AGUSAN DEL SUR 1ST DISTRICT ENGINEERING OFFICE Updated Annual Procurement Plan Lor CY 2020 As of July 31,2020
DPWH- AGUSAN DEL SUR 1ST DISTRICT ENGINEERING OFFICE Updated Annual Procurement Plan lor CY 2020 As of July 31,2020 ' Code (PAP) Procurement PMO/ 13 thla an Early Mod€ of Schedule lor Each Procuremeni Activity Source ol Estimatod Budgol (PhP) R6mart! Funds (bri6f d$cription of Program/ProjEct End-t 3or Procutomont Total MOOE co P rog ranvActlvity/P roject) Activlty? Op.nin0 ot Signing (Yer/No) IB/REI Bids Contract ID No. 18N80034, R€moval ol Existing Concr€te Bridgs Widening of Bridge Awa - 8-Feb-20 Compononls.Excavation. Embankm€nl. Br.(800909MN) along Daang Construction 24-Dec-17 to 310305100539000 29-lun-18 7 Feb-20 to GoP 41,160,000.00 41,r60,000.00 Concr6t€, ParrtirE. Ca6on Fib€. (Agusan-Davao 30-Dec-17 f4aharlika Sectron l7-Feb-20 P'16 Oriving, Gu.rdrail under Sect), 8rgy. Awa, Prosperidad, Obligltion.l Allot nont (MYOA) Aqusan del Sur Contract ID No. 18N80035, Removal of Existing Concrete Eridg€ Widening of bridge Sinadjap - 5-Feb-20 Components, Excavation, EmbankmenL Bridge (800902MN) along Construction 24-Dec 17 to 310305100542000 Compelilivs Bidding 29-Jun-18 4'Mar 20 to GoP 48,020,000.00 48,020,000.00 Structural Gncrete, Painting, Cnrbon Fiber, (agusan- 30 Dec-17 Daang Maharlika Section l4-Feb-20 Plle Driving, Guardrail; under Muld-YGar Davao Road), Brgy. Fili, obllgadonal Allotm.nt (ilYo^)i Bayugan City, Agusan del Sur Contract ID No. 18N80039, Remofdl of Exining corErete Erbg€ wadening of &idge l"laytibog - 8-Feb-20 Components, ExGvatbn, Embntment, Br. (800905MN) alonq Daanq Construction 24-Dec-17 to 310305100541000 29-Jun-18 7-Feb-20 to 60P 25,450,000.00 26,460,000.00 StrLrtural Coftrete, Paintirp, carbon Fiber, (Agusan-Davao 30-Dec-17 Maharlika Sedion 17-Feb-20 Pile Onving, Guard6ll; undcr Xuld-Yair Sect.), Bayugan, Agusan del ObllgEuon l Allotmlnt (ilYo^); Sur Contrad ID No.
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