2012 Annual Town Report
$QQXDO5HSRUW 7RWKH&LWL]HQV RIWKH 7RZQRI6KDURQ 7KLVLPDJHFDQQRWFXUUHQWO\EHGLVSOD\HG ,10(025,$0 0LFKDHO/&RRN 'HFHPEHU±1RYHPEHU &KDLUDQG0HPEHU%RDUGRI6HOHFWPHQ 0HPEHU:DUUDQW&RPPLWWHH 0HPEHU3HUVRQQHO%RDUG 6SHFLDO3ROLFH2IILFHU PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY MARCH 6, 2012 Pursuant to the provisions of the Warrant of January 4, 2012, the inhabitants of the Town of Sharon qualified to vote in elections, met in the Sharon High School Gymnasium at 7:00 A.M., Tuesday, March 6, 2012. The meeting was called to order by Town Clerk Marlene B. Chused who read the call and return of the warrant. The warden of the election was Lynne M. Callanan. The wardens for Precincts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 were named as follows: Pat Zlotin, Ellen Michelson, Marilyn Lamb, Shirley Schofield and Margaret Davidi. Clerks and workers were: Judy Levine, Gloria Rose, Marie Cuneo, Lorraine Forman, Mildred Worthley, Susan Slater, Terri Spevock, Barbara Kass, Robert Hall, Mary Hall, Trudy Leonard, Arlene Flatto, Rona Chipman, Brian D’Arcy, Walter Siemiatkaska, Chuck Levine, Pat Walker, Barry Zlotin, Hy Lamb, Ruth Grandberg, Susie Keating, Beverly Palan, Sherm Palan and Assistant Town Clerk Beth A. Kourafas. The ballot boxes were shown to be empty and registered zero; the ballot boxes were locked and the keys delivered to Officer of the Day, Hugh Cameron. All election officers and workers were sworn. At 8:00 P.M. the polls were declared closed. Total votes were as follows: Precinct Democratic Republican Green Total Rainbow 1 94 190 0 284 2 58 182 0 240 3 71 251 0 322 4 60 181 1 242 5 72 212 1 285 Total 355 1,016 2 1,373 1 The ballots were canvassed according to the law by an Accuvote OS vote tabulating system.
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