Park Orange City Council Public Purpose: Reserve Trust Public Recreation Notied: 15 June 1928 File Reference OE96A8/1.

SCHEDULE 4 COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Reserve 86665 Brandy Corner Orange City Council Public Purpose: Reserve Trust Public Recreation Notied: 22 March 1968


SYDNEY METROPOLITAN OFFICE Department of Land and Water Conservation Level 12, Macquarie Tower 10 Valentine Avenue, Parramatta NSW 2124 (PO Box 3935, Parramatta NSW 2124 Phone: (02) 9895 7657 Fax: (02) 9895 6227

NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF ROAD DECLARATION OF LAND TO BE CROWN LAND IN pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act, 1993, the PURSUANT to Section 138 of the Crown Lands Act, 1989, road hereunder specied is closed and the road ceases to the land described in the Schedule hereunder, is declared to be public road and the rights of passage and access that be Crown land within the meaning of that Act. previously existed in relation to the road are extinguished. JOHN AQUILINA, M.P., JOHN AQUILINA, M.P., Minister for Land and Water Conservation Minister for Land and Water Conservation

SCHEDULE Descriptions Land Vested in the State of New South Wales/Minister Land District — Picton; administering the Crown Lands Act, 1989. L.G.A. — Wollondilly Land District — Metropolitan; City — Hawkesbury/Penrith; Lot 1, D.P. 1036009 at Yanderra, Parish Bargo, County Parish — Ham Common and Castlereagh; Camden (not being land under the Real Property Act). County — Cumberland MN97H68. 38.69 hectares being Lot 3 D.P. 393015, Lot 90 D.P. Note: On closing, title for the land in lot 1 remains vested 786549, Lot 188 D.P. 803295, Lot 189 D.P. 803295 and Lot in the Crown. 1 D.P. 1040789 at Yarramundi. File No.: MN02R19. ADDITION TO RESERVED CROWN LAND Note: Right of carriageway (D.P. 1040789) and easement for services (D.P. 786549) are not extinguished by PURSUANT to Section 88 of the Crown Lands Act, 1989, this notication. the Crown land specied in Column 1 of the Schedule hereunder is added to the reserved land specied opposite thereto in Column 2 of the Schedule. JOHN AQUILINA, M.P., Minister for Land and Water Conservation

SCHEDULE COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 Land District: Metropolitan Reserve 1003168 for the purpose City: Hawkesbury/Penrith of Public Recreation and Parish: Ham Common and Environmental Protection Castlereagh notied 5 April 2002. County: Cumberland Locality: Yarramundi Lot 3 D.P. 393015, Lot 90 D.P. 786549, Lot 188 D.P. 803295, Lot 189 D.P. 803295 and Lot 1 D.P. 1040789 Area: 38.69 Hectares Torrens Title Folio Identiers: 3/393015, 90/786549, 188/803295, 189/803295 and 1/1040789 File No.: MN02R19


TAREE OFFICE Department of Land and Water Conservation 102-112 Victoria Street (PO Box 440), Taree, NSW 2430 Phone: (02) 6552 2788 Fax: (02) 6552 2816

RESERVATION OF CROWN LAND APPOINTMENT OF CORPORATION TO MANAGE RESERVE TRUST PURSUANt to section 87 of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the Crown land specied in Column 1 of the schedule hereunder PURSUANT to section 95 of the Crown Lands Act 1989, is reserved as specied opposite thereto in Column 2 of the corporation specified in Column 1 of the Schedule the Schedule. hereunder is appointed to manage the affairs of the reserve trust specied opposite thereto in Column 2, which is trustee JOHN AQUILINA, M.P., of the reserve referred to in Column 3 of the Schedule. Minister for Land and Water Conservation JOHN AQUILINA, M.P., Minister for Land and Water Conservation SCHEDULE COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 Land District: Taree Reserve No. 1003668 SCHEDULE Local Government Area: Public Purpose: COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Public Recreation Great Lakes Coomba Park (R1003668) Trust Locality: Coomba Park Environmental Protection Council Recreation Reserve No. 1003668 Lot Sec. D.P. No. Parish County Reserve Public Purpose: Public 24 753211 Wallingat Gloucester Recreation Area: 104.6ha Environmental Protection File Reference: TE02R48 Notied: This Day Notes: Reserve 97600 Public Recreation notied 30 File Reference: TE02R48 November 1984 revoked by this notice. For a term commencing 19 July 2002.

ESTABLISHMENT OF RESERVE TRUST ERRATUM PURSUANT to section 92(1) of the Crown Lands Act 1989, Appointment of Members of Local Land Boards the reserve trust specied in Column 1 of the Schedule hereunder is established under the name stated in that IN the notication appearing in the Government Gazette Column and is appointed as trustee of the reserve specied of 12 July 2002, folio 5271, No. 116 an error has been opposite thereto in Column 2 of the Schedule. made “Douglas WALKER and Peter Blax” JOHN AQUILINA, M.P., Minister for Land and Water Conservation this should have read “Peter Blaxland Douglas WALKER”

SCHEDULE this erratum amends that error. COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 Coomba Park Recreation Reserve No. 1003668 Reserve (R1003668) Trust Public Purpose: Public Recreation Environmental Protection Notied: This Day File Reference: TE02R48


WATER ACT 1912 lodged within the Department’s Natural Resource Project Officer at Buronga within twenty-eight (28) days as provided ORDER by the Act. THE Water Administration Ministerial Corporation hereby P. WINTON, declares that: Natural Resource Project Officer, (a) the Orders appearing in the Government Gazettes Murray Region on: Department of Land and Water Conservation, (i) 21 September 2001, on page 7947, and PO Box 363, 32 Enterprise Way, Buronga NSW 2739. (ii) 19 October 2001, on page 8671, are repealed. Telephone: (03) 5021 9400. (b) in accordance with paragraph (h) of the definition of “Work to which this Part extends” in section 5 (1) of the Water Act 1912, the works (or classes of works) set out in the Schedule to this Order are works WATER ACT 1912 to which Part 2 of that Act does not extend. APPLICATIONS under Part 2, within proclaimed (declared) (c) this Order ceases to have effect on 30 September local areas under section 5 (4) of the Water Act 1912. 2005. Applications for licences under section 10 for works (d) this Order also ceases to have effect prior to 30 within a proclaimed (declared) local area as generally September 2005, regarding works for which: described hereunder have been received from: (i) a licence or authority under Part 2 is granted before that date, or Macquarie River Valley (ii) the landholder has failed to comply with any of Steven John HARDING for a pump on Cunninghams the relevant terms and conditions set out in the Creek, easement within PT Lot 198, DP 755799, Parish of “NSW Water Amnesty Exemption Provisions” Warrangunia, County of Roxburgh, for water supply for as detailed on DLWC papers 0377706. stock and domestic purposes and to supply water for stock Signed for the Water Administration Ministerial Corporation. and domestic purposes to the occupiers of PT Lot 198, DP 755799 (new licence) (Reference: 80SL96043). BOB SMITH, Director General. Wayne Anthony SCHNEIDER and Donna Maree Department of Land and Water Conservation. SCHNEIDER for a pump on the Macquarie River, Lot 800, Dated: 11 July 2002. DP 1042419, Parish of Benelong, County of Gordon, for irrigation of 6 hectares (lucerne) (replacement licence) (Reference: 80SL96045). SCHEDULE Castlereagh River Valley The works (or classes of works) associated with the amnesty registrations under Part 2 of the Water Act listed Charles Robert NOY and Robyn Anne NOY for a pump on papers 0377706, held by the Department of Land and on the Castlereagh River, Lots 16 and 17, DP 753378, Parish Water Conservation at its Head Office. of Coonabarabran, County of Gowen, for irrigation of 0.83 hectares (lucerne, orchard and strawberries) (permanent transfer partly replacing an existing licence) (Reference: WATER ACT 1912 80SL96037). AN application under Part 2 of the Water Act 1912, being GA2: 306572. within a proclaimed (declared) local area under section 5 (4) of the Act. Any inquiries regarding the above should be directed to the undersigned (telephone: [02] 6884 2560). An application for a licence under section 10 of Part 2 of the Water Act 1912, have been received as follows: Written objections to the applications specifying Murray River Valley grounds thereof, may be made by any statutory authority or local occupier within the proclaimed local (declared) area TANDOU LIMITED for 1 pump on the Murray River at and must be lodged with the Departments Regional Office Gol Gol, Lot 2, DP 865438, Parish of Gol Gol, County of at Dubbo, within twenty-eight (28) days as prescribed by Wentworth for irrigation (replacement licence — due to the Act. permanent transfer of water entitlement — no increase in commitment to Murray River Storage’s) (Reference: MARK CAMPBELL, 60SL085381) (GA2:499525). A/Water Access Manager, Macquarie Written objections to the application specifying the grounds thereof may be made by any statutory authority or Department of Land and Water Conservation, local occupier within the proclaimed local area and must be PO Box 717, Dubbo, NSW 2830.



AN application for a licence under Part 5 of the Water Act Notice Under Section 224 and 225 of the Water 1912, as amended, have been received from: Management Act 2000 to Amend the Boundary of the Ulumbie Bore Water Trust District NEMAB PTY LIMITED for a new artesian bore, Lot 21, IT is hereby notified that following the construction of a DP 754248, Parish of Sussex, County of Leichhardt, for water new bore and the implementation of a piped reticulation supply for stock and domestic purposes and to supply water system from the new bore the amended boundary of the for stock and domestic purposes to the occupiers of Lots 1 Ulumbie Bore Water Trust District incorporates the following to 9, DP 258879; Lots 2, Pt 3, 4 to 6, 13, 14, 15, 20 to 24, DP land. 754258, in the Parish of Trielmon; Lots 11, 27, 34, 35, 40, 41, 66, 67 and Pt 30, DP 754195; Lots 32, 33, 42 and 43, Lots 711 Property: Duncan’s. to 713, DP 843607; Lots 1, 2 and 3, DP 790229; Lot 15, DP Area (ha): 1192. 881210, in the Parish of Colmia, all in the County of Portions: 15, 19/20, 30, 38, 43/45 and 47. Leichhardt (replacement licence) (Reference: 80BL239642). Parish: Ulambie. County: Baradine. GA2:306570. Property: Myall Park. Area (ha): 1821. Any inquiries regarding the above should be directed to Portion: 6. the undersigned (telephone: [02] 6884 2560). Parish: Euroka. Formal objections with grounds stating how your County: Leichhardt. interests may be affected must be lodged by the 16 August Property: Congewoi. 2002, as prescribed by the Act. Area (ha): 68. Portion: 85. MARK CAMPBELL, Parish: Merritombea. A/Water Access Manager, County: Baradine. Macquarie Property: Crossdale. Department of Land and Water Conservation, Area (ha): 823. PO Box 717, Dubbo, NSW 2830. Portions: 18, 49. Parish: Ulambie. County: Baradine. Portions: 57, 59, 72, 76, 78, 81, 90 and 103. Parish: Merritombea. WATER ACT 1912 County: Baradine. AN application under Part 8, being within a proclaimed Property: Llamgollen. (declared) local area under section 5 (4) of the Water Act Area (ha): 1072. 1912. Portion: 5. Parish: Euroka. An application for an approval of controlled works under County: Leichhardt. section 167, within the proclaimed (declared) local area Property: Narrella Park. described hereunder, have been received from: Area (ha): 105. Macquarie River Valley Portion: Pt 48. Parish: Merritombea. Alexander David RAMSAY for a levee on the Macquarie County: Baradine. River Floodplain, Lot 30, 31, 37 and 38, all in DP 753416, Property: Havelock. Parish of Marebone, County of Gregory, for the prevention Area (ha): 1896. of inundation of land by floodwaters and tailwater Portion: 2. management (new approval) (Reference: 80CW809649). Parish: Euroka. Any inquiries regarding the above should be directed to County: Leichhardt. the undersigned (telephone: [02] 6884 2560). Property: R.L.P.B. Area (ha): 770. Written objections to the application specifying grounds Portion: Crown Reserves. thereof, may be made by any statutory authority or local Parish: Euroka. occupier within the proclaimed local (declared) area and County: Leichhardt. must be lodged with the Departments Regional Office at Property: Mitchell’s. Dubbo, by 16 August 2002, as prescribed by the Act. Area (ha): 1672. Portions: 13/14, 16/17, 41/42, 46 and 48. MARK CAMPBELL, Parish: Merrtombea. A/Water Access Manager, County: Baradine. Macquarie Portions: 68/69. Department of Land and Water Conservation, Parish: Ulambie. PO Box 717, Dubbo, NSW 2830. County: Baradine.


Property: Fairlands. Property: Walgett Shire. Area (ha): 2189. Area (ha): 0.2. Portions: 11/12, 28/29, 31/32, 44/45, 82, 84, 87/88, 93, 95/96, Portion: Section 40. 98/99 and 114. Parish: Walgett. Parish: Merritombea. County: Baradine. County: Baradine. As form the publication of this notice the trust district Property: Karloo. boundary shall be deemed to be altered accordingly. Area (ha): 638. Portions: 27, 39, 43, 86 and 97. GA2:306571. Parish: Merritombea. County: Baradine. JOHN AQUILINA, Minister, Property: Claremont. Department of Land and Water Conservation Area (ha): 1919. Portions: 1, 10, 13/14. Parish: Euroka. County: Leichhardt. Property: Arizona. WATER ACT 1912 Area (ha): 220. Portion: Lot 3, DP873756. APPLICATIONS for a licences under Part 2 of the Water Parish: Euroka. Act 1912, being within a proclaimed (declared) local area County: Leichhardt. under section 5 (4) of the Act. Property: Gunadoo Old Town. Applications for licences under section 10 of Part 2 of Area (ha): 220. the Water Act 1912, has been received as follows: Portion: Lot 1, DP873756. Parish: Euroka. Lachlan River Valley County: Leichhardt. Peter Archibald LAIRD and Anne Meredyth LAIRD for Property: Common. a pump on Willandra Creek on Lot 5973, DP 762558, Parish Area (ha): 357. of Haines, County of Mossgiel, water supply for irrigation Portion: 51. of 81 hectares (new licence — combining existing Parish: Merritobea. entitlement with allocation purchased by way of permanent County: Baradine. transfer) (Reference: 70SL090811) (GA2:494435). Property: Campbell’s. Area (ha): 12. LAMPE FARMING (AUST) PTY LIMITED for a pump Portion: Lot 120, DP750291. on the Lachlan River on Lot 1, DP 112549, Parish of Parish: Merritobea. Huntawong, County of Nicholson, water supply for citrus County: Baradine. plantings and irrigation of 390.64 hectares and stock and domestic purposes (new licence — replacing existing Property: Willona. Area (ha): 67. authority and increase in allocation obtained by way of Portions: 109/110. permanent transfer) (Reference: 70SL090812) (GA2:494436). Parish: Merritobea. Phillip Mark BENNIE and Margaret Jane BENNIE for a County: Baradine. pump on the Lachlan River on Lot 1, DP 186664, Parish of Property: Woodleigh. Warroo, County of Gipps, for water supply for irrigation of Area (ha): 183. 78.16 hectares (lucerne) (new licence — increase in allocation Portions: 41, 107/108. by way of permanent transfer — amalgamation with existing Parish: Merritobea. entitlement) (Reference: 70SL090809) (GA2:494437). County: Baradine. Property: Bridgewater. Jock Harcourt COUPLAND and Katrina Mary Area (ha): 126. COUPLAND for a pump on the Lachlan River on Lot 10/ Portion: 83. 752353, Parish of Wardry, County of Dowling, for water Parish: Merritobea. supply for stock purposes and irrigation of 486 hectares County: Baradine. (new licence — replacing existing entitlement — no increase in allocation, increase in pumping capacity) (Reference: Property: Green Pastures. 70SL090807) (GA2:494438). Area (ha): 226. Portions: 6, 42 and 80. Claude William ROBINSON, Garry Thomas ROBINSON Parish: Merritobea. and James Samuel ROBINSON for 4 pumps on the Lachlan County: Baradine. River and Carrawabbity Creek on Lots 157, 158, 159, 160 and Property: Dowton’s. 162, DP 750146, Parish Carrawabbity, County Ashburnham, Area (ha): 41. for water supply for stock and domestic purposes and for Portion: 79. irrigation of 324.00 hectares (new licence — amalgamation Parish: Merritobea. of existing entitlements) (Reference: 70SL090808) County: Baradine. (GA2:494439).


