Approved IHE Programs for Educator Licensure March 2021 Alternative
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Approved IHE Programs for Educator Licensure Alternative Educator Preparation Programs March 2021 Legend: B = Bachelor's degree program M = Master's degree program MAT= Master of Arts in Teaching MEd= Master's of Education MTLL=Master of Education in Teaching, Learning, and Leadership S = Specialist degree program Secondary Secondary D = Doctoral degree program Integrated Broad Range Broad Middle Childhood Middle G = Graduate non-degree program Education Special U = Undergraduate non-degee program Education Elementary PS = Post-Secondary licensure Special Education/Early Childhood Childhood Education/Early Special Grade/Age Levels >>> K-6 4-8 4-12 7-12 K-12 B - K K - 12 College / University ARKANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY MAT MAT MAT MAT MAT ARKANSAS TECH UNIVERSITY MAT MTLL MAT MTLL MAT MTLL MAT MTLL CENTRAL BAPTIST COLLEGE CROWLEY'S RIDGE COLLEGE HARDING UNIVERSITY MAT MAT MAT MAT MAT MAT MAT HENDERSON STATE UNIVERSITY MAT MAT MAT MAT MAT MAT MAT JOHN BROWN UNIVERSITY MAT MAT MAT MAT LYON COLLEGE OUACHITA BAPTIST UNIVERSITY PHILANDER SMITH COLLEGE SOUTHERN ARKANSAS UNIVERSITY MAT MAT MAT MAT MAT UNIV OF ARKANSAS - FAYETTEVILLE UNIV OF ARKANSAS - FORT SMITH UNIV OF ARKANSAS - LITTLE ROCK MEd MEd G MEd G MEd G MEd UNIV OF ARKANSAS for MEDICAL SCIENCES UNIV OF ARKANSAS - MONTICELLO MAT MAT MAT MAT MAT MAT UNIV OF ARKANSAS - PINE BLUFF MAT MAT MAT MAT MAT UNIV CENTRAL ARKANSAS MAT MAT MAT MAT MAT MAT UNIVERSITY OF THE OZARKS WILLIAMS BAPTIST UNIVERSITY MAT MAT MAT MAT NUMBER OF PROGRAMS 7 12 13 12 13 2 6 3 = Embedded Coaching Endorsement 5 = Must hold secondary license in core subject area 6 = U-Teach Program of Study 7 = Program aligned to 2020 Leadership Requirements Approved IHE Programs Middle Elementary for Educator Licensure Childhood March 2021 Legend: B = Bachelor's degree program M = Master's degree program MAT= Master of Arts in Teaching MEd= Master's of Education MTLL=Master of Education in Teaching, Learning, and Leadership S = Specialist degree program Science D = Doctoral degree program Mathematics Social Studies Social G = Graduate non-degree program Elementary Education Elementary U = Undergraduate non-degee program Language Arts / English PS = Post-Secondary licensure Grade/Age Levels >>> K-6 Grades 4-8 College / University ARKANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY B B B B B ARKANSAS TECH UNIVERSITY B B B B B CENTRAL BAPTIST COLLEGE B B B B B CROWLEY'S RIDGE COLLEGE B HARDING UNIVERSITY B B B B B HENDERSON STATE UNIVERSITY B B B B B JOHN BROWN UNIVERSITY B LYON COLLEGE B OUACHITA BAPTIST UNIVERSITY B B B B B PHILANDER SMITH COLLEGE B SOUTHERN ARKANSAS UNIVERSITY B B B B B UNIV OF ARKANSAS - FAYETTEVILLE B M UNIV OF ARKANSAS - FORT SMITH B B B B B UNIV OF ARKANSAS - LITTLE ROCK B B B B B UNIV OF ARKANSAS for MEDICAL SCIENCES UNIV OF ARKANSAS - MONTICELLO B B B B B UNIV OF ARKANSAS - PINE BLUFF B M B B B B UNIV CENTRAL ARKANSAS B B B B B UNIVERSITY OF THE OZARKS B WILLIAMS BAPTIST UNIVERSITY B B B B B NUMBER OF PROGRAMS 21 13 13 13 13 3 = Embedded Coaching Endorsement 5 = Must hold secondary license in core subject area 6 = U-Teach Program of Study 7 = Program aligned to 2020 Leadership Requirements Approved IHE Programs for Educator Licensure Secondary & Multi-Level Core Content Programs March 2021 Legend: B = Bachelor's degree program M = Master's