Open Access Global Journal of Applied Sciences and Technology Volume 3 Issue 1 ISSN: 2694-3840 Research Article The Study of Karma Sidhhanta and on the Human Longevity Based On Karma Avinash SGP*, Bapat RA,

svyasa deemed university , Bangalore, India

Article Info Abstract

Article History: Background: The foundation of astrology rests on the concept of evolution of time. Every Received: 13 February, 2021 Material entity, be it, mineral, plant, or animal is subject to this rule in all stages. Given that Accepted: 17 February, 2021 Published: 24 February, 2021 all entities operate under the constraints of time, the natural inclination to attempt future

predictions are inherent. Since time immemorial, astronomical observations have been used *Corresponding author: Avinash to peek into the future. Jyotisha or Vedic Astrology is the process in which the Purvajanma SGP, Svyasa University Karma (Karma of previous births) is carried over to the individual by the position of the Bangalore, India; Tel: +91- 8550997179; E-mail: planets at the time of birth or in other words, the future of the individual, is largely influenced [email protected] by the science of Astrology. Astrology in turn is based on Astronomy. Stars and planets are manifestation of matter in space and the location of which are based on time. Hence the astrologist utilizes the stars, planets, constellations, signs, and other celestial phenomena to ascertain the individual’s divination.

Keywords: Karma; Astrology; Human Longevity s Copyright: © 2021 Avinash SGP et al.. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

life and here after i.e., conditions of re -birth in the next. You can Introduction control your actions not their results [10]. Karma refers to the totality The track (gatihi) of Karma (Action) is mysterious (Gahana). of our actions and their reactions in this and previous lives, all of Lord Shri Krishna has himself proclaimed in Geeta that it is which determines our future. The conquest of karma lies in difficult to understand the intricacies and indefinite extent and intelligent and kind action and response. The simple and succinct shape of Karma (Action), as it is so complicated, intricate, zigzag, definition of Karma is that "each and every physical action or deed unfathomable, dynamic, inscrutable, and mysterious because the that you perform with the cooperation of the mind, right from life is such. The trail of Karma (Action) is jagged and intractable morning to evening, during the whole day and night, during the [1]. Hence, I am trying to understand and explain the Karma whole week, whole month, whole year and during the whole of your Siddhanta and its effects on the mankind [2]. Please forgive if I life right from birth to death is called Karma" which are further make any mistakes to put forth this intricate, complicated but classified as Kriyaman karma, Sanchit karma, Prarabdha karma. equally fascinating subject [3]. As we know, for running the There is a categorical statement in Geeta (with an imperative administration of any department or institution in this world, direction) that [11]. Meaning your authority (ADHIKAR) lies only certain laws and rules are required to be framed for its smooth in doing your action but never on the fruit of it [12]. The main and efficient day-to-day working [4]. In the same way, there must purpose of having a human body is to acquire MOKSHA i.e. be some law which governs the administration of this whole, vast, liberation from the cycle of birth and death and secure union infinite universe [5]. Karma is not fate; it is the natural (YOGA) with God from whom you are separated [13]. That is the consequence of one's own action [6]. If one sows goodness, he only final target and ultimate goal of human life [14]. It is within the reaps goodness [7]. If one sows evil, he reaps evil [8]. Humans means of every person to unshackle him from the mortal bondage, are bestowed with free will and can make their own destiny. merging his essential self into the supreme universal reality. What is Karma is the sum of the consequences of our action in the present more, every person has also the freedom of choice to accept this as and previous births which gives rise to experiences pleasurable his goal, because in the ultimate analysis he is surely an intrinsic part and painful. The whole universe is governed by the 'Law of of the same Supreme Reality and is irrefutably destined to be merged Karma' and the most important section and the fundamental into the same, thereby achieving true salvation which is the birthright principle of this law is [9]. Karma means "actions" and refers to and essence of the soul. fundamental eternal (Hindu) principle that one's moral actions have unavoidable and automatic effects on one's fortunes in this