AN application for an authority under Part 2 of the Water that from Thursday, 18 July 2002 and until further notice, Act 1912, being within a proclaimed (declared) local area the right to pump water from South Creek, Buckra Bendinni under section 5 (4) of the Act. Creek and their tributaries is SUSPENDED. An application for an authority under section 20 of Part This suspension excludes water supply for town water 2 of the Water Act 1912, has been received as follows: supply, stock, domestic and farming (fruit washing and dairy washdown) purposes. Lachlan River Valley Any person who contravenes the restrictions imposed CRANDELL PTY LIMITED for a pump on the Lachlan by this notice is guilty of an offence and is liable on River on Lot 137/752936, Parish of Cumbijowa, County of conviction to a penalty not exceeding: Forbes, for water supply for stock purposes and for irrigation of 407.33 hectares (new authority — increase in allocation, (a) where the offence was committed by a Corporation increase in pumping capacity, amalgamation of existing — 200 penalty units. entitlement) (Reference: 70SA009585) (GA2:494440). (b) where the offence was committed by any other Written objections specifying grounds thereof, may be person — 100 penalty units. made by any statutory authority or local occupier within One penalty unit = $110.00. the proclaimed local area whose interests may be effected, must be lodged with the Department within twenty-eight GA2:343353. (28) days of the date of this publication as prescribed by the Act. Dated this 18th day of July 2002. D. THOMAS, G. LOLLBACK, A/Senior Natural Resource Officer Resource Access Manager, North Coast Region, Department of Land and Water Conservation, Grafton Central West Region, PO Box 136, Forbes, NSW 2871. Telephone: (02) 6852 1222. WATER ACT 1912

WATER ACT 1912 Notice Under Section 22B — Pumping Restrictions AN application for a licence under Part 2 of the Water Act Hopping Dicks Creek, Oxley River, Tyalgum Creek, North 1912, being within a proclaimed (declared) local area under Pumpenbil Creek, South Pumpenbil Creek and their section 5 (4) of the Act. Tributaries An application for a licence under section 13A of Part 2 THE Department of Land and Water Conservation pursuant of the Water Act 1912, has been received as follows: to section 22B of the Water Act 1912, is satisfied that the quantity of water available in Hopping Dicks Creek, Oxley Lachlan River Valley River, Tyalgum Creek, North Pumpenbil Creek, South Pumpenbil Creek and their tributaries is insufficient to meet AUSTRALIAN RURAL GROUP PTY LIMITED, for a all requirements and hereby gives notice to all holders of pump on the Belubula River, on Lot 2, DP 750369, Parish of permits, authorities and licenses under Part 2 of the Act Carlton, County of Bathurst, for water supply for irrigation that from Saturday, 13 July 2002 and until further notice, the of 48.5 hectares and water supply for stock and domestic right to pump water from abovementioned watercourses and purposes (grape vines) (replacement of existing entitlement) their tributaries is RESTRICTED to a maximum of six hours (Reference: 70EL000402) (GA2:494434). in any twenty four hour period between the hours of 7 a.m. Written objections specifying grounds thereof, must be to 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. lodged with the Department within twenty-eight (28) days This restriction excludes water supply for town water of the date of this publication as prescribed by the Act. supply, stock, domestic and farming (fruit washing and dairy D. THOMAS, washdown) purposes. A/Senior Natural Resource Project Offficer Any person who contravenes the restrictions imposed Department of Land and Water Conservation, by this notice is guilty of an offence and is liable on Central Western Region, PO Box 136, Forbes, NSW 2871. conviction to a penalty not exceeding: Telephone: (02) 6852 1222. (a) where the offence was committed by a Corporation — 200 penalty units. WATER ACT 1912 (b) where the offence was committed by any other person — 100 penalty units. Notice Under Section 22B — Pumping Suspensions One penalty unit = $110.00. South Creek, Buckra Bendinni Creek and their Tributaries GA2:343352. THE Department of Land and Water Conservation pursuant to section 22B of the Water Act 1912, is satisfied that the Dated this 13th day of July 2002. quantity of water available in South Creek, Buckra Bendinni G. LOLLBACK, Creek and their tributaries is insufficient to meet all Resource Access Manager, requirements and hereby gives notice to all holders of North Coast Region, permits, authorities and licenses under Part 2 of the Act Grafton


WATER ACT 1912 Robert Oswald BROWN for a dam on an unnamed watercourse, Lot 1, DP 793559, Parish Murwillumbah, County Notice Under Section 22B — Pumping Restriction Rous, for conservation of water for stock purposes (new Tweed River, Rous River and their Tributaries licence) (Our Reference: 6130787) (GA2:343351). THE Department of Land and Water Conservation pursuant SWOOSTREET PTY LIMITED for a dam and a pump on to section 22B of the Water Act 1912, is satisfied that the an unnamed watercourse and a pump on Cobaki Creek, Lot quantity of water available in Tweed River, Rous River and 9, DP 711758, Parish Terranora, County Rous, for their tributaries is insufficient to meet all requirements and conservation of water and irrigation of 8 hectares (20 hereby gives notice to all holders of permits, authorities megalitres) (replacement application — relocation of pump and licences under Part 2 of the Act that from Wednesday, site, no increase in authorised area or allocation) (Our 17 July 2002 and until further notice, the right to pump water Reference: 6060266). from Tweed River, Rous River and their tributaries is Eric John DRAYTON and Jill Delores DRAYTON for a RESTRICTED to a maximum of six hours in any twenty four pump on Hastings River, Lot 5, DP 754442, Parish hour period between the hours of 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. and Pappinbarra, County Macquarie, for irrigation of 10 hectares 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. (15 megalitres) (new licence — entitlement by way of This restriction excludes water supply for town water permanent transfer) (Our Reference: 6129779) (GA2:343348). supply, stock, domestic and farming (fruit washing and dairy John Maxwell BALDWIN, Keith Owen BALDWIN and washdown) purposes. Ken William BALDWIN for a pump on Nambucca River, Lot Any person who contravenes the restrictions imposed 463, DP 710439, Parish Buckra Bendinni, County Raleigh, by this notice is guilty of an offence and is liable on for irrigation of 15.5 hectares (100 megalitres) (new licence conviction to a penalty not exceeding: — entitlement by way of permanent transfer) (Our Reference: 6130809) (GA2:343349). (a) where the offence was committed by a Corporation — 200 penalty units. Donald Thomas COOK for a cutting on an unnamed watercourse, Lot 6, DP 243060, Parish Ballina, County Rous, (b) where the offence was committed by any other to change the course of the unnamed watercourse (new person — 100 penalty units. licence) (Our Reference: 6130827) (GA2:343347). One penalty unit = $110.00. John Henry BURTON and Jewel Dawn BURTON for a GA2:343355. pump on an unnamed watercourse, Lot 8, DP 739871 and Pt Road North East, Lot 8, DP 739871, Parish Byron, County Dated this 17th day of July 2002. Rous, for irrigation of 70 hectares (replacement application G. LOLLBACK, to replace Joint Water Supply Authority, no increase in Resource Access Manager, authorised area or allocation) (Our Reference: 6076159). North Coast Region, Any enquiries regarding the above should be directed Grafton to the undersigned (telephone: [02] 6640 2000). Written objections specifying the grounds thereof must be lodged within twenty-eight (28) days of the date of this WATER ACT 1912 publication as prescribed by the Act. G. LOLLBACK, APPLICATIONS for licences under section 10 of the Water Resource Access Manager, Act 1912, as amended, have been received from: North Coast Region, Grafton Maurice William TARRANT and Linda Marion TARRANT for a pump on a cutting on Southgate Creek, Lots 3 and 11, DP 239792, Parish Southgate, County Clarence, WATER ACT 1912 for irrigation of 2 hectares (3 megalitres) (replacement application — relocation of pump site, no increase in AN application under Part 2 within a proclaimed (declared) authorised area or allocation) (Our Reference: 6003427) local area under section 5 (4) of the Water Act 1912. (GA2:343350). An application for a licence under section 10 for works Willem Johan VAN VLYMEN for a pump on Orara River within a proclaimed (declared) local area as generally and an off river storage both on Lot 165, DP 789434, Parish described hereunder has been received from: Qwyarigo, County Clarence, for conservation of water and Murrumbidgee Valley irrigation of 48 hectares (replacement application to replace part Joint Water Supply Authority, no increase in authorised William Thomas MARKEE for a pump on the Numeralla area or allocation) (Our Reference: 613085A). River, Lot 1, DP 849433, then by way of Easement to Lot 2, DP 849433, Parish of Numeralla, County of Beresford, for a Juan Antonio PAULE-FONT for a pump on an unnamed water supply for domestic purposes (new licence) watercourse Lot 92, DP 775063, Parish Qwyarigo, County (Reference: 40SL70807). Clarence for irrigation of 2 hectares (new licence — entitlement by way of permanent transfer) (Our Reference: Any enquiries regarding the above should be directed 6130878). to the undersigned (telephone: [02] 6953 0700).


Formal objections to the application specifying the of Combadello, all County of Courallie, for stock and grounds thereof, may be made by any statutory authority domestic purposes and irrigation of 313 hectares (to replace or a local occupier within the proclaimed area and must be existing entitlement by way of the permanent transfer of 29 lodged with the Department at Leeton within the twenty- megalitres) (Reference: 90SL100608) (GA2:493733). eight (28) days as fixed by the Act. Written objections to the application specifying the S. F. WEBB, grounds thereof may be made by any statutory authority or Resource Access Manager, local occupier within the proclaimed (declared) area, whose Murrumbidgee Region interest may be affected and must be lodged with the Department’s Manager, Resource Access, Tamworth within Department of Land and Water Conservation, twenty-eight (28) days as specified in the Act. PO Box 156, Leeton, NSW 2705. GEOFF CAMERON, Manager, WATER ACT 1912 Resource Access APPLICATIONS for licences under the section 10 of Part 2 Department of Land and Water Conservation, of the Water Act 1912, as amended, has been received as P O Box 550, Tamworth, NSW 2340. follows: WYNDHAM AREA COMMITTEE for a dam and pump on an unnamed watercourse being 345//723421, Parish of WATER ACT 1912 Wyndham, County of Auckland, for the conservation of water and water supply for recreation purposes (playing AN application under Part 8, being within a proclaimed fields) (new licence) (Reference: 10SL56416) (GA2:509144). (declared) local area under section 5 (4) of the Water Act Peter James MOTBEY for a pump on the Tuross River 1912. being 14//752156, Parish of Nerrigundah, County of Dampier, An application for approval of a controlled work under for farming purposes (dairy washdown) and the irrigation section 167 within the proclaimed (declared) local area of 5.0 hectares (additional licence) (Reference: 10SL56445) described hereunder has been received as follows: (GA2:493040). Gwydir River Valley Written objections specifying grounds thereof must be lodged with the Department within twenty-eight (28) days Richard John KIRKBY, William Arthur KIRKBY and Mark of the date of this publication as prescribed by the Act. KIRKBY for controlled works in association with irrigation supply channels and drains on the Lower Gwydir Valley WAYNE CONNERS, Floodplain on Lot 1/34549, Lot 1/34550, Lot 7/811987 and A/Natural Resource Project Officer, Road, Parish of Carore, County of Courallie, on the property Sydney/South Coast Region known as “Tarcoola North” for prevention of inundation of land (Reference: 90CW810648) (Re-advertised due to Department of Land and Water Conservation, PO Box 3935, Parramatta, NSW 2124. incomplete land description in previous notice) (GA2:493734). Written objections to the application specifying the WATER ACT 1912 grounds thereof may be made by any statutory authority or local occupier within the proclaimed area, whose interest AN application under Part 2, being within a proclaimed may be affected must be lodged with the Department’s (declared) local area under section 10 of the Water Act 1912, Resource Access Manager at Tamworth by 16 August 2002. as amended. Plans showing the location of the works referred to in An application for a licence within a proclaimed local the above application may be viewed at the Moree office of area as generally described hereunder has been received as the Department of Land and Water Conservation. follows: GEOFF CAMERON, Gwydir River Valley Manager, William John SEERY and Ada SEERY for 2 pumps on the Resource Access Mehi River on Lot 22/751792, Parish of Wallanoll, and a Department of Land and Water Conservation, diversion pipe on Tycannah Creek on Lot 1/930112, Parish PO Box 550, Tamworth, NSW 2340.

NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 119 19 July 2002 OFFICIAL NOTICES 5499 Department of Mineral Resources

SUBORDINATE LEGISLATION ACT 1989 (T01-0208) Proposed Petroleum (Onshore) Regulation No. 1826, now Exploration Licence No. 5961, PEEJAY NOMINEES PTY LTD (ACN 000 032 628), County of Gordon, NOTICE regarding proposals to make statutory rules are Map Sheet (8632), area of 3 units, for Group 1 and Group 2, required to be published in the Government Gazette under dated 4 July 2002, for a term until 3 July 2004. section 5 of the Subordinate Legislation Act 1989. (T01-0230) It is proposed to make the Petroleum (Onshore) No. 1845, now Exploration Licence No. 5952, Regulation 2002. This Regulation will replace the 1997 AUSTEXPLORATION PTY LTD (ACN 099 123 501), County regulation of the same name. of Wellington, Map Sheet (8732), area of 70 units, for Group Public submissions are concurrently being sought 1, dated 17 June 2002, for a term until 16 June 2004. As a through newspaper advertisement. The Regulatory Impact result of the grant of this title, Exploration Licence No. 4003 Statement can be obtained by contacting the NSW has ceased to have effect. Department of Mineral Resources on (02) 9901 8758 and is (T02-0013) also available online at http://www.minerals.nsw.gov.au. No. 1858, now Exploration Licence No. 5954, GEMSTAR Written submissions should be sent to the NSW DIAMONDS LIMITED (ACN 097302675), Counties of Department of Mineral Resources Policy and Legislative Roxburgh and Wellington, Map Sheet (8831, 8832), area of Review Branch, PO Box 536, St Leonards, New South Wales 89 units, for Group 6, dated 18 June 2002, for a term until 1590. Submissions will be accepted until close of business 17 June 2004. 9 August 2002. (T02-0023) No. 1867, now Exploration Licence No. 5962, LIMESTONE MINING LIMITED (ACN 089 190 198), SUBORDINATE LEGISLATION ACT 1989 Counties of Gordon and Lincoln, Map Sheet (8633), area of 9 units, for Group 2, dated 4 July 2002, for a term until 3 July Proposed Mine Subsidence Compensation Regulation 2004. NOTICE regarding proposals to make statutory rules are EDWARD OBEID, M.L.C., required to be published in the Government Gazette under Minister for Mineral Resources section 5 of the Subordinate Legislation Act 1989. It is proposed to make the Mine Subsidence Compensation Regulation 2002. This Regulation will replace the 1997 regulation of the same name. NOTICE is given that the following application has been withdrawn: Public submissions are concurrently being sought through newspaper advertisement. The Regulatory Impact EXPLORATION LICENCE APPLICATION Statement can be obtained by contacting the NSW (T02-0358) Department of Mineral Resources on (02) 9901 8758 and is No. 1938, THE AUSTRALIAN LAND COMPANY PTY also available online at http://www.minerals.nsw.gov.au. LTD (ACN 009 617 350), County of Bathurst, Map Sheet Written submissions should be sent to the NSW (8731). Withdrawal took effect on 8 July 2002. Department of Mineral Resources Policy and Legislative EDWARD OBEID, M.L.C., Review Branch, PO Box 536, St Leonards, New South Wales Minister for Mineral Resources 1590. Submissions will be accepted until close of business 9 August 2002.

