Ascetic Yogas the PATH of SELF-REALIZATION Robert Koch Robert Koch Was Initiated As Sri Patraka Das at the Lotus Feet of H.H
Sri Jagannath Vedic Center, USA Drig dasa August 23, 2002 Ukiah, USA © Robert Koch, 2002 – Published in Jyotish Digest 1 Ascetic Yogas THE PATH OF SELF-REALIZATION Robert Koch Robert Koch was initiated as Sri Patraka Das at the lotus feet of H.H. Sri Srimad A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada in March, 1971. He lived in India for 6 years till 1983, studying Jyotish and has received certificate of commendation for spreading Hindu astrology in the USA, from the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, in 1999. Web site: n the first Canto of the great Vedic Purana Srimad Bhagavatam, there is a very interesting and instructional conversation that took place between a bull personifying I Dharma, or religion, and Bhumi, the mother earth in the form of a cow. The bull was standing on one leg, suggesting that that one out of four pillars of religious principles (represented by each leg of Dharma, the bull) was still existing, and that in itself was faltering with the progress of Kali-yuga. The four legs of the Dharma are truthfulness, cleanliness, mercy, and austerity. If most or all of these legs of Dharma are broken, or if 3 out of 4 Dharmic principles exist very rarely, in human society, then we can be confident that Kali-yuga – the age of quarrel and darkness – is well upon us. Given that there are some rare souls existing who speak and live the Supreme Absolute Truth, as is found in various Vedic literatures, the remaining leg of truthfulness still exists. Such persons are characterized by complete self-control, or the ability to detach themselves from the relative world of the senses and the objects of sense pleasure.
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