Pubtexto Publishers | 1 Global J Appl Sci Technol

Citation: Avinash SGP; Bapat RA (2021). The Study of Karma Sidhhanta and Astrology on the Human Longevity Based On Karma. Global J Appl Sci Technol 2(1): 110

Karma Explains Cause and Effect, and Nothing an especially important role in our present life [25]. From this the Describes It Better Than the Saying conclusion is to find the correlation between Astrology and Karma Siddhanta [26]. If we improve our karmas in this birth maybe in next Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap: Karma is “the birth our problems or advantages will be improved. [27] Therefore force generated by a person’s actions”. Throughout the at least we should strive for doing good work, for some noble cause, operations of the Law of Karma, the manifestation of perfect helping others to generate positive Agami karmas so that if at all we justice is apparent [15]. We are not punished for our sins, as get birth again then that time we have our good Sanchit karmas – this everyone believes incorrectly, but we are punished by our sins is just my opinion. [28]. [16]. We are not rewarded for our good acts, but we receive our reward through our characteristics and qualities acquired by Aims Study of planetary positions on the human longevity having performed these good deeds in previous lives. In other and house of karma. Objectives words, we are our own judges and executioners [17]. The goal of To study the 10th house significance i.e., house of Karma and effects each soul is to raise from its existing (lower) realms to higher of Prarabdha karma and Kriyaman karma on your present and future realms through acts of goodness, positive efforts, developing births and its effects on the longevity aspects of Jataka Ascertain the morally right behaviour and then getting liberation once for all planetary position of houses beneficial for longevity in cases of (Figure 1) by transcending [18]. Dirghayu, Madhyayu and Aplayu. Study of Kendra Bindu’s and Moksha Trikona Methodology Procedure The data was collected using a questionnaire (attached in the appendix). The near ones of the deceased were interviewed, and the details of birth and death were recorded manually. The consent of the person to share the details was obtained as part of the questionnaire at the end with his or her contact details. All the collected Figure 1: Age - 17 years Sex Male Nature of Death – Natural Cause of information was entered into an excel sheet. Death Heart Attack. The period of Mahadasha and Antardasha at the time of death were Birth Kundali Alpayu case study: Shri SMG Death Kundali noted and the nature of the grahas – malefic, benefic or neutral were What is crime or sin? →That which goes against your nature that studied. The time of death and the transition periods of dashas were which goes against yourself, your being, is a crime [19]. And how studied. The astrological charts of the deceased were obtained using to know that crime? Whenever you commit some form of crime the software application. The study involves it records in your unconscious mind. It records in a certain detailed review of both styles of Kundali’s North and South specific way: it records and starts giving you a feeling of guilt at Data Extraction the back of your mind. You start feeling yourself like being cheated, despised by yourself, you start feeling yourself Data was collected using questionnaire and filled manually. worthless, you start feeling yourself not as what you should be Appropriate tools for extraction of data were used. [20]. Something inside you becomes intense, something collapses Data Analysis inside you. You are no more as flowing and full of life as you have been before. Something has become solid, frozen which The extracted data was analyzed using excel spreadsheet and hurts, brings despair, pain, and brings a feeling of shame, statistical charts unworthiness [21]. The law of karma is not some way of life, Weekday born -Monday some thought. It is a simple theory which explains something true inside your being. The net result: either we admire ourselves, or The Jataka’s chart shows that he is a ascendant whose lord is we hate and feel despicable, pointless, and unlovable [22]. Jnana Moon. Bala grahas in Kendra house are Moon in 7th and Sun in 10th (knowledge) means the real knowledge and realization of one's house. The lord of 10th house is Saturn so Sun will not benefit him. own self as to who am I and to know one's own self which is the He is getting Bala due to his friends and family. in 6th ultimate goal and the noblest aspiration of mankind [23]. All our and Rahu in 12th house make Kalsarpa yoga (Figure 2). pains and gains are the result of our accumulated karma [24]. Accumulated karma is reflected in our horoscope which can play

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Citation: Avinash SGP; Bapat RA (2021). The Study of Karma Sidhhanta and Astrology on the Human Longevity Based On Karma. Global J Appl Sci Technol 2(1): 110