NOTICE is given that the following applications for renewal have been received: NOTICE is given that the following applications have been granted: (M80-2160) EXPLORATION LICENCE APPLICATIONS Authorisation No. 230, DEPARTMENT OF MINERAL RESOURCES, area of 340 square kilometres. Application for (T01-0114) renewal received 3 July 2002. No. 1755, now Exploration Licence No. 5933, PEAK GOLD MINES PTY LIMITED (ACN 001 533 777), County of (T91-0589) Robinson, Map Sheet (8034, 8035), area of 95 units, for Group Exploration Licence No. 4403, ROBERT JOHN FRASER, 1, dated 17 April 2002, for a term until 16 April 2004. As a area of 1 unit. Application for renewal received 8 July 2002. result of the grant of this title, Exploration Licence No. 3632, Exploration Licence No. 4523, Exploration Licence No. 5006 (T91-0590) and Exploration Licence No. 5742, have ceased to have Exploration Licence No. 4404, IAN PHILIP PRITCHETT, effect. area of 1 unit. Application for renewal received 8 July 2002.


(T91-0591) CANCELLATION OF AUTHORITIES AT REQUEST OF Exploration Licence No. 4405, RUSSELL ROBERTS, area HOLDERS of 1 unit. Application for renewal received 8 July 2002. NOTICE is given that the following authorities have been (T00-0058) cancelled: Exploration Licence No. 5763, TELMINEX NL (ACN 003 (T96-1266) 309 911), area of 17 units. Application for renewal received Mineral Claim No. 222 (Act 1992), PRESALA PTY LTD 12 July 2002. (ACN 003 171 926), Parish of Glen Innes, County of Gough, (T02-0263) Map Sheet (9238-3-N), area of 2 hectares. Cancellation took effect on 9 July 2002. Mineral Lease No. 5836 (Act 1906), PINNACLE MINES PTY LTD (ACN 000 289 627), area of 32.17 hectares. (T96-1267) Application for renewal received 8 July 2002. Mineral Claim No. 223 (Act 1992), PRESALA PTY LTD EDWARD OBEID, M.L.C., (ACN 003 171 926), Parish of Glen Innes, County of Gough, Minister for Mineral Resources Map Sheet (9238-3-N), area of 2 hectares. Cancellation took effect on 9 July 2002. (T84-0913) REFUSAL OF APPLICATIONS FOR RENEWAL Mining Lease No. 1162 (Act 1973), YASMIN ANNE NOTICE is given that the applications for renewal in respect DULLAWAY, Parish of Huntley, County of Bathurst, Map of the following authorities have been refused: Sheet (8731-3-N), area of 15.98 hectares. Cancellation took effect on 28 June 2002. (T99-0077) Exploration Licence No. 5640, RIMFIRE PACIFIC (T93-0446) MINING NL (ACN 006 911 744), County of Courallie, Map Mining Purposes Lease No. 514 (Act 1906), BORAL Sheet (8938), area of 5 units. The authority ceased to have LIMITED (ACN 008 421 761), Parish of Clandulla, County effect on 9 July 2002. of Roxburgh and Parish of Hearne, County of Roxburgh, Map Sheet (8831-1-N, 8832-2-S), area of 1.86 hectares. (T99-0192) Cancellation took effect on 28 June 2002. Exploration Licence No. 5708, PASMINCO AUSTRALIA LIMITED (ACN 004 074 962), County of Yancowinna, Map EDWARD OBEID, M.L.C., Sheet (7134), area of 14 units. The authority ceased to have Minister for Mineral Resources effect on 8 July 2002. EDWARD OBEID, M.L.C., Minister for Mineral Resources

WITHDRAWAL OF APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL NOTICE is given that the application for renewal in respect of the following authority has been withdrawn: (T94-0442) Mining Lease No. 68 (Act 1973), RAYMOND REX LEE, Parish of Buckley, County of Arrawatta and Parish of Vivier, County of Arrawatta, Map Sheet (9138-1-N), area of 2.09 hectares. The authority ceased to have effect on 1 July 2002. EDWARD OBEID, M.L.C., Minister for Mineral Resources

NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 119 19 July 2002 OFFICIAL NOTICES 5501 Department of Planning

Mosman Local Environmental Plan 1998 (Amendment No 9)— Acid Sulfate Soils and Wetlands

under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979

I, the Minister for Planning, make the following local environmental plan under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. (S01/01208/S69)

ANDREW REFSHAUGE, M.P., Minister forfor Planning Planning

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Clause 1 Mosman Local Environmental Plan 1998 (Amendment No 9)—Acid Sulfate Soils and Wetlands

Mosman Local Environmental Plan 1998 (Amendment No 9)—Acid Sulfate Soils and Wetlands

1Nameofplan This plan is Mosman Local Environmental Plan 1998 (Amendment No 9)—Acid Sulfate Soils and Wetlands.

2 Aims of plan This plan aims: (a) to update a reference to a development control plan that has been amended, and (b) to avoid any potential environmental hazard in relation to acid sulfate soils, and (c) to protect wetland areas from inappropriate development in and around wetland areas, and (d) to provide planning controls and procedures to prevent or regulate, or prevent and regulate, development that has the potential to disturb acid sulfate soils or to have an environmental impact on wetland areas.

3 Land to which plan applies (1) To the extent that this plan deals with exempt and complying development and acid sulfate soil, it applies to all land in the Mosman local government area. (2) To the extent that this plan deals with wetlands and the foreshore protection map, it applies to land within the Mosman local government area identified on the maps marked “Mosman Local Environmental Plan 1998—Foreshore Protection Map” and “Wetlands”, deposited in the office of Mosman Municipal Council.

4 Amendment of Mosman Local Environmental Plan 1998 Mosman Local Environmental Plan 1998 is amended as set out in Schedule 1.

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Mosman Local Environmental Plan 1998 (Amendment No 9)—Acid Sulfate Soils and Wetlands

Amendments Schedule 1

Schedule 1 Amendments

(Clause 4)

[1] Clause 10A What is exempt and complying development? Insert “and amended on 12 February2002” after “1999” wherever occurring in clause 10A (1)–(3).

[2] Clause 31A Insert after clause 31:

31A Acid sulfate soils (1) The objectives of this clause are: (a) to minimize disturbance to acid sulfate soils in Mosman so as to avoid any potential environmental hazard, and (b) to require development consent for works that would disturb soils or ground water levels in localities identified as having acid sulfate soils, and (c) to require the special assessment of certain development of land identified as being subject to risks associated with the disturbance of acid sulfate soils. (2) A person must not, without the consent of the Council, carry out the following works on or under land identified on the foreshore protection map: (a) as being within an acid sulfate soil area—works beyond 1 metre below the existing ground surface or involving the disturbance of more than 1 tonne of soil (such as occurs in carrying out the construction or maintenance of drains, dredging, the construction of artificial waterbodies includingdetention basins, the construction of underground structures including basement carparks, the construction of foundations or flood mitigation works) or both, or (b) as being within a buffer area—works involving excavation below 1m AHD, or

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Mosman Local Environmental Plan 1998 (Amendment No 9)—Acid Sulfate Soils and Wetlands

Schedule 1 Amendments

(c) in relation to any land identified on the foreshore protection map—works that are likely to lower the ground water table, regardless of how much soil is to be disturbed. (3) Despite subclause (2), development consent is not required for the carrying out of such works if: (a) a copy of a preliminary assessment of the proposed works undertaken in accordance with the Acid Sulfate Soils Assessment Guidelines has been given to the Council, and (b) the Council has provided written advice to the person proposing to carry out the works confirming that the results of the preliminary assessment indicate that the proposed works need not be carried out pursuant to an acid sulfate soils management plan prepared in accordance with the Acid Sulfate Soils Assessment Guidelines. (4) The Council must not grant a consent required by this clause unless the Council has considered: (a) the adequacy of an acid sulfate soils management plan prepared for the proposed development in accordance with the Acid Sulfate Soils Assessment Guidelines,and (b) the likelihood of the proposed development resulting in the discharge of acid water, and (c) any comments received from the Department of Land and Water Conservation within 40 days of the Council having sent that Department a copy of the development application and of the related acid sulfate soils management plan. (5) This clause requires consent for development to be carried out by a public authority, despite clause 10 (1) (a). However, despite subclause (2) of this clause, consent is not required for a public authority to carry out development for the purposes of: (a) emergency work, or (b) routine maintenance, or (c) minor excavation work.

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Mosman Local Environmental Plan 1998 (Amendment No 9)—Acid Sulfate Soils and Wetlands

Amendments Schedule 1

(6) Despite subclause (2), the following development may be carried out by the Council without development consent: (a) the installation of stormwater quality improvement devices and drainage works, and (b) any work ancillary to that development, such as the construction of accessways, the provision of power, water and sewerage supplies, and landscape works. (7) If the Council carries out work referred to in subclause (6) and is reasonably likely to encounter acid sulfate soils in carrying out that work, the Council: (a) must conduct a preliminary assessment of the proposed works in accordance with the Acid Sulfate Soils Assessment Guidelines so as to minimise the actual or potential impact to the environment arising from the disturbance of the soils, and (b) must implement reasonable measures to minimise that impact.

31B Wetlands (1) The objectives of this clause are: (a) to protect Mosman’s wetlands from inappropriate development by preventing or regulating, or preventing and regulating, development that has the potential to fragment, pollute, disturb or diminish the value of the wetlands, and (b) to protect, restore and maintain ecological processes, natural systems and biodiversity within the wetlands, and (c) to improve, maintain and restore the quality of water within the wetlands and water entering the wetlands so as to ensure that wetland values and natural ecological functions are not diminished. (2) This clause applies to land within the Mosman local government area identified as “Wetlands” or “Wetlands buffer” on the map marked “Wetlands” drawn by SPH in May 2001.

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Mosman Local Environmental Plan 1998 (Amendment No 9)—Acid Sulfate Soils and Wetlands

Schedule 1 Amendments

(3) The Council must not consent to the carrying out of works on land to which this clause applies that have the potential to fragment, pollute, disturb or diminish wetland values, unless the Council: (a) has made an assessment of the predicted environmental impacts of the proposed works and proposed measures for mitigation, and (b) has considered the relevant objectives and requirements of: (i) Sydney Regional Environmental Plan No 23—Sydney and Middle Harbours,and (ii) any relevant policies and guidelines published from time to time by NSW Fisheries. (4) If, after making an assessment, the Council considers the proposed development will have either a direct or indirect adverse impact on land to which this clause applies identified as wetland areas or wetland buffer areas, the Council may refuse to consent to the proposed development. (5) Despite subclauses (3) and (4), the following development may be carried out by the Council without development consent: (a) the installation of stormwater quality improvement devices and drainage works, or (b) any work ancillary to that development, such as the carrying out of minor excavation work, the construction of accessways, the provision of power, water and sewerage supplies, and landscape works. (6) If the Council plans to carry out work referred to in subclause (5), the Council: (a) must have regard to the predicted environmental impact of the work on land to which this clause applies identified as wetland areas, and (b) must implement reasonable measures for mitigation of that impact, such as suitable erosion and sediment controls. (7) The requirements imposed by this clause apply to development to be carried out by a public authority, despite clause 10 (1) (a).

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Mosman Local Environmental Plan 1998 (Amendment No 9)—Acid Sulfate Soils and Wetlands

Amendments Schedule 1

However, the requirements do not apply to a public authority carrying out development for the purposes of: (a) emergency work, or (b) routine maintenance, or (c) minor excavation work.

[3] Schedule 1 Definitions Insert in alphabetical order: acid sulfate soils means actual acid sulfate soils and potential acid sulfate soils, as defined in the Acid Sulfate Soils Assessment Guidelines. Acid Sulfate Soils Assessment Guidelines means the Acid Sulfate Soils Assessment Guidelines published by the NSW Acid Sulfate Soils Management Advisory Committee and adopted for the time being by the Director-General. actual acid sulfate soils means soils: (a) containing highly acidic soil horizons or layers resulting from the aeration of soil materials that are rich in iron sulfides, and (b) the soil material of which has a pH of 4 or less when measured in dry season conditions. emergency work means the repair or replacement of any part of existing public works due to damage by natural disaster, accident, vandalism or malfunction, and includes work reasonably necessary to prevent or limit any further damage or malfunction. minor excavation work means new work carried out by a public authority that does not disturb soil more than one metre below the existing ground level, such as the provision of surface irrigation for landscaping. potential acid sulfate soils means soils: (a) that are waterlogged and contain iron sulfides or sulfidic material that has not been exposed to air and oxidised, and (b) that have a pH of 4 or more, and

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Mosman Local Environmental Plan 1998 (Amendment No 9)—Acid Sulfate Soils and Wetlands

Schedule 1 Amendments

(c) that will become severely acidic when exposed to air and oxidised. routine maintenance means the periodic inspection, cleaning, repair and replacement of existing public works, but does not include work that would result in an increase in the design capacity of any part of the works or necessitate the deepening of any existing works below the existing ground level. stormwater quality improvement device means a device designed to capture pollutants. water table means the level below which the ground is saturated.

[4] Schedule 1, definition of “foreshore protection map” Omit the definition. Insert instead: foreshore protection map means the map marked “Mosman Local Environmental Plan 1998 (Amendment No 9)—Foreshore Protection Map”, as amended by the maps, or sheets of maps, marked as follows:

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ROADS ACT 1993 Section 10 Notice of Dedication of Land as Public Road at Kangaroo Valley in the Shoalhaven City Council area THE Roads and Trafc Authority of New South Wales dedicates the land described in the schedule below as public road under section 10 of the Roads Act 1993. D. J. LORSCHY, Manager, Statutory Processes, Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales.

SCHEDULE All those pieces or parcels of land situated in the Shoalhaven City Council area, Parish of Bugong and County of Camden, shown as Lots 9 to 12 inclusive Deposited Plan 264336. (RTA Papers: 404.1322).