degree program MAT= Master of Arts in Teaching MEd= Master's of Education MTLL=Master of Education in Teaching, Learning, and Leadership S = Specialist degree program Physics Chemistry D = Doctoral degree program Mathematics Social Studies Social Physics / Math Physics G = Graduate non-degree program Science Computer Physical Ed / Health / Ed Physical Biology/Life Science Biology/Life U = Undergraduate non-degee program Language Arts / English PS = Post-Secondary licensure Grade/Age Levels >>> Grades 7-12 4-12 K-12 College / University ARKANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY B B B B B B B ARKANSAS TECH UNIVERSITY B B B B B B B B CENTRAL BAPTIST COLLEGE B B B CROWLEY'S RIDGE COLLEGE B3 HARDING UNIVERSITY B B B B B B HENDERSON STATE UNIVERSITY B B B B B B B JOHN BROWN UNIVERSITY B B B LYON COLLEGE B B B B OUACHITA BAPTIST UNIVERSITY B B B B B B B3 PHILANDER SMITH COLLEGE SOUTHERN ARKANSAS UNIVERSITY B B B B UNIV OF ARKANSAS - FAYETTEVILLE B6M B M B6M B6M B6M B6M B M B6 B UNIV OF ARKANSAS - FORT SMITH B B B B UNIV OF ARKANSAS - LITTLE ROCK B B B B B B B3 UNIV OF ARKANSAS for MEDICAL SCIENCES UNIV OF ARKANSAS - MONTICELLO UNIV OF ARKANSAS - PINE BLUFF B M B M B M B M B M B3 M UNIV CENTRAL ARKANSAS B6 B B6 B6 B6 B B B UNIVERSITY OF THE OZARKS B B B B3 WILLIAMS BAPTIST UNIVERSITY B B B3 NUMBER OF PROGRAMS 9 18 15 13 6 2 17 4 15 3 = Embedded Coaching Endorsement 5 = Must hold secondary license in core subject area 6 = U-Teach Program of Study 7 = Program aligned to 2020 Leadership Requirements Approved IHE Programs for Educator Licensure Foreign Languages Visual and Performing Arts March 2021 Legend: B = Bachelor's degree program M = Master's degree program MAT= Master of Arts in Teaching MEd= Master's of Education MTLL=Master of Education in Teaching, Learning, and Leadership Art Latin Drama S = Specialist degree program French Speech Spanish German D = Doctoral degree program Music - Vocal Drama/Speech Mandarin Chinese Mandarin G = Graduate non-degree program Program) (Blended U = Undergraduate non-degee program -Instrumental Music PS = Post-Secondary licensure Grade/Age Levels >>> K-12 K-12 K-12 K-12 K-12 K-12 K-12 K-12 7-12 7-12 K-12 College / University ARKANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY B B B B B ARKANSAS TECH UNIVERSITY B B B B B CENTRAL BAPTIST COLLEGE CROWLEY'S RIDGE COLLEGE HARDING UNIVERSITY B B B B B B B HENDERSON STATE UNIVERSITY B B B JOHN BROWN UNIVERSITY B LYON COLLEGE B OUACHITA BAPTIST UNIVERSITY B B B B B PHILANDER SMITH COLLEGE SOUTHERN ARKANSAS UNIVERSITY B B B UNIV OF ARKANSAS - FAYETTEVILLE B M B M B M B B B M M M UNIV OF ARKANSAS - FORT SMITH B B UNIV OF ARKANSAS - LITTLE ROCK B B B B B UNIV OF ARKANSAS for MEDICAL SCIENCES UNIV OF ARKANSAS - MONTICELLO B B UNIV OF ARKANSAS - PINE BLUFF B B B UNIV CENTRAL ARKANSAS B B B B B B UNIVERSITY OF THE OZARKS B WILLIAMS BAPTIST UNIVERSITY B B NUMBER OF PROGRAMS 6 2 0 8 11 12 15 3 1 4 3 = Embedded Coaching Endorsement 5 = Must hold secondary license in core subject area 6 = U-Teach Program of Study 7 = Program aligned to 2020 Leadership Requirements Approved IHE Programs for Educator Licensure Career and Technical Education March 2021 Legend: B = Bachelor's degree program M = Master's degree program MAT= Master of Arts in Teaching MEd= Master's of Education MTLL=Master of Education in Teaching, Learning, and Leadership S = Specialist degree program D = Doctoral degree program and Family and Technology and Adult Education Adult