Lord Moon due to its enmity with Saturn. Rahu being in 2nd house did not prove beneficial to him. He spent money in giving previous dues to others due this. He did not get support from his family members due to which he had to give money. He was here in this birth to give the previous dues from last birth. Mercury being lord in his ascendant house, the lord of Knowledge he should have

concentrated on helping people (Chart 1). Financially also he was Figure 2: Age - 37 years Sex Male; Nature of Death Natural Cause of quite stable. In fact, Jupiter has helped him get liberation from this Death Heart Attack. life and Rahu has helped him exhaust all the Sanchit karmas. Birth Kundali Madhyayu case study: Shri NB Death Kundali Despite Mars being in 6th house it is in Ripu Sthana, so it becomes Maraka. Sun being in the Karma Sthana could not benefit him as the lord of 10th house is Saturn and due to 6th and 12th house his longevity was reduced. Jupiter and Saturn in 11th house of whose lord is Saturn, which is Labha Sthana the Jataka is benefited due to this Jupiter to exhaust all his previous Sanchit karmas. Rahu in 12th house has benefitted him. Due to his Sanchit karmas in past birth Mars and Ketu came as enemies in his Kundali due to which his Prarabdha karma was decided and was Chart 1: Gender. limited to short life. Weekday born Wednesday Weekday born –Wednesday The Jataka’s chart shows that he is a Ascendant whose Lord The Jataka’s chart shows that he is a ascendant who’s is Venus. Sun, Mercury, and Rahu in 2nd house i.e. financially quite Lord is Mercury. Sun, Mercury Venus in 1st, Jupiter, Saturn in 4th stable. Moon in 4th house, Saturn in Ripu Sthana 6th house due to in Kendra Trikona Mercury is in his 1st house which is benefic for which he had to struggle quite a lot in his youth days and he him. Saturn and Jupiter in 4th house of Cancer-Moon, hence succeeded in this in spite of struggles due to the help of Jupiter in Jupiter and Saturn are not benefic for him. Moon is in 6th house karma Sthana i.e. 10th house. Ketu in 8th house death house. Jupiter due to which he is of fickle mind and straight forward due to in 10th house, Mars in 11th house and Venus in 12th house. Moksha which he did not have many friends. Ketu is in 8th house that is Sthana the 12th house has Venus, so he is getting his strength due to Mrityu Sthana, so his life is shortened due to both 6th and 8th which he had longevity. Liberation was with graceful. He lived his houses. As sun is in ascendant house the Tanu Sthana he has been life as per yogic aspect. Artha Shane helped him get good financial gifted with good health and personality. Mars in 12th house is not status. Karma Sthana has Jupiter which has become benefic to him good for the Jataka due to which he is not able to concentrate and in longevity. He has done good karmas all his life. this graha has helped him in getting liberated. His life was full of conflicts due to his family. Jupiter and Saturn in 4th house become Result malefic due to the inherent property of 4th house (Figure 3). A study of the birth charts of 20 subjects showed strong linkages between the planetary positions in the birth chart and the subject’s longevity and period of death for most subjects. For subjects, who lived beyond 80 years, lifestyle followed was also studied. It was found that a few subjects, who followed a yogic lifestyle, did manage to lead a healthy and long life and managed to leave their body peacefully. This was despite some planetary combination not supporting a long life. We have studied single cases each of Alpayu, Madhyayu and Deerghayu where our discussion mainly focusses on

Figure 3: Age - 93 years Sex Male Nature of Death Natural Cause of the Kendra Sthana houses 1,4,7 and 10; Moksha Trikona 4,8 and 12 th Death Old age. and 10 house responsible for Karma along with Artha Trikona 1,5 Birth Kundali Deerghayu case study: Shri VLV Death Kundali and 9.

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Citation: Avinash SGP; Bapat RA (2021). The Study of Karma Sidhhanta and Astrology on the Human Longevity Based On Karma. Global J Appl Sci Technol 2(1): 110

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