SEWER MAINS Subject to the provisions of the Sydney Water Act 1994, the owners of all lands being identified properties SYDNEY WATER on the plans will be liable for payment of sewerage service charges on and from the date of publication of Sewer Mains this notice. NOTICE is hereby given that sewer mains as described VICKI MAWBY, below and shown on plans which may be inspected at Developer Activity Officer, the Office shown below and at the Head Office of Blacktown. Sydney Water Corporation, have been laid and are Dated: 12 July 2002. available for connections. Notice is also given that, in the opinion of Sydney SYDNEY WATER Water, for the identified properties on the plans, it is reasonably practical for sewerage to be discharged. Sewer Mains BAULKHAM HILLS SHIRE OF, at CASTLE HILL: Notice is hereby given that sewer mains as described below and shown on plans which may be inspected at Contract No. 974407S0. Project No. 3002498. Lines the Office shown below and at the Head Office of 1 to 10 inclusive and their appurtenant junctions, Sydney Water Corporation, have been laid and are sidelines and inlets serving proposed roads off available for connections. FRANCIS STREET. NOTICE is also given that, in the opinion of Sydney BAULKHAM HILLS SHIRE OF, at CASTLE HILL: Water, for the identified properties on the plans, it is Contract No. 968352S9. Project No. 3002049. Lines reasonably practicable for sewage to be discharged. 1 to 13 inclusive and their appurtenant junctions, sidelines and inlets serving NINETTE PLACE, CITY/MUNICIPALITY OF PARRAMATTA, AT LUCETTE PLACE, BORDEAUX WAY, ST PAULS PARRAMATTA. Contract Number 972303S5, Project DRIVE and VICTORIA ROAD. Number 3002156. Line 2, inclusive and its appurtenant junctions, sidelines and inlets serving BAULKHAM HILLS SHIRE OF, at KELLYVILLE: HASSALL STREET. Contract No. 974474S3. Project No. 3002518. Lines CITY/MUNICIPALITY OF PARRAMATTA, AT 1 to 10, property connection 1 to 2 inclusive and PARRAMATTA.Contract Number 975445SA, Project their appurtenant junctions, sidelines and inlets Number 3002621. Line 1 to line 2, inclusive and their serving BOTTLE BRUSH AVENUE, SOFTWOOD appurtenant junctions, sidelines and inlets serving AVENUE and BRAMPTON ROAD. GEORGE STREET. BAULKHAM HILLS SHIRE OF, at KELLYVILLE: CITY/MUNICIPALITY OF PARRAMATTA, AT Contract No. 975056S5. Project No. 3002738. Lines NORTHMEAD. Contract Number 974265S0, Project 1 to 7 inclusive and their appurtenant junctions, Number 3002583. Line 1 to line 2 and sideline 1, sidelines and inlets serving HAYES AVENUE, inclusive and their appurtnant junctions, sidelines AVIGNON PLACE and SEYMOUR WAY. and inlets serving REDBANK ROAD. BLACKTOWN CITY OF, at PARKLEA: Contract No. CITY/MUNICIPALITY OF HORNSBY, AT HORNSBY 968439S3. Project No. 3002537. Lines 1 to 5 HEIGHTS. Contract Number 960058S2, Project inclusive and their appurtenant junctions, sidelines Number 353299. Sideline 1, inclusive and its and inlets serving CLEMENTINE STREET, SENTRY appurtenant junctions, sidelines and inlets serving DRIVE, BLACKBUTT STREET and SATIN ASH SYDNEY ROAD. STREET. CITY/MUNICIPALITY OF HORNSBY, AT PENNANT BLACKTOWN CITY OF, at KELLYVILLE: Contract No. HILLS. Contract Number 975782S4, Project Number 975056S5. Project No. 3002738. Lines 1 to 7 3002569. Line 1 to line 3, property connection sewer inclusive and their appurtenant junctions, sidelines line 1 to property connection sewer line 3 and MH and inlets serving HAYES AVENUE, AVIGNON PLACE 1 inclusive and their appurtenant junctions, sidelines and SEYMOUR WAY. and inlets serving GEORGE STREET. HOLROYD CITY OF, at PARRAMATTA: Contract No. CITY/MUNICIPALITY OF LANE COVE, AT LANE 977768S2. Project No. 3003050. Line 1 inclusive and COVE. Contract Number 975853SA, Project Number 3002898. Line 1, inclusive and its appurtenant its appurtenant junctions, sidelines and inlets serving junctions, sidelines and inlets serving MARS ROAD. RAILWAY STREET. CITY/MUNICIPALITY OF LANE COVE, AT LANE BANKSTOWN CITY OF, at PICNIC POINT: Contract COVE. Contract Number 978366S8, Project Number No. 960727S4. Project No. 371906. Lines 1 to 4 3003078. Property connection sewer line 1, inclusive inclusive and their appurtenant junctions, sidelines and its appurtenant junctions, sidelines and inlets and inlets serving VALMAY AVENUE and ROAD No. 1. serving OSBORNE ROAD.


CITY/MUNICIPALITY OF WARRINGAH, AT BELROSE. BAULKHAM HILLS SHIRE OF, at KELLYVILLE: Contract Number 974122S2, Project Number Contract No. 974474W7. Project No. 7000202. 3002381. Line 1 to line 9, inclusive and their Recycled water mains are now laid and capable of appurtenant junctions, sidelines and inlets serving serving identified properties at BOTTLE BRUSH PERENTIE ROAD AND LORD STREET. AVENUE and SOFTWOOD AVENUE. CITY/MUNICIPALITY OF WARRINGAH, AT Subject to the provisions of the Sydney Water Act COLLAROY. Contract Number 974258S9, Project 1994, the owners of all lands being identified properties Number 3002607. Line 1, inclusive and its on the plans will be liable for payment of sewerage appurtenant junctions, sidelines and inlets serving service charges on and from the date of publication of PARKES ROAD. this notice. CITY/MUNICIPALITY OF RYDE, AT RYDE. Contract VICKI MAWBY, Number 974318S4, Project Number 3002406. Line 1, Developer Activity Officer, inclusive and its appurtenant junctions, sidelines and Blacktown. inlets serving AEOLUS AVENUE. Dated: 12 July 2002. CITY/MUNICIPALITY OF RYDE, AT MARSFIELD. Contract Number 965343S8, Project Number SYDNEY WATER 3001527. Line 1, inclusive and its appurtenant junctions, sidelines and inlets serving KENT ROAD. Watermains CITY/MUNICIPALITY OF WILLOUGHBY, AT NOTICE is hereby given that watermains as described ARTARMON. Contract Number 970084S9, Project below and shown on plans which Number 3001928. Line 1, inclusive and its appurtenant junctions, sidelines and inlets serving may be inspected at the Regional Office shown below MUTTAMA ROAD. and at the Head Office of Sydney Water Corporation, have been laid and are available for connections. CITY/MUNICIPALITY OF MANLY, AT SEAFORTH. Contract Number 975348S6, Project Number NOTICE is also given that, in the opinion of Sydney 3002492. Line 1 to line 6, inclusive and their Water, for the identified properties on the plans, it is appurtenant junctions, sidelines and inlets serving reasonably practicable for water to be supplied. CLONTARF STREET, FAIRVIEW PLACE, AINSLEE CITY/MUNICIPALITY OF PARRAMATTA, AT PLACE AND FROMELLES AVENUE. NORTHMEAD.Contract Number 974265W4, Project Subject to the provisions of the Sydney Water Act Number 1001373. Water mains are now laid and 1994, the owners of all lands being the identified capable of serving identified properties off BRIENS properties on the plans will be liable for payment of ROAD. sewage charges on and from the date of this publication CITY/MUNICIPALITY OF PARRAMATTA, AT of this notice. PARRAMATTA.Contract Number 972303W9, Project Number 1001154. Water mains are now laid and MARTHA AMADOR, capable of serving identified properties off HASSALL Developer Activity Officer STREET. Chatswood Sydney, 19th July 2002 CITY/MUNICIPALITY OF WARRINGAH, AT BELROSE.Contract Number 974122W6, Project WATER MAINS Number 1001060. Water mains are now laid and capable of serving identified properties off PERENTIE SYDNEY WATER ROAD, LORD STREET AND DAWES ROAD. Water Mains CITY/MUNICIPALITY OF WILLOUGHBY, AT ARTARMON.Contract Number 970084W1, Project NOTICE is hereby given that water mains as described Number 1000857. Water mains are now laid and below and shown on plans which may be inspected at capable of serving identified properties off the Office shown below and at the Head Office of SHEPHERD ROAD. Sydney Water Corporation, have been laid and are available for connections. CITY/MUNICIPALITY OF MANLY, At SEAFORTH.Contract Number 975348WA, Project Notice is also given that, in the opinion of Sydney Number 1001107. Water mains are now laid and Water, for the identified properties on the plans, it is capable of serving identified properties off reasonably practical for water to be supplied. CLONTARF STREET, FAIRVIEW PLACE AND BAULKHAM HILLS SHIRE OF, at CASTLE HILL: AINSLEE PLACE. Contract No. 968352W1. Project No. 1000907. Water Subject to the provisions of the Sydney Water Act mains are now laid and capable of serving identified 1994 the owners of all lands being the identified properties at BORDEAUX WAY, NINETTE PLACE, properties on the plans will become liable for payment LUCETTE PLACE and PROPOSED ROAD No. 4. of water charges on and from the date of publication of BAULKHAM HILLS SHIRE OF, at KELLYVILLE: this notice. Contract No. 974474W7. Project No. 1001125. Water MARTHA AMADOR, mains are now laid and capable of serving identified Developer Activity Officer properties at BOTTLE BRUSH AVENUE and Chatswood SOFTWOOD AVENUE. Sydney, 19th July 2002 NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 119 5512 OFFICIAL NOTICES 19 July 2002 Other Notices

ABORIGINAL LAND RIGHTS ACT 1983 Students may work full-time during school vacations. They are not required to attend on-the- Notice of Statutory Vesting of Property job or off-the-job training for more than 7.6 hours I, the Minister, Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983, declare per week during examination periods or exam that the land described in the Schedule below is vested in preparation periods. the Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council under The table below identifies the allowable hours which may section 53 of the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983. be undertaken and the nominal terms for part-time Dated: 4th July 2002. traineeships. ANDREW REFSHAUGE, Minister, Full-time 6 12 18 24 30 36 48 Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 Traineeship mths mths mths mths mths mths mths Term Weekly SCHEDULE Hours Nominal Term Required (Months) Lot 3, Deposited Plan 928997. 15 15 30 45 Not Allowable 16 15 29 44 17 14 28 42 APPRENTICESHIP AND TRAINEESHIP TRAINING 18 14 27 41 ACT 2001 19 13 26 39 Notice of Making of a Vocational Training Order 20 13 25 38 NOTICE is given that the Commissioner for Vocational 21 12 24 36 48 Training, in pursuance of section 6 of the Apprenticeship and Traineeship Act 2001, has made the following Vocational 22 12 23 35 46 Training Order in relation to the recognised traineeship 23 11 22 33 44 55 vocation of Sport and Recreation. 24 11 21 32 42 53 Citation The order is cited as the Sport and Recreation Order. 25 10 20 30 40 50 60 26 10 19 29 38 48 57 Order A summary of the Order is given below. 27 9 18 27 36 45 54 72 (a) Term of Training 28 9 17 26 34 43 51 68 (i) Full-time 29 8 16 24 32 40 48 64 Training shall be given for a nominal term of 12 30 8 15 23 30 38 45 60 months for each of Certificates II and III with the exception of Certificate III in Sport (Massage 31 Not 22 28 35 42 56 Therapy) which shall be 18 months and Certificate Allowable III in Sport and Recreation which shall be 24 32 20 26 33 39 52 months; or until achievement of the relevant competencies to this Vocational Training Order is (b) Competency Outcomes demonstrated. Trainees will be trained in and achieve competence in (ii) Part-time the units of competence specified in the Outdoor Recreation Industry Training Package SRO99, the Sport The nominal term for a part time traineeship is Industry Training Package SRS99, the Community determined by the average weekly hours worked in Recreation Industry Training Package SRC01 and the the traineeship (including structured training) and Fitness Industry Training Package SRF01. the nominal full-time term for that traineeship. (c) Courses of Study to be undertaken School based traineeships Trainees will undertake the following courses of study: In the case of school-based part-time traineeships, where the nominal full-time term is twelve (12) Certificate II in Outdoor Recreation SRO20299 months, training shall be for nominal terms up to 30 Certificate III in Outdoor Recreation SRO30299 months within which period(s) trainees shall be Certificate II in Sport and Recreation SRO20199 required to demonstrate competencies relevant to Certificate III in Sport and Recreation SRO30199 the Vocational Training Order. Training may extend to 36 months where the Higher School Certificate is Certificate II in Sport (Officiating) SRS20399 being delivered over a three (3) year period. Certificate III in Sport (Officiating) SRS30499


Certificate II in Sport (Career Oriented Participation) Monday, 9 June 2003, to be observed as a public holiday SRS20299 throughout New South Wales for the purpose of celebrating Certificate III in Sport (Career Oriented Participation) the Anniversary of the Birthday of Her Majesty the Queen. SRS30299 Signed and sealed at Sydney, this 17th day of July 2002. Certificate III in Sport (Coaching) SRS30399 By Her Excellency’s Command, Certificate III in Sport (Trainer) SRS30599 Certificate III in Fitness SRF30201 JOHN DELLA BOSCA, M.L.C., Minister for Industrial Relations Certificate II in Community Recreation SRC20201 Certificate III in Community Recreation SRC30201 GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! Certificate III in Community Recreation (Instruct) SRC30301 BANKS AND BANK HOLIDAYS ACT 1912 Certificate III in Sport (Massage Therapy) SRS30601 PROCLAMATION Availability for Inspection A copy of the Vocational Training Order may be inspected (L.S.) MARIE BASHIR, Governor at any Industry Training Centre of the Department of I, Professor MARIE BASHIR, AC, Governor of the State of Education and Training or on the Internet at http:// New South Wales, with the advice of the Executive Council, apprenticeship.det.nsw.edu.au and in pursuance of section 19 (1) of the Banks and Bank Holidays Act 1912, do, by this my Proclamation, appoint Monday, 6 October 2003, to be observed as a public holiday ASSOCIATIONS INCORPORATION ACT 1984 throughout New South Wales for the purpose of Labour Day. Cancellation of Incorporation Pursuant to Section 51 (2) Signed and sealed at Sydney, this 17th day of July 2002. TAKE NOTICE that the incorporation of the following associations is cancelled by this notice pursuant to section By Her Excellency’s Command, 51 (2) of the Associations Incorporation Act 1984. Cancellation is effective as at the date of gazettal. JOHN DELLA BOSCA, M.L.C., Minister for Industrial Relations Canterbury- Bankstown Olma Committee Incorporated. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! D. B. O’CONNOR, Director-General, Department of Fair Trading CHILDREN (PROTECTION AND PARENTAL RESPONSIBILITY) ACT 1997

BANKS AND BANK HOLIDAYS ACT 1912 Safer Community Compact — Order PROCLAMATION I, the Honourable BOB DEBUS, Attorney General of the State of New South Wales, in pursuance of section 39 (1) of (L.S.) MARIE BASHIR, Governor the Children (Protection and Parental Responsibility) Act 1997, do, by this my Order, approve the Coffs Harbour I, Professor MARIE BASHIR, AC, Governor of the State of Community Crime Prevention Plan as a Safer Community New South Wales, with the advice of the Executive Council, Compact for the purposes of Division 3 of Part 4 of that Act. and in pursuance of section 19 (1) of the Banks and Bank Holidays Act 1912, do, by this my Proclamation, appoint This Order takes effect on 15 July 2002 and remains in Saturday, 19 April 2003, to be observed as a public holiday force until 14 July 2005. throughout New South Wales for the purpose of Easter Saturday. Signed at Sydney, this 10th day of July 2002. Signed and sealed at Sydney, this 17th day of July 2002. BOB DEBUS, Attorney General By Her Excellency’s Command, JOHN DELLA BOSCA, M.L.C., Minister for Industrial Relations CONTAMINATED LAND MANAGEMENT ACT GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! 1997 Section 21 — Declaration of Remediation Site Declaration Number 21023 BANKS AND BANK HOLIDAYS ACT 1912 The Environment Protection Authority (“EPA”) declares the PROCLAMATION following land to be a remediation site under the Contaminated Land Management Act 1997 (“the Act”): (L.S.) MARIE BASHIR, Governor 1. Land to which this declaration applies: I, Professor MARIE BASHIR, AC, Governor of the State of New South Wales, with the advice of the Executive Council, Lot 2 in DP 528411 and Lot 11 in DP 625019, located at and in pursuance of section 19 (1) of the Banks and Bank Woodstock Street, Mayfield, New South Wales. Holidays Act 1912, do, by this my Proclamation, appoint (referred to as “the site”).