G = Graduate non-degree program Science Consumer Agricultural Sciences Agricultural Business Technology Business Technology Industrial U = Undergraduate non-degee program Technology Marketing PS = Post-Secondary licensure Grade/Age Levels >>> PS 7-12 4-12 7-12 7-12 7-12 College / University ARKANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY G B B ARKANSAS TECH UNIVERSITY B B CENTRAL BAPTIST COLLEGE CROWLEY'S RIDGE COLLEGE HARDING UNIVERSITY B HENDERSON STATE UNIVERSITY B B JOHN BROWN UNIVERSITY LYON COLLEGE OUACHITA BAPTIST UNIVERSITY PHILANDER SMITH COLLEGE SOUTHERN ARKANSAS UNIVERSITY B UNIV OF ARKANSAS - FAYETTEVILLE G M B B M B M B M UNIV OF ARKANSAS - FORT SMITH UNIV OF ARKANSAS - LITTLE ROCK UNIV OF ARKANSAS for MEDICAL SCIENCES UNIV OF ARKANSAS - MONTICELLO UNIV OF ARKANSAS - PINE BLUFF B B B UNIV CENTRAL ARKANSAS B UNIVERSITY OF THE OZARKS B WILLIAMS BAPTIST UNIVERSITY NUMBER OF PROGRAMS 3 5 7 6 2 0 3 = Embedded Coaching Endorsement 5 = Must hold secondary license in core subject area 6 = U-Teach Program of Study 7 = Program aligned to 2020 Leadership Requirements Approved IHE Programs for Educator Licensure Special Education March 2021 Legend: B = Bachelor's degree program M = Master's degree program MAT= Master of Arts in Teaching MEd= Master's of Education MTLL=Master of Education in Teaching, Learning, and Leadership S = Specialist degree program D = Doctoral degree program (Add-On License) (Add-On License) (Add-On Special Education Special Education Special G = Graduate non-degree program License) (Add-On License) (Add-On U = Undergraduate non-degee program License) (First-time Special Education - Visual -Visual Education Special Early Childhood/Special Ed. Childhood/Special Early Ed. Childhood/Special Early Special Education - Hearing -Hearing Education Special Special Education Resource Education Special PS = Post-Secondary licensure License) (Add-On Integrated Integrated (First-time License) (First-time Integrated Grade/Age Levels >>> B-K B-K K-6, 7-12 K-12 K-12 K-12 K-12 College / University ARKANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY B G M ARKANSAS TECH UNIVERSITY G G G M CENTRAL BAPTIST COLLEGE CROWLEY'S RIDGE COLLEGE HARDING UNIVERSITY B G G B U G M HENDERSON STATE UNIVERSITY U G B G M JOHN BROWN UNIVERSITY G GM LYON COLLEGE OUACHITA BAPTIST UNIVERSITY U PHILANDER SMITH COLLEGE SOUTHERN ARKANSAS UNIVERSITY G G M UNIV OF ARKANSAS - FAYETTEVILLE B G B M G UNIV OF ARKANSAS - FORT SMITH U UNIV OF ARKANSAS - LITTLE ROCK B G UNIV OF ARKANSAS for MEDICAL SCIENCES UNIV OF ARKANSAS - MONTICELLO G G UNIV OF ARKANSAS - PINE BLUFF B UNIV CENTRAL ARKANSAS G G B U G M UNIVERSITY OF THE OZARKS WILLIAMS BAPTIST UNIVERSITY NUMBER OF PROGRAMS 2 3 11 8 18 0 0 3 = Embedded Coaching Endorsement 5 = Must hold secondary license in core subject area 6 = U-Teach Program of Study 7 = Program aligned to 2020 Leadership Requirements Approved IHE Programs for Educator Licensure Add-on Endorsements (Teaching License Required) March 2021 Legend: B = Bachelor's degree program M = Master's degree program 5 MAT= Master of Arts in Teaching MEd= Master's of Education MTLL=Master of Education in Teaching, Learning, and Leadership S = Specialist degree program D = Doctoral degree program Coaching to K-6 License K-6 to G = Graduate non-degree program Education Driver Gifted and Talented Talented and Gifted Educational Examiner Examiner Educational U = Undergraduate non-degee program 3-4Endorsement Age 7-12 License Sec.