2013 Virginia Senior Classical League State Finals Certamen Level III NOTE to MODERATORS: in Answers, Information in Parentheses Is Optional Extra Information
2013 Virginia Senior Classical League State Finals Certamen Level III NOTE TO MODERATORS: in answers, information in parentheses is optional extra information. A slash ( / ) indicates an alternate answer. Underlined portions of a longer, narrative answer indicate required information. ROUND ONE 1. TOSSUP: From what Latin noun, with what meaning, do the words ignition and igneous ultimately derive? ANS: IGNIS, FIRE BONUS: From what Latin verb, with what meaning, do the words coherent and adhesion derive? ANS: HAEREŌ, STICK/CLING 2. TOSSUP: According to Livy and Plutarch, what legendary Roman triumphed four times, was dictator five times, was never once consul, was honored with the title “Second Founder of Rome,” and conquered the city of Veii in 396 BC? ANS: (M. FURIUS) CAMILLUS BONUS: Following the victory over Veii, for what accusation did his political adversaries impeach Camillus? ANS: EMBEZZLEMENT 3. TOSSUP: According to Hesiod, what moon titan, the daughter of Ouranos and Gaia, bore Leto from the union with her brother Coeus? ANS: PHOEBE BONUS: According to Hesiod, what Star goddess was also the daughter of Phoebe and Coeus and the mother of Hecate? ANS: Asteria 4. TOSSUP: What fifteen-book work of Ovid ends with the apotheosis of Julius Caesar? ANS: METAMORPHOSES BONUS: What other work of Ovid, consisting of epistolary poems written by mythological heroines, allowed him to claim that he had created a new genre of mythological elegy? ANS: HEROIDES rd 5. TOSSUP: Give the 3 person singular, pluperfect active subjunctive of noceō, nocēre. ANS: NOCUISSET nd BONUS: Now give the 2 person plural present subjunctive of morior, morī.
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