2. Nature of the substances causing the contamination: NOTE: Coal tars, which include polycyclic aromatic Remediation order may follow hydrocarbons (“PAHs”) have been found in the soil and If remediation of the site or part of the site is required, groundwater at the site. the EPA may issue a remediation order under s.23 of the Act. Metals, ammonia, petroleum hydrocarbons (C6-C9), cyanide and phenols are commonly associated with coal Variation/Revocation tar contamination and may be present on the site. This declaration remains in force until it is otherwise 3. Nature of harm that the substance may cause: varied or revoked. A declaration may only be revoked when The EPA has considered the matters in s.9 of the Act the EPA does not have reasonable grounds to believe that and found that: land is contaminated in such as way as to present a — Soil at the site is contaminated with PAHs at significant risk of harm (s.44 of the Act). concentrations that exceed the applicable human Information recorded by the EPA health investigation levels; — Groundwater at the site is contaminated with PAHs Section 58 of the Act requires the EPA to maintain a public at concentrations that significantly exceed the record. A copy of this remediation declaration will be ANZECC water quality criteria; included in the public record. — The contaminated groundwater has the potential to Information recorded by councils migrate off-site to adjoining premises, along the infilled Platts Channel and towards the Hunter River; Section 59 of the Act requires the EPA to inform the relevant local council as soon as practicable that a — The EPA also has reasonable grounds to believe that declaration has been made. The council is then required to other contaminants associated with the manufacture note on planning certificates issued pursuant to s.149 (2) of of coal tar products may be present on the site. the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act that the The EPA has found that the site is contaminated with land is currently within a remediation site. The EPA is PAHs in such a way as to present a significant risk of required to notify council as soon as practicable when the harm to human health and the environment. There is a declaration is no longer in force, and the notation on the significant risk that: certificate will no longer be required. • Harm may be caused to workers at the site who may be potentially exposed to the contaminants in the soil and groundwater; and • Harm may be cause to aquatic ecosystems through CO-OPERATIVES ACT 1992 the presence and further migration of contaminants in groundwater. Notice Under Section 601AA of the Corporations Law as Applied by Section 325 of the Co-operatives Act 1992 4. Further action under the Act: NOTICE is hereby given that the Co-operative mentioned The making of this declaration does not prevent the below will be deregistered when two months have passed carrying out of a voluntary remediation of the site and since the publication of this notice. any person may submit a voluntary remediation proposal for the site to the EPA. If the EPA is satisfied that the Name of Co-operative proposal meets the requirements of s.26 of the Act, the Hornsby Group Listing Service Co-operative Limited EPA may agree not to issue a remediation order to the party to the proposal, if the remediation is carried out in Dated this 11th day of July 2002. accordance with the proposal. C. GOWLAND, 5. Submissions invited: Delegate of the Registrar of Co-operatives The EPA advises that the public may make written submissions to the EPA on: • Whether the EPA should issue a remediation order in relation to the site or CO-OPERATIVES ACT 1992 • Any other matter concerning the site. Notice Under Section 601AA of the Corporations Law as Submissions should be made in writing to: Applied by Section 325 of the Co-operatives Act 1992 A/Director Contaminated Sites Environment Protection Authority NOTICE is hereby given that the Co-operative mentioned PO Box A290 below will be deregistered when two months have passed SYDNEY SOUTH NSW 1232 since the publication of this notice. or faxed to: (02) 9995 5999, by not later than 21 August Name of Co-operative 2002 New South Wales Abalone Divers’ Co-operative Society CAROLYN STRANGE, Limited A/Director Contaminated Sites, Environment Protection Authority Dated this 11th day of July 2002. (by Delegation) C. GOWLAND, Date: 15th July 2002. Delegate of the Registrar of Co-operatives


DISTRICT COURT ACT 1973 GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES ACT 1966 District Court of New South Wales — Direction Notice of Assignment of Geographical Names and Boundaries for Localities in Gunning Shire PURSUANT to section 32 of the District Court Act 1973, I direct that the District Court shall sit in its civil jurisdiction PURSUANT to the provisions of section 10 of the at the place and time shown as follows: Geographical Names Act 1966, the Geographical Names Board has this day assigned the names and boundaries of Taree, 10.00 a.m., 9 December 2002. the following nineteen Localities in Gunning Shire, to be Dated this 15th day of July 2002. used as the address, as shown on map GNB3770: R. O. BLANCH, Bellmount Forest, Bevendale, Biala, Blakney Creek, Chief Judge Breadalbane, Broadway, Collector, Cullerin, Dalton, Gundaroo, Gunning, Gurrundah, Jerrawa, Lade Vale, Lake George, Lerida, Merrill, Oolong and Rye Park. SUBSEQUENT to the determination of names and DISTRICT COURT ACT 1973 boundaries for Localities in Gunning Shire, the following geographical names are assigned as point features and District Court of New South Wales — Direction designated as follows:

PURSUANT to section 173 of the District Court Act 1973, I Village: Gunning. direct that the District Court shall sit in its criminal Rural Place: Bellmount Forest, Bevendale, Blakney Creek, jurisdiction at the place and time shown as follows: Devils Elbow, Greendale, Jerrawa, Little Meadow, Bega, 10.00 a.m., 10 June 2003 (2 weeks), in lieu of Narrawa, Oolong. 16 June 2003 (2 weeks). Historic Area: Berrebangalo, Fish River. Bourke, 10.00 a.m., 10 June 2003 (2 weeks), in lieu of Historic Site: Lime Kilns. 16 June 2003 (2 weeks). The position and the extent for these features are Coffs Harbour, 10.00 a.m., 26 May 2003 (4 weeks), in lieu recorded and shown within the Geographical Names of 2 June 2003 (4 weeks). Register of New South Wales. This information can be Parkes, 10.00 a.m., 10 June 2003 (2 weeks), in lieu of accessed through the Board’s Web Site at 16 June 2003 (2 weeks). www.lpi.nsw.gov.au/geog/. Port Macquarie, 10.00 a.m., 2 June 2003 (3 weeks), in lieu W. WATKINS, of 10 June 2003 (3 weeks). Chairperson Queanbeyan, 10.00 a.m., 2 June 2003 (3 weeks), in lieu of Geographical Names Board, 10 June 2003 (3 weeks). PO Box 143, Bathurst, NSW 2795.

Tamworth, 10.00 a.m., 2 June 2003 (3 weeks), in lieu of GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES ACT 1966 10 June 2003 (3 weeks). PURSUANT to the provisions of section 8 of the Wagga Wagga, 10.00 a.m., 14 October 2002 (3 weeks), in Geographical Names Act 1966, the Geographical Names lieu of 30 September (3 weeks); 10.00 a.m., 2 June 2003 (3 Board hereby notifies that it proposes to assign the names weeks), in lieu of 10 June 2003 (3 weeks). listed hereunder as geographical names. Dated this 15th day of July 2002. Any person objecting to these proposals may within one (1) month of the date of this notice give to the Secretary R. O. BLANCH, of the Board, notice in writing of that objection, setting out Chief Judge the grounds of the objection. Proposed Name: Maru Reserve. Designation: Reserve. L.G.A.: Holroyd City Council. GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES ACT 1966 Parish: St John. County: Cumberland. ERRATUM L.P.I. Map: Prospect. 1:100,000 Map: Penrith 9030. IN the notice referring to a proposal to assign geographical Reference: GNB 4902. names and determine the extent of localities within Gunning Shire in the Government Gazette of 8 February 2002, Folios Proposed Name: Holroyd Volunteer Park. 801-802, under the heading ‘Historic Area’ the name Designation: Reserve. Berrebangalo was omitted and should be added. L.G.A.: Holroyd City Council. W. WATKINS, Parish: St John. Chairperson County: Cumberland. L.P.I. Map: Prospect. Geographical Names Board, 1:100,000 Map: Penrith 9030. PO Box 143, Bathurst, NSW 2795. Reference: GNB 4902.


Proposed Name: Karabi Reserve. Proposed Name: Harry Carr Reserve. Designation: Reserve. Designation: Reserve. L.G.A.: Holroyd City Council. L.G.A.: Baulkham Hills Shire Council. Parish: St John. Parish: Castle Hill. County: Cumberland. County: Cumberland. L.P.I. Map: Prospect. L.P.I. Map: Prospect. 1:100,000 Map: Penrith 9030. 1:100,000 Map: Penrith 9030. Reference: GNB 4902. Reference: GNB 4899.

Proposed Name: Pemulway Reserve. Proposed Name: Maria Iori Park. Designation: Reserve. Designation: Reserve. L.G.A.: Holroyd City Council. L.G.A.: Baulkham Hills Shire Council. Parish: St John. Parish: Castle Hill. County: Cumberland. County: Cumberland. L.P.I. Map: Prospect. L.P.I. Map: Riverstone. 1:100,000 Map: Penrith 9030. 1:100,000 Map: Penrith 9030. Reference: GNB 4902. Reference: GNB 4899.

Proposed Name: Munal Reserve. Proposed Name: Bill Wood Reserve. Designation: Reserve. Designation: Reserve. L.G.A.: Holroyd City Council. L.G.A.: Baulkham Hills Shire Council. Parish: St John. Parish: Castle Hill. County: Cumberland. County: Cumberland. L.P.I. Map: Prospect. L.P.I. Map: Riverstone. 1:100,000 Map: Penrith 9030. 1:100,000 Map: Penrith 9030. Reference: GNB 4902. Reference: GNB 4899.

Proposed Name: Peel Reserve. Proposed Name: Barden Ridge Oval. Designation: Reserve. Designation: Reserve. L.G.A.: Blacktown City Council. L.G.A.: Sutherland Shire Council. Parish: Gidley. Parish: Holsworthy. County: Cumberland. County: Cumberland. L.P.I. Map: Riverstone. L.P.I. Map: Port Hacking. 1:100,000 Map: Penrith 9030. 1:100,000 Map: Port Hacking 9129. Reference: GNB 4887. Reference: GNB 4894.

Proposed Name: Robert Brown Reserve. Proposed Name: Harrie Dening Soccer Centre. Designation: Reserve. Designation: Reserve. L.G.A.: Blacktown City Council. L.G.A.: Sutherland Shire Council. Parish: Prospect. Parish: Sutherland. County: Cumberland. County: Cumberland. L.P.I. Map: Prospect. L.P.I. Map: Port Hacking. 1:100,000 Map: Penrith 9030. 1:100,000 Map: Port Hacking 9129. Reference: GNB 4896. Reference: GNB 4894.

Proposed Name: Cor Brouwer Reserve. Proposed Name: Brickyard Creek. Previous Name: Cawarra Park. Designation: Creek. Designation: Reserve. L.G.A.: Tenterfield Shire Council. L.G.A.: Blacktown City Council. Parish: Bolivia. Parish: Rooty Hill. County: Clive. County: Cumberland L.P.I. Map: Emmaville. L.P.I. Map: Prospect. 1:100,000 Map: Clive 9239. 1:100,000 Map: Penrith 9030. Reference: GNB 4900. Reference: GNB 4896.

Proposed Name: Bill Swift Reserve. Proposed Name: Purtles Hill. Designation: Reserve. Designation: Hill. L.G.A.: Blacktown City Council. L.G.A.: Tenterfield Shire Council. Parish: Prospect. Parish: Bolivia. County: Cumberland. County: Clive. L.P.I. Map: Prospect. L.P.I. Map: Emmaville. 1:100,000 Map: Penrith 9030. 1:100,000 Map: Clive 9239. Reference: GNB 4896. Reference: GNB 4900.


Proposed Name: Jump Up Creek. County: Cumberland. Previous Name: Jump Up Gully. L.P.I. Map: Parramatta River. Designation: Gully. 1:100,000 Map: Sydney 9130. L.G.A.: Tenterfield Shire Council. Reference: GNB 4890. Parish: Bluff Land. County: Clive. L.P.I. Map: Mole River. Proposed Name: Ray Beddoe Park. 1:100,000 Map: Clive 9239. Designation: Reserve. Reference: GNB 4900. L.G.A.: Wagga Wagga City Council. Parish: South Wagga Wagga. County: Wynyard. Proposed Name: Rifle Range Hill. L.P.I. Map: Lake Albert. Designation: Rural Place. 1:100,000 Map: Wagga Wagga 8327. L.G.A.: Tenterfield Shire Council. Reference: GNB 4891. Parish: Bolivia. County: Clive. L.P.I. Map: Sandy Flat. Proposed Name: Spring Creek. 1:100,000 Map: Tenterfield 9339. Designation: Rural Place. Reference: GNB 4900. L.G.A.: Wollondilly Shire Council. Parish: Camden. County: Camden. Proposed Name: Thelma Laird Lookout. L.P.I. Map: Camden. Designation: Lookout. 1:100,000 Map: Wollongong 9029. L.G.A.: Council. Reference: GNB 4903. Parish: Tuggerah. County: Northumberland. L.P.I. Map: Wyong. Proposed Name: Peel Park. 1:100,000 Map: Gosford 9131. Designation: Reserve. Reference: GNB 4897. L.G.A.: Hawkesbury City Council. Parish: Kurrajong. County: Cook. Proposed Name: Elaine Hurst Oval. L.P.I. Map: Kurrajong. Designation: Reserve. 1:100,000 Map: Penrith 9030. L.G.A.: Port Stephens Council. Reference: GNB 4893. Parish: Sutton. County: Gloucester. L.P.I. Map: Karuah. Proposed Name: Lavington Pioneer Park. 1:100,000 Map: Newcastle 9232. Designation: Reserve. Reference: GNB 4901. L.G.A.: Albury City Council. Parish: Albury. County: Goulburn. Proposed Name: Charlie Casey Boat Ramp. L.P.I. Map: Albury. Designation: Ramp. 1:100,000 Map: Albury 8225. L.G.A.: Port Stephens Council. Reference: GNB 4898. Parish: Sutton. County: Gloucester. L.P.I. Map: Port Stephens. Proposed Name: Huntingdale Circle Reserve. 1:100,000 Map: Port Stephens 9332. Designation: Reserve. Reference: GNB 4895. L.G.A.: Baulkham Hills Shire Council. Parish: South Colah. County: Cumberland. Proposed Name: Carroll Reserve. L.P.I. Map: Hornsby. Designation: Reserve. 1:100,000 Map: Sydney 9130. L.G.A.: Port Stephens Council. Reference: GNB 4899. Parish: Tomaree. County: Gloucester. The position and the extent for these features are L.P.I. Map: Port Stephens. recorded and shown within the Geographical Names 1:100,000 Map: Port Stephens 9332. Register of New South Wales. This information can be Reference: GNB 4895. accessed through the Board’s Web Site at www.lpi.nsw.gov.au/geog/.

WARWICK WATKINS, Proposed Name: Ellery Park. Chairperson Designation: Reserve. L.G.A.: Mosman Municipal Council. Geographical Names Board, Parish: Willoughby. PO Box 143, Bathurst, NSW 2795.



Notice of Exhibition of the Approved Bertya sp. NSW Protection of the Environment Operations (Clean Cobar-Coolabah (Cunningham & Milthorpe s.n., 2/8/73) Air — Motor Vehicles and Motor Vehicle Fuels) Species Recovery Plan Regulation 2002 Public Exhibition of Proposed New Regulation and THE National Parks and Wildlife Service, hereby give notice Regulatory Impact Statement of the exhibition of the Approved Bertya sp. Cobar-Coolabah THE Environment Protection Authority has drafted a new (Cunningham & Milthorpe s.n., 2/8/73) Recovery Plan. The Regulation under the Protection of the Environment Recovery Plan will be available for inspection from 29 July Operations Act 1997, to replace the current Clean Air (Motor 2002. Exhibition details will be published on 26 July 2002 in Vehicles and Motor Vehicle Fuels) Regulation 1997. A the Sydney Morning Herald. Regulatory Impact Statement has been prepared by the EPA in accordance with the Subordinate Legislation Act 1989, to MIKE FLEMING, assess the economic, social and environmental costs and A/Manager, benefits of the proposed Regulation. The new Regulation Conservation Programs and Planning, will take effect from 1 September 2002. Western Directorate The draft Regulation proposes to enable action when emissions from motor vehicles are excessive or equipment to control motor vehicle emissions is either not installed or has been tampered with. PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT OPERATIONS ACT 1997 You are invited to comment on the draft Regulation and the associated Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS). NSW Protection of the Environment Operations (Clean Copies of the RIS (including the draft Regulation) are Air — Domestic Solid Fuel Heaters) Regulation 2002 available from the EPA’s Pollution Line on 131 555 or from the EPA’s website at www.epa.nsw.gov.au. Public Exhibition of Proposed New Regulation and Send your written comment by 2 August 2002 to: Regulatory Impact Statement Director Air Policy, AS part of a regular review of legislation, the Environment Environment Protection Authority, Protection Authority (EPA) has drafted a new Regulation PO Box A290, under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act South Sydney, NSW 1232. 1997, to replace the current Clean Air (Domestic Solid Fuel or via email to [email protected]. Heaters) Regulation 1997. A Regulatory Impact Statement for the draft Regulation has been prepared in accordance with the Subordinate Legislation Act 1989, to assess the RURAL FIRES ACT 1997 economic, social and environmental costs and benefits of NSW Rural Fire Service — Coffs Harbour District the proposed Regulation. The new Regulation will take effect from 1 September 2002. Notice of Declaration of Bush Fire Danger Period NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to section 82 of the The proposed Regulation continues the requirement for Rural Fires Act 1997, a Bush Fire Danger Period has been new domestic slow combustion heaters sold in New South declared throughout the Coffs Harbour District commencing Wales to comply with emission limits in Australian Standard midnight, 12 July 2002. AS/NZS 4013. It also streamlines compliance arrangements. State-based certificates of compliance will no longer be Residents are advised that Fire Permit requirements for needed for heater models offered for sale in NSW, but the all burning off activities will commence from 13 July 2002 Regulation will require a national certificate for each heater and carry on through to the Statutory Bush Fire Danger model to verify that it has been tested in accordance with Period (1 October to 31 March). Any persons lighting a fire the Australian Standard and complies with the relevant in the open is required to obtain a Permit from the permit emission limits. issuing authority. All permittees are responsible for notification to neighbouring land owners and land You are invited to comment on the draft Regulation and management authorities 24 hours prior to burning as well as the associated Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS). taking appropriate action to ensure containment and control of fires. Failure to obtain a permit is an offence under the Copies of the RIS (which includes the draft Regulation), Rural Fires Act 1997. are available from the EPA’s Pollution Line on 131 555 or from the EPA’s website at www.epa.nsw.gov.au/consult. Further information regarding fire permits may be obtained by contacting local Rural Fire Brigades or the Please send written comments by 7 August 2002 to: District Office of the Rural Fire Service at 79 Marcia Street, Director Air Policy, Coffs Harbour. Environment Protection Authority, Superintendent WARWICK D. ROCHE, PO Box A290, Fire Control Officer, Sydney South, NSW 1232, Coffs Harbour District, or via email to [email protected]. NSW Rural Fire Service


RURAL FIRES ACT 1997 A copy of the Regulation and the Regulatory Impact Statement can be obtained by contacting Ms Vyvyan NSW Rural Fire Service — Clarence Valley Zone Nguyen, Attorney General’s Department, Goodsell Building, Notice of Declaration of Bush Fire Danger Period 8-12 Chifley Square, Sydney, NSW 2000, e-mail NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to section 82 of the [email protected], phone (02) 9228-8103 or Rural Fires Act 1997, a Bush Fire Danger Period has been from the Department’s internet site at declared throughout the Clarence Valley Zone www.lawlink.nsw.gov.au/lpd. Alternatively, a copy of the (Copmanhurst, Grafton City, Maclean and Pristine Waters Regulation and the Regulatory Impact Statement may be Councils), commencing midnight, 12 July 2002, until 30 inspected at the Legislation and Policy Division, Level 20, September 2002. Goodsell Building, 8-12 Chifley Square, Sydney. Further information regarding fire permits may be Comments and submissions on the draft Regulation and obtained by contacting local Rural Fire Brigades or the Zone the Regulatory Impact Statement should be directed to the Office of the Rural Fire Service by phoning (02) 6644 5135. above address and be received by Tuesday, 13 August 2002. STUART WATTS, Acting Zone Manager, NSW Rural Fire Service SUBORDINATE LEGISLATION ACT 1989 Land and Property Information New South Wales SHOPS AND INDUSTRIES ACT 1962 Notice ORDER Strata Schemes (Freehold Development) Regulation 2002 Strata Schemes (Leasehold Development) Regulation I, JOHN DELLA BOSCA, Minister for Industrial Relations, 2002 in pursuance of section 85 (2) of the Shops and Industries Act 1962 and being satisfied that to do so will be of benefit NOTICE is given, in accordance with section 5 of the to the public, do, by this my Order, suspend the operation Subordinate Legislation Act 1989, of the intention to make of section 85 (1) of that Act in relation to the following 2 new Regulations under the Strata Schemes (Freehold public holidays (within the meaning of section 78 (1) of that Development) Act 1973 and the Strata Schemes (Leasehold Act), so as to allow general shops within New South Wales Development) Act 1986 (the Strata Acts). It is proposed to remain open on those days, but subject to the condition that the Strata Schemes (Freehold Development) Regulation that the suspension in respect of the public holiday specified 2002 and the Strata Schemes (Leasehold Development) in paragraph (b) will apply only for that part of the day Regulation 2002, will repeal and replace the existing Strata which is after 1.00 p.m.: Schemes (Freehold Development) Regulation 1997 and the Strata Schemes (Leasehold Development) Regulation 1997. (a) Monday, 27 January 2003 (Australia Day). The objectives of the proposed Regulations are: (b) Friday, 25 April 2003 (Anzac Day). (a) to specify the form in which location plans, schedules Dated this 12th day of July 2002. of unit entitlement and floor plans are to be prepared. JOHN DELLA BOSCA, M.L.C., (b) to specify the form in which strata plans, strata plans Minister for Industrial Relations of subdivision, strata plans of consolidation and building alteration plans are to be prepared. SUBORDINATE LEGISLATION ACT 1989 (c) to regulate matters relating to staged development. Legal Profession Regulation (d) to regulate matters concerning signature forms. Review Under the Subordinate Legislation Act 1989 (e) to regulate miscellaneous matters, including NOTICE is given in accordance with section 5 (2) (a) of the lodgment of documents by hand and electronically, Subordinate Legislation Act 1989, of the intention to make and to set fees for the lodgment examination, a principal statutory regulation under Public Trustee Act copying and issue of documents. 1913. (f) to regulate other matters of a formal or ancillary The Regulation repeals and remakes the Legal Profession nature. Regulation 1994. The new Regulation deals with Copies of the Regulatory Impact Statement, which requirements relating to: includes the draft Regulations, may be inspected or obtained practising certificates for legal practitioners; registers by contacting Mr Peter Blair, Legal Services, Land and of practitioners who hold practising certificates; Property Information NSW, 1 Prince Albert Road, Queens requirements for interstate legal practitioners; foreign Square, Sydney 2000 (Telephone: (02) 9228 6964, Fax: (02) lawyers; incorporated legal practices; professional 9221 4309, Email: [email protected]). indemnity insurance; the solicitor’s fidelity fund; legal fees and costs, cost assessments; amounts to be Comments and submissions on the proposed Regulations deposited with the Law Society from trust funds held by are invited and must be received at the above address by a solicitor; and other matters. 9 August 2002.


SURVEYORS (GENERAL) REGULATION 1999 THREATENED SPECIES CONSERVATION ACT 1995 Prescribed Examinations NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service PURSUANT to the provisions of Clause 14 (1) of the Surveyors (General) Regulation 1999, the Board of Notice of Exhibition of the Draft Red Goshawk Recovery Surveyors of New South Wales will conduct prescribed Plan examinations for financial enrolled Candidate Surveyors THE National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS), hereby from 16 September 2002 to 18 September 2002, at Land and Property Information New South Wales, Queens Square, give notice of the exhibition of the Draft Red Goshawk Erythrotriorchis radiatus Sydney. ( ) Recovery Plan. Exhibition details will be published on 22 July 2002, in the Sydney Applications from Candidate Surveyors to sit for the Morning Herald, Lismore Northern Star and Tweed Daily March and September examinations must be received by News. The NPWS web site will the Board no later than 16 August 2002. Further details of also have exhibition information including a full version of the examinations can be obtained from the Registrar, Board the recovery plan. of Surveyors of New South Wales, at the above address. GARY DAVEY, W. A. WATKINS, Manager, President Conservation Programs and Planning Division, Northern Directorate G. K. A. LEATHERLAND, Registrar

THREATENED SPECIES CONSERVATION ACT 1995 NSW Scientific Committee Notice of Final Determination THE Scientific Committee, established by the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995, has made a final determination to REJECT a proposal to omit the Red- crowned Toadlet, Pseudophryne australis (Gray 1835), from Schedule 2 (Vulnerable species) of the Act. The Committee is of the opinion that the Red-crowned Toadlet Pseudophryne australis (Gray 1835), is likely to become endangered unless the circumstances and factors threatening its survival or evolutionary development cease to operate, and is therefore eligible to remain listed as a Vulnerable Species. Copies of this Determination may be inspected at the National Parks Centre, 102 George Street, The Rocks, Sydney and at NPWS Area Offices or Visitors Centres during business hours. Dr CHRIS DICKMAN, Chairperson, Scientific Committee



Amendment to the WorkCover Guides for the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment

The WorkCover Guides for the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment, being guidelines issued by the WorkCover Authority under section 376 (1) (a) of the Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998 with respect to the assessment of the degree of permanent impairment of an injured worker as a result of an injury (as published in Government Gazette No. 195A of 21 December 2001 at pp.10312-10396), are amended pursuant to section 376 (3) of that Act as set out in Schedules 1 and 2.

Kate McKenzie General Manager WorkCover Authority on behalf of the Authority 3 July 2002


At page 33 of the Guides, Table 6.1 titled Criteria for rating permanent impairment due to facial disorders and/or disfigurement is amended by deleting from the column titled “Class 4 16%-50% impairment of the whole person” the words “, combine with any mental and behavioural impairment (AMA5 Chapter 14)”.


At page 44 of the Guides, Table 9.1 titled Relationship of binaural hearing impairment to whole person impairment is amended:

a) by omitting “0.0 - 6.0” from the column headed “% Binaural hearing impairment” and instead inserting “0.0 – 5.9”; and

b) by omitting “6.1 – 6.7” from the same column and instead inserting “6.0 – 6.7”.



Pursuant to section 376(1)(a) of the Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998 (the 1998 Act) WorkCover may issue guidelines with respect to the assessment of the degree of permanent impairment of an injured worker.

WorkCover published on 21 December 2001 the WorkCover Guides for the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment (the Guides).

The above amendments address certain anomalies.

The amendment to Table 6.1: Criteria for rating permanent impairment due to facial disorders and/or disfigurement on page 33 clarifies that impairment arising from psychological or psychiatric injury and the degree of permanent impairment that results from the physical injury are to be assessed separately.

The amendment to Table 9.1 Relationship of binaural hearing impairment to whole person impairment on page 44 clarifies that in determining the whole person impairment percentage of an injured worker, 6% binaural hearing loss is to be considered as amounting to 3% impairment of the whole person.

Attached are Tables 6.1 and 9.1 as amended.


Table 6.1: Criteria for Rating Permanent Impairment due to facial disorders and/or disfigurement.

Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 0%-5% Impairment 6%-10% Impairment 11%-15% 16%-50% Impairment of the of the Whole Impairment of the of the Whole Person Whole Person Person Whole Person Facial abnormality Facial abnormality Facial abnormality Massive or total limited to disorder of involves loss of involves absence of distortion of normal cutaneous structures, supporting structure normal anatomic part facial anatomy with such as visible of part of face, with or area of face, such disfigurement so simple scars (not our without as loss of eye or loss severe that it hypertrophic or cutaneous disorder of part of nose, with precludes social atrophic) or abnormal (eg, depressed resulting cosmetic acceptance pigmentation (refer to cheek, nasal, or deformity, combine Chapter 8 for skin frontal bones) with any functional or disorders) loss, eg, vision or (Chapter 12) severe, bilateral, facial or paralysis affecting near complete loss of or most branches mild, unilateral, facial definition of the outer paralysis affecting ear severe unilateral or most branches facial paralysis affecting most loss of a major portion or branches of or entire nose

nasal distortion that or affects physical appearance mild, bilateral, facial paralysis affecting or most branches

partial loss or deformity of the outer ear

Note: Tables used to classify the examples in this section (p 256-259) should also be ignored and assessors should refer to the modified table above for classification.


Table 9.1: Relationship of binaural hearing impairment to whole person impairment

% Binaural hearing % Whole person % Binaural hearing % Whole person impairment impairment impairment impairment 0.0–5.9 0 51.1–53.0 26 53.1–55.0 27 6.0 –6.7 3 55.1–57.0 28 6.8–8.7 4 57.1–59.0 29 8.8–10.6 5 59.1–61.0 30 10.7–12.5 6 61.1–63.0 31 12.6–14.4 7 63.1–65.0 32 14.5–16.3 8 65.1–67.0 33 16.4–18.3 9 67.1–69.0 34 18.4–20.4 10 69.1–71.0 35 20.5–22.7 11 71.1–73.0 36 22.8–25.0 12 73.1–75.0 37 25.1–27.0 13 75.1–77.0 38 27.1–29.0 14 77.1–79.0 39 29.1–31.0 15 79.1–81.0 40 31.1–33.0 16 81.1–83.0 41 33.1–35.0 17 83.1–85.0 42 35.1–37.0 18 85.1–87.0 43 37.1–39.0 19 87.1–89.0 44 39.1–41.0 20 89.1–91.0 45 41.1–43.0 21 91.1–93.0 46 43.1–45.0 22 93.1–95.0 47 45.1–47.0 23 95.1–97.0 48 47.1–49.0 24 97.1–99.0 49 49.1–51.0 25 99.1–100 50





TENDER DOCUMENT FEE Tender documents for inspection and purchase, and application forms for Expression of Interest are available at the address above. Where charges apply for tender documents, they are not refundable, cheques and credit cards (Bankcard, Mastercard and Visa) only are acceptable, payable to Department of Public Works and Services. NO CASH payments will be accepted. Documents can be Express Posted on request at an extra cost. Non attendance of mandatory site meetings will render tenders informal. Further Information is available on the Internet (http://www.dpws.nsw.gov.au/tenders).

Government Printing Service TENDERS FOR PRINTING TENDERS will be received up to 9.30 am on the date specified for the undermentioned printing. Envelopes containing tenders must be addressed to: Government Printer Unit 5 Block V 391 Park Road REGENTS PARK NSW 2143, and have legibly endorsed upon the face thereof the items and description of the printing for which the tender is submitted. Tender closing Monday, 29th July 2002 Advertised for 1 weeks starting Monday, 15th July 2002 Job No.: 29035 Tenders are invited for the New South Wales Department of Education and Training’s No Risk Rage Magazine. Tender consists of concept development, research, writing, design. Job consists of 32pp up to 36pp A4 Format 4 process colours throughout. Full details are available from Gavin Potter 9743 877. Tender Closing Monday, 5th August 2002 Advertised for 2 weeks starting Monday, 22nd July 2002 Job No: 29901 Tenders are invited for the New South Wales Tafe’s Enrolment Forms. Tender consists of quadruplicate forms printed on carbonless paper for 1,400,000 copies. Full details are available from Gavin Potter 9743 877. Tender Closing Monday, 5th August 2002 Advertised for 2 weeks starting Monday, 22nd July 2002 Job No.: 29902 Tenders are invited for the New South Wales Tafe’s Personal and Subject Forms. Tender consists of triplicate forms printed on carbonless paper for 300,000 copies. Full details are available from Gavin Potter 9743 877. Tender Closing Monday, 5th August 2002 Advertised for 2 weeks starting Monday, 22nd July 2002 Job No.: 29903 Tenders are invited for the New South Wales Tafe’s Recognition Forms. Tender consists of triplicate forms printed on carbonless paper for 300,000 copies. Full details are available from Gavin Potter 9743 877. Tender Closing Monday, 5th August 2002 Advertised for 2 weeks starting Monday, 22nd July 2002 Job No.: 29904 Tenders are invited for the New South Wales Tafe’s Recognition Non Standard Forms. Tender consists of quadruplicate forms printed on carbonless paper for 200,000 copies. Full details are available from Gavin Potter 9743 877. Tender Closing Monday, 5th August 2002 Advertised for 2 weeks starting Monday, 22nd July 2002 Job No.: 29905 Tenders are invited for the New South Wales Tafe’s Course Transfer Forms. Tender consists of triplicate forms printed on carbonless paper for 300,000 copies. Full details are available from Gavin Potter 9743 877. Tender Closing Monday, 5th August 2002 Advertised for 2 weeks starting Monday, 22nd July 2002 Job No.: 29920 Tenders are invited for the New South Wales Tafe’s Mutual Recognition Forms. Tender consists of triplicate forms printed on carbonless paper for 100,000 copies. Full details are available from Gavin Potter 9743 877.

NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 119 19 July 2002 OFFICIAL NOTICES 5527 PRIVATE ADVERTISEMENTS COUNCIL NOTICES NOTICE is hereby given that the Leeton Shire Council, in pursuance of Division 2 of the abovementioned Act, ALBURY CITY COUNCIL resolved to name the road as shown hereunder. Roads Act 1993, Section 162 Description New Name Renaming of the whole of Mann Street to Manns Street. Unnamed road in Karri Estate off Bella Vista Drive. Isaac Manns was a local identity in the area. The street Karri Road. name is altered to correct the spelling of his name. Unnamed road in Brobenah Estate Red Gum Drive. NOTICE is hereby given that the Albury City Council off Brobenah Road. has, pursuant to section 162 (1) of the Roads Act 1993, Unnamed road in Serencroft Serencroft Drive. renamed the road as follows. subdivision – Road into subdivision off Lonnie Road. Description New Name Unnamed road in Serencroft Mystic Place. The whole of Mann Street, off Manns Street. subdivision small road off Moffat Street, Lavington. Serencroft Drive. M. C. HENDERSON, General Manager, Albury City Unnamed road off Petersham Road Angel Place. Council, PO Box 323, Albury, NSW 2640. (subdivision of Lot 3, DP 846266). [0588] Unnamed northern most street in Birbara Place. the new Sportsview Estate off BROKEN HILL CITY COUNCIL Petersham Road. Unnamed (other) road in the new Symes Place. Roads Act 1993 Sportsview Estate off Petersham Roads (General) Regulation 2000 Road. Renaming of Public Road – Gawler Place R. C. PLUIS, General Manager, Leeton Shire Council, 23- 25 Chelmsford Place, Leeton, NSW 2705. NOTICE is hereby given that Broken Hill City Council, [0590] in accordance with the abovementioned Acts, has altered the name of the road described hereunder: SHOALHAVEN CITY COUNCIL Description of Road New Name Roads Act 1993, Section 10 Argent Lane between Chloride Street Gawler Place. Dedication of Land as Public Road and Oxide Street, Parish of Picton, County of Yancowinna. NOTICE is hereby given that the Council of the City of Shoalhaven at its meeting of 27th March, 2001 Minute Authorised by a resolution of Council at its meeting held No. 318, resolved to acquire land for the Parson Street 29th May, 2002. KELVIN MATTHEWS, General Manager, Ulladulla Roundabout. That land as described in the Broken Hill City Council, PO Box 448, Broken Hill, NSW Schedule below has now been acquired and is hereby 2880. declared as Council public road pursuant to section 10 [0589] of the Roads Act 1993. G. A. NAPPER, General Manager, Shoalhaven City Council, Bridge Road (PO Box 42), HASTINGS COUNCIL Nowra, NSW 2541. (Files 10059, 15959). Erratum Roads Act 1993 SCHEDULE Roads (General) Regulation 1994 Lot 2, DP 1022806, Parish of Ulladulla, County of St Vincent. Naming of Public Roads — Maranatha Place [0591] THE notice which appeared in Government Gazette No. 116, Folio 5347 was in error in that the spelling of SHOALHAVEN CITY COUNCIL Maranatha Place was published as Marantha Place. The correct spelling is Maranatha Place. This notice corrects Roads Act 1993, Section 10 that error. B. SMITH, General Manager, Hastings Council, Dedication of Land as Public Road corner Lord and Burrawan Streets, Port Macquarie, NSW 2444. (File: R.350.1.90 (934)). NOTICE is hereby given that the Council of the City of [0606] Shoalhaven at its meeting of 21st May, 1996, Minute Number 955, resolved to acquire Lot 38, DP 855664, Parish LEETON SHIRE COUNCIL of Tomerong, County of St Vincent for the purpose of a road. Lot 38, DP 855664 has now been acquired and is Roads Act 1993 hereby dedicated as Council public road pursuant to Naming of Public Roads – Bella Vista Drive, Red Gum section 10 of the Roads Act 1993. G A NAPPER, General Drive, Serencroft Drive, Mystic Place, Angel Place, Birbara Manager, Shoalhaven City Council, PO Box 42, Nowra, NSW 2541. (File 17499). Place and Symes Place [0605] NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 119 5528 OFFICIAL NOTICES 19 July 2002

ESTATE NOTICES NOTICE of intended distribution of estate.-Any person having any claim upon the estate of HELEN OGILBY NOTICE of intended distribution of estate.-Any person HODIERNE, late of 16 Horning Parade, Manly Vale and having any claim upon the estate of DULCIE EILEEN Austral House at 4 Austral Avenue, North Manly, in the NASH, late of Glen Myer Assisted Housing Apartments, State of New South Wales, widow, who died on 1st 23/100 Wahroonga Road, Kanwal, in the State of New December, 2001, must send particulars of his claim to the South Wales, retired, who died on 5th March, 2002, must executrix, Catherine Patricia Hewitt, c.o. Abigails Solicitors, send particulars of his claim to the executors, Edwin 400 Sydney Road, Balgowlah, within one (1) calendar Joseph Nash and Judith Anne Jeffcoat, c.o. Colquhoun month from publication of this notice. After that time the & Colquhoun, Solicitors, 588 Darling Street, Rozelle, executrix may distribute the assets of the estate having within one (1) calendar month from publication of this regard only to the claims of which at the time of notice. After that time the executors may distribute the distribution she has notice. Probate was granted in New assets of the estate having regard only to the claims of South Wales on 1st July, 2002. ABIGAILS SOLICITORS, which at the time of distribution they have notice. Probate 400 Sydney Road, Balgowlah, NSW 2093, tel.: (02) 9948 was granted in New South Wales on 30th May, 2002. 0264. COLQUHOUN & COLQUHOUN, Solicitors, 588 Darling [0596] Street, Rozelle, NSW 2039, tel.: (02) 9818 2666. [0592] NOTICE of intended distribution of estate.-Any person having any claim upon the estate of NICHOLAS CLARK NOTICE of intended distribution of estate.-Any person BENTON, late of 1518 Snowy Mountains Highway, having any claim upon the estate of NORMAN DERSCH, Adelong, in the State of New South Wales, promotions late of 60 Chamberlain Road, Guildford, in the State of manager, who died on 6th August, 2001, must send New South Wales, who died on 19th January, 2002, must particulars of his claim to the executors, John Crawford send particulars of his claim to the executor, Alfred and Terence Paul Nevin, c.o. Abigails Solicitors, 400 George Dersch, c.o. F. R. Pope, Solicitors, 22 Stratford Sydney Road, Balgowlah, within one (1) calendar month Park Drive, Terrigal, within one (1) calendar month from from publication of this notice. After that time the publication of this notice. After that time the executor executors may distribute the assets of the estate having may distribute the assets of the estate having regard only regard only to the claims of which at the time of to the claims of which at the time of distribution he has distribution they have notice. Probate was granted in New notice. Probate was granted in New South Wales on 25th South Wales on 13th June, 2002. ABIGAILS SOLICITORS, June, 2002. F. R. POPE, Solicitors, 22 Stratford Park Drive, 400 Sydney Road, Balgowlah, NSW 2093, tel.: (02) 9948 Terrigal, NSW 2260, tel.: (02) 4365 2641. 0264. [0593] [0597]

NOTICE of intended distribution of estate.-Any person NOTICE of intended distribution of estate.-Any person having any claim upon the estate of LORETTA having any claim upon the estate of JOSEPH PATRICK CHRISTINA TARASEK, late of 59 Dudley Street, PHIBBS, late of 108 Noble Street, Allawah, in the State Lidcombe, in the State of New South Wales, who died of New South Wales, who died on 18th July, 2001, must on 18th February, 2001, must send particulars of his claim send particulars of his claim to the executor, Terrence to the executors, Daniel Lindsay Tarasek and Simon Edmund Noonan, c.o. Colin J. Duff, Solicitor, 7 Morts Ronald Tarasek, c.o. Maclarens, Solicitors, 232 Road, Mortdale, within one (1) calendar month from Merrylands Road, Merrylands, within one (1) calendar publication of this notice. After that time the executor month from publication of this notice. After that time the may distribute the assets of the estate having regard only executors may distribute the assets of the estate having to the claims of which at the time of distribution he has regard only to the claims of which at the time of notice. Probate was granted in New South Wales on 5th distribution they have notice. Letters of Administration July, 2002. COLIN J. DUFF, Solicitor, 7 Morts Road, were granted in New South Wales on 3rd July, 2002. Mortdale, NSW 2223 (DX 11307, Hurstville), tel.: (02) 9570 MACLARENS, Solicitors, 232 Merrylands Road, 2022. Merrylands, NSW 2160 (DX 25406, Merrylands), tel.: (02) [0598] 9682 3777. [0594] COMPANY NOTICES NOTICE of intended distribution of estate.-Any person NOTICE of members’ voluntary winding up.-KAYELORE having any claim upon the estate of DESMOND INVESTMENTS PTY LIMITED (In liquidation), ACN 000 RANDELL, late of 31 Milton Avenue, Eastwood, in the 075 169.-At an extraordinary general meeting of Kayelore State of New South Wales, who died on 15th April, 2002, Investments Pty Limited (In liquidation) – Members’ must send particulars of his claim to the executrix, c.o. Voluntary, held on 12th July, 2002 the company’s members John S. Fordham, Solicitor, 12 Station Street, West Ryde, resolved to wind up the company voluntarily and to within one (1) calendar month from publication of this appoint Colin Wilson, Chartered Accountant of Wilson notice. After that time the executrix may distribute the Porter Services Pty, Chartered Accountants, 154 Elizabeth assets of the estate having regard only to the claims of Street, Sydney, NSW as liquidator of the company. After which at the time of distribution she has notice. Probate twenty-one (21) days from today I will begin distributing was granted in New South Wales on 8th July, 2002. JOHN the company’s assets. All creditors who have a claim S. FORDHAM, Solicitor, 12 Station Street, West Ryde, NSW against the company should give me details of their 2114 (DX 27551, West Ryde), tel.: (02) 9858 1533. [0595] claims by that date, otherwise I will not recognise their

NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 119 19 July 2002 OFFICIAL NOTICES 5529 claims when I distribute the assets. COLIN WILSON, appointed liquidator for the purpose of the winding up. Liquidator, c.o. Wilson Porter Services Pty, Chartered Notice is also given that after thirty (30) days from this Accountants, Level 2, 154 Elizabeth Street, Sydney, NSW date, we shall proceed to distribute the assets. All 2000, tel.: (02) 9283 4333. creditors having any claim against the company should [0599] furnish particulars of same by that date, otherwise we shall proceed to distribute the assets without regard to NOTICE of meeting of members.-VANDENBROEK their claim. Dated this 17th day of July 2002. CLIFFORD INSURANCES PTY LIMITED (In voluntary liquidation), J. HOLLINGS, Liquidator, c.o. Hollings Associates, ACN 001 149 542.-Notice is hereby given that pursuant Certified Practising Accountants, Suite 4, Level 1, 49-51 to section 509 of the Corporations Law, the final meeting Eton Street, Sutherland, NSW 2232, tel.: (02) 9521 5100. of members of the abovenamed company will be held at [0604] 115 Melwood Avenue, Killarney Heights, NSW on Tuesday, 20th August, 2002 at 6.00 p.m., for the purpose of laying before the meeting the liquidator’s final account OTHER NOTICES and report and giving any explanations thereof. Dated NOTICE of dissolution of partnership.-GWYNNE 15th June, 2002. G. C. CHANNELL, Liquidator, c.o. Gordon THOMPSON.-Notice is hereby given that the legal Channell & Associates, Certified Practising Accountant, partnership previously subsisting between Gregory Bede Unit 3 “Norberry Terrace”, 177-199 Pacific Highway, North Gwynne and Christopher Jude Thompson carrying on Sydney, NSW 2060, tel.: (02) 9923 1544. [0600] practice as Solicitors at Level 16, 323 Castlereagh Street, Sydney, NSW 2000 under the name of “Gwynne Thompson” has been dissolved as from 31st day of NOTICE of voluntary liquidation pursuant to section 491 March, 2001. Christopher Jude Thompson has continued (2) of the Corporations Law.-FARM & BUILDING SUPPLY to practice since 1st April, 2001 under the firm name PTY LIMITED, ACN 087 925 782.-At a general meeting “Gwynne Thompson” at Level 16, 323 Castlereagh Street, of the abovenamed company, duly convened and held at Sydney; Gregory Bede Gwynne practices as a Consultant 115 Anthony Road, Leppington on 24th June, 2002 the to the firm at the said address. Dated at Sydney the 12th following special resolution was passed: “That the day of July 2002. GWYNNE THOMPSON, Solicitors, 323 company be wound up voluntarily”. At the Castlereagh Street, Sydney, NSW 2000. abovementioned meeting Anthony Gryg of 115 Anthony [0603] Road, Leppington was appointed as liquidator for the purpose of winding up. Notice is also given that after twenty-one (21) days from this date I (we) will proceed to distribute the assets. All creditors having any claim against the company should furnish particulars of same by that date otherwise I (we) shall proceed to distribute the assets without regard to their claim. Dated 24th June, 2002. ANTHONY GRYG, Liquidator. [0601]

NOTICE of members’ voluntary winding up.-SUBEKA PTY LIMITED (In voluntary liquidation), ACN 002 888 299.-Notice is hereby given that at an extraordinary general meeting of members of the above company, held on 14th June, 2002 it was resolved that the company be wound up voluntarily and that Albert Ernest Vidler of 2 Linton Avenue, West Ryde be appointed liquidator. Notice is also given that after twenty-one (21) days from this date I shall proceed to distribute the assets of the company. All creditors having any claim against the company should furnish particulars of same by that date. Dated 15th July, 2002. A. E. VIDLER, Liquidator, c.o. Walker, Vidler & Co., Chartered Accountants, Level 6, 491 Kent Street, Sydney, NSW 2000, tel.: (02) 9261 2600.


NOTICE of special resolution to wind up.-ADEPT PRINTING HOLDINGS PTY LIMITED (In voluntary liquidation), ACN 001 393 933.-At an extraordinary general meeting of the abovenamed company duly convened and held at Caringbah, NSW on 12th July, 2002 the following resolution was passed as a special resolution: “That the company be wound up voluntarily”. At the abovementioned meeting, Clifford J. Hollings of Suite 4, Level 1, 49-51 Eton Street, Sutherland, NSW was




Number 119 Friday, 19 July 2002 Published under authority by the Government Printing Service


SENIOR EXECUTIVE SERVICE Anthony Flick, Project Officer, Tamworth, Clerk Grade 7/8 APPOINTMENT UNDER SECTION 13 [19 November 2001]. Ross James HAMPTON, Area Manager, Dubbo, Clerk Grade HER Excellency the Governor and the Executive Council in 9/10 [7 May 2001]. pursuance of the provisions of section 13 of the Public Bradley James HUTCHINGS, Project Officer, Asset Sector Management Act 1988, has approved that the Management, Clerk Grade 7/8 [14 May 2001]. following officers be appointed to the senior executive Melissa Dianne REBEL, Administration Officer, Coffs service positions shown, effective from the dates shown Harbour, Clerk Grade 1/2 [16 May 2001]. within the brackets: Department of Industrial Relations Department of Mineral Resources Kerrie Gale ANDREW, Customer Services Officer, Long Dr Edward D TYNE, Director, Geological Survey of New Service Payments Corporation, Clerk, Grade 3/4 [3 June South Wales [1 July 2002]. 2002]. Christopher David CORNFORTH, Customer Services Officer, Long Service Payments Corporation, Clerk, Grade 3/4 CHIEF EXECUTIVE SERVICE [27 May 2002]. APPOINTMENT UNDER SECTION 10A Sherry-Louise CROTTY, Customer Services Officer, Long HER Excellency the Governor and the Executive Council in Service Payments Corporation, Clerk, Grade 3/4 [28 May pursuance of the provisions of section 10A of the Public 2002]. Sector Management Act 1988, has approved that the Sandra Maree DAVIDSON, Customer Services Officer, following officer be appointed to the chief executive service Long Service Payments Corporation, Clerk, Grade 3/4 position shown, effective from the date shown within the [27 May 2002]. brackets: Robert Anthony GRITTI, Customer Services Officer, Long Department of Fair Trading Service Payments Corporation, Clerk, Grade 3/4 [20 May 2002]. David Brian O’CONNOR, Director-General [20 August 2002]. Alison May LONG, Customer Services Officer, Long Service Payments Corporation, Clerk, Grade 3/4 [20 May 2002]. Richard Alan McDONOUGH-GLENN, Assistant Manager, APPOINTMENT ON PROBATION Information and Research, Information and Research HER Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Centre, Clerk, Grade 7/8 [25 March 2002]. Executive Council, pursuant to the provisions of section 28 Phillip Richard MOORE, Customer Services Officer, Long of the Public Sector Management Act 1988, and upon Service Payments Corporation, Clerk, Grade 3/4 [27 May recommendation of the appropriate Department Head, has 2002]. approved the appointment on probation of the following, NSW Department of Education and Training with effect from the date shown: Michelle Lynley BROOKS, Clerk, Grade 1/2 [2 April 2002]. Aboriginal Housing Office Lilianty BUDIANTO, Clerical Officer, Grade 1/2 [9 April Judith Ann EAMENS, Project Officer, Coffs Harbour, Clerk 2002]. Grade 7/8 [29 September 2001]. Sherriden Gai BUONO, Clerk, Grade 7/8 [15 May 2002]. 5532 PUBLIC SECTOR NOTICES 19 July 2002

Olivia Jane CHENEY, Clerical Officer, Grade 1/2 [13 May MEDICAL RETIREMENTS 2002]. THE following medical retirement from the Public Service is Sharon Wei Wei CHU, Clerk, Grade 5/6 [25 March 2002]. hereby notified, pursuant to section 36 of the Public Sector David Francis CROTTY, Clerk, Grade 5/6 [13 May 2002]. Management Act 1988, under which the medical retirement Steven Keith ELDRIDGE, Clerical Officer, Grade 1/2 [15 April is effected and/or the last day of service being indicated 2002]. within brackets: Maryanne Therese FLORES, Clerical Officer, Grade 1/2 [8 April 2002]. Department of Corrective Services Brett FRENCH, Community Liaison Officer [29 April 2002]. David Edward BROOKES, Correctional Officer [11 January, Harine HO, Clerk, Grade 7/8 [6 May 2002]. 2002]. Leasa May KELLY, Clerk, Grade 7/8 [1 May 2002]. Trevor John GLEESON, Assistant Superintendent Dinaz MEHTA, Clerical Officer, Grade 1/2 [30 May 2002]. [22 November, 2001]. Elizabeth Annette SMITH, Clerical Officer, Grade 5/6 [16 Mavis Patricia HEWITT, Probation & Parole Officer May 2002]. [13 November, 2001]. Ye (Mark) YAN, Community Liaison Officer [15 April 2002]. Verna LANE, Probation & Parole Officer [9 January, 2002]. Malcolm John PHILIP, Unit Leader [27 March, 2002].

CONFIRMATION OF APPOINTMENTS VOLUNTARY REDUNDANCIES HER Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council and upon recommendation of the HER Excellency the Governor and the Executive Council Department Head, has approved the confirmation of with the advice of the Department Head has approved that appointments in pursuance of section 29 of the Public Sector the following officers be declared redundant in pursuance Management Act 1988, of the following: of the provisions of section 51of the Public Sector Management Act 1988, the last day of service being indicated NSW Department of Education and Training within brackets: Wahida Rahman, Clerk, Grade 9/10 [17 April 2002]. Tulsi Van de Graaff, Clerk, Grade 7/8 [2 May 2002]. Department of Industrial Relations David Raymond ANNIS-BROWN, Conciliation Officer, Workers Compensation Resolution Services, Clerk, Grade 11/12 [5 March 2002]. ANNULMENT OF APPOINTMENT ON Amelia BAKAS, Senior Information Officer, Workers Compensation Resolution Services, Clerk, Grade 5/6 CONFIRMATION OF APPOINTMENTS [5 March 2002]. HER Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Trina Eileen BATTERSBY, Industrial Inspector, Compliance Executive Council and upon recommendation of the Services Division, Clerk, Grade 4/6 [22 May 2002]. Department Head, has approved the confirmation of Linda Jane BLAIR, Director Quality & Services, Workers appointments in pursuance of section 29 of the Public Sector Compensation Resolution Services, Senior Officer, Management Act 1988, of the following: Grade 1 [5 March 2002]. Aboriginal Housing Office Violet Elizabeth D’SOUZA, Registry Administrative Officer, Workers Compensation Resolution Services, Clerk, Julie Anne SEMPLE. Grade 1/2 [5 March 2002]. Sherene DANIEL, Manager Policy and Strategic Development, Workers Compensation Resolution Services, Clerk, Grade 11/12 [26 March 2002]. RESIGNATION Geoffrey Richard GREEN, Conciliation Officer, Workers THE Department Head of the respective Departments listed Compensation Resolution Services, Clerk, Grade 11/12 below has accepted the following resignations from the [5 March 2002]. Public Service, pursuant to the Public Sector Management Sharon HABERLEY, Manager Customer Services, Workers Act 1988 and the last day of service being indicated within Compensation Resolution Services, Clerk, Grade 11/12 brackets: [5 March 2002]. Sandra Warwick HAWKER, Conciliation Officer, Workers Department of Public Works and Services Compensation Resolution Services, Clerk, Grade 11/12 Patrick Neathway BROWN, Senior Internal Auditor [28 June [5 March 2002]. 2002]. Anne Margaret KENNELLY, Information Officer, Workers Eswari CHELLAPAH, Branch Business and Resource Compensation Resolution Services, Clerk, Grade 3/4 Manager [5 July 2002]. [1 February 2002]. Kevin John CROSS, Short Term Leasing Officer [4 July 2002]. Barbara Lois KIDD, Industrial Inspector, Compliance Peter Derek EXTON, Senior Development Manager [26 June Services Division, Clerk, Grade 4/6 [15 March 2002]. 2002]. Donald Patrick McDONALD, Conciliation Officer, Workers Vikki Anne FLYNN, Metropolitan Coordinator [28 June 2002]. Compensation Resolution Services, Clerk, Grade 11/12 Kylie Joanne LLOYD, Administrative Assistant [21 June [26 March 2002]. 2002]. Wendy Margaret MITCHELL, Clerical Officer, Compliance Judith Gay SCHULER, Marketing Communications Manager Services Division, Clerical Officer, Grade 1/2 [15 March [28 June 2002]. 2002].


Lauren Marie MOSSO, Conciliation Officer, Workers Compensation Resolution Services, Clerk, Grade 11/12 [4 January 2002]. Lien Huong Thuy NGUYEN, Registry Administrative Officer, Workers Compensation Resolution Services, Clerk, Grade 1/2 [5 March 2002]. Coralee Jane O’CONNELL, Executive Assistant, Strategic Development Unit, Clerk, Grade 5/6 [15 February 2002]. Mark Frederick OAKMAN, Director Conciliation Unit, Workers Compensation Resolution Services, Senior Officer, Grade 1 [2 May 2002]. Faye Leone ROBINSON, Conciliation Officer, Workers Compensation Resolution Services, Clerk, Grade 11/12 [26 March 2002].


APPOINTMENTS HER Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council and upon the recommendation of the appropriate Department Head, in pursuance of the provisions of section 25 of the Public Sector Management Act 1988, has approved on the following appointments set out in the Schedule hereunder.

Appointed Officer Administrative Unit Position Name Administrative Unit Present Position

Dept of Education and Properties Service ANDERSON, Dept of Education School Service Officer, Training Officer (North Sydney), Amanda and Training Clerk Grade 3/4 Clerk, Grade 5/6, Properties Properties Service BROOKE, Terry School Service Officer, Officer (Syd Nth), Stewart Clerk Grade 3/4 Clerk, Grade 5/6, Properties Staffing Officer, Clerk, BUENO, Elizabeth Senior Salaries Officer, Grade 3/4, Personnel Casual Salaries, Clerk, Grade 2 Office Accommodation BURNHEIM, Paul Office Accommodation Coordinator, Clerk, Raymond Coordinator, Clerk, Grade 7/8, Properties Grade 5/6 Workforce Planning CHEW, Michael Department of Workforce Analyst, Officer, Clerk, George Community Services Clerk, Grade 7/8 Grade 7/8, Personnel Support Officer, Clerk, DIXON, Department of Operations Assistant, Grade 3/4, Information Christopher James Information Clerical Officer Technology Technology and Management Manager, Properties DOWNIE, Glenn Dept of Education Manager SSU Sydney Service Unit, Clerk, James and Training South, Clerk, Grade 11, Properties Grade 9/10 Manager, Properties D’URSO, Mario Manager SSU Sydney Service Unit, Clerk, Antonio North, Clerk, Grade 11, Properties Grade 9/10 Properties Service ELLERY, Warren Assistant School Officer, Clerk, Service Officer, Clerk, Grade 5/6, Properties Grade 1/2 Senior Finance Officer, FRAZER, Glen Finance Officer, Clerk, Clerk, Grade 7/8, Anthony Grade 5/6 Finance Properties Service GEMMELL, Assistant School Officer, Clerk, Bradley Service Officer, Clerk, Grade 5/6, Properties Grade 1/2 Administrative GEREDOV, Irena Administrative Assistant, Clerical Assistant, Clerical Officer, Grade 3/4, State Officer, Grade 1/2 Training Services Leader, Demountable HALL, John Leader Demountable Coordinator, Clerk, William Coordinator, Clerk, Grade 9/10, Properties Grade 7/8 Staffing Officer, Clerk, HALL, Troy Appointments Officer, Grade 3/4, Personnel Samuel Clerk, Grade 1/2 Data Coordinator, KMITA, Teresa Clerical Officer, Clerk, Grade 5/6, Barbara Grade 3/4 Properties Senior Coordinator KOZLOWSKA, Migrant Skills Program, Overseas Skills, Clerk, Eva Clerk, Grade 7/8 Grade 9/10, Student Services and Equity



Appointed Officer Administrative Unit Position Name Administrative Unit Present Position

Department of Education Team Leader - LEE, Christine Department of Aboriginal Community and Training—continued Administration and Education and Liaison Officer Finance, Clerk, Training—continued Grade 5/6, Student Services and Equity Senior Statutory NEGUS, John Statutory Reporting Reporting Officer, Arthur Officer, Clerk, Grade 7/8 Clerk, Grade 9/10, Finance Properties Systems NIRMALENDRAN, Systems Officer, Clerk, Coordinator, Clerk, Sivalingam Grade 9/10 Grade 11, Properties Payroll Systems PENNY, Karen Team Leader, Casual Officer, Clerk, Salaries Section, Clerk, Grade 7/8, Personnel Grade 3/4 Administrative RANKIN, Kay Clerical Officer, Assistant, Clerical Narelle Grade 1/2 Officer, Grade 3/4, State Training Services Executive Assistant, ROBINS, Tamara Clerical Officer, Clerical Officer, Maree Grade 3/4 Grade 5/6 Asset Mgnt Systems RYAN, Paul Systems Officer, Clerk, (AMS) Coordinator, Anthony Grade 9/10 Clerk, Grade 11, Properties Finance Officer, Assets RYAN, Wendy Administrative Officer, and Staff Clerical Officer, Establishment, Clerk, Grade 3/4 Grade 3/4, Curriculum Support Customer Service SHREIWEIS, Security Officer Officer, Clerk, Margaret Patricia Grade 3/4, Properties Administrative SUBASH, Sindhu Industrial Relations Clerical Officer, Assistant, Clerical Commission Grade 1/2 Officer, Grade 3/4, Administrative Services Manager, Schools WHYTE, Terrence Dept of Education Manager, Program Capital Program Unit, James and Training Coordinator, Clerk, Clerk, Grade 12, Grade 11 Properties Department of Industrial Team Leader Bilingual TRINH, Van-Bisch Department of Bilingual Investigator/ Relations Multilingual Clothing Industrial Relations Adviser, Clerk, Industry Unit, Clerk Grade 4/6 Grade 7/8 Team Leader– KIRBY, John Industrial Inspector Bankstown, Compliance David Clerk, Grade 4/6 Services Division Clerk, Grade 7/8 Team Leader – GUMBLEY, Paul Industrial Inspector Wollongong, Francis Clerk, Grade 4/6 Compliance Services Division, Clerk, Grade 7/8 Education and Training DUNCOMBE, Long Service Field Services Officer Officer, Long Service Craig Payments Clerk, Grade 5/6 Payments Corporation, Corporation Clerk, Grade 7/8



Appointed Officer Administrative Unit Position Name Administrative Unit Present Position

Department of Industrial Team Leader EDWARDS, April Department of Relations—continued Parramatta, Compliance Industrial Relations Industrial Inspector Services Division Clerk, Grade 4/6 Clerk, Grade 7/8 Team Leader – GIBSON, Graeme Industrial Inspector Newcastle, Compliance Edward Clerk, Grade 4/6 Services Division Clerk, Grade 7/8 Team Leader – Sydney LANGAN, Sylvia Industrial Inspector Compliance Services Megan Clerk, Grade 4/6 Division, Clerk, Grade 7/8 Project Officer BUAZON, Senior Prosecutions (Continuous Rosalinda Clerk, Clerk, Grade 5/6 Improvement) Compliance Services Division, Clerk, Grade 7/8 Finance Officer, Long CORTON, David Long Service Customer Services Service Payments Payments Officer, Clerk, Grade 3/4 Corporation, Clerk, Corporation Grade 5/6 Field Services MAKRA, Peter Field Services Officer Co-ordinator, Long Clerk, Grade 5/6 Service Payments Corporation, Clerk, Grade 7/8 Manager, Women’s QUEALEY, Department of Project Officer Equity Bureau, Catherine Mary Industrial Relations Clerk, Grade 7/8 Workplace Services Clerk, Grade 9/10 Manager, Workplace KEPARS, Senior Industry Services, Strategic Lolita Indma Projects Officer Review, Clerk, Clerk, Grade 9/10 Grade 11/12 Industry Project Officer ASHBY, Suzanne Assistant Policy Officer Mulitlingual Clothing Elaine Clerk, Grade 5/6 Industry Unit Clerk, Grade 7/8 Communications MARTIN Waste Services NSW Community Relations Manager, Electronic & Christopher John Officer, Clerk, Communication Services Grade 9/10 Clerk, Grade 9/10 Customer Services PEAT, Helen Sara Attorney General’s Registry Clerk Officer, Long Service Department Clerical Officer, Payments Corporation Class 1/2 Clerk, Grade 3/4 Customer Services WILLIAMSON, Department of Fair Customer Service Officer, Long Service Diane Janet Trading Officer, Clerk, Grade 3/4 Payments Corporation Clerk, Grade 3/4 Office of the Board of Project Officer, Student WILLOUGHBY, Office of the Board Clerk, Grade 3/4 Studies Support Services, Lorrae of Studies Clerk, Grade 5/6

Authorised to be printed ISSN 0155-6320 R. J. MILLIGAN, Government Printer.